April Woodburn Spanish Blog 7/2/11

¡Hola! Esto es mi blog por el proyecto.
Me llamo April Woodburn. Yo soy más o menos extraña, pero todos
los estudiantes piense yo soy loca. Yo soy bastante baja y deportista. Me
gusta tocino y deportes.
Mi escuela es Science Leadership Academy. ¡Es una escuela fantastica! Es en
Filadelfia y es muy divertida. Me encanta mi escuela y mi profesores.

self portrait


This week assignment was to draw myself using charcoal and it was difficult because I could not get my shape of the head. I think this picture resembles me in certain places but does not fully look like me. I need to improve more on the eyes and cheeks as well as show more highlights and shadowing. It looks like I have no neck, and it was difficult to draw my eye because my eyes are dark and small. But overall, I enjoyed this assignment this week and can't wait to improve more on my picture.

Tarea De Vocab

This is the link to my glogster-http://ssmithsla.glogster.com/glog/

This is my short story.

¡Bienvenido a peluquería de Nicey! Hay muchos cosas nosotros puedemos para tu. Lavarse y secarse el pelo con champú,sauvizante, y el secador costo veinticinco dólares. Alisar con el alisador de pelo costo deiz dólares. Rizar con el rizador de pelo y gel costo quince dólares.¿Cómo me permite?

Quarter 3 Art Work



             On this blog I have 1.) Hand small, 2.) Self-portrait large, 3.) Self-portrait small, 4.) Figure drawing life size, 5.) Clear bottle small, 6.) Clear bottle large 7.) Still life large, 8.) One picture drawing made from Botticelli’s artwork copied just as it is seen, 9.) One drawing made from three different pieces of Botticelli’s artwork and this piece is drawing simple because during the renaissance all pieces were draw in great detail. 10.) Small oil pastel painting I did on my own time.

                  Each drawing and or painting of curse took a long time to make. All of them took many steps to make and a lot of preparing to do them. The ideas of what I was doing to do was fresh in my mind, just getting it down on paper was the hard part. Drawing my hand was hard for me that was the first time I ever drew it before. When this assignment was given to me I thought it seem a little different because before now I have never thought about looking at my hand and drawing what I see. The easy part of drawing my hand was the basic outline and drawing my pinky and thumb. When I started on the other fingers it was much harder at one point I found myself forgetting what I was taught. To draw what I see not what I think I see. Then I remembered that was all I had to do so I did just that ad my hand turned out better than I thought it would.

                  My large self-portrait took me a really long time but I am satisfied with it to a certain extent. This was the second time I tired to draw my face. The first time I did it didn’t come out like this one and I honestly think it was because I didn’t draw my face with the correct proportion. In this one I did and I do believe using the charcoal made it come to life a little more and the detail pop out. I started in pencil because I didn’t think it would reach what it needed to if I started to draw in detail. I think the facial features had more of a chance looking like me when they were first drawn in pencil as appose to the charcoal but my finished product isn’t that bad.

                  The small self portrait was drawn more to the detail of my face I think because it was so small everything on the paper was right there in my face. It took me so long to get what I have I went through about five other piece of paper, I really began to get extremely frustrated and a few holes were dug into the paper but the eraser.

                  Life size drawing was something I really thought was going to be hard to do. When I saw that it had to be draw on brown paper I think that took my imagination a way for a bit because I like to do my drawings and painting on a while surface. Then I realized I was not getting that drawn done by focusing on the paper it was being drawn on. So then I just focused on drawing and it came out looking like Mecca. I can say that I am happy the way my finished product turned out.

                  The small bottle drawing was fun. When I started it, it was a bunch of shape and everything was the same shade. It took very long draw it was hard to fit everything on the bottle and have it look right. The trick was to get the shapes and the shading and it would be done but at the same time the shading was the hard part because the drawing still had to give off the appearance of a clear bottle.

                  The large clear drawing was also fun t draw but I really like the fact that I choose to add color to it. For some reason I felt if I would have left it in black and white the picture wouldn’t have had any essence to it. I felt just drawing another clear object in black and white would have been a little boring and it made me feel better when I finished it because it was very hard to start it off but then I got the hang of it.

                  The counter drawing was also hard but hardest of tem all. I tried to draw everything on the counter but it was just not working for me. So then I tried to stick with what I know and I remembered we were able to pick certain things from the counter and draw them so that it what I did. It came out better then my other fail attempts. Once again I got so frustrated that I put holes in the paper from the eraser.

                  Next pieces were from Botticelli’s artwork the first one was just drawn as a copy as I saw it on the paper and the other picture inspired by him was drawn a little different. Since all the pictures drawn during renaissance was detailed beyond what most people can imagine. So I took trees from one picture, sand and water from another and the wall with the door object to see if I could be inspired by an older piece to my own art piece and I succeeded.

                  Last but not lest was my oil pastel painting I did on my own time because my mom finally brought me them and I was extremely excited to use them. I didn’t really have an idea of what to make I Just let the brush go where it wanted to and received a finished piece.

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clear bottle
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