Jonathan Rodebaugh- My Redo Slide

I learned many things from my critiques from my classmates. One of the things they told me was my pictures were very uneven with each other, they were even to long or too wide. Another thing was they told me to find common colors in each picture for a good background color. I learned a lot from my criques, I needed to improve a lot which is good. The criques really help me learn to make a great slide.

I made many changes on my slide. One of them was size of the pictures, none of the pictures were the same size, they were all not even. I really needed to fix it, so I evened it all out. Then I changed the text and background colors. The colors are far more calming to look at. I changed the colors because I thought that it was far too exciting, and the colors did not match, or work with the pictures.

With the research I had it made me really understand how to make a capturing and quality slide. I learned a lot on how to make my slide really look professional. I used a source called Presentation Zen, and Google Images, that were able to be used, and Bitmoji. Presentation Zen taught me a lot on slide making. I think I became a better project maker.

All About Me (2)

Hillary Hernandez Slide

From the critique of my slide I learned that I should include brighter and  clearer pictures. As well as that they should all be the same size and that they should be aligned with each other.  That I should use up the most space as possible and alligin both flags with the letters.
 I made the changes I did to my slide because wanted to include brighter pictures and less pictures. So I wouldn't overcrowd it as much and I made those pictures bigger. Than I fixed my quote because the one before was a picture and it was blurry so for this one I decided to type it and make it bigger. 
During my research I learned that you have to put something in the middle and have that pop and than I put two things along side of that to balance it out. Than I put something in the middle so it would balance the top. I aligned all of them and made sure there was no random spaces
Untitled presentation (1)

Remix Slide

Tech Slide (1)
After presenting my slide and getting critique from my peers I learned a lot about my own slide. Although they didn't suggest anything major, they were good critiques nonetheless. I learned that I should change my font to something more meaningful or that fits the slide better. They also suggested adding a quote or other words within the slide, possibly on the skyline. After looking at other people's slides I also learned that it is good to have the picture overlap with the borders as it makes the picture seem larger.

After the feedback and looking at other people's slides I made a couple changes to my slide. The first change was to have the same font as the Philadelphia Inquirer because it makes it more meaningful. To do this I took an image of the logo and cut the word "Philadelphia" out of it. The second change was to add a quote in the silhouette  of the city. I made the quote in white so that it is easy to read and your eyes are drawn to it from the start. I feel as though my slide is much better now and I learned a lot about how to design my slides in the future.

The research I did to make my slide skewed my thoughts a lot. By this I mean that what I might've thought was a good slide before my research might not still be a good slide in my opinion because of all the stuff I now know about good slides. In my research I learned that the text and images should be contrasting so that yo can read the words easily. It is also important to really think about how the viewers eyes are going to move throughout the slide. If you want the reader to read something first either have it bigger than the rest or place it in the top left (rule of thirds). My research was done using

Tech One slide remix- Raquel Velez

Untitled presentation

Raquel Velez

Green Stream

Tech- One slide remix

As I remodeled my slide, I wanted to focus on one thing and one thing only and that was my love for sports. In my research i realized there is always the focal point of each slide and that the main point should be clear and isolated from the rest but should still flow with the rest of the slide. Therefor, i wanted the bat to be the main focus, it includes colors that are eye popping and attract the eye. I chose to put a quote to fill in space but not one that was too long. I chose one that was equal in the length of line so it wa easy and appealing on the eyes.

From the critics in my slide I learned that i should have a good color scheme and a solid alignment. i was told to not over crowd and just keep it simple and with a lot of open space. I made a lot of drastic changes because i felt that in comparison to everyone else’s is was overcrowded and i felt that it should’ve been way more simple and focused on one thing which was my love for sports for softball. I went back to my research and it helped me make a better slide because it gave me clear examples, it showed me that i should’ve simplified my slide and make it aligned and overall appealing to the eye.

I used the articles that were found on the assignment link on canvas and i also googled a lot of ikea examples. I think ikea slides are the best to follow because they show you what you need to see without overwhelming you. They keep it short and simple and get to the point. They use up all the space yet don’t overcrowd and everything flows off nicely. I followed their models to create my slide. I chose the the bat to fill up the most space and the quote to give off the information needed.

Media Fluencey Slide(Re-do)-Matalai Lee

From my critiquing I learned that certain colors don't show as well or work as well with other colors. I also learned that less is more and I don't really need a lot on my slide to say a lot. My classmates also told me that I should change the background color of my slide to collaborate better with the other colors in my slide. They also advised that I changed the font of my words so the names of the countries are legible. I decided to take the US map out of my slide completely because it took up too much space and it looked unbalanced. I also decided to change the color of the names from a dark purple to a minty green so that you could read them. The research that I did helped me understand placement of pictures and words and how the visual appearance of your presentation can make it better or worse. I used google for the pictures of the flags, my peers for the changes that I made to it, Presentation Zen taught me to make my slide more visual and use less words.​
Tech Slide

1 slide remix

I have received feedback to make it more eye appealing with the color and picture size. I listened to the feedback made the colors more easy to look at  and made the pictures the same size and fixed the spacing so it looks overall more professional and easy to look at. my research helped me because I knew to make it large, repetitive, and simple. This was harder with one slide, but possible.
beteer slide

Hasciya Austin Slide

Untitled presentation (1)
What I learned from the critique of my slide is to prepare early and go over my explanation before I present. I should make my slide eye-catching and easy to read for the audience to avoid confusion. I also learned that the less the better because no one wants to read a long boring slide with a lot of words, it ruins the point of having a script to explain the slide if all of the information is all on the slide.
I was told that the words should be bigger and centered, so I increased the size of the letters and put it in the center of the side so it would be easier to read. I was also told that the words were hard to read, so I dimmed down the brightness of the background and made it a bit more transparent so the words would be easier to read and to take off too much attention to my slide. The research helped me create a better slide by making the colors contrast each other so they won’t all be the same color, so I used a color wheel to see what colors would blend in a bit better, making the entire slide seem less dull and interesting to look at. I also looked at multiple youtube videos with the font so it would be easier to read. It helped a lot to make my slide more presentable and eye-catching.

Nasir Duppins Slide

Track (2)
The critiques I got was that when I explained my slide don't talk about me talk more about my slide to get people attention. Another critique is to change the font to make the words stand out more and also have the words, "Run Forest Run" stretch out on the track to make it seem like the words are running on the track. I made these changes because I wanted my slide to pop out more and on Presentation Zen it says to make the words big and you want to do that so that it stick out for people to know what you are talking about. Also on Presentation Zen it says to make the slide have one point meaning the slide should focus on one thing and have it get noticed more. The research I did helped my slide become better because it gave me key ideas on how to make a slide that someone will always remember the whole day and the next day. It also help me make my slide more detailed and pop out more. The source I got all my information from was Presentation Zen which helped me out a lot to make this slide look better and it made me proud that those helpful tips from the website makes my slide very interesting. 

Remix 1 Slide + Reflection

1 personality slide (2)
The main critique I got for my slide is that it's not very symmetrical, even though I made that claim in my presentation. I learned that spacing is also very important. Before, I had my words each at different distances from my name. I also had different word lengths matched up to one another in a "symmetric" way.

The first change I made was the font. I decided to use a font that had a cursive like print, which is how I write. I chose the font "Playball" because it had all of the qualities I was looking for, and it looks similar to my handwriting. I also changed the name of my camp to "summer" because it is my favorite season and it looked more symmetric that way. Lastly, I changed the spacing on my words because it was not balanced before.

The research I did made my slide better because I really looked into some more slides with symmetry and balance, so I knew how to change my spacing and word choice to make it look a lot better.

I used the same resources given, like Presentation Zen. I also used Garr Reynold's Top Ten Slide Tips and "11 Design Tips for Beautiful Presentations." Finally, I used google images to just look at other slides people have done to get inspired.

New Slide Design - Ethan Chen

Slide Design
What I learn from the critique of my slide is to play around with the font type and more with the font size to help make the slide stand out more. What I also learn is to use a different color than blue to make it stand out a little more. The critique suggest that I should use the colors I already have in my visual which is red and light brown.
So I took the critiques and decided to change in my slide was the font type, the font color, and the position of the word “skrt skrt”. Why I made that change is because since there already two colors in the visual I have, I should take advantage with the color red in the car which also help make the word stand out from the light brown background. I change the font size because I feel like the font type Comic Sans MS makes it sort of looks good to me at least then the font I use before which was used for formal typing. I also Italic the font too to make the word looks like it moving fast with the car because it tilted to one side.
Finally I decided to change to position of the word to not only help make the words guide the eyes to the car but almost change the angle of the word to make it look like while the car was driving, it smash the words. How the research I did that help me create the slide is that it teaches me how to make the slide more memorable, visually appealing, and creative. Some of the sources I use to help woth my slide design is Presentation Zen, Elements of Art, Slide Design for Developers, and Wheel of Color (URL for wheel of color:


    • What did you learn from the critique of your slide?I learned that critiquing makes us better it corrects our mistakes it makes our information better than it was before.i learned that it can also make  you a better present your information and it also helps with you and it helps raise your condifdents and it makes you a better than what you was and it makes you a bigger person it increses your thinking what you are planining to say and how does it help you with your information and it heps me to do things better next time
    • .  
    • Why did you make the changes you made to the slide?i had put more colors and i had put more information in it and i had added alot of more things to it help me learned how to balced my pictures and to make all of the pictures it has help me do better and it helps it all out and things get better and my research has helped me to make better slide designs and makes it better than it was and it helps me to understand my work better and to do thins righ the first time

    • What were some of the sources you used to create an amazing slide?i used thins like pictures sizes and things to help raise my things up and to help balcaned it out and to show how to even it out righ and to show how it shows to make all of the sizes make it better but making it longer and changing all of it and making it shorter and longer and trying to raise of the things to make it sound better than it has 


From the critique of my slide, I learned that there were a few typos on my slide. The errors had to do with tangents, and unneeded words on the slide. I made these changes, because I realized that my friends that were reviewing my slide were right

Also, the changes were needed to make the slide look more clear, and billboard-ish. I had too much text.

The research I did helped me as well, as it helped me negotiate clear space within the slide. The sources I used were the people reviewing my slide (Tyria, Matthew, Carol, and Antonia), and .

Single Slide Remix- Sophia

Tech Design Slide (1)
     To be completely honest, I did not learn all that much when I presented. They mostly said the same things over and over again or said something that did not need to be changed. One of the things that  I needed to change, is the tangent between the dog's front feet and the edge of the slide. I rose the dog a bit higher on the slide, but not too high that it going into the top-right corner in the slide. Another thing that they said was that I had to remove the quotation marks around the quote since I already had the name of the person who said that quote, and I don't need the quotation marks. Other than that, they were really no other things that they said to change that I wanted to change.
       Researched helped me with my presentation because I learned a lot of words and things I would not have known otherwise. One of those things is the rule of the thrids. I learned that from Presentation Zen. I want everything to be perfectly even and center, so it looks nice. I made a chart (3 by 3) and spread it across the screen so I could place everything according to the rule of the thirds. Also from the Presentation Zen website, I learned about contrast, and how having colors stand out really looks good. I decided to have contrast by having black text (and the dog silhouette) against the white background. That is also why I bolded the word dog, so it would stand out more against the white background. One of the last things I learned and applied to my slide is that empty space is okay. Sometimes, you do not need to fill every little space with words, pictures, etc. Something, it can be simple for people to get the point.
     Another website that I used was Presentation Designer. I looked on that website to find the right font, so it could look more clean, sharp and professional. The website said that the font Garamond is clean, sharp, and professional and would look good blown up. That is why I decided to use it. Another website I looked at was Skills You Need. That website said that you should keep it simple; concentrate on the core message. That was kind of said in the Presentation Zen, but this website talked about it in another way. One of the last websites I looked at was the Slide Design for Developers. I used that advice for the size of words and the spacing between words. 

My New Slide

One Slide (3)
When I first made my slide, I thought it was perfect and it didn't need changing. But, when I presented in front of my class, I saw that there were actually flaws. The critique taught me a lot of things. The most important thing I learned was that no matter how great you thought your slide was, it had flaws. When first making my slide, I didn't think much about the colors that went into it. But, when presenting, I noticed flaws with the colors I used. One person told me I should use the color wheel to help with that issue. Even though it seems obvious, I never thought of color when making my slide. I also learned a lot about fonts. Before, I didn't know what a sans or serif was, now I know it helped a lot when making my slide. 
The most important change I made was to delete the rose. I only needed one flower and I thought the sunflower was better for my slide. I also made the sunflower a lot bigger and made it the center of attention. I spaced my sentence around the flower to give the illusion of the two combing. Also, I made the most important words in my sentence a script font and put it in a different color than the rest of the text. I chose purple because it was across the color wheel from yellow, which is the color of the sunflower, so it matched well. I also made my name much smaller and in a more basic font. I wrapped my name around the stem of the flower so people know it was mine, but it isn't the center of attention. I made a lot of changes to my slide but they all were useful.
The research I did helped a lot when changing my slide. Most of the research I read said that simplicity was key and I didn't follow that advice in my original slide. I think my slide is much simpler and therefore, more eye catching. The golden rule is; less is more.  I also read a lot about color. If you have too much color, it can be too busy, so I only put a few colors in my slide. But, I think the most important thing I read about is making the slide not boring. The best way to do this is not have everything be straight. It can be boring to look at if you do this. I tried to make my text have interesting spacing so it wouldn't be boring. All of my research was very helpful when making my new slide. 
Some sources I used were Presentation Zen,, and My dad also helped me create this slide because he knows a lot about design. 

Soccer Grind

Tech (2)

Hi my name is Aidan McLaughlin and this is my slide about me

The image in the background strongly represents two main factors in my life, soccer and technology. I chose this specific background because it is not fully symmetrical. The image is darker outside the computer than in it to create a lifelike effect, to contrast in the slide, and to show the main concept of my slide. The quote is bold and in black to create contrast between the gray background and the letters. This quote defines me because it shows that I will always persevere both in sports and in life outside of athletics.

All About Me Slide - Cameryn Roach

All About Me Slides - Cameryn Roach (2)

When I presented my slide to my peers, I gained critique about the font, the placement of the words, and the background. I was told that the font of the words didn’t really describe me, since it was really basic. The background had seemed boring, and the placement of the words could’ve been better. I learned that what they were saying was true, and maybe I didn’t step back and look at it long enough.

After I looked at the background, I thought that it should stay the way it was. According to the sources, empty spaces and bright colors are the best way to go. The black background would draw your eyes towards that colors, and the hues worked well with each other, so I didn’t change anything about that. The font to me was boring, so I played around with different types ones until I settled on Lobster, a thick and cursive font. I changed “photography” into photographer and “art” into artist. I put those two words below the side pictures, and I put my name at the top middle, since this slide is about me.

The research helped me realize what good points I would’ve missed if I didn’t read them. It helped me learn new words for when I had to write my script, and it made everything more cohesive. Before I read the info on how to make a good slide, I was going to put words that described me everywhere, but I learned that big and simple is better, since the slides are supposed to provide more of a visual rather than text. Some of the sources that I used were Presentation Zen, Slide Design for Developers, and Elements of Design Defined for the slide itself, and I used my phone for the pictures.

Remix: One Google Slide

1 slide tech (2)
When I made my first slide, there were a lot of mistakes. I realized myself that the picture I had was low quality and that it needed to be changed. My slide wasn't eye catching nor was it clean. I was told to make my slide look like an actual sticker book instead of just a little bit. I learned that when everything is on the same level it confuses the audience and bleeding is okay. 

When I was changing my slide I removed the picture, since it was low quality. I decided to add more stickers so it could actually look like a sticker book. I also didn't make them on the same level or really far apart. I made them go around my name. I was told to not put my name on it. I thought that I should make my slide look like a cover of a book about me. I decided to keep my name but change the font, size, and color so it can catch the audiences attention ( I even tested it out with a few people ). 

The research that I did helped me a lot. It made me realize that plain and simple isn't the answer at all. I should always try to make something catch the audiences attention. When I did more research they talked about the font for letters. They said do something big, which is what I did. I did bleeding for my first slide but decided not to. Bleeding can make my slide look better though. It just didn't go with any of the pictures that I had. The first time I made my slide I tried to have a balance space but it didn't look good with all of the empty space. The research I did, did teach me to have a visual theme. Having a visual theme helped me get an idea of what I want to do. The sources that I used were all very useful websites. For example there was Presentation Zen, Slide Design Link, and Elements of Design Defines.

My new slide

I learned that my old background was really wild and distracting. It didn't really match what my picture was. I also learned that I should put my quote on the left because that's the way people read. So I changed the picture and I fixed my quote.

My research taught me about color contrast and composition. It also taught me the section of the frame you should put your main focus on. That's why my quote is not directly to the left.
I used google images(but I made sure I wasn't copyrighting.) I used the sites I was given and some other sites I found to learn things like contrast and composition.  
Me in one slide

Support the SLAmbassador Trips to Germany and Poland!

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In 2019, the SLAmbassadors will be participating in two European exchange programs. In April of 2019, twelve students will travel to Frankfurt, Germany for our third annual exchange with Gymnasium Riedberg High School. And in October of 2019, ten students will travel to Torun, Poland for a weeklong exchange with students at Nicholas Copernicus High School. 


The program is a part of Philadelphia’s Sister Cities initiative, and cost of activities abroad are mostly covered by the hosting schools. As a result, the cost of the flight is basically the cost of the trip – but many students cannot afford the ticket.


Can you sponsor a student for this year’s exchanges? No donation is too small - any amount would help their dreams of international travel come true!


Click here to donate via our Paypal Account!


Donors will receive personalized thank-you messages when we are traveling, so please choose to share your mailing address when you pay. If you are giving in the name of a specific student, please also let us know in the comment section of your donation!


Remix 1 Google Slide

Tech Benchmark (2)
I learned that the shape, color, value, and form is important if you're trying to design a good slide. The color is important because it contrasts the font color with the background color. The shape of the picture includes space. You don't want your pictures to be too big to fill up all the spaces or form a cluster. The value and form is the height or width of the pictures. It's also the different tone of color, darkness and light of your pictures. 

I made these changes because I realized that the background should be a little lighter so the black would be more eye catching. I changed the ukulele to a different color because I realized that most of my pictures are black and white, it wouldn't be balanced if I used a different color of picture. I switched up the pictures so the all black pictures wouldn't be all together on one spot. 

The research that I did helped to create a better slide because it gave me different examples. It showed me how the fonts size and different shade of color for your background is important. Some of the sources that I used to create this slide was to figure out the vocabularies that were part of the websites. I also used multiple examples from the websites to figure out how to make a good slide. The websites were, Presentation Zen, Slide Design Link, and Elements of Design Defines. In conclusion, it showed me the differences of size fonts, background color and more.