Clio Fleece Capstone

A year before I started thinking about my Capstone, my photography class watched a video made for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) called "WWF Parallax Sequence". Using only one still photo per shot, it had been animated in such a way that each picture moved in layers, giving it depth and making the video feel completely 3D and immersive. When I started brainstorming for my Capstone project, that video was one of the first things that came to mind. Although I knew I would basically have to teach myself how to use at least two new Adobe programs, I decided to continue with that idea. I had a fully-formed visual concept, but I also wanted my final video to have something more, to unite the photos in an overarching theme. Originally, I chose to photograph people doing what they were passionate about. As I started photographing, my theme evolved into only people I had previously communicated and set up a specific time with (walking around the city to find people was too unreliable), and people doing what they were passionate about as a job. In total, my final video contains photos of 10 different people, as well as sound bites from short interviews with each subject. The two questions I asked in each interview were, "What makes you stay passionate and/or motivated about what you do?" and "What are some of the challenges you've faced trying to do what you love full-time, and how have you overcome them?" Enjoy!

"WWF PARALLAX SEQUENCE" (referenced above)

Dillon Hershey Capstone

For my capstone, I decided to make a Spanish lab for students in Spanish 1 and 2. This space and time would be used for students to come and get help on their homework, projects, or notes that they didn’t understand. I chose to have the lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays during both lunch bands and I put it in the advisory memo to notify students and upperclassmen who might want to be tutors. I held it in a small room across the hall from Senorita Manuel’s room and had one other student who was a consistent tutor along with me. This changed over time because not many students were coming to get help. Senorita Manuel suggested that I move Spanish lab to her room so that students could also get help from her. She started to advertise it in her classes so students come in to retake quizzes or standards and I would help them if they had any questions. I helped lots of kids, mostly when the quarter was ending and it was usually with their standards. I hope that next year, if Spanish lab continues, the lab can help people with more things than just their standards and that people will come year round.

A picture of students working on Spanish.


"Language Positions." Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency, 21 Apr. 2007. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

This source is from the Central Intelligence Agency and it shows what positions they need filled that have to do with foreign languages. They need people who can speak and understand other languages, particularly the ones that they use while under security breaches. On this site they are explaining the different language programs they have to train their employees with or programs that their employees use to sharpen their language skills with. I can use this as a source because this source shows that there is a huge demand for jobs using other languages. This can be used as an incentive for the students now, because it means that if they are proficient in the language that they are learning, a job can almost be guaranteed.

Dounay, Jennifer. "High School Graduation Requirements: Foreign Language." 50-State Comparison. Education Commission of the States, 23 Mar. 2007. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

This source is from the education commission of the states and it is a list of the states and their requirements of foreign language education for the students to graduate. The list includes how many credits each state requires the students to have. This source is helpful to me because it shows how many states have implemented foreign language education. This shows students that they are the not the only ones learning a new language. Also it’s sad because there aren’t that many states that require language credits to graduate and this provides proof that we need to have more states have requirements.

Duncan, Arne. "Education and Language Gap." Foreign Language Summit. University of Maryland, Washington D.C. 8 Dec. 2010. U.S. Department of Education. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

This is a speech that the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, made at the Foreign Language Summit that the CIA director called for in 2010. In the speech he talks about how the U.S. is falling behind other countries in the foreign language education. He wants to bridge the language gap that the U.S. is experiencing. This helps me because this is an important figure in the education world who is speaking out about how we have to fix the education system around foreign language. This shows that people actually care about having foreign language education in schools and that they want to fix the problem that no one is requiring language credits for graduating high school students.

Franzén, Carl G. F. “Foreign Language Teaching in the High Schools of Iowa”. The School Review 29.8 (1921): 610–616. Web...

This source is a book that was written about the foreign language teaching in the high schools of Iowa. They had a program that taught high schoolers Latin, Spanish, French, and Norse. This book is a report on how the schools taught the languages and what schools offered what languages. It also noted the successfulness of the language classes and how the class sizes didn’t differ from language to language. This source will help me because it shows that the practice of learning different languages happened early in this century. It proves that students in high school actually want to learn languages and that they would excel in language programs put in schools.

Hancock, Charles R. "Alternative Assessment and Second Language Study: What and Why?" Alternative Assessment and Second Language Study: What and Why? (1994): n. pag. Digests. Center for Applied Linguistics. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

This source is talking about a different way for the people who are studying a second language to take tests because our education system is not the greatest at the moment. When you add in a second language to the testing system, the students tend to do worse. This can create problems in the student’s minds and make them want to hate the language. This is problem that only seems to appear in the U.S. education system. This source helps me because it shows that students have an unhealthy relationship with the language and then it makes them not want to study the language anymore.

Kibler, Amanda, and Sandy Philipose. "What the Research Shows." American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

This source is a website that has lists of why teaching foreign languages in schools are good for the students. One of the reasons that foreign language education is helpful is because the student’s academic achievement improves in areas other than the foreign language education course. Also some researchers believe that learning another language also provides cognitive benefits. This source can help me because it is a list of the sources that I can use for proving a certain point about why learning a language is beneficial for students. If there is a certain point that people would argue against learning a second language, I can point them to this page. Or if students feel as if learning a second language is not important to them, I can show them all the research and benefits.

Panetta, Leon E. "Foreign Language Education: If 'Scandalous' in the 20th Century, What Will It Be in the 21st Century?" Foreign Language Summit. University of Maryland, Washington D.C. 8 Dec. 2010. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

This is another speech from the foreign language summit, this one made by the CIA director. In the speech he says that the U.S. has a weak foreign language policy and that there are plenty of other countries that are better than us. He wants to put programs in all grades in school, which should help the children with learning languages but also with learning about cultures. He talks about the history of foreign language education and about how it fell through with the World Wars. This source is very helpful to me because he touches on everything that I want people to know about foreign language education. This source explains some of the history and what went wrong and how we can fix it to make a better tomorrow for the students of today.

Payne, William Morton. “Modern Language Teaching in Secondary Schools”. The School Review 2.2 (1894): 74–82. Web...

This report was published in 1894 about the teaching of other languages in high schools. The author writes about certain ways that they can improve their programs because they aren’t very good. The report also talks about how learning a language in high school can be the best education a man can get because they are learning other men’s languages. This can still apply to today’s students because their peers may have a first language that is not English. This research helps me because it shows that people before today, have taken a second language and had it help their lives and careers.

Rhodes, Nancy C., and Ingrid Pufahl. Foreign Language Teaching in the U.S. Schools. Rep. N.p.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 2009. Print.

This source is an executive summary of a report that the Center for Applied Linguistics produces about a national survey that researches the programs and the enrollment of foreign language education in primary and secondary schools. The data that they include in the report is all about the how much instruction the children receive, the languages that are offered, immersion schools, and how much time is actually spent speaking the language. This report is very helpful for me because it shows what schools are doing to make sure that the children are getting the best foreign language education and it suggests what schools can do better. This shows that lots of schools are trying to implement foreign language education and that the students are receiving the instruction well.

Tucker, G. Richard. "A Global Perspective on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education." A Global Perspective on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education (1999): n. pag. Digests. Center for Applied Linguistics. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

This is a report about how the world perceives foreign language education. It compares and contrasts the U.S. against the other countries on foreign language education. We are severely behind and we can’t seem to catch up to the other countries. This is a good source for me because it backs up what all the other sources have informed me. It helps with the push that other people are going through the same thing as these students even though they are half a world away. This would be a good incentive for people to make more programs for foreign education in high schools so we can reach to catch up to the other countries.

Melissa Alvarez Capstone

In October of 2015, NBC 10 was airing an investigation about youth homelessness in Philadelphia. It was after a mere 45 minutes that I realized how much we DON'T talk about the hundreds of youth in our city who are living without a home. I knew then and there what I wanted my capstone to be about. 
Since my junior year, I have been an active member of the Philadelphia Youth Commission. The Commission has 21 members of youth who are elected to represent their respective City Council district and Councilperson. One of the many things we do is host monthly meetings on topics that affect youth, so I used this as a partnering opportunity for my project. I wanted to have a meeting about youth homelessness, but nothing like we've had before. My objective was to change the location, provide refreshments for the first time, expand our audience, and have a legitimate call to action when we were done. 
A difficulty I faced was the new Mayoral transition happening in City Hall, which is where I wanted to have my meeting. We couldn't lock down a location until two weeks before the meeting was supposed to happen, but we were eventually lucky enough to book Conversation Hall. After attending a public hearing that happened on April 29th about the same topic, I introduced myself to some of the people who testified and convinced them to be speakers at my meeting. 
On May 11th, we had roughly 50 attendees including youth groups, commissioners, and people who work with at-risk youth. My speakers included Ms. Helen Fitzpatrick - Director of LGBT Affairs for the City of Philadelphia and John Ducoff - Director of Covenant House PA. I asked Ms. Fitzpatrick to speak about the work she does for the city because 54% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ. That's more than half, and was something I felt needed to be a larger part of the conversation. We were also lucky enough to have Mr. Ducoff because Covenant House is Philadelphia's most well known homeless shelter for youth. This had to be a collaborative conversation about what we could all do to help face the issue of youth homelessness. 
When it was over, everyone left the room with something they'd never learned up until that meeting. It seemed like doing a sleep out in front of City Hall was one of the most effective ways we could contribute. It not only helps to raise awareness, but has raised over $50,000 in the past, and it's something we plan to do in the near future as our call to action. 

Blog Link: To read more about my capstone process and view pictures from the meeting, click here
Annotated Bibliography: 

Morgan Zalot and Vince Lattanzio. "Faces of Homeless Youth." NBC 10 Philadelphia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2016.

NBC 10 created a short documentary about the homeless youth in Philadelphia. They interviewed 5 different youth who shared their story about how they ended up without homes. It was originally what inspired me to choose the capstone that I did. I would like to have one or two of these youth speak at my meeting. This documentary made me realize just how unprioritized the topic of youth homelessness is in the City of Philadelphia, and how we aren’t doing enough to service them like we should. A lot of them unfortunately do not trust the system and by choice end up on the street because it’s where they feel safe. This is a stigma we need to change and is a crucial part of my meeting’s purpose.

Soto, Joy D. "Philadelphia Youth Commission." Philadelphia Youth Commission Home Comments. City of Philadelphia, Sept. 2008. Web. 1 Feb. 2016.

The Philadelphia Youth Commission is an office created by the mayor for youth between the ages of 12 and 23 years old who represent their respective councilpeople. I happen to be on the Youth Commission and would like to use it as a resource for my capstone. We hold monthly meetings on topics that affect youth. We have four committees: Health and Recreation, Jobs and Economics, Education, and Public Safety. My meeting will be relative to all four of these committees and I plan to work with them during the planning of my project. They will each be crucial to forming an accurate presentation for the people attending my meeting.

"Philadelphia County QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." Philadelphia County QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. U.S. Department of Commerce, Jan. 2014. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

A large part of my meeting will include presenting statistics about youth in the city. The U.S. census for the city of Philadelphia each year helps me to keep track of how many youth are currently living in the city. Right now we are working with more than 300,000 youth, and the percentage of them that are living in poverty are homeless. There are many that are homeless and undocumented because they choose daily whether or not they want to be a part of the system or take their chances living on the streets which for many is the safer option they feel. Documenting the numbers is very important to my presentation and these facts will be useful to that.

"Facts on Homelessness." Project HOME. Project Home, n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

Project home is a website that presents information about homelessness. On a single night in January 2015, 564,708 people were experiencing homelessness. That’s over half a million people documented. There are thousands in this country who aren’t even accounted for and those are numbers we simply cannot stand for anymore. This website presents factual information about how many people are currently homeless, why they end up homeless, and what’s being done to help them. This will be one of the options for facts I’ll be putting in my presentation.

"Mission & Vision." Northern Children's Services. City of Philadelphia, 13 May 2015. Web. 1 Feb. 2016.

The work done at Northern Children’s Services is designed to create a better future for their clients who are primarily young mothers and their children. They believe that every child has the potential to transform him or herself – no matter their background or life situations. If they invest in that potential through services that focus on care, safety, health, permanency, independence, and positive relationships, the children will lead happier and healthy lives. These are one of many home options youth do not currently know about that I would like to present in my meeting.

Munoz, Judith. "Shalom Inc." Shalom Inc. City of Philadelphia, n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2016.

Shalom, Inc. is a school and community-based private, non-profit, non-sectarian agency. They offer a variety of professional prevention, intervention and treatment services through our community-based program. Shalom Inc.'s mission is to encourage resiliency, character building, and recovery through prevention, intervention and counseling services for children, adolescents and adults. My mom used to work at Shalom Inc. and they offer counseling for youth who are troubled at home or who are part of the juvenile detention agency. Not only did I pick this because of its relevance to my capstone, but also because my mom is an affiliate with this organization whom I hope to partner with for my capstone.

Farr, Stephannie. "Shelter Shooting Leaves 1 Worker Dead, 1 Hurt." Shelter Shooting Leaves 1 Worker Dead, 1 Hurt., 17 Jan. 2016. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

This article will be one of the prime topics in my presentation. A huge part of why youth are choosing to be homeless and living on the street is because they simply do not trust the system anymore. The shelters have proven to not be safe. A person was shot and killed by a previous resident, yet these are the place we’re telling our youth to go? It’s unsafe and many would rather live on their own than to ever have to endure an experience like that. Shelters may offer a roof, but they do not offer safety. They are not homes and that’s the issue. We need to bridge that gap of trust between the homeless and the system so that they can get the help they deserve, but not by providing them unsafe living quarters. And unfortunately a lot of it has to do with the budget in the city. There simply isn’t a lot of money. So this is something I’d like to talk about in my meeting.

Turcios, Melissa. "Why My Neighborhood Kids Don't Trust the System." Audio blog post. Youth Radio. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

I thought this podcast was really interesting because it centers on a woman who’s neighborhood kids who are primarily Black and Latino. They early on knew what the sound of gunshots were. After a nearby shooting happened, police showed up not long after and were asking the kids questions, but they were very reluctant to be cooperative with the police officers who were asking questions about what happened. At so early on, kids are taught not to trust the system in fear of repercussions that may follow. This was in Washington D.C., but is something that is happening in cities all over the country, especially Philadelphia. Early on our kids are being taught to keep quiet in order to survive in their own neighborhood. The system has been backwards like this for quite some time, and it’s something I’d like to talk about in my capstone.

McElroy, Molly. "Intervention to Improve Foster Families’ Trust, Connectedness." UW Today. University of Washington, 12 June 2012. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This article was written by the University of Washington about advice for new foster parents. Often kids are just looking for a safe place to call home. They’ve grown up in a system that is known to give them trouble and often do not feel comfortable trusting new people. This is the biggest thing they should attempt to build with these youth. Allow them to trust. Most adolescents in foster care simply need a stable home life that provides a sense of belonging, love and someone who shows a genuine interest in their lives. If there is no shared history, it might be harder for them to make that connection which is why you should be open and allow them time to connect with you on their own personal level. This is something I’d like to bring up at the end of my presentation; What we’re doing wrong, and what we can do to mend the issues.

"Mission & History." The Attic Youth Center. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

The Attic Youth Center creates opportunities for LGBTQ youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community, and promotes the acceptance of LGBTQ youth in society. The Attic Youth Center has been really important in my research because over 54% of homeless youth in Philadelphia identify as LGBTQ. That’s more than half, and not many people recognize this statistic. Families that are unaccepting of their children’s sexuality or gender preferences are often the reason many of them end up homeless. There aren’t many programs specifically provided for the safety of LGBTQ youth, and Attic Youth Center is one of the very few. I would like someone from the Attic Youth Center to come speak at the meeting and/or be a part of the conversation and give a different perspective on the conversation of youth homelessness and things we can do to help. This source is the Attic Youth Center home website explaining their mission and purpose which can be brought up at the meeting as a resource to youth.

Aaron Block Capstone

For my Capstone project I designed a piece of software called Ribbon. Ribbon is a word processor designed specifically for screenplays since screenplays have a very specific format in which they are supposed to be written. The format includes unusual capitalization and indentation to convey character dialog, actions, new scenes, and other components of film.

The process of designing and making Ribbon consisted of a lot more planning than I had anticipated. During Capstone Week, I spent a lot of time doing research on different ways of organizing the code I was writing. This was very helpful because it made the code I was writing much easier to understand and follow but it also made it more difficult to write code because I was forced to follow a rigid structure.

I learned a lot about programming and my personal capabilities. First, I learned that there are so many resources available for free and on the Internet to allow you to do things with computers that I did not think I was able to do so easily. Second, I learned that a huge amount of software development is spent on thinking about the way the code should be structured rather than writing the actual code. This makes it much easier for other developers to come along later and contribute to your work.

The source code for the application as well as the application itself can be downloaded here.

Works Cited

Buschmann, Frank, Kevlin Henney, and Douglas C. Schmidt. On Patterns and Pattern Languages. Chichester: Wiley, 2007. Wikibooks. Web. 2 Feb. 2016. Rather than focusing on the components of a piece of software, On patterns and pattern languages emphasizes the relationship between different components. These are called patterns and thinking of my software in terms of the patterns I'm using rather than the components I'm creating has become very helpful in the writing of my code. The more thought I put in to the patterns I use, the easier it becomes for others to understand what the code does and to contribute to the project. Writing using patterns introduces other problems. It’s easy for me to write code that is messy but does the job effectively. To write code following strict patterns is difficult. This source has also made me realize that I need to plan out what code I’m going to write a lot more before I get to writing it.

Demaree, David. "The Art of the Commit." The Art of the Commit · An A List Apart Article. A List Apart & David Demaree, 02 Feb. 2016. Web. 02 Feb. 2016. This article is an excerpt from David Demaree's Git For Humans. My open-source project is being hosted online by a website called Github. Each time I save my project to Github, I must save it with a short message describing what I've changed. This article describes the best way to construct those message so others (and myself) can understand how my project has changed overtime. This is particularly important for making my project open-source. If I want other people to contribute to my project, they need to be able to understand what is going on. If people want to look at an older version of my project, it will be easy for them to find which version they are looking for because every time I save the project to Github, there will be a short message associated with it.

Fedosejev, Artemij. React. js Essentials. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015. I am using a software framework called React.js. This book is a great book to reference if I do not know how to do something in React. Using React in my application will help me make Ribbon organized and will ensure that I use effective and easy-to-understand programming patterns. React introduces a lot of new conventions and concepts to my code-writing. Therefore, a reference book about React is necessary so I can refer to it at points in the code-writing process where I’m lost. React.js Essentials comes with great examples of how to use React effectively that are easy to understand. Given the important role that React plays in my project, having a React reference book is an absolute necessity.

Fogel, Karl. Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2005. Producing Open Source Software. Karl Fogel, 2005. Web. 2 Feb. 2016. Karl Fogel writes about how to create an open-source project that gains attention and support. He does not deal with the technical, programmatic side of development as much as he deals with how to publicize your project effectively and make sure that once people are aware of your project they continue to pay attention to your project. While I’m developing my app I must be mindful of how what I’m doing may affect how other people see my project. If I’m not careful about the changes I make to my project and how I share those changes publicly on the project page ( it could alienate people who may otherwise contribute to my project.

"Gulp API Docs." GitHub. Gulp, 17 Dec. 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. Gulp is a task manager. While I am developing my application, it’s important that I can easily compile the code I’m writing. It is Gulp’s job to manage all of that. The Gulp API Docs are documentation about how to use Gulp. Without this, the workflow of my project would be very slow and inefficient. Using Gulp will relieve me of a lot of tedious work. Knowing how to use it is obviously essential in being able to use it. This documentation is a very good instruction on how to use Gulp so that my workload is a little less.  

Hahn, Jungpil, Jae Yun Moon, and Chen Zhang. "Emergence of new project teams from open source software developer networks: Impact of prior collaboration ties." Information Systems Research 19.3 (2008): 369-391. This source talks about why people join open-source projects. One of the most compelling reasons is that the contributors have strong ties to the initiator (in this case, me). This is important to keep in mind. The people who may contribute the most to my project may already be around me. In addition, this source is useful because I can use to market my open-source project to developers. At this point in my project, I’ve worked the least on trying to attract others to contribute to my project. If I want to start focusing on this more, I should learn more about why people contribute to open-source projects.

Kubrick, Stanley, and Anthony Burgess. A Clockwork Orange: A Screenplay. Hollywood Scripts, 1970. While having a description of the format of a screenplay is helpful, it’s also very helpful to see a full and polished screenplay. As I progress through the process of developing my application, I will compare the screenplays I write in Ribbon to this screenplay. If, by comparison, everything looks good, I know I’m okay to move on. I can also use the screenplay to see how character and story development works in a real screenplay. Similar to the McKee source, A Clockwork Orange: A Screenplay could give me good insights on some features that would be helpful for experienced and skilled screenwriters to have in a word processor.

McKee, Robert. Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. This book describes the process of writing a screenplay. It goes over how to develop a story and characters. The reason I find it helpful is that it gives me an idea of what things are important to a screenwriter. This could clue me in onto some good ideas for features I may include in my software. It also has some good information about how screenplays should be styled which are also very helpful. If I want my software to format screenplays effectively, there should be a reputable source behind the way I chose to format the screenplay.

Mockus, Audris, Roy T. Fielding, and James D. Herbsleb. "Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla." ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 11.3 (2002): 309-346. This case study looks at two of the biggest existing open-source projects: Mozilla and Apache. One of the things this source addresses that other sources in this bibliography do not discuss is an open-source project’s ability to compete with commercial products. This source is useful to me because it describes what makes open-source software so successful. It explains what Mozilla and Apache do right as open-source projects and what they do wrong. There’s is a lot I can learn from this source about how to make my project a successful open-source project and not just a successful piece of software.

Rising, Linda, and Norman S. Janoff. "The Scrum software development process for small teams." IEEE software 17.4 (2000): 26. This is a simple explanation of the Scrum software development process. It incorporates using patterns to develop software with a workflow. I can use this source to learn how to work more efficiently on my project while still writing good code. This source also relates to the Buschmann source which is all about using patterns in programming. Scrum software development may also be useful if others want to contribute to my open-source project. If they decide to, using a development process could help make sure that not only my code is good and organized but theirs is as well. Trust me, this is a good source.

The Medical Experience

My overall goal for my capstone was to educate those on the intensity of the medical field. Not many people understand how long it takes to get certified and be practicing. With luck, I hope that people understand how serious I am about my future of becoming a doctor. I did an interview asking a few questions, such as "What do you think some of the challenges that people who go into the medical field face?" and "How long do you think it takes to become a licensed and practiced doctor?". With my project, I had to do the interviews by myself and Tamira Bell as my tech person.

A major part of my capstone (a portion of the video can be found here) was supposed to be the interview of the plastic surgeon from across the street, which did happen, but I had audio problems because I didn't have Tamira with me. The capstone I'm turning in isn't the same one that I created in the beginning, but I'm still proud of my creation.

"About Dr. Cross." Cross Plastic Surgery. N.p., 17 July 2011. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Kevin J. Cross is the plastic surgeon who is the major interviewee for my capstone. He’s known for his highly skilled expertise of making someone who went under the knife look as though they hadn’t. He is board certified and his scores had ranked him in the top 3% nationwide. He has an extensive education background, attending Cornell University, New York Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University. He is an AOA honors graduate from University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. His success is due to his method of making an individualized treatment plan for each patients based off of different variables.

Andersen, Erika. "Please Don't Do These 9 Things In An Interview." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 3 June 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This article was written by someone who has conducted many interviews. These tips are for higher level jobs, more professional, like newsprint companies or business-attire jobs. Each tip stems from an interview that she has done with someone before. There is the tip to be your own person, not to agree with everything that employer is saying because they could be testing you to see if you’re being genuine. There’s also the point of policing your voice to make sure the interviewer has time to actually ask questions. She had one lady who wouldn’t allow her to really say anything because she just kept talking. It’s also good to know some background about the company and not to go in blind, as you can appear as though you’re not really interested.

"Aspiring Docs." Aspiring Docs. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This website has multiple links that explains the process of preparing for medical school starting in high school. It mentions what high school classes you may want to take and any other extra programs you can do to start your path. There’s also a page where there are many stories that are from medical student explaining different topics such as the first time they meet a patient, what’s it’s like getting married while in medical school, and other things of that nature. This site is very resourceful for people want are considering going into the medical field.

"Interview DOs and DON'TS." Virginia Tech. N.p., 07 Oct. 2015. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

This website describes what and what not to do during an interview. The don’ts are important tips,as they can cost you a good job/connect/deal. While most people will give you a quick list of the typical dont’s such as not to chew gum or come late, this list goes a little deeper. Falsification of any information reflects bad on you, and if you’re hired, the company as well. It could land them in a legal problem.

"Interviewing Skills: What to Do During an Interview." N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This site talked about business etiquette. It was all about how to present yourself when being interviewed. One of the skills they mentioned was to pace yourself so that the person who is interviewing you sees that you’re taking time to think about what you’re going to say. It also says to cut back on the uhms or any words of uncertainty and to have confidence in your voice.

"Requirements for Becoming a Physician." Requirements for Becoming a Physician. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This source talks the stages of becoming a doctor. You have to start as an undergraduate and go through medical school, your residency, and then your fellowship. It outlines in particular what you have to do in each one of those steps. The lengthy part to becoming a doctor comes after your schooling is done. The residency program for family practices takes 3 years, while general surgery takes up to 5 years. The fellowship, however, is only needed if you want to do to be highly specialization in certain fields, such as gastroenterology. It goes a little into certifications and license to be able to legally practice. Though a doctor or physician maybe be certified, they have to do yearly coursework to assure they are current with the education.  

"Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This website breaks down the general statistics of surgeons and physicians. Similar to the other websites, it talks about what they do and how to become one. What this website does have that the others don’t is the breakdown of pay wages and the projected growth of employment. According to the website, there is a project  14% increase in how many surgeons and physicians are going to be employed. That’s nearly 10,000 new doctors a year. Surgeons and physicians make the most out of all the occupations, around $187,000 more a year.

Carucci, John. "Ten Tips for DSLR Documentary Filmmaking." - For Dummies. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

These are just simple, basic tips for making a film with a DSLR. It’s about the angle and the interaction with your work. When conducting interviews, you have to decide which way you want them facing  and how the lighting is going to be. In my interviews the camera is looking forward wiht me off to the right so the interviewee is not looking straight at the camera, they’re looking off screen at me. The lighting is important as well. You don’t want too harsh lighting that it makes the subject look washed out, but you don’t want too soft lighting to make the subject undetectable on screen.

Spector, Col. "5 Simple Mistakes Documentary Filmmakers Make." Raindance. N.p., 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

This source outlines what the common mistakes people who make documentaries do. The author has won awards for his films made with BBC and Channel 4 in the UK. The one thing that can make a documentary come off bad is if there isn’t a “vision”, meaning there wasn’t much thought and prep going into the video, If you just film and piece videos together, it’s not that special, but if you know how you want it to play out, and you do it, you’re making a masterpiece. Also, cheesy music in the back can kill the mood and vibe of the documentary. It’s supposed to coincide with the film, complementing it in  the right spots. The obvious one is to have terrible footage. If you try to film something and it’s poorly done, you can better your audience is going to know.

Bella Mezzaroba Capstone

For my capstone, I hosted a fundraiser  in support of an organization based in Panama called the Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project. The organization acts as a Noah’s ark for endangered amphibians and is currently researching a disease called Chytridiomycosis, a fungal infection responsible for a number of frog species going extinct.

I held bake sales to raise initial funds to purchase food, decorations, and raffle items for the event. I met with numerous people to help me iron out the logistics of event planning. The event itself was held on April 28th in SLA’s cafe. There was food, live music, a raffle and a speech made by me. There were a few other elements such as a “Write a Note to the Frogs” station where attendees could write a note on a frog cutout about their feelings on amphibians. My own pet frog was the guest of honor. At the end of the event, we raised about $200 for the Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project.

I chose to focus on Chytridiomycosis and amphibian conservation because it is a cause near and dear to my heart. Frogs and toads have always been an important part of my life. They’re such intricate and integral creatures that I feel do not get enough attention. A decline in frog population is a clear message that our environment is in danger. I truly believe that fighting for frog conservation is a step in the right direction for not only the amphibians themselves, but for environmental stability.

Link to Presentation

Annotated Bibliography

"Frightening Statistics." Amphibian Ark. Amphibian Ark, n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

This page is from the Amphibian Ark, the umbrella organization for the Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project. On this page, various statistics on frog population decline are presented. 165 frog species are thought to be extinct in the wild and 500 species are believed to be threatened so immensely that extinction cannot be staved off. These type of staggering statistics are the reason I chose to undertake this project.

This source is reputable and reliable. The Amphibian Ark is a leading organization in frog conservation and their work is well recognized. The statistics are backed by various research institutions, all of which are reliable as well.

"Chytrid Fungus." The Amphibian Chytrid Fungus and Chytridiomycosis. Amphibian Ark, n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

This is another publication from Amphibian Ark. This one is an extensive overview of the chytrid fungus and what is can cause in frogs. It breaks down the biological jargon that may be hard to understand to someone who isn’t learned in fungal infections. Basically, Chytrid is a type of fungus with over 1,000 types, thriving in moist and wet environments. The species of Chytrid that is infecting frogs is called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis or Bd. Bd is the only Chytrid fungus that affects vertebrates

The only reason I would question this source’s reliability is the lack of named authors. I trust that the Amphibian Ark put out reliable information but, in order for this source to be doubtlessly trustworthy.

"Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project." Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project. N.p., n.d.   Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This is the organization in which I am donating the funds I gather from this project. It is called the Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project and is working to conserve frog species in . It’s an organization under the Amphibian Ark (AARK), an umbrella organization that encompasses other similar projects dedicated to the conservation of amphibians. The three principal partners are the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Conservation Breeding Specialists and the Amphibian Specialist Group. Currently, there are 30 frog species that have been identified by AARK as priority rescue species.

This organization is working to fight a disease called chytridiomycosis which is caused by a bacteria called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Currently, the Amphibian Rescue is working on researching the bacteria and possible cures for it.

"Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project." Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This is a video put out by the Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project. The video summarizes everything that’s happening in Central America concerning the bacterial disease. It uses persuasive methods common in PSA’s. I actually intend on using some of these tactics when I make my posters. It’s a helpful PSA and I plan on using the video itself at my event.

The video is made by Amphibian Ark, which is a reliable source. Therefore, I feel that the information presented can be trusted and I have no qualms of using this video to help further my cause.

Chytridiomycosis (amphibian Chytrid Fungus Disease). Canberra: Dept. of the Environment and Heritage, Natural Heritage Trust, 2004. Web.

This is an article published by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources about Chytridiomycosis and it’s presence in Northern America. According to the publication, there are 14 confirmed amphibian species in Ohio that are afflicted with the disease. This source is a detailed report of the effects of Chytridiomycosis in the United States. The work that the Panama Conservation Centers are doing will help environmental programs across the world.

This source is very reliable. It was published by a governmental department in the state of Ohio.

This source is a published report done by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources of their findings concerning the fungal disease. I trust that the claims they make are reasonably made.

Groves, Eric. "Organizing Perfect Events." Small Business Trends. N.p., 21 Jan. 2010. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This is an article about organizing the perfect event. It gives specific tips on how to create an atmosphere before the event that promotes event inclusivity and sparks person interest. It also gives tips on how to successfully gather feedback from those who attend the event, which is something I plan on doing.

This article was written by a man named Eric Groves. The site has a short biographical snippet on him. He has over 20 years of experience with building sales and business development. He built the sales and business development departments of the organization he works for, Constant Contact. Constant Contact is a site that helps small businesses market their products. I’d consider an article written by this man reliable, as he is well informed on the subject and is a professional in his field.

Hawthorne, Randy. "5 Ways to Get More Out of Your Next Fundraising Event." Nonprofit Hub. N.p., 12 Feb. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This source can help me plan a successful and impactful awareness event. It’s a short and concise list of tips and tricks for getting people interested in my event. I’ve never planned an event before so this will be a very helpful source. It outlines techniques for making my cause clear and making my cause relevant which I something I know I will struggle with. I definitely need guidance for this aspect of the project.

I’d consider this source reliable. The domain is a .org and there is a listed author. The author, Randy Hawthorne, is a Professional Certified Marketer and has worked on marketing and organizational leadership to various organizations. He also does workshopping with high school students on entrepreneurship.

"How to Organise an Event to Raise Money / Awareness for Your Organisation." Knowhow Nonprofit. Just Giving, n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This source is about event planning and effective marketing techniques. It covers the obvious things such as how to generate interest in the event as well as logistical aspects, such as ticket sales. It also addresses the fact that, in order for an event to flourish, sponsors are almost always necessary. This page presents a series of questions that I may not have necessarily thought of prior such as, “who will help me clean up.” This website will help me plan a smooth running, detail oriented event.

I don’t know how confidently I can speak to this sources credibility. There isn’t a stated author but the domain is a .org which leads me to believe the site is mildly reputable. Overall, I don’t think this source’s credibility is even that important. I’m not using it for facts, I’m using to for help on

Rosenblum, Erica Bree, Jamie Voyles, Thomas J. Poorten, and Jason E. Stajich. "The Deadly Chytrid Fungus: A Story of an Emerging Pathogen."PLOS Pathogens:. Ed. Hiten D. Madhani. N.p., 29 Jan. 2010. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This source is an academic article about Chytridiomycosis. The article covers the basics, such as what the fungus is, what is does and how detrimental it has been to frog populations. This source also goes into more detail on the biological reasons this fungus is infecting amphibians.

What’s so useful about this article is that everything is cited. Every claim is cited and the authors of the articles are clearly stated with a link to a page of their credentials. All four of the authors work in biology or zoology at various Universities. This source is one of the most reliable I’ve found.

Whittaker, Kellie, and Vance Vrendenburg. "Chytridiomycosis."Chytridiomycosis. N.p., 11 May 2011. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This source expands upon the disease chytridiomycosis and it’s wide spread effects. The bacteria, Bd, which causes it, has been found on all continents except Antarctica. There is no cure yet for the disease. However, conservation centers, such as the one in Panama, have tried various treatment methods such as increases salinity in the water given to the frogs and increasing temperature.

I would consider this source reliable. It’s filled with claims, all of which are cited. All of the information can be credited to scholars, articles published for academic purposes, or organizations dedicated to mitigating the loss of amphibians to chytridiomycosis.

David Leonard Capstone

For my capstone I decided on making a 2D platforming game. The reason I chose to do this is I like to play a lot of video games so I decided to try and make one. I first looked for free tools for making a game for beginners where I found a web-based one called sploder which is what I decided on using. I then made levels for my game based on the gaming videos I watch by using ideas from the games being played and trying to input them into my game. I also had someone test out some of the game to get feedback on it and then made edits to the levels based on it. What I learned from this is if you plan making a complex game then you should not use any of the free tools since you are extremely limited in what you can do.

Dooley, Jeremy, Matt Bragg, and Trevor Collins. "Speedrunners Gameplay - The Stream Team (Twitch Highlights)." YouTube. YouTube, 16 Aug. 2015. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <>. This video shows gameplay of a 2D game where the objective is to run an obstacle course and to eliminate the other players by making them fall behind and go off the screen using different types of tools and weapons. I chose this because one of the tools you have is a grappling hook to traverse different areas so I decided to have something similar in my game. I think this source is reliable since it shows enough of the gameplay to get a good understanding of what you need to do and how it works.

Heyman, Joel, and Adam Ellis. "How To: Happy Wheels." YouTube. YouTube, 31 Jan. 2016. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This video shows gameplay of a 2D game where you play user created levels and have the option to create your own. I chose this because the website I am using to create my game looks like it has similar mechanics as this one but the ones I’m using seem to be a little downgraded but it still gave me some ideas.

Jones, Michael. "Rage Quit - Cat Mario." YouTube. YouTube, 30 May 2013. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <>. This video shows gameplay of a remade mario game with the same objective as normal mario except anything can happen like an invisible block appearing and random enemies coming out of nowhere and killing you. I chose this because I was going to have similar things happen in the game I am making but I couldn’t have the things do most of these so I am having my game do things that are close to the same ridiculousness.

Jones, Michael. "Rage Quit - Mega Man 10." YouTube. YouTube, 28 June 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>. This video shows gameplay of a classic 2D platformer shooter where you have to defeat enemies and get through the level to get to the boss and defeat him. I chose this because there is a power up in the game where you give the character a gun so I am going to make a level similar to this.

Jones, Michael. "Rage Quit - The Unfair Platformer." YouTube. YouTube, 20 June 2013. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This video shows gameplay of another platforming game where you have to make it through each level while looking out for hidden things like spikes coming out of the ground or the ground itself disappearing beneath you. I chose this because in the game creator I am using there is a block that breaks when you step on it so I could do something like this or at least similar to it.

Jones, Michael. "Rage Quit - Trials Evolution." YouTube. YouTube, 19 Apr. 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>. This video shows gameplay of a platform racing game where you need to complete different tracks that each have different types of obstacles that you need to get through. I chose this because it gave an idea to make a driving level in my game where you have to make it through some things in a vehicle.

Jones, Michael. "Rage Quit - VVVVVV." YouTube. YouTube, 15 May 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This video shows gameplay of a 2D game where your ship malfunctions and you have to travel all around the ship and space to get to them. I chose this because there are parts in the game where you have to traverse through some spikes while falling which gave me some ideas of a level I could add into the game I am making. I think this source is reliable because it shows a good amount of gameplay of the game and

Lee, Joel. "5 Free Game Development Software Tools To Make Your Own Games." MakeUseOf. N.p., 10 Feb. 2010. Web. 21 Jan. 2016. <>. This article has a list of game developing tools for people to use to create their own games. I selected this article because I needed something to use in order to make my game for my capstone. It had the tools in order from beginners to experts which made choosing one easier since I don’t have any experience with this. I think this is a reliable source because it explains what each of the tools is good with and the difficulty level of each tool.

Roy. "Tutorial #3: Platformer Creator: Making A Game." YouTube. YouTube, 21 June 2013. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This video is a tutorial of the platform creator and shows an example of a game that can be made using it. This video helped me get an idea of what you can do with this game creator and gave me some interesting ideas for a level I could make with this game creator. I think this is a reliable source since it seems like that this person has created multiple videos on this game creator and has a lot of experience with it.

Ryckert, Dan. "More Addictive Than Ever." Rev. of Trials Evolution. Game Informer 18 Apr. 2012: n. pag. Game Informer. Web. 4 Feb. 2016. <>. This article is a review on a platform racing game. This article tells about the previous game in the series and explains how this one is an improvement to it with the additions and new game mechanics. I chose this because this article shows what made this game an improvement from the previous one which I plan on having something similar.

Jacklyn Middleswarth's Capstone

Abstract: My final project is a mural at the end of the second floor hallway. I chose this wall because it was a big enough wall and had a lot of potential. A lot of labor went into making sure the wall was ready for paint. I cleaned the wall, used joint compound to fill up the holes in the wall, and then sanded to make sure the wall was even. I then proceeded to measure out the dimensions of the LOVE portion of the mural so I could tape where I was supposed to paint. I then used a projector to help me trace the outlines of the white silhouettes. I then went over everything in color to finalize the mural. The idea of the mural was to create a sports themed mural because over the past four years, sports at SLA have taken up the most amount of my time. And my original idea was to have the LOVE Philly sculpture in the center with SLA sports surrounding the sculpture. I was going to have a night sky as the background but due to time constraints, I didn't get to it. 

Abazoski, Miranda. Personal Interview. 04 February 2016.

In the interview with Miranda, being apart of a sport, especially in a sport like ultimate frisbee, the connections she makes is one of the most important things to have. When there are no connections on or off the field, it may feel like there is no point in playing. One word that specifically comes to mind when she thinks about SLA sports is: States. I will use the State’s idea in particular to portray the frisbee aspect about SLA. Some people define SLA by ultimate frisbee, everybody in the school knows it is an important sport to Mr. Lehmann, and almost every watches the ultimate kids workout in the morning. So to envelop what SLA sports are about, to include drawings around ultimate, and states is important.

Bell, Tamira. Personal Interview. 04 February 2016.

In the personal interview with Tamira, she brought up a new idea which was working hard towards something that she loved. It was touched on earlier by other students, although for the sport that Tamira does, which is student’s run, she said it was all about endurance. This is endurance is difficult and challenging to build, but by doing this, the endurance allows her to have it in other parts in her life. I will include hard work and practice as inspiration in my sketches. This idea helps to conclude what the life of SLA is, and how SLA sports helps you prepare for multiple aspects in life.

Denny, Shaion. Personal Interview. 03 February 2016.

Shaion talked about connection, and with connection especially in high school there’s more opportunity to talk to those who aren’t in the same grade. Making friendships on the team is what makes [basketball] fun for him. Shaion also talked about success, and overcoming a hardship, like beating a higher ranked team is a satisfying feeling, and one of the best feelings in a sport. The part where Shaion talks about SLA sports are just about having fun will be incorporated into the mural. The mural is going to be filled with positivity, and having fun in a sport is definitely a key for the mural’s portrayal of SLA sports in general.

Dymek, Malwina. Personal Interview. 02 February 2016.

In the interview, Malwina Dymek talks about to importance of being a team, and everyone helping each other to improve their skills and reach their highest potential. She continues to connect SLA’s core value collaboration to school. On a team, teammates constantly work together to win, and that mentality helps achieve collaboration in school projects. Malwina also states that the best thing about a sport isn’t the physical activity of it, it’s the cheering that goes on. This interview will be used as inspiration for sketches that will go into making the mural. Especially the main concepts of this interview which is collaboration, and the words she chose of when she thinks of SLA sports: family, support, positivity.

Fecher-Davis, Naomi. Personal Interview. 04 February 2016.

In the interview with Naomi Fecher-Davis says the first word she thinks of when thinking about SLA sports is camaraderie. Just like many others, friendship and trust is important to her when she is on a team. Naomi touched on the fact that SLA doesn’t hype up competition like other high schools, what SLA really tries to focus on is the bonding that goes on during games, and even off the field. One note she said that will definitely be used is when she says these bonds can last forever. This particular idea will be used as a main idea for a sketch, because a common trend through these interviews is bonding, and making those connections, while all has to do with collaboration.

Gerveni, Jorin. Personal Interview. 04 February 2016.

In the interview with Jorin, he talked about brotherhood. This relates to family, and he mentioned a cheer: “1, 2, 3, rockets, 4, 5, 6, family,” which is a common cheer among a lot of sports, especially the 1, 2, 3, rockets. Jorin also mentioned that pushing himself to do harder, and when his teammates cheer him on and pick him back on when he’s down allows him to have confidence. My idea is to use words spewing out from the main painting that describes SLA sports. I will use the cheer as a part of those words spewing out. Cheering is definitely an important part of being the the SLA sports community.

Hares, Rafi. Personal Interview. 03 February 2016.

In the interview with Rafi Hares, he talked about his realization of the different aspects of what goes into a team. He stated that he liked being apart of something bigger where his actions affected the whole team. He also in a way idolized the fact that there was a physical and innate talent to play a sport, but also a certain type of intelligence. He continued to talk about how SLA sports helped him gain connections. The answers that Rafi provided will be used, especially his answer about being apart of something bigger. So far the idea is to use the word intelligence when he would describe SLA sports as a possible word coming out of the mural.  

Hershey, Dillon. Personal Interview. 04 February 2016

In the interview with Dillon Hershey, she talked about the team a lot. How the importance of being on a team helps her focus in school. Her way of learning is through physical activity by using her hands and/or body. So when she gets to take part in a sport, this gets her energy out and she’s able to focus in school. Dillon said that when you’re apart of a team the best thing is the support system they provide. I will use Dillon’s words, especially the part about the support system as an idea for a sketch. This is particularly to include in the mural, because many people are talking about how sports provide friendships and support. When there’s a mistake, they are there to lift you back up, not drag you down.

McArdle, Thayeena. "Mural Techniques for Painting Wall Murals: Preparing, Painting and Sealing." Art Is Fun. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <>

This site contains a lot of information about a lot of different types of art. With murals specifically it talks about techniques for painting including prep work, starting and finishing, and how to paint the wall. Some steps included cleaning the wall and then priming it, using an art projector or grid projector, and then different ideas on how to apply to paint. The information on this website are credible, but I do not know if all the information on the website(if I were to apply it) would provide accurate step by steps. Although I am going to use the information on this website to guide how I am going to paint the mural, as well as what specific materials I need to get.

Williams, Bernard. "Techniques of Community Murals." Community Public Art Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <>

This site contains a guide about how to prepare for a mural. It talks about the condition of the wall, and that it does not need to be a perfect wall but that some imperfections can be painted over with. Another topic the guide touched on indoor walls and how certain preparations can have certain advantages. It mentions asking for permission, and measuring the wall to scale a sketch. This information the site provides I will use because I have already asked permission, as well as having a plan to measure the wall. The site is pretty reliable, and is apart of the Chicago Public Art Group.

Pilar Carroll's Capstone

When I thought about what I wanted to do for my capstone, I wanted to impact a wide range of people, and I wanted to focus on something that has impacted me, and something that I find is important. I first decided to do a self awareness class, where girls can come in, talk about their experiences with harassment, and I could share ways that I avoid dangerous and scary situation, but I was worried because I do not have professional experience in self awareness. Fortunately when telling my uncle about my project, he put me in touch with a state trouper who specializes in coming to school, and teaching classes on self awareness. I talked to her multiple times, and we scheduled a day where she would come in and teach a class. 
When talking to the trouper, she made me realize how much learning how to physically defend your self is just as important as learning how to mentally defend yourself. My friend Noah already teaches a self defense class, professionally, so I decided to approach him before I looked for someone else to teach the class. Luckily Noah agreed to do a joint capstone with me, him focusing more on the self defense aspect, and me focusing on self awareness. 
After weeks of planning and advertising, we finally had our first class, the class with the state trouper. About fifteen students showed up to this event, and it was very productive. The students were very respectful and engaged, they asked a lot of questions and I could sense a real connection between the students and the state trooper. 
Unfortunately, the other classes did not thrive. At first few came in, but it ended up that no one would come. We would advertise, and make announcements over the loud speaker, but no one felt like they were in enough danger to continue to come to our classes. We had students that said, they would never be prayed upon, but even if they did, they would not get hurt because they have pepper spray. 
We were not sure what to do after that point, because we could not force people to come to the class, so we turned our capstone virtual. We decided that making an informative website could teach people who want to learn to defend themselves. We included tips of self awareness, videos of self defense moves, and a lot more.
I am Very happy with how our capstone has turned out, we put in a lot of hard work and I hope it effects the community. 

You can find our website here:

Olivia Mack Capstone

For my Capstone, I originally wanted to produce a documentary about my involvement in the Philadelphia Suns, which is a basketball team in the Philadelphia Chinatown community. In the documentary I talked about our monthly tournaments, summer league and practices. I did end up doing this documentary but as long as getting a ton of footage I also took many pictures. I wanted to be able to share them so I thought about making a website with a page for a photo gallery as well as my documentary.

The process was pretty easy in the beginning because I had everything planned out and I knew since Junior year I wanted to do a documentary so I already had recorded some footage throughout the summer. However, further into Senior I had a lot of technology problems with getting the program to edit and problems that occurred within my laptop. There were also a couple of instances where my camera was on the muted option and I would have to recorded interviews.

I am very happy with how my final product came out. I enjoyed making the documentary and putting the website together. It had a lot of fun doing it and it was not one of those projects where you dread doing.

In the future, I hope to be more prepared with technical difficulties just because you can not always rely on technology. I learned a lot about my team that I actually did not already know. I hope that from watching this people take action to hopefully be more involved in the community and to join a similar organization. When I first joined the Suns, I was very skeptical but in the long run I am glad I tried something new.

The link to my website is here.

Annotated Bibliography

Carr, Bella. "Ball Is Life." Personal interview. 26 Oct. 2015.

This interview source will help me a lot in getting a perspective from a young player. Bella plays with the New York Titans. She is the only girl player who plays for her team. I think that she will really be able to influence on how it feels to play on a team with all boys and being the only girl. Also, she is mixed. She could explain the rules of what the process of getting into this Asian league is like. She also talked a lot about her experience at her first nationals and not being able to play, because nationals did not allow coedd. I think that her interview could help me with getting a girl’s perspective in the league.

Chin, Rebecca. "Philadelphia Suns: Harry Leong's Suns Story." YouTube. YouTube, 10 Jan. 2012. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>.

This source is very useful because someone who was once on the Philadelphia Suns, who has moved to New York made this short film about the Suns. I know her personally and her experience will greatly help me with conducting my documentary. She also interviewed Harry Leong who is my coach and the president of the non-profit organization The Philadelphia Suns. I think that everything here for my documentary and the organization itself will be very credible. The information is coming straight from the person who created this organization and someone who has been in the league for a very long time.

Eng, Stanley. "Basketball Impact." Personal interview. 26 Oct. 2015.

The source is very useful for my project. I am using this personal interview in my project. Stanley Eng is now a coach and sometimes he helps around if needed in the Philadelphia Suns organization. In his interview he shared his experiences, as a player and how he transitioned to become a coach and started helping out in the Sun's community. I think this source will help me talk about the Philadelphia Suns organization as a whole and how it has evolved and changed over the year until today.

Lee, Ken. "Basketball." Personal interview. 26 Oct. 2015.

I think overall out of all the interviews that I have conducted this interview will really impact and help my documentary the most. Ken Lee is a coach of the New York Rockits, which is a basketball team that the Philadelphia Suns play the most. He has started the league with my Coach Harry Leong. In the interview he mentioned a lot about how he was as a player and how he loved basketball so much that he started to coach, and most importantly he coaches his two sons. He mentions a lot about the Asian basketball league and how it is very different. I think I will be able to incorporate a lot of what he says into my documentary, as well as putting the interview footage into my film.

Lowe, Lauren. "Home." Philadelphia Suns. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>.

This is source is the Philadelphia Sun’s official website. It has everything you need to know about the organization. I think that it is pretty updated and it mentions a lot of events and past events that have occurred. It has many videos and pictures. I know that the majority of the contributors on this website are members of the Philadelphia Suns and they are very credible because they have been members of the Philadelphia Suns for a very long time. This source will help me a lot I think with the introduction most importantly of my documentary because they mention a lot about their mission and what they do and how the organization had gotten started.

"NACBA - Official Site of the North American Chinese Basketball Association." NACBA - Official Site of the North American Chinese Basketball Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>

This source is very useful because it tells you literally almost everything you need to know about the NACBA which is the North American Chinese Basketball Association. This is the league that my basketball team plays for as well as the other teams that we play throughout the year. This website will provide me with information that I need to conduct and ask questions to certain players and coaches that I interview. There are also pictures and short video clips that will help me really understand how the NACBA league is different from other basketball leagues in North America.

Seiter, Courtney. "6 Powerful Communication Tricks Of Great Interviewers."Buffer Social. Buffersocial, 07 Jan. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.


This website is very useful because it tells me tips and tricks to use while interviewing people. For my documentary I already do have some interview questions and some interviews that have already been conducted. However, I do want to make the person that I am interviewing comfortable and to not be awkward. I still need to conduct some interviews still and I want to be the interviewees comfortable to speak because I think that I could improve on that. This is be very beneficial towards my documentary because I do not want people that are watching to think that I did not prepare before interviewing.

"The Unexpected Beauty of Traveling Solo." The Unexpected Beauty of Traveling Solo. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>.

This source is very useful because it is a very good example of a short documentary or a trailer. I think this will really help me when I have to present my trailer and short piece of the film. I think this will really help me with how much content and how much of my film I should reveal in my trailer. I think that also this will help me with what is good in a video or film. I will be able to see how  director or actor incorporate what was important for the film or what they should have taken out.

Paar, Morgan. "How to Make a Documentary: Part 1 Story Development." N.p., 1 May 2010. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>

This source is very useful because it shows you how to make a documentary. It gives you guidelines to which how to process your documentary from the beginning to the end. This source is very easy to understand because it shows pictures and diagrams which visually helps the person who is trying to understand this source. This source will help me because it will show me how to make my documentary organized and in order. It tells you what in a documentary really engages the audience whether it is interviews or music etc. Overall  I think this source will be very useful in making my documentary.

White, Terry. "How To Get Started with Adobe Premiere Pro CC - 10 Things Beginners Want to Know How To Do." YouTube. YouTube, 11 May 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>.

This source is useful because it will teach me everything I need to know to make my documentary on Adobe Premiere. I may need to know how use certain parts and tools that are apart of Adobe Premiere and this youtube video will definitely show me how to do those things. Tamira Bell knows the Premiere program really well. So if I also every needed her to go over some of these tool and what not I could as well as looking back into this source. This source will help me a lot because it will make my life better and project better as I learned how to use this program for editing.

Christian's Capstone

The youth of Philadelphia need activities to keep them off the streets. Children like playing sports su ch as basketball but many can not afford it. I wanted to offer a way for teens to compete without having to put out anything financially. Fees often stop people from having opportunities to do things they enjoy.

For my capstone, I wanted to have a basketball tournament. Basketball is something that is very important to me. I know it is something others care about too. I figured that if people had the opportunity to play in a gym against competition they would take it. It took help from my friends, but I had a good turn out.

My friends helped a lot. Each person told someone they knew and almost everyone signed up. I had more teams signed up, but some couldn't make it.

Abuhena Hares Capstone

For my capstone I decided to work within my community. Specifically I contributed to the Bangladeshi-American community around me. I grew up watching my own community expand before my eyes. When I was a child there were very few Bangladeshi-American families around me but now there are hundreds. However, even though we grew in numbers we stagnated in social/political growth. Bangladeshi-Americans to this very day are still categorized as "asian" and this branding hurts us because we lose the characteristics which make us unique. This is the issue I chose to tackle with my capstone. My goal with this project was to help the Bangladeshi-American community become recognized as a respectable cultural, social and political group. 
To attain my goal for my capstone I researched several upcoming cultural events in my community. At this events I advocated for more political action urging more people to vote. I also showed people how to register to vote online as well as different ways to vote such as absentee voting. I was able to get many people to get interested in voting and as a result there were many people to register and vote. I knew that getting Bangladeshi-Americans to vote more would help the community get recognized by the city and politicians. I learned from this process that votes hold a lot of power, once my community organized as a voting force many politicians came to us to see how they could get our votes. Voting is powerful tool which helped my community grow. 

Digital Medium- (link to presentation/website)

Annotated Bibliography:

"Why Young, Minority, and Low-Income Citizens Don't Vote." Name. Center for American Progress, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

This article talks about the groups of people in America who have been shown to have historically low turnout numbers. 34 percent of nonvoters are younger than 30. 70% of nonvoters are under the age of 50. From these statistics it can be determined that the vast majority of voters are relatively young. Furthermore 43% of all non voters are minorities (hispanic, african american, or other racial and ethnic minorities). 54% of all non voters have not completed college. 46% of all non-voters have an income of less than 30,000 dollars a year. All in all the demographic of nonvoters are minorities, have a low education, and have a low income. This accurately describes many of the Bangladeshi-americans who live in west Philadelphia.

Dye, Lee. "The Psychology of Voting." ABC News. ABC News Network, 6 Sept. 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.

This article talks about the psychology behind people voting. Depending on how riveting an election is people will be more inclined to vote. If both candidates are people who are relatively without controversy than people are much less likely to vote. However if both are also equally terrible then people also will not vote. There needs to be a dynamic between good and evil candidates in order to get people interested in voting. For instance in the upcoming election Donald Trump is seen as the bad guy and Bernie Sanders is seen as the good guy. Because of this many people are invested in the upcoming election because they fear for the future of a country that is led by Donald J. Trump.

Giordano, Dom. "Those Who Don't Vote Shouldn't.", n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.

The statistic of voter turnout in Philadelphia during the municipal elections of 2015 were astonishing. Very few people voted compared to the overall population of Philadelphia. 23% of people said that they didn’t vote because they were busy, 16% of voters said that they weren’t interested, 8% of people said that they disliked the candidates running. These numbers are astounding because it show just how out of loop our city is with its own government. To add insult to injury the city of Philadelphia offered a 10,000 dollar cash prize to the first four people who turned up to vote. Essentially this turns our given right to vote into a joke. No better than a cash prize on the television show wipeout. Elections are not taken nearly as seriously as they should be in this city.

Jaipaul. Directory of Ethnic Resources of Philadelphia and Delaware Valley. Philadelphia: Ethnic Heritage Affairs Institute, 1976. Print.

Since 1976 the population of Bangladeshi-Americans in Philadelphia has skyrocketed. In West Philadelphia alone there are around over a thousand Bangladeshi-americans. This strong demographic of Bangladeshi people exhibit great literature, folk art, religious tradition, and linguistic aptitude. In addition the Bangladeshi-american community of West Philadelphia has established many cultural and educational organizations designed to help integrate Bangladeshi-americans into American culture. Despite this strong Background however there are very few accounts of Bangladeshi-american involvement in the political aspect of the city of Philadelphia. In fact only recently have Bangladeshi-americans started communicating with their local government as a community. This was in order to expand as existing islamic mosque to accommodate a rapidly growing community. To that point the community had been rejected twice on their plans to expand the mosque because of poor communication and a lack of formal understanding of the inner workings of the municipal government of Philadelphia. This is where improvement in the bangladeshi-american community of Philadelphia needs to happen.

Eade, John. The Politics of Community: The Bangladeshi Community in East London. Aldershot, Hants, England: Avebury, 1989. Print.

There is no reliable statistical information regarding the Bangladeshi community in east london. Bangladeshi-Americans on the census are lapped in the category of “Other/Asian” when it comes to data involving them. This misrepresentation of Bangladeshi-Americans leads to devaluing of the community as they are not properly recognized. In West Philadelphia there is no proper account of how many Bangladeshi-Americans there are. I personally have experienced there to be over a thousand, however no census will tell you this. In the eyes of many we are placed in with other indian/pakistani people despite our distinct differences. In order to gain traction as an aspiring minority there needs to be movement which raises awareness on a little known community. This movement needs to be demonstrated politically.

Rahman, Shafiqur. The Bangladeshi Diaspora in the United States after 9/11: From Obscurity to High Visibility. El Paso: LFB Scholarly Pub., 2011. Print.

This book tackles the issues plaguing Bangladeshi-Americans after the attacks on the twin towers during the infamous event 9/11. One major issue surrounding the Bangladeshi-American community is their relative obscurity towards other Americans. “in the US, as I am often told, one’s assertion of Bangladesh origins is often greeted with a blank stare or the response of “Bangladesh, where’s that?” (Nazli Kibria). It doesn’t help at all that after 9/11 muslims became branded very poorly by both the people of America and the media alike. Post 9/11 being muslim expanded beyond being a follower of a religion, it became a distinction to describe those who have beards, olive colored skin, thick eyebrows, and wear robes. This branding of “muslim” on the Bangladeshi community has no doubt hindered it development as a growing minority. In addition to be branded as indo-pakistani the title of muslim is also bestowed to all Bangladeshi-americans. As more words are coined to describe Bangladeshi-americans they become less and less Bangladeshi-americans.

Clement, Scott. "Why Don’t Americans Vote? We’re “too Busy.”."Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.

According to U.S Elections Project 2014 yielded the lowest midterm voter turnout since 1942. 2014, unlike 1942, wasn’t a year where America was faced with the greatest threat to world peace ever. This leads to questions as to why voter turnout is so low. This article found a study from the United States Census bureau which found that 28% of eligible yet non voting americans chose being “busy” as their reason for not voting. We live in a country which describes voting as “a god given right” many of us don’t exert our right. To get more people the opportunity to vote there needs to be a stronger emphasis on other means of voting. To vote you don’t need to run to your nearest booth. There are many new ways to vote including mail in and absentee. Furthermore we can even vote early before election day even comes. The ability to vote with attending a booth needs to be more readily advertise as it would entice many more people vote leaving them without excuses such as “I’m busy.”

Lindell, Hattie. "TexElects." Moody College of Communication. Moody College of Communication The University of Texas at Austin, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.

Elections determine who are the people who will be running our country. This encompasses more than just the president and his cabinet members. This includes the smaller positions which make up municipal government. The 2008 US Census Bureau says that only 63% of all people registered to vote did, however only 72% of America is registered to vote. Basically only 45% of America is even voting in these elections. Only 45% of all Americans are even voting. 55% of America isn’t voting. This means that we are missing the input of an enormous demographic people when it comes to voting.

"Different Ways to Vote." Different Ways to Vote. Cornwall Council, 5 Oct. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>.

This article goes over the different ways to vote in case the standard way of voting via booth isn’t possible. Postal voting allows people to vote through the mail. To vote via mail in one needs to decide who they are going to vote for ahead of the election. First you must apply to vote online through your state’s website. Next you will have your postal voting form mailed to you. You then fill out the form and mail it back to your local polling place. All of this must be done at least 11 working days before the election. You also vote through proxy voting where you have someone else vote in your place.

Fennema, Meindert, and Jean Tillie. "Civic Community, Political Participation and Political Trust of Ethnic Groups." Multikulturelle Demokratien Im Vergleich (2001): 198-217. Research Gate. Simon Fraiser University. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. <>.

This article details the political involvement of minorities in Amsterdam in Netherlands. This study found that the involvement of minorities in the municipal elections of Amsterdam was declining. In 1994 67% of the turkish community in Amsterdam participated in the municipal elections. In 1998 only 39% participated in the municipal elections. Despite this however the turkish population is shown to be the most active minority group involved in municipal elections. Because of this they are shown to have a significantly higher political trust compared to other minority groups in Amsterdam. Furthermore an increased political trust has shown that Turks are more properly represented by the city of Amsterdam.

Abdullah's Capstone

​My capstone was about using engineering skill stop fix the water fountain in SLA. This intrigued me because I want to be a future engineer. I started off very slow and picked it up. I worked with my mentor in helping me figure out how to diagnose problems. He always helped perfectly. With his guidance I learned about some plumbing. Also, I used a lot of my own mind to solve some problems. 
My strength in my capstone was that it was very eye opening for me. In a project of this sort you can never have a set timeline. I learned that you can fix multiple problems then have many news ones show up. This is very good for life. Now I can use this for myself in the future. 
Some struggles I had was that  some of the tools where hard and I had to go to outside sources such as google or Home Depot. There the people were very helpful. I fixed all the problems that I found but a new one has arose. In these next few weeks I plan on dressing this new problem. My capstone will succeed.

Jade Schweitzer: Capstone

In my Capstone I focused on the body modification community. I decided to take photos and interviews showcasing different people’s body art as well as the stories that accompany them. Throughout this project I had many hiccups and the project constantly changed and evolved based off multiple difficulties I had gathering information and media. In the end I compiled all the photos I got and all my interview pieces into a website as my final product that could be public to the world, and that I could continue to add to and even expand after the final deadline, or even further on down the line in my life. This topic is so special to me because my father is covered in tattoos and I’ve been in love with body modification since I was a little girl, and I was hoping to spread the word about how beautiful and interesting the art and people who wear it are.
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"Are Tattoos Negatively Stereotyped in the United States?" Are Tattoos Negatively Stereotyped in the United States?, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

Armstrong, Adam. "Body Art Discrimination: Violation of First Amendment? - Ethics Alerts." Project Censored. Webmaster Adam Armstrong, 09 May 2014. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

"Ava Olsen, Piercing Interview." Jade Schweitzer. Personal interview. 8 Jan. 2016.

Although she has no tattoos Ava has a multitude of ear piercings, multiple per lobe and different cartilage piercings. Now she has no desire to get any tattoos at this moment in time, however she is highly appreciative of them, and in the futures plans to get even more piercings. Starting out with commonplace single lobe piercings, ever since getting her second lobe piercing has been hooked and in the market for more. Her right ear has a few more piercings than her left, and hopefully she will be filling that gap and then continuing to get even more after.

Brenoff, Ann. "Tattoos May Be The Next Great Generational Divide." The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.

"Frankie Lopez, Tattoo/Piercing Interview." Jade Schweitzer. Personal interview. 7 Jan. 2016.

Zaria Linton’s boyfriend of almost four years, covered in tattoos, barely pierced, and actually a tattoo artist and model himself brings an interesting perspective to the table with his interview.

Coming from a conservative and religious family his parents were completely against tattooing and body modification which obviously caused and causes hiccups with his family life.

Goodway, Frankie. "Your Tattoo Doesn't Make You as Sexy as It Used to."Mirror. Mirror Online, 06 Nov. 2014. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.

"Heaven Mendez, Septum Interview." Jade Schweitzer. Personal interview. 8 Jan. 2016.

Heaven’s interview was vital, given as she had to lie and then hide her piercing from her parents, communicating her devotion to the piercing itself, as well as her love for body modifications in general.

"Jackie Middlesworth Tattoo/Piercing Interview." Jade Schweitzer. Personal interview. 19 Dec. 2015.

"Joseff Filamore Tattoo Interview." Jade Schweitzer Personal interview. 19 Dec. 2015.

Joseff has three tattoos, all of which were done in the same day and the same session, while he has no piercings at all. His shoulder tattoo being a lookalike tribute to one his uncle wore with pride, while his other tattoos are a tribute to his father, who was a driving force in Joe’s life until he unfortunately passed away after chronic long term illness in early 2014. For his upcoming 18th birthday Joseff plans on getting a micro tattoo, themed around his life’s passion, skateboarding. So that no matter where he goes or what he is doing, whether his board is on him or not he always has a piece of what he has devoted his life to since he was twelve years old.

"Kristina Scalia-Jackson, Tattoo/Piercing Interview." Jade Schweitzer. Personal interview. 8 Jan. 2016.

Kristina’s interview revealed a lot about her tattooed and pierced history. All of her tattooes have seriously personal ties into her life and family, and being discriminated against, not because of her permanent tattoo choices, but her piercing decisions. Originally have multiple cartilage, lobe, and industrial piercings in each ear she was told to take them out during a summer employment, which actually resulted in a number of her piercings closing, she intends on getting them reopened, although has yet to have that done. Her tattooes are respectful, classic, catholic rooted tributes to her grandparents, meant to serve as a reminder of their memory and her love for them.

Little, Daniel. "Understanding Society." : Alienation and Anomie. Blogger, 20 Jan. 2008. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.

"Marty Johnson, Tattoo/Piercing Interview." Jade Schweitzer. Personal interview. 19 Dec. 2015.

"Nagee Graves Tattoo Interview." Jade Schweitzer. Personal interview. 19 Dec. 2015.

Phillips, Betsy. "Unearthing The Secrets Of North America’s Tattooing Traditions." ThinkProgress RSS. Centre For American Progress Action Fund, 17 Mar. 2014. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

Quaranta, Alessia, Christian Napoli, Fabrizio Fasano, Claudio Montagna, Giuseppina Caggiano, and Maria T. Montagna. "BMC Public Health."Body Piercing and Tattoos: A Survey on Young Adults' Knowledge of the Risks and Practices in Body Art. BioMed Central Ltd, 7 Oct. 2011. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

Rosen, Christine. "The Flesh Made Word." The Hedgehog Review. The Hedgehog Review, Summer 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

Strohecker, Dave P. "Generational Change in the Social Acceptability of Tattoos - Cyborgology." Cyborgology Generational Change in the Social Acceptability of Tattoos Comments. The Society Pages, 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

"Tattoos 1870 To Today: Evolution Of Ink |" Tattoodo. Tattoodo™ 2016, 17 July 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

"Tattoos-Sailor Jerry." Sailor Jerry. Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.

At first glance this may not seem like a viable source of information, but while looking over this website and doing research into the company, it became apparent that the founder of Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum, was also a tattoo artist, best known for his american traditional style pinup girls, still printed on his rum today. This information is helpful to this project by opening up the cultural history this company along with its founder has in the tattooing world, how society has grown from thinking that only veterans and alcoholics could have tattoos, and also giving a decent, yet brief history of some tattooing styles, like American Traditional.

“The Market for Tattoo Removal." Astanza Laser. Astanza Laser LLC, 2016. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

Yellow, Buzzfeed. "People Try Highly-Visible Tattoos." YouTube. YouTube, 17 Oct. 2015. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.

Although this is a YouTube video and therefore much less credible at the onset, while watching this video you get a great first source opinion on a variety of topics. Some of which being, the opinions non-tattooed people had about tattoos and the people that have them, as well as how tattooed individuals are judged or perceived on a daily basis, also further throughout the video and the Buzzfeed experiment you see their opinions/perspectives change. The subjects grew to forget they had tattoos, or realize the incredible sense of community, respect, belonging, and self expression that comes with body modification, and even that their art spoke for them while they didn’t have to say anything. Watching how quickly their opinions changed, over just a week with temporary tattooes shows a full spectrum of ideas, thoughts, and even general misunderstandings of not only the mod. community, but also of the art itself.

"Zaria Linton, Tattoo/Piercing Interview." Jade Schweitzer. Personal interview. 7 Jan. 2016.

This interview with Science Leadership Academy Alumni Zaria Linton was very enriching and in depth. She is not only covered in over twelve tattoos, some of which tattooed by her own boyfriend, Frankie Lopez (also interviewed), but also thoroughly pierced. Stemming from her initial body modifications starting in High school Zaria has been able to attain and keep steady well paying jobs, is in school, and is currently a model for an independent agency. She spoke in depth about the hangups she is having in her budding modeling career, as she is not fully complete in her tattooing yet, she would like to have a few of her tattoos touched up/fixed, and fill the gaps she has on her arms etc, while her manager is telling her to only get her corrections done and stop adding to her modifications, as the more she has the rougher a time she will have getting modeling offers as anything other than a tattoo model. Although Zaria aims to one day be a successful female tattoo model of color.

Leo Levy Capstone

One of the most influential books I’ve encountered is Herman Hesse’s 1922 classic Siddhartha. Siddhartha was first published in the U.S. in the 1950s, and became one of the defining texts of the countercultural movements of the 1960s. I first read this transformative text in the fall of my Junior year. As I followed Siddhartha’s travels on his quest for understanding, a fire of curiosity in me was sparked. The book initiated a period of introspection and contemplation that has not sputtered out yet.

Siddhartha is full of messages that would resonate with my generation, if they would just pick up the book and read it. It has also never been illustrated. Illustrations can augment the content of texts, creating new depth through the dialogue between the visual and the literary. They also have the power to make otherwise obscure texts more accessible. I decided to create a set of illustrations that would bring Siddhartha into the cultural conversation of the 21st century. 

I initially planned to create 12 panels in ink and watercolor. It became apparent that my lack of proficiency in watercolor would not suit this project’s level of complexity, and that creating 12 strong images would take much more time than I had. Instead, I created five panels drawn in ink, and colored digitally. I have also excerpted a series of salient quotes from the text to pair with my drawings. I plan to publish a pamphlet including this text and my illustrations before capstone presentations.

My capstone website, with all five illustrations and a collection of my sketches:

Amanda Thieu Capstone

Philadelphia is one of the most heavily populated homeless cities in America. “Each year in Philadelphia homeless outreach organizations engage over 5,500 individuals living on the streets in cars, abandoned buildings, train/bus stations, and other places not meant for human habitation.(Project Home)” We are surrounded by people on the street daily but we never take the time to actually sit down and have a conversation with them. Get to know who they are as people, what makes them tick, or how they feel on a day to day bases. The main concern is how can we break the stigma of homelessness.
As we walk by people experiencing homelessness on the streets and different motives of transportation, their very existence as a living breathing human is going to waste. Society is making these citizens feel invisible. The goal of this project is to inform people and raise awareness that homelessness, not only in Philadelphia but across the United States is a serious issue we as a society need to help fix.
Throughout this project and exploring the city, I have met some inspiring and tremendous individuals. Each story is unique and I’ve been honored to be able to interview and transcribe their realities and paste them on a website. I’ve also covered a Philadelphia Youth Commission meeting on Youth Homelessness. Many people from across the city gathered to engage and discuss how we as a society assistant and diminish youth who are experiencing homelessness.
 All of the photographs on the website are my original pieces. *Disclosure: More stories are going to be posted. Burns, Amelia. "CLICK HERE to Support The Homeless Photo Booth Project." Indiegogo. Accredited Business, n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.
This link is somewhat of a go fund me page to accept donations for a Photo Booth for the homeless. Overall as a project, I don’t think it’s the best idea because I don’t think it’ll benefit everybody if they just sit in a Photo Booth. I came across this project looking for ideas about how I was going about this photography project, and honestly, I don’t think this is practical…

Henry, Desmond. "What Happens When You Give 100 Cameras Out To Homeless Londoners." Refinery29. N.p., 2015. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.
So this is basically the same article as another one below, but instead of looking at the actual content, I noticed how they structured the website/blog. They have a clickable slide show that flips through the photos that the homeless people taken with a brief text on the side. I’m not sure if I like this type of method but it’s a different approach to what I originally wanted to do. This link helped me see how the same information can be portrayed in a different layout.

Huff, Steve. "My Homeless Project." Stevehuffphoto. N.p., 19 Nov. 2006. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.
Steve Huff used monochromatic photography to take the profiles, action shots, and other poses of homeless people in their natural place. His photography captures the emotions of the people just in one click. His site and project are useful to me because that’s exactly what my project is going to base around. He gave me the foundation to start and structure my capstone. He also shows which techniques and camera he uses to take pictures of the people. Under the photos of the people, he attaches a writing piece which is what I’m going to do.

Jeffries, Lee. "I Photograph The Homeless By Becoming One Of Them."Bored Panda. BoredPanda, 30 Sept. 2015. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.
Lee is an amazing photographer that shoots closeup head shots of his subject. These pictures and works of art move me as a photographer and a person. This is breathtaking and it has so much more of a meaning behind it than just photoshopping it to perfection. When looking into the eyes of the subject, you feel like you’re literally looking into their soul and feeling the pain that they’re feeling. The composition of photographs are perfect r

Rowse, Daren. "Street Photography: Exploitative vs Respect." Digital Photography School. Digital Photography School, 1 Feb. 2013. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.  
This is one of the biggest concepts to think about when doing street photography. When doing street photography, everything needs to be genuine and not exploitative. There needs to be a boundary that gives a willing subject to have a conversation with you. Everything has to be truthful and with consent. This link differentiates the difference from Exploitative and Respect. Before you put them under pressure, you have to build a relationship and connection with them, it makes the photographer and the subject more comfortable to be interacting with each other, the pieces will come out more pleasing if they’re compliant. I need to learn this boundary before I go off and take pictures of the subjects.

Schoeller, Martin. "#SycamoreandRomaine."Https:// HobNob, n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.
Originally, Martin’s instagram that my advisor showed me after I told her my final idea of my capstone is going to be one of the part of my final piece” On Martin’s instagram he has luminous profile shots of his subjects that exposes every crack and crevice of their face. He’s taking these head shots and the following interview below to raise awareness of people living on the street and maybe how they got there etc. He’s a professional photographer that works for the organization to raise donations to help the homeless. With 111k follows on instagram, and roughly around 2,000 or so likes on his pictures, he’s reached people not only in his own community but others to raise awareness to these people. For my project, not only will I document the interview but so focus more on their positive aspects, I don’t want to make them known for their homelessness, I want them known for all the passions and ambitions they have in life.

Stanton, Brandon. "Humans of New York." Humans of New York. N.p., 4 Nov. 2010. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.
This is probably the most famous project that people will know about. A photographer in New York started this project on November 4th, 2010 where he randomly approaches strangers on the street and interviews them. Not only is it a brave tactic to use for a photojournalism project, but it captures the raw image of people walking down the street and saying the first thing that comes into their mind. Unlike me though, he focuses on people’s backgrounds or opinions on different topics. He has a well praised page and project and I also based my project like his. Where he has an online blog and posts the photo gallery up there with the text of the interview below. I hope to broadcast my project on flickr, facebook, create an instagram page, and another blog site.

Zheng, Michael. "100 Cameras Were Given to the Homeless in London. Here's What They Captured." PetaPixel RSS. PetaPixel, 25 Aug. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.
Instead of the homeless being the subject of the photographs, 100 cameras were given to the homeless in London. The results are spectacular. They go into places that ordinary people never have the chance to visit and take amazing photos of their surrounding environments. This link helped me to realize that when the people I’m interacting with talk about their passions, I hope to help them achieve their goal even if I have to teach them guitar myself. This is amazing work that these people produce and it gives them some sense of importance when they see their works of art at an art exhibit.

Kevin Le Capstone

My friends and I came together and wanted to help students in math. So we brainstormed ideas and came up with a Peer Tutoring program. The goal of this program is to bring teens together and be able to teach one another without the fear of being in a classroom or asking for help. Most of the time students feel less pressured when they are around their friends asking questions rather than their teachers. The goal of this program is be a teaching and leadership experience project. We sent out a survey of whomever wanted to be apart of our program and then afterwards we had to figure out how to pair up the stronger math students with the weaker math students. The idea is for the stronger students to help the people who struggle to bring their grade up. We wanted this to be a bonding experience also. By doing this project, I learned that working with students you have to give them freedom but not too much or they will feel overwhelmed and not be motivated to do any work. By the end of this project, I hope to see my students grow and become better learners. Also, to see their grades increase a letter grade hopefully.

Bibliography here

Amelia Stuart - Five Minutes of Science - Footbinding

The act of binding the feet from an early age (5-7)  so that the foot would essentially fold in half.
said to be inspired by a tenth century dancer in the Emperor's court who “bound her feet in the shape of a new moon” It gradually became a status symbol among the upper class and eventually became a rite of passage for all women.
All the toes (except the big toe) are folded back and bound flat across the sole of the foot (making a triangle shape). The girls were forced to walk either back and forth in their rooms or long distances with their feet like this so that the toes and arches would break. Over time the wrappings and shoes became tighter and smaller as the toes and heel were pulled together.  
The “ideal” length of a bound foot was 3 inches and a woman’s marriage prospects almost entirely depended on the size of her foot. Represented the height of female refinement and foot size became a form of currency and a means of achieving upward mobility Despite the pain, millions of Chinese woman stood by their devotion to the tradition. People became blind to the torture that they were inflicting on their daughters; no doubt the effect of centuries of foot-binding becoming a form of social status.

Your Brain On Coffee


Science : The adenosine binds to the receptors in the brain which slows down your activity. The more adenosine there is the more tired you feel. Since Caffeine is similar in structure to the adenosine it fits into the receptors. The caffeine blocks out the adenosine from going into the receptors. If you drink caffeine for a long time the more adenosine receptors are created so this means that if you want the same effect as caffeine you need to increase your daily intake. The caffeine also increases dopamine released and makes you feel happier. It also increases adrenaline which increases heart rate and blood flow and also opens airways in the lung.   

The Boston Tea Party of 1773 affected most americans because drinking tea was seen as unpatriotic so they switched to coffee. Both the French and American revolutions were planned in coffeehouses. The use of fair trade coffee is not used and workers are affected. The stats on coffee is that 83% of adults drink coffee which is an estimated 587 million cups a day are consumed.   

Self: I'm a coffee lover and wanted to know more about the drink I drink almost everyday. 

Zika Virus

We’ve been hearing it all over the news and online articles, and what we have been seeing is that it causes babies head to shrink. Before I go in depth, we need to know where it originated from.

Before it spreaded in the land in the western Hemisphere and cause an outbreak in Brazil, a forest called Zika had many of these mosquitoes that transmitted this virus, monkeys also carried these disease since they could be victims to mosquitoes. It was found as late as 1947 discovered by scientists and was very common in Africa and Asia. Originally the scientist were researching for a disease called yellow fever until they discovered the zika virus. The virus of the disease were common and/or related to the dengue fever.

- Pathogen
- Microcephaly
- PKU (Phenylketonuria)

Think of it as like the new STD and virus but without any known symptoms. You or your partner could be infected without knowing and if you are pregnant, your baby could develop a small head which is called microcephaly which cause long term effects. It will be heartbreaking for future family holder's, choosing whether or not to dispose of newborn infant. It shares similar traits to the PKU disease (Phenylketonuria) and can cause seizures to your child. It’s a mosquito/animal transmitting disease can cause mental problems only to newborn babies when developing a child because it is carried by the blood in our body.
Why is this such a problem? Well if a mosquito that is a carrier infects you and another mosquito bites an infected person, that mosquito that bit you can now travel it on to newer mosquitoes or other people which can be spread worldwide. This is how outbreaks start and people who are infected and sexually transmit it to others without knowing because of its chances of no symptoms.

There doesn’t need to be any symptoms to detect this virus, but some can include...
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Headaches
- Rashes
- Vomiting
- Chills
- Sweating
- Certain area pain
Luckily for the human body, this is the easiest virus our body can resist. Avoid exposure from mosquitos near ponds, shaded areas, or black trashcan during a rainy day. It’s pathogen is only spread by bites from mosquitoes and some animals. And as for treatments to struggle against the virus include well resting, staying hydrated, and medication: pain and fever relief. It can take about a week (or more) for the virus to not be carried to mosquitos and other human beings (sexaully).
But if you do plan on having sex and ignore the consequences, by all means wear a condom to not transmit it to others

Another new outbreak that has rapidly been spread thanks to the media, much like the ebola outbreak and racism/stereotype that began to start associated with it. But is it a thing we should really worry about? No. If you would want the world to be a better place, don’t spread pathogens or traits otherwise the world is going to end like it is today with people wearing glasses for poor eyesights. This disease is self curing and you shouldn’t make societies job harder by having more special people we have to worry about, especially their future and likelihood it will further spread. Also if you do have zika virus, don’t allow any mosquitos to bite you otherwise they can spread the virus.

"Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 01 June 2015. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. <>.
Mcneil, Donald G., Catherine Saint Louis, and Nicholas St. "Short Answers to Hard Questions About Zika Virus." The New York Times. The New York Times, 24 Feb. 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. <>.
Hornak, Leo. "Uganda's Zika Forest, Where the Virus Was First Discovered." Public Radio International. Public Radio International, 01 Feb. 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. <>.
"PKU News | News & Information on Phenylketonuria." PKU News. National PKU News. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. <>.

Greta Haskell Capstone

For my capstone I wrote a blog about gap years. The blog is ongoing so it will never be “finished” but I am happy with how it stands. In the beginning of the year I was going to build my portfolio by styling people and taking their pictures, because I want to be a fashion merchandising major. But my whole year was revolving around my gap year so I decided to change my plan. My gap year and gap years in general, are something I am super passionate about, so I decided to write a gap year to track my progress. I interviewed people about their gap years and wrote posts with my tips and my stories. My plans are to keep updating it while I am away so that people from home can read about it. I am also going to send my link to Mrs. Hirschfield so she can post it on the college news blog. 

Here is my blog.

My bibliography now has nothing to do with my capstone, but here it is:

1. Bolton, Andrew. Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2011. Print.

This book is my main source of creativity for my project. As I explained to my advisors in my Teach your Passion project, Alexander McQueen is my favorite fashion designer and he was the biggest influence on me wanting to have a career in the fashion world. The book has pictures and written pieces about McQueen that I am going to reference in the backstory of my capstone. I selected this source because of the importance it plays in my life and how it has shaped my thinking of my future. It is a reliable source being a book published by the MET. I also attended the exhibit where I bought the book after McQueen died which really influenced me. 

2. Borecka, Natalia. "25 Photoshoot Ideas to Inspire Your Next Editorial." Lone Wolf. N.p., 10 Mar. 2014. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

I chose this source because it will serve as inspiration. It gives me a short description about a photographer and their style of photography and by knowing that I can look at their photos and decide how I want mine to look. After deciding that I can learn how to take photos like theirs. It also describes different types of of interesting ways to take photos. There are lots of ideas for me to consider, this source is a good beginning point for my project and my creative aspect. 

3. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

This source is good because it has a lot of articles for me to learn about how to use the flash on the camera. It also has camera reviews and examples of how photos will look when using different flash. This source will be good for reference if I can not get help from Mr. Herman. I will most likely have to take photos alone or teach my helpers how to do what they need to help me with. This will be good because I will need to be an expert about how to use the camera and all the equipment when I take the pictures. 

4. Gelardi, Piera, and Christene Barberich. Refinery29: Style Stalking. N.p.: Potter Style, 2014. Print.

This book is also super useful for my project because it includes hundreds of styling tips. This will be really helpful because even though I can style people I want to show my knowledge of fashion, silhouettes, accessories, etc. This book will give me tips on how to style people with pieces or combinations that I wouldn’t think of without a little inspiration. It tells you how to mix patterns, wear clothes you wouldn’t pick on your first instinct and lots of other interesting points. When I received the book as a gift I was excited to read it and pick up some tips. This will be a very useful and reputable source for my project. 

5. Herman, Douglas. "Mentor Meeting." Personal interview. 01 Feb. 2016.

Mr. Herman is my mentor and will be the backbone to my project. I have never taken photography class, only digital video so he is giving me the basics of the class during my free periods. He is also going to help me learn about photoshop so that I can edit my pictures. He is extremely knowledgeable and i know i can ask him a question whenever I need to. Another great thing he did for me was add me into the photography course on canvas so that if there is ever a time where I can’t reach him I can look at the sources on there and use them to help me. 

6. Horan, Betsy. "Indelible Images From a Fashion Photography Icon." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Feb. 2016. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

This source takes a deep look at one specific photographer and his style of taking photos. This is good for me because he has shot many different styles, not just fashion. Seeing these photos is good because I can learn a brief overview of the photographer and also see his style and use it as inspiration. There are a lot of different perspectives for me to look at which will hopefully give me some diversity in my photographs. I especially like the photo of the Rolling Stones, I like the lighting and the way that every member of the band can be seen but they are all different distances away so it gives the photo very good depth. 

7. "How to Become a Fashion Photographer | FASHION NET." Fashionnet. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

This is a very professional source with a lot of tips and information to have good fashion photography. There are a few paragraphs about each topic, not all topics are relevant to me but the one that is most relevant to me is “Having a Portfolio”, as this is basically my capstone. This source is also helpful because they listed their sources at the bottom of the article, so I used a few of their sources to find helpful ones to me. This source has good info about how my portfolio should look, such as sizes of images and preferred lighting. 

8. Mowery, Allen. "How To Get the 'Terry Richardson Look' and Shoot Like a Fashion Pro with Minimal Gear." DIY Photography. N.p., 18 Aug. 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

I chose this source because Terry Richardson is one of the most famous and influential fashion photographers in the fashion industry. The way he photographs is very different and I like how his photographs look. It will probably be hard for me to achieve this look because I am not that experienced as a photographer but with a combination of Mr. Herman’s help and this source’s tips I can at least try. His look is very bright and sharp and kind of crazy. I would have to work out if my styling would look good with this style of photography. It also tells me the gear to use and how to achieve the look with not too many props or gear.

9. "PhotoForum on the Internet." School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.

This source is amazing because it has a huge list of any photography topic you can think of. I am planning on using this source to help answer any questions I have if I don’t have Mr. Herman’s help. There are pdfs and links to hundreds of tutorials and tips of how to use cameras and photoshop. The thing I will need the most help with is the flash and how to use a flash and reflectors that are not attached to the camera. I will be able to find a lot of help with that on this website. This was a website that was linked off of Fashionnet. 

10. School of Photography. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

This source is a good source for any questions I have. It is a free source with tutorials, tips and and links for me to use. I can search any topic and find some useful articles about it. On the homepage there are links that I can click on to lead me to a number of helpful and informational articles. There are also videos about how to use equipment. I think this source will be extremely helpful because of the amount of information on the site. It is called school of photography, so it should help teach me what I need to know. 

Ameer Holmes Capstone - Important *MUST SEE*

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Capstone: Cartoon Cam

The goal of my project was to make a working cartoon camera from scratch and I have succeeded. The project in terms of feasible goals for a year's worth of learning and doing for this capstone was indeed a success, though the project itself standalone is not yet done. This capstone was definitely beneficial to the completion of this project. However so, it’s functionality as a cartoon camera for me and my specific wants for specified functionality of a grander project; this more so helped me see the flaws in the way I was going out in completing this task.

The major flaw was in part my lack of knowledge on the subject, and taking a year to understand how coding worked for the needs of this project specifically was extremely beneficial. Without doing it the way I have done it so far, by translating an input image to an output image based on a set of rules I created, I wouldn’t have the skill required, nor the insight to recognise what the next step was. While currently code is a set of rules is basically a filter that during the process of making this I constantly experimented with and changed to get it as perfect as possible in most situations, depending on lighting (a hard one) and colors; I don’t think it will ever be perfect the way that I want it by examining the image myself and creating a set of rules based off of what I see and what I think will happen by adding or changing a value. The amount of arbitrary rules that I would have to solve would take years and not to mention the fact that I would need the knowledge base of an online code dictionary to get this done. This brings me to the conclusion of creating something in which the computer (having an infinite amount of online knowledge) would create the rules to.

The next step, or the more reasonable approach to a cartoon cam is to make a program that uses batch learning or machine learning. This would not be an easy task either, but it is a much less impossible task. The original vision for this project (not just the capstone) was to create a website where people could upload their own code to have a massive database of selectable cartoon cams for a physical cartoon cam viewer. The rout I am thinking about now, more feasible to myself and the average future consumer of such a project is to have code that takes on two videos. The first video takes in a real life scene, and the second video is an artist's translation of the scene. The code will examine the two and recognise the difference and then create a set of rules for how to translate video from there on out. Not only does this eliminate the need for the user interface to require users know how to code, but it also adds a level of calculation from artists and a level of calculation from a computer that I would never be able to achieve on my own. This capstone allowed me to recognize this for moving forward in continuation of the project. The evolution of this thought \was in my opinion the most successful part of the capstone.

Timeline of code for project:

Cool Pictures of The Three Finales

Cartoon cam - pastel version
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Cartoon cam - sketch version
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Cartoon cam - best version + extra cool shots
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Amirah Bolling Capstone

For my Senior Capstone I decided to create a mentor program for young girls. Settling down with one Idea became very hard for me. I collaborated with Imani Weeks for this capstone. I decided to work with girls because I am the only child. I know that as I grow into the person I am today, looking back now, I wish I had someone there to talk. When finding people to mentor, I instantly thought of my mother's Middle School, Wagner Middle School in Mt. Airy. Middle schoolers are going through the phase of change such as puberty, family troubles and just trying to get a grasp on becoming a teenager.

I had to get permission from the principal to start this program. She thought it was an amazing idea, this was something that the girls needed. Following this meeting I made permission slips that would go out to the parents of the girls giving them a overview of this mentoring group. I wanted the girls to have a safe environment to talk freely and not feel judged. I had girls interested in the program & if they decided they wanted to join they could.

Each week on Wednesdays I would meet with the girls. Each week there was a new topic to be discussed, followed by a lesson plan. When the girls came I made them write in their journals with different journal prompts every week. We would sit in a circle and have group conversations about our weekly topics.


Brittany Cooper Capstone

After 13 years of swimming with Jim Ellis and Tracy Freeland, fro PDR which is now SAKA (Salvation Army Kroc Aquatics) I have acquired my water safety skills then the average person. As result in the summer I found a job that would best suit me! I would work for the City of Philadelphia Department of Recreation as a Lifeguard. Due to the fact I wanted to be a lifeguard, I had to take a Lifeguard certification class. This was a 4 week course, going to Lincoln High school’s pool to train. The purpose of this class is to help prepare me in a case of emergency, at work. We trained in 3ft of water and 12 feet of water (which is called a tank). I was taught how to rescue a patrons in shallow water and deep water. I was also taught how to properly perform CPR. As well as how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).

During my second year working at Lonnie Young Rec. Center. I had a to save a 2 year old baby! It scared the crap out of me .. Literally! It was at that moment I asked myself, “Why doesn’t he know how to swim?” I also thought how did he get so close to the water with out his parent knowing. I decided to make capstone on the importance of water safety. I choose this because kids and adults too, are scared of the water or don’t know their limit.

Below you will found my Annotated Bibliography. 

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Gina Sorgentoni Capstone

Students today have extremely high stress levels, especially at SLA. During benchmark season, there isn’t a relaxed student in the building. That is what inspired my capstone, I wanted to find a way to help lower student and staff stress levels. After doing some research I discovered that many universities and colleges bring dogs on campus during finals to help lower their student’s stress levels. I started by doing research on studies that showed owning pets help lower stress levels. I decided to bring cats and dogs to the building and have the SLA community become engulfed in the joy that is kittens and puppies, with the hope that it will bring stress-levels down. I reached out to Morris Animal Refuge and together we organized the Pet de-stress day; for one afternoon we had one dog, four kittens, two guinea pigs, and one rabbit. Students and staff were able to interact with the animals, the best part being that most of the animals were adoptable. Not only were students able to relax, but the interaction with people was therapeutic to the animals. The event was a huge success, and it was easy to see that students went into the event stressed and came out relaxed and happy. It was great being able to see the reaction the students had and hearing their feedback on the event.

The video below shows highlights from my capstone.

Aleccia, Jonel. "Teens More Stressed-Out Than Adults, Survey Shows - NBC News." NBC News. NBC News, 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This source shows that students are just as stressed if not more so than than the adults around them. The article also stresses the importance of breaking the cycle of stress for students, stressing the importance of students receiving better support in their school and home environments. The article also talks about the idea that social media bring students more stress, since that follows students around everywhere relentlessly. Many students also have the stress of performing well in their classes and extracurriculars, the combination of all the pressure put on students leads to depression and anxiety. A large issue with this is that student are not taught how to properly manage and control their stress levels.

Benedictus, Leo. "Sick Cities: Why Urban Living Can Be Bad for Your Mental Health." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 25 Feb. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This source compares stress levels between people who live in the city and those who live in the country. A group of people were put into stressful situations -solving difficult math problems, rude instructors- and their brains were scanned for their levels of stress. The two sections of the brain that deal with stress were shown in the scan. Compared to country dwellers people living in the city had considerably higher stress levels. Even compared to those living in a small town, city dwellers had the highest level of stress by far. I wanted to use this source to highlight how utterly stress people living in the city are, even if we do not realize it.

Borchard, Therese J. "6 Ways Pets Relieve Depression." World of Psychology. Psych Central, 19 May 2013. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This source gives the detailed run down about how dogs and cats help with depression. Though it only gives six reasons, they are all valid. The source gives reasons as to why owning a pet is a positive thing. It highlights what I want people to know about having a pet, and brings in a lot of the physiological reasons that have been left out in previous articles. It gives the physiological benefits of each category. Things like unconditional love and acceptance and giving the owner responsibility all have positive impacts. I feel that if more people knew how beneficial it is to own a pet, there would be fewer animals in shelters and more in loving homes.

Falcone, Alissa. "Drexel Becomes First University to Host a Permanent Therapy Dog in a Recreation Center." Drexel Edu. Drexel, 25 Sept. 2014. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. <>.I chose this source because it shows the direct benefits of a therapy dog with students. Even though my event will be held outside of Science Leadership Academy, students will have access to the event. Also, since it will be held in a public place there will be a more diverse group of people than just students. The article talks about the long term plans they have for the dog and how students will be able to access him. Though this source does not talk directly about the benefits of having a therapy pet on campus, it shows how more schools are moving forward with the idea of using pets to lower stress.

Jayson, Sharon. "Teens Feeling Stressed, and Many Not Managing It Well."USA Today. Gannett, 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This article goes into teen stress statistics. The source goes in depth of people being extremely stress at a young age and how it carries over into adulthood. The article states that teens with high levels of stress are more likely to have a shorter lifespan. It goes into the reality of what it is like being a teenager trying to balance everything. I wanted to have this article as a source to show the reality of teenage stress and how negatively it impacts us. It shows how stress is directly linked to depression and anxiety among teens. It highlight the fact that teenagers under severe stress now are more likely to have severe illnesses later in life.

Kahler, Susan C. " Unmasking the Shelter Dog." Unmasking the Shelter Dog. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, 18 Mar. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This source talks about the stigmatism surrounded by shelter animals. A large part of the article is spent dispelling various myths about shelter animals. Animal behaviorists are working to dispel the remaining myths about shelter animals. Studies are being done on animal aggression and food guarding. I wanted to use this article in my sources to show that there is a stigmatism of aggression in shelter animals. Since that myth is a reason many shelter animals are left unadopted. The article also shows that the new owner’s interacts with their pet has an impact on the animal’s behavior. The article also talks about euthanasia versus putting an animal in a shelter.

"NYU Study Examines Top High School Students' Stress and Coping Mechanisms." NYU Study Examines Top High School Students' Stress and Coping Mechanisms. New York University, 11 Aug. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. NYU research on student stress. Similar to the other two sources written about stress, I chose this source because it seems the most reliable. Like the other articles, this source discusses student stress and coping mechanisms . This source also compares stress levels between males and females. A lot of this stress comes from wanting a tangible reward and the pressure put on student from their parents to receive those rewards. The article states that a good education is not tangible, but a degree from Harvard or Yale is, so teens are feeling pressure to receive the tangible awards. This source also talks about teens often go to substance use to relieve stress.

Pancake, Soul. "Kitten Therapy: The Prescription for Stress." YouTube. YouTube, 11 Nov. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>.

This first source was my initial inspiration for the project. Though I know my project will not look exactly like this, it is the general outline of what I want it to look like. Originally I just wanted to have an adoption even to get animals adopted, but through this video I decided to try and gauge other’s stress levels. This gave my capstone the goal to try and help lower stress levels of others. Because of this video I will now gage with the participants asking them about their stress levels before and after the event. Perhaps, if there is a nice turn out, I will film it and make a small video.

Rovner, Julie. "Pet Therapy: How Animals And Humans Heal Each Other."NPR. NPR, 5 Feb. 2012. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. The article shows that there is a mutual benefit between humans and their pets. Not only would the even help people in the short term, but it may also get some people to adopt. That would help both parties in the long term. It helps us distress, and lower our blood pressure, and it puts animals in a more social situation. Playing with pets has the health benefits of exercise for both parties. With this event I would like to highlight the mutual benefits of having a pet, and adopting. I selected this source because of how well it highlights the benefits shared between people and pets.

Weaver, Jane. "Puppy Love- It's Better than You Think." NBC, 08 Apr. 2004. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>. This article goes into depth about dogs help with our mental health. It goes into specifics highlighting the fact that saying your own dog will lower your blood pressure. The benefits are seen clearly in owning a dog versus an unfamiliar dog or even a robotic dog. It shows that after about a half an hour both your and the animal’s blood pressure will drop considerably. The writer of the article compares it to the benefits of eating chocolate. It is also noted that this behavior is wired into how humans work, it is not something we learn over time. Exposing children to pets at a young age also helps lower their chances of having allergies and asthma.