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Double Trouble
Proyecto de Nathan "El Bola"
El video:
Vocabulario que utilizé:
Promover la prevención de- promote the prevention of
Prevenir- to prevent
El moraton- bruise
La cicatriz-scar
La herida- injury
Hacer la vista gorda- to turn the blind eye
Los indicios- signs
Maltrato infantil- child abuse
Abusar/maltratar- to abuse
La realidad- reality
Denunciar- to report
Ocultar- to hide
El chaval- kid
Preocupante- disturbing
Pegar/azotar- to hit/beat
A day in the life; Cuba
After waking and eating what would probably be a government breakfast made up of eggs and maybe cheese, bread, and fruit (if you're rich) the kid would probably walk to school. The chances are very low that they would drive-- cars are notoriously scarce in Cuba due to the embargo enacted by the United States against the country 50-some years ago. Even if there was a car, it would be a very old model.
Once he arrives to school, and he probably will arrive to school, because most Cuban citizens are given at least an elementary education, he will learn subjects crafted around the idea of country, hard work, and knowledge deemed valuable. He will have to recite the Cuban pledge of allegiance.
After all this, depending on the social standing of his family, the kid will either work or play. If he needs to get groceries, he will do so from a government establishment, and will probably only be able to take home certain goods.
"Unicef - Cuba - Statistics." UNICEF. N.p., 02 March 2010. Web. 25 Apr 2011. <>.
Merz, Chelsea. "Harvard Public Health Review." Harvard University Summer, 2002: n. pag. Web. 5 Apr 2011. <>.
"Life In Cuba." - Your Source for Knowledge. Essorment, 2010. Web. 25 Apr 2011. <>.
A. Chandler, Kenneth. "Brutally honest assessment of current life in Cuba." Havana Journal. New York Post, 2010. Web. 25 Apr 2011. <>.
"Photo Gallery: Life in Castro's Cuba." Natoinal Geographic. Web. 25 Apr 2011. <>.
Q4 Proyecto "El Bola"
piensas cuando ves un chaval
caminando por la calle con moratones
y cicatrices? Cree que
el estaba jugando con sus amigos o que se callo corriendo. Que hicieras si te dijera que el es una
victima de el abuso infantil.
Muchos de los niños que son
abusados no le dicen a otros adultos. Estoy es porque tu necesita reconocer los índicos de el
abuso. Ellos pueden tener heridas inexplicables. Otros son…
El niño no vay al la casa temprano.
Crueldad a sus “amigos”
Pierden la capacidad de hablar con otros que no son sus padres
Su forma de ser se ve sucio y descuidado
El comportamiento del chaval
es cambiado drásticamente
Problemas de memoria
Miedo de la escuridad
Obedece sus padres pero de miedo
Tienen malas notas en el
Pierde mucha escuela
tantas personas hacen la vista
gorda cuando ven evidencia de abuso? No es raro cuando esto pasa. Muchas veces
no denuncian porque no
tienen prueba suficiente.
Q4 Proyecto ("El Bola")
Llamad@ - Named
La Prueba Suficiente - Sufficient Proof
La Cicatriz - Scar
El Moratón - Bruise
Pegar/Azotar - To Hit/Beat
Reconocer los Indicios - To Recognize the Signs
El Maltrato Infantil - Child Abuse
El Tema - Topic/Issue
Preocupante - Disturbing
La Realidad - Reality
El Denuncio - Report
Hacer la Vista Gorda - To Turn a Blind Eye
Enfrentarse Con - To Confront
El Chaval - Kid
Averiguar - To Find Out/To Ask
En la clase de Español 4, nosotros miramos una pelícual. El título es El Bola. La película se trata de un chaval tiene doce años y su padre abuso él. En mi proyecto, escribí dos emails imaginarios entre un maestro a la escuela de Pablo y un hombre de la policía. El maestro está expresando su preocupacíon por Pablo y el hombre de la policía es comprensivo pero él explica no hay pruebas suficientes. Escribí estas emails usando el vocabulario nuevo. El propósito de el proyecto no era sólo para aprender el vocabulario nuevo, pero tambíen aprender más de el maltrato infantil y los problemas que tenemos. Angunas cosas que aprendí que se el abuso físico no es sólo. También hay el abuso emocional. Más es que el maltrato infantil ocurre en todos los tipos de familias. Ricos y pobres. Esto es un poco de informacíon. Para más, visito los sitios de web en la parte inferior de esta página.
Señor official,
Yo soy el maestro de un niño llamado Pablo. Creo que el padre de Pablo abusó el niño. No tengo la prueba suficiente, pero en clase a veces Pablo tiene las cicatrizes y los moratónes. Creo que su padre pega él. Creo que yo reconocí los indicios de el maltrato infantil. El tema es preocupante y no es fácil de aceptar, pero creo que es la realidad. Le agradecería si usted investigar la situación. Espero que esta nota es suficiente para investigar. Gracias.
Antonio Rodriguez
Señor Rodriguez,
Lo siento, pero necesitar más para investigar. Gracias por su denuncio. Su preocupación es bueno y usted derecho a no se hacer la vista gorda, pero es posible tu preocupa demasiado. Recomiendo que usted enfrentarse con el Chaval y escuchar lo que dice. Averigue las preguntas de su padre. Niños juegos violentos y reciben los moratones todo el tiempo. Si usted tiene más evidencia yo estaría encantado de escucharlo, pero no podemos hacer nada ahora.
Official Lopez
Happy Easter
El Maltrato Infantil
1. Moratones, Moratones, Moratones, Moratones, Moratones, Moratones
2. Oculte, Oculta, Ocultar, Ocultar
3. Cicatrices, Cicatrices, Cicatrices, Cicatrices
4. Comportamiento, Comportamiento
5. Abusa, Abusaria, Abuso
6. Maltrato, Maltrato
7. Prueba suficient
8. Chaval
9. Denunciar
10. Averiguar
11. Preocupante
12. Pegarme
13. Realidad
Nuestro Editores:
1. Callie Monroe
2. Iraida Serrano
3. Johnathan Neris
4. Zillah Hernandez
5. Mi mama
6. Senorita Manuel
Por: Amaris Romero y Natasha Ashby
Johnathan Neris Abuso: "El Bola"
Negative Space
C. It helps an artist to see in negative space because it trains their eyes to not only focus on the details inside the object, but also the details on the outline of it.
D. Seeing in negative space doesn't enhance the drawing because all you see is the outline of the object without any details.
Negative Space
B. I found negative space in my cut out by the pink because the pink part was the back paper on which I put the cutout on. I found the negative space in my stool drawing by ignoring the outlines and shading in the empty spaces and the parts that I know weren't any objects.
C. It helps an artist to see in negative space because it trains their eyes to not only focus on the details inside the object, but also the details on the outline of it.
D. Seeing in negative space doesn't enhance the drawing because all you see is the outline of the object without any details.
Negatives, RSHAW
B. I found negatives in the cut-out by cutting out the shapes in one paper, then pasting the opposite color on the opposite colored paper. In the drawing, I found that drawing the outline of the stool, then shading the areas outside of the lines worked well.
C. It helps an artist to look at negative space drawing because it helps them notice things that they didn't notice before.
Art's Negative and positive space..
I found negative and positive space in the the cut out and in my stool drawing because when you see the actual lines and then the spaces between the actual lines then you see the negative and positive spaces.
It helps an artist to see postive and negative spaces because they see the main points if the art and then the spaces between the actual art.
Negative space
I found it in my cut out because I can see the outline of the owl and the stools
It helps because you can see the outline and see it better to make it easier
It helps because you can envision it easier
It's been a while
Negative Space
Negative space is the empty space between objects, like the space between the cup and the handle.
Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out? 2. In your stool drawing?
1. I found it in the cut out after ms. Hull explained how it's basically just cutting it out, and flipping it over onto the other side. 2. I found it in my stool drawing by looking in between the objects and basically just looking wherever i saw orange (there was an orange paper hanging behind the display)
Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
It helps an artist to get a better understanding of regular drawings if you also see in negative space. When you see in negative space you don't only just see the shapes of the objects you see the shapes between the objects, which enhances the drawing and makes the drawing not so one dimensional.
Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, who or why not?
I think that seeing in negative space does enhance drawings because you notice more things about the drawing. Someone who doesn't see in negative space would just see a stool, whereas someone who does see in negative space would see the empty space between the legs of the stool and the metal loop around them. It just lets you see more than just the object.
negative space
It help's artist to see the negative space because we have to see whats behind the actual picture. Seeing in negative space enhance's drawing because if you can draw whats behind the actual picture you can make it more realistic.
Negative Space
I was able to draw the negative space in my drawing by looking at the space around the object and through the open space of the objects that I was drawing. I found the t negative space in my cut out by looking at the shading in the drawing and also thinking that if the object was sitting in front of me what would be the actual object and what would be the space around the object.
It helps the artist to see the negative space because it gives the picture a realistic look. Also it helps the artist to see that if the wanted to shade some areas in their drawing it helps them to see what to shade.
See in the negative space enhances the drawing because it shows that the drawing is not just 2 dimensional it gives the object a very detailed three dimensional look.
Negative Space
Negative Space Drawing- Stools:
Negative Space Drawing- Various Objects:
Negative Space is simply an area of an image that isn't filled with objects or shapes. In most cases, it is ignored. Making a negative drawing helps with observation because when creating it, you must concentrate on solely the background.
In the cutout, it was easy to notice the negative space after you have the necessary pieces. The parts that aren't occupied by the pieces, are considered the negative space. This project was more simple because it consisted of only cutting and pasting pieces; however, the drawings had to be sketched out. In the drawings, I focused on the background behind the objects. Having the orange paper set up as a backdrop assisted me throughout my process.
Noticing negative space, allows an artist to develop observation skills. It helps an artist to focus on the main image and then go back later and add details.
Seeing in negative space enhances drawings because it allows the viewer to establish what to focus on.
Negative Space
B) 1. In the cutouts, the negative spaces color changed. 2. In the stool drawing i made the foreground positive and the background negative.
C) It helps because you can think of the drawing as two layers.
D) Yes, since it gives the artist a better understanding of foreground and background.
How I find the negative space in my drawing?- I found the negative space by looking at the positive space that surround my picture and looking at the space that surround my drawing.
My cutout in my drawing shows a tree and the positive space on one side and the negative space that surrounds the positive space on the other side resulting showing the meaning in the picture of negative and positive space.
In my stool drawing I show the negative space surrounding my stool drawing my shading in the space around it.
A artist seeing negative space in the drawing shows the artist to see the true shape of what their drawing and they see what shapes negative space.
Seeing negative benefits your drawing because if shows you the true shape or form of the object their drawing and the negative space surrounding it shows what shapes or shadows it makes in the drawing.
Negative Space
i found negative space in my drawings by seeing how i filled in the spaces between to form an image.
It helps an artist see an image because it shows the an image from the spaces between and how the image form it's artistic shape.
For me in a way it does because it let me see another side of a drawling, but when it comes to drawling negative space that's when it confuse me.
B. 1)I found negative space in my cut out by cutting out the spaces around the spaces that made up my picture. 2) I found negative space in my stool drawing by drawing the space around the stools from my view.
C. A artist needs to see negative space because, it shows them how things work together.
D. Yes, because it help you with perspective and spacing.