Kai Payton Capstone

For my Capstone, I decided I wanted to do something with the sneaker community. I took it upon myself to make an Instagram page where I would be giving information about when shoes were releasing and more of the ins and outs of the community. Over the course of the year, I would post pictures of certain shoes and let people know when they were coming out and the price for them. Even though they aren’t up yet there will be videos explaining in detail how to get better with certain aspects of obtaining different shoes. The posts were made on a somewhat weekly basis if not weekly at least monthly at different times. With this project, I learned that these sneaker pages take a lot of time to keep up and running. They also can get tedious at times so newfound respect arose for those pages that I got some information from.

Link to the Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/theelitefeets/

Link to Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1flPlNGkNqBq6LGQ__o5OtJR01gz3pHfYjiPxRAEfRzk/edit?usp=sharing

Georjelis Rujano Capstone "Believe In Hope When There's No Hope"

The question is “How to start a nonprofit?” Not just that but also know the information about what’s happening in Venezuela. These two main topics of inquiry are based on how to go forward with helping the Venezuelan community. As a native, I had the first-hand experience of what’s going on in Venezuela. So coming to the United States I investigated more the backbone of these issues causing a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. But as I got into the nonprofit world I saw the possibilities of helping not only in Venezuela but in other places around the world. It starts with establishing a mission, goals, and persistence for the nonprofit. I have the primary vision for my nonprofit while I have the research. Now, having done intensive research, many hours planning for fundraisers and networking, I’ve had a budgeting system that I will present to donors. This budget will present based on research for fundraising also evidence for the 990 forms. As for the changes in social distancing, I will be working on professional cards, websites for the non-profit, and merchandise to sell. Since 2018 I’ve been keeping records of fundraisers and the collection of ideas. Now in 2020, I’ve gathered much information about nonprofit development but also receipts of fundraising in school and other events. I’ve also been able to network in Rebel Venture’s Expo and also at an Enterprise. Maintaining a steady place to fundraise but also expand to different environments where I’ll be placing the La Luz De Aurora nonprofit flourish. I want to be able to have a better way to market and have a diverse taste of food in fundraisers.

Process Paper - Georjelis 20'
Bibliography - Rujano

Louisa Strohm Capstone

For my capstone project I created a short series of videos about the college process. Working alongside Ms. Hirschfield, I chose three topics for three separate videos that she thought could be beneficial to future senior classes of SLA. Some of the guidelines we set for the videos were that they had to be short enough to keep people’s attention, but long enough to give a good amount of information. It was also important to me that I would be able to give the future seniors advice about the college process from the perspective of a current senior. The topics of the three videos I made are: using Naviance College SuperMatch, Applying for financial aid in college, and answering frequently asked questions about the college process. The process for making these videos was pretty consistent throughout. I first researched the topic of the video, and then used that information to form a script for each video. I then filmed and edited the videos and the final step was polishing them and uploading the videos to my YouTube channel. I am very proud of the final results of my project. I think that I was able to create something that can be used to help guide future seniors through the very stressful process of applying to college.

Here is the link to a document with the links to all three videos: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b_AKSCrVqBB3VWEs1LbUsAXiP5-hL54psoHbFt8EOvM/edit?usp=sharing

Annotated Bibliography __ Louisa Capstone (1)

Amani Harb Capstone

For my capstone, I wanted to explore my artistic and creative abilities. I decided to design and sew a “Modern Victorian” fashion line, mixing Victorian with modern fashion elements. There were many steps to creating a good fashion show, starting with researching Victorian fashion, sketching designs, selecting models and fabrics, sewing the pieces, and putting on the show. I was able to finish all of my pieces before the Coronavirus pandemic reached Philadelphia but unfortunately was not able to have the big event. So, to make up for the canceled event, I threw an “at-home fashion show.” My brother and I modeled all of the pieces I made and we took videos to create the feel of a real fashion show. A silver lining was that I was able to use the new sewing skills that I learned during this capstone project to support health care workers by sewing face masks. I learned a lot about the process of putting together a cohesive fashion show, for example, picking models and what colors look good on them and fit together in the show. I was a little disappointed because I was not able to complete what I set out to do, but overall this experience taught me a lot and I am still very proud of the items of clothing and masks that I made.


Capstone Bibliography

Arthur LaBan Capstone

For my senior capstone, I wanted to do something that I thought could hopefully have a lasting impact on the community at Science Leadership Academy as well as businesses and institutions around the city of Philadelphia. Talking with Mr. Kamal, my capstone advisor and engineering teacher at SLA, I realized that what I wanted to do was be able to educate people on how to better live a more sustainable life. But more importantly, I wanted to see how large businesses and institutions handled everything from electricity to food purchasing and disposal. With the help of The Franklin Institute and more specifically Dr. Rachel Valletta, an environmental scientist at the museum, I was able to come up with an idea to research different sustainability and climate action plans around the city and compile the information into something that can help people understand what is being done and what can be done. After researching about 25 in-depth plans from organizations and institutions that affected the city, I was able to narrow down what worked well in all of these plans and which plans do it best to serve as an example for others. I hope that this project allows for everyone to have a deeper understanding of what is possible so we can all push for a healthier earth.

Here is a link to the website:


Annotated Bibliography:


Chloe Simmons Capstone

For my senior capstone, I decided to try to create a STEM after-school program that introduces STEM to younger kids that didn’t have much exposure. It was to be called “Games: Behind the Scenes.” This program was to introduce STEM by looking at how a game is made aka coding. They would have learned what coding is, its basic terms, and much more. I wanted to do this capstone so that I could give the same experience I had when I learned of STEM at SLA to people who aren’t exposed to it as much. The first step was to have my idea fully develop. I didn’t want to go into doing this capstone only knowing part of your plan. This included doing research. I had to find out what it takes to run a program and how to keep it engaging. After much research, I design my program. I had to make a simple game that would be used as an example to help explain coding. I also had to design the curriculum and layout of the program. This helped me in writing my proposal that would be presented when I presented my program to schools. Sadly, because of C-19, those plans were put at a halt. Nonetheless, I learn that time should be used wisely, never “marry” an idea, and to be prepared. Down below is the curriculum of the program and a video of the game ‘Target’ being played.

Games: Behind the Scenes (Curriculum)


Capstone_ Bibliography

Sarah Son Capstone

Animal cruelty is a large issue all over the world that many people are not aware of. Each year, the numbers of animal abuse cases increase and this must be changed. For my Senior Capstone, I was determined to inform my community about what animal cruelty is and provide ways to prevent it. Initially, my goal was to host a gallery event. A gallery event would be able to bring our community together in order to learn about this issue and spread the word. The gallery event would include photos and footage taken by me at a local animal shelter to create a documentary and showcase my Digital Video skills that I have gained through the years while I was part of the program. With my modified project, I decided to create posters instead, as they are effective in conveying an important message. My Capstone is built upon the inquiry of how digital art can help convey a message about animal cruelty to the community that will result in an emotional response. I am still able to be creative while also being informative about animal cruelty. With these posters, I want to be able to show that this is something that happens in our world every single day. These posters will encourage my community to speak up and help animals as they are unable to speak for themselves. Make a change today!

Carlos De Jesus Capstone

For my capstone, I’m using my makeup account to show how you can grow on social media and how you can gain positive profit from such accounts. My makeup account first started on Instagram and it expanded to different places like Twitter and Tik Tok. I was able to achieve some of the goals that I wanted with my accounts which were to have them grow, get noticed by a makeup brand, and finally work with a brand and have a paid partnership. I grew my Instragam to over 1,00 followers, my Twitter to over 3,000 followers and my biggest following is on Tik Tok with 18,000 followers. With my different accounts, I was able to get noticed by a makeup company called Anastasia Beverly Hills. They saw my work with my accounts and wanted to support me so they sent free makeup from their company for almost a year. Later on, I was able to work with another brand called Drench Cosmetics and they offered me a paid partnership of $100 to promote one of their products. I wanted to do this project because I wanted to see how one could grow on social media and the positive aspects of it. I also wanted to show off my makeup online. I thought starting accounts on different platforms would maximize my chances of doing these things for my capstone.


Capstone Bibliography

Briannie Matos Capstone

For my capstone, I wanted to create a project that would have an impact on the SLA community and even others outside of it, such as my family and friends. I live between the Hispanic world and the American world. I never really faced any challenges until I went to high school because growing up, I went to schools that were mainly ethnically speaking, Hispanic. It’s hard to balance at times since walking out of my home, it is a different environment I have to face every day. I wanted to portray that by making a documentary about what it is like being a Hispanic in America. The documentary was going to go deep into the social and emotional impact I’ve gone through and how people who go through the same challenges as I do, are not alone. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I was not able to begin filming for the documentary making this project not precisely what I wanted. I was able to complete an interview that was going to be apart of the mini-film and collected other types of research that will be presented in a google slide show.

Process Paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15UxItya2O8H188iP_BHNuHIvV-OwWRmG9Ek_vJp-8to/edit

Google Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Oi8TPT9y2hEgCi9cCTmMmYZvofr3uPoewbOb0YMAkcc/edit#slide=id.g808944eecc_0_90

Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z03TVcPHNIFOCNvnCfMt8SPXZkBpX7J-U8dAPy8Akhw/edit