Here is the link to the video It is played by hitting the metal plates with the mallet. The notes are different based off the length of the metal plates. It is shaped like a piano. It makes me think I can cut different sizes of metal plates to create the different notes. I can conclude that the waves produced are caused by the vibrations. The vibrations determine the sound.
For the Xylophone, sound is made when the bars or pipes vibrate. When the pipes are hit, the energy is transferred to the pipes which makes them vibrates which then vibrates air particles around it. The pitch of the sound depends on the size of the pipes and also the type of material the pipe is made out of. In order to make a xylophone, I'm going to get copper pipes and use calculations to determine how long they have to be to make the notes that I want them to make. After I cut the pipes to the correct lengths, I will have them sit on a piece of wood, but make sure that the ends aren't fixed, so the pipes can vibrate.
For my physics music assignment I decided to build a wind chime as my instrument. A wind chime is played not by mouth or string but my a hand and a hard object, ie mallet. Sound is only produced when another object hits one of the wind chimes. Typically a person has a mallet or stick and hits the wind chimes that are of different lengths to produce different sounds. Wind chimes are a bunch of pipes made out of metal that are of different lengths. They are generally places on strings and hung from ceilings. The shape of the wind chime makes me think that the length plays a big part in the sounds that are produced. For instance if you have a longer pipe the sound will be deeper and lower. When learning about waves I related it to my instrument. Different wavelengths produce different sounds because of the different frequencies. All of the pipes of the wind chime have different frequencies.
Blog Post #2
I want to design my instrument in a way where it isn't necessarily "easy" but more manageable. I want to make it so it is portable but still large enough to produce a good sound. Since taking a more in depth look into waves, and energy transfer with waves I've learned that, with my instrument, when another objects strikes against it, the energy form it transfers into the pipe and vibrates it. The vibrations cause the sound waves and the sound waves have wave lengths that make the sound. With my wind chimes the pitch of the instrument will change according to the length of the instrument. To build my instrument I will be using copper pipes, string, and wood. I'm using copper because it was the metal my teacher chose but really any metal will do. Once my instrument is built I will play it by taking another piece of metal and hitting it on the pipes.
For this quarter, we were assigned to create couples of different projects, create a sculpture, take 200 photos, modify 4 photos, recreate a famous painting, sketch a bicycle three times in different ways, and draw an outside scene from observation. In my opinion all of the topics above seem really interesting and cool to create. However, along the way I ran into some trouble and I personally felt like it was really challenging for me. For the first project I created a sculpture of a lamp made out of Popsicle sticks and plastic bottles. So far this was one of the most interesting project that I have made. I really enjoy building art and ex-specially something that I can actually use everyday. Another project that I enjoy working on was taking 200 photos and modify 4 photos of my choice. Since I love photography and always carry my “DSLR” around at all time it was not a problem for me to capture 200 pictures. However, one of the harder task was to select photos and edit them using all different kind of programs on the Macbook, including Photoshop, iPhoto and more. After we are completed with electronics and hand down projects, we moved on into more of drawing and painting unit. For the second half of the quarter I created different drawing of a bike-cycle including lines, negative space and shading of the bike. The biggest challenge for this assignment was to do the shading because the bike was station close to the window so the reflection of the light changes at all time. Also it was far for a view distance so I’ve made a few errors along the way. Also it was really challenging to draw the bike over all because there were a lot of details to go into with the bike work. I also enough working on the drawing of nature because it’s really beautiful outdoor and there were a lot of objects I could select from. Over all, I really enjoy all of the assignment that was giving this quarter and proud of the art work I’ve created. Although I may have not been using enough time on some of my art piece.
I did fire because when my element (vanadium) is crushed up it is flammable, not in its normal state though. I didn't do red as my print color because i thought that would be too normal, so i chose colors that popped out and looked different on fire. I chose that font because just like fire, that font is curvy but has a sharp end. I chose this one out of the other pictures because it looked like it would turn out neat, and indeed it did.
I will build,
and then later on play the Flute for my group presentation. Our objective is to
build an instrument, and then play it for our class. There are obstacles that
we need to do such as calculation and such in order to do this. I researched
the background of the Flute. To play the flute and produce
sound, someone will have to blow through a hole at the end of the Flute and
while blowing, there would be holes at the other end of the Flute where the
persons fingers will be covering the holes and uncovering the holes based on
what notes that they want to play, and to change the notes. The Flute is a basic pipe; it can have
either one fixed end or two loose ends. It also has holes that are different
lengths from the hole at the opposite end, which is where the person blows
into. When i think about myself playing the Flute in order to
change the sound, i will have to simply practice where at what time my fingers
cover and uncover certain notes (the holes at the opposite end of the blow in
hole). Compared to waves, the size of the flute, and where the
holes are, determines the sound outcome. As the notes changes, the notes change
as well
from the air molecules transfer into the hole that is blown through, and they
vibrate within the Flute, and as that happen, having the notes at the other end
of the Flute either covered or uncovered, the Flute vibrations actually turns
into sound. In order to change the pitch, the notes that are on the Flute are
the holes. The hole that is farthest away from where it is to be blown into is
the lowest note. The hole closest
to where we have to blow in the holes to produce sound makes the highest pitch.
So to change the pitch, simply change the notes. I will just use my fingers in
order to play this instrument. I will play my instrument based off of the songs
notes.If a note indicated that
have to play note A, then ill have to use one of my fingers to cover up the A
note. To build this instrument, I will have to have a PVC pipe for the flute structure
itself, duck tape to have a fixed end flute by covering one side of the pipe,
and a drill to drill holes where the notes will be.
Hi, my name is Natasha and for my History/English 4th quarter benchmark, I planned on changing events surrounding the Watergate Scandal, involving the republican party and Richard Nixon and seeing how history would have been different and where we would be in 2011.
There are many things I liked about this project, then there are some things I did not like or that were challenging. I liked the fact that when you actually found a topic, the way you could really change history. It was challenging finding a topic that I was interested in and then trying to make sure that whatever I would change would make sense. It was also challenging to make the primary source documents. I investigated the watergate scandal. I already knew the Richard Nixon resigned however I forgot why. So going back and researching it was cool to really find out what happened, and how things unfolded. I loved the quote I found by Nixon where he said " if the President does it, it is not illegal." It caght me off guard tremendously that after he tried to cover up having people break into the Democratic Committee Offices in order to have some type of advantage in the political race, that he would say that. He was an extremely smart guy who contradicted himself. He was President, so whatever he did affects what happens in America. For important people in the country who have a say in what happens, then each move they take, and each decision the have to make affects everything. Systematic changes impact historical records because they can change the way someone who's reading the source think. This project can definitely be improved by having more time to really get things together. If you did not have a topic by the assigned date, then you really were going to struggle. I think if the project was more detailed as well with what we were suppose to do or if we could see other students project that way we can get an idea of what we are suppose to turn in. I would change the way I approached a topic. Pick a time and really get specific as opposed to just finding an event and thinking of ways to change it.
“Unusual movement in a public place will capture your eye,
call your attention to the present, and expand your awareness of your
surroundings…Site-specific refers to the fact that these dances take a
particular place as both the inspiration and setting for the dance.”
-from Site Dance edited by Kloetzel & Pavlik
Science Leadership Academy students have been working with the Leah Stein Dance Company to create a collection of alternative performance pieces as part of the Art in the Open
festival along the Schuylkill River. Each performance is inspired by its specific site as inspiration. As you watch the dances notice the ways
that they interact with the the different sites. Each piece is the
product of extensive observation, experimentation, and collaboration. Allow
yourself to take in the full range of possibilities that the
performances create. We hope that these performances inspire new ways to see and experience this part
of the city.
I was given the element neon which has an atomic number of 10. I decided to make a route 66 sign but instead of 66 I printed the number 10. Any sign can be made out of neon lights and so i decided the best way to show the element was through a highway sign. We drew the picture we wanted to do our element on. We then transferred the drawing son to linoleum plates and cut out the negative space. We then rolled up some ink and put in some printing paper. We did that four times and then we let it sit to dry. We proceded to rip the edges of the printing paper and glued them onto a background. We then put our nest print onto the periodic table our class and another freshmen class are making. My favorite print I've decided to share with you and is below this paragraph.
In this project we were assigned an element, I was given zinc, and we had to create a print of something to do with that element and glue it onto a giant collaborative periodic table. We each drew three sketches of things we might print, and we had to choose our favorite. My favorite one that I drew was metal casting, which is one of the uses of zinc. We then transferred those sketches onto linoleum blocks, and cut out either the negative or positive space. After we finished cutting the block we had to print the block three times, and mat all three. Our final step in the project was to glue our best print to the periodic table the two classes doing this project were creating.
instrument I am interested in making is a pan flute. It is in the genre
of wind instruments, which are generally played by blowing on them. To
produce the sounds and notes from wind instruments, pan flutes in
particular, I have to blow into the top open parts of the flute and the
different length pipes each make a different note when blown into. The
shape of the pan flute is like a diagonal array of pipes from tallest
to shortest. This makes me think that length places a key part in the
changing of notes. Based off a similar observation from blowing into
soda bottles with various amounts of soda in them: when more space is
in the bottle, the deeper the sound is when you blow, I think that
frequency/pitch of the waves are based off length.
instrument pan flute,produces sound by causing vibrations into the air
within the pipes which causes the air molecules to vibrate and pass
energy down until it reaches the fixed end and returns back up to the
free end, making a sound. The various sounds or “frequencies” are
produced depending on the length of the pipe. To recreate this
instrument I will be using PVC pipes of various lengths and nickles to
create the fixed ends. I will play this instrument just as anyone would
play an actual pan flute, by blowing into the various pipes to form
different notes of a song (row row row your boat in this case) .
Our project was focus on the unnecessary items of our society. We narrowed it down to the iPod shuffle a great example of a successful yet useless item. We created a time line as to the iPod shuffle's impact. Click here to view
We also created a skit for our live performance. We had scenes of the process the consumer goes through as something new is introduced to the market. You ma read the screen play here.
The problem between teens and pregnancy is that they think its ok. I believe they think this way because society made it that way . Sat's have changed drastically over time and I think that there can be many things that can help. I went to a focus group not to long ago and our focus was on Teens and the rates of there pregnancy. In the U.S., 7 in 10 women who had sex before age 14, and 6 in 10 of those who had sex before age 15 report having had sex involuntaril.Nationally, one-quarter of 15 year old females and less than 30% of 15 year old males have had sex, compared with 66% of 18 year old females, and 68% of 18 year old males who have had sexual intercourse.These statistics are something that needs to be taken into consideration. I feel that you should wait but if you choose to have sex you have to make sure that your safe. Being pregnant can change your life. Your forced to grow up , you loose your.Plus, raising a baby can be very expensive. Paying for diapers, food, formula, clothes, and other child care necessities can be a strain on any paycheck. And, as a working mother, you're much less likely to find a job that offers steady wages and adequate benefits.None of these tasks are easy . So why take the risk?
There is also evidence that teenage mothers are less likely to marry than women who wait to have children. Although many pregnant teenage girls want to marry their partners, only 20% of teen moms will walk down the aisle with the father of their child. The rest of these girls often find it difficult to juggle dating and life as a single parent , plus school work , and friends. I don't know about you but this is enough information to make me think twice. So take these facts and information and think twice before you try teen pregnancy.
You can find more information at the sites listed below...
fourth quarter is the shortest quarter of all. At the most there were only five
assignments that had to be turned in this quarter. There was much that had to
be done, perspective drawing, spaces, (negative), sculpture and photo edits.
The first project was a sculpture; during that week I worked on building a
mobile, a piece of art that was created by Alexander Clader in 1939. Mostly
used as decoration and in nursery, the mobile focused on the aspects of
equilibrium. When building it, I focused on the balance and irregular shape of
the art piece. One side being a regular balance while the other is irregular,
in the end it looks good, it balances and rotates.
second art project was to take over two hundred photos and edit three of them.
Being a good experience for a week as I went around taking random pictures of
everything I see. Which it was fun as there were a lot to see in Philadelphia,
many wonderful and strange things such as warning signs. The next piece was a
bicycle drawing, where we had to do a negative space drawing, lines only, and
then shading. Which what I should had done first was the lines then shading
because I finished with the negative spaces, there were color marks that
blended over to the lines side. This piece was by far a difficult task as there
were many parts and small objects that had to be drawn and focused on.
the famous art piece, I decided to copy an art piece created by Leonardo De
Vinci. It is a sketch of the Siege Machine that De Vinci created and so forth I
copied. Needless to say I captured most of the details that were vital, but
since it was a sketch, the insides were the hardest to draw, as there were not
much that could be seen. The final piece was a drawing from observation, which
I did of a bench near my neighborhood. The drawing seems somewhat like a sketch
but the details are truly captured and expressed in the drawing.
Compare and Contrast:
- The first picture is of a flower. I decided to do it that
way because I wanted to focus on the beauty of the flower, thus I had like a
lenses focusing on it. Burring the picture and making the flower shine.
- The second is that of trees near a park in South West
Philadelphia. I decided to make it this way because at first it was just plain
and normal, so instead I made it creepy and mysterious. Mainly because by
changing it this way it became more exciting and dramatic, such as those in
- The final ones were that of houses in a wide-open area. I
brighten up the picture to show how wonderful I thought the area and scenery
Natalie Sanchez 6/8/11 Artist statement Q4 This
quarter in art class, my we were asked to take 200 photos, modify 4 photos,
recreate a famous painting, sketch a bicycle three times in different ways, and
draw an outside scene from observation. There were some forms of art that were
new to me. For example, before this art quarter, I never used to do
photography, but this assignment gave me an opportunity to experience that
freedoms that come with photography. I feel like in this quarter, I have been
exposed to new forms of art. The most challenging project of this
quarter was modifying the four pictures.As I mentioned before, I did not know how to use photoshop at all. I had
to find a friend of mine to teach me how to edit the pictures. She taught me
the basics: How to cut out the background of a picture, How to change the
background of a picture, how to manipulate the layers of the pictures, and how
to add text to the same. After she explained these things to me, I was able to
modify the four pictures in different ways. After I learned how to use
photoshop, I liked the creative aspect of the project.I enjoyed using my creative liberties
to make a picture completely different than what it initially was. The
easiest project of this quarter was recreating the famous painting. I recreated
the Painting “Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh. I enjoyed the process of
creating the painting because painting is one of my favorite hobbies. I also
feel like I had plenty of time to finish the painting because I paced myself
with it. I worked on it for two whole art periods and at home for half an hour
and was able to finish it on time. Overall,
I feel like this quarter opened my interests to other forms of art like
photography and photoshop. I feel like photography gives me a chance to capture
the art in my world as I see it and that photoshop gave me an opportunity to
modify a picture the way that I want to. If I were to start this quarter over
again,I would probably pace
myself with all my art projects so that I would be able to finish all of my art
work on time and save myself work time at home. As a whole, I felt like this
quarter went well.
What i liked the most about this project was the fact that we could kind of change history realistically how ever we liked. What was most challenging again was the organizing my thoughts in a more creative way. I had a lot of information but i had trouble kind of thinking about what i wanted my primary sources to be. The most interesting facts i investigated was the atomic bomb and the invention of the telephone. I didn't know that it started of as trying to understand deaf people. The actions of individuals impacts historical records in a lot of ways even the smallest thing could make a big change.
Click to see my project I really liked the hypothetical part of this benchmark, it left a lot of room forcreativity. I enjoyed making my primary source documents and making up a different future for our country. The most challenging bit was in the beginning where we had to research and actually find a specific thing to change. Topic choice was definitely the most difficult thing for me. However, once I picked my topic, I was really interested by all of the different versions of the Selective Service Act and how each version changed after wars. I was also impressed that one person could change the the future, and I used specific people in the making of my primary source documents to change the future. It also seemed to me that the actions of individual people could change the actions of groups and systems of people. When systemic changes are made, more people are involved so more people pay attention. In my project I talked about a systemic change where they repeal the draft, then bring it back without warning for World War II and then discuss how the public is reacting. I was really interested how the decision of one person could change the next hundred years of a country's future. Not to mention what we didn't have time to talk about in this benchmark, which is how the actions of one country effect just about every other country in the world and would really change the way we live our lives today. While the multimedia portion of this project brought it together more, I think a simple display of the work and research we did would be enough. The multimedia part was one step too many. Similarly, if I could redo my process of this project I would definitely leave more time for the research and multimedia part of the benchmark. They were the most time consuming whereas making the primary sources was fun relatively straightforward.
I had to like this project better than most because, I got the chance to be creative and not just have to state facts. The hardest part was meeting the deadline AND uploading my project. How this site going to accept flv files but not swf? The video WON'T play. What learned through this project is that if it wasn't for the alien scare the sci-fi wouldn't be as popular as is now. That means no Star Wars or the Hunger Games. I could do this project again I would fix THIS site and just draw a comic since the deadline was so tight.
Life in 2011 By 2011 the aliens would have reigned for 72 years so there would be plenty open fields, pastures and pristine clean waters. This would be because they already messed up there planet as we're doing now and don't plan to make that mistake again. So they preserve Earth's natural resources and keep the humans that's left on Earth as common slaves, to keep planting new growth.
Humans that are still are alive are now servants and slaves, meaning to do nothing more than to plant knew life daily. Strangle Al Gore raises to relative power among the aliens.
Something that I liked about this project was the flexibility and creativity. I find that also to be the most challenging piece as well. There are so many ways you could go with the project that at times it can be very overwhelming due to the fact that there is so much you could do. The most interesting fact I have investigated was most likely the fact that Ms. Claudette Colvin was a plaintiff in the Court Case; Browder vs. Gayle. I found that to be interesting because I didn't expect it. I honestly always thought that the whole bus segregation situation was with Ms. Rosa Parks but I was fooled. The actions of others do indeed take impact of the historical record. If it wasn't for Ms. Claudette Colvin, realistically, maybe the Supreme Court really would of never declared bus segregation to be unconstitutional. Systemic changes impact the historical record because if things didn't go a certain way then now in today's world things wouldn't go the way they do. Everything grows in time, and everything changes in time. One decision in the landscape can be very influential. *If there wasn't earth day on April 22nd, people wouldn't be so "green."* This project as well with any and everything can be improved. I know if I had been able to actually order the original copies of the newspapers the point of divergence would definitely been more liable to see clearer. I mean it would of been just better in my eyes because I definitely would of hooked it up! If I had to the the project over again and change the process, I probably would of procrastinated less, thought more thoroughly about my POD and would of more decisive on how and what my presentation would look like. That's pretty much it.
What I liked the most about this project was that I completely got to change history and make my own timeline and events the most challenging thing for me was creating my own primary source documents. I think the most interesting event I investigated was the the death of Lincoln because I learned and recreated some really interesting things.The individual actions of people impact history in very serious ways because the actions of one person makes other people think and try new things so without the initial action everything else has to be recreated.
One decision can be extremely influential because every idea has snowballed off of someone else's idea or action so when one person makes a decision it's the starting point for many other ideas. Systemic changes impact the historical record because a system is a body of one, it's a bunch of ideas and decisions so when the system changes something or makes a decision everyone tends to follow which shapes the outcome and future of history.I think my project could be improved by going into a little more detail during different portions of my video, If I had to redo this project I would map out my video so that it was easier for me to piece the information together.
Here is my SchoolTube link for my documentary film