Pipeline Monologue Project

Our first investigation in World History class was a current issue – The Keystone XL Pipeline. If built, this pipeline will stretch from Canada , through America's heartland, all the way to Texas. There are many different views from which people support or oppose the building of this pipeline. My class was given the task of showing these  different views through monologues. 
My three monologues are a fish, a middle school child,and a drill.The fish and the boy are against the Pipeline, but for two entirely different reasons(the fish is worried about the environment, and the boy is worried about the people that will be displaced). The drill is for the economic appeal of the pipeline.They all show different opinions about the pipeline and I tried to bring their characters to life; they have personalities and personal trials.
Drilling the Economy

Hey you! Yeah you,

no hard feelings eh?
I know I just roughed you up and chained you to this pipe here,
but think about it this way,
you are going towards a greater good,
I've been out of work for a while, my hand and I
its been a minute since this old bit has whirled, with all of the layoffs and whatnot
my hand's company moved a lot of their jobs to China,
now some 13 year old kid is doing a grown man's job

at least you have stability,
this is one of the only times its okay to be screwed over ,

at least you have stability,
I'm stuck here,
waiting at the mercy of my hand's country's regime
this O'canner guy
Its Obama?
Okay, if you say so
well, at least I have some work done, we've started the southern part of this pipeline, so the humans must know something that I don’t,
I mean, why would they start something they may not be able to finish!
laughs nervously, then goes to a more reserved tone of voice
My hand, he always tells me about his three little girls,
Mary, Margaret and Marlene,
He has children, and they don't just need oil or a battery charge like me and you,
and to think of the nerve of the Texans that are uniting against this project, his fellow Texans,
are trying to keep him and 20,000 other hardworking Americans away from an honest paycheck
and away from the tools of their trade,
I mean would you say no?
goes aggressive
you would love to see me rust, wouldn't you??
sit here and watch my drill dull
and my metal mode,
calms himself, though you can still hear anger in his voice
Okay, its not you, I’m sorry,
but I, me and my hand and I really need this job.

“War Between Worlds”
Walking home, the air is crisp. Luke looks at the surrounding white around him. Speaking to no one. One of his classmates has just left.
Bye Tommy, see you after the New Year!
“Bye Luke!”, they all say
“Bye Luke, have a good holiday break.”
They don't know that there are no holidays in my house and that no one calls me Luke at home,
Bye Luke, Please
Arrluk, Arrluk, come here. Get ready, we are going to the reserve to see your grandparents
I can't wait until they're all moved off their land.
Wait, that was terrible to say,
You know something funny
We were learning about the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline and how some people would lose their homes, some indigenous people
And no one asked me how i felt
how all of this affected me
to them I'm just Luke
to myself I'm just Luke
Arrluk is the one who wouldn’t care Americans are calling the oil theirs, but he would care that his ancestors may be out of a home,
Arrluk would care if the precious environment of the Tar Sands was uprooted, leaving waste and destruction in it's path
I mean Luke does despise the American politicians, never looking out for their people and now coming to Canada to wreak havoc.
gets hostel, stops walking, stands still, in the cold, shivering
Are there not enough Native Americans in their country left to oppress, now its the Inuits' turn?
But wait, who cares about that? Luke? Arrluk?
Why isn't the Government/company working on alternative energy instead of wasting 7 billion dollars on something we already have?
When using all of the Tar Sands, almost 12 parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere will be added,
Whatever happened to the 305 initiative?
Whatever happened to Arrluk, I mean,

See video for "War Between Worlds" below

Swims ahead, furiously, clearly distraught
I don’t believe it,
I mean those plastic soda thingies should've shown me that these people are capable of anything
but not this,
not this,
anything but this,
My precious water,
They’re planning to use it to refine this,
this so called tar sands,
for oil,
Oil is the main cause of problems for us fish,
my cousins Bait and Tackle told me about that oil spill in the Gulf by BP,
they said
in a country voice
Cuzzin’ Bubbles, oil is  a dangerous thang, try to stay away from it, you're lucky you don't live where oil is.
regular distressed voice, agitated,
And I had the nerve to assume myself safe just because I live in one of the Sandhills’ lakes
But they want to run this pipeline through the aquifer,
The aquifer that waters all the crops and feeds all of the bodies of water,
Begins to smack at the water furiously with his fins
You’ll be ruined,
and they want to waste even more water on these toxic waste lakes,
My home will be a toxic waste lake if they have their way,
or maybe I’ll be lucky and die a fast death,they’ll drain the lake to use,
it takes MORE of my precious water, to actually make this stuff,
I mean, who even heard  of tar sands,and thought oil?
The first words out of the others’ mouths was “Don’t try to fight it, you won’t win”
You know what, I’m gonna’ die trying, because I’m going to die either way!
​Appendix/ Bibliography 
  • The oil will be shipped 1700 miles from Canada to refineries in Texas.
  • Building this will cost 7 billion dollars
  • 800 thousands barrels of oil a day will be produced
    Tar Sands Pipeline Plan Renews Energy vs. Environment Debate. 2011. Film. 1 Oct 2012. <http://video.pbs.org/video/2110582932>
  • Tar sands oil extraction and production emits three times more carbon dioxide than average from production of conventional oil consumed in the United States.
  • Extracting the fossil fuels in tar sands from the sand, silt, and clay requires enormous amounts of water.
    "Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://www.foe.org/projects/climate-and-energy/tar-sands>.
  • "fully exploiting the Canadian Tar Sands would lead to an increase in Carbon Dioxide of between 9 & 12 parts per million,"
. "No to Canadian Tar sands - No to the XL Pipeline - Solidarity with arrested protesters." . N.p., 21 2011. Web. 1 Oct 2012. <http://www.theecosocialist.com/1/post/2011/8/no-to-canadian-tar-sands-no-to-the-xl-pipeline-solidarity-with-arrested-protestors.html>.

  • Named after a Northern Plains tribe, the Ogallala provides water to farms in eight states, accounting for a quarter of the nation’s cropland, as well as municipal drinking wells.If the pipeline should spring a leak where it touches the aquifer or even above it, Kleeb and other opponents say, oil could quickly seep into and through the porous, sandy soil.
    Mufson, Steven. "Keystone XL pipeline may threaten aquifer that irrigates much of the central U.S.."Washington Post 06 008 2012, n. pag. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/keystone-xl-pipeline-may-threaten-aquifer-that-irrigates-much-of-the-central-us/2012/08/06/7bf0215c-d4db-11e1-a9e3-c5249ea531ca_story.html>.

Pipeline Monologue Project


During our 10th grade world history course at Science Leadership Academy we began discussing the Keystone Pipeline proposed by Trans Canada. We learned about the advantages and the disadvantages of the pipeline. We did research on our own, watched videos and had to come up with monologues. My partner and I came up with five different monologues portraying five completely different possible effects that the pipeline can have on people.  One of the people in our monologues is the earth, and how the climate will be changing.  Another article is Obama and how his decision approval or disapproval can change the election. A different monologue is portraying a family that is being kicked off their land in order to build the pipeline. The next one is about a person working on a power plant in the middle east. All of these monologues show a large variety of effects because of the keystone pipeline. By doing these monologues and seeing different views of why the Keystone Pipeline should or should not be built. We gained insight on the possible climate changes, money issues, and changes for our society.


Mother Earth

(Earth is located between Venus and Mars, the Moon is Right behind the earth located more to the right of earth, while the sun is located to the left of earth. Earth is making very sick, she’s constantly coughing and sneezing because of the pollution inside of her. She has a handkerchief and a nice warm fuzzy sweater. The sky is black with a lot of shiny stars in the sky.)

*Cough Cough*
I have always tried my hardest to be the best I can be, reaching my full potential. I have  many responsibilities. My mother, the universe is relying on me. Yet I never get any recognition for the work I do. You know I do get dizzy spinning around non stop. The sun’s bright rays constantly trying to get through my sisters layer. I feel a loss of respect I am never thought about. Key decisions worldwide usually never reflect how this will affect me long term. The air has always been my friend but now, it has become my enemy. Air is thicker, the fog is killing me. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve been sending everyone signs, the extreme heats in the summer and the winters getting colder each year.  I don’t know if I could take the keystone pipeline. This pipeline says to be good for the economy of the United States but its killing me and everything inside of me.(Cough Cough*)Even the little tiny people inside of me that worry more about the economy than their lives.
I mean I have a sister the atmosphere to look out for, as well as my blood the ocean, imagine if there were an oil spill. My blue cold blood would not be able to handle the thick grey oil that will kill my creations the creatures of the sea and of the land. My life is depending on the prevention of the keystone pipeline. I remember when I was younger, life was  much easier. There was no cars, no planes. Nothing.  i remember when the tiny human people would ride a horse to get from the one side of a country to another. Trains were really helpful too. I had  a few coughs a years but not as much as now. (Ahh Ahh Ahh Chouuuuu!) I am about to explode!   
Instead of the  Keystone Pipeline XL I have a better plan.
My cousin the sun emits multiple rays into the earth. A few years ago, scientist realized that these rays are energy and it can be stored. Well they created solar panels to start storing it for little things like light inside the house or the radio. Let’s think big now. What if these solar panels, can be put on top of a train. The train will travel from point A to point B while its getting the energy from the solar panels. Cough cough )This way the little people inside of me can go from one place to another, and bring goods from one state to another without having to waste coal, or waste energy on cars for gas. It’s not only faster but it saves me and every little thing inside me. Please replace the Keystone Pipeline XL with this idea. Even tho it will take a little bit of work, it will create energy to transport people and goods from one side of the United States to the other. Say no to the Keystone Pipeline XL and say yes to the Solar Powered train system. Together we can save me and everything inside.

Our Home

Margret, Margret! Come meet me in the kitchen.
(pacing around the kitchen, wife walks in and he sits down)
Some people from the government just came. Talking about some they can take our land. Only gonna offer us some 15,000 dollars, don’t make much sense if you ask me since we got a good 5 acres of land (foot begins tapping).  Honey I know, I know but there aint nothing we can do about it. They said  something about eminent domain, meaning we have no rights for this land. (jumps up)
This is not fair! I worked too hard to get where I am today. I have a barn out back with five horses three cattle and I can’t just pick up and leave. We just got a new pump out back, Jimmy just got braces, and the chickens got a new cewp. There is nowhere for us to go what do they expect us to do. Coming through a small town like Lamar County.
(sigh) I wonder what we’re going to do about my grandmother too been living on the acres next to us coming close to a century now. She put all her life savings trying to keep our family acres together. They come in here don’t even know what we’re going through the struggles that we will face because of this pipeline. What is the keystone pipeline anyway? Don’t we already have oil in the middle east? Taking our land not even going to  explain to us what for, where’s my vote on whether or not I want that pipeline or not. (pause, turns to wife) Alright well don’t go on telling the kids yet.

My Future

(Soda drops from the vending machine)

Todays the day, today is the day. I can’t wait to tell everyone that our work from America is being cut down. After all these years of depending on them for our trade we are done. The Keystone Pipeline, muah (blows kisses). Nothing better than it. Now I can relax not have to worry about whether or not we need to ship out to those Americans. Yeah, you know how much they over use their oil, at least we won’t be the ones helping them. (turns head as his friend begins to talk) I never thought of it like that though. We do ship almost half of our oil to them what about our oil plants? I don’t know but it’s not like there are many other jobs here for  us that pay paying low. This pipeline is bad for the environment. It’s bad for everyone. Creating this pipeline will destroy my life now that i think about it.  What about my job, less oil means less of a need for me. The keystone pipeline won't only destroy the environment even more it will put me and others out of a job. I hate the keystone pipeline.

Election of a Lifetime

I have hope for this nation. Sadly nobody will be able to have a dream if I don’t win the 2012 election. In 2008, i promised that I will make the economy better. I also promised the U.S will help clean this pollution.that we the American citizens, will clean this mess.But I will assure you that our kids and the upcoming generations will have a place to live in and breathe freely without having to worry about possessing a disease that will not only harm them, but potentially kill them. How will I do this with the keystone pipeline though.

(tying his tie, looks down at index card into the mirror)

Let me try this speech again. We need to become independent from other countries. The keystone pipeline will allow us to create jobs helping our economy. (deep breath) I can’t do this anymore. I don’t think I want the keystone pipeline, it is damaging our environment it is putting people out of their houses leaving people homeless. Is it worth creating jobs when people are losing homes? I need to find a way to make it work. Have the people whose homes we are taking be the ones getting the jobs building the keystone pipeline. (rubs hand on head)

Before I was Barrack Obama the president, I was Barrack Obama the boy living in hawaii with my grandmother. Ugh I can’t keep forgetting this. My grandmother who risked everything to make sure that I am where I am today. What if this were her? But is it worth it the fact is this will help the States. it is too close to the election to be rocking the boat what do the people want? ( begins pacing up and down) The fact that my election can be based on something as dependance on foreign oil. There are other solutions we need to work our way up to no dependance on these oils. There are other solutions, such as solar energy. You know I’ve never really agreed with George Bush, but when he said that we were “addicted to oil”, yeah I have to agree with that. But what do I do when my opponent will kill me for doing this changing my opinion this far down the line, so close to the election. But I will not lie to the people I will be the voice of for four years. I will say the truth and hope for the best that’s all I can do. (walks out the door)

A Voice in Society

(Waiting in front of the court building for the trial. Looking through all the pictures and the evidence that has been left by the cops. The documents from the hospital, the pictures of the injuries the cop left all over my body. A phone in my right pocket with a few leftover dollar in my wallet in my left pocket.) All the witnesses are here with me, well the ones that are ready to testify.)
This is injustice!  After looking at all of the images when I can be doing way more. I don’t even understand how or why on Earth I would get this hurt? Don’t we have the right of freedom of speech? my voice had to be heard I had to stop it but the abuse got unbearable. I didn’t quit because thats why i am here. (The plaintiff’s lawyer asked him if he was fighting for the earth’s rights, and/or his rights. The plaintiff replies extremely fast trying to not sound stubborn but reassuring. Well of course sir. I’m here to fight for what’s right! and the Keystone pipeline XL is not right! it emits more three times more toxins than gas can release in one year.
I understand that this is a country where we all want what’s good and cheap. But what they did to me another fellow activist and what they will do to our country is not acceptable. To start of these gases that will be emitted into the atmosphere will hurt the earth more than two times than regular gas. They will first extract tar sands from Canada. The process of extraction will cause a great amount of pollution but then processing it through the pipelines from Canada to Texas will cause a greater disaster. (Ring,Ring,Ring.It’s the lawyer calling. the layer is waiting inside of the courtroom. He is rushing the plaintiff to go inside because the judgement will start in ten minutes.) Okay I will be ready in a few more minutes. Yes I know we will be proceeding into the courtroom any minute but I want to make sure that everything that I have brung in is used without being jeopardized. Okay well back to concentration. so these pipelines will create a gas that evaporated and won’t be used. It will stay in the ozone layer and will create a massive disaster to the world. The gas that will be created from the tar sands would be used to fuel up cars and a few members from the government claim that it will boost up the economy. But what will the economy without an Earth? Nothing of course.
if this injustice continues then we will have no earth and according to the amendments we have the right to sleep. I know for sure that a lot of rights are broken. I am a slave to The Pipeline. I am afraid of falling asleep and waking up in a world which we would have to use masks to breath. This pipeline will be the death of me.(The plaintiff walks inside the building and the scene ends with him shutting the door.)


1. There is the possibility that if the Keystone Pipeline does happen that families will lose their homes. Because of eminent domain they will have no choice but to leave their homes. One article saying,  "[...] TransCanada has threatened to use disputed eminent domain powers to condemn privately held land, over the owners’ objections. And that’s creating unusual allies — Occupiers, Tea Partiers, environmentalists, individualists — united to stop TransCanada from threatening water supplies, ancient artifacts, and people’s basic property rights." (talkingpoints)

2. The Keystone pipeline still has some possible problems. One of these being the possibility of an oil spill because of the uncertainty of any pipeline. There have been many attempts to prevent the pipeline because of this. "But environmental groups and some landowners have been mounting a campaign to stop or delay construction because of the threat a leak might pose to rivers and wetlands." (washingtonpost)

3. Some people believe that the pipeline will have great benefits for our economy. As well as causing less of a dependence on other countries. A white house memo says "But the foreseeable future, we will continue to rely on oil to help fuel our transportation system. As a result, we must safely and responsibly develop our oil resources at home, as part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy to grow our economy and make us more secure." (whitehouse)

4. The keystone pipeline has the opportunity to develop jobs for many people. "Republican leaders and other pipeline supporters have offered up a wide range of claims about how many jobs Keystone XL (ultimately a temporary construction project) will create—anywhere from 20,000 to 500,000. But a series of media reports and studies say even the lower figures are wildly exaggerated. A Cornell University study argued that the project would create fewer than 5,000 jobs and could cause job losses in some parts of the country." (yesmagazine)

5.  The issue of the Keystone Pipeline also produces the question of how this is going to affect our environment. "To extract oil from tar sands, companies must destroy fragile forest ecosystems and then use a very energy-intensive upgrading and refining process to turn that oil into transportation fuel. Tar sands mining and production harm the boreal forest’s fragile ecosystem, waste enormous amounts of water, and disrupt the lives of indigenous people in the area." (foe)

6.  The Keystone Pipeline also proposes an issue of how native people will be affected by it. " They have trouble practicing their cultural traditions because of the destruction caused by tailing ponds and strip mining operations. The people downstream from the toxic tailing ponds have high rates of rare cancers, renal failure, lupus, and hyperthyroidism. Indigenous groups have organized and protested to stop the expansion of tar sands operations." (foe)


Keystone Monologue project

I'm my keystone pipeline project, I'm expressing different perpectives, angles and views from what has become a great issue of the keystone pipeline. I show different monologues from all different types of people in different situations, matters and choices that has to be made. Something that I learned from this project about the keystone pipeline are the environment changes it could cost, but also the jobs that it will create. One monologue is about a man who is out of a job and who also finds this job and desperately needs it, Obama vocalizing it during his presidential debate, and a cop who is ignorant towards the keystone pipeline, I hope you enjoy my monologues!

Monologue #1:

Whoa, Sergeant said we’re going to have the country jails full of protesters for the next few months, Me personally I didn’t know what he was talking about, I just follow the orders, Hey John! , What protesters are we putting in the bag today? What? Keystone what? Pipeline? ... what is he talking about The keystone Pipeline? Well I guess I don’t ask questions. All I know is that I have to report to The park at 11, *Ring Ring* .. Hello? Hey Babe, I don’t think I’ll be home on time today, sergeant says It’s overtime season, No I don’t think It’ll turn violent, from what I hear it’s just a bunch of Tree huggers trying to stop construction from happening, you know how that goes honey, Yeah just fed the kids, leave a plate in the Microwave for me later on, I’ll get it, Hey hey babe, I gotta get back to work before the sergeant sees me slacking off again, Ok. I love you too, Bye. ... Serg! I’m coming, personal calls, you know how that goes, Oh you don’t know how it goes, Ok, Am I riding with John today? Ok We’ll take your Cruiser, How’s your family? That’s good, Yeah Just had a newborn, I need my job man, Times are hard, What did you go last week -- Damn, you see all of those protesters out there! They aren’t messing around, are we going to need riot shields? I might have to put some work in today, Let me keep this stick on me like I should, What signs are those people holding up? *Keystone Pipeline needs to be stopped* *Ruining The planet as we speak* , Ay John, what is this Pipeline? Wow, going through the united states? Wouldn’t something like this ruin the environment? Ahh you’re right, I guess we don’t need to know all of that. Hey Hey! You can’t protest here, It’s a working site, I’m going to have to arrest you if you don’t move now, Oh Guess you want it the hard way, Someone like you shouldn’t be in cuffs, I know you’re fighting for what you believe in, But some ways just aren’t the right ways.

Monologue #2 
Desperate worker

Hey baby, I just found a job in the newspaper, construction, It’s temporary but It’ll do for the family, Our hard times are soon coming to an end! No more looking for our grandmother for the money we need, It’s to work on the keystone pipeline, Yes I know you have a problem with the keystone pipeline. But what other choice do I have? It’s either that or be jobless, You know I’ve been pulling strings out of my head for the past few months. Now I don’t want any arguments about it, I have responsibilities as the man of this house to serve and protect us, I have three mouths to feed, Clothes to for, bills, everything else! I don’t need to hear this lip from you woman, I’m going tomorrow morning to apply to his job now leave me alone! .... Hello, My name is Marty Mcfly, I was reading my daily newspaper, and ran across an article about a construction opening for the keystone pipeline, Yeah you hiring, Well here’s my resume, Uh Uh, You see at the bottom where it says I’m experienced in heavy lifting and working together, Yeah .. just keep that in mind, So you have an opening? That’s good, you don’t know how much I need this, I’ll be waiting for that call Sir, Thank you!

Monologue #3 
Obama Pre-debate prep

What economic status will this pipeline bring? I understand that it will create more jobs, But are the environment officials going to agree with my proposal? This could be a major swing in the election, The new Jobs will put about 4-6,000 people to work, But how temporary is that? What are the people’s votes on this, Dear God there’s just so much to talk about in this debate, I know Mitt is going to play dirty, But the issue is too big for me to not bring it up, ( Secret service official comes to in check on Obama ) Yes I’m fine, Thank you, ( Thinks in head ) Man, The debate is in 15 minutes, Everything is rushing through my head, I promised myself that I will do right by America, Work for the people, Not the other way around, C’mon, you got this. You know what you’re doing, I hear my name, Well ... Let’s go.   

Here's my video for the "Obama debate Prep" Enjoy!

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/51462814?title=1&amp;byline=1&amp;portrait=1" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/51462814">clip-2012-10-15 12;05;50</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user13827664">Ron Harper</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

"No more than 6,000 pipeline workers needed on the job any given day." Inclimate news. Trans canada, n. d. Web. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://insideclimatenews.org/news/20120117/keystone-xl-jobs-unions-transcanada-construction-liuna-unemployment-state-department-cornell>.

"Keystone’s Thousands of Jobs Fall to 20 When Pipeline Opens." Bloomburg. Jim Efstathiou Jr, n. d. Web. Web. 16 Oct. 2012.

"The Keystone Pipeline Revolt: Why Mass Arrests are Just the Beginning Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-keystone-pipeline-revolt-why-mass-arrests-are-just-the-beginning-20110928

Keystone Pipeline Monologue project (Stephen)

In my project I wrote my 5 monologues in the perspective of 5 different people and how building the Keystone Pipeline would affect them. The Keystone Pipeline is going to be used to carry oil from Canada to Texas. It's causing much controversy between because some people want the pipeline to be built because it could help the economy, but others don't want that pipeline to be built because it could damage the environment. I learned how much building the pipeline would affect people’s lives for the good and the bad. The 5 monologues were in the perspective of a Polar Bear, a construction worker, Texas resident, the president, and the Earth. The most affected out of my monologues is probably the Polar Bears. The keystone pipeline could potentially kill a lot of polar bears and I feel like it was my best one. I hope you enjoy all of my pieces.

Monologue #1

                              Am I making the right decision?

Waking up on this bitter morning, only thing on my mind is guilt. I feel guilty because I have to support my family but by doing so I am also messing up the environment. As a walk into the kitchen, (walks in the kitchen) I see my daughters bright smiling face. I think about her future and what she will grow to be. Am I making the right choice for their future? Or am I slowly destroying it. The choices I make now, depends on her future.
As I’m leaving out the door (heads towards the door) for work, my daughter says “I love you daddy.” Hearing those words are the best feeling in the world.
As I arrive at the construction sight, (walking to my station) I see the exhausted faces of the other men and women here to work on the pipeline. The same thing is running through out my mind that I woke up thinking about. I try not to think about it, but it keeps crossing my mind.
I ask myself, Is this what I should be doing? Is there another way I could support my family? These questions disrupt me every time I come to work. And they always will, I guess until I confront them. But until then, I have to get back to supporting my family.

Monologue #2
                         Does my future depend on the humans?

(Angry, grouchy) They can’t approve this. They can’t. Global warming is already affecting my family and I. My ignorant wife wants this pipeline plan to go through “it’s good for the economy it will help everyone!” “Not for us dumbass! You think they’re going to send any of that money down here to the ice caps?”. Then she gets an attitude for the rest of the night. (calming down) I shrug it off she’ll get over it by the morning. I wish she would sit down with me and absorb the information that the world news is giving to us. I don’t want to the bad guy but look at the news for god’s sake! We’re not a priority to them anymore. Ever since this global warming issue started to rise the whole neighborhood has been affected. I lost my brother Albert to global warming last year. He tragically drowned. We’re all suffering help us Lord! Food is scarce nowadays, we need some food on the shelf. I swam for an hour looking for food for my family. Some homes are falling off. Literally. (hopelessly speaking ) I go outside and look at the northern lights to look for an answer from god to my prayers to no prevail. I’m outraged, scared, and depressed, (Anxiously) I feel like I’m having a panic attack. What do I do? What can I do? Where do I turn? I’m trying to save my family. I go back inside and then a possible solution hit me! I suggest to my wife maybe we can get taken to the zoo and be saved! I heard in the Philadelphia Zoo they take great care of our kind. I heard they give all inhabitants a stable environment with your own living space and with a pool. “Sounds good right?... What do you mean that’s stupid?... At least I’m throwing out ideas, what are you doing to help?... Yeah that’s what I thought just walk away from your problems forever right?”. “She infuriates me!”... Aww what am I saying?... Everyone in the North Pole is trying to make it to the zoo to save their skins and the odds are horribly against me. I go the living room and sit in my favorite chair to keep myself updated on the pipeline. The Americans have already done their part in contributing to global warming which releases deadly greenhouse gases, melt the polar ice caps and raise sea levels, and these are just some of the effects that global warming has on the world. What am I supposed tell my son and daughter when they ask “what’s happening to our everyone’s homes Daddy?” I must lie through my teeth to protect their innocent hearts and tell them “everything’s alright” knowing that it’s only a matter of time before it’s all over. I pray everyday that they don’t approve this pipeline my home is already in danger and this pipeline will only speed up the process. They’re building it to save a couple jobs. How about you save a thousand lives! If they decide to do the right thing and say no to the pipeline we all could be saved. These days I pray, stay humble and live life day by day and spend time with my family because I know that our days together are numbered if they approve the pipeline. If I’m going to die let me die with my loved ones facing death on.

Monologue #3
                                    Making a change

As I stand upon this stage this morning, (holding microphone)  speaking to you all, one thing is running through my mind. Did they ever think how it could affect me? My neighbors? My family? All the people that call this place their home. My home, Texas. The people at TransCanada really don’t care about the well being of us citizens. They only care about the money. Their greed disgusts me. They think of us like were not humans too. We all share this earth we live on
I’d never thought in a million years that the government would allow something like this to even happen. It’s destroying not only the land but the lives of thousands of people. Their homes, their families, everything. Living around the fumes that are coming from the construction are deadly. The fumes and gases could make someone extremely sick or even kill somebody that inhales the gases and fumes everyday.
Where do they expect us to go? What do they expect we the people of America to do? Just back down from it all? We have to fight for what we believe in. Hopefully the president will see our cries for help and not approve this pipeline to be built.
(Raises fist) It’s up to us to make a change in this world. To stand up and never give up no matter how hard times get. It’s on us to make this change.

Monologue # 4

                                  Living on this earth

I can’t believe this are they serious? I’m the only thing these filthy humans have for a home. (starts to grow angry) I’m irreplaceable! What other planet can take you in and take care of you like I can? Yeah I thought so none of them. I’m being taken advantage of every second of the day. These filthy heathens are either littering their cans, paper bags, or they’re releasing CO2 driving their cars and their buses. I mean c’mon show some respect! 4.6 billion years. 4.6 billion years I’ve supported every species that ever existed on this planet and I’ve always been happy to help. Giving them the gift of life, the ability to grow and prosper and this is how you repay me!? I’ve watched the human’s grow and evolve from apes to the prime human race. I’ve let you all live here on me for free and have never asked for anything in return. (in a heartbroken voice) Until now. I’ve been slowly killed off for years now and now the only thing I ask is that you repay me by not building this keystone pipeline. Do you not appreciate me? By building this pipeline the leaks will damage my clean waters, and infect my airs with dirty tar sand oils. I pray the humans learn the mistakes of their ways and start to appreciate what they have before it’s gone. Before we’re all gone. We only have but so much longer to live. All of you already leaked in my fresh waters before. Here’s some numbers for you BP leaked 3,850 square miles worth of oil and 4,768 animals were also killed in the spill. If we continue on the same path that we are headed down, no one will be able to survive and breathe this air we have been polluting for so long. I sometimes ask myself, how are these humans still living on earth? I’ve been trying to keep things on earth better for humans well being for 4,600,000,000 years. And I feel like by polluting the air and building this new pipeline that runs from Canada through Texas will only make things worse for everyone. It won’t be easy for me or them to stay healthy.(Deep breath)  But what can I do? I’ve tried everything possible. You know the difference between right and wrong but when it’s comes down to it, it’s on you humans to step up and change the outcome this world will have.

                            Am I the right president for america?

As I sit at my desk I think to myself, am I really the right president for this term? Am I prepared to lead this country another four years? There’s so much pressure on me. I have to appeal to the american citizens and show them that I’m the man with the plan. Time for change. It’s time for change. I’ve been extreme progress for four years now, and the republicans still don’t give me the credit I deserve on helping the economy and health care. Can I make a difference for four more years as president?
(takes deep breath) There’s a controversy going around the world about this keystone pipeline plan that wants to be built for oil to travel faster throughout the United States. The pipeline is 1700 miles from Canada to Texas. It has some great positives and some devastating cons. This pipeline will create 20,00 jobs for the unemployed, but it was also destroy the environment. The pipeline will create more ghastly greenhouse gases but safer and more efficient way to transport oil throughout out the United States. But also the economy is already in debt and this pipeline will cost 7 billion dollars to build. But then again it provides a lot of cheap abundant energy for Americans. As the president, I have to make a very tough decision on whether or not to approve this pipeline from being built. Will this be the right choice for families all around america? They depend on me. It will help the economy everywhere but what about those people whose homes run near the pipeline. It’s almost guaranteed to have a leak and ruin the soil. When the soil is ruined there will be no way for those inhabitants to grow their crops. It’s up to me to make the right choice, but what if I end up making the wrong one? (takes another deep breath) I guess only time can tell.

Appendix: The pipeline would carry oil throughout the U.S from Canada to Texas (1700 miles). Also the pipeline would cost 7 billion dollars, but it would carry 800,000 barrels of oil a day and it would create thousands of jobs. It’s way cheaper than getting oil from foreign countries when we can get it from an ally. The oil that’s being transported is extremely dirty, it called tar sands oil. The pipeline has a good chance of leaking and having an oil spill. If that happens it will damage the environment.

"Polar Bears International." Polar Bears International. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://www.polarbearsinternational.org/>.
Jackson, David. "Obama Faces Dem Pressure over Keystone Pipeline." USA Today. Gannett, n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2012/04/obama-faces-dem-pressure-over-keystone-pipeline/1>.

"Global Warming : Feature Articles." Global Warming : Feature Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/GlobalWarming/>.

Pipeline Monologue Project

I.  Introduction:
In our history class we had to write three different monologues, each in a different perspective about the Keystone Pipeline. With the approval of the federal government the pipeline will be built starting from Canada and running all the way through the country down to Texas. This pipeline will carry oil throughout the country, which will lessen our dependence on foreign oil. This pipeline could help our economy in many ways but can also be a very harmful thing if something goes wrong.
My monologues show different reactions to the building of the pipeline. The first monologue is President Obama contemplating the different views on the pipeline. The president has almost made his decision until he has a conversation with his daughter who has a very opposite opinion. He goes through an emotional decision on whether he should approve the pipeline or not. My second monologue is said in the point of view of an average middle class worker who gets offered a job working on the pipeline. He goes back and forth trying to decide whether or not he should take the job and leave his family or stay home and take care of his pregnant wife. My last monologue is from the perspective of a fish who has suffered a lot. This monologue has a bit of a more comical side to it. The fish is very worried about being killed by the the pipeline if there happens to be an oil spill. He is very offended by the fact that humans get to make all the decisions. Overall this monologue has taught me a lot about the pipeline itself and the different effects of it. I have researched the pros and cons on the topic and realized that every person can have a different opinion based on their lifestyle. This pipeline can help the economy by providing more jobs but can also harm us. If something goes wrong then it can harm people’s health and also harm the environment. There has been a lot of debate and controversy on this topic but hopefully they will come up with the right decision soon. I hope you enjoy my monologues.

II. Monologues/Videos

A Family Bond
Monologue #1- President Obama
(sitting at his desk pondering)
America’s future is in my hands... I have to think about what’s good for our people, their health and also the environment. I have to listen to everyone’s opinion but also have America’s best interest at mind. I can’t screw this up. I love my job and the people our nation but it is so difficult... What am I suppose to do? (starts to get frustrated) There are too many papers on my desk, and this office is a mess! I can’t concentrate and I feel a migraine coming on. (gets up and starts pacing)

Our economy is in great danger and the pipeline could be the perfect thing to improve it. Building the pipeline will open up about 20,000 new jobs. There are so many people suffering to feed themselves and their children because the lack of jobs. Now they can get a job, earn money, and live a better life.

(his daughter walks in with her school essay she wants him to read)

So this project is for your history class? You’re learning about the Keystone XL pipeline! What an interesting topic, am I right? You don’t think building the pipeline is a good idea? But what about all the jobs? (pause)
You have such a caring heart for the environment! You have a very great point in this essay, you said: If the pipeline is approved and there is an oil spill it can harm the earth and many people’s health. I love your essay! I am absolutely positive you are going to get an A+.
It has really given me some things to think about, because I have to call and make my final decision on the pipeline in a couple of hours.

(turns his head and says to himself) If I approve this pipeline I will not only lose the environmentalist’s votes for the upcoming election but I am going to disappoint her... I can’t she’s my little girl... what will she think of me if I approve it. She’s going to think I don’t care about the environment and the people’s health, she doesn’t understand anything about the economy yet... and I can’t blame her she’s so young, there is no need for her to worry about these matters. She is already super bright. I want to be a role model for my children, someone they can trust. So they can look at me and say... I want to be just like daddy. I want to be their hero.

(one the phone with president of TransCanada) I have made my decision on the pipeline you are planning to build... I think...

The End

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
Monologue #2- Average Middle Class Worker
(On the phone with boss)(country accent)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop right there! You want me to do what now! (stops in the middle of the street, abruptly) Okay, so you’re saying I have to drive all the way up to Canada tomorrow morning? That’s about a 20 hour drive. This pipeline idea you’re talking about could be a good thing. I just don’t know if it’s worth leaving my family and home for so long. (pause) I just better be getting some good money for this job because it sounds like it’s going to be a long and strenuous project. (pause) Great! (pause) All right I will see you tomorrow morning 6 A.M sharp with my decision. (Hangs up the phone)
(Opens the front door to house)
Honey I’m home! (pause) I just fed the horses and the sheep out back, oh and I  also milked Sally, so you won’t have to worry about that. I am such a good husband. (smiles proudly) I have some news, take a seat at the table. So my boss called me earlier today and gave me a new job offer but it’s a long one. (pause) I am going to be building a pipeline that starts from Canada to Texas. I will be away for quite a while and it will be very difficult. But I am going to make some good and well deserved money. (pause) So do you think I should do it? I mean I know it’s a big commitment and I am going to miss you so so much. Maybe I shouldn’t go... it’s too far away... I’m not going to do it. (pause) Are you sure? But what if something happens to you and I can’t come back fast enough. You’re right I could do a lot with the money I earn. We can get the baby some nice clothes and I can build her a new crib. Oh and also get her lots of new toys. (pause) You really want me to go? Okay I’ll do it for you, on one condition? You have to call me every night before you go to bed so I can make sure everything is OK. If anything happens I’m back here in the blink of an eye. If not then I will be done and back in 5 months just in time for our precious child to be born.
(Thinks to himself) I have to get mentally and physically prepared for this job I am going to work day and night, rain or shine, with thousands of other people just like me. Dammit.... I knew I should not have skipped going to the gym so many days this month.

Oh well I am up for the challenge! What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.. (not convinced) according to Kelly Clarkson.  I’ll pack my bags and work hard for my wife and the baby that’s on its way. (walks out with smile on his face)

The End

Monologue #3- Fish
I just swim around all day, trying to survive and not get eaten by those big fat fish. Those stupid whales and sharks swim around eating whatever they please, it’s like they own the place.... I am nothing! Everyday it’s something new and I am trying not to die. It’s either the big fish trying to eat us or the fish hooks that come down from the human land that try to kill us. Wow, those humans are so greedy. They have all this food and still they come down here to eat us! Like you don’t think you have enough to eat... that’s why you are all obese. Greedy fat pigs!
I have had the worst experiences down here in the south. That BP oil spill killed nearly half of my family and I was almost a goner too. I thank the lord every night that I didn’t die that horrible day. (starts to tear up)  I could have been dead right now... and they are thinking about building a new pipeline... (shakes his head) I swear these people have no brain whatsoever. They decide to try something new but when it fails they go and make the same mistake again... like I said they are dumb! Someone needs to knock some sense in those stupid humans.
They are going to build this new pipeline after a having a thousand different debates and arguments about it. (emphasize and make it dramatic) Then... they are going to stand up nice and straight and be all proud of themselves until... The darn thing explodes and kills all of us! I am way too beautiful to be ruined by their stupid oil spills. OMG! What will the rest world do without me!  It’ll be nothing without me, absolutely worthless.
I believe this is by far the worst idea those airheads have come up with. All they want is more of that green papery stuff with the numbers on it and the very unflattering picture of that Franklin dude. (makes a disgusted face) I am so sick of it! Just because they live on land they decide they are going to be the rulers of everything and everyone. But no... you just watch because one day I will be the one making the decisions and they are all going to suffer! (evil laugh) Muhahahaha

The End

III. Appendix

  1. Keystone XL pipeline is going to cost about $7 billion and will run nearly 2,000 miles to connect Canada’s oil sands to refineries around Houston and the Gulf of Mexico. (New York Times)
  2. The pipeline will  reduce our reliance on foreign oil and enhance our Nation's energy security. (Presidential Memorandum)
  3. Tar sands mining and production will harm forest’s fragile ecosystem, waste enormous amounts of water, and disrupt the lives of people in the area. (Friends of Earth)
  4. The most critical issue of building the pipeline is the quality of materials, welding and inspection performed during the construction. (The Typee)
  5. The pipeline can create thousands of jobs or destroy the life and livelihood of people in the midwest. (PBS Video)
  6. Tar sands oil is about 16 times more corrosive than any other oils, which means there will be more ruptures and leaks in the pipeline, making it much more dangerous. (PBS Video)


What Pipeline ? Monologues.

In my 10th grade world history class, we have to learn about the keystone XL pipeline. I had a partner name Charles. Charles and I had research about that Pipeline. After learning about the keystone XL pipeline we made 5 monologues in different point of views to show our feeling about the pipeline effecting the world and these people. I hope you enjoy the monologues.
Monologue 1
Who!? Oh yeah yeah, send him in Rachel, ok.

(A young man in a freshly pressed suit enters, very nervously)

James! Just the man I wanted to see! How’s the wife? And the kids? Beautiful, beautiful here, take a seat son take a seat we have much to talk about you and I. In trouble? No no no James of course not! Trouble... Bah no no. As you know James Senior executive Barry Gordmon passed last week, god bless his soul, and um well I’ll be frank James we need that position filled. No no not replacing him James, just a placeholder. Well you see we’re in a very critical state right now, we’re on the verge of building this monumental structure that’s going to change lives but we can’t do it without a Senior executive. So whatta ya say?

(The speakers face goes from a perky smile, to a look of bewilderment)

What the hell do you mean no!? I’m throwing a promotion right at your damn face and you tell me no! No no don't say anything son, I see now that you’re an ungrateful idiot who doesn’t know a golden opportunity when his puny little eyes see one. We could have those Americans by the damn balls and you want to pass up this oppurtunity because of your ‘morals’.

(Both persons are shocked at the sudden outburst, there is a pause)

I’m-- I’m sorry son therapist always said I need to get my anger under control, I implore you to reconsider James, an oppurtunity like this doesn’t come around everyday.
You’re dismissed James.

Monologue 2

Why is Mr.Lock always walking around the classroom clapping his hand all the time?
Please don’t call on me please don’t call on me.
(Mr.Lock calls on the speaker)  
“Oh, um the keystone pipeline? Yeah, I heard about that on the news Mr.Lock. ”
Elaborate?! Why did I even open my mouth...
“Well the news lady was talking about a pipeline that is sending oil to Texas . They say the pipeline is in Steele City. I don’t know all the details about it but they say that this can help with the lack of jobs. I think it a good thing right?”

It can do all of that ? I don’t want that in my city the air will change and then we all going to die. This is how you know that people don’t care about their life. Do the people who are doing this know about it? Hold up let me look it up and see what can happen the world
(Open the computer and start typing)
(Looks up from her computer to talk to Mr.Lock )
Here an article about it that say “To meet an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2050, significant changes must occur in our transportation sector, which
is now responsible for 30 percent of global warming pollution in the United States.” How are they going to that if they are making a pipeline that send dirty oil, No one don’t really come to my city. I live at 30th  Steele City Avenue, Steele City, NE. I live right in the mix of things. I think most of the people know how these ass hole are say that it’s good because its more jobs but not care about the earth.  What did you say Mr.Lock?
(Class bell rings, speaker jumps up from his seat)
“Well that’s the bell Mr.Lock, I’ll see you tomorrow!”

Monologue 3

Hello little friend, won’t you stay for a while and talk to an old friend?
These are troubling times. The world is changing and I don’t think it’s for the better. These people don’t care about my world. Everyday they make or do something that makes me hate them more and more everyday. How did we go from homey little caves to obnoxious ‘sky scrapers’ everywhere? And!!! If that wasn’t enough … they started to build the pipeline call umm i think it call Keystone Pipeline . Yes ! that right the keystone xl pipeline. This pipeline is to help (when they say help make quotation mark)

us to have more oil. But the oil is tar sand oil. It’s one of the most dirtiest oils that known. Most people don’t know the difference from tar sand oil and regular oil that we used. I feel that more of the people need to see what this oil can do to my world. I would like to see them survive for a while but they way they are treating my world the world will end by 2050. My little friend your going to die with them. That the most sad part of thing.

Monologue 4
Hey doc, I’ve been fine yeah… the night terrors have stopped what you said really helped. Oh yeah the knee? It’s fine I’m off the crutches now, yeah; they said soon enough I should be able to run again. I missed being on my feet ya know, humping equipment back and forth, that’s what they called it when you carried things, humping it men will be men huh. Oh yeah most of us hated it, but I loved those long marches. That’s where I met Sandra ya know. She was a rookie a green collar she still had that fire in her eyes, that fire that said she was proud of fighting for her country. Hell, everyone else fire dimmed a long time ago, some lost it after their first time they killed a enemy, others when the sand storms rolled in and it felt like we were cut off from the rest of the world, trapped. The sandstorms had a way of making you think what the hell you were doing out there away from your family. We never said anything but we all had this... vibe this mutual sense of doubt as we marched along through those barren lands.
No… well yes I had my own doubts at times but I loved it there not the killing but the friends I had and marches we did talking about things a million miles away from that damn war.
Sandra? She was a rookie I could tell because she carried everything according to protocol see if you’ve served for a long time you would know when you marched some things are just unnecessary and heavy so you just leave them at the base and tell your officer you ‘forgot’ them but not the rookies, they brought everything. Every single thing. I remember talking to her and telling her that she really didn’t need to carry all that equipment it would just tire her out.
What!  Was I… No I wasn’t attracted to her we were soldiers comrades, brothers and sisters in arm, we didn’t have time for anything else, we got close but no… we were…soldiers that’s it… I mean let’s not talk about that doc, please.

Anything please, I just can’t think about her anymore I keep reliving…those bastards took her away from me.
Keystone? No, I haven’t heard of that. Canadians? I fought with a Canadian once, the guy was a tough motherfucker, 3 purple hearts and he still wants to serve, Barry was his name. A pipeline eh, finally America getting back its independence I’ll tell you what maybe with this oil we won’t be fighting those damn battles overseas. Maybe if this pipeline had been built Sandra would still be alive, maybe we would have met somewhere maybe we would have gotten married maybe she loved me doc,  maybe she fucking loved me like I loved her.

Monologue 5

Pipeline Monologue Project

For history class we had to create 3 monologues in different perspectives about the keystone pipeline that is going to travel from the tar sand in canada to refineries in texas. The monologues I wrote are from the perspective the owner of transcanada who is trying to persuade the american government to pass the pipeline but in my other monologue his son is trying to convince him that its not a good idea. My final monologues was from the perspective of Al Gore. 

saving the world while putting up with dad

Uhh dad, just shut up !!!
The pipeline is not a good idea.
It might seem like a great idea right now but think about the future.
My future-the future of your only son!
I know that we like to argue over some dumb things
but you have to listen to me for just once.
The tar sands in Canada are filthy and are going to pollute our environment
and as the head of the tar sands blockade I am not going to let you go through with this.
Did you know that the emissions from the tar sands is twelve percent higher than regular crude oil? Do you know what that means Dad????
That is going to destroy the world!
Please Dad listen to me just this one time.
You can make money off of something else
but don't put the world
and my future in risk.

What are you serious you don't care about my future only about money.
I can't believe my mom married you, you're such a douchebag.
all you care about if dumb money
money does not bring true happiness.
Just think about all the people you're going to screw up with this.

You're going to screw so many people with this pipeline
people that make the economy better.
You say you're a true american but your actually not.
If you were a true american you would stop this pipeline and do something to help climate change
Its either me or the pipeline dad it's your decision do you want to lose your only child or do you want to destroy the atmosphere while making money.

this is my video of me reading my monologue 

Screwing the world while making money

(standing in the middle of the room in front of his son)
Let me do my job, I don't care that you're the head of the tar sands blockade
I’m going to get the approval of the nation!
The USA is going to be the most powerful nation, if
Obama passes this, then the economy will get better.
Just think straight for once, would you rather die poor, or die a rich man like me?
You know I'm right son, there is nothing in your power that will be able to stop me.
Stop trying to bring up what your mom would say if she were still alive,
she died 6 years ago that’s a long time ago, son.
Just leave her in the past we are in the future now,
and the future is going to bring us wealth and power with
these tar sands.

Do you know how many barrels of oil will be brought to Texas per day????

It would be 510,000 barrels per day can you believe how much money will be made just from one day of drilling it would be millions son!!

Just think straight you could be the son of a very very rich man you will be able to have anything you want.
(Dad opens car door and gets in) `

saving the world even with its issues

I can't believe this is really happening right now.
are they out of there mind.
building a pipeline carrying pure disgusting crude oil is crazy.
the world is already messed up enough and these dumb politicians want to build a dumb pipeline that is going to make the green house house gases in the world sky rocket.
Did they not watch watch my movie the “inconvenient truth” it clearly told them that if they were to do something like this the world would never be able to recuperate.
If I had won the election in 2000 this stuff would not even be talked about

(jams pen on table from anger)

THIS IS ridiculous uhhhhhhhhh I hate george bush so much it was all his fault
that global warming is so bad right now. If Mitt Romney beats obama things are going to get even worse. Romney is going to approve the pipeline immediately after if he wins.
I can't let that happen I’m going to have to do anything in my power to make sure my
sweet planet earth is safe from those blood sucking demons that only care about money and not about the people.

Pipeline Monologue Project

For the 1st quarter, our class was given the Pipeline Monologue Project as our benchmark. For the Project, we had to create several monologues relating to the Keystone XL Pipeline. It could be from any point of view, having to show information about the pipeline and if the main character is for or against it. They each have to have a different personality from each other. There also must be at least one video 
At first, I had trouble writing the monologues, mainly the first one, because I didn't know how to make the readers interested in it. But I have learn how to fix that issue, and revised on my monologues so that they are better quality. My acting in my video isn't the best, but it's still good.I hope you enjoy reading my monologues. 

Monologue Number One: Paranoid

(Bobby Lue is in his cubicle and is already paranoid with his work)
Well, I finished all my work, or did I? I just can’t remember!
Maybe it’s in my email! Or is it? I just don’t know, but I need to check now!
(Turns on the computer, with foot tapping faster each second while also getting more paranoid)
Come on!
(Stop tapping foot)
Can this computer start up any faster, because I really need my work now! Oh man, if I don’t get this work done, I will lose my job; can’t let that happen!
(Takes several deep breath)
I Can't worry, need to keep clam. I already panic last week when I was missing work. Let’s not do the same think again.
(His boss comes; Bobby Lue looks at his boss with some worry)
Oh, hey Mr.Kenny. My name is Bobby Lue, don't you remember? Oh, you do know. Sorry, my memory is not that great. What was I doing a minute ago? Well, I started to get paranoid about my work, then I kind of started to panic. But I will make sure that it won’t happen again.
(Turns to look at computer monitor, and looks back at Mr.Kenny)
Oh, it's ready! Well, I should start working now, need to make sure that I have complete all my work. I don’t want to have any missing work like last time.
(Turns back to computer, and Mr.Kenny leaves)
Ok, let’s look on my email. Hopefully the work I need to get done is there.
(Clicks a few times, until noticing an article on the homepage)
What’s this? The  Keystone XL Pipeline will cause serious health and safety problems? Never heard about the Keystone XL Pipe before. Guess I could read more before I check my email.
(Feeling a bit more worried, he continues to click the article to learn more. Reading out loud in a slow pace)
The Keystone XL Pipeline will be the longest oil pipe ever built, reaching from Canada, all the way to Texas. The pipeline will be able to transport over 500,000 barrels a day, solving the problem for the high demands for oil.
(Talking to self, sounding confused)
It really doesn’t seem to be that bad; looks like a great idea. Then why do they say that it’s so dangerous?
(Continue reading)
But, the pipeline, if built, will create huge problems for the environment and human health.
(Stops reading, noticing that his nearby workers can hear him)
I’m way too loud reading this. I’m better off reading the rest of this is my head.
(Reads in head for a few seconds, growing more paranoid, then stops)
What! That’s unsafe! What would happen if a leak would happen? People will die, that’s what will happen! I can’t just let this pipeline be built, there’s already enough people dying in the world!
(Looks to right and sees his boss again; taking a deep breath)
Crap! He must have heard me. I better get back to my work. I can read more about it later at home. Why do I have to get so paranoid often? Oh well, just focus on the work.
(Looks back at computer and starts his work)

Copy and paste this to see the video:


Monologue Number Two: Protest at DC

(It’s evening, and Officer Martin is in front of the White House, holding a megaphone in front of angry protesters along with several other officers. Officer Martin is standing with an intimidated  posture; having a serious tone of voice along with the look on his face)
Hay Officer Smith!
(Looks at Officer Smith)
Do you have have more of those energy drinks? This might be another all-nighter job. I never seen this much protesters in front of the White House before.
(Lifts up the megaphone to his mouth, faces the protesters and begins talking)
Due to your protesting, you have created many noise complaints, causing citizens’ work to be disrupted. Therefore you have two minutes to pick up your things, and leave! Otherwise you will be arrested and lock up in prison.
(The protesters do not move, only being louder. Officer Martin Puts megaphone down and looks towards the other officers)
Looks like the city’s jails are going to be full; they don’t seem to be moving.
(Looks toward the protesters for a few seconds, noticing the signs they are holding, then looks back at officers again)
All of this protesting appears to be for that pipeline. It will “Destroy the environment” from what I’m seeing right now. I do know a decent amount about the Keystone XL Pipeline, some good things and some bad things. What do you think about it Officer James?
(Waits for Officer James’ response, then talks after he finishes)
It seems that you know your facts about the pipeline. To be honest, i’m not sure to be for or against it, as it could really help the economy and meet oil demands; at the cost of having big impacts that will harm the environment. I just don’t really want to be involved with this, as my job is already a pain enough today.
(Checks watch)
Well, seems that the two minutes are up. I’m surprised that none of them left. They must really not want that pipeline to be built.
(Raises megaphone towards protesters and starts shouting)
Two minutes had passed, and you have still not left the area! Therefore, you will all be arrested!
(Puts megaphone down, and starts walking down the steps with his handcuffs in his hands)
Well, this is going to be a long day.

Monologue Number Three: The Headline

(Dave Thomas is slim, positive person with a loud and clear voice. His job is to write headlines for the New York Times. Scene starts with him opening the front door to a building)
Hay boys! Have you seen the boss? You have? Where? In his office, thanks!
(Starts walking towards the office, but then stops shortly after)
Why do I need to see him? Rick, I have found the perfect headline for the New York Times. It’s not about the New York Giants beating the Eagles, that was heck of a great game though. It’s about the Keystone XL Pipeline they are planning to build. Tons of protesters in front of the White House, and I mean tons! That pipeline, if it’s built, will reach from Canada all the way to Texas. That pipe will be used to transport over half a million barrels of oil each day.
(Waits for a few seconds for Rick to finish talking, nodding head)
Well, you see, these protesters have one simple goal, to prevent that Pipeline from being built in any way possible, non-violently. They have Organizations helping them too. They say that it will ruin the environment faster than we can fix. There’s not one day this month where I hear arguments for and against it.
(Waits for a few seconds once more for Rick to finish talking, nodding head)
I’ll be honest to you Rick, I’m for that pipeline! Why you say? Because we are using way too much oil than we are making. Just look at the traffic outside, not for one minute will that highway outside be clear of cars, ever! We need oil now more than ever!
(Looks at his watch)
Well, that killed some time.
(Looks back up to Rick)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to show the boss the perfect headline I found.
(Starts walking towards the door to the office)
I’ll be glad to talk to you more about it later. In the meantime, wish me luck!
(Opens door to office, walks in, and then closes off stage for 30 seconds. Hand gestures can be seen through the window. He then walks out the door, noticing Rick and talks to him again, feeling slightly disappointed)
Oh Rick, about that conversation with the boss, seems that he’s all for that pipeline being built; doesn’t want my headline to create more protesters. I can’t let that stop me from getting the word out! I’ll just have to find a way. Anyway, lets go have that conversation I promised.
(Walking and exits out of front door with Rick)

Facts and Bibliography:

*Tar sands oil extraction and production emits three times more carbon dioxide than average from production of conventional oil consumed in the United States.
*It takes about three barrels of water to extract one barrel of oil. More than 90 percent of this water, 400 million gallons per day, ends up as toxic waste dumped in massive pools that contain carcinogenic substances like cyanide.

"Tar sands." Friends of the Earth. Friends of the Earth. Web. 15 Oct 2012.

*TransCanada continues to believe in the value of Keystone XL due to the overwhelming support the project has received from American and Canadian producers and U.S. refiners who signed 17 to 18 year contracts to ship over hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day to meet the needs of American consumers.
"Keystone XL Pipeline Project." TransCanada. TransCanada, 26 2012. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html>

*Although expanding and modernizing our Nation's pipeline infrastructure will not lower prices right away, it is a vital part of a sustained strategy to continue to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and enhance our Nation's energy security.
Obama, Barack. "Presidential Memorandum -- Expediting Review of Pipeline Projects from Cushing, Oklahoma, to Port Arthur, Texas, and Other Domestic Pipeline Infrastructure Projects." The White House. Office of the Press Secretary, 22 2012. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/22/presidential-memorandum-expediting-review-pipeline-projects-cushing-okla>.

*Canada, already the No. 1 source of imported oil to the United States, produced 1.5 million barrels a day of synthetic crude from oil sands in 2010 and hopes to expand that to 2.2 million barrels a day in 2015 and 3.7 million barrels a day by 2025.
*Keystone XL will carry a coarse mixture that includes bitumen drawn from the oil sands of Alberta. Environmental groups have long contended that oil sands crude is more corrosive to pipelines and more difficult to clean when spilled.
*At TransCanada’s recommendation, the department hired Cardno Entrix, an environmental contractor based in Houston, even though it had previously worked on projects with TransCanada and describes the pipeline company as a “major client” in its marketing materials.
"Keystone XL Pipeline." New York Times 22 3 2012, n. pag. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html?8qa >

Pipeline monologue project

​I wrote all three of these monologues so I can expand my mind and think about how inanimate objects or how little kids would feel. I didn't want to go the obvious route and pick a senator or a president or what not. I also tried to put in more facts into my monologues so that people can know more about the projects and the monologue won't be so focused around the main character. 
The Key-stone worm infection

*Shake and cough in a bed*

Damn! (coughing)


*Say it in a sarcastic way*


(Takes her pills)

Ah that’s better...

Throw in some more cold rainstorms,rainstorms, snow storms, or something! I don’t feel so good.

I know something is wrong with me, I’m not stupid.

*Say it in a sarcastic way and begin to look up “Ways to shut up a nurse on google”*


And a Key-stone worm?...What the heck is that? No no I don’t wanna hear the whole story. Just give me basics. kay..hm...okay its a worm...3 months old..mhm okay...Made of metal...mhm... speed the dying process. Speed the dying process? What do you mean?  The infection can’t be stopped! Well, I shouldn’t be surprised... I am dying.

I’ll never get better will I?

No? Well, I guess that’s why I’m in the intergalactic hospice. I was hoping to die in happiness. But uh, I came to realize that your pamhlet is pretty full of it “Best comfort in the galaxy” my ass.

How can I not be depressed?

Happy? What the heck is there to be happy about?

*Say it in a sarcastic way*

Because I’m living? Okay so... I’m living, I’m in a hospice, I can’t see my husband and kids and you want me to be HAPPY? Well I might as well just dance on my own grave marsha!

No, I’m not getting mad at you. I’m just dying ya know?.

Hand me my galaxy phone please. Oh, its in the drawer? oh okay.

*Picks up the phone and sound sickly*

Hello? Mars! Hey babe.

No, They said I had a worm. Called a Key-stone.

Yeah, It’s some sort of pipline. It’s a baby, only half grown about 3 months.

The doctor said once it matures it’ll be pumping 900,000 of oil a day. Yes honey, I know I know, hopefully it won’t be soon okay?

My immune system is getting worse honey, some of my cells are trying to stop it but they’re too weak. Not even the moon nurse can help me.

The Doctor said, if the pipline is fully mature and that I would die for sure.

I miss you too! I can’t wait to see you during visiting hours. Also, stay away from jupiter. I know she’s been eying you ever since they put me in here. Put Venus on the phone for me please.

Honey don’t cry okay? Baby, listen to me okay? My ice is melting, I’m getting hotter, my carbon levels are up. It was inevitable. In the case that I should go, take care of little baby mercury for me okay?

Don’t blame God either. My cells aren’t aware of the harm they’re causing me.

Meanwhile in the tarsands...

*sounds all cheery and excited (sound like a beverly hills blonde *Sounds stereotypical*)


Jenny, told jenna, that told rodrick, that told john, that told gabriella, who told mark, who told me that we’re like TOTALLY taking a trip down to America.

We are cruisin in a shiny pipeline in 900,000 thousand barrels a day! Oh I can like, see it now! We’ll be used in the best cars! Feraris, mercedes, and a Lexus!

I know right? Who do these space ship losers think they are? Trying to steal the spotlight away from mel. Trying to stop us from coming over! Ugh! It’s just SOOO annoying!

OMG I know right? Like, now its my time. Forget the earth, I’m WAY too important. I’ll be the main reason why all of those humans have jobs and I’ll help America back on its feet!

OMG YEEEEES! Can’t you just imagine it Rosey? Hot dudes digging us up and travel down the brand new pipeline like VIP!

What ever.



*tugs on his pant leg*

Whats a pipeline?

Because everytime Daddy talks about it he gets happy cuz’ he owns the oils

REALLY? How much does it bring?

900,000 barrels! THAT’S alot of barrels!

No mommy, I’m not hungry, I’m talking with my friend

Kurosaki, from next door.

Sorry *cuddle onto his leg and look up* isn’t this good though? Because now momma can stop cryin everytime she sees the pwices!

What do you mean?

Just because mommy cries doesn’t mean it’s bad. Daddy just smacks her and tells her to suck it up because it’ll bring in more money for us.

Because he says women oughta be taught their place.

Momma said she wants a dee-vorce but I don’t know what that is.

She says if Daddy builds it then she’s gettin a dee-vorce

She says because Daddy is a bad man. Because they’re teawing down twees in Amewica. Mommy even showed me a website dat shows me ower time how much land has been torn!

*stands back and backs away*

What do you mean MY daddy is a bad man! He’s not! He even bought me a Gyoza maker, it may be the only thing he bought me but he’s not bad!

NO HE WON’T KILL ALL OF US! Global warming is a myth!

*Whine very VERY loudly*


Pwease tell Kurosaki that the pipeline does not boost Cawbin levelz and oil

spills. And that we’ll be fine!

Thanks Daddy! Now can we go to the park?

But DADDY! What do you mean they tore it down? FOR THE PIPELINE?


Appendix  (quotes above sources)

"Global warming? Wow Rosey, don’t be such a LOSER! Everyone knows that the science dudes just make that stuff up to get all famous."

1. http://ostseis.anl.gov/guide/tarsands/index.cfm

"Take care of little baby mercury for me okay?"

2. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa=N&biw=1264&bih=587&tbm=isch&tbnid=HUvEe5NB8gC5cM:&imgrefurl=http://earthsky.org/space/ten-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-solar-system&docid=2nGNnylnbigRoM&imgurl=http://en.es-static.us/upl/2011/02/solar_system.jpg&w=600&h=328&ei=3FV9UO_cN4WR0QG4zoGwBA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=7&sig=107734826763078348713&page=1&tbnh=129&tbnw=249&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:83&tx=88&ty=83

"I’m getting hotter, my carbon levels are up. It was inevitable."

"Pwease tell Kurosaki that the pipeline does not boost Cawbin levelz and oil spills. And that we’ll be fine!"

3. http://www.foe.org/projects/climate-and-energy/tar-sands/keystone-xl-pipeline

"I’ll be the main reason why all of those humans have jobs and I’ll help America back on its feet!"

4. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html

"900,000 barrels! THAT’S alot of barrels!"

5. http://www.nwf.org/Global-Warming/Policy-Solutions/Drilling-and-Mining/Tar-Sands/Keystone-XL-Pipeline.aspx

"We’ll be used in the best cars! Feraris, mercedes, and a Lexus!"

6. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/keystone-xl-pipeline-creates-sticking-point-in-us-canada-trade-relations/2012/07/06/gJQAxcrtRW_story.html

"About Tar Sands." N.p., n.d. Web.

"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1>.

"Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.foe.org/projects/climate-and-energy/tar-sands/keystone-xl-pipeline>.

"Keystone XL Pipeline." Keystone XL. N.p., 16 Oct. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html>.

"Global Warming." National Wildlife Federation. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.nwf.org/Global-Warming/Policy-Solutions/Drilling-and-Mining/Tar-Sands/Keystone-XL-Pipeline.aspx>.

Mufson, Steven. "Keystone XL Pipeline Would Add Link in U.S.-Canada Trade Relations." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 08 July 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/keystone-xl-pipeline-creates-sticking-point-in-us-canada-trade-relations/2012/07/06/gJQAxcrtRW_story.html>.

Keystone Pipeline Monologues

          In my World History class, we have been learning about big world issues and how they affect certain people and different environments. The Keystone Pipeline is something we are currently talking about. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the keystone pipeline and the controversy surrounding, it is basically a Pipeline that the United States government is trying to run from the Tarsands in Canada to the oil reserves in Texas. There are a lot of people who are pro Pipeline because they believe it is a resourceful way to save money, and a lot of people are con Pipeline because they believe the long term affects will ruin the ecosystem. This lesson was all about getting in the heads several different people with several different points of view and seeing how they think. As you go on, you will read 3 monologues I have written about the Keystone Pipeline, I was able to place myself in different characters minds and write on how the Pipeline would affect them personally. I hope by the end you will be able to do the same. Enjoy :)
Monologue # 1. GoodBye Ranch.

    What is it son? ..Slow down, slow down. They’re what? Who told you..? Okay, okay, daddy will take care of it. Now go get your sister from the barn its almost grazing time.
(Big Mac turns his bag on the little boy, and starts pacing around.. he turns around suddenly..)
I said i’ll take care of it, Oh.. sorry i thought you were, T-bone.. No no, everything is fine.. (listens to the wife, puts his hooves up to his face) I’m telling you nothings wrong. Why do you keep trying to press the issue. There is absolutely nothing going on, that I can’t take care of. They call me Big Mac for a reason, I handles the issues, it’s fine.. (Big Mac sighs and motions towards Cleo to have a seat,You know me too well.. Sit Down, we dont have much time to talk.. the kids will be back soon to graze. T-bone came in here not too long ago and said he overheard the farmer talking about a trade.. Honey, no no shhh.. shhh, its okay its okay.. (Big Mac puts his head in his hooves) Dammit Cleo i’m going to need you to get a grip. We can’t let the kids see us getting worked up, they’ll get scared.

The Farmer is thinking of selling us.. because he wants to sell the land, to the government ofcourse, so they can build some dipthe vine or something or other, something like that..Yea, yes! That! A Pipeline.. whatever in Sams Hell that is. How’d you know? I should’ve known the hens overheard something. They’re always sticking their feathers in places that it has no business in. we’ll take care of it dont worry. (Big Mac sighs and moves to the fare left hand side of the stage.. he looks out into the pasture.)

Pipeline Monologue Project

I. Introduction

The Keystone XL Pipeline has been the main topic of the first quater in my World History class. We started off with basic researching, finding out about the people who wanted it stopped so badly they would sleep in trees to the fact that Obama has approved some of it but not all of it. We discovered arguments for or against it and everyone slowly came to their own conclusion of wether it was right or wrong. Then once we were all firmly on our own side we were told to write monologues from different perspectives. That was the hard part, trying to think the way someone else would, trying to see why they would or wouldn't want the pipeline to be completed. I chose some people who were similar to myself because they weren't so sure one way or the other. I also chose a worker who was all for it because it meant a new job and a new house. It was hard at first but once you got into the proper mindset everything seemed to flow. In the following you will see a sample to a truly infinite number of opinions. 

II. Monologues

IIa. The Indigenous Runaway

(Kneeling in front of suitcase, calls out) “Yes mom!” God, she’s so annoying of course I’m packing. She thinks I want to -, “In a second mom! I’m packing!” god I can’t wait to get out of this hell hole. To get away from her. “MOM STOP NAGGING! COME IN HERE IF YOU THINK I’M NOT PACKING!” (pause) Aww shit, “No, mom, I’m sorry. No mom don’t cry.” Ugh. (Slams suitcase) 

She always does this. I don’t get why she’s so upset. It’s not easy living here. We finally have an excuse to leave but I seem to be the only one who sees it. That’s why I’m leaving tonight, not tomorrow, with the group, tonight. I can’t wait any longer, (re-opens suitcase) “Hey Mom! (pause) Yeah! I know I’m still sorry. Where’s my sock? (pause) Why are you crying?! IT’S A SOCK MOM CALM DOWN!” 

I guess she has a point. I mean I never really did think about why we’re leaving. That fucking pipeline. I don’t even know what it’s about, just that there’s oil and it’s coming from here.  So we gotta leave. It’s dumb really. I don’t even get the idea of transporting that much oil. Like why? Especially if it’s causing this many people this much pain. That’s all. It’s killing my family and I don’t want that to happen but.... (Closes suitcase), “MOM! (pause) No sorry I’ll stop.” I start thinking like her and then she goes and says something like that. Thanks mom, glad I’m annoying and ask too many questions. Shit though, she’s gonna make so hard to run away. Shit brain, I don’t want to see that. She’s gonna cry isn’t she, she’s gonna cry hard. 

She shouldn’t. I’m not worth it, and this is my only chance. I may never be allowed to leave again but, (pause) well I’m taking advantage of a bad situation. It’s not a good thing. At least, that’s what they told me. It just runs through everything and chops down everything. That’s what papa told me. That those other men just cut down all the trees so they can get all the oil out of the ground to use to drive their cars. I probably.... shouldn’t.... use that to run away but, but, but, I have to get out of here. No matter what.  “MOM! ONE LAST QUESTION! (pause) Please mom? (pause) Would you kill me if I ran away?”

IIb. One In Thousands

Not many people know that my “kind”, the sensors exist in the pipeline but the people that do think that we are like superstars. (One sided conversation)“Pleaseee!!! Just shut up.” (Sigh) “Momma, stop yelling at me!” I should have never said anything. “Am I even your daughter? (Pause) “Then why are you yelling at me? I just...wanted to express my feelings towards our new home. I don’t like it. Is that wrong?” (Pause) (Roll her eyes) “I don’t care if we all need a new job. (Hand gestures)There’s plenty of jobs out there that won’t have such high expectations of us.”

(Pause)(Sound apologetic) “No, no. That’s not what I mean. I didn’t...” (Pause) Mom! I’m sorry. I’m not saying that you aren’t good enough. It’s just that, I’m just afraid that if we fail... you know. What will happen to us? The company already put in a lot of good words for us and made us sound amazing and if we made a mistake...all the other sensors will blame us. And not just them but everyone else also. Mom...don’t walk away, please...” (Sigh) “Dad.. where are you going? I just..” Great just great. My parents are having another “deep” conversation. I guess, I’ll just take a walk around the neighborhood.

(Stare to the right)Look at those kids. Laughing and playing without a worry in their mind. Little do they know what they are going to grow up having to deal with. All 16,000 sensors will have to go through years of pain and hate. The company? They don’t care about us. They only think about themselves and money. Greedy people. If something goes wrong, they’ll just blame us. “Oh, there’s something wrong with our sensors.” Pathetic. Why is it that I’m the only one that could see that we shouldn’t be here?

I always knew I was different. Ever since I was little, I would express my feelings and if I disagreed with something, I would tell people why. Suddenly, one of the kids starts to brag about how awesome they are. I can’t stand it anymore. I had to talk to them. “Are you guys not scared of working here?”

(Pause) “Of course I am. You guys won’t ever understand why.” (Pause) They’re laughing at me. I’m not going to waste my time explaining to them. No one ever listens. “Hey, don’t tell me to get lost.” (Pause) “SHUT THE HELL UP!” Gosh, they are so rude. Wait..get lost? Why not? That’s a brilliant idea. If I don’t wanna stay here, I don’t have to. I’ll make it. Find a new place to stay or even go back to our old home.

(Rrrrrring...) “Hello? Oh hey aunt Sally. What’s up?” (Pause) “Really?? Mom and dad would definitely be okay with it. Nooo, you don’t have to talk to them. I’m sure they’ll let me go. Okay, see you soon. (Hangs up phone and throws it away) Bye bye pipeline.

IIc. Be Like a Tree and "Leaf"

(Holding arms straight at sides, look tired eyes nearly closed)

“Ahhh the forest, so peaceful. So quiet. So... so.. lonely.” (pause) “Jimmy shut up. I wasn’t talking to you. Yeah I know you’re ‘always there for me.’ Trust me, I can tell when you’re branches come flying into me. You don’t have a choice.” (pause) “I didn’t mean anything by it. Just that I’m kind of bored. Ooooh look people, Jimmy shut up.” 

Who are they? Wait, what was that they just said? Pipeline what’s that? Oil? Oh is that what that taste has been. I hope they get it out. OH GOODY THAT’S THEIR PLAN! (pause twiddle thumbs) Wait hold on, what was that? Cut down all the trees? Hold on.. Wait. Cut down? I mean- well- It’d be different scenery. Well, no scenery. Doesn’t sound so bad I guess. It’d be quieter. Actually, it sounds great. (smile) I never noticed that this is what I wanted. (frown) But it all makes sense now. Wait hold on, but the rest of the forest, and the people- the natives. They’ll all have to leave, everyone else will get cut down. 

Oh thank god they're gone, “Jimmy (pause) Yeah I know. (pause) Is it bad that I want- Is that what they said, 1700 miles long? That’s really long.” I’m not that important but if they don’t cut me down I could be here for another hundred years! I can’t last 100 years with Jimmy. I just can’t. Not that I really have a choice. I just feel like I need to have a side, “Hey Jimmy (pause) Wait I’ll ask in a second, more people are coming,” It’s the natives. (listening) Did he just say that this pipeline thingy thing would run through the aquifer? That’s not- that’s not okay. But gosh what it would be like not to have to live here anymore. Not to have to carry these branches or taste the oily water through my roots day after day after day. Wait hold on, spills? What kind of spills are they talking about? Wait like, like the oil here? Other plants, maybe even animals are gonna have to taste this? 

That’s, not good. I don’t want other people to go through this. I don’t think I have a choice in sides. Oh and there go the natives. At least I have time- well maybe not. More people.. What is that their carrying? It looks like, ladders? A little ironic of them to be carrying wooden ladders. You know through a forest and all. Ow! Get off!! (flinch arm) No one said you could do that. Why the hell are you climbing up there? That’s my branch! (Glare at arm) Excuse you! Holy shit how many of you are coming. No, no let’s stop there. Oh, oh yeah, no let’s not kick the ladder down either. Ohh kay then. Guess we’re hanging out then huh. Guess my side has been chosen, pipelines are bad... apparently.

IId. Spinning Slowly

(Surprised)(Look over to the left shoulder) “WHAT??? YOU WANT ME TO DESTROY THE HUMANS? SAM, YOU MUST BE CRAZY!!!” (Pause)(Look over to right shoulder) “What do you think, Sammy?... Okay! (Angry) NEVER MIND. STOP FIGHTING!! (Sigh) (Cover ears) Will both of you just go away? (Whining) Please.. I need time to think on my own so would you please do me a favor and leave?” (Sigh) 

(Frown and sound disappointed) What’s the point? Telling them to go away is the same as telling myself to go away. (Look straight ahead) Have you guys ever had that weird feeling...when you hear tiny voices inside you, that keep on telling you things? Oh, right it’s call your conscious. Well, I have 2 of them and they do not like each other. And when I say that they don’t like each other, (Slowly and out a lot of emphasis on the word “hate)I mean they absolutely hate each other. Sometimes I wonder how they both could be inside of me without destroying me. But that’s not what I should be worrying about. Well....at least for now. 

For such a long time now, I’ve been very stressed and it’s all because of ruthless humans. If they could hear me, I would ask them why. Just why are they still trying to destroy me. I have given them a shelter for many, many years now and they just don’t seem to care about me. That pipeline is going to harm me and all living organisms on the planet. But they don’t care. (Look and sound evil) Maybe Sam is right. If I destroy them all, then I would be a much happier planet. I could live like all the other planets. It would work. (Trying to sound convincing) Yeah, I mean if they don’t care about me, then I don’t have to care about them right? I could drown them all and that’s what I’m going to do. (Sigh) (Frown and sound disappointed) Ahhh, but I... can’t. I want to do it but Sammy also has a good point. I could wait and just watch them slowly destroy themselves. (Sigh) I guess I’m just not heartless. I can’t do it. I won’t do it... well at least not now.

IIe. A Brand New Job

(Standing stage right as if just got home) “Shut up!” (storm stage left and lift two bundles out of cradle) “You’re always crying.” (begin to rock bundles) “I guess I would be too. Living in this house” (walk to seat stage right, sit) “But don’t worry sweeties (smile) I got a job now. That’s right (pride) you’re big ol’ dad went and got himself a job. A good job too, pay me good and keep my mind off things. Awww don’t worry Lil, (stop rocking one child) Mama will be home with you. Mama works at night. That’s right. She gets to play and I gets to sleep. 

Oh but let daddy tell you about this new job. (stop rocking both kids, hold out) Daddy’s building a pipeline, that’s right. For all the oil way up here in Canada to get all the way down to Texas. Probably the longest pipeline in history. I don’t start just yet. Got to get the okay from the big man down south. (pause) That’s right Lil, Obama. He ain’t approved it yet but I don’t know why he wouldn’t. It’s a damn good thing for them to get the oil from us, they don’t need nobody elses. Anyways its cheaper up here. And you know what the man who hired me said. He say that the pipeline gonna lower gas prices. Mmmmmhhhhmmm. I mean, I heard some rumor that this oil is tons dirtier but rumors are rumors. (Sad, worried) But der sure are a whole lotta rumors. People keep sayin’ it’ll spill or that it’s all corruption. (Smile) But ne’er mind all that.

Awwwww babies why you gotta start crying again? It’s a good thing! Daddy gonna get us some real money, to buy a real house. That’s right, (begins to rock again) We gonna get ourselves outta here right when that pipelines through and we gonna get ourselves down to the U S of A. Aww yeah that’s right Joe, you stop crying cause you know things gonna get better 

(pause calls out) Naw honey! I ain’t talking to the kids again. (pause) Aw shit Bertha, you make it sound like I’m crazy when you know I ain’t (pause) They were crying is all I was tryin’ to comfort ‘em. (pause) Ain’t no reason for you to be all snippy. (pause) Now hold up! I went and got myself a new job just today so you ain’t got no right to keep callin’ me that! I ain’t lazy anyways. (pause) I know it don’- (pause) 

Aww shucks sweetie I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you or nothing. (puts babies down) Aww girl you know I love you. (pause) Yeah I know. (pause) I could drive you if you want. (pause) The twins will be fine. (pause) Alright, you almost ready? (pause) Mhm yeah I can wait.(from here on out move more freely sits down puts feet up reaches for remote, clicks on t.v.) Naw I don’t want to listen to the news right now, let’s find a show huh kids? (looks to the left, smiles clicks remote a few more times) Oh look here’s that show you guys love, Curious george is it? Nah. Oh you ready? (pause) Alright lemme just grab the kids. (pause) Yeah, I know. (pause) Hey sweety (short pause) I’m sorry I got a little angry with you. (Stands taps pocket as if checking for keys walks stage left, picks up kids, one in each arm, waits, walks off screen stage right).

III. Apendix

1. The pipeline would run through the biggest aquifer in America. An aquifer is a source of clean drinking water. (PBS Newshour)

2. In the course of building this pipeline over 400 protestors were arrested. People feel really strongly about this. (PBS Newshour)

3. People keep saying that it will create jobs but it won't actually create that many and once it's done being built the jobs it did create will end. (The Undead Pipeline)

4. Pipeline are the safest way to get oil from one place to another and America needs oil (PBS Newshour)

5. The pipeline in total would cost more the $7 million dollars. It would be an extreme cost for the United States. (PBS Newshour)

6. The Keystone XL Pipeline would make america less stable on foreign countries regimes (Keystone XL Pipeline)

Works Cited

"Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.foe.org/projects/climate-and-energy/tar-sands/keystone-xl-pipeline>.

"The Undead Pipeline Returns." YES! Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.yesmagazine.org/blogs/madeline-ostrander/the-undead-pipeline>.

"Video: Tar Sands Pipeline Plan Renews Energy vs. Environment Debate | Watch PBS NewsHour Online | PBS Video." PBS.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://video.pbs.org/video/2110582932/>.

SLA Movie/Dance Night!

For the first time ever SLA will be holding a movie night and dance on the same night!

The movie night will be held from 5pm until 7pm on October 26th. Tickets are $5. We will be playing The Sixth Sense, Hocus Pocus, Easy A, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and The Grudge. All proceeds will go to the Dominican Republic Trip!!!

As for the dance t
ickets are 5 dollars in advance and 7 dollars at the door. The dance will be held from 7pm until 10pm on October 26th! When purchasing tickets at the door, make sure every member of your group has their school ID.

Combination tickets(movies and dance tickets) will only be sold Wednesday through Friday (Oct. 17th-19th). These tickets will only be $9!!! Get the special before it is too late!

Any questions see Adam, Allison, Mecca, Zac, or Amani.

Pipeline Monologue Project

Over the past couple weeks, I learned about the Keystone XL Pipeline in my World History class. The Keystone XL Pipeline is a project that the company, TransCanada is trying to complete. This pipeline will be 1700 miles long and is estimated to carry 800,000 barrels of oil a day. While learning about it, I noticed that there were many different perspectives about the pipeline. There are people who thought it would be good, people who thought it would be bad and even people who do not care at all. We were assigned to write a 3-5 monologues. I worked with a partner for this project and we tried to make our monologues have many different perspectives, not just from people's perspective but of objects also. We tried to put ourselves in the position of these people and objects. Overall, I learned that we can not just look at something from one perspective but we have to look at it from many so that we could have a better understanding. I hope that after you read these monologue, you will realize the other perspectives of the pipeline. 
Monologue #1: The Indigenous Runaway

(Kneeling in front of suitcase, calls out) “Yes mom!” God, she’s so annoying of course I’m packing. She thinks I want to -, “In a second mom! I’m packing!” god I can’t wait to get out of this hell hole. To get away from her. “MOM STOP NAGGING! COME IN HERE IF YOU THINK I’M NOT PACKING!” (pause) Aww shit, “No, mom, I’m sorry. No mom don’t cry.” Ugh. (Slams suitcase)

She always does this. I don’t get why she’s so upset. It’s not easy living here. We finally have an excuse to leave but I seem to be the only one who sees it. That’s why I’m leaving tonight, not tomorrow, with the group, tonight. I can’t wait any longer, (re-opens suitcase) “Hey Mom! (pause) Yeah! I know I’m still sorry. Where’s my sock? (pause) Why are you crying?! IT’S A SOCK MOM CALM DOWN!”

I guess she has a point. I mean I never really did think about why we’re leaving. That fucking pipeline. I don’t even know what it’s about, just that there’s oil and it’s coming from here.  So we gotta leave. It’s dumb really. I don’t even get the idea of transporting that much oil. Like why? Especially if it’s causing this many people this much pain. That’s all. It’s killing my family and I don’t want that to happen but.... (Closes suitcase), “MOM! (pause) No sorry I’ll stop.” I start thinking like her and then she goes and says something like that. Thanks mom, glad I’m annoying and ask too many questions. Shit though, she’s gonna make so hard to run away. Shit brain, I don’t want to see that. She’s gonna cry isn’t she, she’s gonna cry hard.

She shouldn’t. I’m not worth it, and this is my only chance. I may never be allowed to leave again but, (pause) well I’m taking advantage of a bad situation. It’s not a good thing. At least, that’s what they told me. It just runs through everything and chops down everything. That’s what papa told me. That those other men just cut down all the trees so they can get all the oil out of the ground to use to drive their cars. I probably.... shouldn’t.... use that to run away but, but, but, I have to get out of here. No matter what.  “MOM! ONE LAST QUESTION! (pause) Please mom? (pause) Would you kill me if I ran away?”

Monologue #2: One In Thousands

(Sitting down, Annoyed)Not many people know that my “kind”, the sensors exist in the pipeline but the people that do think that we are like superstars. (One sided conversation)“Pleaseee!!! Just shut up.” (Sigh) “Momma, stop yelling at me!” I should have never said anything. “Am I even your daughter? (Pause) “Then why are you yelling at me? I just...wanted to express my feelings towards our new home. I don’t like it. Is that wrong?” (Pause) (Roll her eyes) “I don’t care if we all need a new job. (Hand gestures)There’s plenty of jobs out there that won’t have such high expectations of us.”

(Pause)(Sound apologetic) “No, no. That’s not what I mean. I didn’t...” (Pause) Mom! I’m sorry. I’m not saying that you aren’t good enough. It’s just that, I’m just afraid that if we fail... you know. What will happen to us? The company already put in a lot of good words for us and made us sound amazing and if we made a mistake...all the other sensors will blame us. And not just them but everyone else also. Mom...don’t walk away, please...” (Sigh) “Dad.. where are you going? I just..” Great just great. My parents are having another “deep” conversation. I guess, I’ll just take a walk around the neighborhood.

(Stare to the right)Look at those kids. Laughing and playing without a worry in their mind. Little do they know what they are going to grow up having to deal with. All 16,000 sensors will have to go through years of pain and hate. The company? They don’t care about us. They only think about themselves and money. Greedy people. If something goes wrong, they’ll just blame us. “Oh, there’s something wrong with our sensors.” Pathetic. Why is it that I’m the only one that could see that we shouldn’t be here?

I always knew I was different. Ever since I was little, I would express my feelings and if I disagreed with something, I would tell people why. Suddenly, one of the kids starts to brag about how awesome they are. I can’t stand it anymore. I had to talk to them. “Are you guys not scared of working here?”

(Pause) “Of course I am. You guys won’t ever understand why.” (Pause) They’re laughing at me. I’m not going to waste my time explaining to them. No one ever listens. “Hey, don’t tell me to get lost.” (Pause) “SHUT THE HELL UP!” Gosh, they are so rude. Wait..get lost? Why not? That’s a brilliant idea. If I don’t wanna stay here, I don’t have to. I’ll make it. Find a new place to stay or even go back to our old home.

(Rrrrrring...) “Hello? Oh hey aunt Sally. What’s up?” (Pause) “Really?? Mom and dad would definitely be okay with it. Nooo, you don’t have to talk to them. I’m sure they’ll let me go. Okay, see you soon. (Hangs up phone and throws it away) Bye bye pipeline.

Monologue #3: Be Like a Tree and 'Leaf'

(Holding arms straight at sides, look tired eyes nearly closed)

“Ahhh the forest, so peaceful. So quiet. So... so.. lonely.” (pause) “Jimmy shut up. I wasn’t talking to you. Yeah I know you’re ‘always there for me.’ Trust me, I can tell when you’re branches come flying into me. You don’t have a choice.” (pause) “I didn’t mean anything by it. Just that I’m kind of bored. Ooooh look people, Jimmy shut up.”

Who are they? Wait, what was that they just said? Pipeline what’s that? Oil? Oh is that what that taste has been. I hope they get it out. OH GOODY THAT’S THEIR PLAN! (pause twiddle thumbs) Wait hold on, what was that? Cut down all the trees? Hold on.. Wait. Cut down? I mean- well- It’d be different scenery. Well, no scenery. Doesn’t sound so bad I guess. It’d be quieter. Actually, it sounds great. (smile) I never noticed that this is what I wanted. (frown) But it all makes sense now. Wait hold on, but the rest of the forest, and the people- the natives. They’ll all have to leave, everyone else will get cut down.

Oh thank god they're gone, “Jimmy (pause) Yeah I know. (pause) Is it bad that I want- Is that what they said, 1700 miles long? That’s really long.” I’m not that important but if they don’t cut me down I could be here for another hundred years! I can’t last 100 years with Jimmy. I just can’t. Not that I really have a choice. I just feel like I need to have a side, “Hey Jimmy (pause) Wait I’ll ask in a second, more people are coming,” It’s the natives. (listening) Did he just say that this pipeline thingy thing would run through the aquifer? That’s not- that’s not okay. But gosh what it would be like not to have to live here anymore. Not to have to carry these branches or taste the oily water through my roots day after day after day. Wait hold on, spills? What kind of spills are they talking about? Wait like, like the oil here? Other plants, maybe even animals are gonna have to taste this?

That’s, not good. I don’t want other people to go through this. I don’t think I have a choice in sides. Oh and there go the natives. At least I have time- well maybe not. More people.. What is that their carrying? It looks like, ladders? A little ironic of them to be carrying wooden ladders. You know through a forest and all. Ow! Get off!! (flinch arm) No one said you could do that. Why the hell are you climbing up there? That’s my branch! (Glare at arm) Excuse you! Holy shit how many of you are coming. No, no let’s stop there. Oh, oh yeah, no let’s not kick the ladder down either. Ohh kay then. Guess we’re hanging out then huh. Guess my side has been chosen, pipelines are bad... apparently.

​Monologue #4: Spinning Slowly

(Surprised)(Look over to the left shoulder) “WHAT??? YOU WANT ME TO DESTROY THE HUMANS? SAM, YOU MUST BE CRAZY!!!” (Pause)(Look over to right shoulder) “What do you think, Sammy?... Okay! (Angry) NEVER MIND. STOP FIGHTING!! (Sigh) (Cover ears) Will both of you just go away? (Whining) Please.. I need time to think on my own so would you please do me a favor and leave?” (Sigh)

(Frown and sound disappointed) What’s the point? Telling them to go away is the same as telling myself to go away. (Look straight ahead) Have you guys ever had that weird feeling...when you hear tiny voices inside you, that keep on telling you things? Oh, right it’s call your conscious. Well, I have 2 of them and they do not like each other. And when I say that they don’t like each other, (Slowly and out a lot of emphasis on the word “hate)I mean they absolutely hate each other. Sometimes I wonder how they both could be inside of me without destroying me. But that’s not what I should be worrying about. Well....at least for now.

For such a long time now, I’ve been very stressed and it’s all because of ruthless humans. If they could hear me, I would ask them why. Just why are they still trying to destroy me. I have given them a shelter for many, many years now and they just don’t seem to care about me. That pipeline is going to harm me and all living organisms on the planet. But they don’t care. (Look and sound evil) Maybe Sam is right. If I destroy them all, then I would be a much happier planet. I could live like all the other planets. It would work. (Trying to sound convincing) Yeah, I mean if they don’t care about me, then I don’t have to care about them right? I could drown them all and that’s what I’m going to do. (Sigh) (Frown and sound disappointed) Ahhh, but I... can’t. I want to do it but Sammy also has a good point. I could wait and just watch them slowly destroy themselves. (Sigh) I guess I’m just not heartless. I can’t do it. I won’t do it... well at least not now.

​Monologue #5: A Brand New Job

(Standing stage right as if just got home) “Shut up!” (storm stage left and lift two bundles out of cradle) “You’re always crying.” (begin to rock bundles) “I guess I would be too. Living in this house” (walk to seat stage right, sit) “But don’t worry sweeties (smile) I got a job now. That’s right (pride) you’re big ol’ dad went and got himself a job. A good job too, pay me good and keep my mind off things. Awww don’t worry Lil, (stop rocking one child) Mama will be home with you. Mama works at night. That’s right. She gets to play and I gets to sleep.

Oh but let daddy tell you about this new job. (stop rocking both kids, hold out) Daddy’s building a pipeline, that’s right. For all the oil way up here in Canada to get all the way down to Texas. Probably the longest pipeline in history. I don’t start just yet. Got to get the okay from the big man down south. (pause) That’s right Lil, Obama. He ain’t approved it yet but I don’t know why he wouldn’t. It’s a damn good thing for them to get the oil from us, they don’t need nobody elses. Anyways its cheaper up here. And you know what the man who hired me said. He say that the pipeline gonna lower gas prices. Mmmmmhhhhmmm. I mean, I heard some rumor that this oil is tons dirtier but rumors are rumors. (Sad, worried) But der sure are a whole lotta rumors. People keep sayin’ it’ll spill or that it’s all corruption. (Smile) But ne’er mind all that.

Awwwww babies why you gotta start crying again? It’s a good thing! Daddy gonna get us some real money, to buy a real house. That’s right, (begins to rock again) We gonna get ourselves outta here right when that pipelines through and we gonna get ourselves down to the U S of A. Aww yeah that’s right Joe, you stop crying cause you know things gonna get better

(pause calls out) Naw honey! I ain’t talking to the kids again. (pause) Aw shit Bertha, you make it sound like I’m crazy when you know I ain’t (pause) They were crying is all I was tryin’ to comfort ‘em. (pause) Ain’t no reason for you to be all snippy. (pause) Now hold up! I went and got myself a new job just today so you ain’t got no right to keep callin’ me that! I ain’t lazy anyways. (pause) I know it don’- (pause)

Aww shucks sweetie I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you or nothing. (puts babies down) Aww girl you know I love you. (pause) Yeah I know. (pause) I could drive you if you want. (pause) The twins will be fine. (pause) Alright, you almost ready? (pause) Mhm yeah I can wait.(from here on out move more freely sits down puts feet up reaches for remote, clicks on t.v.) Naw I don’t want to listen to the news right now, let’s find a show huh kids? (looks to the left, smiles clicks remote a few more times) Oh look here’s that show you guys love, Curious george is it? Nah. Oh you ready? (pause) Alright lemme just grab the kids. (pause) Yeah, I know. (pause) Hey sweety (short pause) I’m sorry I got a little angry with you. (Stands taps pocket as if checking for keys walks stage left, picks up kids, one in each arm, waits, walks off screen stage right).


1. We’re running this pipeline right over the biggest freshwater source (Aquifer) on our continent. (PBS Newshour)

2. The U.S. CO2 emissions have gone down and other countries have increased therefore the problem is not the U.S. but are the other countries. (PBS Newshour)

3. It is the cheapest, most effective and safest way for transportation of natural gas and oil is by pipeline. (PBS Newshour)

4. It would destroy the life and livelihood of family farmers throughout the midwest. (PBS Newshour)

5. It will be carrying the dirtiest oil on the planet. (Canadian Broadcast Corporation: Keystone Pipeline)

6. The company claims that the new route will bypass the environmentally section of Nebraska. (The Undead Pipeline Returns)

"Video: Tar Sands Pipeline Plan Renews Energy vs. Environment Debate | Watch PBS NewsHour Online | PBS Video." PBS.org. PBS Video, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://video.pbs.org/video/2110582932>

"Video: Environment, Economy at Heart of Keystone XL Pipeline Debate | Watch PBS NewsHour Online | PBS Video." PBS.org. PBS Video, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://video.pbs.org/video/2151198168>

Davison, Janet. "The Keystone Debate: Forget the Pipeline, This Is about the Oilsands."CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 26 Sept. 2011. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2011/09/23/f-keystone-xl-pipeline-oilsands.html>

- Ostrander, Madeline. "The Undead Pipeline Returns." YES! Magazine. N.p., 29 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.yesmagazine.org/blogs/madeline-ostrander/the-undead-pipeline>

SLA Dance!

Attention SLA Students, 

SLA Dance tickets are on sale now!! Representatives will be walking around selling tickets during X and Y lunches. Tickets are 5 dollars in advance and 7 dollars at the door. When purchasing tickets at the door, make sure every member of your group has their school ID. Combination tickets(movies and dance tickets) will only be sold Wednesday through Friday (Oct. 17th-19th). Get the special before it is too late! The dance is October 26, 2012 from  7-10 PM! Any questions see Adam, Mecca, Zac, or Amani.
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Screen Shot 2012-10-15 at 5.32.00 PM

Pipeline Monologue Project


Our assignment for this project was to create three monologues portraying three different views on the Keystone XL Pipeline. The Keystone XL Pipeline is a pipeline that’s going to travel from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, Nebraska carrying Tar Sands oil, an unconventional petroleum deposit. This has sparked a lot of controversy regarding the environment and climate change. Even the presidential candidates have taken sides on the issue. My monologues are in the views of the Tar Sands oil, the Keystone Pipeline being built, and a regular man living in New York. The Tar Sands is at first excited to be used, but when they hear about her being mixed with water that could be possibly used, it gets upset and changes it's mind. The Pipeline is not excited to be built at all. She doesn't like the way she's being built and think she's going to be used for horrible purposes. And the last monologue focuses on Dave, a man with a newborn baby girl, worried about what her future holds with the Pipeline.

I learned that this pipeline can really impact the 2012 election. Many people are for it and against it. Both candidates are on opposite sides of this debate and their decisions regarding the pipeline can increase their votes or decrease their votes.

Like, Keep Your Water !

Phew ! Like, I’m getting so bored over here. I swear there is nothing to do ! All I do is sit here in this pit and just wait to be used. And I haven’t been used in like, sooooo long. I’m like, so lonely and I don’t have any friends here but like, me, myself, and I. And like, trust me, that’s not the greatest company in the world. I’m barely used for like, anything and it sucks. I’m bored, tired, and I feel like, absolutely worthless, like no one wants me --- Wait ! A visitor !

(pauses) ... Pipe ... line ? A pipeline ? Like, leading to America ? And like, me being used ?! Are you like, serious ? This is great ! This is like, exactly what I’ve been looking for. I was getting tired of like, sitting on my butt, doing nothing for the past ... who knows ? Took them long enough to get off their butts and make me useful. I thought I was going to like, waste away and not be useful for anyone. But all that matters is like, that I’ll finally be used and change people’s lives ! I’ll probably give people like, more jobs and everything ! Wow, this is nice ... Oh my gosh ! My visitors are saying more !

(pauses) .... Like, wait a second. Did they just say I’m getting like, mixed with water? Why do I need that ? I know I’m a little chunky and all, but I don’t need to be all ... watery. I think I like the way I am. I don’t need some stupid water. It’ll downgrade my quality and make me all gross. Plus, I like being by myself. I bet water is like, super annoying and everything. They’re probably a talk-a-lot and won’t know when to like, shut its mouth. I don't like, imagine being with something like that ! And don’t the humans need like, water ? Like don’t they drink it or something ? I always see the bottles that the humans carry and they always have like, water in it. I would like, think they need all that water that they’re trying to use on me. They can like, keep their water ! If water has to be infused with me for me to be sent down south, then I don’t think I want to move ... (pauses) Plus I’ll be moved down in America, which is like, really far from home ... (pauses, hears people talking more) ... Toxic waste from the water ? Gross ! Like, I told you that it’s a bad idea ! Water like, ruins everything. I really think I should like, stay ...

Don't You Know How To Treat a Lady ?

(southern accent) Ow! Watch it will ya! I’m fragile y’know --- OW WILL YOU STOP IT! That screw doesn’t go there and you know it! Do any of you workers know how to treat a lady with respect ? I understand you need to get your job done, but jeez ! That doesn’t mean hurt me in the process. It’s not like I really want to be built for this anyways. (sighs) Oh, you’re all done now ? I guess it is the end of the day ? Well go on then, shoo. (pauses, sits down) This is ridiculous. I mean, I appreciate not being separate parts anymore and actually becoming a whole, but its not like I’m bein’ built for a good cause. As parts, I was clean ! I was everywhere, in different countries and different communities. There was no dirt on me at all. I wanted to be built, because I was sick and tired of bein’ just ... parts !

And all I’m hearin’ from these workers is that even though buildin’ me is giving ‘em jobs, I’m actually bad for the environment. Or at least, the oil is. But I’m still bein’ used to transport it. The workers keep saying that the oil is dirty and crude. Yes, I’ve seen oil before, and let me tell you it does NOT smell or look remotely decent. I bet it’s disgustin’ too. My insides will be absolutely filthy. Especially if they’re mixin’ all the oil with water ! It’ll spread and such. (rubs sides a bit) And by the way they’re building me, I’ll break apart and the oil will probably leak everywhere ! I don’t care that they’re gonna be watchin’ over me twenty-four seven. It ain’t like they gonna get the leak under control in time ! I’m gonna end up like that oil rig out in tha’ gulf, explodin’ and causin’ all types of trouble. And I ain’t the one for trouble now am I.

Shoot, if I had it my way I would be used to transport water or somethin’. It ain’t gonna get me dirty and it’s good for the environment ! But whateva’, it ain’t like that’s gonna happen now will it. I’m only a little ‘ol pipeline, sittin’ here gettin’ built for the worst cause. I don’t wanna hurt the people and run through their properties and hurt the animals and spill the oil everywhere and just UGH. (sighs, stretches) I swear, this is ridiculous ! It sucks ‘cause I can’t even stop myself from being built ... This is just so stupid, I swear. (looks to her side, and sighs, it’s morning already) It’s already mornin’ and I got none of my beauty sleep !

Performance of Monologue: <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/51530756?title=1&amp;byline=1&amp;portrait=1" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/51530756">PIPELINE MONOLOGUE</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user14116191">Kennedy C</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Everything's Gonna Be Alright

(father sets baby into crib, leave room and goes to sit on couch in living room, turning on the tv quietly to the news.) No, not this again. The news is always boring. Lets see if theres any sports on. I think the Steelers might be playing today. (flicks through a couple of channels, adjusts sitting position while doing so and ends up back at the news) ... I guess not then. The news it is ! (says this with a sarcastic chuckle, sits back further into the couch and crosses arms. the news starts to mention the pipeline) Oh, it’s another one of those things. The government is always trying to do something to make the economy better. Same old, same old ... Whoa man, 1700 miles long ? Are you serious ? Why can’t we just import the oil some other way ? I doubt there’s 1700 miles worth of free land to build this pipeline. (shrugs indifferently) Well, it ain’t going through my back yard now is it ? The pipeline isn’t even going near New York. But that’d be weird, having some big pipeline going through my property. Can’t imagine what those people are feeling ... ---

(news anchor starts to interview protesters and people against pipeline, he leans in closer, clearly interested) So this Tar Sands is the dirtiest oil around ? Why would we risk a leak with such crude and disgusting oil ? Even if we’re mixing it with water, it’s still gross. I think the water makes it even more nasty. (pauses to hear more) ... So the government’s stealing the land from the people too ? People have lives to run, things to do. No one should have the right to take someone else’s land, even the government. Those people paid fair and square for each inch of the land they live in. Most of these people are farmers and they have children and they just ... they just kick them out ! (getting a bit angry, voice raises slowly with each word) I can’t imagine getting kicked to curb with nowhere to go ... It doesn’t matter if our economy is getting “better”. The government is destroying lives and ruining futures ! Even the future for my child is in danger ! (standing and shouting by now, runs hands through hair roughly, pacing back and forth and looking at the ground) What if she wants to leave here and go to college or move there ? What if this makes our economy worse ? What if ---- (baby starts to cry in the other room from his shouting. he hurries to the room and tries to console the baby) ... It’s gonna be alright, ssh, ssh, it’s gonna be alright.


  • It takes about three barrels of water to extract one barrel of oil. More than 90 percent of this water, 400 million gallons per day, ends up as toxic waste dumped in massive pools that contain carcinogenic substances like cyanide. (Friend of the Earth: Tar Sands)

  • It will cross the Ogallala Aquifer, a major source of drinking and irrigation water for Nebraska and seven other states (The Undead Pipeline Returns)

  • Companies must destroy fragile forest ecosystems, waste enormous amounts of water, and disrupt the lives of indigenous people in the area. The forest is clear cut, the wetlands are drained, and living matter and soil are hauled away to expose the tar sands. (Friend of the Earth: Tar Sands)

  • The Keystone Pipeline System is monitored 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Pumps and valves are remotely started and secured. In the unlikely event of a spill or leak, pump stations and valves will be closed to limit spill volumes. The leak detection system uses a variety of methods to detect a leak of any size. (Trans Canada)

  • It encourages production of a particularly dirty sort of crude from oil sands and would threaten sensitive lands and water sources along its route. (NY Times: Keystone XL)
  • Some pipeline safety experts and environmentalists have raised concerns that the tiny federal agency that oversees the nation’s expansive network of pipelines, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, is ill equipped to oversee a project of Keystone’s magnitude. (NY Times: Keystone XL)


"Keystone XL Pipeline Project." Keystone XL Pipeline Project. TransCanada, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html>.

"Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. Friends of the Earth, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.foe.org/projects/climate-and-energy/tar-sands>.

"Keystone XL Pipeline." Keystone XL. New York Times, 16 Oct. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html?8qa>.

Ostrander, Madeline. "The Undead Pipeline Returns." YES! Magazine. YES! Magazine, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.yesmagazine.org/blogs/madeline-ostrander/the-undead-pipeline>.

The Patriot Act

After I read all four of the different articles about the Patriot Act, it's indubitably clear that there are some major flaws within the document, that potentially could breach my rights as an American citizen. These flaws have created plenty of room for debate. I was raised with the if it's broke fix it, but when it comes to my civil liberties being put at risk, this is a broke thing that needs to be more the just fixed it needs an overhaul.  

I would like to point out that it is monumentally critical that people should know that this act does not only concerned with terrorism on an international scale, but domestic terrorism as well.  Now its claimed that the Patriot Act does not use "innocent" Americans citizens as the focal point of their investigations, they claim that they base their investigations on people who use certain key words, but what are these key words? In reality they could say that I said something, and arrest me. 

I feel that if the government wants to find terrorists its not going to be through my phone calls. Find another way to find these people. Nobody should have to worry about saying the wrong thing over the phone. I'm sure that if they tapped convicts, people who have been know to be involved in terrorist movements, that they could and would be just as successful in bringing down terrorists. 

There is no need for the American public, and there personal lives to be, intercepted, analyzed, and stored forever in some computer owned by the FBI, CIA, NSA or some other three letter government group. What is said at home, should stay at home.

Pipeline Monologue Project


Our assignment for this project was to create three monologues portraying three different views on the Keystone XL Pipeline. The Keystone XL Pipeline is a pipeline that’s going to travel from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, Nebraska carrying Tar Sands oil, an unconventional petroleum deposit. This has sparked a lot of controversy regarding the environment and climate change. Even the presidential candidates have taken sides on the issue. My monologues are in the views of the Tar Sands oil, the Keystone Pipeline being built, and a regular man living in New York. The Tar Sands is at first excited to be used, but when they hear about her being mixed with water that could be possibly used, it gets upset and changes it's mind. The Pipeline is not excited to be built at all. She doesn't like the way she's being built and think she's going to be used for horrible purposes. And the last monologue focuses on Dave, a man with a newborn baby girl, worried about what her future holds with the Pipeline.

I learned that this pipeline can really impact the 2012 election. Many people are for it and against it. Both candidates are on opposite sides of this debate and their decisions regarding the pipeline can increase their votes or decrease their votes.

Like, Keep Your Water !

Phew ! Like, I’m getting so bored over here. I swear there is nothing to do ! All I do is sit here in this pit and just wait to be used. And I haven’t been used in like, sooooo long. I’m like, so lonely and I don’t have any friends here but like, me, myself, and I. And like, trust me, that’s not the greatest company in the world. I’m barely used for like, anything and it sucks. I’m bored, tired, and I feel like, absolutely worthless, like no one wants me --- Wait ! A visitor !

(pauses) ... Pipe ... line ? A pipeline ? Like, leading to America ? And like, me being used ?! Are you like, serious ? This is great ! This is like, exactly what I’ve been looking for. I was getting tired of like, sitting on my butt, doing nothing for the past ... who knows ? Took them long enough to get off their butts and make me useful. I thought I was going to like, waste away and not be useful for anyone. But all that matters is like, that I’ll finally be used and change people’s lives ! I’ll probably give people like, more jobs and everything ! Wow, this is nice ... Oh my gosh ! My visitors are saying more !

(pauses) .... Like, wait a second. Did they just say I’m getting like, mixed with water? Why do I need that ? I know I’m a little chunky and all, but I don’t need to be all ... watery. I think I like the way I am. I don’t need some stupid water. It’ll downgrade my quality and make me all gross. Plus, I like being by myself. I bet water is like, super annoying and everything. They’re probably a talk-a-lot and won’t know when to like, shut its mouth. I don't like, imagine being with something like that ! And don’t the humans need like, water ? Like don’t they drink it or something ? I always see the bottles that the humans carry and they always have like, water in it. I would like, think they need all that water that they’re trying to use on me. They can like, keep their water ! If water has to be infused with me for me to be sent down south, then I don’t think I want to move ... (pauses) Plus I’ll be moved down in America, which is like, really far from home ... (pauses, hears people talking more) ... Toxic waste from the water ? Gross ! Like, I told you that it’s a bad idea ! Water like, ruins everything. I really think I should like, stay ...

Don't You Know How To Treat a Lady ?

(southern accent) Ow! Watch it will ya! I’m fragile y’know --- OW WILL YOU STOP IT! That screw doesn’t go there and you know it! Do any of you workers know how to treat a lady with respect ? I understand you need to get your job done, but jeez ! That doesn’t mean hurt me in the process. It’s not like I really want to be built for this anyways. (sighs) Oh, you’re all done now ? I guess it is the end of the day ? Well go on then, shoo. (pauses, sits down) This is ridiculous. I mean, I appreciate not being separate parts anymore and actually becoming a whole, but its not like I’m bein’ built for a good cause. As parts, I was clean ! I was everywhere, in different countries and different communities. There was no dirt on me at all. I wanted to be built, because I was sick and tired of bein’ just ... parts !

And all I’m hearin’ from these workers is that even though buildin’ me is giving ‘em jobs, I’m actually bad for the environment. Or at least, the oil is. But I’m still bein’ used to transport it. The workers keep saying that the oil is dirty and crude. Yes, I’ve seen oil before, and let me tell you it does NOT smell or look remotely decent. I bet it’s disgustin’ too. My insides will be absolutely filthy. Especially if they’re mixin’ all the oil with water ! It’ll spread and such. (rubs sides a bit) And by the way they’re building me, I’ll break apart and the oil will probably leak everywhere ! I don’t care that they’re gonna be watchin’ over me twenty-four seven. It ain’t like they gonna get the leak under control in time ! I’m gonna end up like that oil rig out in tha’ gulf, explodin’ and causin’ all types of trouble. And I ain’t the one for trouble now am I.

Shoot, if I had it my way I would be used to transport water or somethin’. It ain’t gonna get me dirty and it’s good for the environment ! But whateva’, it ain’t like that’s gonna happen now will it. I’m only a little ‘ol pipeline, sittin’ here gettin’ built for the worst cause. I don’t wanna hurt the people and run through their properties and hurt the animals and spill the oil everywhere and just UGH. (sighs, stretches) I swear, this is ridiculous ! It sucks ‘cause I can’t even stop myself from being built ... This is just so stupid, I swear. (looks to her side, and sighs, it’s morning already) It’s already mornin’ and I got none of my beauty sleep !

Performance of Monologue: <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/51530756?title=1&amp;byline=1&amp;portrait=1" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/51530756">PIPELINE MONOLOGUE</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user14116191">Kennedy C</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Everything's Gonna Be Alright

(father sets baby into crib, leave room and goes to sit on couch in living room, turning on the tv quietly to the news.) No, not this again. The news is always boring. Lets see if theres any sports on. I think the Steelers might be playing today. (flicks through a couple of channels, adjusts sitting position while doing so and ends up back at the news) ... I guess not then. The news it is ! (says this with a sarcastic chuckle, sits back further into the couch and crosses arms. the news starts to mention the pipeline) Oh, it’s another one of those things. The government is always trying to do something to make the economy better. Same old, same old ... Whoa man, 1700 miles long ? Are you serious ? Why can’t we just import the oil some other way ? I doubt there’s 1700 miles worth of free land to build this pipeline. (shrugs indifferently) Well, it ain’t going through my back yard now is it ? The pipeline isn’t even going near New York. But that’d be weird, having some big pipeline going through my property. Can’t imagine what those people are feeling ... ---

(news anchor starts to interview protesters and people against pipeline, he leans in closer, clearly interested) So this Tar Sands is the dirtiest oil around ? Why would we risk a leak with such crude and disgusting oil ? Even if we’re mixing it with water, it’s still gross. I think the water makes it even more nasty. (pauses to hear more) ... So the government’s stealing the land from the people too ? People have lives to run, things to do. No one should have the right to take someone else’s land, even the government. Those people paid fair and square for each inch of the land they live in. Most of these people are farmers and they have children and they just ... they just kick them out ! (getting a bit angry, voice raises slowly with each word) I can’t imagine getting kicked to curb with nowhere to go ... It doesn’t matter if our economy is getting “better”. The government is destroying lives and ruining futures ! Even the future for my child is in danger ! (standing and shouting by now, runs hands through hair roughly, pacing back and forth and looking at the ground) What if she wants to leave here and go to college or move there ? What if this makes our economy worse ? What if ---- (baby starts to cry in the other room from his shouting. he hurries to the room and tries to console the baby) ... It’s gonna be alright, ssh, ssh, it’s gonna be alright.


  • It takes about three barrels of water to extract one barrel of oil. More than 90 percent of this water, 400 million gallons per day, ends up as toxic waste dumped in massive pools that contain carcinogenic substances like cyanide. (Friend of the Earth: Tar Sands)

  • It will cross the Ogallala Aquifer, a major source of drinking and irrigation water for Nebraska and seven other states (The Undead Pipeline Returns)

  • Companies must destroy fragile forest ecosystems, waste enormous amounts of water, and disrupt the lives of indigenous people in the area. The forest is clear cut, the wetlands are drained, and living matter and soil are hauled away to expose the tar sands. (Friend of the Earth: Tar Sands)

  • The Keystone Pipeline System is monitored 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Pumps and valves are remotely started and secured. In the unlikely event of a spill or leak, pump stations and valves will be closed to limit spill volumes. The leak detection system uses a variety of methods to detect a leak of any size. (Trans Canada)

  • It encourages production of a particularly dirty sort of crude from oil sands and would threaten sensitive lands and water sources along its route. (NY Times: Keystone XL)
  • Some pipeline safety experts and environmentalists have raised concerns that the tiny federal agency that oversees the nation’s expansive network of pipelines, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, is ill equipped to oversee a project of Keystone’s magnitude. (NY Times: Keystone XL)


"Keystone XL Pipeline Project." Keystone XL Pipeline Project. TransCanada, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html>.

"Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. Friends of the Earth, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.foe.org/projects/climate-and-energy/tar-sands>.

"Keystone XL Pipeline." Keystone XL. New York Times, 16 Oct. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html?8qa>.

Ostrander, Madeline. "The Undead Pipeline Returns." YES! Magazine. YES! Magazine, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.yesmagazine.org/blogs/madeline-ostrander/the-undead-pipeline>.

Keystone Pipeline Monologue Project

​The Keystone Pipeline Monologue Project was created to give students a voice (or literally multiple voices) to speak on their opinion(s) for the birth of our new oil transfer. In the project, students are to create three single monologues or five monologues with a partner, all of which speaking from a different perspective/character, incorporating creative ways for explaining briefly or deeply on the character's opinion for the pipeline.
I chose to work alone. In my three monologues, I chose the word "Yes" as my first character.In my second monologue, my character was money.
My final monologue is told from the keystone pipeline itself.
What I learned while doing this project was the significance of persuasion. Opinions are simply theories based off of facts. However, depending on how deep someone can point out interesting facts to support their opinions, your own opinions or views on the topic can be greatly changed.

For What It’s Worth.

Character: Yes (Scared; Sad; Determined; Defensive)

Setting: Inside a Thesaurus

Opinion: Against

(Rocking back and fourth on floor, holding herself) Yes. Yes. Yes...

(looks at words above and below cautiously; whispers) This isn’t right...this isn’t right, I have to say no! *GASP* (covers mouth quickly, looks around again)

What am I to do? It’s either,

(imitating--->) “stick by the family rules” or be banned from the family like Maybe. Poor thing was casted out of the family the second she was born into the English language.

I’m not even allowed to talk to If and But anymore. Father says that I should keep my vocabulary in the family. Mother says their bad influences that she’d rather me be around the good kids from around the corner: Of course, Absolutely, and No doubt.

But that’s not the point. I heard from my Uncle Decision that President Obama is currently deciding whether to agree or disagree with this new pipeline soon to be built. Naturally, I would say (excited--->) Yes! Yes! Because I love saying yes to everything!

But, (*gasp!* Cover mouth, look above and below again; lowers voice) how can I say yes to such a deadly proposal like the keystone pipeline? How can I say yes to a global threat. I mean, without humans, theres no words, and without words, I wouldn’t exist! I can’t say yes! No! I refuse! (Slams hand on floor)

*gasp* mother! (Jumps up to feet; fixes clothes to look presentable)...yes, I know, (hangs head down low in shame) No is the enemy. We hear no, see no, speak no evil, yes mother I understand...but-but listen! (covers mouth) I’m sorry...I did it again didn’t I?

Mother...have you heard about that Keystone pipeline? ...Well, while I was hanging out with No Doubt yesterday, I overheard No saying some pretty interesting things, and I think you should know, that this pipeline could extinct humans. And if the humans are extinct...we’re extinct too...

(confused/defensive) Nonsense?! How can you say that? That pipeline is gonna carry tar sands! Do you know how to get tar sands, mother? By destroying the Earth! That’s how deadly it is!…Oh but mother! Please you can’t, (whispers) you can’t possibly want to agree with this? The carbon dioxide will...i don’t know melt the all the ice in the North pole and flood the Earth, it’ll widen the hole in the ozone layer, either way, the humans can’t possibly survive this pipeline forever, mother. Look, the humans, they love me! They love me mother. That’s all they want to hear, it’s all they look forward to, is the word “Yes”. If they’re gone, who will be around to love me? To want me? No one. And then what happens?…(flags) Law-shmaw! You know, for what it’s worth, (points at self) I’d rather break the family law then to agree to something so treacherous! I quit! I, say, NO!
Click Here for the performance of "For What It's Worth"

I Make The World Go Round

Character: Money (Very cocky, arrogant, selfish, snob)

Setting: In Bank

Opinion: For It

Man, man, man...I can’t wait to lay snuggle in that coach wallet.

The nostalgic smells of freshly printed business cards, coffee-stained napkins and that one piece of spearmint kept in the back for just-in-case. Yeah, (looks up; smiling) I remember those days, when I was just a little penny.

(Calling over--->) Aye, Ulysses! Ulysses! I know you’re over there wrapped up in plastic but jesus could you open your ears for petes sake-it’s me Ben! How long has it been since you’ve been roaming around in someone’s warm pockets? Oh Yeah? (laughs) It’s been awhile for me too. But, but you know...I-I heard they’re making this new uh (scratches head and thinks)...stipper pole...uh...pipe...pipeline! Thats it! They’re gonna build this new pipeline thing, right? Say it’s gonna cost about 7 billion. Aww man, The bank’s gonna take me obviously, I mean no offense Ulysses, but not many people like to carry around “small” change. (winks; chuckles)

What do you mean you don’t care? (<---attitude) How could you not want to get out of here? We’re locked in a metal room, wrapped in this...stupid plastic! How can you not miss the human’s hands caressing you? Or that sweet ca-ching! sound when you’re being passed around in those expensive stores? Man, one time, Angelina Jolie kissed me! She kissed me man! She was so excited to have me in her pockets. Me! Don’t you...don’t you miss being loved?! Or how about being in control? (winks--->) huh? You and I both know, Ulysses, that without us, they can’t even stand on their own two feet. They need money to buy everything! We OWN the humans! It’s great! (harks) …Oh now, come on! Don’t talk like that, Ulysses! I’m all for the environment! But if trees aren’t cut down, we wouldn’t even be here you and i! Am I right or am I right? (<--- chuckles)

(Flags) I say they should build it. Lighten up! There’s some good in it for you too. I mean while I’ll be enjoying the luxury of Alberta Oil’s banking, at least you’ll be in the worker’s wallets. Supposedly this pipe is gonna require up to 180 thousand jobs.

Well why would I be handed off to them as pay? I’m obviously too good for their pockets! You, on the other hand, you’re literally half-as-good as me. (<---laughs hard...eventually stops; flags) You know, you’re no fun anymore. I can see your green fading. Lighten up would ya? This pipeline is gonna work wonders for us. I promise.

I Didn’t Ask To Be Born.

Character: Keystone Pipeline (Nervous; guilty)

Setting: Texas

Opinion: Against & For It

(Screams-->) No, no! WAIT! Mr. Construction man...sir...please just-don’t take me apart! Please!...I...I can help you support your family, sir.

I can save you money, Mr. President. You can trust me to get you your oil safely. I promise, America. *phew!* (holds chest to breathe relieved)

Oh, relax America! Calm your freaking tree huggers! I’m not a threat!

How dare you treat an american citizen this way?

You know, if you idiots hadn’t chosen Bush as your president, you wouldn’t be in this oil mess now would you?

And-and you know, you’ll be thanking me one day. No really you will.

Right now, your country is fighting so hard just to get oil. And I heard it’s hurting your pockets. (<--- chuckles) Oh yeah, I heard Bob and the other workers talking. They said that I can get rid of that tug on your wallets.

I’m pretty sure you love that shiny cadillac of yours, don’t you? You love driving it around, showing it off. With me, you can “ride around and get it” for a cheaper price! And what’s better than that right?! :D

(smile slowly fades, looks off into distance) But uh...I...I did hear some of the uh, protesters talking...can...can I really kill people? (<--- now concerned/confused/worried)

I...I wanna live, but does my birth mean America’s death?

(sighs) I’m sorry, America. I didn’t know that starting my first breath on earth would end the last breath of yours. So I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I was born.

May your oil-my blood, leak into the grounds of the earth, into the seas underneath? May it kill fish, cattle? Ruin trees? May my breath be a blanket of co2 over skies? (Pauses, thinks; realizes) It’s gonna be the ten biblical plagues all over again.

(shakes head) Poor mother earth, It is now that I understand that when a woman gives birth she has one foot in the grave.

But see no one asks to be born...but now that I’m here...I...I just want to live...I’m sorry. (hangs head)

Six Facts About Humans v. The Environment:
* ⅓ of the world’s resources are gone - Story of Stuff

* Recycling will never be enough save the environment from global warming - Story of Stuff

* ½ acres of rainforest are lost every second do to developing and industrial countries - Disappearing Rainforests

* The most recent oil pipeline built, had 21 leaks & killed a man on the job - NPR

* Waste can be recycled for the better - The Globe And Mail

* 1/3 of the sea ice in the North pole has melted - Rolling Stone
. "The disappearing Rainforests." http://Rain-tree.com. Raintree Nutrition, Inc., 11 2012. Web. 15 Oct 2012. <http://www.rain-tree.com/facts.htm>.

NATHAN, VANDERKLIPPE. "Ambitious plans for oil sands would create lakes from waste ." http://theglobeandmail.com. CALGARY, 03 2012. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/ambitious-plans-for-oil-sands-would-create-lakes-from-waste/article4583817/>.

Bill, Mckibben. "global warmings terrifying new math." http://rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone, 09 2012. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/global-warmings-terrifying-new-math-20120719>.

Beato, Bella, Lucidchart, Home network

My modem and wireless router are a 2 in 1. In my LAN i have 3 phones connected. I also have an xbox connected and 2 computers.
An OMG moment I had while learning this is that there's a lot of steps the happen within the internet. To get information the modem and router, the computer does a bunch of steps in a few seconds. If you have a home network be sure to have a password so people can't slow you down. Also, put it at the highest point of the house so to internet can basically rain down on your devices.
Screen Shot 2012-10-19 at 10.52.08 AM
Screen Shot 2012-10-19 at 10.52.08 AM

Le Kevin Lucid chart Home Network

  ​This chart is the chart of my home network. This is how it spreads throughout my house and the electronics that we have. My home network has laptops, computers, and phones, connected to it and they use the internet. It also is very organized.

My OMG MOMENT was when I learned some pretty interesting things about the internet like how it connects from places and how fast it sends packets throughout the web. Also I've learned the internet can do some fascinating things. The internet is like a spider web, because there are some many things connected to each other. 

If I was teaching someone about their home netweork, I would tell them to protect their internet with a password so no bots or random people can use their internet. I would tell them to organize their LAN so it's not messy. I would also tell them to see if their internet comes into their house by a cable or phone line. Also I'd tell them to know their Internet Service Provider.
KevinLeLucidHomeChart (1)
KevinLeLucidHomeChart (1)

My Home Network Greta Haskell



So I don’t have that much stuff on my LAN. Connected to my Local Area Network I have a printer, a computer, and a t.v. They are all connected through the wireless internet. They all share the network.

My omg Moment: Im not really sure what my OMG moment was. I think that it was probably a mix of everything because I didn’t know anything about networking. i also learned to fix your internet take the battery out of your router and restart it. 

What Would I Tell Other People: I would tell other people not to have a lot of things connected to the network because it will make it slower. Also have it password connected so that no one can steal your internet.


Wroblewski,Alexander Lucidchart Home Network

My L.A.N uses a wifi connection and an ethernet connection. 3 Desktops, 1 of which is mine, are connected by ethernet. My printer is also connected by ethernet. We also have 2 tablets, an iPod touch, my phone and my wii connected to wireless. My macbook and my moms laptop are also on our wireless. The modem and router are also part of the network and manage it.

My OMG moment: My network is bigger then I imagined!

I would tell others that their network is bigger than they think. I would also tell them that a modem communicates with the cloud. Their router communicates with the modem to send your info between the cloud and your devices. I would also tell them that the cloud is huge and that there is a LOT of info out there. That would be all I would say.


Pipeline Monologue Project

This project is about the Keystone XL Pipeline that is being built in Texas. 
After reading this interesting subject our work is to write three monologues in the point of view of three perspectives. My first monologue is about a everyday normal office worker, since I wanted to imagine what a bystander thinks about this. My second is my own point of view about the subject. Since I really disagree with the pipeline my monologue is very optionated. My final one is about mother nature, but in this case father nature since I got a guy to do the part. The reason for this one was because I wonder what would the earth say if it could speak.
During this time I learned how terrible humans are when they are corrupted by greed.
Also how much this pipe will influence everyone's future.

Monologue 1- The Cubical Worker

(tired, walks to door and opens, LOOK DOWN) Lord what is wrong with the price of oil these day?
(angry) They cost more than a bar of gold!

(walks inside, irritated) If this blasted price don’t go down soon I’m going to have to walk to work. (sarcastic) Not like thats ever happening.
(sad) But I would really trade anything for cheaper gas...

(upbeat with a hint of tiredness, inside) (LOOK UP) “I’m home!
(crouches down) Oh what's this? That’s a very nice picture you have there.
(questioning) But why is the sky black, it should be blue.
(surprised) Wow you are learning about the environment so early on.
So tell me what you have learned?
"Wow that sounds very bad, but it’s your bedtime to go to bed.”  
(happy relaxed, lies down on bed) Ah! Finally a nice soft bed. (dark gloomy, in bed)  (LOOK UP) “hum, but is it alright?
I mean if this is true then by 2015 the air would be terrible!
I don’t want my family to be breathing toxic filled air! (confused) But what can I do? I’m just one person.
It’s not like if I stop everyone else would.
Besides biking is way too far I guess there is no other way but drive.
(questioning) Still if I do drive I would just help make the already terrible air worse and if what Josh said was true, (horror) than 100 million people will die because of it, and i’m helping to kill them.
Won’t that mean my hands are covered with blood too?”
(confused, LOOK DOWN) If I keep going with the car sooner or later it will harm my family.
But if I don’t how am I soposed to get to work on time?
(irritated) Ugh! It’s either I pay more or people die. (deciding) Money is important and all but family is more important.  
(enlightened) Yes, that right, family is much more important.
(amazed) What was I thinking!
(happy and questioning) Now, where did I put my bike?

Monologue 2- For a kid's point of view

(happy, sitting down in class, LOOK AT PRETEND LAPTOP) Yes it’s history class, this is going to be fun! 

What are all these for? (door opens) Mr. Block is back, gotta get ready for work. We are going to watch videos? Great! (interested, opens computer) Hum tar sands blockade, what is this about?

Interesting, that is a very big project.
Now let’s see where they going with this thing.

(angry) Wow, what is this nonsense?
Are they even allowed to do that?
(angry and questioning) Isn’t tasing someone like that and physically harming a unarmed person illegal?
What was the law that prevents that again?
Oh ya! “No cruel or unusual punishment” I say tasing some unarmed person should be protected by that shouldn’t they?
(normal speech, stands up, LOOK UP AWAY FROM COMPUTER) “Mr. Block I have a question.
(questioning) why isn’t the government doing anything about this?
(mad) This is madness!”
(normal speech) Ok, oh, ya. (surprised) *sits down*
Wow so much for the land of the free. Let’s see what else did they do.
(surprised) (excited) A video! Let’s see what this is about.
Ok so the old lady was just doing her daily routines on her land, ok.
(questioning and mad) Wait what? Why are the police coming? Wait a minute!
She got arrested? (inraged) For trespassing!?
(enraged and confused) On her own land!
(mad) What in the name of zeus is this?!
(mad and questioning) They go in on some old lady’s land and arrests her?
For what reason? Tresson? against what? Walking on her land? This is ludicrous!
(sarcastic) Good job US, you have finally done it, you make the rules you break the rules, what are we supposed to do?
Rob a bank and said I didn’t do it? Madness, just madness.

(surprised) Oh what's this? (questioning) Hum, a chat box.
“What is going on?” oh I can answer that one.

(in a on stage “I have a dream type of voice”, pretend to type)

“Is this the sound of liberty we hear? NO. It’s the screams of the people.
Is this the scent of freedom we smell? NO. It’s CO2 that is killing you and me.
Is this the land of the free we live in? NO. It’s a land where greed overpowers all.”

There, now send.

Monologue 3- Mothe.... Father Nature

 (use a chair to spin) (spin while reading the whole thing, sad, sarcastic and mad, waves hand wildly in the air)
Oh the sadness! Oh the pain! Oh the unjust I have suffered!
(slouched over)
Day after day I work hard to keep all my beloved creatures alive.
I feed them, I give them shelter, I care for them.
(questioning and mad)
But what did that get me?
(angry, quickly stand straight up)
I do my best for them and yet they are not satisfied! They want more and more!
(look confused)
Why can’t they see what they already have?
(mad and sad)
Now they are building this giant tube on me just to kill me faster, 800,000 barrels of oil a day? (mad) They have already done so much to me!
(sarcastic and depressed, speak in a shakespeare like voice)
Why, oh why do you do this to thy?
Look at this thing!
They dig out bits of me and makes it into this matalicy round thing.
Now they are using the tube to kill me more! What did I do to them?
They Strip off my skin and mine my bones, they drill into my flesh and drain my blood,
*hugs hair* they cut down my lush green hair to keep themselves warm.
(questioning mad) What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment? Where did I go wrong? (sad) I did what every parent would do, caring for her children.
Yet they keep on torturing me with their non stopped madness.

(questioning) Can’t they see that they are killing me?
Am I just that useless that they have to kill me off to be happy?
It is useless, they can’t hear my plead for mercy.
(mad and insane, holds hand out in front, gripping tightly) But there is one thing I still can do.
If I must die then they will join me!

Here is the Video of Father Nature!


Due to Vimeo not working I can only place the link.

Keystone XL Pipeline- A large pipeline that pumps tar sand from Canada to Texas creating more then 800,000 barrels of oil a day. 
("Keystone XL Pipeline Project")

Tar Sand- Other wise known as "Oil Sand", the tar sand contains bitumen, a type of oil.
("About Tar Sands")

Green House Gases/Effects- The warming of the earth due to  large amounts of CO2.

Oil- A type of fossil fuel used to do many things, such as gas for cars.
("Petroleum Online")

Tar Sand Blockade- A group trying to stop the building of the XL Pipeline.
("Common Dreams")

Transcanada- The company who is responsible for building the pipeline.
("Keystone XL Pipeline Project")

"http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html." Keystone XL Pipeline Project. Transcanada. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html>.

. "2012 Tar Sand Shale and Tar Sand Programmatic EIS."About Tar Sands. http://ostseis.anl.gov. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://ostseis.anl.gov/guide/tarsands/index.cfm>.

. "CO2 Pollution and Global Warming."EnvironmentalChemistry. http://environmentalchemistry.com. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/environmental/200611CO2globalwarming.htm

. "Welcome to Petroleum Online." Petroleum Online. Petroleum Online. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.petroleumonline.com>.

. "Tar Sands Blockade." Common Dreams. Common Dreams. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <https://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/10/05>.