Feminist Film Review

Icarly: IFight Shelby Marx is a film that passes the Bechdel Test.

  • There are 3 strong women with names, and their names are Carly, Sam, and Shelby Marx.

  • They are talking about an MMA match, not a romantic interest. The match is the main plot.

  • Has absolutely nothing to do with romance or intimate relationships between a man and woman.

Icarly: IQuit ICarly passes the Mako Mori Test

  • The women have their own narrative, and their own issues that have nothing to do with relationships.

  • They don’t support another man’s story. There are boys that are comedians, they rival with each other, and then Carly and Sam become rivals after talking to the comedians. They had their own narratives. If anything, the boys were supporting THEIR story.

My Test: The Women Empowerment Test. This must not only portray women in a non-degrading way, but must also give women positive messages.

Film: Madea’s Family Reunion. It lets women know that domestic abuse is wrong, and that they should not tolerate that. It lets women know that they should never tolerate abuse from a man. It also gives positive messages about what true love really is.


IQuitICarly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCDNAg5DS3s

IFight Shelby Marx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIESdhfbgiw

Madea’s Family Reunion (clip): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N_6--RgdAQ

Feminist Film Review:

1.) I reviewed a movie called “Hancock” that was released July 2nd 2008. It’s about a raggedy superhero who protects the city of Los Angeles, but destroys everything around him when doing so. Once he saved the life of a public relations executive he starts to change as a person and he learns to have sympathy for others. When I tested the Mako Mori test and it passed! A woman by the name of Charlize Theron played a role in the movie and she becomes a main character. She is directly related to the main character, but has her own situation occurring throughout the movie

When thinking of my own anti-gender bias film test I would want:

     2a.)  A film with mostly women and maybe a male or two

     2b.)  Main characters consist of black women/girls

     2c.) Have to have women who play independent roles

The movie I reviewed doesn't meet my own anti- gender bias film test because it has mostly white characters and only one female. However, the woman playing in the movie does have somewhat of a lead which is important.

Advanced Essay #3 "What Is Original?"

Before writing this paper I had very specific goals that I wanted to achieve. My main focus was to open the eyes of readers and make them think about the world around them, more importantly the people around them. I wanted to explain how hard it is to be original in the 21st century due to trends and social media. No matter how the world changes there will never be such a thing as normal or original, but you can be different, which is not a bad thing. As I look back to what I have created I see myself in my writing. The topic does not define me but I am a outsider making her way in to the trend world on an appropriate level with differences.

Society has slowly but surely constructed and destroyed feelings of identity and belonging over a long period of time. Recently, relying on society's opinions has become the only advice needed in order to craft an image, personality, and identity for oneself in order to be accepted by masses. Trends have played a big part in this problem. Trends have been spread through all types of social media available for all age groups. Trends of makeup happen and then we all look the same, trends of big lips happen and we all get botox, trends of a certain name brand occur and we all wear the same outfits, yet we call this original. This is not something we should strive to cut out completely due to trends being used for supporting advertisements of clothing and consumerist items. The change that we need to make as a whole is being able to find ourself instead of others finding us.

Society has constructed the feeling of identity by saying “if you are this race” or “if you have these features” then this is how you are defined. Most people go with it. In This American Life: Status Update Ira Glass states “What they are waiting for is not just likes and comments, but a specific kind of comment. This is probably not gonna be news to any of you who have teenage girls in your lives but I bet lots of you do not know about this. They want comments from other girls. And they say the wording is pretty much always the same.” This is a prime example of how young girls create an image that is striving to be acceptable by other people. The rare few that do not listen to constructed trends of identity are seen as boring people and outsiders because they do not go with what other people say they are. Instead, they go by what they know and they know more about themselves than anybody else in the world. The people who go along with these types of trends are having their identity built for them and they show that they are okay with this because “everyone else” does it too. They feel as though they now belong. This shows that identity can only be created by trends and the thoughts of others.

Society has destroyed feelings of identity and belonging for these very same reasons. “Class can be harder to spot than racial or ethnic differences, yet in many ways it's the most important predictor of what kind of financial and educational opportunities someone will have in life.” This quote from PBS: People Like Us is a great example of society's views. A summary of this larger insight is how today's world is filled with people who do not know who they are, they know who they want to be. If their image does not fit a higher class they change it to do so, not because ethnicity defines class because it does not, but to show they are wealthier in some categories in addition to money. These additional topics are mostly a part of beauty including body parts, actions, and thoughts. With these topics in the minds of viewers of society, this information is taken in and used so that others think of them positively. This shows that identity is based off of the money on your body and just your body.

Most viewers of society are perceived as one person on social media but are perceived as another person in real life, personality and looks. It is quite easy to be somebody else over the internet. I do not mean this in a Catfish type of way but a I-am-uncomfortable-with-my-real-self way. For example, a teenage girl decides to exaggerate her good qualities by posting inappropriate pictures of her body for others to sexualize in order to get attention. This attention could be compliments that no child's parent should read. But it is trending, everyone is posting pictures of her butt and breast, so “why can’t I do it too?” they think. Which leads to another popular trend; name brands. I think back to a times when I was younger and had dress down days at school when I did not have to wear uniform. I would pick out a simple but cool outfit, then be on my way out the door. When I got to school everyone was wearing something completely different and satisfied with it. The kids today walk into others with the same pair of jordans and same hair cut as soon as they walk out of their house.

Something has always been popular, from a new style of clothing to new music. But it has come to the point where people try to be original. Even though the “original” trends of today go around, nobody realizes that this happened in the 70’s or 80’s. This goes for music beats, lyrics and vintage clothing. Original became a trend. And if everyone is original, nobody is actually original because everyone is being just that. They are all the same. They copy off of others to create a person they want to be. They create a person others look to be. Copies are not original. If anything, people should learn to be inspired than to copy stitch by stitch.

Feminist Movie Review

  1. The movie I watched was Love and Basketball. It’s a love story about a girl named Monica and a guy named Quincy who are trying to follow their dreams of playing pro basketball while also trying to keep their relationship together. When I tested the movie with the Bechdel test, it passed. The main character, Monica talked with her basketball rival and later friend, Syd. Both women had many conversations that did not include any mention of a man. Next, I tested the movie with the Mako Mori test and it passed. The main character, Monica, has her own story that runs throughout the whole movie with the other main character, Quincy. Both Monica and Quincy realize that they want to be with each other at the end of the movie, but her story is kind of independent and doesn’t always have him in it.

  2. For my anti-gender biased review, I would require it to

  • have at least have 2 women and men in it

  • the women should have a job

  • if possible, be a woman who isn’t white

  • the woman and man should be somewhat independent

Film Review

1) A movie that meets the Bechdel test is Mean Girls. Mean Girls is about a teenager known as Cady Heron. Cady was raised in Africa and was home-schooled, and once she finally moved to the suburbs her parents made the decision to let her go to public school for the first time. Cady experiences many different things which she never thought could happen. She soon becomes apart of the popular clique in her school known as the Mean Girls. The Mean Girls are the people that everyone hates, but wants to be their friends at the same time. In the movie, there was a scene where Cady and the other three girls in the group were in the ring leader's, Regina George, house. They were staring in the mirror and talking to one another about different things they want to change and improve about themselves. Cady wasn't accustomed to beating herself up and not being happy with her looks, so when they looked at her to say something she says "I have really bad breath in the morning." It was a really funny scene, but shows that females can still have conversations, regardless if it's positive or negative, about things other then men. 

2) My own anti-gender bias film test would be called the CP Test. The four questions would be...

a) Is there at least one named male and female character?

b) Is the male aiming to do something that doesn't benefit him getting "the girl"?

c) Is the female aiming to do something that doesn't benefit her getting "the guy"?

A movie that I am going to review to see if it fits my film test is Revenge of the Bridesmaids. In this film, there are a group of bridesmaids known as Abigail, Parker and Rachel who are trying to ruin a brides wedding simply because of the simple fact she was only marrying for money. On top of that, the bride, Caitlyn, stole her "best friend's" and one of the bridesmaids, Rachel, boyfriend. So, Rachel was a bridesmaid to her best friend who stole her boyfriend and is only marrying him for his money. I do not think this fits my film test because although there is a male character not doing anything to "get the girl", the whole movie was based around getting justice for the male AND getting Rachel her guy back. This goes to show that there aren't many movies in which guys/girls aren't aiming to just get "the guy" or "the girl". 

U2-#8 Reflection

  • Digital Nation
  1. Teens and tweens on the internet.
  2. Kids in Japan being addicted to playing games online.
  3. How too much of the internet can negatively affect you.
  4. By establishing trust and teaching online safety..
  5. So they don't do/find bad stuff online
  6. They need to learn how to use the internet  and talk to their kids.

Ryan, Nicholas; U2-#8 Reflection

Nick Ryan
Blue Stream

We watched Growing Up Online

1. This show was about the lives of kids in this generation who describe how the internet affected their lives.
2. The most memorable thing about this show was the anorexic girl and how tells us that being anorexic was praised on the internet.
3. I do believe it is very important to watch these types of shows. I believe this because instead of learning from our mistakes(which tends to be the "hard way") we can learn from the mistakes of others and never repeat their mistakes. This helps us increase our chances of a successful life which is something we need because nowadays, we live in a very critical society where if you made one stupid mistake, that mistake will follow you for the rest of your life.
4. I will keep my future family safe online in a bunch of different ways. First, I will put parental control restrictions on my home network. Second, I will teach my kids to always think before they act and not to view unhealthy and potentially dangerous content. Lastly, I will teach my kids to not talk to strangers and tell them why they shouldn't talk with strangers.
5. It is very important to talk with your family about internet safety because you don't want your family to suffer because of one silly mistake. You also do not want your family to repeat the same mistakes that other people have done and ruin their lives.
6. I would tell parents who do not know how to keep their kids safe online to research many ways of preventing access to dangerous content, access to talking with strangers, and ways to counter cyber-bullying.

Tylier Driscoll

Digital Nation
  1. This was about the dangers of the internet and how it affects people
  2. The thing that was memorable to me was when there was a kid who was being bullied and he went online and talked to another person who taught him how to commit suicide, the kid committed suicide and how his family dealt with it
  3. It's important to watch these because they show how the internet can help and hurt you
  4. I will keep them safe by giving them information about the positives and negatives of the internet
  5. This is important because it will tell you how you are supposed to behave while on the internet 
  6. I would tell them to inform their kids on how the internet can hurt them first, and then how the internet can help them

U2-#8- Ashley De La Cruz

In class we watched Digital Nation, which was about how people of different ages use Technology and the dangers of it. The most memorable thing about Digital Nation was learning that multi-tasking can actually slow you down, because sometimes I'll try to multi-task, but now that I think about it, I realize that it would slow me down because I wouldn't finish my tasks fast. I think it's important to watch shows like these because they educate you on things that could be affecting you and your life and how you can prevent certain things. In order to keep my future family safe online I would teach them about the dangers of the internet and tell them how their actions could affect them later in life. I could also put parental restrictions on the websites that they go on. It is important to talk to your family about internet safety in order to teach them not to be the ones causing the dangers or to teach them how to deal with the online dangers that they're presented with. I would tell parents that don't know how to keep their children safe to go to courses that teach them about the Internet and I'd tell them to block inappropriate websites.

U2-#8- Jacobo Pastor

​1.- What TV show did you watch in class?
The show was called Digital Nation 

2.- What was this show about?
The show we watched was about how the internet affect our life

3.- What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?
How internet affect the way we see the world

4.- Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?
It is important to see these shows because they teach you the reality of life 

5.- How will you keep your future family safe online?
If i see that my children are acting weird, I will install a program in order to see what my family is doing. But if everything is alright I will trust my children 

6.- Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety
To tell them that what they see is not real everything is made up, people can hurt them and do all short of things without you knowing about it.

7.- What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?
Watch one of these shows or contact someone, but find a way to protect your family 

"Digital-Nation" review by Tyreek Spedwell

In class we watched a show named Digital-Nation. In this show it teached us the positives and negatives of the internet. I found interesting that many people meet on an online game. I will keep my family safe online by warning them about the negative affects of the internet because I don't want to get into trouble. I would do the same to other parents who don't know any of these affects.

#8Reflection:Cynthia To

 The TV show I watched class was Digital's Nation.What was this show about? This show was about what Teenage do on the internet and how much they use the internet and how that effect their learning. The most memorable thing to me about this video was that in MIT students multi-tasks do work and how that effect their learning and that in South Korea kids are on the computers 24/7 and not talking to their family. Also, that when you are on the internet 24/7 can cause death and a trip to the doctors. It is important to watch shows like these because so we can learn not to do the same mistake and do right on the internet. If my future safe online I would tell them bad things about the internet that they shouldn't do.  It is important to talk with my family about internet safety because they don't have to do that same mistake. The advice I would give to my parents that don't know their children safe online about the long and short term and the bad things about that they shouldn't do.

U2 #8 Kimberly Gucciardi-Kriegh

0) ​In class, we watched the movie Digital Nation, created by PBS.
1) This movie showed examples of teens and experiences, good or bad, that they went through online and how it influenced their emotions, social life, families, and school. 
2)The most memorable part of this movie is the segment about the boy who killed himself. It showed how this boy with suicidal thoughts from cyber bullying and looked to the internet for answer.
3) It is very important to watch shows like these because it shows how everyone online should take care and keep themselves and friends safe.
4) I will educate them all on what to do and not to do online, I will give them some freedom so they don't rebel.
5) You have to talk to them to look out for their safety because you love them.
6) The advice I would give is do not take everything away from your child because they are likely to rebel. Make time for family, especially at a young age represented by my picture
Screenshot 2016-01-14 at 12.24.33 PM
Screenshot 2016-01-14 at 12.24.33 PM

#8 Internet

  • What TV show did you watch in class? We watched the show called Digital Nation.
  1. What was this show about? It was about learning the thing could happen to you with internet and how dangerous is the web.
  2. What is the most memorable thing to you about this show? The most memorable thing about this show was how fast people change when they are on the internet. 
  3. Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these? It important to see these things because one day you could be one of the person who is doing these thing and can get hurt really bad. so if you see these show and when you on the internet you can be careful and stay away from danger.  
  4. How will you keep your future family safe online? Just don't do what your not suppose  to do and stay away from thing that your not familiar with.
  5. Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety It's important to talk to your family about internet safety because if one day your going through something your family can help you a lot. More then you think they can . 
  6. What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online? What i would say is keep checking up on them,and try to ask question when you see you children act different.
  • Find a copyright-less photo/image to enhance your post


​The TV Show that we watched in class was Digital Nation.
1. What the show was about learning the danger of the Internet.
2. The most memorable thing was learning how much time Koreans spent their time on the internet playing games.
3. It is important to watch these shows because it gives us information about the drangers and the things that could happen.
4. What i would do to keep my family safe in the future is that I would tell them the safey of the internet and limit their times on the internet.
5. It is important to keep them from making mistakes and to let them know about the dangers.
6. What i would tell parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online is to just talk to them about it and let them open up so you'll know if anything happens.

U2 #8

Digital Nation

  1. What was this show about? The internet and how it's affecting kids today.
  2. What is the most memorable thing to you about this show? The story about the boy who was being bullied and committed suicide, but his parents didn't know that he was being bullied that much. 
  3. Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these? I feel like it's important to an extent. It's important for kid's to know the dangers, but also they shouldn't be used to scare kids into not using the internet. They should just be used to educate. 
  4. How will you keep your future family safe online? I want to raise my kids so they trust me so I would like to say that I would trust them unless they gave me a reason to not trust them.
  5. Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety? So they know the limits, if they don't have any limits they'll just do whatever and could get in trouble. 
  6. What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online? Just make sure you're honest with your kids and try to know about the internet. If you feel worried talk to your kids. Just make sure you all are on the same page. 
Screenshot 2016-01-28 at 12.27.03 PM
Screenshot 2016-01-28 at 12.27.03 PM

U2-#8 Messele Asfaw

We watched a show about virtual reality, and a game called second life, and internet addiction, and games.
  1. Second Life
  2. The games.
  3. To be aware
  4. Triple check proxies, make everyone use Linux with even more safety precautions there, ping the internet every hour to make sure I'm not getting tracked by the NSA, and when you play a game always use a virtual box, when you browse the internet, always use tor, and finally, get the best VPN and customize it. 
  5. So they don't act promiscous or die.
  6. Git gud

U2 - #8 Lauren Nicolella

We watched tv show Digitalnation, and it was about how multi-tasking is a myth and general information about the internet. The most memorable thing to me from this show was the multi-tasking, because I really realized how it doesn't work and I do work much faster if I don't attempt to do as, as it was said that it slows you down. It is important to watch shows like these because as the internet is becoming a normal thing occurring as we are growing up, it is really good to be informed about what you are getting yourself into. I will be able to keep my future family safe online by having my kids aware of how to act online if they were to be using programs that involve people from around the world, and low-key monitor what they are doing and make sure they are not be affected or affecting any one else. It is important to talk to my family about internet safety because my parents probably wouldn't know what some things means and to have them aware and safe. What I can tell parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online is monitor if anything major is happening between their kid and school, being connected to online activity. 

U2#8 Internet

  • Eric VAlenti
  • What TV show did you watch in class?- Frontline Digital Nation
  1. What was this show about?- Learning about the dangers about the internet.
  2. What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?- The most memorable thing about the program is that in South Korea, it was interesting to find out that people died from spending to much time on the internet.
  3. Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?- It's important to watch these programs because it informs you about the dangers of the internet but it doesn't show the positive effects of the internet. 
  4. How will you keep your future family safe online?-  I would put parental restrictions on certain websites and tell them a speech on about the internet and the dangers but I wouldn't scare them away from the internet.
  5. Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety- It is important to talk about internet safety because you need to know about the dangers of the internet.
  6. What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?- I would tell parents to tell their kids about the dangers and the negative effects of the internet but don't leave out the positive effects of the internet.

U2 #8 Reflection: Christina Santana

The Tv Show we watched in class was Front-line's Digital Nation. This show was about online safety and the effects that the internet has on the kids of our generation. The most memorable thing about this show was the kids that they showed in it. This was memorable because the all suffered from many different issue and the main cause of those issues was the internet. It is important to watch shows like this because it shows kids the effect that the internet could have on them if they are not safe online, and it also is a way of “scaring them straight”. I will keep my family safe by discussing rules that we would all follow when using the internet. I will also watch videos with them about online safety, such as this one. It is important to talk with your family about internet safety because it will help prevent anything bad from happening to you or any of your family members. I would suggest that they check their kids social media accounts occasionally and that they establish a relationship built on trust with their kids. This will help keep us all safe from any harm they could come from the internet.

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Birdemic: Shock and Terror

James Nguyen’s breakout exercise in cinematic failure, Birdemic, was a success on all fronts. Its unique blend of Hitchcockian terror and Al Gore-ian philosophy is unprecedented and remains unsurpassed. It unfortunately fails the Mako Mori test as there are no female characters that have independent character arcs, but, there are no character arcs in the movie at all, so it’s at least equal in this regard. Surprisingly, though, it passes the Bechdel Test; two named women talk to each other about something other than a man: going pee. Don’t let this fool you, though. The main male character works as a high-profile salesman whereas the main female character works as a model. The women are much more likely to be nude at any given time than the men are. So, to ensure equality in sexuality, I have developed a new test that is specifically designed for such topics.


For every sexually posed female, there must be at least one equally sexually posed male. For as long as the female is in underwear or is nude, the male must be equally in underwear or nude.

Birdemic, naturally, does not pass this test. It wouldn’t necessarily be better or worse if it passed the test, because it exists in such a state of perfection that no minor overhaul could change it. It does make me think that other, more judge-able movies should be held to such a standard.

Anyway, I highly recommend this movie.

Feminist Film Review


The Movie I Watched: Clueless

The Bechdel Test: In order to pass the Bechdel Test, the movie needs to 1) have two female characters, that 2) talk to each other, 3) about things other than men. In Clueless, there were many female characters. Specifically, there were three main female characters: Cher, Dionne, and Tai. They all interacted many times. While some of their conversations were about boys, there were also many conversations that were not. Some of the other topics included school, working out, and make-overs.

The Ari Test: The movie does technically pass the Bechdel Test, but I do not think that shows women in a very intelligent light. Most of the character’s conversations were about make-up, boys, shopping, or clothes. In my opinion, the movie played into a lot of stereotypes about girls. If I made a feminist test for a movie it would make sure that there had to be a woman in an intelligent role. Here are the rules for my test:

  • Has at least two women in leading roles

  • Has a woman in an “intelligent” role

  • The women cannot depend on men for everything.

Based on this test, Clueless would not pass because all of the female characters aren’t very smart. Even the female teacher is kind of oblivious.

Tv Show reflection- Brendan Hall

The shows we watched were Digital Nation and growing up online. They were about families who were affected by the internet in someway, most of them were negative. The memorable part in the show was the kid who found out how to hang himself online and committed suicide shortly after.  It is important to watch shows like this because you get a better understanding for how to use the internet in a good way. I will keep m future family safe by not letting my children get social media until a certain age. It is important to talk about internet safety so my child who may have confidence issues won't get bullied online and want to kill themselves. I would tell them not to meet strangers from online.

E1 U3 (Salsabeel, Kimberly, Jowon, Jimmy) ¡Cuidado!

Three best friends, Alicia, (Salsabeel), Gabriela, (Jowon), and Claudia, (Kimberly) attend a party where a Francisco, (Jimmy) is a creepy man watching them, but he is also a police officer?! Watch to find out what he does to these poor girls!!