Dawn's Place

In my previous Slate Post I talked about the effects victims have after experiencing being trafficked. Whether they are affected Mentally, physically, emotionally or all three everyone’s situation should be equally justified.

The biggest way victims of sex trafficking are being supported that I found through my research is organizations that give victims the support they need. Some bigger organizations I found are the Center for Human Trafficking Awareness (Florida), National Sexual Violence Resource Center (Pennsylvania), and Project Reach (Massachusetts).

Ways that people who haven’t experienced anything like trafficking but still want to help can always do things like, sign petitions, volunteer with local organizations, educate themselves, and create a club to spread awareness. Those are just a few simple ways you could help! I think these are great ways to educate yourself, others and support victims. The first way to become an ally is to make sure you are educated on the topic. As for the organizations, I also think these are really great sources for any victims that will find comfort in them.

This is an informative infographic I found very useful when educating yourself
This is an informative infographic I found very useful when educating yourself

While I was researching for ways to be an ally towards victims of sex trafficking I stumbled across an organization, here in Philly called Dawn’s Place. The mission of Dawn’s Place is to proactively support women affected by CSE and its abuse by providing direct services to women, raising awareness through education and generating prevention, public policy reform, and community collaboration. Dawn’s Place was a local organization, the website made it sound like all of the workers were so passionate about helping these women in need. So I emailed them asking if anyone was available for me to interview and Mary Shay, the program director and trauma therapist responded! So we talked for about half an hour, if you are interested in listening to the interview I will put it at the bottom of this post and hyperlink it here.

Dawn's Place
Dawn's Place

The reason I wanted to do an interview was that I think it was one of the best ways to learn more about my topic, and to hear about it from someone who dedicates their life to it and not just researching from google. Ms.Shay was an excellent resource and interviewee. She seemed super passionate about her job and how awesome of a place Dawn’s Place is. I am incredibly grateful I was able to interview her. I hope that through this project I was able to educate others about how much of a negative impact sex trafficking can have on a victim, I definitely learned a lot myself.

At the start of this project I was pretty nervous and had no clue what I was going to do. I am a pretty shy person and didn’t know how well my project would end up because of that. But in the end, I think the Agent of change portion of my project went very well. As for my project as a whole, I am pretty proud of it. I worked really hard and learned a lot about my topic. I think I maybe could have done better in finding resources, not necessarily better ones, just maybe more of them? Obviously, there is so much to do to prevent sex trafficking but like I said earlier and if I am remembering correctly it was also said in my interview, the best way to start is to educate yourself to the best of your abilities.

This is my annotated bibliography

Kavina Davis Capstone 21'

For my Capstone, I 3-D printed a Zen Garden Tray for children who had symptoms of anxiety or showed signs of inattentiveness and impulsivity. since I also wanted to incorporate Psychology and Engineering into my Capstone, I designed my Tray to appeal to 1 of the 5 senses. by appealing to 1 of the 5 senses, my design would teach children how to be calm and mindful.

It would also teach children a grounding technique, and possibly inspire them to do something Engineering-related. on the back of each design would be instructions, showing step-by-step instructions on how to design the product.

Zen Garden Tray on Fusion 360
Zen Garden Tray on Fusion 360
3-D printed Rake that would be used for the Zen Garden Tray
3-D printed Rake that would be used for the Zen Garden Tray
3-D printed House for Zen Garden
3-D printed House for Zen Garden

Christopher Jacobs Capstone

For my capstone I decided on doing something I found a rekindled love, I would say I have for. Which was stop motion. I decided to make my capstone about stop motion because it is something that has been in my life for a long time and I knew as soon as we were assigned this I wanted to do something for it to show my work throughout the past year. So in this project, I decided I would go for an informational video that discusses the overall history, and how to make a stop motion yourself that I feel would inspire others hoping to make their own.

Here is the doc where I started everything: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PUyX8_LOUJOPGp5XaKjfmHicusLNqtJzNhWl22JW55c/edit

Since its not letting me post the video into here. here’s the youtube link:https://youtu.be/2Mf-mUfkI94


Hector Sanchez Capstone


Intro: For my senior capstone project, I wanted to make a website that talks about how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected the way students learn. In this website, I included my personal experiences with getting adjusted to the change in learning, as well as my struggle with procrastination/productivity. I also included different ways that students’ learning and mental health has been impacted during this time and ways we can provide support for them when things eventually start to open back up again. I wanted this website to be some sort of time capsule into the crazy times that we are living in today while also trying to support students by providing them with resources/ideas to help them during this difficult time.

Annotated bibliography Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mOFvdQMSo5m8CCCv0xUTmuiVfUH6T0QeneXB7qFchJY/edit?usp=sharing

Barber Doug Capstone


My capstone was the progression of running a business as a student amid Covid-19. I have the last year and a half worth of footage documented to provide photo evidence of an ongoing skill that progressed with time.

Ami Doumbia Capstone

Website Link: https://adoumbia21.wixsite.com/website
Capstone Bibliography - Google Docs

Abstract: My mission for my capstone was to create a historical artifact about, what can be agreed upon as, the most historical 4 years of SLA. I want to create something that future students and possible prospects could use to get insight and understand the core of Science Leadership Academy; while making something we all can look back at. This website is a mix of stories, poetry, narratives, and reflections from the people at SLA.

Lincoln Murray #21Capstone #Sessa

The mission I created for myself for this Capstone was driven by a question: How can I Encourage the Youth to Invest at an Early Age? Although I am a young investor in cryptocurrency and the stock market, I still wish that I started investing earlier! Developing good money habits and management earlier would most likely have left me with enough money to go to one of my dream colleges. Not only that, but these habits would have saved me a lot of money, and helped me get started on my path to financial freedom way earlier! Now to educate others on the topic of investing, I also had to educate myself. So for the entirety of my senior year, I devoted most of my time to researching any topics related to the stock and cryptocurrency markets as I was still so new to investing. Through my journey, I spread the knowledge I was gaining to people such as my friends, parents, other family, and peers. My capstone had an “Inquiry” to drive this project, had “Research” and “Collaboration” with other young/old investors to complete this project, “Presentation” to fully utilize the potential of this project, and lastly had “Reflection” to learn from this project and learn from educating others.

Jueni Austin Capstone -21

For my capstone project I chose to make a small parody film about what goes on in the mind of a procrastinator. Throughout the year my capstone goal had been changed around a lot, from me wanting to make a full professional film to me just wanting to make something silly and amusing. I decided to take out a small part of the film that I initially scripted since this scene had included both the stereotypes of your average procrastinator while also contradicting some of them. Most procrastinators are seen as lazy and unproductive, so I decided to show said procrastinator being productive despite it not being what the procrastinator initially wanted to do. Throughout the school year it was very difficult to focus on school due to in-home responsibilities, so there were many times when the need to focus on my home responsibilities overpowered school. My film was mostly an opportunity to toy around with premiere since past years I didn’t get much experience with it.

film: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iltO1knBW2U2Ht55H-T8RCBgfuEd35mk/view?usp=sharing


Professional Development Procrastination Perks


Perks of procrastination

Source: https://www.fastcompany.com/3046120/the-five-hidden-benefits-of-procrastination

Cons of Procrastination


Elena Smith Capstone

For my Capstone, I wanted to find out what family meant to different people. In order to do that, I sent out an online survey about who people considered to be in their family, and then asked the respondents further questions about their different ideas on family. I then used the answers and put them into a website so that people could view the different responses I got.


The Dead and the Decomposing // Capstone

For my Capstone I created a short audio and visual podcast series called “The Dead and the Decomposing”, looking into what happens when we die and how the living have decided to cope with it. Each episode had a different topic: “The Process of Death”, “Methods of Burial”, “Effects of Death on the Environment”, and “Mass Death” - including a “Field Trip” episode which is essentially a short vlog of my spring break when my mom and I poked around some old New England cemeteries.

My goal was to combine all of my creative interests such as writing, drawing, and video editing with my academic strengths: giant research papers, while also creating something fun and easily accessible (so the opposite of a giant research paper).


nile capstone 21'

Throughout the course of the year my capstone has fluctuated, morphing into what it is now. My goal was to create a piece of work that takes people out of the stereotypical roles society has placed on them. For my capstone I wrote some of a script and filmed a scene from it. From the scene I wrote earlier in the year to the form it took in the manifestation of it as a video are different in some ways but the idea came through. I hope to continue to create videos and films that allow people to see themselves in all spaces and refine my creative skills in the process.

Script capstone 21' LUME