Net Neutrality

​   Net Neutrality is a difficult idea to get across to people, especially teens. However, teens should know about this because they are, quire literally, the future. The internet is becoming more popular among people today and ISPs are taking advantage of that. They are slowing down lanes which in turn make people want to buy fast lanes, which don't even speed up the lanes. By doing this, ISPs are gaining money for manipulating the consumers' internet.

   Net Neutrality can easily put a stop to this. If everyone "treated each bit as any other bit," then all internet lanes will run smoothly. Everyone will have the exact same speed for internet. But if ISPs are manipulating lanes and defying Net Neurtral, then no one will have the same internet. In turn, citizens will not be treated equally.

   Generation Y are the people born from the 1980s to the early 2000s. Generation Y is also the generation that is using the internet today. This means that teens today, at this very moment, are definitely affected. Net Neutrality is a serious matter that will force teens to go on cites the ISPs want them to go to. This is why teens should be concerned about Net Neutrality.

NN blog, Sell

​Net neutrality, the rules that keep the 'World Wide Web', free and available for everyone to use, for a small fee.
Net neutrality is what makes it so that any regular Joe with a bit of technology knowledge can place their thoughts and ideas out for the world to see. Preserving net neutrality is preserving free speech. Do we want the right of free speech? I think you have your answer why we need net neutrality.

Net neutrality is simply the rich(ISP's) not being able to censor the information that we gather or spread. 
We always talk about how countries such as North Korea and China are so awful for censoring what their people say, but aren't we just walking down that path by potentially destroying net neutrality? I think we are. We have the right of free speech and free press. Lets keep it that way.

'We' as teenagers live so much of our lives on the internet. Imagine if the whole internet was like the school filter, we tried to access one of our favorite sites and low and behold its not accessible because of our ISP. Also imagine if when we were on our computer using the internet we had to pay for the amount of data being used and it wasn't just a flat rate. For those of us who stream or play online games or even just watch Netflix, be prepared to have no money in little time. Imagine paying for Netflix and then paying for every minute you were actually using it. Not fun.

Net Neutrality Opinion Seyni Ndaw in Tech 9-016

Net Neutrality is extremely important for teens to be aware of. It's no secret that teenagers and children growing up in this age are the most frequent users and consumers of technology and the internet overall. It is important for us to be aware of the controversies behind our number one resource for nearly everything we do, ranging from communication to consuming media such as tv shows and movies, and how we do our research for schools and other things. 

Economy and class status is one of the biggest factors that goes into Net Neutrality and how it impacts others. If we as internet citizens were to lose net neutrality, it would be one more thing to add to the list of injustices and unfairness towards those in the middle and lower class. To ask for those with lower wealth to pay more for faster internet is ridiculous. It's obvious it's not the companies' obligation to genuinely care about internet citizens because all they care about is money. Internet providers tend to advertise so called ¨fast lanes¨ as though paying more is the equivalent of faster internet. However, more times than not internet citizens are actually paying for the exact same treatment as before. 

Seeing as we are the Net Generation, also called Generation Y, it will soon be our responsibility to control and adjust the internet and how we use it. We must first educate ourselves and others to accumulate and understanding of our internet and how much control we dont have over it. There is the overall misconception amongst teens that as long as we're careful, our personal information belongs to us. But this is far from true. Our internet and everything we choose to include in it is under the ultimate control of the government.

Screenshot 2014-12-19 at 11.21.43 AM
Screenshot 2014-12-19 at 11.21.43 AM

Polson, Why teens need to know about net neutrality tech class

​Teens need to know about net neutrality because we are such a connected world and it is important to know about what we are really doing when we do something.  Net neutrality is making sure that everyone has the same amount of internet.  A good example of this is that a few years ago Google opposed big internet providers to manipulate the company so that they could slow down speed up or do anything with Google.  Google said they never want to be part of an organization that has full control of their organization.
Net neutrality is your computer telling the bits of another computer what to do.  These computers that store all the bits provide the the content.  The ISP's maintain the wires betwteen computers to make sure that they are all connected.  Unfortnatly ISP's can slow certain programs down if they want you to suport something else.  They will also ask you to pay for something that had been free for a very long time because they feel like you owe them and they just want you to pay them.  They also tell you that if you pay you get faster internet which is not true at all!!  You actually get slower internet and the internet you had before you payed is faster than the internet after you payed.

It is important for teens to know all this because fast lanes and net neutrality are all important for us to know because we use media so much.  Fast lanes dont actually exist because the ISP's just made them up for an ecuse to get money from us.  If you want to be safe on the internet don't get anything that says you have to pay for it if it looks shady.  By that I mean if the website doesn't look legidamate or if you don't agree with their polocies than don't do it.

Revised Slide (what I learned)

I changed the fonts and colors to all the same so it didn't look like a rainbow hot mess. I also scaled my pictures to make it look neater. Then I made my description shorter and blended my pictures into the background. My classmates insired me to change my slide to what it is now. Now it looks a lot better and more interesting to look at.

Why Teens Should Know About Net Neutrality//Gonzalez-Ortiz

Well first off, net neutrality is that the Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. So why is this important for teens? Net neutrality is actually very important. Net neutrality is fairly important topic and people around the world are now wanting to learn more about it. Teens are our future’s next generation and technology is becoming  huge part of their lives. Teens today need to know about the internet and how to be safe on it. Teens should know about net neutrality so they can be safe and show other hw to be safe as well.

Net neutrality is here so it can keep all internet equal. This is important for teens to know so they can figure out what side they are on. You can be on Net Neutrality or the FCC. The FCC is the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC is trying to get you to pay more for “faster” internet. But it honestly is not faster. The only thing it does is mess up your internet, It makes the stuff you are trying you do take longer to load and buffer. Net neutrality is trying to stop the FCC, even President Obama is on net neutrality side.

This is an important issue for teens because they are the ones mostly being targeted. They are the ones who are almost always on the internet, it’s their second nature. They need to know what they are doing, how they are doing it, and how is it possible. The FCC  is trying to make you pay more for slower internet while net neutrality wants to make it all fair. This is an important topic and all teens should know about it.

Net Neutrality Awareness for Teens // Burrows

Net Neutrality is the internet service providers allowing to access all content on the internet without it getting blocked. It is a very popular topic going around our world today, whether or not we as people should be allowed to see everything we search on the internet. Most of the people today make up as young adults and teenagers that use the internet everyday, because it is second nature. Teens should be aware of Net Neutrality and how the internet works, so they know how to use it wisely in the future and pass that knowledge down to the future generations.

They are many pros and cons to Net neutrality. Yes they are many cons to Net Neutrality and how they can limit what we see, but it can also be a good way to keep the internet safe and pure. Net Neutrality, can limit your access at looking at websites. Meaning some websites you might be able to look at and others you may not. At times that could be good because it could be blocking spam websites or inappropriate content, but then again, what you do on the internet is a private decision. Which brings me to my cons, Net Neutrality wants to be able to look at the content that you search up, and then manipulate things on that website before you can even look at it. Not only is this a violation of our privacy, but who are they to tell what we can and cannot see?

Right now, the internet is being managed by the FCC (Federal Communication Commission) , which is trying to protect our rights from Net Neutrality. We as teens, need to be aware that what we are doing on the internet could become no longer private, and I think that is very important to know. Knowing thing about how our internet works now is vital to our future because this could be the future of how our internet will work and that could affect our lives in the future, especially when we depend on the internet so much.

Java's slide

Tech slide
Tech slide
I decided to change my slide because I was going around the room I notice that I had a lot of pictures on my slide. I also made my picture bleed of my slide. Next, I made my words a bright color so that people could see it far away. The source I used was 

ME SLIDE // Davis

The feedback I received was to enhance my text. Therefore, I shaded the box surrounding the words and also gave it a shadow to enhance it twice as much. It is a great improvement and also follows the rule of thirds. Receiving and applying the feedback gave me a boost of confidence and I am very happy with the outcome. 

Semaj's Slide

The changes that I made to my slide were, taking out the excess pictures and the unnecessary words. I did that to make it one more symmetrical and two visually more appealing since it covered a lot of my background. I also added my name at the ending in big print because is what the slide was all about me. 

Fabian's Slide

Ive changed a couple of this on my slide because of the comments I got from my peers. Ive took off my puerto rican flag picture to make my slide more open and easy to understand. Then I took off the acronym so people wont take time to read, So I just kept the diabetes sign and my nickname up top. 

Short Live Debate on Jordan Brown Case

Partners: My Truong and Audrey Pham

Topic: Adolescents, crime and brain development

Case: Jordan Brown was 11 years old in February 2009 when he shot his father’s pregnant fiancee while she was sleeping. Still today as Jordan is 14 years old, it has not been decided whether or not Jordan will be going to lifetime prison for two homicide(women and her fetus) first degree murders or remain in juvenile prison until he is 18 or 21 years old. Currently as of today, multiple news station claims that Brown might get a new trial for this.

Presentation: Short live debate


Two sides:

  1. Should convicted as completely guilty and must be sent to adult jail

  2. Not completely guilty, stay in juvenile and receive special treatment and attention


Must be sent to adult jail side:

  1. Brown still executed his Father’s pregnant fiance. She was pregnant of 8 months so that is TWO deaths that Brown caused. Regardless of anything, he did what he did.

  2. This could only be the beginning of his manifestation. He could end up being a lifetime criminal if we let him back into our society.

  3. He killed his Father’s pregnant fiance in execution style so it was not accident. He intended to do that. If he intended to that, he needs to earn up to his own punishment.

  4. If Brown is going to act like an adult and commit a crime that only adults would commit, then he needs to be served as an adult.

  5. Although brain scans have shown that Brown’s brain is not fully developed yet because he was 11 years old at the time, he does not have any history or proof of psychological issues, therefore, mental illness is not being presented. He did have a mental disorder that would cause him to kill his Father’s pregnant fiance.

Stay in Juvenile prison and receive special treatment side:

  1. The gun that Brown used to shoot his father’s fiance is a hunting gun that HIS FATHER bought for him during Christmas. It is the father’s responsibility because Brown at the age of 11, his mind is not fully functioned enough to own a gun (even if its a hunting gun).

  2. After the shooting Brown showed no fear to the situation. He walked out the house and go school like an normal day. This evidence show that his brain is not functioning properly. Even adults after shooting a person they would show some fear but for Brown, it is just a normal day.

  3. Yes, this might be the beginning of his manifestation, however is not fair to put him in adult prison. That was the reason we have juvenile in the first place.

  4. Many brain develops were tested while he’s in juvenile prison. They also came to an conclusion that Brown brain is not fully functioning. At the age of 11, he should know what right vs. wrong and should know it is not okay to kill someone. However, his brain is not fully developed to understand the outcome of his action.

  5. Not to mention that he might be jealous of the unborn child (his step brother). Being jealous should not be an excuse for him to kill. But he is too young to control his action towards his feelings. Just as how an adult is able to control their anger while is easier for kids to get angry.

  6. In my opinion, Brown should be responsible for his action. However, it is not fair to put him in adult prison and his father should be responsible for Brown’s action. Because without the gun, the crime couldn't be committed.

Debate Rolls to Victory !


Congrats to the SLA Debate Team!  A number of our debaters were recognized at the ASAP League Finals on Wednesday, December 17th:

  • Anna Sugrue and Nashay Day won first place in the Varsity Division by defeating Masterman's top team in the championship match.
  • Kiamesso DaSilva and Eva Karlen earned first place in the Novice Division, going undefeated for the entire season.
  • Ari Haven and Gabrielle Kreidie were recognized as top-speakers in the Novice Division, placing first and second respectively.

Overall, the SLA Debate Team captured first place in the Team Sweepstakes!!

Great season debaters; you should all be proud of your hard work.

Second Slide - Media Fluency Frankie Murphy

What my project consists of is my second-draft slide of our Me Slides. My slide says '80's for Life' because I love the 80's and lots of my favorite music, movies, and clothes come from that decade. What I learned from our presentations is that you can make a statement by staggering things, playing with font sizes, and by adding simple photos of representation. The feedback I got from students was that originally, my slide was a little crowded and had a blurry photo in the background which wasn't good. 
Information from resources that make sense with the changes I made is that from saying that the bigger the font, the better and that you shouldn't crowd your slide with too many words. I used this tip to my advantage by spreading out the words to leave a mark on the audience, while only having three words. I also kept a color theme, so that all the aspects of the slide tie together nicely.

Destiny Patton Originality Slide

This slide is a representation of how it can be hard to be original and to be yourself but, you can do it. This relates to me because sometimes you feel pressured by your peers to like the things that they like and do the things that they do. I decided to make it stand out visually by using red. I was inspired by quotes like ¨Be a fruit loop and a bowl full of cheerios.¨ but, this is my take on it. I changed my slide by making it less busy and focusing on the bigger message. Basically, everyone is all different shapes, sizes, and backgrounds but, some groups of people all act the same to please each other. And even though you’re the same shape as them or come from the same background, you stand out. And that’s what I’m trying to portray visually and for you to think about mentally.
mind mapping software