Na'eem Q4

For my last quarter, I really exercised all my skills I learned throughout this year to create beautiful. My first assignment was very digital so it was exciting making art without a piece of paper! Then I went into body sketches which is always tough to execute. After that, I learned about sketching in 30 seconds which wasn't fun. I then took a try at digital art again. I will have to say that the optical illusion project was my favorite. I really enjoyed this quarter art!

Graffiti Is Unknown?


Graffiti is widely known, but where? Where do you see any types of graffiti? Does this hurt you in any way? Where do you specifically see it in the suburbs or urban areas? These questions were answered in my last blog post and if you have not read it, then get caught up now and get the scoops on what’s happening everyday in the heart of Philadelphia and other areas. In my first blog post I had discussed the realities of living in a community where graffiti is considered vandalism. In some ways it is considered vandalism, but the looks of it being vandalism is only on private property, when someone writes on someone else’s belongings. Read on to find out more about Graffiti and the gateways of it being “vandalism”.


"No person shall carry an aerosol spray paint can...with intent to violate the current (graffiti) laws in place". This quote is from the current graffiti laws in New York which somewhat implies in the city of Philadelphia also. The article also talks about the police having to assume anyone carrying a spray paint bottle is convicted of committing a crime, which is violating private and public walls.

For our “You and the World” project, we were to decide which of the following to choose from. My choice was a survey. 50 out of 50 people took my survey and answered from their point of view and opinion. They all had a say and they all said mainly the same things.


If you had read my first blog post that I had written it focused on some of the problems of graffiti. My idea for my agent of change was to host a graffiti run and some of my ideas for the graffiti run was just the vibe that graffiti gave off. I had also made a survey for people to fill out.

About 50 people took my survey (I took a picture of this graph before I had 50 responses).  Screenshot 2017-05-19 at 7.09.20 PM.png

Body Image: What I found out

After doing research on “Body Image” and how body image effects people. I learned about how having a negative body image can badly impact a person and their self esteem. Some people tend to get this idea of the perfect body image from social media. I also talked about how models body image is portrayed is unrealistic but they are who people strive to be like them.

Since my last blog post, I have created a survey on how people in the Science Leadership Academy (SLA) community actually feel about their body image. Throughout the time that my Survey has been up and people were taking it, I have encountered an incident where body image comes into play. I have just joined the cheerleading team at SLA Beeber, and one of the first things said to me was “Are you ok with losing 5 pounds?” At the time I wasn’t really thinking about it, I was just excited to be on the team. However after going home I realized how my project is so relevant in our community. I know the reason behind them asking me to lose 5 pounds, I need to be lightweight, however incidents like these can really impact a person.

My plan for my original research was to create a survey that would tell me how people in SLA feel about their bodies, if people think models have the perfect body, if they could change any part of their body what would they change and what type of social media user they are. After 2 weeks of people taking my survey I received 55 responses. 34 females took my survey, 20 males and 1 preferred not to say. One of the questions I asked was “On a scale from 1 to 10 how do you feel about your body?” these are the responses I got.

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After seeing the data I got from my survey, I was surprised to see how diverse people feel about their bodies. I noticed that none of the 55 people who took my survey rated their body a 10. 17 people said they felt 5 or lower about their body, which means that some people don't really feel that well about their bodies. As I kept looking at my responses I noticed that 20% of the people who took my survey said that they agreed that models have the perfect body image when asked if they agreed or disagreed that models have the perfect body image.

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I wanted to see if there was a connection between the people that felt 5 or lower about their bodies and the people who thought that models have the perfect body image. I found out that the majority of the people who felt 5 or less about their bodies agreed that models have the perfect body image. This was shocking for me because I learned how models body image is photoshopped sometimes and are an unrealistic body image goal.

Along with my previous questions I wanted to know what people would change about themselves if they could what they would change. The most common things people wanted to change were their stomach, they wanted to be curvier, and some wanted clear skin. People said they wanted a flatter stomach, bigger butts and clear skin. Overall I was surprised to see the responses I got from my survey. I have learned that models do play a part on the way that people view themselves. And that the people in the SLA community have insecurities about themselves. This is something that can affect so many people. For my agent of change I plan to share this information with my advisory in a presentation. And hopefully this will change their mindsets or make them aware of the issue.

For more information of my research visit my Annotated bibliography.

Q4 Artworks Benchmark- Cynthia To

For the fourth quarter, I did 7 different artworks. My favorite artwork that I did was Week 3. I think my art skills have improved a lot from the beginning of the school year. For the first artwork, I did photo editing which was really fun to do. It was really cool getting to crop out the background and add colors to the image to change it up. For the second artwork, I made figure drawings. This was really hard sketch a person from a picture and doing the correct estimates. For the third artwork, I made line drawing which was surprisingly really fun to do. For the fourth artwork, I made a digital drawing that was fun getting to change different shapes and sizes. For the fifth artwork, I made an illusion of spacing drawing. This was similar to what we did for freshmen year art. For the sixth artwork, I made an practicing texture drawing. For this piece, I was really easy because I wanted to sketch without erasing a lot and drawing for it for the first time. For the last artwork of the year, I made elements of art drawing. This is where I added all of my art skills this year into one piece.

Palm Oil: The Final Installment

Hi, my name is Ruby and welcome to my third and final blog post about my You & The World project. As you may recall, in my first blog post I introduced the topic of palm oil and described how palm oil production negatively impacts the environment. In my second post, I added to that information by reflecting on a survey that I conducted within the Science Leadership Academy community. In this third post, I will bring up ways that people are working to change this issue and repair the damage that has been done because of palm oil.

First of all, there are many organizations that do a lot of work on this issue. One prominent example is the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). I initially mentioned this well-known organization in my first blog post. One thing that the WWF does is they work to preserve the wellbeing of animals such as orangutans whose homes have been destroyed due to palm oil. Another organization is called the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, or RSPO. This organization has a set of criteria for sustainable palm oil (palm oil that does not harm the environment when produced). When a company uses sustainable palm oil in a product, they will typically have a label that indicates the product is RSPO Certified.

One company that has adopted sustainable palm oil as a default ingredient is called Justin’s. Justin’s is a semi-small business that makes various types of nut butters, nut butter cups, and snack foods. Their website lists 14 ways that they are environmentally conscious, with the use of sustainable palm oil being one of them. They write, “Our organic peanut butter cups are made with 100% organic palm oil that is sustainably sourced from South America and RSPO certified. Our [products] also contain palm oil that is certified sustainable under the mass balance supply chain model by the RSPO.” And in my opinion, what these companies and organizations are doing to support sustainable palm oil is certainly a step in the right direction.

Another step in the right direction is raising awareness, which is what I chose to do to as my Agent of Change. I knew from the beginning of this project that one problem with palm oil is people's ignorance. Thus, I decided I wanted to raise awareness in my community. The way I did this was by creating a presentation that I delivered to my advisory.

This photo was taken by Nasya Ie during my Agent of Change presentation. It shows me explaining the You & The World project.
This photo was taken by Nasya Ie during my Agent of Change presentation. It shows me explaining the You & The World project.
At the end of the presentation, I gave everyone a taste of a product from Justin’s, so that they would know that sustainable palm oil can taste as good if not better than regular palm oil products. Overall, I was very pleased with how my presentation went and I was also thrilled that almost everyone gave positive reviews of Justin’s hazelnut butter. I felt that I was especially successful because a few people even asked me where they could buy their own.
This photo was taken by Nasya Ie during my presentation. It features me introducing the hazelnut butter that I brought to be tasted.
This photo was taken by Nasya Ie during my presentation. It features me introducing the hazelnut butter that I brought to be tasted.

In conclusion, I will say that this entire project has been very enjoyable for me. I have learned so much about palm oil and all of its pros and cons. I learned that when I have an interesting, important, and personal issue, I have little trouble researching it and writing about it. One thing I would have wanted to do differently during this project would be doing an interview rather than a survey for my original research. I think it would have been really interesting to interview someone who works directly with the issue of palm oil. But moving forward, there are still things that I can do to improve this issue. The main thing that I can do is to continue to raise awareness within my community and beyond.



Please see my Annotated Bibliography for more information!

Support never dies

Autism Superhero Youth Hoodies

In my last two I talked about what Autism is and what slightly helps it. In my final post I will be talking about who is helping promote it as much as I am. Then I would love to describe how I felt when I did my ‘’agent of change’’ for my cause. My ‘’agent of change’’ was something that will show lot’s of love and support for something right and doesn’t feel like a bad thing. It will be on thursday June 1st and was on the memo so I hope lot’s of people wear the colors.


The best time to show your love and support for Autism is ‘’ Autism awareness month ’’. It takes place on April 1st to April 30th just incase no one knew what month it was. ‘’ Autism speaks ‘’ is one of many other Autism organizations that help support Autism. During this month they set little places parents can go to and have fun and talk to other parents that have the same problems as them and get some advice. It’s very nice and every year they have national monuments glow blue to show their support and some people do the same with light bulbs outside their house.


On the day of my ‘’agent of change’’ I felt happy. It was nice to walk around with the colors of Autism and feel like I was supporting even if I wasn’t a part of the real help. Many other people also wore the colors to help and show support for Autism. It really was fun to wear my Autism shirt and it was like the superman one in the image I used for this post. Some of my teachers also wore colors as well to help show support for Autism and help with me was what really made me happy.


Lot’s of articles say a early education is a smart so in the future they don’t develop any learning problems and I agree because that's what my parents did with me and it helped a lot. A fact I found on a website called says that if one identical twin has Autism the other identical has a chance of getting it too from 36 to 95 percent of the time. For non-identical twins the one without Autism has a 0 to 31 percent chance of having it as well. It also states that if parents who have a child with Autism are 2-18 percent chance of getting another child with Autism.


What I learned from this project was that if I want to make a change or some lot’s of support for something close to me I have to say it loud and proud and think smart about it. This project was very fun and close to me for helping me express the life of Autistic families and what they go through for their loved ones. I wanna say thank you to those read these post and help show support for Autism in any way, shape or form you see fit. I hope you enjoyed these blog posts and I hope you smooth sailings to wherever you see fit.  


Image result for ship sailing away

Artist Statement Q4 (Tucker)

​During week one we did color photo edits which is something we have done before but this much more complex. This was a 2 hour assignment which the time it took me to edit these photos. I had to take the background out for one. The second I had to change the color of the picture. For the last photo I had to do both on a picture of myself. This was a little difficult but not too difficult because I got it done.
During week two we had to do a figure drawing of people that were in pictures we were assigned. This also was a 2 hour drawing on a larger paper. We needed to have 8 sketches before drawing our final drawing. I decided to draw the "golden mermaid" because I always had a love for mermaids and it came out really well. The difficult was scaling the picture to fit the poster. 
During week three we had to do line drawings that showed the element of a line. At first this was difficult until I got the hang of how to do it. I had to research this assignment to understand it. I drew 5 pictures since I had the time. I am proud of my first drawing with the apple in the hand.
During week four we did digital drawings where we basically had to make a drawing online. This one wasn't as difficult because it was working with space and shapes to create a picture. This was also a 2 hour drawing.
During week five we had to do a picture that showed the illusion of space. So, the picture would look like it was jumping at you even though it was in 2d. I decided to draw a girl who was reaching to grab something so her finger popped out at you. This drawing was a 2 hour drawing and wasn't that difficult except trying to get it to look like it was coming out.
The final drawing was week seven and eight which were combined and this was to draw something that shows the elements of art and that has value. This was a 2 hour drawing. This was a little difficult because I had to figure out what a value drawing was to me. It turns out it's not as difficult as I thought. This drawing came out really well I thought. 
Overall, this year has been very well for me and I believe I learned a lot over the course of the whole year and I am very Grateful. It's been a long year and I'm glad it's over and I will take what I learned with me for a long time. 

Justice for Animals

     Hello! My name is Sarah Son, I attend Science Leadership Academy. My English project, called You and the World, is focused on one important topic, which in my case is animal cruelty. Towards the end of the project, I chose my Agent of Change in order to improve this issue. I had many ideas in mind but I decided to choose two, which are donating money to PSPCA and hanging up posters in my English class. 
In blog post #2 and #3, I introduced my topic, animal cruelty, by researching online and doing my own research, which was an interview that I did with a volunteer at SPCA. If you’d like to listen to the interview, click here! In my original research, I have found out a lot more shocking facts about animal cruelty. The interviewee told me," “... SPCA had raided a home in Frankfurt and we found about 241 cats, pretty much everywhere in the house. Just so you guys know, the limit for animals in Philadelphia you can have in your home at once is 12.” It was crazy to find that out. On the other hand with the online research, there were many charts and graphs I have found that showed different ways animals are abused as well the percentage of what animals are often abused, dogs being found the most abused. You can look at the Commonly Abused Animals here. Also, you can check out the Animal Abuse Classifications in the U.S. here.
     ​My Agent of Change, which is an action was the highlight of the project for me. I was thinking about volunteering at PSPCA but I couldn’t because I was under the age of 18. It made me upset that I couldn’t do so. I had to come up with new ideas and it all popped into my mind when I was speaking to a classmate that had a similar topic. That is when I decided to create posters and hang them around Ms. Giknis’ English room. For the design, I wanted it very simple and something that is eye catching. While looking for some ideas on Google at home, I saw many, many anti-animal cruelty posters that were very powerful to me. It tells me that people in the world actually care about this topic. This is where I found the posters. It gave me some ideas and I would like to thank them for that. The photos on this website do make me sad, but it is the truth and people should open their eyes to see what these poor animals are going through everyday.
    I made four posters and they can be found all around Ms. Giknis’ English room. One is on the door so when people come in and leave, they can take a look at it. Also, I put another poster on the wall next to the little couch. Another place I put my poster was near the trashcan, Ms. Giknis actually suggested this to me! It was a good idea to put the poster there so that when people throw away their trash, they can glance at it. Finally, I put my favorite poster in front of the classroom next to the poster that says “Words Mean Things.” That poster is eye catching, so when people look at that poster, their eyes will feast upon my cute little poster.
Photo of my poster that I put in front of the classroom. There is also a little hashtag that says #stopanimalcruelty
    Instead of doing just one Agent of Change, I decided to do two. After making the posters, I thought about donating money to PSPCA. The money that I donated was from another fundraiser that was for me to go to study abroad in China but because of personal reasons, I had to change my mind. On the website, there are options to where you can donate it to. I decided to donate money ($50) to the option that says, “Where Needed Most.” I think that it was a good decision. I’m quite proud of myself. (If you’d like to donate and help animals, click here!)

Another photo of one of my posters and I! This one can be found hanging on Ms. Giknis' door.

I am glad that we were assigned this project. It taught me a lot about others and it taught me a lot about myself. Instead of being assigned a topic, we had an option to choose one. I am thankful for that because if we were assigned a topic, I learned that I wouldn’t have been as interested if the topic was already chosen for me. I feel like this topic should be spoken more about, that is one reason why I decided to choose animal cruelty as my main topic. Also, I had a connection that I had shared in one of my previous posts. I just hope people will be able to look more into animal abuse and try to do something to stop it. Make a change today!


Annotated Bibliography

Jaime Vaquero-Garcia's Capstone


Kids are the most important in the world reason being that they are the ones that are going to be continuing out the legacy that the parents had left behind. Before any of that happens, kids become mature and grown/all those good things parents want their kids to be. Kids are kids, meaning being reckless and chaotic and loud, cute but annoying and etc. through living those moment with the kids, many adults don’t take them serious enough, and only when they get injured. Kids are exactly more intelligent than what most adult expect them to be. As years go by, kids are becoming more aware of what is going around them. Each year is becoming better then the last one.  

For my capstone, I was going to a daycare and was, in a way, testing kids the intelligences through some social and strategic games and their behavior. The first couple of days were just a little complicated because for one, was only at the daycare on fridays and saturdays and two, they had a lot of freedom for the only three ladies. In the long run, the kids slowly but surely adjusted to me. The kids behavior and creativity slowly changed which showed me as student,  as senior student at science leadership academy, felt that instead of them learning from me, I learn from them.  In a kids first 6 years of being born, they show more intelligence than what is expected from them.


Artist's Slideshow Q4

Artist's Statement:
All of my final pieces this quarter show my improvement from the beginning of the year. My first pieces, the photo edits, depict three different edits I made to a picture of a beluga whale. These were very fun to make and not too difficult. The second project this quarter, Figure drawings, shows three different sketches of a human form in the same pose. The final sketch is a full size drawing of the same woman. My third project is two line drawings done using Adobe Illustrator, without raising my hand to move the pen. The fourth piece of art was my digital drawing, made using the painting app Paint 2. The piece is an abstract geometric design featuring a color gradient. My fifth and possibly favorite piece is an outline of the Upsal Train Station in Mt. Airy, made using Adobe Illustrator. This piece really shows the depth of the train track and provides perspective. My sixth work of art was my Practice Texture Drawing of a still life. The piece, drawn with colored pencil, depicts a group of fruits and vegetables on a table. My final piece of art, my elements of art painting, incorporates all of the skills and techniques I have learned this year. It is a painting of a girl done with oil paint on canvas. 


Tape Files


Part 1


Part 2


Part 3




“I’m all smiles”

The story of the 18 years old Cameron who had an summerfling with his celebrity crush and found out months later that his ex boyfriend had HIV.



Characters and background story:


Isaiah- The 18 year old boy who is openly gay. He just started having sex once he turned 16 and only got tested once. It never occurred to him that he could ever get an std because all the men he been with looked clean. He went to a football game and got backstage passes to meet the team. He lingered towards one of the teammates who kept giving him compliments. They exchanged phone numbers and became a fling. Isaiah thought they would be more. Once he found out he was HIV positive, he had to figure out a way to tell this professional basketball player. Finding out the basketball player has a family and been lien to him this whole time, Isaiah  tries to break the news to him without sounding too bitter or sorrow.


Thomas- The 25 year old basketball player with a family and a secret relationship with Isaiah.

What is their correspondence about? Their communications must:

E2 U6 Doniesha, Sean, Jake and Sashoya

Changó era un Dios espíritu, confianza conocido por sus fiestas salvajes y actitud directa. Todos amaban y admiraban, tampoco querían ser él o estar con él. En cualquier momento él lanzó un partido que cada uno demostraría para arriba, beber bailar y pasar un buen rato. Todos ellos pensaban que sabían, todos pensaban que eran sus amigos pero no saben la primera cosa acerca de él. Changó era un solo Dios, puso en una saliente fachada feliz pero cuando todos sus invitados volvió a su triste estado natural. Changó no tenía familia había nadie para llamar a su propio cuando él estaba distraído por su partido animado estaba constantemente feliz y satisfecha pero cuando estaba solo, se le recordó de la pesada soledad que estaba sentado dentro de él. Por otro lado, Oya fue independiente y fuerte dentro de su independencia. Ella era una diosa que reconoció su responsabilidad y nunca abusado o abandonado. Con el tiempo esto se convirtió en ella, le consumían, y cada uno se convirtió distante sin interés. Ella encontró que la única manera de recuperar su interés arte! 
Cada noche ella mostrar los pernos silenciosos de belleza que se disparó por los cielos, amaban y ella. Ambos de estos dioses durante siglos y siglos agradar a la multitud sin verdaderamente agradable a ellos mismos y con el tiempo que necesitan destetados. Estaban perdidos, no sabían quiénes eran y mucho más. que vagaban y vagaban en busca de sí mismos y finalmente encontraron uno al otro. Crecieron juntos y aprender juntos, cada noche chango una fiesta festiva, oyó tocar la batería y trajo la multitud y oya su arte y su pueblo la amaba otra vez. Eran uno y fueron felices.

Final Slate Post

Hey guys its my final slate post on my You & The World Project. If you can recall my topic was suicide. If you would like you can reread slate post 1 and slate post 2 here now. My previous slate posts talked about the rates that suicides have occurred in the u.s every year. This last slate post is to kind wrap things up on my project overall. Hope you enjoy your reading.

The next transition of my project was Agent of Change. I am proud to say my agent of change was a success. I did a powerpoint on suicide and showed my advisory. That was my way of raising awareness. A compliment I received from my classmate is “ I’m proud of you for doing this and remembering that suicide is an important issue and not taking it as a joke’’. The powerpoint included ways to prevent suicide, and preventing suicide.

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IMG_0503 (1)

The decision to raise awareness as my agent of change was easy and thoughtful. I wanted to remind students that suicide is a very serious matter in our world. Everyday we make jokes like I wanna kill myself because of school. However some people say I wanna kill myself and they actually take their own life. People don’t think about that when they repeat  the joke everyday. I reminded my advisory that this topic is important and affects people around us.

Next, I found a website to provide additional information on suicide. The information I came across is helping a person who may be feeling suicide. The way to help them is to simply be there for them when they need you. If they need a shoulder to cry on or a person to talk you. You are that person. More importantly do not judge the person. Also I found ways to prevent suicide from happening. There are four steps for this process. First to remove any access to lethal weapons. Secondly, if you decide to see a therapist never miss your session. Third talk to someone and let them know how you are feeling. Fourth pay attention to the warning signs so that the thought if the thought triggers in your mind again.  

Furthermore, I also learned about the reasons people commit suicide. The reasons are due to domestic violence, bullying, incarceration, etc. Some people are diagnosed with disorders. Types of disorders are schizophrenia, bipolar, personality disorder, depression, and etc. Depression is usually the main and most popular one. People believe that suicide is the only way to end the pain. That’s not true at all, receiving help is the best option to ending your pain.

Lastly, My You & The World is something I am proud of. This project is personal to me because I almost lost my friend due to suicide. Doing this project made me realize how important life really is. I want to let people know that they are never alone, even if you think you are. A lesson I learned was that life is too short to worry about what others think of you.
Check out my annotated bibliography!


I was 14 when I first realized what I was capable of. I was in the middle of 8th Grade at the time and I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a Monday and as usual, I had spent my weekend gaming and ignoring my homework. Little did I know I had a quiz that day. I walked into math class and was confused when I saw everyone reviewing their notes. I located my best friend Coltrane in the corner and sat next to him.

“Whats everyone doing?”, I said to him,

“they are studying for the quiz.”, he replied.

I had completely forgotten about the quiz and this wan no ordinary quiz, it was a call-out quiz. This meant that the teacher would say something like 2 squared or 14 squared and we had to write down the answer as soon as they said it. “2 minutes to prepare!”, my teacher shouted as she handed out papers. I always hated how she yelled in class everyday for no reason. All it did was make me more worried about this quiz and by the time it was about to start I was very upset that I forgot about it.Then the teacher started calling out numbers to square and that's when I lost it. I started yelling in my head as the teacher kept calling out questions. “Why can’t time just freeze!”, I yelled in my head, furious at the situation. And that's when it happened; time just froze. It wasn't for long, but somehow I knew I had 5 minutes.  Don't know why I knew this, but I could feel it. I tapped my friend Coltrane and he didn't move. The clocks had stopped ticking. I tapped everyone in the classroom including my teacher, and nothing. So I decided to give my quiz grade a boost. I went up to the teacher and got the answers off of the paper she was reading from and wrote them on my quiz. Once I did this, I felt the urge for time to start up again, even though it hadn't been 5 minutes. In my head I was trying to harness this power and make time start again, but it took some hard concentration. Long story short I passed the test, and every other test, quiz, homework assignment, and project for the rest of that year. Whenever I froze time, I became more skilled and could do it for longer periods of time. For example, the first time was only for 5 minutes, and by sophomore year I was able to freeze time for an hour. The only downside to freezing time was that the longer I froze it for, the more exhausted I would be when it resumed. This ability was the only reason that I passed in school and it was the best thing I could have asked for. I remember my first time using my powers to steal something. I was in 9th grade and I had been working for about a month at this coffee shop. It was nice there and I made a solid salary of 9 bucks an hour. I had been saving up for this $1000 dollar Drone that I really wanted. I had been eyeing the drone since last Christmas when it used to cost $2000 dollars, but it was half off now. Even with it being half off, I still didn't have enough for it, so I froze time and stole it from the store. I felt odd after doing it because I knew it was no right for me to do this. I ended up returning it and waiting until I had the money to buy it. If there's one thing these powers have taught me it's patience. Things actually take longer for me than other people. For example I could freeze time for an hour to do an assignment and when I unfreeze time it's resumes from the point at which it froze. This means that no matter how long I freeze time for, it all happens in the blink of an eye for everyone else. But back to the story. The truth is, I don't really know how I got these powers. I’ve come up with many different theories, but none of them really make sense. So I just stopped trying to figure it out. My life is truly one of a kind, but in everyone else's eyes, it was normal. I had a few good friends all through high school, my best friend being Coltrane from middle school. Now usually friends are always there for you during tough times, but my life so far didn't really include tough times, so I was always there to help my friends. Whether it was homework, or relationship problems, I was always there for my friends, and if I knew if I ever did fall on tough times, they would be there for me. However, there were also many times when I had to get my friends out of trouble. One time, I was walking home from school, and I saw my friend Coltrane arguing with these 3 guys. It wasn't long before he swung on one of them and then all 3 went after him. I sprinted up to the fight and dropped the guy on my right with a quick right cross while Coltrane dropped the guy on the left with a massive uppercut. The last guy just stood there and looked at us with his hands raised.

“You guys messed with the wrong kid”, he said.

“Oh yea? And why’s that?”, Coltrane replied.

He pulled out a Pistol and fired right at my chest, and luckily I was able to freeze time before the bullet made impact. I grabbed the bullet and tossed it to the ground. Then I grabbed his gun and unfroze time with me pointing the pistol at him.

“Don't mess with me or my friends again buddy”, I yelled at him.

Then Coltrane hit him with a hard jab, knocking him out.

“You okay bro?”, I asked him.

“Yea i'm fine, but how did you do that?”, he replied.

“It's a long story bro”, I said

We never spoke about that day again, and I glad, because that would be really hard to explain to him. There have been other times that I took care of my friends that didn't require my powers. In fact the hardest part of my life was accepting the fact that I couldn't use my powers for everything. That's the one thing I always failed at. Let's fast forward to the darker times in my life. One of my darkest days was when I lost my best friend Coltrane. It was all my fault, I tried to make things better with my powers, but I only made them a lot worse. It was a cold Monday night, and believe it or not, I was having actual problems in life. My other friends all thought I was crazy, but my friend Coltrane actually believed me, because of the incident we had years ago. I kept uncontrollably freezing time. I called Coltrane and told him to meet me at out old middle school at 7 pm. I needed a mutual area where I knew no one would see us and since the old middle school had been shut down, it was perfect for the occasion. I met up with Coltrane outside of the abandoned building.

“Let's go in”, I said

“Ok bro, but make this quick”, he replied. When we went in, the school looked so lost to me. I couldn't believe how a place like this that held such happy times in my childhood could have turned into such a mess. It was awful, the lockers were topples all over the hallways, graffiti was everywhere and the place reeked like nothing I had ever smelled. We were walking through the halls when it started happening. I started glitching with time. For some reason it only happened when I thought about or visited a place from my past, almost like time was urging me to go back and re live the memories, but I knew it was impossible.

“David, what's happening to us?!”,

Coltrane yelled. And then, just like that, he was gone.

“Bro where are you!”, I yelled, then I had a flashback to the call-out quiz that I was taking right before I passed out. And when I woke up, I was there taking the quiz. But something wasn't right, time was frozen and there was nothing I could do about it.