Pipeline Monologue Project
After reading this interesting subject our work is to write three monologues in the point of view of three perspectives. My first monologue is about a everyday normal office worker, since I wanted to imagine what a bystander thinks about this. My second is my own point of view about the subject. Since I really disagree with the pipeline my monologue is very optionated. My final one is about mother nature, but in this case father nature since I got a guy to do the part. The reason for this one was because I wonder what would the earth say if it could speak.
During this time I learned how terrible humans are when they are corrupted by greed.
Also how much this pipe will influence everyone's future.
Monologue 1- The Cubical Worker
(tired, walks to door and opens, LOOK DOWN) Lord what is wrong with the price of oil these day?
(angry) They cost more than a bar of gold!
(walks inside, irritated) If this blasted price don’t go down soon I’m going to have to walk to work. (sarcastic) Not like thats ever happening.
(sad) But I would really trade anything for cheaper gas...
(upbeat with a hint of tiredness, inside) (LOOK UP) “I’m home!
(crouches down) Oh what's this? That’s a very nice picture you have there.
(questioning) But why is the sky black, it should be blue.
(surprised) Wow you are learning about the environment so early on.
So tell me what you have learned?
"Wow that sounds very bad, but it’s your bedtime to go to bed.”
(happy relaxed, lies down on bed) Ah! Finally a nice soft bed. (dark gloomy, in bed) (LOOK UP) “hum, but is it alright?
I mean if this is true then by 2015 the air would be terrible!
I don’t want my family to be breathing toxic filled air! (confused) But what can I do? I’m just one person.
It’s not like if I stop everyone else would.
Besides biking is way too far I guess there is no other way but drive.
(questioning) Still if I do drive I would just help make the already terrible air worse and if what Josh said was true, (horror) than 100 million people will die because of it, and i’m helping to kill them.
Won’t that mean my hands are covered with blood too?”
(confused, LOOK DOWN) If I keep going with the car sooner or later it will harm my family.
But if I don’t how am I soposed to get to work on time?
(irritated) Ugh! It’s either I pay more or people die. (deciding) Money is important and all but family is more important.
(enlightened) Yes, that right, family is much more important.
(amazed) What was I thinking!
(happy and questioning) Now, where did I put my bike?
Monologue 2- For a kid's point of view
(happy, sitting down in class, LOOK AT PRETEND LAPTOP) Yes it’s history class, this is going to be fun!
What are all these for? (door opens) Mr. Block is back, gotta get ready for work. We are going to watch videos? Great! (interested, opens computer) Hum tar sands blockade, what is this about?
Interesting, that is a very big project.Now let’s see where they going with this thing.
(angry) Wow, what is this nonsense?
Are they even allowed to do that?
(angry and questioning) Isn’t tasing someone like that and physically harming a unarmed person illegal?
What was the law that prevents that again?
Oh ya! “No cruel or unusual punishment” I say tasing some unarmed person should be protected by that shouldn’t they?
(normal speech, stands up, LOOK UP AWAY FROM COMPUTER) “Mr. Block I have a question.
(questioning) why isn’t the government doing anything about this?
(mad) This is madness!”
(normal speech) Ok, oh, ya. (surprised) *sits down*
Wow so much for the land of the free. Let’s see what else did they do.
(surprised) (excited) A video! Let’s see what this is about.
Ok so the old lady was just doing her daily routines on her land, ok.
(questioning and mad) Wait what? Why are the police coming? Wait a minute!
She got arrested? (inraged) For trespassing!?
(enraged and confused) On her own land!
(mad) What in the name of zeus is this?!
(mad and questioning) They go in on some old lady’s land and arrests her?
For what reason? Tresson? against what? Walking on her land? This is ludicrous!
(sarcastic) Good job US, you have finally done it, you make the rules you break the rules, what are we supposed to do?
Rob a bank and said I didn’t do it? Madness, just madness.
(surprised) Oh what's this? (questioning) Hum, a chat box.
“What is going on?” oh I can answer that one.
(in a on stage “I have a dream type of voice”, pretend to type)
“Is this the sound of liberty we hear? NO. It’s the screams of the people.
Is this the scent of freedom we smell? NO. It’s CO2 that is killing you and me.
Is this the land of the free we live in? NO. It’s a land where greed overpowers all.”
There, now send.
Monologue 3- Mothe.... Father Nature
(use a chair to spin) (spin while reading the whole thing, sad, sarcastic and mad, waves hand wildly in the air)
Oh the sadness! Oh the pain! Oh the unjust I have suffered!
(slouched over)
Day after day I work hard to keep all my beloved creatures alive.
I feed them, I give them shelter, I care for them.
(questioning and mad)
But what did that get me?
(angry, quickly stand straight up)
I do my best for them and yet they are not satisfied! They want more and more!
(look confused)
Why can’t they see what they already have?
(mad and sad)
Now they are building this giant tube on me just to kill me faster, 800,000 barrels of oil a day? (mad) They have already done so much to me!
(sarcastic and depressed, speak in a shakespeare like voice)
Why, oh why do you do this to thy?
Look at this thing!
They dig out bits of me and makes it into this matalicy round thing.
Now they are using the tube to kill me more! What did I do to them?
They Strip off my skin and mine my bones, they drill into my flesh and drain my blood,
*hugs hair* they cut down my lush green hair to keep themselves warm.
(questioning mad) What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment? Where did I go wrong? (sad) I did what every parent would do, caring for her children.
Yet they keep on torturing me with their non stopped madness.
(questioning) Can’t they see that they are killing me?
Am I just that useless that they have to kill me off to be happy?
It is useless, they can’t hear my plead for mercy.
(mad and insane, holds hand out in front, gripping tightly) But there is one thing I still can do.
If I must die then they will join me!
Here is the Video of Father Nature!
(Video is at the end of the Bibs)
Keystone XL Pipeline- A large pipeline that pumps tar sand from Canada to Texas creating more then 800,000 barrels of oil a day.
("Keystone XL Pipeline Project")
Tar Sand- Other wise known as "Oil Sand", the tar sand contains bitumen, a type of oil.
("About Tar Sands")
Green House Gases/Effects- The warming of the earth due to large amounts of CO2.
Oil- A type of fossil fuel used to do many things, such as gas for cars.
("Petroleum Online")
Tar Sand Blockade- A group trying to stop the building of the XL Pipeline.
("Common Dreams")
Transcanada- The company who is responsible for building the pipeline.
("Keystone XL Pipeline Project")
"http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html." Keystone XL Pipeline Project. Transcanada. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html>.
. "2012 Tar Sand Shale and Tar Sand Programmatic EIS."About Tar Sands. http://ostseis.anl.gov. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://ostseis.anl.gov/guide/tarsands/index.cfm>.
. "CO2 Pollution and Global Warming."EnvironmentalChemistry. http://environmentalchemistry.com. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/environmental/200611CO2globalwarming.htm
. "Welcome to Petroleum Online." Petroleum Online. Petroleum Online. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.petroleumonline.com>.
. "Tar Sands Blockade." Common Dreams. Common Dreams. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <https://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/10/05>.