Keystone Pipeline XL Monologue Project

In my 10th grade history class we were learning about the Keystone Pipeline XL . The Keystone pipeline is a pipe that travel from Canada through the USA carrying tar sand oils . We learned some of the benefits that the pipeline has such as creating new jobs and cheaper oil. We also learned about the disadvantages that the pipeline would create such as oil spills, climate changes and many more. In my monologues below it shows someone or something and how they are feeling about the pipeline and whether or not it is the best thing for both Canada and the USA. Hope you enjoy!  

What's good for me Now.

(Daequan is walking down the street and notices Ms. Willson on her step)

Hey Ms. Wilson... (Pauses to listen)

This weather is lovely isn't it..(pauses to listen)

Hows it going?... (pauses to listen)

(sighs) Well I'm not doing too well, I haven't had a job in 5 months. Schools about to start up again and I don't have any money to get Leah any clothes. This is Rihards first year in school and I don't want him to go to school feeling like he is less than anyone...(pauses to listen, walking up the steps to go sit on the porch with her)

yea I've tried looking online but no one is hiring any more or you need a certain degree and I only have a degree in construction … (pauses to listen)

Yea I've heard about the Keystone Pipeline, I also heard that they are debating weather or not if they should build it which to me should be in issue since it creates hundred of thousands of jobs. Only if they were to agree to build it I would be back on my feet... (pauses to listen)

Well , I did hear that it would pollute the air more than regular oil and would cause climate change but i have to look at how it would benefit me now. If they don't decide to build it I won't be able to put food on the table or pay the bills, we would become homeless. The issue of pollution wouldn't matter. Come on Ms. Wilson you know how hard it is to get a job out here especially being an African American...(pauses to listen)

I know if the air is polluted it would have an effect on my grandchildren and my great grandchildren but I have to look at it now , (getting sad)  my children won't even be able to have children if I don't provide for them right now. Think about it, if they were to decide the pipeline that would mean the gas would be cheaper and I would be able to take you to the supermarket and get those sweet cherries you like and take you to the white folks neighborhood and buy you those fresh collard greens from the produce market...(pauses to listen)

I guess nothing will convince you that this pipeline is the best thing that can happen to people like me. People who don't have any other chance of work except this.. I understand, (starts crying) I need the money, I don’t care about what will happen in the future I am broke right now. Imma talk to you later, I have to go fill out the application to work...(pauses to listen, walking down the steps)

Just stop! Anything you say will not change my mind. Goodbye.

True Colors

(Rondo sees the major of the city he lives in in Canada, he shakes his hand and begins to talk)

Hello Major Ashton I am Rondo White and I have come to you about the problem of the Keystone Pipeline....(Pauses to listen)

Well my concern is that this pipeline will destroy all living kind. It will destroy our air, destroy our water and cut down the amount of tree’s that we have...(Pauses to listen for a 3 seconds  also looking as if he is confused)

Yes I am native to canada...(Pauses to listen)

Listen, I’ve heard all about the jobs that this project will provide for all of the people who live here and who live in the USA, but the amount of jobs wouldn't matter after the pipeline has done all the damage that it can do. If you all go forward with this the people of Canada will not be able to tend to their daily lives... (pauses to listen, the major says how?)

How you ask? (Chuckling) (in a rude way he says...) Please don't be so naive, you are building a giant pipe in the middle of our city, we as Canadians won't be able to go to our ponds and fish because the water would be so polluted. We won't be able to go hiking because the workers would be mining the trails and even worse, we can't even take a nice fresh breath of air because the air would be so polluted. The tar sands extractions releases 3 times more carbon dioxide then then the fuels we already use...(pauses to listen anger builds up in his voice)

(looking around with hands held out) Is this what Canada has become? The only thing that you all can talk about is how many jobs this pipeline creates are you all even concern with the fact that the well being of the people is at risk because of this pipeline...(Pauses to listen)

I understand that us as a people complain about how high the unemployment rate is and how high the gas prices are but do you really think building this pipeline will benefit our country more than it will hurt us?...(pauses to listen)

Sorry, I hate to interrupt you but if you build this pipeline there will be no reason for jobs because there will be no more people...(Pauses to listen)

Please enough already, I came to you because I thought you would understand me being a native Canadian but I guess we will never come to the same conclusion. (getting up) I already had a family member die from polluted air and I refuse to sit back and watch my whole country die. Thank you for your time ,but this isn't the last you'll see of me .

The Trees we Use to Be

(Treesum is a tree that lives in a forest in Canada. Talking to a worm that is beginning to eat his leaf. )

Hows it going ? (Pauses to listen)

Well I am not in a  very good mood. As I am standing here today, it has come to my attention that I will not be able to live on much longer. Before the humans where here this earth was beautiful. The air was fresher than ever, the water was clearer than grass and all my family was alive . Now the human race has put us plants through it all, but today is the day that I realize that it is getting worse then ever before. A little bird came to eat the wonderful seeds that i have to offer when it told me that the USA and Canada are planning to build a pipeline that runs through both of the countries. I am terrified. If they go through with this then we will be cut down (Looking around to the other trees, (beginning to get sad ). Even if they decide not to decide to cut us down we are still going to die because 90% of  water that they use will be polluted and will be released back into the general population. When the extract the oil form of the tar sand they will release so much Carbon in that air that we will die from not being able to separate the oxygen we need from that disgusting carbon we don't want. (sighs) we can never win. They just don’t care, don’t these crappy humans no that we are one of the main reasons why the can take in good breaths but yet they are trynna tear us down. (getting angry) It's sad because all we do on a daily basis is trying to help them and all they do is kill us. If they decide to build this pipeline there are losing out on ever breathing a fresh breath of air. They are going to miss out on the wonderful scenery that we, as trees, have to offer.(Pauses to listen).

I know its sad (acts as if he hears a noise) Wait , What's that noise? They're here. I guess they really don’t care. (Truck gets closer, begins to try to cut down Treesum) Stop it... Please Stop it ! Ahhhhhhhhh. ( The construction works cut him down)


The Keystone pipeline will create hundres of thousands of jobs for people in the USA and Canada.
The world will never be able to recover if something goes wrong with the pipeline.
Humans have already used 2/3 of the natural resources that we have.
Americans dont need the oil, They waste nearly a million barrels a day.
The oil extraction of tar sands pollutes the air 3 times more than regular oil does.          
 The amount of carbon released by the pipeline will rise the climate by 30%


1) "About This Blog." North America Can Help Deliver a Global Energy Transformation – If Leaders Do Their Part. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <>.

2) "Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <>.

3) "Global Warming's Terrifying New Math." N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <>.

4) "Keystone XL Pipeline." Keystone XL. N.p., 21 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <>.

Pipeline Monologue Project

For our Benchmark project in my World History class, we had to create three monologues from different points of view related to the Keystone Pipeline. The Keystone Pipeline is a pipeline that will run from Western Canada to Texas to transport oil from tar sands. There’s a lot of debate and controversy as to whether or not the pipeline should be built. This class project was created to inform others about the pipeline and to give them a look at how the pipeline might affect different people. I wrote my monologues from the points of view of Earth, the pipeline itself, and Fred Hassel, a man who has been looking for a job for three years. Throughout my research I have learned that the pipeline will cost about $7 billion to build and will run about 1700 miles long. It will carry over 800,000 barrels of oil a day and run over the biggest aquifer on the continent. People who argue for it usually argue that it will provide jobs, it’s cheap, reliable, and abundant because they’re buying it from ‘friends’ and allies. On the other hand, people that argue against the pipeline are more concerned about the environment. They live in fear of leaks and spills.  Hopefully the project I will show to you both informs and interests you and gives you an idea about the affects a choice has on a wide variety of things.

Monologue #1 (Earth): Earth and the People That Hate It

(raining) I’m dying. Those are the words the human’s fear the most. They hear it from a loved one and they believe their world is falling apart. (sigh) They hear it from me and decide to ignore it. To carry on with their days as if they don’t see the signs. The tears I shed pour upon them in waves, creating tsunami tides that wash away loved ones; my children. The emptiness I feel has caused droughts. The anger and rage has boiled over to emit fires, erupt volcanoes, that destroy everything in their path. (sigh) I’m falling apart. I’m running high fevers. These fevers are melting the world. Yes, melting the world. Destroying animals. Pollution. That’s what is causing this. It has to be. If that isn’t enough they decided to build this eye sore that runs through North America, transporting the world’s dirtiest oil through the Nation and eventually to other countries, causing more pollution.  

(scowl) Stupid humans. Do they not see what they’re doing? I’ve treated them well haven’t I? The pain they cause me is unbearable. I can’t believe this. (yell) What have I done to make them hate me so much? (thunder and lightning) I’m their mother. I feed them and provide shelter and resources. And this is how they repay me? By destroying me? By destroying the life that inhabits me? (thunder and lightning) Their world is actually falling apart. (sigh) I’m falling apart.

(sounds determined) I should destroy the pipeline. I should teach them a lesson. I could just end this now. No oil would have to be transported anymore. I’ve heard what the protesters say, “It’s game over for the environment”. That means game over for me.

But...(sigh) I can’t. If I destroy it, the oil will just spread on the land. It’ll cause more damage. I’m stuck. (look down) (raining)

Monologue #2 (Pipeline): Story of My Life

(lying on the floor) (disgusted) Here I am. Sitting here in the dying grass on the land a farmer once owned. I knew it. (angry)I knew since the moment I was mined from the ground they were gonna ruin me. Silly little humans. Uprooting me and my family, separating and compressing us into perfect sheets of shiny brown metal, penetrating our outer skin with big dull screws that cause more pain than necessary. (scowl and grip the grass tightly) (release) It wasn’t until I was shipped to to Texas and bolted to a stranger that I realized they planned to run the dirtiest oil in the world through me. 800,000 barrels a day. (raises voice) (tighten fists around the grass while saying...) A day! (release grass) Do they have any idea what they have done? It’ll ruin me! (pause)

(eyes widen, voice becomes shaky) Oh no. No, No, No! Why? What if I end up like my friend? He was so worn out he burst and caused one of the largest oil spills in history. I’m going to be over worked I just know it. I can’t do anything about it. (looks down) I feel so helpless. I can’t even find my family. (looks up with sad eyes) I’ve even tried to play “whisper-down-the-lane” with other parts of the pipe in order to find them. They’re gone and now I’ll never be able to say good bye. Even if I don’t burst, what will happen when all the oil is gone? There would be no use for the pipeline. No use for me. (angry)They tore apart families for nothing. ( grab the grass again) Dug up whole towns and civilizations of precious metal to make a profit. (release grass) (sad) I guess now all there is left to do is sleep. (weakly) Goodnight.

Monologue Revised #3 (Fred Hassel): Desperate and in Need of a Job
(sad) So this is how it ends, huh? (rock side to side on rolly chair) Sitting alone in my office spinning on a rolly chair. No job, no money, near foreclosure. My family probably hates me. I have no idea why my wife hasn’t left me yet. It’s hopeless. There is no way to pay off our debt. (angry) I have no job! Haven’t had one for three years now! I should just...(eyes widen in excitement and smile) “Ohh, an email!”

Dear Mr. Fred Hassel, (mumble under breath like reading a letter to yourself) . … widen in excitement)....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................(raise voice in disbelief and question)guaranteed job................

(happily, smiling)) I can’t believe this! This is great! (excited) I can’t wait to tell the wife and kids. (types really fast on the computer)(yells) “Sweetie, come here. I have some great news!” (pause speaking. look over to your left) “Here, sit down, sit down.” (stop typing. look up in front of you)(take a deep breath and close your eyes) “I got offered a job. They saw my resume and want to hire me” (excited) “I know, I know! Isn’t it great? It’s so...(doubtful) well no I don’t really know when I start. Here I’ll explain it to you. So they decided to build this pipeline that runs from Western Canada all the way down to Texas, that will transport oil from the biggest tar sand in the world. Well they have this idea but no one to build it. So, they offered me a job as a welder to...” (pause) “Are you insane? Of course I’m going to take the job! I’d be stupid if I didn’t.” (pause) “No it’s nothing bad I promise. You have to trust me. We’ll be able to pay off our debt and send the kids to that nice school we were looking at.” (pause) (smile) “Yes I’ll even buy you that new pan that you wanted. The kind that you don’t have to grease before using.” (smile) “Thank you baby. I love you so much.” (close computer and stand up. hold out hand) “Come on lets go celebrate.” (walk off stage)

1)  Bill McKibben, an environmentalist, says that tapping into the tar sands will increase greenhouse gases. (PBS Newshour)
2) The tar sands are the 2nd largest pool of carbon on earth (PBS Newshour)
3) Carries about 800,000 barrels of oil a day (PBS Newshour)
4) The pipeline runs over the biggest water source on continent (PBS Newshour)
5) Joe Handson, a NASA Climate Scientist says that the pipeline will be “game over for the environment.” (PBS Newshour)
6) Over 400 protesters have been arrested (PBS Newshour)

perf. "Tar Sands Pipeline Plan Renews Energy vs. Environment Debate." PBS Newshour. N.p., 29 2011. web. 16 Oct 2012. <>.

"Tar Sands." Tar Sands. n. page. Print. <>.

BILL , MCKIBBEN. "Three simple numbers that add up to global catastrophe - and that make clear who the real enemy is Read more:

Descriptive essay: The Best Worst Day Ever (Revised)

The Best Worst Day Ever

There i was having the worst time in my short 9 years of living. It was a beautiful summer day, I was visiting my grandfather Richard’s home. He was a small man and also a rich man that’s the reason I began to laugh when I first introduced myself to him, get it hes rich and his name is richard was a joke I said many times that day. His house was the biggest i've ever seen. There was at least 7 rooms and it was only him and his wife living in the huge red and green home with the brick stairs. His backyard was nice but his front yard is even nicer. His front yard consist of two main attractions,my personal favorite the blue trampoline and the nine feet deep pool with the “R” in the center. Thats where it happen I was just sitting there enjoying a cheeseburger with mustard after being extremely abused from the Blue giant that was the trampoline reflecting on the events that just occurred. The trampoline was full of grown men with 260 pounds of muscle, men that each were at least 6 feet tall. As the smallest on the trampoline I was forced to endure the torcher of the blue cell. I not only was step on, but also I was put through a series of wrestling matches with various strong grown men opponents. When I came out of the trampoline my record was 0-8-1 I had lost eight and thee “1” was a tie which was a result of my last of match, where I  had badly kneed my older cousin Andre into his “eggs”, well they were “eggshells” when I had finished.

So back to what I was saying before I'm was just sitting there enjoying a cheeseburger when no other than Andre himself came from behind me and grabbed me by my belt of my pants and “kindly” carried me towards the pool. Everyone has the knowledge of me being scared of water, well not all water just water from pools. I’ve always been afraid to drown I believe “if the pool is 6 inches smaller than you there is an drawn hazzard”. Back to the story the through me in the pool, while I was in the air I used every cursed word I could think of as I fell I seen the light or just the shine off of my uncle Shaun’s head which was perfectly shaved. The worst part of it all is my burger fell while I was in the air, one by one the burger had been dismantled, first the bottom bun and the actual burger fell together most likely because of my over use of mustard, then the rest of the grilled beauty fell like bombs hitting a small town. As my body hit the cold water but also warm water I felt an instant chill on my body including my tongue, my mouth was open. While I was in there “dying” I made my “will”, my psp goes to no one I want to be buried with it, my 2 dollars goes to my brother Aaron, all my clothes can go to Amir he’s been eying them any way, daejah my little sister who’s the lightest of our family gets nothing.

As I had sat there I decided to begin to start swimming  since everyone else had been doing it. I was a natural  so I decided to swim and swim until I had became hungry again, which wasn’t long since my lunch had fell. When I had got out of the pool, I had went and got my new and improved “Grilled Beauty” with pickles I realized that this was the start to “The Best Worst Day Ever.”

Keystone Monologue Project

What makes a good monologue.

  • Feeling/Emotion
  • Dialogue between you and others
  • A different point of view on things than the known
  • not force thoughts or opinion on onlookers
  • Natural way of speaking
  • One speaker
  • Unfolding/Developing monologue
  • Bias and prospective
  • Objects imaginary

My Name is KaBoni Bailey. I am a sophmore who has recently learned about keystone XL and we as a class are wrighting monologues to express our opinion on the matters at hand. We made monologues from different point of views to express the difference and forethought in many opinions and expressions. The monologues that you will read, will show a side from our personal to your mental. zyou will also witness videos of the monologues that you will read. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it.


Name: Tamir Ma’ar

Setting: From libya, came to America in 2008. He is at home with his wife, talking about pipeline that he works at/to self.

Objects: Grill cheese, child.

“ Yea sweetie, yea. uhh,  No, no I wan’t the grilled cheese like my little soldier here. Yea the craft, babe. The Cheese babe.  Ok, Ok. So, you want to hear about daddies day at work? Well, you already know I work for the pipe place right? (wait) Yea, the pipeline co.  no, ‘Co’ stands for ‘company’ honey. uhh, No ‘co’ doesn’t stand for Corporate office. Wait, Babe, does ‘co’ Stand for ‘Corporate office’? Well i guess no one will know then. Anyway sweetie, heres what i do, you ready? I uhh, go to work right, ok, now heres the real kicker, I mop the floors! Isn’t that nice honey? No. Well, thats why mommy put that dollar under your pillow last week when you lost your tooth, huh. No Babe! She’s to old for that now anyhow. Six is too old babe! Anyway, the people, huh, there’re making an uhhh, stop crying and listen to daddy complain please honey. OK, So they’re making a pipe that will go all over the US to give us oil. But i don’t like it. It has to many bad things. First if all, it looks U-gly (uge - ley) The people making it don’t care about anything other than the money they’ll be making and . . . Fine, if you want to cry, go and watch some tv. Some spongebob hon, i think the bubble episode is on. Uhh, thanks for the grilled cheese babe. As i was telling our little soldier over there, the bosses only care about their paycheck and not about the environment they harm. What do i mean? I’ll tell you what i mean. The pipeline would add two mega . . . megatron? (Pause) No a Gigaton! Yea, gigaton of Carbon dioxide into the air. Yea babe, a Gigaton, Thats like a gig---and a ton of gas, you know. times two. Yes i know what i’m talking about, I work there for Allah’s sake. listen, anyway, this thing is going to kill our earth in little to no time. (Pause) What!! I know You! You care enough to listen, you don’t love me! Go and walk away then, like you always do! No you don’t! (Mumble) Whatever. ( talking to self) But, what i really want to do is try to stop their production. Yea, stop it, as in sabotage the boiler room and watch it explode! I have access, I could just turn up the thermostat and turn off the cooling valves and wait a week then, BOOM, goodbye mops. I’m serious though. (Pause) I mean, i wouldn’t go that far; just far enough to make my job easier but this job pays well. I need the money. And I don’t think Obama Cares that much, the paper said (Sarcastically), ‘Obama Should approve the pipeline.’ But in another paper it said, ‘ Obama most Definitely not approve keystone XL’, I Guess ‘most definitely’ beats ‘should’, huh. Anyway i want, no no, i WISH that I could stop them, but what am i going to do against a whole company?”


  • Clarity with characters

+Good setting/easily relatable.


- Make transitions between dialogue smoother

- Make it more relaxed/Emotion*

  • Add on to emotions/More interpretation on job and feeling.
  • Add opinion to other characters

Monologue 2

Name: Artemis Fowl 

Setting: On a Playdate, talking to other child about the gasses and asthma. (Thoughtful and very smart child). The other child has little to no recognition of the current situation. He’s rich. 

obj: Doll, Monster truck,,   

“ Your hair looks better. Yea, No. Hand me that Monsta truck over there. No the red one please, thanks. why do you girls play with dolls all the time? Isn’t 10 too old to play with dolls? I  guess ten years old is too old to play with monsta trucks too, huh? So, my mommy and daddy were talking about, about a pipe. No a pipe. A pipe! A PIPE, like . . . the potty; pipe. Yea, well it goes ALL around the world..  (Pause)   I know thats a lot. (Pause) Well I looked it up on my iphone. (pause)  Google. (Pause) Cause we’re rich. So, the pipe makes stuff for the stuff, then brings it here; but the bad part is that  i’ll have to use my inhaler more, daddy said. (Pause) The asthma doesn’t bother as much as it did when i was little, but it still happens a lot. mommy and daddy say it’s from other cars. I don’t think it comes from our hovercraft, It uses water, i think. Anyway, hows home? (Pause at every question) How are you feeling, is the stuff working? Thats better than last time, i’m . . . i’m proud of you. How are your Mommy and daddy feeling about it? Still crying? Well, where does cancer come from? It’s just there? Maybe it comes from cars and stuff, like my asthma. I guess that it comes from gas, like carbon-drain-oxide. I don’t like gas that much. I love passing it but getting it is--(shakes head). (exited) I like to play soccer and baseball. And I LOVE to play tag. (Serious/sad) But, then i loose my breath sometimes and i can’t play anymore. Why do people make things that are bad for kids, like bad stuff for my asthma and give you cancer? Do they hate us? Yea, i guess you’re right. Well look, we both have problems but for now, we’re kids, so lets just play with these monsta trucks and your (makes nasty face) Barbies. So . . . lets, enjoy the, the umm, little time we have left. . .

Monologue 3

Name: Sanyika Shakur, a.k.a “Monster” Kody Scott

Setting: A ex-O.G Crip legend in soldiery confinement speaks on the newly heard news of the pipeline. He has the wisdom of moses yet the youth of a 27 year old. He at an interview when he is talking, dateline NBC. 

Objects: Reporter, bed, 

“ . . . What i meant is that you’ll get use to it sooner or later, and that makes the process much easier. (Pause) The first couple times that you’re in here, unless you know some homeboys, then you could be good depending if they somebody’s bitch or not. (Pause) No, (Stand up Half-angry) I don’t hear no politics or news in here, this is solitary confinement, I get a hour of walkin’ a day hoe. (Sits back down) (4second pause) From the last time i was out, four years ago, i was learning about stuff like that: Ozin layer and atmosphere and gases and things. They’re too bad for people nowadays. (Stand up, pacing) Back in 81’, when i did my bid, i heard about things heating up the earth, and i was like, ‘What’, that don’t make any sense. How can can cars and boats make the world hotter. Bad bitches make the world hotter!’  Now that i Know its real, it’s almost like, how the hell can a little heat kill everyone. But that shit ain’t no joke. In, what; a couple hundred years the world isn’t going to be here right? (Stops pacing, Pause for short answer) Something like that. But, my two daughters are going to grow up in a fog inhabited world, and how will i feel when i have to tell them, daddy and his generation did this? (Sits) And we barely hear about anything in here, so if, lets say a big ass pipe was to go all around the world for oil or diamonds or bitches or something, and it let out so much gas that my kids died years later. Or diseases are formed from the amount of heat or gas. That hurts. (Pause for question) What, Wow! I swear to god i didn’t know. Thats crazy. But all non-the-less that just proves my thought to be fact. I have connections to the outside that can rely on, so maybe i’ll look more into that and see if and/or i can do anything from this shit hole . . .”

Descriptive essay (Revised)

I’m not a female, but I dreamt of fish that night. How could a simple dream of fish falling from the sky affect the world that was about to collapse me spiritually and emotionally? The moment was one of such seriousness that it took minutes to tell me the news. I don’t know why I felt the need to brace myself, as if a pilot was about to land the plane of drought. My mother was sitting on her bed in her room; I was doing my homework when I heard my mother on the phone. At the time I did not care what and/or whom she was speaking to, up until I heard my cousins name called.

“OK Indigo, well, I . . .”

That was all I heard from my room before my mother shut her door. As I continued to do my homework, I thought of a couple times that Indigo and me had together. When we were kids playing “Def. jam fight for new york”, dressing up for Halloween and many more. Yet, I thought of what could be wrong to the point of my mother closing the door to block out the current conversation; I pondered this while finishing the last of my math questions. Then suddenly, I heard my mothers door creak open, not fully but wide enough to hear her mumble the words,

“Kaboni, Come here.”

I walked the 13 steps to my mother’s room, anxiously waiting for dreary news. As I stepped into her room, I noticed the smell of a recently lit Parliament cigarette, and the illusion of unhappiness. As I walked in the room, my mother sat on the lower left corner of her queen-sized bed, Indian position, and phone still in her ear. My mother had her face in one hand and her phone held on her ear by the other. As she looked up, I noticed an eerie look on her figure. The look on her face was of pure distraught and disappointment. She began to say,

“Promise not to,”

That is when an alarm went off in my head and I began to get scared for myself as well. She continued

“You know Indigo is almost 18 right? So, her choices are her choices, do you know that She has to live with what happened right?”

“Yea,” I started “but what’s going on?”

You could tell by the popping of smaller veins in her forehead that she was attempting to tell me the unbearable. At this moment, I recalled from my mind that Indigo was the child that had been through so much and still wound up on top. The child, who was abused and attacked on a daily basis, at home and on the streets, was the one who survived and became top of her class, the one who rose above the rest, the one who survived.  My mother collected herself and began to finish what she tried to speak about seconds ago. She repeated,

“KaBoni. Lord. Ok are you ready,” she said with teary eyes. “Indigo had a miscarriage,”

I was speechless. There were no words that could form in my never-ending mind of wows and wonders.  As stood in awe, the scenery around me seemed to enclose on my mentally lifeless body as I grasp the seriousness of the situation.

“The baby just decided to come out and they left her at the hospital, she had to push the baby herself.”

“But she was only Four months!” I extorted.

“I know but the baby came early and they do not know why. It was just very bad timing.”

I searched my brain for any clue or figure of a miscarriage: TV, movies or anything to help clear the picture that was missing the artist. There was none. The room was a depiction of darkness that reflected on the evil spirits upon my family. It was when my mother told me next that I realized how real the world was. She stated,

“ She got to hold the baby for an hour and a half before she died . . .”

In that moment, I realized that my child hood was none. I realized that my cousin lost her child because of staff that didn’t want to do their job. I realized that the world is actually an evil place. But in that moment, I decided to myself not to be swallowed whole by the spirits of Satan or the lust of Lucifer. I wanted to be better than the people that killed my cousin-to-be. At that moment, I decided to be what I was meant to be: a leader.




Mendez Heaven Lucid Chart- My Home Network

This is my Home Network, or my LAN. Consisting of both wireless, and wired connections, I have a total of six devices on my network, including a printer, two gaming consoles, two laptops, a smart phone, and one desktop computer. The network is controlled by a modem, which then powers the wireless router, as well as the wired connection to the desktop. Simply speaking, LAN's are pretty complex!

Before even learning about my LAN, i had no idea how they even worked! I just though that you plugged whatever it was that you wanted to use for internet, and it just signed you in! I honestly had no idea that there was more to internet, beyond a wireless connection. I did know that a desktop had to be plugged into something else for power, but that was about it. Seeing that it had to be connected to the home phone line, which had to be hooked up to the router, then plugged into the computer was the way it worked. Learning about my LAN has taught me a lot about how networks work.

After everything I've realized after learning how LAN's work, I do have some advice to other owners of networks. Try and get yourself familiarized with your network! It may sound strange at first, but trust me, it's a pretty important skill to have! Understanding your home network, can open a variety of useful information that can prove handy in the near future. Other than that, all I can say is enjoy your experience with the internet!
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Weathers-Fowler Mia, Lucidchart, HomeNetwork

My L.A.N (local area network) has 10 devices in it. On my internet connection there are 2 iPhones, 2 laptops, 2 iPads, an iPod, a Wii, and speakers. Also my router is connected to the internet. My O.M.G moment was basically this whole time. I didn't know anything about computer networks. All I knew was that some magical force made my computer go so that I could get on Facebook. Now I have a better understanding of how information gets to the internet so that I can see it. I also now know that all of my devices are actually working through one network which is my L.A.N. 

I would tell people that they need to know where their internet comes into their house. For example I know that mine comes in from a cable, but others may have theirs coming in by phone wire. Also you should know how many devices are in your L.A.N and how they are receiving the wireless. And finally you should know who your I.S.P (Internet Service Provider) is, i.e Comcast or AT&T. 

Joie Nearn- Home network

  My Local Area Network has a lot of thing attached to it. The main things that are attached are my modem and wireless router. I have 2 I-phones that are able to access my network. It was one iphone 4 and iphone 4s. My Mom's blackberry is also connected to it. There are two laptops connected to the network. Last but not lesast my printer and desktop computer. 
   My OMG moment is when I learned that there were several components to my home network . I honestly surprised how important it is to keep your internet blocked.
I would share with others to that having a ISP you should be very careful. I would suggest  that you keep your network private and try not to have a lot of things connected. 


Smullen Gabrielle, Lucidchart, Home Network

My L.A.N (local area network) has 7 devices in it. My laptop, iPhone, printer, speakers, modem, and wireless router are all connected to my Internet. O.M.G moment : I didn't know half the things I learned about my computer or internet before doing this. It was exciting and I was hype to put it all together. So now that I know what all of this stuff is and what it's connected to, if something ever goes wrong i'll know how to fix it. To everybody else, I think everybody should find out about their home network, you'll find out a lot that you didn't know for the better.  

Ostrowski Michael lucid home network

I receive a signal on my modem from the internet.  It then goes from the ethernet to my wireless router. From there I receive a signal on all my wireless devices throughout my house. From this connection all my devices are able to connect to the internet. I did't know that my desktop computer received the signal through the computer tower. If you have your own ISP/ home network then try to keep the number of devices connected to the internet at once low so that your connection speed is increased. 

Salhe, Hikma Lucidchart My Homenetwork

AN (Local Area Network) is an ethernet in which you can connect to your pc, servers, other devices. On my internet connection I have two ipods, 3 Hp laptops, 2 Gateway laptops, 1 Macbook pro, a Dell Desktop, and a tv that uses internet. From the book O.M.G I realized how unsafe the internet can be if you don't use it safely. For example, I learned that I have to be cautious of what I post on the internet. Also, that there are hackers and people who can do bad things to your computer. To protect myself from these types of hackers, I can put a password on my WIFI. This protects my internet and helps it be fast and easy to access.

SalheHikmaLuicdchartMyHomeNetwork (1)

Rosenberg, Kara, Lucidchart, Homenet

My local area network has many things connected to it. I have a lot of devices in my house that are connected to the wireless internet. The devices are three iPhones, an iPad, one Macbook, one Macbook Air, one Macbook Pro, a Playstation 3, and a printer. Comcast is my internet provider, so all of those devices are using Comcast's internet. 

My "OMG Moment" was when Ms. Hull taught us that if you download music and you don't pay for it, you are stealing. This surprised me because I never thought listening to music could possibly make you a thief, but it makes sense. The music artist makes music and gets their money buy people buying their tracks. But, when you download their music for free, from a place that does not have a copyright, you are stealing that artist's music. It made me feel bad, because if I was an artist and spent months/years working on my music, I would expect people to pay money to listen to it! 

People need to know a lot of things when having an ISP/home network. One of the main things they need to know is to put a password on your internet! If you don't put a password on your internet connection, you will be paying for strangers who use your internet connection. And to me, that just isn't fair.

Sorgentoni, Gina , LucidChart, Homenetwork

My ISP is Comcast it comes in through a cable that connects to my modem. The average cost per month (TV and Internet) is around 200 dollars and 2,400 dollars per year.

On my LAN I have two laptops (Gateway and Macbook), a desktop, wireless printer, and a Nintendo Wii. They are apart of my Local Area Network because all of these devices in my home are connected to my internet.

My "OMG!" moment was learning about how to use Lucid Charts, at first it was confusing but once I got the hang of it I had fun working. I also never really realised how much work it is for a computer to connect to the internet and be able to surf the web.

If there is one thing you should know about you LAN network would be: Get a network passcode so that your internet is exclusively yours unless someone has the passcode.
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Ibrahim, Nebil Lucid Chart Homenetwork

This is my home network. My homenetwork is very simple. It is connected to only two laptops and a phone. The laptops are wireless and are far away from my modem and router which are in the basement. I was able to learn that all providers of internet give very different services with different quality. Also where you locate your router is crucial for your connection.
It is important to know that it is best to have your whole network above ground. It is so because, when the network is below ground it gets a weaker connection. Also it is not good to have to many devices on the same connection because, it weakens your connection.

Bella Mezzaroba LucidCharts Home Network

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​My L.A.N. (Local Area Network) consists of quite a few products. All of these products are connected to my wireless modem which runs on Verizon. My Wii is connected to my internet connection as well as my Kindle Fire. I've got a multitude of Apple Products, too. An iMac, iPad, and two Macbook Pros are also on my connection. Lastly, I have a epson printer that hooks up wirelessly to all of my products.

Looking back on this assignment, I realize there was a lot of things I didn't know or wasn't sure of. I've never even heard of LucidCharts before this. I was confused as to how to make a blog post and was questioning how to get the chart onto the post. Basically, I was a hot mess. After much thought and collaboration with my friends, I started to understand, though. Now I know how LucidChart works and that I will benefit by using it often. I also know how to make a post on this blog. Everything seems much simpler now.

A lot of people aren't really aware of their home network. I was one of them until Mrs. Hull made me realize it's a lot more than a computer with internet connection. Understanding your home network is the first step to understanding the technological side of the world. There's an entire universe out there on the internet and when you fully grasp it, doors of opportunity are opened to you.

Bromley, Jonas, lucidchart, homenetwork

​My L.A.N. consists of a modem going to my desktop and my wireless router and then my router giving my laptop wifi. People should know that their L.A.N. will get slower when more people use it so they should have a password to get onto it so other people can't use your connection and make it slower.
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Atkinson, Brittany, LucidChart, Homework

​An LNA (Local Netwrok Server) is an ethernet where you can connect all of your devices. On mine I have 3 iPhones, a laptop, a wii, 2kindles, a desktop, iPad, and a PS3. My O.M.G moment is when I realized how many devices you can put on your LNA and also how unsafe it is if your wifi is not protected. I advice anyone who has Wifi to protect it with a password.
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Rafi Lucid Chart home network

This is my home network. 4 years ago my network consisted of a wired modem and one really old desktop. Now my family has entered the digital age and my network seems massive. Now my house barely has any wires as all of my electronic devices are wireless. I took this modern technology for granted as my life would be so much harder if everything was hooked up to a wire but now I understand the complexity of the situation.

The thing I am most proud to know about now is how my computer sends information through the internet. I had no idea that a so many packets of information were sent through such a long process. Even more mind boggling to me is how this prospect happens every time we search on google in the mere fraction of a second and only select packets make the cut. Hopefully I will learn more over time at SLA.
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Casasanto,Angelo Lucidchart Home Network Diagram

​My L.A.N. (Local Area Network) includes 8 devices: the house phone, the PC, my Xbox 360, the cable modem, the wireless router, my laptop, my ipad, and my cell phone. My OMG Moment is when i realized that i didn't know what LAN stood for. Something that i would tell someone with a home network would probably be password protect your internet connection, because if you dont anybody near your house would be able to steal your wifi... 
My Home Network Diagram
My Home Network Diagram

Pipeline Monologue Project

​We have been doing research on the Keystone pipeline that will run from Canada, through the U.S, and end in Mexico. We've done a project that requires us to write a monologue from the perspective of anyone or anything the involves the pipeline. These are the monologues please enjoy.

The Lucky One
  (Sitting in a chair twidling his thumb.) You are scum. You (Pause) are scum. A sick, vile virus among the population of humanity. You think your riches or your big fancy house makes you special, makes you unique? You are nothing more than a mosquito, sucking the blood out of society and those who depend on what it gives. You and everyone similar to you are meer insects to people who’ve had to crawl and struggle their entire lives to get by. People without chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, or fancy butlers serving them five star meals. Those are people with real riches. I can sit in this chair all day and lecture you on this. The sad part about it is people don’t care as much for human riches as much as they care for small green slips of paper with dead white leaders on them. And for those who do have it use it to hide from the real world like cowards while they watch us struggle through life from their high placed pedestals.

  Why did I try to steal from you? What would you care or understand? I’m going to prison regardless. Hmmp well if you must know I’m no criminal. A thief, but not a criminal. No, they are not the same thing! A criminal is someone who purposely breaks the law because they are too lazy to get a job and make something of themselves. Now there are two types of thieves. People who steal because they want to or people who steal because the have to. I steal because I have to. The funny thing is it wasn’t always that way.

  It was about a year after that pipeline was made. I lived in a rural area not too far from the pipeline and my family business was around that area to. I worked as a tourguide, take people through the forest, let them experience nature, stuff like that. It was called Natures buddies. Of course you’ve never heard of it, probably not good enough. You’d be that one person who had no one to come with. (Pause) Oh yeah, you married? (Pause) You have any kids? Yeah (mumbling) I bet even your parents be too ashamed to come with you. Anyway! I made a good salary, settled down, got married. Hmmp, I remember when I first met her. She came in for a tour one time with her friends, we talked for a little bit after the tour and we just connected ever since. I knew she was the one from that first hour we talked, but I guess you wouldn’t know about that would you. Soon after she gave me something to live for... two kids. They were my pride and joy and I really felt that it was just gonna get better from there. Thats when... it happened. (Pause) The pipeline burst. You probably heard about it. (Pause) Yeah but the only thing was they were sugar coating it. The the pipeline spewed thousands of gallons of oil a minute and ravaged the wilderness and everything else around it for miles, including our business.

I was out of work. Soon after I lost my home. In the blink of an eye I had no job, no home, and my emergency money was running dry. I felt like a boy in a book I read called House of the Scorpion when he was locked in that room because they found out he was a clone. I tried for months to get a job but no everyday job wants to hire someone who tread through the woods talking about trees and animals. Hmmp, you’d think people be more grateful for the tour’s we gave. I tried everything, I learned that those fundraising things they have on commercials are all bullshit. Just a bunch of people who steal from the public and barley give any of the money they raise toward people who need it. They’d much rather take almost all of that money for their own self purposes. Another thing I realized was that those who had plenty of money to give to a corner full of the homeless are the one’s who most likely would give us the finger and drive off.

My money was running dangerously short. My families ribs slowly began showing more definition everyday. I knew I had to do something. Then it hit me, Robin Hood stole from the rich to help the needy. As bad as it was I had two option, either steal food until I can find a real job, or watch my family wither away. That’s why I’m here now. This isn’t what I wanted, this is the life I was forced into. I know you have to call the cops, just please whatever you do keep my family out of it. They deserve better than me anyway. (Pause) What?! Your giving me this? But... but... this is ten thousand dollars, your just giving me this? (Crying) Thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you. Ever since that incident I’ve thought I of myself as unlucky, but now I see I have a loving family and now I can support them. Thank you.

Hood Tales
(Sitting on the steps when friends walk up) Sup man. (handshakes are given) Got some stuff on on my mind you know. Here walk me to the store.

  You know how that pipeline is about couple miles from here. (Puase) Well, I heard from an article that an engineer named Vokes said there were some weak spots in the pipe where it is most likely to leak and got fired. No one gave him a reason why he was fired but it’s easy to say that they fired him because he knew the potential danger. (Pause) Thats what you think. My stepdad did some work on that jawn when they was building it. Even he said that though there were some faulty areas, but after what happened to Vokes no one was willing to risk their job by speaking up.

   (At the store) Yo you want something? (Pause) Imma just get an Arizona. (Go into store and gets an Arizona.) Yeah but anyway, my stepdad said was that one weak spot happens to be just off the city. (Pause) I know of all the places right here. I don’t know if it’ll leak on us thats the problem. You know my mom don’t work, my stepdad just got promoted to work on constructions like the pipeline so he’s never around, I’m tryna finish my last year of high school and get into college. Another thing is you know that UCLA gave me a scholarship for politics and basketball. Only thing is if I do go my mom will be by herself most of the time and with her drug problem already bad I doubt think she can handle it, but if I go to Community College I can stay and support my mom but I won’t have nearly as many opportunity as I would if I went to UCLA. If something does happen with that pipeline if I’m not around my mom aint gonna be able to do nothing to help herself, if I am around and it happens we’d be homeless, but at least she’d have me around to keep her sanity intact. So I’m most likely gonna stay here with my mom. I know I’m giving up my dream but my mom means more to me then that and since my real father left us to rot and my stepdad is never around it’s my responsibility to take care of her because no one else will you know. (Gets back to his house.) Na man I can’t play ball today, gotta get some work done you know. (Pause) No prob man thanks for listening man, needed to get that off my chest. Talk to you later.  

Under My Wing
(Laying on the ground) Ah, my wing. Hello! Hello! Can anyone hear me!? Oh whats the point? Without my wings, I’m nothing but a small chicken appetizer served with a side of oil for any predator that finds his way to me first. (Looking up) Speak of the devil. Let me guess, you heard my struggling and it lead you to me. Yup, I can tell by the way your eyes are widening and licking your lips. Whew, the last thing you ate didn’t treat you well did it? Look, I know how you predators work; you sniff around til you find some poor, weak, defenseless creature to stuff your face with. You found me hear laid out on the ground and thought, easy meal. But I will give you a fair warning, you really don’t want to eat me. Why? Because I’m contaminated. I know, just a way for me to not get eaten huh. Well, let me tell you how it happened. See, you heard of that pipeline that was built under us? Yeah well about a week ago so I’m just walking around minding my own business, when out of nowhere all this oil spewed on me. That was just the start of my problems. So I escape the oil pool and thankfully I didn’t consume enough to kill me (mumbling) lucky me. Once I escaped I realized that the extra wait prevented me from flying, so I began searching for something to eat. Because frankly I was really hungry. So as I’m looking for some bugs to eat, out of the blue this giant metal hits. At first I thought it was a big predator so to stay alive I played dead. It turned out that it was just a couple of humans. So they leave and it was then that I realized that I had broken my wing. I walked and walked for miles searching for help until I finally broke down here, and the rest you already know. Bet you don’t wanna eat me now huh haha. Yeah bet you won’t whoa... (crunch crunch) (swallow)

Little Sasha

My sister and I are living the dream. I mean there’s nothing to explain or say but that we are the daughters of the president of the united states. What 12 and 14 year old do you see living in the best house in America. But this life does have its flaws. Everywhere I go, i hear someone go, “Hey what's your dad’s next move:” Or hay how did your dad really kill osama. But as of late people have been asking “Is your dad gonna accept that pipeline proposal?” Now I don’t understand what the hell is wrong with these people. I’m just a normal 14 year old girl trying to live my everyday life. I don't have time to worry about a stupid pipeline. I mean between me and you i think my dad is gonna accept it. My daddy promised jobs to the unemployed people of the US. And i did some research, Well when i mean research i mean snooping in daddy’s office. And this pipeline can provide thousands of jobs. It also is a good and safe,cheap effect way to transport oil. And its a lot closer. But then what if the pipeline leaks. We are gonna get covered with oil. Its gonna be the gulf of mexico all over again. I hate this. This one of the flaws of being a first daughter. When will this ever change.

Obama Drama

(In oval office)
Damn. This is not a good look. I'm the president of the United States and Its the day of the speech and i'm STILL not sure on whether or not i'm gonna accept this pipeline or not. I mean I don’t want to but then again I do. What a president I am. I did promise jobs and this would be a good look for the economy. But what if it leaks. Then i’m gonna receive so much criticism and i don't need that during the run for my second term. OMG they just announced me. Ok i can do this. I have my mind made up this is what I’m gonna do. God bless america! I want to thank you. The americans, the citizens of The United State Of America.  I want to  talk a little about the keystone pipeline. Now its been some speculation regarding on whether or not i’m going to accept the application for it or not. Now, it does provide safe, abundant, cheap reliable energy. It also a benefit to having it as close as home as possible. If we don’t act now, it’s eventually is gonna find its way into the market. Some even say that its the safest most effective way to transport oil. BUT, When i think of this i think of how not long ago, we had this real bad oil spill around the gulf of mexico. Now, with all that oil, if it were to leak again, what are we gonna do as americans to clean it up. But you know what when it’s all said and done, its about the americans. And this project happens to provide over tens of thousands of jobs for the US population. And i remember specifically when i went into office one of my biggest promises was to find Jobs as a lot of jobs for the population of america. And thats just what i intend to do. Therefore we will start operation of building this pipeline, for the sake of the government, the climate, and the fate of the US citizens! Thank you and God bless America! That was my speech i Remember it like it was yesterday. Now those very words have came to bite my ass. I heard from my high school best friends. He actually introduced me to Michele. Yeah we had some good times. “Barack, How you doing? Oh yea yea im doing fine. HAD me a nice little house down in cali... But u know they are taking control of my land. Yeah Yeah, Me and my family are living in this hotel right now.. I just wanted to call and tell you how much of a bright president that you are. Thanks a Lot barack (CLICK) That was the worst click. What he did was what the kids now a days would say. He banged on me. That click was the click of failure. And that’s what i was. I had never thought that this pipeline would take a toll like this. I was so worried about what my people would think and call me a hypocrite but now they are calling me worst. A failure. I Have failed the people of the United States. “Biden Get in here, The nation had a promotion for you”!
- Maybe instead of using the teacher use one of the girls.

<iframe src="" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Pipeline Monologue video</a> from <a href="">True Black</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Hummel, Lauren, Lucidchart, Home Network

1. The internet comes into my home through a cable.

2. My ISP is Comcast.

3. N/A

4.On my home network I have 3 laptops, one desktop computer, 2 iPads, television, PS3, Wii, and 3 iPhones.

5. All of these things are connected to my network wirelessly.
Hummel, Lauren, Lucidchart, Homenetwork
Hummel, Lauren, Lucidchart, Homenetwork
In technology class, we learned a lot about networks such as how they work and what we use them for. My network consists of basic components that all networks need to be able to work. First is the Internet that lives in a cloud that is everywhere which is where you get all of your information. Then, there is the cable that comes into your house that connects you to the Internet which is provided by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and mine is through Comcast. Next, your cable connects to the modem which the information from the Internet flows through to get to the router which is the next part of the chart. The modem translates the variety of numbers and codes in order for us to see them and understand them. I thought this was very interesting and I would like to know more about how this works. The router in my home is wireless and is the Airport Extreme form Apple. the router sends the information to all of the different devices on the network. On my network is 3 laptops, a desktop computer, 2 iPads, 3 iPhones, a television, PS3, a Wii and our printer. It all secured under our secure network. I learned all of these things in the first few technology classes because until this class I knew very little about my network. To have a home network you need to know your networks name and passcode also your ISP and how the internet comes your home. 

Lindsey Jones Lucid Chart 570K1

     The internet comes in through the cloud from my ISP (cable) and into my house.
My ISP is Verizon Fios. It will cost $125 per month and $1500 per year. The things on my home network are my iPod, laptop, desktop, printer, television, and Playstation 3.The internet comes into my home via ISP cable, connects to my modem and router, which then connects the internet to all wireless devices. After spending a majority learning about the network, I can honestly say that I've learned a lot. I learned about basically all of the components that make up a wireless network. Also that not everyone's networks are the same and depending on what is apart of it, certain things are needed and some unneeded. For example, an ethernet cable is only required when a device doesn't have wireless capabilitites. That is when the network comes way more complex. I also learned about the history of the internet. Such as that the worlds first computer occupied an entire room (I've seen it before by the way). Overall, I learned a lot about the creation of a wireless network and it's components.

     If you are looking into getting into making your own network, make sure that is secure! You never know what is on someone's mind and how it can affect you without you even knowing them. Choose passcodes that only you can remember and aren't easy to crack. For example, replace certain letters with numbers or symbols to make your passcode more complex and difficult. Then create a key that you will remember. Also, NEVER give out information about your network to anyone unless someone that you trust such as a family member. Have fun getting into making your own network, and stay safe.


Hopkins-Baker Sydne Lucid Chart Hopkins

During the experience in tech class we learned a lot of about being safe on the internet. By not posting bad pictures showing and saying things you don't want to see because it stays out there forever. I knew most of this stuff before but I had OMG moment is when Ms.Hull showed us the video of how the info is transfered thorough our computer and it showed how a big machine checks anything for viruses and more. That was real cool to me I never knew that actually happened, I just though the website just poped up from the internet you never really think it's that complicated. What I want to tell people about having a home network is enjoy having internet. With me I really use my internet most of my house is connected to the wifi. And of coarse the wifi is connected the modem and the modem is connected to the internet (www.) Connected to my wifi is My MacBook, my iPod my moms iPod, my moms laptop, my cellphone my moms cellphone our netflix on tv an for some reason of tv uses the wifi.  If you are really interested look up your home network and the specific details that make it work.
Class Questions:
1.My internet comes in from the modem in the top floor of my house. The modem is connected to the wifi . The internet is really just a cloud in the sky that's goes to the modem.
2. My internet provider is comcast.
3. My internet is in a bundle with the house phone and internet so it's $60 a month. 
4. My home network includes tv, two iPods, my Macbook, two different laptops, and a printer.
5. These things are connected by the wifi wich is on the same floor as my room  then theres this huge cable. That runs down to the basement to the where the modem is.  