A Bird

​A bird walks through the desert. Why is it there? Birds don't belong in the desert.
The bird flaps its wings but cannot fly. Why can't it fly? Because this bird is a penguin.
A penguin walks through the desert. Why is it there? Penguins do not belong in deserts.
It turns out that this isn't a desert. It is the arctic tundra. All is well.

Enlighten Me

I often find myself wondering how my current situation would be had I not made the decisions that I have made in the past.  For example, what if I chose to go to a different high school instead of SLA? How would my past educational experiences differ in comparison?  Would I have learned all of the same things that I know now?

I also wonder how badly slacking off in eleventh grade would have affected me.  I know a few people that did terrible in eleventh grade that are now having a tough time getting into good colleges.  I also think back to how I have handled certain issues in the past and whether or not they were dealt with satisfactorily. 

I am a person who believes in good/bad karma and destiny.  I also think that all things happen for a reason.  I feel as though it was fate for me to attend SLA.  Had I not, I do not think that I would have experienced so much with personal relationships as well as deeper thinking.  SLA has definitely enlightened me on a broad spectrum.

IncidentZ chpt3sec3 (2.27.11)

        “ NO ONE MOVE” everyone was shocked and they turned around to see Julia, who was in the back of the crowd having a gun point at her by a man who got in somehow . no one moved. “we are taking this place now, open the doors for my friends, only one person goes”

            “ill go, ted spoke up, just don’t hurt my sister”  he slowly left. When he was out of sight he ran as fast as he could, but he did not run to the door switches, he went for just “smitty!” he screamed as he opend the door, “you have to come please snap out of it, they have my sister, two guys not zombies, the one has guns pointed at my sister” no response came “damn you, you fucking coward” he slamed the door. Thoughts raced in his mind, he had to do something “..i …I have no choice…I need to open the doors..damnit” ted ran as fast as he could for the switch, reluctly pressed it and made his way back

            when he got there everyone was on their knees and the gunman still had Julia with a gun pointed to the back of her head. Julia was crying.   “ok, your all going to do as I say” the gun man said with a steady and calm voice as though it was an everyday conversation “ there are a few options here” just then a loud pop noise came out of nowhere, the gunman stumbled back to grab his face, another pop and another and the gunman lifted his gun, without looking he shot off his gun, the rounds shot out at rapid fire, everyone dove for the floor, all except ted who rushed at the gun man jumped in the air and kicked the man in the face, he was knocked back and the gun fell from his hand

            “ there is one option and that is to get the fuck out of our house, and if you ever point a gun at her again I will fucking kill you” everyone was surprised to hear the voice of Justin come out of his mouth so loud.  The bigger man wilding the sword stepted forward as to make some sort of move or maybe to talk, but Smitty  took no time off, and shot him in his face, the man seemed little effected and charged him. he shot more with his paintball gun but it did little to stop this man. He was tough, and kept charging, he was fast and when he reached Justin he put the sword on his back, jutin dropped the paintball gun and charged the man who was  huge, way bigger then him, the man grabbed him and put him into a choke hold

The Trouble With Art (2.26.11)

The trouble with art in any school situation is that art is not just a skill, or something you just do, art is feelings. you wont always feel like doing art, and if someone does not feel like doing art, then their art wont be as good as it could be, it wont be their true art. you need to Feel it, not just do it

La Rutina Diaria De Eryn

By doing this project i learned that my daily routine is fairly simple and not as complex as i make it seem. I feel like i  put a lot of effort in my final product and i also feel like it came out better than i  had though it would but at the same time if could have  been a little better. If i could do the project all over  again i would do the template the same but i would have some other ears beside my own  listen to my voice overs  so that they could be flawless. I enjoyed this project a lot because it was creative and i got to go through my day step by step and see myself how everything flows through. 


En tu diario, responde a las siguientes preguntas:
1) Cuando escuchas la frase “el 11 de septiembre,” ¿cuáles son unas palabras que te llegan a mente?
2) ¿Cómo te enteraste (how did you find out) de lo que había pasado en NY en aquel día?
No puedo recordarlo bien, creo mis padres me enformó.
3) ¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando te enteraste de los ataques del 11 de septiembre? Cuando me enteré, estaba . . .
Cuando me enteré, Estaba jugando en mi casa porque el primer dia de Kinder en mi escuela fue cancelado.
4) ¿Cómo reaccionaste tú y los alrededor (those around) de ti?
No me comprendí, mis padres eran chocado.
5) En tus observaciones ¿Cómo ha cambiado el mundo después de esos ataques?
Hay mucha mas causion.

Rare Disease (Emma)

I was reading an article about 8 rare diseases online and found something very intriguing. While all the diseases were very intriguing one stood out to me the most.  This disease is called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. For people who have this disease, a simple touch of the hand, leg, or other body parts can feel like a gun shot. A simple touch feels like agonizing pain. I learned that the disease is a dysfunction of the nervous system and can affect any part of the body. Sometimes a simple touch can actually result in severe injury. While reading about this disease i was thinking about how awful it would be to live with such a thing. A person couldn't or would have very little intimacy.  A person couldn't play sports and would always have to be very cautious of every action and everything around them. I especially feel bad for children who have this disease. They have all that energy but are restricted to use it due to their disease or if they're not that careful are in constant pain. There are medications for this disease that don't cure but do improve symptoms. I hope they find a cure for this disease. That be nice.

Ahorita Perguntas en moodle.

               1.  Mi familia es grande

2.   Mis padres se llaman Pedro y Marta.

3.   Mis hermanos tienen 15 y 12 años.

4.   Nuestros abuelos son de las Filipinas.

5.   Nuestro casa está en el centro

6.   Nuestros primos se llaman Marquitos y Juan

7.   Su hijos son adorables.

8.   Su esposa es muy bonita

9.   Su marido es mi hermano.

10.   Su tíos viven en Delaware.

El hermano de la Señorita.

La casa de Miguel.

La tarea de Mel

La mochilla de Morgan.

Ahorita: 28-2-11

  1. 1. Mi 
    2. Mis 
    3. Mis 
    4. Nuestros
    5. Nuestra. 
    6. Nuestros
    7. Sus
    8. Su 
    9. Su
    10. Sus 

      1. El Hermano de Srta. Manuel. 
      2. La casa de Miguel. 
      3. La tarea de Mel. 
      4. La mochilla de Morgan. 

Cuando pienso en 11/9. (28/2)

1. Cuando pienso en la fecha 11/9 ,unas palabras en que me llegan a la mente son tristeza, violencia, muerte, golpes de cuidad y edificios tumbados.

2. Yo me enteré de lo que paso con el 11/9 cuando mi mamá me saco de la escuela temprano, por que las escuelas serraron temprano por el ataque.

3. Yo estabas en la escuela cuando me enteré. 

4. Yo estaba un poco confundida, pero yo recuerdo que vi lo que paso en la tele y mi mamá y su amigas estaban en shock.

5. Después de los ataques me siento como que los Estados Unidos están bajo de la guarda mas que antes . (they keep they guard up now)


I don't have many stories on this topic. Any I have are usually, funny or sad. I didn't have many people to trust when I was younger (as apposed to now, when I have actual friends). I remember only one person who I really trusted...he was my science teacher.

In 7th grade, our class took a trip to Costa Rica. This trip is a major part of our year, and it's also a chance for us to use our spanish and learn more about a new culture. One of the things to look forward to is the Sky Trek zipline. It goes over the canopy tops of the rain forest and you can see everything from 1000+ feet in the air. Everyone was really excited to do it...well not everyone.

I was one of the people who was nervous (scared out of my mind). I watched everyone else go off on the line, I was too scared to move. I felt like my legs were jello and I wanted to crawl into a hole. I was up next. I still couldn't move so the teacher moved me aside and let everyone else go ahead.

I was up again. I ended up clinging to the side of the railing, bawling my eyes out. Everyone was telling me that it would be ok and that I had nothing to worry about, but all I was thinking "Really? we're over 1000 feet up in the air, and being held up by a pully!"

I felt like a punk, everyone else could do it easily, but I couldn't even step up. I was about to turn back until Andy (my science teacher at the time) stopped me and asked if I would feel better if I went with him. I felt a bit better but because it was too much weight, we couldn't. I calmed down and went anyway. He said he would be right behind me the whole time. Because of his kindness, I was able to go on everyone of the ziplines as well as help a few people who were scared on some.

I was able to get through it because of Andy, I trusted him enough to. I trusted him because he wasn't just a cool teacher (like the many I've had at SLA) but because he made me feel safe, like a good teacher would. It may sound odd, but it's true and I would gladly go back to Costa Rica and do it again.


1) Cuando oigo 11 de septiembre la primera cosa que viene a la mente es terrorista aviones.

2) Creo que yo estaba en quinto grado y mi profesora recibió una llamada telefónica, y entonces aprendo la televisión y vimos el video de los aviones estrellándoseen las torres. Después la principal dijo a todos que ir al gimnasio y que había una salida temprano.

3) Yo estaba en clase haciendo yo no recuerdo que.

4) Estábamos todos con medio y confundia por que no sabia completo que paso.

Creo que el tipo de mundo aprendiste que nunca se puede estar muy cuidado. Avión de seguridad ahora también es más intensa.

Ahorita 28/2

En tu diario, responde a las siguientes preguntas:
1) Cuando escuchas la frase “el 11 de septiembre,” ¿cuáles son unas palabras que te llegan a mente?
2) ¿Cómo te enteraste (how did you find out) de lo que había pasado en NY en aquel día?
Fui en mi casa después de escuela y mi familia miramos en la noticias de últma hora.  
3) ¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando te enteraste de los ataques del 11 de septiembre? Cuando me enteré, estaba . . .
Cuando me enteré, estaba como mi después de escuela tentempié y miro mi animados.   
4) ¿Cómo reaccionaste tú y los alrededor (those around) de ti?
Mi no comprende las acciónes a el tiempo entonces mi reacción fue no dramática.  
5) En tus observaciones ¿Cómo ha cambiado el mundo después de esos ataques?
Muy caótico. 

SPANISH 1: Tarea 28/02/11

Escribe en español las palabras entre paréntesis.

1. (My) …. perro es lindo.
2. (My) … abuelos se llaman Pedro y Marta.
3. (My) … tía se llama Luisa.
4. (Our) … tarea es fácil.
5. (Our) … pupitres son cómodos.
6. (Our) … profesor es serio.
7. (His) … bicileta es roja.
8. (His) … madre está en Los Angeles.
9. (Her) … bisabuelos son Mexicanos.
10. (Her) … novio es guapo.

Escribe en español:

1. Teresa’s boyfriend
2. My parents’ house
3. Marta’s friend (girl)
4. Rafael’s book

SPANISH 1: Ahorita 28/02/11

Escribe en español las palabras entre paréntesis.

  1. (My) …. familia es grande.
  2. (My) … padres se llaman Pedro y Marta.
  3. (My) … hermanos tienen 15 y 12 años.
  4. (Our) … abuelos son de las Filipinas.
  5. (Our) … casa está en el centro.
  6. (Our) … primos se llaman Marquitos y Juana.
  7. (His) … hijos son adorables.
  8. (His) … esposa es muy bonita.
  9. (Her) … marido es mi hermano.
  10. (Her) … tíos viven en Delaware.
Escribe en español:
  1. Señorita's brother
  2. Miguel's house
  3. Mel's homework
  4. Morgan's schoolbag

SPANISH 4: CLASE #1 28/02/11

Lee y completa la tabla:

​Dos acontecimientos (events) violentos, uno de terror y otro político, marcan la fecha del 11 de Septiembre con dolor para un país ejemplo de democracia.  Me refiero a los Estados Unidos de América y al atentado (attempts) del 11 de Septiembre del 2001, cuando 19 terroristas del grupo Al Qaeda estrellaron (struck);  dos aviones comerciales previamente sometidos tripulantes y pasajeros contra sus Torres Gemelas (Twin Towers) del World Trade Center en New York, un tercer (third) avión  contra el edificio del Pentágono en el estado de Virginia y un cuarto (fourth) avión que se estrelló en un campo abierto en Shanksville, Pensilvania que falló en su desconocido  objetivo. Más allá del valor de los daños ocasionados es infinitamente mayor la pérdida (the loss) de más de tres mil vidas y centenares (hundreds) de heridos graves. El pasado sábado 11 de Septiembre se conmemoró esta tragedia que marcó profundamente al pueblo norteamericano.

El otro acontecimiento, esta vez  político, ocurrido en la capital de Chile el 11 de Septiembre de 1973,  fue el derrocamiento (tumbling) mediante un golpe de estado (coup), que también dejó un saldo que algunos establecen en más de tres mil personas muertas, del gobierno de  Salvador Allende,  un gobierno socialista con vía expresa hacia el comunismo,  que el Presidente llamaba “La vía chilena al Socialismo.”

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SPANISH 4: Ahorita 28/02/11

  1. ​Cuando escuchas la frase “el 11 de septiembre,” ¿cuáles son unas palabras que te llegan a mente?
  2. ¿Cómo te enteraste (how did you find out) de lo que había pasado en NY en aquel día?
  3. ¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando te enteraste de los ataques del 11 de septiembre? Cuando me enteré, estaba . . .
  4. ¿Cómo reaccionaste tú y los alrededor (those around) de ti?
  5. En tus observaciones ¿Cómo ha cambiado el mundo después de esos ataques?

Just finished watching...

I just finished watching Unstoppable, which is a movie based on true events about a runaway train carrying gallons of chemicals, unable to stop because its air brakes are missing. The train is headed towards a city and two workers have to stop the train before it hits the city, risking their jobs and life. Would you have made the same sacrifice if you were one of them?