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Amy Chen's Portfolio
Poetry is a poem where you express your emotion. It is written in figure language. It expresses emotions and feeling through figure language and written in any style that begins out the purpose.
- Emotions/Idea
- personal
- action/ work
- Rhythm
Journal # 38
Never shall I forget....
Never shall I forget the first kiss you stole from me.
Never shall I forget the lies you told to me.
Never shall I forget the meaning toward life.
Never shall I forget the big giants hands and warmth in your body that help me sleep at night.
Never shall I forget on how it felt like to be happy, sad, betrayed, mad and angry.
Never shall I forget the tiny words I use to scribble on my paper.
English Journal #15
My compromises are taking risk by challenging myself and helping people who need help. I care for my friends so they can have a better life. I think about my life, but I also want to help my friends. I would also try to chamllenge my education by working on my homework and organize my work for different subjects. I am willing to move on from the past because everytime when I think about my problems, I always stress about it. My dream is to have a better life so I can have a occupation to help my family. i want my self to succeed in college and never give up. I can see that I will stress out, but its worth it.
: Grandma's death
: Family Members
: Husband Logan
: Wash his feet/male's job
: Marrying Joe (Jodie)
: Racist during childhood
: Making own decisions
: No resources
: Love
Justin Pullins Capstone
From a very young age, I became greatly aware of the power of great storytelling, and how it can truly resonate with me. As a person who considers his true passion to lie within the arts, I grew up with an amazing fascination for film, television, theatre, and music. However, age has taught me that the true reason for this fervid, passionate interest was because of the core element and common thread that unites all works of art: the story. All of these early experiences have taught me the power of the story, and have instill upon me the passion for creating and writing works that hold great power. I believe that a story can truly change the world.
One of the most durable and impactful mediums in which to express and tell a great story is the theatre. The incredible connection that can be made through live interactions is astounding. Ultimately, it is the staging not just of a show, but of an event.
For my Capstone, I decided to write a play, harnessing the ever-changing ideologies and beliefs of my mind. The play, entitled Prophesy Landing, is the story of a dystopic, anarchist, decentralized world set many years in the future. Due to the ever increasing influence of humans doing "unnatural" things, a great event has happened, causing the world to be unable to support the modern way of life. In this new world, our characters are only regulated to acts that are deemed "natural", as not to disrupt the earth again. Ultimately, they must question their own natural moralities and understand what "normal" truly is.BIBLIOGRAPHY:
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Globalization Benchmark Q4
Dis Capstone Ish =P
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if that doesn't work, try THIS
For my capstone project, I decided to create individual makeup styles/looks that were inspired by different things in the everyday world that stood out to me. These inspirations range from the beautiful colors in the skyline, different types of fashion trends and stereotypes, movies and even just things that happened to catch my eye as i walked down the street. As an aspiring makeup artist, I love mixing it up and creating new funky looks, why not use the array of things we see around us everyday for that inspiration?
CSheridan: Q4 Benchmark
Globalization and the Retail Industry
Globalization Q4 BM
Globalization Q4 BM
Imani Johnson Capstone
Mentor: Susan Butterwick
Click here to view my blog.
There are many questions that people have because not many know about rowing. To help increase the knowledge of rowing and the struggle of being an African-American, female rower, I’ve created a blog. This blog answers general questions non-rowers have, it shares my own personal thoughts on rowing, my growth with rowing, and more. Creating this blog has helped me think back to how I’ve grown as a person thanks to SLA and rowing for providing me a supportive environment and learning what it means to be responsible and have dedication with a positive attitude. My research for this project begun the second I joined PCR back in 2010. I knew nothing about rowing when I first joined and it’s literally taken me 3 years to completely understand rowing.
1. Kitch, Bryan. "Rowing Related." Rowing Related. Bryan Kitch, 2010. Web. 31 May 2013.
This is a blog that comments on huge rowing events such as the IRA National Championship Regatta and Dad Vails. Going through this blog helped showed me what is going on in the rowing community outside of PCR's bubble. This also gave me a general idea of what a rowing blog should look like.
2. "Rowing Journal." Rowing Journal. N.p., 2013. Web. 31 May 2013.
3. ScullerX. "The CrossFit Rowing Blog." The CrossFit Rowing Blog. N.p., 24 Feb. 2010. Web. 31 May 2013.
This blog is very similar to my own. However, this one touches more on the actual workouts ScullerX does. This blog encourages me to add video and pictures rather than just words on my own blog. This also showed me how I should type my blog post. Like how to phrase different things.
4. Fay, Devin. "The Bates Rower." The Bates Rower. N.p., 18 May 2009. Web. 31 May 2013.
This is another blog used to influence how I phrase different things in my blog. This blog was a little different than the other blogs I looked at because it allowed a couple of people to post on the blog. So the wording changed between different blog posts. This blog also includes the race results from the regattas Bates competed at. It was interesting because my coach rowed for Bates.
5. "Philadelphia City Rowing." Philadelphia City Rowing. Philadelphia City Rowing, 2011. Web. 31 May 2013.
This is the website for my team. I took some information about PCR from this website whenever I found it hard to explain a certain thing.
6. Peters, Libby. PCR First Season. 2010. video. Youtube, Philadelphia. Web. 31 May 2013. <>.
This video was created by my original coach when PCR first begun. I remember watching this video when it first came out and getting excited by seeing the results from my first year of rowing. This video also makes me happy because I find it inspirational that we've come so far in the past 3 years.
7. Philadelphia City Rowing- Fall 2011. 2011. video. Youtube, Philadelphia. Web. 31 May 2013. <>.
This video was created by the girls novice coach, Annie, last year.
8. Slack, Peter. Philadelphia City Rowing (short).mov. 2012. video. Youtube, Philadelphia. Web. 31 May 2013. <>.
I remember when this video was created because it was the first time an outside person actually wanted to make a video about us. This was used with a goPro and it only films the boys.
9. "Rowing Terminology." T.C William High School Crew. Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc., 2007. Web. 31 May 2013.
Non-rowers always have questions about rowing terminology because I agree that rowing gets pretty complicated. It was difficult to define each term in my own words without being confusing.
Globalization Q4 BMark - Tourism
Canvas Scene/Drawing
Canvas drawing/scene -->
Maggie Long Capstone
This project was inspired by my love for bikes. Biking as a youth helps provide a safe, fun, and relatively cheap ways of venting and getting around your city! Initially, I wanted to make a club in SLA where kids can come to learn about bikes and possibly even help build one! After realizing the cost and equipment we would need, I had to figure out another way I could promote biking. When a freshmen told me about the Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby, I just had to learn more. A week later it was my new plan to enter the club into the derby and figure out what we would create on our bikes. This process taught me a lot about leadership and how important it is to lead by example and provide direction for the group. I learned this the hard way in many cases. I forgot that any participant 17 or younger would need a parent or guardian. After I realized, it was already too late to get the signature and mail in the form. That is when I got motivated to bring the competition to SLA. By hosting SLA Bike Week, it encouraged kids to safely ride to school instead of taking public transportation or getting a ride by car. This sets a positive tone on exercise and well being.
Annotated Bibliography:
Student Name:
Mabintu Donzo
In school mentor’s name:
Juan Gabriel Sanchez
Topic Summary:
The goal of this project was for people to learn more about their own culture and other cultures. To discover their true self, if they feel that they did not have a culture of their own, the club helped them found a culture.
Project Abstract:
For my senior project I created a Multicultural club at my school(Science Leadership Academy). It will be used to inform the students who join, about other cultures and encourage them to have an open mind when it comes to other’s races or culture. The culture club is multicultural, will be a club that will demonstrate the diversity of culture in the world. I know SLA is a very diverse school and most of us do not know about each others background or culture. This club was a good will to know about the the student you have had in your class rooms and they people you see every day in the hallways. I had four different event.
My Cpstone and BIBLIOGRAPHY is on ------->
Capstone 2013
Symone Smith Capstone
Since childhood I have enjoyed dancing however I had never taken formal classes. As a preteen I would come up with dances for my friends and I, it became my number one hobby. As I got older I found myself drawn to any and everything that had to do with dance. I watched every reality dance show,award show performance, and I even started researching/watching young choreographers. This project is the result of putting my abilities to the test.
Link to Bibliography
Link to Final Product
Confectionery Celebration
By doing this particular project, I hoped to improve my baking skills and continue my family legacy in baking. I also wanted to be influenced by, not only my own culture, but also cultures from all over the world. Below, I included the product from all my research, experimentation, and design; my recipe book.
(For a better experience, view in full screen mode.)
Mecca Sharrieff: Mentor (Ms.Martin) Advisor (Herman)
When asked to create a capstone that embodies the core values of Science Leadership Academy, inquiry couldn’t be a better starting point for executing this project. In the beginning, there were so many questions to be asked, so many that were answered and some that got tangled in the web of ideas that hung above my head. The dangling web above my head began to crawl into sense, my initial project was to instruct Zumba sessions bi-weekly at school.
The collaboration aspect began to spread like wildfire, as many participants enjoyed working out and having fun. The element of globalization was a success, the spread of ideas with physical fitness being a normal part of everyday life was achieved. I provided a resource for the community to work out - even if it meant trying new things. The reflection process came early, this project had come to and end because of my physical conditions. Instructing became very difficult, but there was a definite weight on my shoulders not to let the community down. Thus, the transition into Paige Wayman’s boot camp began. While it wasn’t easy or always very lucid, there still was a resource for the people in the community to workout. The only catch was it was girls only!
Along the new collaboration with Paige Wayman, the original problem remained. My physical conditions worsened, and my ability to walk lessened. It was a hard concept for the community to grasp, and emotions rose high. The new transition into another capstone became the Marching Soles Shoe Drive. The idea came about during capstone week, where the core values realigned themselves in my thoughts. It was the perfect way to spread the idea of giving back to the community, even with something simple.
While many others have had (clothing) drives of their own, shoes became a unique juxtaposition to the pre-existing capstones. Why shoes? That is the question that steered the wheel of research, collaboration, presentation and reflection. The combination of two capstones and other mini projects all came from the idea of capstones in general. The greatest lesson overall is the realization that these projects were a learning process.
Capstone 2013
Charles Norman Q4 BM
Jamelia Barrett
Name: Jamelia Barrett
Mentor/Advisor: Mr Herman
My Capstone island life and culture.
My capstone entails the history of two Caribbean island and a multicultural food fest. In the beginning of the school year I knew I wanted to do something with history and culture. I was originally want to do my own history and culture. I got advise from my mentor Mr herman and I decided to broaden my search and add another island. I have created a website that hold all the research I did for the two caribbean islands . As for the Multicultural food fest I partnered up with a fellow classmate since our capstone topic was along the same line and we did a event. Food is what brings us together sometime. So what better was to share a piece of history and culture with the SLA community. We show cased many different cultural dishes . This was learning experienced for me. I saw some of the dishes that were basically the same as my own cultural dishes but cooked differently . This the same for the history of most of the caribbean islands. They all had some things in common like Columbus stumbling up on the island and saying he discovered it when obviously there was indigenous people like Tanios were living there long before he arrived. The countries being apart of the caricom community. Music as well , reggae-ton is formed from reggae. I can now come to the conclusion that our history and culture crosses part wether its in big way such as being colonized by spaniard or britain or small way such as music and food.
Link to my website click hereCitations : Wesbter, Noah. "Culture." - Definition of by Webster Dictionary. Interapple, Inc. Cover, 2009. Web. 30 Jan. 2013 This helped me with one of the formal definition of what is the meaning of culture. this would be used in my video to show that there are many different meaning to culture but they all have at least one similarity. Oxford University Press, Judy Pearsall, Glynnis Glynnis, Darren Smith, John List, Richard Holden, Pete Whitelock, Heuboeck Heuboeck, and Malie Malie Lalor. "Culture." Definition of (British & World English). Oxford University Press, 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.
This helped me with one of the formal definition of what is the meaning of culture. this would be used in my video to show that there are many different meaning to culture but they all have at least one similarity. KUMAR, BHARAT. "Define Culture and Discuss Its Features." Define Culture and Discuss Its Features. Preserve Articles, 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.This website gave me some insight on what are the components of culture and how Culture varies from Society to Society, Culture provides proper opportunities,Culture is Dynamic and Adaptive,Culture is Consistent and Interconnected meaning they are link in some ways to another and it passed down from generation to generation, Culture is Continuous process that grows historically, how culture can be transmitted to the next generation. Lazear, Edward P. "Culture and Language." Culture and Language. N.p., Dec. 1997. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.This pdf help with the language part of culture. it help me to because stated that language is important part of culture and this is what allows us to communicate. language is important and how over the process of immigration in 1990 the immigrants wanted to preserve their culture so the speak their native language but as time goes by this changes where the immigrant come to the use speaking english instead of native language. "Cultural Awareness." N.p., n.d. Web. References Axelson, J.A. (1999). Counseling and development in a multicultural society. Monterey, Brooks/Cole. Carr-Ruffino, N.C. (2002). Managing diversity. People skills for a multicultural workplace (5 th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing Cornell, S. (1998). Ethnicity and race: Making identities in a changing world. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Cox, T. Jr. (1994). Cultural diversity in organizations: Theory, Research and Practice. San Francisco, CA.: Berrett-Koehler Publisher, Inc. Gay, G. (2000). Culturally responsive teaching: theory, research & practice. New York: Teachers College Press. Kottak, C.P. & Kozaitis, K.A. (2003). On being different. Diversity and multiculturalism In North American mainstream. New York: McGraw Hill Sue, D. W. & Sue, D. (2003). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (4 h Ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (1974), Massachusetts, G. & C. Merriam Co. this help me with definitions that were associated with culture and question I could ask when I interview the people for my video.
Puerto Rico." Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States. 2007. 31 Jan. 2013<>. This website help me with the history of puerto rico, origin, political parties
, transportation, traditions , sports,agricultural feature for example mining etc, legal holiday ethnic groups , climate religion economic status. this has a lot of useful information where i can do further research into each sub topic. it good website with useful detail information about the seal , the local government. also the life of the first settler the the Taino, also of Arawak origin which were also the first settler of jamaica and other caribbean countries.
"Antigua and Barbuda." Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations. 2007. 31 Jan. 2013<>. ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA LOCATION, SIZE, AND EXTENT , TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE, FLORA AND FAUNA this is the difference plantation the country has and the indigenous fruits they have, the population size,different ethnic groups,Language they speak, the different religions, political parties,judicial systems and a lot more information about antigua culture which would help me in my research to find out about this country and culture and to share my finding with other people.
"Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua's History and Culture." Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua's History and Culture. InterKnowledge Corp., New York, NY., 1996-2006. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <>.
This website mainly dealt with the history of Antigua. it talk about when the country got emancipation, A day in 1684, of Sir Christopher Codrington came to island to see if they were interested in sugar cultivation. it talks about the first settlers which are the tianos which was also puerto rico's first settler.
Countries and Their Cultures." Culture of Antigua And Barbuda. Advameg, Inc., 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <>.
Davis, Gregson. Antigua Black, 1973. Gaspar, David Barry. Bondmen and Rebels, 1985. Henry, Paget. Peripheral Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Antigua, 1985. Kincaid, Jamaica. Annie John, 1985. ——. A Small Place, 1988. Langhan, Mrs. Antigua and Antiguans, 1844. Olaoye, Elaine. Passion of the Soul, 1998. Oliver, V. The History of the Island of Antigua, 1894. Prince, Ralf. Jewels of the Sun, 1979. Richards, Novelle. The Struggle and the Conquest, 1967. ——. The Twilight Hour, 1971. Smith, Keithlyn. No Essay Pushover, 1994. Tongue, Gwen. Cooking Antigua's Food, 1973. —PAGET HENRY ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA LOCATION, SIZE, AND EXTENT , TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE, FLORA AND FAUNA this is the difference plantation the country has and the indigenous fruits they have, the population size,different ethnic groups,Language they speak, the different religions, political parties,judicial systems and a lot more information about antigua culture which would help me in my research to find out about this country and culture and to share my finding with other people.
Communitrip. "Antigua and Barbuda Culture." Sitewide ATOM. Communitrip, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <>. this was one of the first website that i look on when searching for information on antiguan culture. this what help me to search for specific things about the country like religion language and etc
Plummer, Brenda Gayle. "African Americans." Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy. 2002. Retrieved February 01, 2013 from his was one of the first website that I look on when searching for information on african american culture. this what help me to search for specific things about the culture. it gave me synopsis of major event in african american history.
"African Americans." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 2008. (February 1, 2013). Refences from the site America, Richard, ed. 1990. The Wealth of Races: The Present Value of Benefits from Past Injustices. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Baugh, John. 1991. The Politicization of Changing Terms of Self Reference Among American Slave Descendants. American Speech 66 (2): 133-146.
Borjas, George. 2003. The Labor Demand Curve Is Downward Sloping: Reexamining the Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market. Quarterly Journal of Economics 118 (4): 1335-1374.
Conrad, Cecilia, John Whitehead, Patrick Mason, and James Stewart, eds. 2005. African Americans in the U.S. Economy. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Darity, William, Jr., Patrick Mason, and James Stewart. 2006. The Economics of Identity: The Origin and Persistence of Racial Norms. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 60 (3): 283-305.
Fogel, Robert. 1989. Without Consent or Contract: The Rise and Fall of American Slavery. New York: Norton.
Hughes, Emmet. 1956. The Negro’s New Economic Life. Fortune (September): 127-131.
Jacobson, Louis, Robert LaLonde, and David Sullivan. 1993. The Costs of Worker Dislocation. Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
Keith, Verna, and Cedric Herring. 1991. Skin Tone and Stratification in the Black Community. American Journal of Sociology 97 (3): 760-778.
Locke, Alain. 1925. Enter the New Negro. Survey Graphic Harlem 6 (6) (March): 631-634.
Office of Immigration Statistics, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 2004. 2003 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Editions from 1975 to 2003 available online at
Smitherman, Geneva. 1991. What Is Africa to Me?: Language, Ideology, and African American. American Speech 66 (2): 115-132.
Stewart, James. 1977. Historical Patterns of Black-White Political Economic Inequality in the United States and the Republic of South Africa. Review of Black Political Economy 7 (3): 266-295.
Stewart, James. 2004. Globalization, Cities, and Racial Inequality at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Review of Black Political Economy 31 (3): 11-32.
Trotter, Joe, Jr. 2001. The African American Experience. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
James B. Stewart. This website thelped when searching for information on african american culture. this what help me to search for specific things about the culture. it gave me synopsis of major event in african american history from slavery , cold war , jim crow laws. This will help me in the timeline for invent that went down in african american history.
Asante, Molefi. "African Americans." Encyclopedia of World Cultures. 1996. 1 Feb. 2013<>. This website help me with the history african american, origin, political parties , transportation, traditions , ethnic groups ,religion economic status. this has a lot of useful information where i can do further research into each sub topic. it good website with useful detail information about The impact of the African American language on American society.
"African Americans." Dictionary of American History. 2003. 1 Feb. 2013<>. This website help me with the history african american, origin, political parties , transportation, traditions , ethnic groups ,religion economic status. this has a lot of useful information where i can do further research into each sub topic. it good website with useful detail information about the civil right movement ,the great depression emancipation etc this was a project I did on jamaica and this will help me with the culture and history of jamaica. the economy local government the first settles etc
Kimberly Parker
Annotated Bibliography
This source is a recipe for dried cherry almond cake with white chocolate chips. This source was helpful to me because I don’t really have any ideas for what recipes to put in my dessert category. This source is informative for me because now I have idea about a healthier dessert. This source is very reliable in my opinion because I use this website frequently outside of school.
This source is a nutritional guide. You can enter different types of food into a search bar and results will come up with all of the nutritional value for that one specific food. I received many of my nutritional facts from this website. This website is extremely informative because it has a lot more useful information besides the nutritional values.
This source includes detailed workout tips and why they will work if you continue the routines. This source doesn’t give tips about actually lifting weights or exercising but the technique on how to go about working out and how to make it a pleasant experience. This is a very informative source because it gave me an idea about what to post on my blog in regards how to make the workout experience more pleasurable.
This source is a recipe for a ‘Waldorf Salad’ which is a salad recipe that I wanted to modify to have less fat and calories. From this source I extracted the original recipe to the salad and I am going to make this recipe my own. This source is very useful and informative to me because I really needed the original recipe.
This source is a nutritional guide as well. This source was useful to me because I checked the nutritional value of my dishes using this website and the previous one to make sure I was being accurate.
6) "FullFitness." Best Workout Routines, Plans & Programs. FullFitness, Nov. 2009. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
This source is a basic workout guide with different categories to go by. I read through this source and take note to what this sources says is a good ab workout or arm workout. This source is also useful because it has a beginner, intermediate and advanced section so the intensity of the workouts are categorized. This source is informative for me because it gives me more ideas about what I can post on my blog.
This source is a blog post and the topic is healthy eating. This source was informative because this is a good example for me to look like because this blog looks professional and is full of useful information.
8) "Pizza Margherita." Cooking Light. N.p., 12 Oct. 2011. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
This source contains a useful recipe for a healthy pizza. This is informative for me because I wanted to include a healthy pizza in my “Dinners” category and by finding this source, I can change up this recipe up and make it my own recipe.
This source is purely tips and advice on how to eat healthy. This source is categorized and easy to navigate, explaining the pros on healthy eating and how to do it. This is informative for me because this is a good example on what I should include on my own blog.
10) "Easy, Healthy Pasta Recipes." Fitness Magazine. N.p., 19 Apr. 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
This source is my favorite healthy pasta recipe. This is useful to me because I make this dish a lot at home without a recipe and I now have a recipe to work off from and make it my own. This is a fair source to have because this recipe is very close to how I make the dish at home, now I just have to tweak it.
11) "Easy, Healthy Pasta Recipes." Fitness Magazine. Fitness, 12 Nov. 2009. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
I got this recipe from the same website I got my previous healthy pasta recipe from. This is useful for me because I can add another pasta dish to my cookbook and alter this recipe I found to make it my own. This source is informative to me because now I can be more diverse with the pasta dishes.
12) "Cheesy Zucchini Bites Recipe | Reader's Digest." Reader's Digest. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
This is a recipe for the first appetizer I thought of. This is useful for me because it looks so tasty and it is very healthy for people who eat it. This is one of my favorite ideas for my cookbook so far.
13) "Chocolate-Cherry Heart Smart Cookies." My Recipes, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
This source includes a recipe for low fat and low calorie chocolate chip cookies. This is an extremely useful resource for me because I had no idea how to make cookies low fat and now I have an idea about how to do this. This is a very reliable source because the recipe calls for all natural ingredients so I don’t have to add any chemicals to the cookies to make them low fat.
14) Babauta, Leo. "Zenhabits : Breathe." Zenhabits RSS. Zen Habits, 13 Jan. 2010. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.
This source is a fitness blog written by an inspirational writer focusing on fitness. This source is useful to me because it is not only inspirational but informative as well because he goes into depth about fitness and he includes his own advice. I can use this because in my blog, I want to include my own advice so seeing this source helps me because it is a well written example of what I want to create.
This source includes a recipe for an orange smoothie. This is useful for me because I didn’t really think about including smoothies until I came across this source, now I am highly considering including smoothies in my cookbook.