Los Seres Queridos en Mi Vida

Hola! Los seres queridos en mi vida 


me llamo Pilar Carroll, soy guapa y socibal. Tengo el pelo cafe y los ojos cafe. Me gusta ir de compras y salir con mi novio. 


Su nombre es Gary. Tu eres deportista y trabajour. Tiene el pelo negro y los ojos cafe. Le gusta ayudar en casa Tambien salir con el novia.


Ellos nombres es Tysheem y verland y jordan. Ellos son perezoso y un poquito gordo. Tienen el pelos negro y los ojos  negro. Le Encanta practicar deportes tambien jugar videojuegos.

Ellas: Su nombres es Tyra, Cobyn, y amber. Ellas muy bonita pero baja. Tienen la pelos negro sin embargo las ojos cafe. Le gusta escutchar musica y comer. 

Nosotros: Su nombre es Quentin y Pilar. Quentin es mi hermano.  Somos increiblemente lindo y algo loco. Tenemos el pelos cafe pero los ojos cafe. Le gusta ver la tele y dormir. 

Adios !!! Hasta Luego !

Language Autobiography 2013: The Journey

Introduction and Reflection:

This unit, we had been talking about how language affects us. How people view slang, how accent are different in every country. We were given a project to write an essay about how language is related in real life. We had to write an autobiography of how language affects us. A lot of people view slang differently; some people thought that slang is for African American people. Other views it as a way that people talk around their environment. I learned that language is an obstacle that I had to face and it took a part of me and it gain a part of me. I also learn that language can also be stereotype by different race. 

Overall I could have done better because I could add more powerful descriptive scene. However, I believe that this Language essay open me up and make me thing that my story is finally being told. Also I can put this story as something people can learn from. It makes people realize that bullying someone because they have an accent can really change them. It also makes them reflect on their action. Thinking about how powerful language is, it really can bring out the negative image. The hardest part of this project is the “Reflection” because they are so much to be told but a limited on how much can be told. 

The Journey

I was born and raised in New York, Brooklyn. I was taught to speak Chinese first and English second. However, throughout my journey as I grow older, I was quadrilingual. I learned how to speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Foochow and English. When someone asked me, “How am I doing?” I can answer in Mandarin “wu hao” or Cantonese “wo ho” or Foochow “loy hall.” I have an accent when I speak English and I used to get bullied due to this problem. Every time a word came out my mouth, people would say, “I don’t understand you, what the hell are you speaking?” and they will go into making racist jokes. From my experience, I view Language as an obstacle that everyone has to face because the struggle of language brings out the negative image.  

During third grade, every time I tried to talk to someone or ask a teacher a question, I would hear giggling behind my back, people whispered, “What is she saying, does the teacher even understand her?” I start to stutter as words start to come out my mouth. My voice will slowly echo away, until my teacher says, “Amy! Speak louder! I can’t hear you!” At that moment, I nodded my head and stayed silent. Sometime I would get so angry and grip my fist under my table because I’m not fighting back. The smell around my table smell like sour sweat, sour feet sweat, and rotten apple. Sometime I wanted to say, "Why you stink?" I wanted to fit in so I started to talk more often and made fun of other people. I would say stuff like, “why is your head so big? You stink, you need to shower, your stupid.” Sometime when a teacher asks me to stop talking, I reply, “No, shut up” and go straight back to talking.

I started to help them by helping them on homework, letting them copy, and allowing them to cheat on my tests. I know these things were wrong to do, but they guaranteed a friendship between them and I. This fat kid said, “Amy, go punch that kid,” I was hesitating, I wanted to back up but I couldn’t, I went and punched that kid. I heard cheering behind my back and I felt proud. My mouth suddenly open and my smile got bigger. I walked back to my table feeling proud. I realize that I’m finally fitting it. I’m finally not alone. Ever since that day, I started to sit around these kids, laugh and joke around. Sometimes they will make fun of my accent but will soon say, “Amy, you know I’m joking.” Throughout third grade, people will come up to me and say, “Amy, you changed, what happen to you? I thought you were a good kid, not those kind of kids who will hang around people who gets into fights or even got locked up before.” I didn’t know how to respond to that because I thought I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

At home, I feel comfortable with whatever I speak because no one judges me. Most of the time, I speak English with my siblings. Most of the time when I am having conversation with my mom, I would speak English and she would get pissed and reply in Foochow, “loy meohite new gon se mal. New soon gon se mal. New á bit loy meohite loy me tawn enou.”  (I don’t understand you. What are you trying to say? I don’t know English that well.) Soon my mom will start to lecture me that when I go to china, it’s a bad influence on us. It shows shame, you need to speak Chinese at home and English in school.

“Language is the sources of misunderstandings” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery People misunderstand basic on your accent. Sometime they fail to understand you and make fun of me. Many people misunderstand me because my pronunciation is not normal due to my accent.

In my neighborhood, people who are Chinese, look at me like I’m an outsider because I’m hanging out with white and black people.  They say that Chinese people need to speak Chinese and hangout with Chinese people only. Language influence the way I am, the people who I hang out with, and how others view me due to the group I am with. It makes me insecure of my identity.

Language affects the way we are today. It takes and added a part of who we are today. While losing and gaining these part that make us today, your race start to view you differently too. For an example while I was gaining a part which I never had before which was doing bad things that I knew that was wrong such as calling people names, talking their stuff and hiding it, people around my neighborhood who are Chinese are afraid of me because they believe that I will bully their child. They start to stereotype me basic on the people I am hanging out with.

The struggles of language bring out the negative image by doing negative things to fit in such as bullying others, hanging out with the wrong group and talking back to teachers. I noticed that people who have stronger accent are often bully and made fun of because they are not view as normal people and they are also view as weak people.


Moncur, Micheal. "The Quotations Page

." The Quotations Page . N.p.. Web. 13 Jan

2013. <http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/37833.html>.


Language Autobiography 2013: My Journey

This unit, we had been talking about how language affects us. How people view slang, how accent are different in every country. We were given a project to write an essay about how language is related in real life. We had to write an autobiography of how language affects us. A lot of people view slang differently; some people thought that slang is for African American people. Other views it as a way that people talk around their environment. I learned that language is an obstacle that I had to face and it took a part of me and it gain a part of me. I also learn that language can also be stereotype by different race. 

The journey

I was born and raised in New York, Brooklyn. I was taught to speak Chinese first and English second. However, throughout my journey as I grow older, I was quadrilingual. I learned how to speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Foochow and English. When someone asked me, “How am I doing?” I can answer in Mandarin “wu hao” or Cantonese “wo ho” or Foochow “loy hall.” I have an accent when I speak English and I used to get bullied due to this problem. Every time a word came out my mouth, people would say, “I don’t understand you, what the hell are you speaking?” and they will go into making racist jokes. From my experience, I view Language as an obstacle that everyone has to face because the struggle of language brings out the negative image.  

During third grade, every time I tried to talk to someone or ask a teacher a question, I would hear giggling behind my back, people whispered, “What is she saying, does the teacher even understand her?” I start to stutter as words start to come out my mouth. My voice will slowly echo away, until my teacher says, “Amy! Speak louder! I can’t hear you!” At that moment, I nodded my head and stayed silent. Sometime I would get so angry and grip my fist under my table because I’m not fighting back. The smell around my table smell like sour sweat, sour feet sweat, and rotten apple. Sometime I wanted to say, "Why you stink?" I wanted to fit in so I started to talk more often and made fun of other people. I would say stuff like, “why is your head so big? You stink, you need to shower, your stupid.” Sometime when a teacher asks me to stop talking, I reply, “No, shut up” and go straight back to talking.

I started to help them by helping them on homework, letting them copy, and allowing them to cheat on my tests. I know these things were wrong to do, but they guaranteed a friendship between them and I. This fat kid said, “Amy, go punch that kid,” I was hesitating, I wanted to back up but I couldn’t, I went and punched that kid. I heard cheering behind my back and I felt proud. My mouth suddenly open and my smile got bigger. I walked back to my table feeling proud. I realize that I’m finally fitting it. I’m finally not alone. Ever since that day, I started to sit around these kids, laugh and joke around. Sometimes they will make fun of my accent but will soon say, “Amy, you know I’m joking.” Throughout third grade, people will come up to me and say, “Amy, you changed, what happen to you? I thought you were a good kid, not those kind of kids who will hang around people who gets into fights or even got locked up before.” I didn’t know how to respond to that because I thought I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

At home, I feel comfortable with whatever I speak because no one judges me. Most of the time, I speak English with my siblings. Most of the time when I am having conversation with my mom, I would speak English and she would get pissed and reply in Foochow, “loy meohite new gon se mal. New soon gon se mal. New á bit loy meohite loy me tawn enou.”  (I don’t understand you. What are you trying to say? I don’t know English that well.) Soon my mom will start to lecture me that when I go to china, it’s a bad influence on us. It shows shame, you need to speak Chinese at home and English in school.

“Language is the sources of misunderstandings” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery People misunderstand basic on your accent. Sometime they fail to understand you and make fun of me. Many people misunderstand me because my pronunciation is not normal due to my accent.

In my neighborhood, people who are Chinese, look at me like I’m an outsider because I’m hanging out with white and black people.  They say that Chinese people need to speak Chinese and hangout with Chinese people only. Language influence the way I am, the people who I hang out with, and how others view me due to the group I am with. It makes me insecure of my identity.

Language affects the way we are today. It takes and added a part of who we are today. While losing and gaining these part that make us today, your race start to view you differently too. For an example while I was gaining a part which I never had before which was doing bad things that I knew that was wrong such as calling people names, talking their stuff and hiding it, people around my neighborhood who are Chinese are afraid of me because they believe that I will bully their child. They start to stereotype me basic on the people I am hanging out with.

The struggles of language bring out the negative image by doing negative things to fit in such as bullying others, hanging out with the wrong group and talking back to teachers. I noticed that people who have stronger accent are often bully and made fun of because they are not view as normal people and they are also view as weak people.


Moncur, Micheal. "The Quotations Page ." The Quotations Page . N.p.. Web. 13 Jan 2013. <http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/37833.html>.

Language Autobiography 2013: Standard Phildelphish

For my English class, we are focusing on different cultural languages and how it affects people in our daily lives. In the beginning of the project, we read short chapters from different books that deals with the authors' personal struggle in their lives based off their cultural languages. We then had to create our on autobiography and talk about our cultural languages and the struggles that we face everyday with it. Once we made a personal connection with our cultural languages, we had to bring it into a broader sense.

I was born in the city known as brotherly love, where from every corner there is a church and a bar. I am from the roots of slang where we speak with emphasis and where you can only find the best cheesesteaks. I am from the place where there are chinese stores and papi stores on every block. This is how I got my language and this is why I view other cultures and their languages as foreign to me. I am from Philly, not from anywhere else.

As a kid growing up in Philly, there is no such thing as blam language. Here, we speak with passion and emotion. I remember when I was about eight years old and my uncle called me “Lilman.” It wasn’t necessarily a nickname because he only used this phrased when I was being a good, “down to earth kid.” In most cases, he’d just call me Adam. Take this for example: It was a late summer afternoon when I was helping my uncle build a storage house in his backyard. I was doing a good job, but then I let my curiosities interfere with my objective.

“Hey Lilman, go inside the house and give me the hammer and some more nails.” He said.

“Alright Uncle Mike.” I replied.

When I went to go get the nails and the hammer, I became fascinated with the idea of hammering nails into the kitchen walls. My uncle heard banging and he went to see what I was doing.

“Bang! Bang!”
“What’s that noise? Adam, I hope that’s not you.”

(He looked at the wall.)

“Adam! I did not tell you to do this? What the hell is the matter with you? Take the nails and the hammer outside now!”

I was outside for a while. Sad. My uncle began to feel pity for his rage that he had expressed on me. He walked over to me, where I sat on the grass.

“Hey, Lilman...Cheer up. I wasn’t mad at you. Not even a bit.”

“Then why did you call me Adam?” I replied. “You only call me Adam when you are really upset and disappointed in me. Plus, you also said the H word.”

He chuckled. “Wow, I guess you caught me huh Lilman?”

“See...now you are not mad anymore. You called me Lilman.” I giggled.

My uncle always viewed me in two perspectives and I started to realize this as I began to grow. My real name was only used to express a negative emotion towards me but the phrase that my uncle used “Lilman” was only used to persuade me; to get me to do what was asked of me. I began to see how language had power behind it. It was powerful because it influences the way people respond or even react to the demands or tasks that they are told to do.

At the age of nine, my family decided to move to Cleveland, Ohio....city of the dumps. It was called this for several reasons. One, there weren’t any city events like Philly does in center city, two their sports teams suck, and third they spoke standard english only. It felt as if everyone were all duplicates and that they all were made up of the same DNA. No one was unique.

Third grade was a nightmare for me. I was an outcast because of my Philly slang. They use to think that I was weird or stupid because even though my slang, most of the time, referred to the same thing that they were trying to say, they preferred standard english. Third grade was the grade that made me participate less in class. You would have suspected that I was humiliated by a classmate but no it was even worse, it was my own teacher. Mr. Nunny! He was handing graded work back and he told us to look at it and revise on what we did wrong. I looked at my graded work but I was still confused.

(Mr. Nunny announced to the class.) “If anyone has any questions, quietly raise your hand and I will call on you.”

(I raised my hand.)

“Okay, well why did you circle ‘salty’?”

“Adam. It’s not complicated.” (His eyebrows were raised and his lips quenched.) “Well, if I’m not mistaking, you are human right?”

“Yeah?” I replied.

(I thought to myself.)

“How is this relevant to my question?”

(He then continued.)

“Reread your sentence to the class.”

“Ok.” (I said.) “The little boy was salty because he got caught cheating off his friends paper. He also --”

“Stop right there!” He yelled. “What language are you trying to speak, because I can certainly tell you that it’s not English.”

(The class began to fill with laughter. One kid asked me if that was how all dumb kids spoke. I then burst out.)

“‘Salty’ means when you, someone, or something feels or gets embarrassed.”

“Well, here’s the actual meaning of ‘salty’.” (Mr. Nunny scans in the dictionary.) “‘Salty’, means tasting of, containing, or preserved with salt. But I guess in your term, you are ‘salty’ right now.”

(The class is filled with laughter once more.)

So throughout that year, my classmates and my friends would always tease me. I became insecure, and I didn’t feel like participating in the class no more because I felt as though, I wasn’t just a kid responding to a question, I was “that” kid responding to the question. I felt hesitant to answer any questions, hoping that something stupid wouldn’t come out of my mouth again.

This was the beginning of reality to me. I began to understand that what may seem normal to me would likely seem foreign to someone else. My philly slang was foreign to Cleveland’s standard English. The more my family went on vacations to different cities or states, I began to see the different aspects in the way that people spoke. I learned how different phrases for trying to say one thing may make you look illiterate. For example, Sub v. Hoagie, Cheese Steak v. Steak n Cheese, Lucy v. Box, and etc. Each pair represents the same thing, or object in reality, but based off where you consider “home” you may have been only accustomed or exposed to one phrase.

If this situation were to have been vice versa, and I grew up in Cleveland and came to Philly and heard its slang, I would have thought that Philly people were illiterate or “ghetto.” I would have thought this simply because I would have only known how to speak standard english. This relates to what we see in our everyday lives. People who don’t speak standard english but instead speak with their cultural language tend to be viewed as illiterate and suffer from judgmentalism/inequality. In addition to this, our cultural languages can affect the level of power that we have. If you speak with an accent or slang, then in most cases, employees or even people from different backgrounds won’t take you seriously and would often allow you to have little power. If you have an accent or slang, you are misinterpreted to be dumb or can’t even comprehend, but the truth is that you do understand and that you are just as smart as the person with that different background or that person who speaks standard english.

Los Seres Queridos en Mi Vida

Slide 1: ¡Hola! 

¡Hola! Bienvenidos a mi proyecto. Espero que lo disfruten. 3, 2, 1, VAMOS!!!!!!​

Slide 2: Yo

Me llamo Isabella Blackwell. Soy muy peresosa y loca.Tengo los ojos marrones y el pelo marron tambien. Me gusta la rappera Nicki Minaj mucho. Ella es muy talentosa. Me encanta la cantante Jhene Aiko. Ella es muy bonita y talentosa tambien. Me fascina ir de compras con mi amigos. 

Slide 3: El or Ella (Melissa)

Ella se llama Melissa. Ella es muy guapa, trabajadora, y comica. Ella Tiene dos gatos, tres perros, y dos pescados. Le gusta el cantante Bruno Mars. Le encanta ositos de goma. Ella tiene quince anos. La quiera porque ella es perfecta. Ella es una buena amiga. 

Slide 4: Ellos (Milahn & Tjay)

Ellos son Milahn y Tjay. Los dos son locos, comicos, y tambien tienen ojos marrones. Los dos tienen familias grandes. Los dos les gusta hablar por telefono y comer mucho. Son importante para mi porque los dos son buenisimos amigos. 

Slide 5: (Brittany & Gabby)

Sus nombres son Brittany y Gabby. Ellas son bastante guapas. Ellas tienen el pelo marron. Tienen un monton de amigos. Les gusta pasar un rato con amigos y tambien dormir. Me caen bien porque ellas son genial. 

Slide 6: Nosotras (Sana & Isabella)

Nosotras somos Sana y Isabella. Somos mejor amigas. Nosotras somos locas y bajas. Nosotras tenemos familias grandes. Tenemos el pelo marron y los ojos marrones tambien. A nosotras nos encanta Nicki Minaj, Hi-Chews, y dormir en oovoo. Nosotras nos llevamos bien porque somos buenasimas amigas.

Slide 7: Fin

Bueno, gracias por midar! Adios amigos!

Mis Seres Queridos

Yo soy bastante cómica y deportista perro yo no soy seria. Yo tengo catorce años. Soy de Filadelfia.

El es Tj. Tj es alto, moreno, y un poquito timido. El tiene los ojos cafés. Me cae bien porque TJ es mi hermano la escuela.

Angelo y Alejandro son locos y increiblemente divertidos. Alejandro es soy de República Dominica perro vivo en Filadelfia. Me caen bien porque ellos son buenos amigos.

Gabby, Amirah, y Pilar son súper sociables. A ellas les gusta ir de compras. Me caen bien porque ellas son bobas.

Gabby y yo somos bonitas. A nostras nos gusta comer.Nos llevamos bien porque es una buenísima amiga.

Además este es mi proecto.Hasta Luego 


SLA Dance! "This Is How We Do It!"​

"This Is How We Do It!"​

Attention!! The next SLA dance is on February 1st. Tickets are limited so get them ASAP! If you have any questions please feel free to email Adam (aka) DJ Phazze, Mecca, or Zac.

When: February 1st
Where: 22nd & Arch St (SLA)
Time: 7p - 10p
Cost: $5 tickets / $7 at the door
Attire: Dress to Impress

*Feel Free To Bring Friends:

Friends Must Show High School ID!
Screen Shot 2013-01-17 at 5.48.16 PM
Screen Shot 2013-01-17 at 5.48.16 PM

Language Autobiography 2013: Language Is Like A Net

In English class, we had a unit on language and the role it plays in our everyday life. Also we explored the topic of language as the part it plays in our identities. We read many stories about language in other people's life such as Jame Baldwin and Bell Hooks, so we were assigned a project. This project is an autobiographical paper that explore themes in language that connects to our personal life. The theme that I chose to explore was whether language is an advantage or a disadvantage. My language autobiography shows that language can be both of those but it if we learn more about language than we could use it as an advantage. Since language is an important part of everyone's life, we should find ways to use it that would have a bad effect on ourselves.

I had just found out that my grandmother had cancer on Christmas Eve, so my family and I went to visit her. She was so frail and weak. It was like she was a completely different person than what I had remembered. Even though she was sick, she still greeted us with a warm smile and hug. I stayed in her living room watching my cousin play games on the Wii. My uncle walked into the living room and told us to eat pizza. After eating the pizza, we were getting ready to leave.

My grandmother was sitting on the sofa with my mom right beside her. Her face was full of exhaustion and her head was laying back on the sofa. She grabbed my hand and started speaking to me in Chinese. I was shocked because I have forgotten all of it. I was not answering her because I just could not.

“Ahh. Yang nea yay jomoi ma yan mek. (Like this, how is she going to speak with me.)” My grandmother was speaking to my mother.

“She’s just being shy.”

“Ma asked you if you were doing good in school.”


I couldn’t do anything but stare at my grandmother. I felt like there was an inner battle with myself. I wanted to speak to her so bad but I could not speak. In this moment, I felt like if I was to speak Cambodian, which she could also understand, I would just sound weird and she would not be able to understand me anyway. In my mind, there were things that I wanted to say to her but my mouth stayed shut. I wasn’t comfortable speaking Cambodian nor did I understand what she was saying to me in Chinese. My grandmother continued to ask me questions in Chinese and all I could do is nod my head without knowing what was happening.

At a time like this, I felt like knowing more than one language would be a huge advantage because it will allow me to communicate with other people, especially with people I love. Not being able to communicate with someone that you may not see again because of language is very upsetting but there is no point of knowing more than one language if we are not able express yourself completely. Knowing many languages could also be a disadvantage because of the restrictions it gives us. Sometimes I feel like I have blocked from saying what I want. I’m never fully able to express myself especially in different languages because I often feel like I want to say a lot more but I cannot because saying words in a language besides English feels so uncomfortable.

It is just another school morning for my family and I. It is about 7 o'clock in the morning and I am sitting quietly on the black couch with a red blanket wrapped around me in the living room. The room is dark and the only light it gets is from the bright light in the kitchen.  

Since it was a Wednesday and I normally go to Fleisher’s Art Memorial on Wednesdays, my mom asked, “Lisa, tov art de (Are you going to art today)?”

“No. Not today.”

“Haet ey(Why)?”

“Because I have a break until January 8th. It’s like winter break.”

“Lisa, mommy paep ta i yay khmer. (I told you to speak Cambodian.)”

She always bring this up and I never win when we argue so I just sighed and replied, “Yes.”

“What time are you going to be home?”

“At 3.”

“Again. I said speak Cambodian.”

I wanted to argue with my mom but I could not. She was already complaining about me not speaking Cambodian and I could only argue in English. At this time, I felt like my life would be much better if I only spoke one language because using one more than the other one, I begin to forget words, then phrases and so on and this makes it harder for me to say what I want.

Language is something that plays a big part in everyone lives and can often be an advantage or disadvantage to people. Some people thinks that knowing more than one language helps us express ourselves more but others may disagree and say that it does not help but actually puts a restriction on us. People should used language as an advantage because if we are able to know a language clearly, it would not come as a disadvantage.

Coming from a family that speaks two different language and living in an environment that speaks another language, I had a hard time communicating with different people. Since I was not able to keep up with three languages, I began to forget the ones from my family and only using English because it was the one that I used the most. When I was not able to talk to my grandmother, I realized that if you are bilingual, then you should use it to your advantage by not forgetting it. There are people that pay to learn what you can get from your family, unlike me, I forgot Chinese completely and this caused me to not be able to speak to half of my family.

In the story, “Tongue-Tied” by Maxine Hong Kingston, the main character got her tongue cut off so that she would not be tied to just one language and so that it could be free. Her mother stated, “I cut it so that you would not be tongue tied....”(pg. 164). Her mother felt like cutting off her daughter’s tongue would be the best choice for the daughter because then she would be able to speak multiple languages and not tied all around one. Also the girl stated, “I enjoyed the silence...”(pg. 164). She enjoyed staying silent and I think this is because she does not know how to control language and turn it into an advantage. She speaks two different languages but she prefers not to speak often rather than me because I rather just speak one.

People should know that language is a privilege and if they do not want it to be a disadvantage in their life, then they should embrace it so that it becomes an advantage instead. Language gives us the power to communicate with other people and that is an important aspect in life but it also creates a net, allowing only the little things we want to say through but not the bigger things. In order for us to break this net, we have to be willing to learn more about language. It is like trying to find a solution to a problem, we cannot find the solution until we learn about the problem.

Works Cited:

Kingston, Maxine Hong. The Woman Warrior. New York: Vintage International, 1976. Print. 

Mis Seres Queridos

Felix d’Hermillon

Spanish Q2 BM2 Script


¡Hola!¿Como estas? Soy bueno. Mi nombre es Felix Picolet d’Hermillon. Hoy seré su narrador. Tengo el pelo es ser rubio y los ojos es azueles. Tengo un papá, papá de paso, mamá, hermano y hermana. No tengo animalias. Tengo muchos intereses. Me gusta él monopatinaje, él bicicleta, él surf, la música, Salit con mis amigos (las campanas),la fotografía, y mi familia. Me Gusta el  y  él surf muchos.

Él or Ella 

Él = Dad d'Hermillon. Los ojos es azules y el pelo es cafés. Él es muy sociable, adjetivo, extraño y bueno sustantivo. Ver Mi Punto sobre la parte extraña. Él se divorció de el de mi madre cuando tenía tres años. El Le Gusta la cocina, andando, Navidad, y relajante. 


Caleb and Mod, (Caleb = Brother, Mod = Andrew {My Stepdad}). Ellos es deportista. Les tengo él pelo es cafés y los ojos es cafés. Les gusta deportista, la cocina, salir con la familia y jugando.


Azalea y Mom Derrickson. Ellas es creativa. Les Gusta el arte, el cine, jugando. Tengo él pelo cafés los ojos azules. No tengo animalias. 


Aavo and I. Nosotros tengo los ojos es azules y el pelo es ser rubio. Él es alto y soy es bajo. Él es mi mejor amigo. Nosotros gusta skateboarding, video games, deportista y swimming Tiene quince años y tengo catorce años. 

Adios Mi Amigos.

Espanol Bechmark

yo:   Soy de Filadelphia pero vivo en Delaware. soy baj@. Me gusta cantar, escuchar música, leer, ir de compras, y  pasar un rato con amigas. 
ella:  Caitlin Keough es más o menos timid pero con ella amigas ella sociable. el pelo ser rubia
ellas: Olivia y Hikma es muy sociable y comica. ambos soy de Filadelphia. hikma: pero hikma vivo en Ethiopia. ambos grande familia
ellos: ambos tiene Los ojos cafe. kevin  tiene un perro y cameron tiene un perro también. kevin le gusta practicar deportes y cameron le gusta jugar video juegos 
nosotors: Myrna,  Chemi, Malwina y yo. todos es  catorce. ellas les gusta  Ir de compras, escucar musica,  y Bailar. ellas tienen grande familias 


Los Seres Queridos en Mi Vida

¡Hola! Como Estas 

Mi llamo es Christian. Soy de Filadelfia pero vivo en Filadelfia. Soy deportista. Mi fascina practicar deportes y jugar videojuegos.


Ella es Sana. Es seria, y perezoso. Ella fascina bilar


Son Cameron y Cole. Ellos fascina eschar musica, y correr. Ellos son comico.


Ella es Joie , muy divertida y comica. Muy sociable. Ella es Imani, muy boba y habladora


 Ellos son mi primos. Ellos le gusta ir de compras.

my video

Los Seres Queridos en Mi Vida

Guion (Script)

Intro: Bienvenido a mi video. Yo me llamo Alex Colon. La escuela que voy es Science Leadership Academy (SLA). Es una buena escuela con muchos alumnos que son inteligentes. A veces yo soy una persona muy seria, pero a veces me gusta salir con amigos y divertirme.
Yo: Yo me llamo Alex Colon me gusta a tocar la flauta, comer tacos y gomitas con sabor a coca cola. Soy de San Juan Puerto Rico, pero vivo en Filadelfia. Yo Tengo dos perras, Lupita y Frida son muy gordas. Tambien tengo una hermana que se llama Paulex, ella tiene la pelo negro y los ojos marron. Tambien Me gusta divertirme con mis amigos.
Ella: Ella, el nombre de ella es Deja, la quiero porque ella es mi mejor amiga. ella es de Filadelfia, y vive en Filadelfia  ella tiene un perro y dos hermanas, ellos dos tienen pelo negro y ojos marrones. Deja le encanta practicar deportes y bailar.
Ellos: Ellos, el es Cameron, Cameron es de filadelfia y vive en Filadelfia. Cameron tiene un hermano que se llama Cole, Cameron tiene la pelo corto y los ojos marron,. Cameron le gusta a jugar football  americano, y hablar por telefono. Me caen bien porque el es un buen amigo para mi. Ellos son importantes porque son muy comicos.
Ellas: Ellas, el nombre de ellas es Deja, Imani, Shadiqua, Stephanie, Sattera, y Taylor. Ellas son de fildelfia, y viven en filadelfia. Todos tienen los ojos marrones y el pelo corto. Ellas les encanta ir de compras e ir al cine. Me caen bien porque ellas son muy divertidas, y son muy comicas. Ellas son importantes para mi, porque me han ayudado mucho con la escuela. Nosotros: Nosotros somos Ralfi y yo. Yo soy de San Juan Puerto Rico, y Ralfi es de filadelfia, pero los dos vivimos en filadelfia. Los dos tenemos una hermana y un hermano. Nosotros nos gusta a leer y correr. Nos llevamos muy bien porque Ralfi es muy comico y es un buen amigo para mi. Yo tengo los ojos marrones y el pelo negro, Ralfi tambien tiene los ojos marrones y el pelo negro. Nosotros somos importantes porque somos muy buenas personas. Gracias por ver mi video.

The Color of Water

My independent reading book is The Color of Water by James McBride. It’s A Black Man’s Tribute to His White Mother.  There are so many good reviews about the book.  The Color of Water won the 1997 Anisfield-Wolf Book Award for literary. It was the ALA Notable Book of the Year and spent more than two years on The New York Times bestseller list.

            The “Color of Water” is about two characters; Ruth and James. Ruth’s role is to make sure her children are taught everything they can be taught. She was born on the 1st of April 1921 in Poland. Her family fled to America and settled in Suffolk, Virginia. She lived with her parents and siblings. Her parent’s relationship was worthless. Her father constantly threatened to send her mom to Poland and he sexually abused Ruth.  At the age of 17 she decided to leave for New York. There she got married and had 9 children by a black man. Her husband died so she remarried, producing another 3 children. When he passed she took care of them.

Ruth has 12 young biracial children. They always wonder why their mother is so light meanwhile they are dark. When this question came up she often answered, “you’re a human being, educate yourself or you’ll be a nobody.” It’s hard for the youngest child because his sibling pick on him. Their mother doesn’t make a lot of money so they fight for food.  James, the author sees his mom as an embarrassment and is often worried that someone will hurt her. He’s afraid because she’s the only white woman living in a Negro dominant neighborhood

  James deals with a person vs. society conflict. He thinks that the community will not accept his mother because she’s “light-skinned.” I liked the book but it can really be confusing at times because it is told from 2 different points of views.  However I would not recommend this book to a friend because it can get complicated.

Video: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByijZnBHnRdwaW1wN0JuVUw4dFU/edit


Roe vs. wade, i'm chosing this case because it's a very famous case which relates to states rights.

Brown vs. bord of education, I choose this case because it involves civil rights.

Mis Seres Queridos

Intro:  ¡Hola! Este es mi proyecto de Español uno. Para mi proyecto, yo hablo a mi familia y a mis amigos. Pero primero, a mi:

Yo: Mi nombre es Aaron. Soy increíblemente inteligente, muy cómico, y un poquito extraño. Tengo pelo y ojos cafés. Tengo muchos amigos. Me gusta música y yo toco la guitarra.

Él: Tengo un hermano. Se llama es Eli. Es inteligente pero tambien, increiblemente extraño. Tiene pelo y ojos cafés como mi. Le encanta ping pong. Él es muy bueno a ping pong y juega en tornamentos de ping pong.

Ellos: Julian y Sam son mi amigos mejores. Son muy bobos. Sam tiene pelo rubio y Julian tiene pelo rojo y muy rizado. Les fascina en música como mi.

Ellas: Los nombres de mis amigas es Tali y Rebecca. Son inteligente y extrañas. Tali tiene pelo cafés y Rebecca tiene pelo rubio. Les fascina animales increiblemente.

Nosotros: Tengo un familia con mi padre, Jonathan, mi madre, Deborah, y mi hermano, Eli. Nos muy bobos y no normal. Tenemos un guinea pig. Somos guinea pig es Rascal. Nos gusta

Mis Seres Queridos

Hola Amigos ! 

Slide 2 - Mi nombre es Brittany Cooper.  mi cumpleaños es el dos de diciembre. Yo tengo quince años. Mi increíblemente impresionante 

Slide 3 - Mi mejor amiga es Milahn. Ella es muy muy bonita. Tienes catorce años. Les gusta bailar. Milahn es bastante importante para mi porque ella es mi otro mitad.

Slide 4 - Está es Cj y Gabe. Cj es mayor hermano y Gabe es mi sobrino. Cj es bastante alto y feo. Justo broma  ! Cj es súper guapo.  Bebé Gabe muy chico pero amores a acto bobo. Ellos son importante para mi porque ellos son familia. 

Slide 5- Esta es Naomi y Jasmin. Ellas son bastante bonita, y muy inteligente. Jasmin es mi español amiga. Naomi es baja baja pero súper trabajador. Ellas es importante para mi porque son es amor de gente.

Slide 6 - Mi tres amigas. Melissa, Milahn y Isabella. Ellas MUY loca cuándo juntos. Nosotras es importante para mi porque son es cerca de para mi corazón.


Los Seres Queridos en Mi Vida

¡Bienvenidos! Mi llamo Wilson. 

Yo soy inteligente. Tengo el pelo rubio, y los ojos muy azules. También tengo trece años. Me gustar jugar videojuegos, y usando mi computadora.

Su nombre es Toby. Él es inteligente y divertido. Él tiene pelo rubio, y los ojos azules. Él también tiene catorce años. Le gusta jugar videojuegos, usando la computadora, y escribir código.

Sus nombres son Forest y Ethan. Ellos tienen el pelo muy café, y yo no sé sus colores de ojos. Les gusta jugar videojuegos, por ejemplo Team Fortress 2 y Portal 2. Ellos tienen los gatos.

Sus nombres son Elliot y Emma. Ellas tienen el pelo café, y Elliot tiene los ojos verde. Ellas también tienen doce años. Les gusta escuchar música, por ejemplo One Direction y Justin Bieber, y jugar videojuegos.

Nuestros nombres son Wilson, August, y Josh. Nuestros tenemos el pelo rubio o café, y los ojos azules o otra cosa. Nosotros también tienen cerca catorce años. Nos gusta escuchar música y usando la computadora. También nos gusta tocar instrumentos musicales.

En conclusión, mis amigos y yo gusta muchas cosas.

Mis Seres Quiridos en Mi Vida

​¡Hola! Este es mi video.
Mi nombre es Jonas. Soy de Los Ángeles pero vivo en Filadelfia. Me gusta leer y jugar Magia De Reunión y Minecraft. Me gusta toco la guitarra. Soy serio y timido.
Él nombre Shigeo y apodo es Shiggy. Él pelo café y los ojos café. El me mejor amigo. A él le encanta FyreUK y Minecraft. Es serio.
Tienen nombres es Zack y Desmond. Desmond tienes apodo es Des. Zack tiene es rubia y los ojos azul. Des tiene el pelo café y los ojos café. Des le gusta correr. Los dos jugar Magia De Reunión.
Tienen nombres Ella y Surya. Surya es mi hermana y Ella es mi hermanastra. Ella le gusta nadar y bailar y practicar deportes. Surya le gusta cantar.
Él nombre Raz. Raz tiene el pelo rubia y los ojos azul.
El me mejor amigo. Somos le gusta Minecraft y Magia De Reunión.
¡Gracias de viendo!

E1 U3 Benchmark script

  Bienendios a mi proyecto de Español una. Disfruta!

  Mi nombre es Angelica; apodos son Angel, Angie y gelly. Soy loca,  talentosa y bien creativa. Soy de Filadelfia. Tengo el pelo negro, los ojos negros, una familia grande y yo tengo un perro. Me encanta escribir poemas, y me gusta cantar.

  Ella es Katie. Katie es Cuñada. Es simpática, casi siempre sociable y inteligente. Es de Chilicothe, Ohio. Tiene el pelo largo, los ojos marrones y una familia pequeña. Le gusta leer, cocinar y escuchar música.

 Son perry y dad. Son increíblemente deportista,  un poquito sociable y algo cómicos. Son de Ohio. Tienen el pelo negro y una familia grande. Les muy gusta leer, dormir, relajar y ver la tele.

  Su nombre es mom mom y aunt jean. Son bastante inteligente, y tambien sociable. Mom mom son de north carolina y aunt jean son de nueva york. Tienen el pelo largo, los ojos negros una familia grande. Les gusta dormir, escuchar música y concinar.

   Se llama Kayla y Salia. Su apodos kay and sali-li y mejor amigas. Mi mejor amigas son morena, y loca Son boba, extraña, muy talentosa, y creativa . Son es Filadelfia.

Conclusion: Espero que nayan disfutado esta presentación!

Mis Seres Queridos en Mi Vida


Me llamo Toby, y este es mi proyecto.


Me llamo Toby. Soy de Filadelfia. Tengo una familia muy grande y el pelo rubio. Me gusta surfear la red cuando tengo tiempo libre y jugar videojuegos con amigos.


Su nombre Wilson. Es mi mejor amigo. Él es divertido y tiene un perro. Le gusta escuchar música.


Sus nombres Javier y Mitchell. Son mis amigos, y son bastante cómicos. Me caen bien porque son mis amigos.


Son mi abuela y mi madre. Son súper simpática, y también tener gatos. Les gusta cantar. Me caen bien porque son mi familia.


Se llama Sam. Somos bien inteligentes. Vos gusta jugar videojuegos los fines de semana. Nos llevamos bien porque su es simpática.


Gracias por ver mi proyecto. ¡Adiós!