Roeung Q3 Art

Vichhay Roeung

Artist Statement

There were many success and failures during this quarter. What this quarter focused on was life and perspective form of art. From my experience this quarter I would have to say it was a challenging and difficult process, as I was introduced to new method of art such as charcoal and real life perspective. Even though using charcoal was like using a crayon, the difference was its ability to show the color and shading. While real life perspective, there were many details in which it was difficult to capture or even show on paper.  

Drawing from real life, was the most challenging process during this whole quarter. As there were always more then just one layer of shade or the image in which I could see, the viewpoints and the details of the object. At first drawing from real life perspective such as my hand was easy but when it came to shading or transparent objects, I couldn’t seem to capture the exact details of the object. The clear bottle small project, I believe was the first challenge in further advancing my real life perspective skills.

My first clear bottle small drawing was that of a glass jug. The difficult part of that project would be my ability to capture the glass like texture of the drawing. Where it looks like the glass was bending and reflects part of the lights. It wasn’t until I worked on the large clear bottle, when I noticed my improvements in this type of skill. Using charcoal, I have to say that was the most successful part of this experience. Mainly because I was able to improve in art, using two skills I wasn’t familiar with, which in the end I believed it was a beautiful piece of art. Which that was one of the art piece that I am proud of and thought was a success.

  For each week there was a new assignment. From real life perspective and charcoal small to real life perspective and charcoal large. Which every project that was assigned during that week must be finished in two class periods, mainly because we only had art twice a week. So most of the projects were to be done on our own time, during the snow, and even when we don’t have the class. I feel that I could get the art done easily and well during class, while at home the motivation for it is not much. Thus, large projects should take a little longer, while there should be art that could be finished in one class period.

  Finally for the menu project where we had to choose a category, I choose to work on the genre focus. Where I had to create two inspired piece of art from my genre. I focused on fantasy art as my genre, as fantasy to me is a colorful and playful art such as a child’s book. Using origami to express myself, I created two scenes. One being a vase filled with origami pastel stars as the soil and lots of origami flowers consisting of a tissue rose and paper lily. The second one features two-origami crane interacting with each other around a pile of food, hearts, and stars. Which these are my inspirations from fantasy art, which combines my imagery of fantasy and my love of origami.

Genre Focus: Fantasy Art and Origami 

State of the Union

Where to watch/listen - 9pm - 1/25/11

  • All major TV networks - ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews
  • Online at whitehouse.govcspanpbs
  • On the Radio at NPR 90.7FM

​​For the Seniors - 

  1. 1. Listen to the State of the Union
  2. 2. Take notes. 
  3. 3. Bring notes to class on Wednesday.

For the Juniors - 

  1. Listen to the State of the Union
  2. Finish filling out the SOTU Graphic Organizer
  3. Bring the SOTU Graphic Organizer to class on Thursday

State of the Union 2011

Where to watch/listen

·      All major TV networks - ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews

·      Online at whitehouse.govcspanpbs

·      On the Radio at NPR 90.7FM

​​For the Seniors - 

  1. Listen to the State of the Union
  2. Take notes. 
  3. Bring notes to class on Wednesday.

For the Juniors - 

  1. Listen to the State of the Union
  2. Finish filling out the SOTU Graphic Organizer
  3. Bring the SOTU Graphic Organizer to class on Thursday


Quarter 2 Benchmark and Reflection

For the Quarter 2 Benchmark I had to search the three branches of the government, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. For each branch I had to find two positive and two negative examples of the branch's power, and write paragraphs of what they are and how they affect me. I had some serious difficulty with this benchmark. Which is evident from how late I am handing this in. Connecting the laws and court cases and such to myself wasn't that difficult, but finding the examples themselves proved to be difficult and tedious to me. I feel that even though I am late handing this in the quality is well enough to make it worth handing in. I am proud of my work, and proud of myself for getting past my difficulties with the project. 

Quarter 2 Project: Black&White vs Color

For my 2nd quarter project I wanted to show the contrast between color and black and white. At first I wasn't sure how I would show this, but one day when I was really angry I made a splatter painting. I painted the page black and then threw colors onto it. The result was this:

Screen shot 2011-01-25 at 8.41.32 AM

Next I got a white sheet of paper and splattered just black paint on it. The comparison of the two is this:

Screen shot 2011-01-25 at 8.44.09 AM

After, I got another white sheet of paper and splattered colors onto it. The I painted a piece black and splattered white on it. The resulting comparison was this:

Screen shot 2011-01-25 at 8.48.34 AM

From here I wanted to draw actual shapes and things so I started a colorful drawing with flowers and got this:


Instead of finishing my colorful project I moved onto a black and white Mandala drawing on the opposite side of the paper. This took ridiculously long to make, but the result was this:

Screen shot 2011-01-25 at 8.39.37 AM

This was my favorite thing to make, even though it was epically difficult. The comparison between my two final drawings is this:

Screen shot 2011-01-25 at 8.39.08 AM

I had a lot of fun doing every aspect of this project. I just wish I would have done this blog post on time :(

AJ's sketchs

I did a terrible job with these. To me my hands look like clay-mation on paper. So i tried doing them in different ways. Didn't work to my expectations. But draewing me kind of did. So i don't quite get what made my face easier to draw.
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.24
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.24
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.25
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.25
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.25 #2
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.25 #2
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.26
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.26
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.26 #2
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.26 #2
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.26 #3
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.26 #3
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.26 #4
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.26 #4
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.27
Photo on 2011-01-23 at 14.27
Photo on 2011-01-25 at 09.22
Photo on 2011-01-25 at 09.22

Q2 benchmark

 This is the link to my Q2 Benchmark for American Government. It covers all three branches of government and the different laws that relate to me within those branches. This is also an example of checks and balances.

This benchmark to start was a difficult one for me especially for certain topics. One being FASFA for alot of people that was a pro but for me it was a con which left it hard for me to find a pro to my executive branch. I did not like this project at all because it different really teach me anything. Although we learned about checks and balances I just think this benchmark wasn't that helpful to me.

Lobbying Post 5- Overview

 I've been working solo this project and trying to get in touch with Anthony Hardy Williams 8th District Representative,  and trying to get people aware of the situation.
 As you should know by now I want to get a group together to influence neighborhood cleanups, specifically urban neighborhoods.  I wanted to start a group within SLA that expanded to a much larger crown with the help of the senator, It was to be something bigger than your average optional Saturday block sweep. My main concern has been to have our urban streets clean like we have them clean in Downtown Philadelphia and Independence Hall. I haven't heard anything back from the senator but I also know these things take time and he is a very busy person.

For this blog post it is really just an update on the current status of things. Basically I am just waiting on a go from the Senator or at least some support on his part. It wouldn't be a problem to start straight out of school, i just want the support of the senator.

Blog Post 5- Global Water Issues: Water Wars

When thinking about the water issues you need to conceder four main things:

Water scarcity: I some parts of the world the hot climates are drying up water resources leaving 1.1 billion people without access to safe water. This leads to death and illness from drunken unsafe water, affects ford production, leads to hunger and increased global food prices. 

Water sanitation: Throughout poor countries access to clean water and basic sanitation is a major problem. 2.6 billion people are lacking adequate sanitation leading to 5 million deaths per day. 

Water access:Many people have to travel long distances to get the water they need because the other ways of getting water such as through ground water, a spring, or a river. 

Resource management: This is often a political issue, usually there are many groups trying to use the same water source and without political intervention these fights for water can become nasty

This is a link to "World Toilet Day 2009"

Nearly 2.6 million people world wide, 40% of the worlds population, lack access to basic sanitation. 

1.1 billion do not have access to clean water. 

1.8 million people mostly young children die each year form water relatable diseases. 

In sub-saharan Africa the lack of sanitary water is holding back economic growth.

On this site are some videos from the Representatives from Water for People, Natural Resources Defense Council, Center for Strategic and International Studies and Water Advocates. These people went to these places and saw first hand the depth of the crisis and came p with possible solutions. The above link will take you to their videos.

This is a good website to go and check out the Water Wars. On it you can take a test to see how many gallons of water you use and give your opinions and you can also see whats going on with the rest of the worlds water struggles and you can see what many people are doing to help the problem, you can also share your ideas on helping the water problem. 


Java Truck

An Olive (Aren't I creative?)

a tree

My Java Smiley

My Java Art

My gorgeous picture!


My Sexy Drawing

Lobbying Post 4-5: Sex Ed 101

Post 4: Communicate with your representative
Detail your plan for communicating and report in on the steps you conducted, reflect on the process, effectiveness, etc.

To communicate with my representative I think writing a letter is the best method, since this is a big problem I think it would best to start small. Meaning the first letter would be to the director of the Philadelphia School District Dr. Arlene C. Ackerman, this letter would talk about the class and what will be taught, how sex ed can help young people and showing that without knowledge on the topic teens are more likely to act it risky behavior.

Post 5-
Dear Dr. Ackerman,
I am a student at Science Leadership Academy, as a young female I believe we should have a class that teaches sex education. We do take a health class but we didn’t spend much time on pregnancy, birth control, STDs and safe sex. In my opinion if there was a class that taught these things the teen pregnancy rate may go down along with the amount of young people with an STD. The class would be a year long course that would be set up in sections, section one would be on what sex is, the next section would be on the safe sex, the last two would be on pregnancy (life after the baby is born and school) and STDs.
After watching the show 16 and Pregnant I felt that schools should step up and educated the students on what their parents didn’t want to talk about. This is a class that students can pick to have, so if they don’t feel they need the education or their parents wish for them to learn it in the household they didn’t have to take it. Many of the actives would be project based and hands on. I truly hope that you read this and see that as a young female that I would us this class to my benfite.
Sincerely Camille Aliyha Morton