U2-#8 - Reflect/SLATE post/Link

  • What TV show did you watch in class?
  • Growing up online

  • What was this show about?
The show was about how teenagers and children use the internet and how much it affects their everyday life. The show was also about how the children's parents and community react to the internet and how it affects the kids. 

What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?
the most memorable thing from the show was how much it reflected me by what these kids were doing. Before, watching I didn't realize how much the internet affected my daily life and how I  reacted to the internet and its influences. 

Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?
It is important to watch shows like this because it reflects what kids are like today and why we are like this, so it showcases things I need to improve on in my use of the internet. 

How will you keep your future family safe online?
I will make sure that the kids aren't participating in inappropriate activities online and that they know how to be responsible with their use of the internet.

Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety
Because people on the internet aren't gonna always be there but your family will and if your parents are good enough parents they will teach you how to be responsible on the internet. 

What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?
I would advise them to watch this video that we watched and to use they internet for themselves and adjust their children's use to their preference. 

Screenshot 2016-01-22 at 1.38.17 PM
Screenshot 2016-01-22 at 1.38.17 PM

Growing Up Online Reflection

What TV show did you watch in class?
    Growing Up Online

    What was this show about? 
    This show was about how kids growing up with the internet are different from the kids in the past. It is also about how kids use the internet and how it affects them. 

    What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?
    The most memorable thing about this show was that many parents had little trust in their kids about being on the internet.  

    Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these? 
    It's important to watch shows like these to learn about how people my age reacted to the internet back then.

    How will you keep your future family safe online?
    I will keep my future family safe by restricting certain websites. But, I will also put trust in them to do the right thing. 

    Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety?
    It's important to talk to your family about internet safety to keep them from doing something bad.

    What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?
    You have to teaching them the right and wrong things to do on the internet. 

    La Entrevista-Ricardo, Isabel y Maria

    Vacation Evaluation: Feminist Film Review

    1.) Back in the early 1980's, National Lampoon's Vacation was released starring Chevy Chase. It was the story of how a father, Clark, wants to take his wife, Ellen, and two kids, Audrey and Rusty, to Walley World (a fictional amusement park). The entire point of the trip to Walley World was to get his family to bond, and ride the "famous" roller coaster attraction they offered at the park. Throughout the entire journey, the Griswold's hit literal and non literal road blocks. It was a comedy with some outrageous moments, and heartfelt ones as well. Yet, this is not the movie I will be analyzing. Instead, I am reviewing the movie, Vacation, released in 2015 and starring Ed Helms and Christina Applegate. The remake, Vacation, was centered around the son, Rusty Grisworld, seeing the carnage his family dynamic represented and wanting to change it. Therefore, the character decided to rent a car and take his family to Walley World, just as his father did with him. Just as the original, the family endured some hilarious and moving moments throughout the movie. 

    To begin with, the Bechdel test is a set of three requirements to be used to decide if a movie/show/etc. portrays women well in the media. The test was created by a cartoonist, Alison Bechdel, in one of her comics. The three requirements/rules of the test are: the movie must have two female lead characters (or characters with names), who talk to each other, and it can not be about a man. While analyzing my movie, I tried to decipher where the Bechdel test could come into play. There is one scene in particular that happened early on in the movie that relates. The wife of the main character, portrayed by Christina Applegate, is hosting a dinner with her family and her neighbors. Applegate and the other mother are having a side conversation about travelling, Instagram photos, liking said Instagram photos, etc. 

    2.) My new anti-gender bias test is that a movie is worth seeing if the two main characters are not chasing after one another or a separate partner. Instead, they are trying to achieve an appropriate end goal, that does not have to do with finding love. 

    In the movie, Vacation, there are countless examples of this test. Now named, the Vacation Evaluation test. Throughout the movie, the end goal is to unite the family as a whole and repair relationships. While the mother and father do try to reconnect in their own relationship, the main objective of the plot does not revolve around this.