Worst Birthday Party Ever

I was in third grade at my best friend's birthday party. I had never been too into ice skating. Being from Philly, hockey is one of the least popular sports in the city. Nevertheless I was excited to try ice skating. For the first half of ice skating I mainly stayed on the wall, or walking on my skates to create the illusion that i was actually skating. Then, my friend who had been ice skating several times before wanted to help me out. I grabbed her hand and she skated along with me attached. 

It was time for lunch, but with my newfound confidence from skating I was eager to get back out there. I wolfed down my Pizza and watched as the zambini cleaned the ice to perfection. After getting back out, I wanted to test out my new skills. I ventured from the wall and began skating. However, I quickly found myself off balance and face down in the ice. 

Now for this next part, I have no clue exactly how it happened, but someone ran over my lip with their skate. There was blood all over the freshly polished ice, and they had to rush me to the hospital, where I got several stitches. The recovery time took a couple weeks for them to dissolve. Worst birthday party ever.

Bottled Up

I really have a lot of interesting things to say, but I really don’t say them. I keep a lot of things in for a reason that I don’t know. Maybe I think that what I have to say is stupid sometimes. I don’t know. When I get to college I know that I definitely have to be more outspoken, especially if I want to go to a school as big as PSU Main.

Heat v. Sixers

So in the first round of the NBA playoffs which starts this weekend, my Miami Heat will be taking on the Philadelphia 76ers in a seven game series. I haven’t been a true Sixers fan since 2002, and I’ve been a Heat fan since 2003. People ask me who I’m rooting for like they don’t know already. #Teamheat! I will never go against my favorite basketball player ever, Dwyane Wade! Lets go Heat!


3rd Quarter Art

​For our 3rd quarter art class we were given a different art project each week, consisting of projects surrounding our hands,still life,self-portraits, and an individual art piece that we chose ourselves. I feel as thought I did exceptionally well with this and was able to complete the projects in a timely manner that allowed me time to edit them and add things to them where needed, but I also feel as though I could have done better when it came to getting the pieces and parts ie. structuring and timing of the overall piece better because at times I was lazy in finishing a piece because of being tired or just getting frustrated with my picture at the time. I really like the pictures that I completed because I feel as though overall they show how I grew as a artist over the course of 3 quarters so far and from that my 4th quarter will reflect an even better artist. The different things that I completed 

17-22 8x11” pencil drawing - your hand 

24-28 8x11” pencil drawing - self portrait 
31-4 24x36” charcoal drawing - self portrait
 drawing - clear bottle 
CHARCOAL drawing - clear bottle 
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IMG-20110413-00082 (1)

Johnny D, projects...

Well, as you can see below, here are the projects that i have completed and had taken pictures of. All the other pieces that we were required to draw were lost in a bizarre and freak accident that was to be my Art folder.

The First picture you see, is the Still Life picture of the coke bottle which was not as difficult as drawing Samuel Kabangai, which is in the next three pictures and is not completed.

El Bola Proyecto_Katherine Hunt

En la clase de español vimos una película llamada "El Bola". La película se trata de un niño llamado Pablo y el apodo del es El Bola. Pablo es una víctima del maltrato infantil, el papá del lo pega. Pablo tiene muchas cicatrices y moratónes. Un gran amigo llamado Alfredo lo ayuda con su familia a sobrevivir el gran defecto del papá de El Bola. 

La película fue hecho para promover la prevención del maltrato infantil. Yo hice un email para una mujer de una organización. En el email me llamo Don Federico Fernández y habló de como fui testigo de ver a El Bola ser herido. 


Estimada Señora Amaralise de la Organización para el maltrato infantil,

Yo soy un profesor llamado Don Federico Fernández, testigo de un niño llamado Pablo. El ha sido maltratado por su papá. Mi hijo Rafael y sus compañeros han visto lo que está pasando con este niño, pero ellos eligen hacer la vista gorda. El maltrato infantil es una cosa muy sería y no debe ser dejado al lado. Como profesor de Pablo veo que él viene a la escuela muy temprano. A veces se nota que el no se quiere ir a la casa ni tan poco veo que el es un niño feliz y muchas veces esta de mal humor. Cuando el estaba cambiándose la ropa para la educación física  vi que el tenía muchas cicatrices y también unos moratónes en todo el cuerpo. La cicatriz era bien grande y preocupante y el moratón era de los colores negro y morado.


Cuando vi las marcas en el cuerpo de Pablo le pregunté lo que sucedió. Pablo me contesto “ Nada, me caí en la orilla de la escalera en mi casa”. Cuando el me dijo eso supe que la herida del era por una razón mas grande de lo que el piensa que pensé. Me fije que la crueldad y la negligencia  que el papá del chaval ha sido capaz de es bien preocupante. Muchas personas en la sociedad no se han enfrentado con la realidad de que el abuso es un tema bien sensible.


En el principio de esta experiencia y del momento que reconocí indicios del maltrato infantil supe que tuve que hacer algo. A la misma vez no pude hacer nada por que yo, ni los demás teníamos la prueba suficiente. Una verificación de que fue verdad que Pablo ha sido maltratado es cuando el no vino a la escuela por una semana. Yo intenté coger pasos para averiguar y preguntarle al papá de Pablo por que el no estuvo en la escuela. La escusa del papá fue que el estaba enfermo en la casa de su abuela, pero cuando le pregunte al chaval el me digo que su amigo a muerto y que él estaba deprimido.


Un día vi que el comportamiento del papá del chaval no era civil y que la forma de que el papá lo estaba tratando era bien violento. El lo tiro contra la pared y resulto con azotar a Pablo en la cara con un alambre hecho por metal. Pablo solamente pudo gritar, llorar y coger el dolor que el papá le estaba dando. Había mucha frustración en la cara de los dos, pero había mucho más rabia y dolor en los ojos de Pablo. Me puse de lo mas feliz en ese momento cuando grabé y le tiré fotos de lo que sucedió.


Con la prueba suficiente, en ese momento yo sabía que pude denunciar el papá de Pablo. Estuve feliz porque supe que ya Pablo no estaba en peligro como yo tuve la evidencia. En ese momento también era uno de los momentos más espantosos de mi vida. Cuando me fijé que había una solución me puse de lo mas feliz. Yo le ha escrito ha tu compañera Maritza varias veces sobre esta situación por que se que ella puede ayudar. A Maritza le di las imágenes y el video y ella me digo que te lo entrego a ti. Como tú tiene la evidencia, te estoy preguntando que por favor me mande la prueba porque aunque yo denuncie la situación la policía necesita la grabación e imágenes para ayudar a Pablo.

Aquí hay las preguntas que me ha preguntado la policía:
1. ¿ Para cuanto supiste que esta situación estaba ocurriendo?
2. ¿Sabes de mas testigos?
3. ¿Qué día fue que viste que el papá de Pablo lo pego?
4. ¿Tienes mas evidencia de lo que ocurrió?

Se que la única evidencia además de lo que ustedes tienen es de lo que cuando vi las marcas en el cuerpo del niño y también los indicios del maltrato. Los indicios han estado allí desde casi 7 meses. No puedo darle la respuesta de cuando paso ni cual día fui testigo de lo que sucedió hasta que tu me mande la prueba. Por favor hazme el favor de mandar me lo con urgencia. Agradezco el tiempo que me puedes dispensar.



Don Federico Fernández

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Lola Akinsola Journal

Make a list of the projects you completed
17-22 8x11” pencil drawing - your hand

31-4 24x36” charcoal drawing - self portrait

7-11 24x36” charcoal drawing - full figure

21-25 8x10” pencil drawing - still life
  PENCIL drawing - clear bottle

CHARCOAL drawing - clear bottle
MAKE UP WORK & photo/blog/artist statement

put in the link to your blog to show your work
  • http://scienceleadership.org/blog/Lola_Akisnola-s_Bunch_of_Drawings
  • http://scienceleadership.org/blog/Lola_Akinsola_Artist_Focus:Pablo_Picasso

Make a list of the projects you didn’t complete (if there are any)
8x11' self portrait

Write AT LEAST 5 sentences that describe your work and work ethic for quarter three

My work for quarter three wasn't that good. I tried but I'm not good with art so I just did what I could. My work ethic was fine though. One thing I cold have done differently was taking some things home and doing them to sped up the process. If I had done that I would've had everything done.

look at the assignments for next quarter, quarter 4 and state 2 goals you have for yourself in quarter 4.

1. Get everything done ASAP
2. Don't waist time

Alexander Ringgold

In the third quarter of my Art class I was assigned a different drawing every week, and, honestly, I didn't really enjoy it. It was ok, but I rather just draw in my manga every week, but here is what I drew.

The first thing I think I drew in the third quarter was my face in charcoal. It's disproportional and my eyes are girly and big but I'm just proud of the shading.

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Then we were assigned to draw our hands from real life. This only made me self conscious of my hands and how old they look. I've been practicing hands for my manga so this was kinda easy. The first one was my hand and my wrist band on, but then I added a tattoo because, why not? The second one is a joke of some making a backwards L and misspelling Loser into Joser. Joser is a good band name, I should keep that in mind.

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The next assignment wanted us to draw a person in real life, so I drew my friend Natalie. I think this drawing is an insult to her appearance and I hope she doesn't sue me when I post this on a public website. I only like her hair an shading because I get those skills from drawing manga.

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The next one is another picture of me smiling my creepy smile of mine, but I guess the bad face compensates for the cool hat. Also I look very tired in this picture and my venom undershirt poking out looks kinda cool.

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My next picture is my first clear container, it was a plastic juice pitcher and I probably had the most difficult time with this as I am a perfectionist and I wanted it to be perfect. The picture is anything but perfect.

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My last picture is a glass vase with a piece of non edible vegetation inside. The vase nor the non edibility stop me from eating that scrumptious piece of vegetation and draw an ok picture of the vase.

Art class

Dear Journal...

13 April 2011- Well today is my turn to pitch. I am going up against the Washington Nationals at 7:05 in Washington. But from pitching here last year, it felt like I was in Philly. Joe Blanton did well last night, even though he didn't get the win and gave up 6 runs. I know that not everyone is at a Cy-young caliber but I also know that it is still early in the season. However, I do question weather or not it was a smart move to keep Joe B. in for that long after giving up so many. Well, I suppose I go for a run with some of the teammates and prepare for this game tonight.
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Screen shot 2011-04-13 at 8.30.38 AM

Emotionally scarred

She had left us with very simple instructions: complete the class work in relative silence while she talked to the teacher next door.  I had no problem with this; I had always been the good child, the one who follows all directions and never got in trouble.  Until this day, when I saw the cockroach. 

It was in the corner of the carpet and caught my eye as I let my eyes wonder from my book.  I screamed. Loudly. Tr. Dianna came running in, expecting to see a student dead or dying. When she realized that I had made such a commotion over a bug, a dead one at that, she decided to teach me a lesson.  Instead of simply giving me a detention, she crafted a more creative punishment.

The next day, I came to her room with a pencil and sheet of paper as she had instructed. She then placed the dead cockroach on the table in front of me and told me to draw it in detail. I spent 15 minutes dissecting the bug with my eyes. I have never been so disgusted in my life. 

Reflection Post

So far lilyanne has been having fun playing tag with william and enjoying herself she has yet too come to the small thicket that will play a major role later on in her life . soon she will find that not only that her day will change but so will her life.