B-Learn to see
What am I doing?
In this drawing I am identifying the positive and negative spaces.
How am I doing it?
To do this drawing I started off by identifying the edges, or in other words outlining the figure.Once I identified its edges I can see where the object needs to be spaced. The negative space is the background behind an object and the positive space is the object inside or on top of the negative space. The challenges I had doing this drawing was to draw a lifelike object only outlining the negative space. This was not very difficult because I did not need to layer the positive and negative energy.
Why am I doing it?
We were assigned this lesson so that we are able to learn how to overlap our art and create the illusion of depth by drawing a subject which will appear to be in front of something.This has taught me how to draw an outward outline.
What do I want other people to understand about my art?
What I would like other people to understand about my art work is that it was one of my first drawings when the focus was negative and positive space. I feel that I have learned many different things about this drawing. If you are able to imagine this image in your head of an object you can identify the negative and positive. The focus point in this object was the outline of the object and the space inside of that object. The goal was to make the positive space seem as if it pops out against the negative space. I feel I have accomplished my goal.
C Draw with Lines
What am I doing?
In this section I am working to create objects in art by visually separating lines and defining the forms shapes and patterns of various components of different drawings.However by completing these projects of art I was improving my skills when it comes to seeing and drawing lines. But not just any types of lines , very particular lines. Whether the lines were thick and dark, to light and faint and even smudged,giving the lines a fuzzy textural look creating the illusion of things having fur on it. This subject has taught me different ways of drawing cartoon characters, different fishes , and things that seem difficult but are very easy. I am mainly using my visual skills more than anything.
How am I doing it?
These drawings required step-by-step illustrations. This helped guide me through the process of combining different lines to create something very imaginable. For instance an animal or a cartoon.In order to complete these in just a few steps I would have to remind myself to constantly observe my lines and the symmetry.This was an observation skill so I am able to focus on my artwork being even.
When it came to drawing a self portrait, I found it very difficult to recreate my face so I took a picture of my profile which is an easy way of starting and I have altered a few things on my face because it is not always simple to draw your self especially if it was your first time doing a self portrait (like me).
Many different drawing skills were utilized to complete this work. Skills such as accurate proportions, combining lines to make shapes and adding different details to make different looking lines.
Why am I doing it?
I am doing this lesson to challenge myself to rely on other things other than being able to sketch straight or curved lines.I am doing this lesson to be able to rely on my visual skills and not just being told what I need to be drawn and doing it.By doing this I am learning to see and view things though a different perspective, I believe these are one of the reasons we are assigned this work.
What do I want other people to understand about my art?
I would like for other people to look at this art and understand that not all of your art work will look the same. This is because , just because your work happens to fall under the same category and you are a certain skilled artist, everything may not seem like the same difficulty than others. Even the smallest things seem to become more difficult than larger ones. i try my best to make the best sketches possible. To complete these drawings I had to learn to view things and a very foundational structure and see as an artist. This may be hard to do but when you view my work I would like for the viewer to notice the different levels of my drawings and take time to really view my work as different.Line drawings can look very different depending on who is viewing the work.
D Skuirkling
What am I doing?
In these objects I am creating objects with actual lines and working to define the forms of the lines.In this lesson it focuses on the artist creating values of objects rather than the lines and shapes of the figures. I have completed this lessons by drawing curved lines
How am I doing it?
This took many different steps to finish this work. Some took as many steps from 1 to 20.This lesson was called squirkles but the way that I looked at it was squiggly lines.By drawing many different squiggly lines all different ways it gives the drawing different textures. So what I did was draw the lines very close together to create a shading look , without outlines the figure. When doing this work it may be simple, however, I always took my time and worked my way very slowly through each exercise.
Why am I doing it?
I am doing this to express myself and to prove to myself and others that it does not matter if you are not one of the best artist , different skills require different amounts of work and by putting my time in it differently I feel I am slowly but surely becoming a better artist.
What influences me most?
What influences me the most is my inspiration of my own art. I feel like my work has gotten better by doing this. I have developed many different skills from doing these drawing. I even leaned new ways to hold my pencils and charcoal. When I begin to learn new ways to perfect my art work it gives me a drive to do more.
E Perspective 1
What am I doing?
In the different exercise’s I was creating a foundation by using the simple skills of perspective.I am working to overlap my drawings, creating depth in each drawings . This gave my drawing a very geometric perspective.I have created art work with distance , space I was able to create these different perspectives with the knowledge and use of atmospheric perspective. There are many lights and darks in this subject.
How am I doing it?
By properly using my pencil and charcoal it was very simple to create a drawing of perspective. When I put this skill to use I was able to make my drawing very realistic.While drawing I always remembered these steps and everything else just falls in place.
- There is only one geometry of perspective projection onto a fixed picture plane.
- All straight lines in space project to straight lines (or points, if end on) in the picture plane.
- The projections of all lines that are parallel in space either remain parallel in the picture plane or intersect at a single vanishing point.
- All sets of parallel lines lying within a specified plane in space have vanishing points that fall along the horizon line defined by the orientation of that plane.
- For two sets of parallel lines at some angle in the scene, the two vanishing points form that same angle at the viewer's eye, regardless of the orientation of the angle in space.
- In particular, the vanishing points for any 90º angle in space form a 90º angle at the viewer's eye.
- For correct projection of its perspective, a picture should be viewed from its center of projection in space.
What do I want other people to understand about my art?
My confidence for each art work shined through my drawing.It was not easy completed all of this artwork for this subject, so bare with me.
F Hatching
What am I doing?
In this topic I am showing examples of shading. In this unit the goal was to create illusions of depth and different range of colors while only using various pencils or pieces of charcoal. I am trying to utilize a different perspective other than overlapping, I am also trying to utilize an aerial perspective. This is when the artist (me) am working to create a different appearance on an object viewed from different distances and creating an atmosphere for the photo as well.
How am I doing it?
In order to do this I had to create sets of lines. The lines were either far apart or close together. This created an illusion of values , levels and textures. When drawing these images, I would always think about layers. I like to layer my art work because it gives them an illusion of having a soft or sleek texture.The only materials I needed to complete this unit was a few pencils , a piece of charcoal and at times an eraser.As time went on and I have completed more drawings, I have began to realize that there were different techniques that I was developing. I had to be aware when proportioning my drawings, this was very difficult.To make sure my drawing is correctly proportioned, I usually start off by sketching proportions, then I follow the process of elimination.Followed by adding lines to the sections that are in the shadows and finish by touching each section with a light. Then I outline the section again with charcoal to give it a more tense tone.
Why am I doing it?
When I am doing these drawings I am trying to accomplish something. I am trying to make it so the eyes can see nothing but a realistic drawing. I set a goal for myself that by the end of this unit or lesson I will be able to draw lines that are obviously noticeable and lines that are very faint and so close together that it created an image of something that was a different tone than others.
The reason for doing these drawling are to prove that it is very simple to create a full range of values with only a pencil and a piece of charcoal. By adding more or less pressure using pencils,and/or different pencils, I created transitions throughout my artwork.
What influences me most?
By looking at other artwork, this influences me to be better. After viewing the way many different artist layer there work and counter their drawings it gives me an ambition to add a little more technique to my drawing.
What do I want other people to understand about my art?
I want other people to understand that sketching is a technique that is not easy to master and I am still working to perfect my skills. This is something you can only master by practicing. Working on each individual artwork took an excessive amount of time and I had to re-draw my drawings a few times in order for it to look as close to perfect as possible.Just as everyone, I have to work on taking my pictures for my blog. The lighting is a little better than my previous work, but I still have work to do. By scrolling through my artwork I would like for the viewer to realize that as I did more and more lessons that my art has step by step gotten better. These projects were created from guidance and some of my own imagination. By adding some of my own flavor I got what I thought was best outcomes. These pictures are reasonable representations of many different forms of art.
Overall Reflection of my work
I feel I have done a pretty good job. I do believe that I could have done a bit better. This art work proves that I am capable of almost drawing anything I put my mind to. I was confident on more things than others which surely showed through my work. I was confident about a few different assignments. Personally I have surprised myself for how well i have done. However, my editing on the projects could have been way better. The lighting was and it did make my art look differently throughout the work and this bothers me. I do plan to do better next quarter. But I feel at least I deserve a B.