My character has started her twitter. She really not in to the whole social media business. But she in love and what's to be able tell all her friends at the same time. She doesn't put many updates because she doesn't own a computer and usually does this at her public library. Creating this character in real time has been hard. I know she not the social media type so it's hard to "make" her that type. As I'm going along I'm still trying to figure out how to stretch this story out. It's kind of like I have to slowly evolve into this character to make this seem real. Hopefully, I'll be able to do that.
This quarter in art class has been all
about perspective. We did small practice drawings to get us started, and then
we moved onto our project. The project was a drawing of one of the walls in art
class in detail.
first drawing that we practiced with is the box drawing. Following the rules of
perspective, we drew squares and turned them into
three dimensional cubes around the picture, showing the tops of those
below the horizon line, the bottoms of those that are below it, the left of those
to the right of the line and the right of those on the left. Then
we drew our names in boxes to give them the right structure and drew lines to
the vanishing point show the three dimensions. I
drew the long wall in the back of the classroom. The one facing west, I think.
I started by marking the vanishing point in the center of the page and drawing
a box around it, whose dimensions were based on the number of ceiling
tiles there were along the wall. Then, I drew the pillar in the corner by
coming out onto the sidewall a bit and following the guidelines of the ceiling
and letting it come back to the wall. The tables were a bit tricky at
first, especially the underneath.
think the hardest part of my drawing was making sure my lines were completely
straight. I wanted to go by the edges of the paper to make it easier, but the
paper was not edged straight so I couldn’t.
artwork that represented this project well was Alisha's drawing. She included
clear detail and she showed perspective correctly. She even included what she
could see outside the window.
This quarter in art class has been all about perspective. We did small practice drawings to get us started, and then we moved onto our project. The project was a drawing of one of the walls in art class in detail. The first drawing that we practiced with is the box drawing. following the rules of perspective, we drew squares and turned them into three dimensional cubes around the picture, showing the tops of those below the horizon line, the bottoms of those that are below it, the left of those to the right of the line and the right of those on the left. Then we drew our names in boxes to give them the right structure and drew lines to the vanishing point show the three dimensions. I drew the long wall in the back of the classroom. The one facing west, i think. I started by marking the vanishing point in the center of the page and drawing a box around it, whose dimensions were based on the number of ceiling tiles there were along the wall. Then, i drew the pillar in the corner by coming out onto the side wall a bit and following the guidlines of the ceiling and letting it come back to the wall.
For this mini project, I did the Artist Focus. The artist that I chose to do was Andy Warhol. I am fond of the different pieces that he created, so I tried my best to recreate them. I am proud of my Mickey Mouse drawing, because I was really focused when I was doing it, so I think it turned out well.
I think that the reason these were so hard, was because I felt overwhelmed with work. With there being a project a week, I didn't feel that I had enough time to work on each assignment. I think that maybe I could have used more time to complete the projects. I enjoyed doing the small self portrait, because I did one a few years ago, so I was familiar with making sure I took my time with making it look correct. I also enjoyed doing the large still life, because I took my time, and tried to make sure that every part of the scene I could see was drawn on the paper. I didn't enjoy doing the full figure, because I feel that I could have used more time to enhance the physical features. I feel that if we went over how to do some of the drawings as a class, I would feel a little bit more confident in some of my art pieces. I feel that next time, I should focus, and pace myself to achieve the right finishing product I want.
1. Hands Small 2. Self Portrait Small 3. Self Portrait Large 4. Figure Drawing Life Size 5.Still Life Large 6. Clear Bottle Small 7. Clear Bottle Large
So far, I'm doing OK. I believe that I have to up my game and do more for my project. I'm excited for the ending outcome. I know that I will doing a video blog tonight and adding a few more things like songs and pictures to the blog for my characters. I hope it all turns out very well.
Today was good real mellow started off rough but, turned out good. I woke up late this morning, lost tranpass, stepped on this woman's foot plus hit her with my book bag. After finally getting to my seat texted the bestie with a mini prayer plus I got some coffee in me. All my teachers well first three teacher wasn't there great day. After school had some best friend time lunch & the nail saloon was great.
Had a great time with my girls today. We had lunch chatted and than we went home. What more can I say they will forever be my girls and above all my sisters.<333
Todas las personas tienen una obligación moral de denunciar los crimenes porque es la cosa derecha hacen. Muchas personas tienen miedo cuando ellos vistan los crimenes entonces, ellos no ayuda. No creo la mamá de Pablo fue criminal tanto como fue criminal su papá porque ella tiene miedo de la papá y ella no quiero rompe su familia. La evidencia es la herida.
After completing this assignment, I realized that the average life of a 12 year old boy in Venezuela is much different from what my life was like when I was 12. For one most 12 year olds in Venezuela work in order to help provide for their family. When I was 12, working was the last thing on my mind. I also was surprised that in Venezuela, most schools began session at noon and ended around 6:00pm. I thought that this was interesting because the high kidnapping rate should have enforced school officials to change school hours. I expected to find that the kids would have some sort of labor once in throughout their day because I normally read about child labor in South America. I think that when a Venezuelan Boy is 40, he would have more work ethic because he began working at such a young age. That's the only thing that I believe will remain the same. 70% of college students in Venezuela will become the most wealthiest people in their country.
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Citations Reim, Jason. "Worst Forms of Child Labour Data ."Global March. Global March, 10 Feb 2008. Web. 12 Apr 2011. <>.
"At a glance: Venezuela, The Bolivarian Republic of."Unite For Children. Unicef, 19 Jul 2010. Web. 12 Apr 2011. <>.
Spain , Exchange. "The Education System in Venezuela ." Venezuela. Spain Exchange, 21 Dec 2006. Web. 12 Apr 2011. <>.
There's not much to wirte about these days anymore..
I had a great talk with my dad a few days ago about honoring parents and living right. I love that man, no matter how much he gets on my nerves. I'm blessed to have him
I haven't been sick in so long, but unfortunately today I woke up with a really high fever, a sore neck, a head that felt like it was a million pounds, a really sore throat, and weak knees. Thank you, sinus infections.
I basically slept until 12, then realized I had work to do. Ugh.
Oh, the concert last night was AMAZING. The absolute best concert I have ever been to in my life. Hands down.
This is directed towards Freda: Freda, I just read your really long post about you and Sam and I wanted to say that really made me look up to you. It's nice to know that you're happy and that you don't care what others think of your relationship. The fact that you were so open within that post showed me how strong of a person you are. I hope others look up to you someday because the world needs more people like you. <3.
Great I'm starting to sweat again.. I think this fever keeps coming back ):
Well things have gone a tad awry. My character has deviated a bit from the scheduled plot line. I would like to say that this is me attempting to add authenticity to my her- "she needs to get acquainted with the website before she starts making such personal revelations"- but in truth it is because I forgot that this was just a character in a story. I enjoy the gal, now I need to start telling her predetermined tale. On the bright side of this accident, I think I can comfortably say my character is a great deal more "fleshed out" than she might otherwise have been and we are able to see more her relationship Merriweather a.k.a. the "Anonymous Asshole." All in all, I am enjoying it immensely.
I have used the reality of cursing and other tools to show my main character. He is still in the beginning stages of the story telling it through tumblr which I might add is very confusing to work. Making blog posts are easy but doing it at the right time is important, that could mean staying up until 3am to write a post on a week day to make the realistic perspective obvious.
Well, here in this post is supposed to be a reflection, so here it goes...
Currently, I am in the process of creating a Blog for my character. i am still unsure of what i am going to call it, something schnazy I hope. It should be "alive" by the beginning of school tomorrow, if not it will be by the end of the day.
I also must add, I am horrible at keeping deadlines :( and I am sure I am going to pay the consequences in the long run.
Using the same country... develop an education profile - rates of
attendance at different levels, boys vs. girls, who pays for the
education, access to college/trade school. Upload YOUR SUMMARY (in your
own words) here
as well as....
Then use gapminder
to see if there are CORRELATIONS between health factors and education
factors. For instance...Is there a direct correlation between money
spent on education and health? Screenshoot and upload the image of that
information. Try to find one direct and one inverse relationship between
education and health for your particular country.
What i can assume was monday night I had the type of dream where you keep waking up inside the dream. I woke up about 50 times and went through at least three school days within this time. Many strange things happened and it was one of the worst nights of sleep i've had in a while. Also for about a day i was convinced i was still dreaming.... might still be dreaming.
So far I have made a tumblr for one of my main characters. She hasn't made many posts because of her limited internet access. I am working on incorporating her tumblr into the story and making one for the other character.
¿Tenemos una obligación moral de denunciar los crimenes? ¿Por qué hacemos la vista gorda en vez de intentar a ayudar? ¿Crees que la mamá de Pablo fue criminal tanto como (just as much as) fue criminal su papá? Si quisieras denunciar el caso de maltrato de Pablo, ¿qué indicios de maltrato darías como evidencia?
The purpose of the project was to improve our skills in drawing and using orthogonals. In doing this project, I learned a lot about just using rectangles and squares. It became easier to just use rectangles and squares. Overall, I think that this project was difficult however it became easy on the long run knowing what to do. I started drawing my shapes from my vanishing point in the middle of my paper. I measured everything accordingly and how it was supposed to be done. It was easy to draw the lines after I figured out where to draw them. The hardest thing for me was to actually drawing the 3D shapes. I think it all payed off well.
I likes Nicholas Dorobra picture because he really took time out and drew the room. it's neat and organized
Our first drawing of our portfolios was hand drawings. It was interesting enough to start us off by training our eyes to see what was there and not 'what we thought' was there. It was difficult at first to not make up things as I drew them because that's what I thought it was suppose to look like. The self portraits and clear glass drawing were the most difficult ones. The hands I thought were a great start because it seemed to me as the simplest drawing of them all and totally jumped start the things that came after.
It was just a bit frustrating for all of the drawings to get things to look like they did realistically. To transfer what I saw, through my hand, and onto the paper. Getting the shading down for the self portraits and see through glass was not particularly easy either because the lighting was always different each time I got back to my drawings. I think the drawing I spent the most time with is my self portraits because it was had to make it look real and like me. It was challenging to the right amount of shading, to shade and erase. It was also frustrating to hold the mirror and draw, it was not something I was use to.
The last assignment (to chose a genre and create works of art that are inspired by that era or that are copies of those chosen pieces) for this 3rd quarter was a bit difficult for me to finish because I didn't manage my time correctly thus why I didn't finish it. I put a lot of time into it, it was the most interesting learning experience because I didn't get directions from Ms. Hull but I just mimicked the pieces I found. I chose to do modern art because it's appealing to me how they mix such colors and shapes so beautifully. But I think thats why it took me so long because I kept mixing paint to try to get the right colors. I not only learned how to mimic their art but also learned how to somewhat mix paint. The quarter was the most exciting because there were guidelines but we had a lot of freedom. It was like we had a destination but the adventure or journey there was totally in our hands and we could do whatever we wanted. The still life was my favorite because I was able to experiment with different colors instead of black charcoal. I was able to mix and shade on a different level. It was also interesting using white with the other colors. This quarter challenged me and definitely brought something out of me that I didn't think I had.