Stats Estefan, Raekwon, Antoinette

What our club discussed
We talked about what the author said in each chapter. We also talked about the what concepts were in each chapter. 
How you discussed it
We each talked about a different chapter.
Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion
Questions that came up as a result of the discussion
What did each chapter talk about 

How to Lie with Statistics, Podcast #2


​Article links:
 Sophia's- “The times leave the rest behind"
Jenny's- “Unemployment rate under president Obama” 
LINK TO PODCAST! (sorry it actually isn't a video)

Public Speaking: Perspective.

In my previous blog post, it introduces both social anxiety and public speaking, differentiating them from one another. It also elaborates on how many people are affected by social anxiety disorder in the world. Conducting more research provided me with more information that renewed my own knowledge about how social anxiety can be difficult to understand. So far, I’ve interviewed at least two people who have suffered from these conditions and are receiving physical therapy.

It took me a while to actually find people that were willing to get interviewed by me. I’ve sent out emails to people that were dedicated in helping people who suffer from social anxiety and other types of mental disorder that relates to it. No one had responded back, and I thought that I was just left to my last resort: sending out a survey. Sending out a survey to those who don’t suffer from these mental disorders wouldn’t mean anything, so I just can’t send a survey to a whole group of people and sort out those who do have them. Therefore, I just stuck to conducting interviews with those who are comfortable with having them. A friend (TK Saccoh) and I went to Philadelphia Mental Health Center to interview a professional. There was no one available at the time, so we were denied an interview.

Figures 1 & 2: These are emails I’ve sent out to psychologists and therapists, requesting for an interview.

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Conducting interviews with actual people that have stories about their experiences made me realize that social anxiety starts at an early age. The people who I interviewed are around my age range, which is about 14-16. I chose to interview those people because I could relate to them more, and so could younger audiences. I’ve decided to not reveal their names and/or other personal information because of the fact that they did share some very personal and compelling stories with me.

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Figures 3, 4, & 5: Conversation through email with a person suffering from social anxiety disorder.

I came to a conclusion that people, anyone, of all ages can suffer from similar things in a different way. Social anxiety just doesn’t “start at an early age.” It’s not like it’s something that just manifests itself inside someone. It’s a mental disorder than someone either has or doesn’t.

This information can help me in my Agent of Change by making me realize that I can’t just work with people who are suffering from social anxiety. It comes from a perspective, there’s also those who are relatives of those who suffer, and they are affected by social anxiety as well. They’re not directly affected (and unless they are), they’re just affected by the actions that their relative takes. They not only want their family members to get better, but to also receive the proper treatment. Sometimes there are therapists that don’t take in consideration the feelings of their patients. Therefore, the condition of the patient can decline from their previous state. Since, if they can’t talk to a professional or anything about their feelings or experiences, it’ll just stay bottled up.

Click here to view my sources.


This is my second blog post for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Here is the link to the first blog post. My first blog post was mainly about what OCD is, and mentioned a few different kinds of compulsions.

I have created a simple survey to see what people knew and how they felt about OCD. I shared this with people I knew, my advisory, and a friend of mine shared it on facebook. I unfortunately only received 15 responses. Here is a link to my responses. This didn’t leave me much to work with. Out of these 15 people, almost all roughly knew what OCD was. 13%, or two people, out of the test takers had OCD.

I will be making an informational video for OCD awareness. This will be posted on social media sites. At first I was going to do a presentation, but I feel that a video would be more useful, as it could be shown to more people.

Things i could have done better was provide a better explanation. I will have to find and use more information on OCD. I have already found a packet that people can look to for reference.

color organized shelves

2nd Post

Group members present during the discussion 

Alhaji K, Lala D, Michael

What your club discussed 
In the discussion we talked about what the author points were in each chapter. We talk about the things we understood. We also answer the question that Mr.Miles asked us .

How you discussed it
It was an open floor for all of us to speak. It really was all hands on deck for everyone to talk.

Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion
None that interrupted the discussion.

Questions that came up as a result of the discussion
Do we like the ending ?

How to Lie with Statistics: Book Meeting 3

podcast 3
This is our third and final meeting podcast. 
​(reach chapter 8 to the end)

Group Members
Monisha Das
Alexis Mccormick
Alaina Silverman
Nia Hammond

Chapter 8 - causation and correlation differences, making assumptions/conclusions, using big names to sound "better"
Chapter 9 - graphic on page 103, "statisticulating" family incomes, misleading percentages, graphic on p. 110-111, geometric average
Chapter 10 - questions we must ask, "does this all make sense?"
The book as a whole

Stats Q4 BM Podcast 2

Group members present during this discussion: Raz Reed, William Amari, Edgar Pacio.

What your club discussed: During our second podcast (which is the combination of all four of these files, sorry), we discussed chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7.

How you discussed it: We first answered questions from our viewers (Mr. Miles), then summarized each chapter and the examples given in them. We incorporated the misleading statistics example from the article Mr. Miles gave us into the discussion and we found our own to talk about.

Points of conflict/disagreement during the discussion: I disagreed with Will and Edgar on which average one should use to compare the students of two math classes. They said that mode is best, I said that mean is best.

​Questions that came up as a result of the discussion: What other types of statistical manipulation are there?
Stats Q4BM Podcast 2 pt. 1
Stats Q4BM Podcast 2 pt. 2
Stats Q4BM Podcast 2 pt. 3
Stats Q4BM Podcast 2 pt. 4

Podcast 2

Group members present during the discussion: Tytianna Broadwater, Leah Petty and Pierce Luck

What your club discussed: We discussed chapters 4-7 and answered the questions given to us by Mr. Miles

How you discussed it: We discussed the chapters first then the questions

Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion: N/A

Questions that came up as a result of the discussion: How did we feel about companies lying in graphs for their company to make a bigger profit. 


How to Lie with Statistics Podcast #1 Penelope Traevon Emily

mix_14m15s (
How to Lie With Statistics
Penelope Deoliveira, Traevon Gray, Emily Jenson

What we discussed:
We discussed chapters 1&2
How we discussed:
We first gave a brief summary, then pointed out key examples and key words in the text. We then expressed our opinions on what we learned from the reading, and how we had seen examples of "lying with stats" in our own lives.
Points of conflict/questions:
None, we agreed on everything

My tutoring experience

Blog post #1 describes about how in general kids are struggling with English as a second language. Many kids struggle with learning English in school. They may get shy, lose confidence, and not participate within the classroom. Blog post #2 explains more about my first time experience with tutoring children. It includes a personal perspective interview with one of the kids I tutored.

Some of the things that I've done to raise awareness of that issue are, going up to schools or people houses and tutor their kids with homework or help them study. I try my best to help them so that they can see the work easily in and out of school.

My opinion is that, some teachers in schools need to find a better way to elaborate the lessons more with the kids. So that the children in school will get a better understanding of whatever information they need to obtain. This will help resolve any miscommunication that would prevent the student from gaining school work understanding.

After the tutor session, I've been communicating with the students teachers about their progress and giving the teachers my opinion in the form of suggestions to give a better result of the child's learning.

The changes I've made during this process are; elaborating the work for the children to get a better understanding of the work, motivating them to have the courage to do their work in and out of school, allowing them to try things on their own, and helping them to succeed in all of the work they would turn in.

I felt great helping and getting to know the struggles that these kids face. It gives pleasure in knowing that I am here to help resolve their learning issue. What I'd learned about from this project is, having patience, explaining things to a kid, and allowing the student to work the problem out on their own then assisting them if needed.

If I had more time to spend one on one with each student ,I would feel that they are completely confident in school. What is left for me is to, make sure that they try things on their own and when they are lacking assistance is provided for them.


These images above are pictures that were taken as I was tutoring students in and out of school.


How To Lie With Statistics Pt. 2

​Group Members Present: Klarissa & Symone
Pages Read: 47 - 91
Pages For Next Week: 92 - 142

Podcast Points:
  1. Choose one of the quotations inside the front cover and discuss how it relates to the Introduction. - Klarissa

    1. “Round numbers are always false.” - Samuel Johnson

  2. List as many sources of sample bias as you can that are mentioned in Chapter 1 and provide an example of each.

    1. Average Yaleman, Class of ‘24 makes $25,111 a year.

  3. Put the second paragraph on Page 18 (“A river cannot….”) into your own words.

    1. “A river cannot rise above its source.” To me means that you can’t get something more out of what you already have, which is not true. This paragraph elaborates on this by concluding that in different data sets, we’re able to get way more information than we’ve been told. Thus, the saying a river cannot rise above its source can not be true all of the time.

  4. What is the advantage of a stratified random sample and what difficulties does it pose, according to this chapter?

    1. Advantages:

      1. You can be sure that your samples are appropriately proportioned

    2. Difficulties:

      1. Each unit must only fit in one stratum

  5. Explain why advertisers often rely on a very small sample to substantiate their claims.

    1. If advertisers were to use large sample sizes then it would be harder to substantiate their claims and ideas.

  6. What does the author mean on Page 45 when he says, “Hardly anybody is exactly normal in any way…?”

    1. What I took from the quote “hardly anybody is exactly normal in anyway” is that there are plenty of outside factors that can screw up data and paint a different picture. So nothing or no person is always normal all of the time, just like data. A clear example of this can be looking at data that suggests people who go to sleep before 10 pm receive higher tests scores. Sure, sleep is important but other factors could influence this conclusion. Things like what they ate the night before the test, what they had for breakfast, what they did in the morning, etc.

How To Lie With Statistics pt.2