Reflection for 10-20-30

The point of doing the 10-20-30 project was to find out from different people what kind of music they used to listen 10, 20 and 30 years ago and what kind of events happened around that time. I believe that this project was very important because you got to learn about the different events that people had to go through before you were born. I also believe that it was a great learning experience to be very thankful for what you have and what you didn’t have to go through.

For example back then in 1965 my grandmother had to live the life of racism. Her life was very hard because she couldn’t go to the places she wanted to go to and she couldn’t do the things she wanted to do. So right know we have the right to do things we want to do and we have better opportunities. So from this project I learned to be very thankful for not living the life in 1965 because if you did you would live the life of racism also. 

I believe the best part of the project was to get pictures from the internet and get music from I believe the most difficult part of the project was to find the different events in the year 1965. On the New York Times website the events didn’t go all the way back to 1965. Instead it stopped at 1975. Overall I had so much fun doing this project and I learned many things from it.

INTERVIEW 10-20-30 Victoria Yarbrough/Johnathan Spencer

​Q: How do you feel about your 10-20-30 ?
A: "I feel that it has a lot of content and application of knowledge"

Q: If you could do it again, what would you differently?
A: "I would Put more content into the events, because I didn't do that well."

Q: What is the best part of your project
A: "The best part is the music I put on there."

Q: What is the most challenging part?
A: "The hardest part was making it visually appealing."

Q: What do you feel is the purpose of this project?
A: "I think that the purpose of this project is to learn about music from the past."

[ Victoria Yarbrough asking Johnathan Spencer questions.]

10-20-30 Tyler Creighton

Interview: Sarena Shuman
Interviewer: Tyler Creighton
Questions that raised: What made her choose these events , and what did they mean to her and the person that was 10 ,20, and 30 years older than her?Do you think Elvis stole songs from African american artists ?

Best part? The best part was the organization and the knowledge , it was on point and very sharp. I liked the collage of pictures were very nice , and it was very modernized and clean.   

Most challenging part: Her most challenging part was finding these events, and picking the one that fitted her person for that year the best. 

Over all, this project was very good and it was neat organized and had very good knowledge and I liked it a-lot and Im glad I read it and interviewed it !​


Interview Participant - Anthony  Buchanico

Q: Who did you interview for your project?
A: "For my 10-20-30 I interviewed my brother, mother and uncle.

Q: What was the most challenging part for you in your project?
A: "I definitely thought finding the articles was the most challenging part."

Q: What bands did you use for the project?
A: I used the bands Motley Crue, The Steve Miller Band and the Kinks."

Q: Where did you obtain your articles?
A:From the following

Q: Why did they say that they liked that music?
A: They said that it was the popular music at the time.

Q: Do you think that the taste in music has changed since that time?
A: Yes, I believe that music has change dramatically in the 25-35-45 years.

Q: What is the strongest part of your project?
A: The Design.

Q: What is the weakest part?
A: The process....

Ethnomusicology Willie Willson

The Ethnomusicology project was interesting.  It combined AA history with music, which created a weird/cool mixture of fun and intelligence.  The hardest part of the project was finding the articles to use.  The best part of the article was getting to find the music.  Lets dive in to 10-20-30!

            The 10-20-30 project combined learning with fun.  We got to find our own recourses and analyze the articles, while at the same time we got to ask older people what kinds of music they listened to, which also gives us insight into the last generation.

            Finding the articles and music was equally troubling and rewarding.  When finding the music we got to listen all of the different music from our past and analyze it so that we could explain it when we inserted it into our projects.  When we where finding the articles it was extremely trying.  The articles where harder to find than a needle in a haystack.  These two different experiences helped me gain insight into the way my brain works and what I would like better in my future.

             With this project I really felt like I learned a lot.  I never could stop working to accomplish finding articles or writing and revising.  When doing this project, their where mixtures of hard work, and enjoyed strife.  With this project I felt like SLA’s true nature was revealed.


I enjoyed doing the 10-20-30 project. I learned a lot from it. For me the most satisfying part about it was the events’ part of it. The event that happened in 1986 stood out the most and stuck with me. It was very hurtful to know that an event like this could take place in such a present day.

            The design part was probably the hardest part for me. I am not “artistically gifted”, so trying to design a page was hard for me. I knew what I wanted my page to look like, but it was hard for me to try and do it. Overall I loved this project, not only because of the work I did; but what I learned the most is from other people. My classmate’s projects taught me a whole lot.

10-20-30 Interview

​Interviewer: Dakota Foster
Interviewee: Drue Bocutti
Subject: 10-20-30 

1. What was the purpose of the 10-20-30?
To ask and interview people 10, 20, and 30 years before i was born about their favorite song and why it their favorite song. 
2. What questions were raised?
What is so special about this partially song? 
3. What was the best part of the 10-20-30 for you?
The best part was learning about my relatives favorite music and interviewing them. 
4. What was the most challenging part of the 10-20-30 for you?
Finding the articles that are 10, 20, 30 years before I was born. 

Link to my Wikipage:


Henry Poeng

African-American History




When it came to 10-20-30, I was a little hesitant. Not having much of a music background myself I thought I would find this benchmark difficult. But when I first started it started to flow in my mind. How I would do it, and how I would end it. What I would use and how I would apply it. With every project, there are ups and downs. The best part was having an epiphany, while the worst part being, trying to ask my parents about music.

 Starting from the worst part. When it was made clear that I had to ask my parents, I put my head down. “This is going to be difficult.” I said to myself. So I went out of my way to go and find music that I thought they would like, which I ultimately did at the end. The excitement of getting that part completed was simply overwhelming.

Ending at the best part. When I was struggling to come up with ideas and designs, I thought I was going to fail. Then out of nowhere when I was eating, it just came to me. A great idea just popped into my head like Mr. Sherif’s random dancing. Applying everything that had come up and adding stuff on over time, I took a final look at the project; it was amazing in my eyes.

            In the end, overcoming challenges give you such a huge sense of accomplishment that will be noted by teachers and peers alike. I was proud of my work and I was not hesitant to turn it in.

10-20-30 Interview

I interviewed Matthew Hamilton about the 10-20-30 benchmark

He thought that the purpose of this project was to get a sense of what was going on back then.

Some questions that he raised were; Is there any similarities between the music lyrics and what was happening in that time?

For him the best part of this project was writing about the music from the different time periods. 

For him the challenging part of this project was the finding of articles for this wiki.

If he were able to change something about what he did for his final project he would do more research on his events.

The link to my 10-20-30 project is here.

10-20-30 Interview

I interviewed Sean Force: 

What was the purpose of this project?


He thinks that the purpose of the project was to learn about what kind of music people listened to back then and to realize the different problems that African Americans were going through at that time.



What were some questions that got raised?


Were there any connection between lyrics and events going on at that time?



What was the best part about this project?


His favorite part was putting the music on the Wikipage.



What was the most challenging part?


The most challenging part for him was finding articles and summarizing them for the Wikipage.



If you were to change something about your final project what would it be?


He would change his article for 1976 because he said the article was to short and it really was not the best article.

Here is a link to my awesome Wikipage: 










​During Q3 Our students had a focus on Ethnomusicology, we discussed a 10-20-30 interviews about there parents music life. 10 years back, 20 years back and 30 years back.

Now we Have Roger Bracy interviewed. 

Purpose: To help you understand how music can relate to African American events. In 1985, 1975, and 1965.


Best Part:

 Was interviewing his parents for the music because they had found songs that they hadn't heard in a long time.

Most Challenging:

 Finding the articles because they weren't given to you, you had to search for them.


​During Q3 Our students had a focus on Ethnomusicology, we discussed a 10-20-30 interviews about there parents music life. 10 years back, 20 years back and 30 years back.

Now we Have Roger Bracy interviewed. 

Purpose: To help you understand how music can relate to African American events. In 1985, 1975, and 1965.


Best Part:

 Was interviewing his parents for the music because they had found songs that they hadn't heard in a long time.

Most Challenging:

 Finding the articles because they weren't given to you, you had to search for them.

10-20-30 Interviews

Interview with Bach Tong:
  1. What was the purpose of the 10-20-30 project?
     - My purpose of doing 10-20-30 project is to further my understanding of African American history during these eras, through ethnomusicology and news articles.

  2. What was the questions raised when you self assessed yourself?
    - There were many questions. I think the one that stand out the most was: "Is there anything missing?"

  3. What was the best part of the project, for you?
    - The best part of the project was researching articles about the historical event in these eras.

  4. What was the most challenging parts you faced during the project?
    - The most challenging part was to reach out to people and ask about their preferences of music during the 60s, 70s, and 80s. 

  5. What is your favorite part of your project?
    - My favorite part of the project was the article and analysis part. It was so interesting to draw connections between media and history.

  6. What was your favorite song from your page?
    - My favorite song was called: "(Something Inside) so strong".

  7. What was your favorite song from your peer's pages?
    - My favorite song from the peer's page was Michael Jackson's Thriller.

  8. What was the easiest part for you?
    - The easiest part for me was looking up articles.

  9. Did anyone help you during this project?
    - Of course. I received plenty of helps from Mr. Sherif, and peers for their perspective on my wiki, as well as analysis.

  10. Are you happy about your overall grade?
    - Yes, I am.

    Here is a link to my blog 10-20-30


​During Q3 Our students had a focus on Ethnomusicology, we discussed a 10-20-30 interviews about there parents music life. 10 years back, 20 years back and 30 years back.

Now we Have Roger Bracy interviewed. 

Purpose: To help you understand how music can relate to African American events. In 1985, 1975, and 1965.


Best Part:

 Was interviewing his parents for the music because they had found songs that they hadn't heard in a long time.

Most Challenging:

 Finding the articles because they weren't given to you, you had to search for them.


​During Q3 Our students had a focus on Ethnomusicology, we discussed a 10-20-30 interviews about there parents music life. 10 years back, 20 years back and 30 years back.

Now we Have Roger Bracy interviewed. 

Purpose: To help you understand how music can relate to African American events. In 1985, 1975, and 1965.


Best Part:

 Was interviewing his parents for the music because they had found songs that they hadn't heard in a long time.

Most Challenging:

 Finding the articles because they weren't given to you, you had to search for them.

10-20-30 Interviews!

​Interviewed- Dakota Foster.
Interviewer- Drue Boccuti.
1. What was the purpose of your 10-20-30 page?

The purpose of my 10-20-30 was to learn about the music and history from someone who was listening to that music 10 years before I was born, 20 years before I was born, and 30 years before I was born.

2. Questions Raised?
Why did they like this song? 
What made them start liking the song?

3.What was the best part of this project?
The best was learning about the music from my relatives.

4.Most challenging part?

The most challenging part was looking for articles with events that happened years ago. 

10-20-30 Reflection

​The wiki looks decently attractive and accessible to audiences. There were some pretty concise analysis about the article and their connections to African American History. The music sections were decorative with videos and audios of preferences from interviewees, who lived through the era of 80s, 70s, and 60s. However, it could've been better. The analysis can be more in depth and there should be connections drawn between the music and the history of that era. 

The challenging part of doing this project was to gather music from people and their explanation of why they like that music. It is necessary to see the connection between the sociopolitical theme of the era, and their influences on music and people lives. Through researching articles and events, one could really tell the systematic theme, especially over 30 consecutive years. 

Click here to be redirected into my wiki.

Interviewing about 10-20-30

Interviewee: Robert Jenkins
Interviewer: Goldie Robins (ME)

What is the purpose of your project: To give general information about key moments in the black history. 

Questions raised through out the project: If Bataba Jordan was the first African American women to read a keynote address then who was the first African American.

Best Part of the project: The design and putting it all together.

Most challenging part: Was to find articles and events.

Over all it was a great project! (:


I got denied from UCF.
I had to get two shots yesterday and now my arm hurts.
My throat is so swollen and sore I'm going to end up crying.
I feel like I'm overheating, but then I get cold real quick.
I have precalculus next, fuck.
I'm eating ice cream, though. (:
I absolutely cannot wait for prom.
5/7 college acceptances, not bad. Considering the two I got denied from were in Florida.
Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart tonight.
Can't wait <3.