ILP blog post Keith Hodge

Hello everyone well my ILP is the same as the last time The Franklin Institute. First of all it is working out well everyone is so nice to me and they really have brought me in as a member of their TFI family. I have also received my TFI ID which I can use to go anywhere and just to name a few the basement (volunteer area) 5th,3rd floor and I can get into any traveling exhibit. Another cool thing I was able to do was create a scavenger hunt for the freshman which is in the comments if you would like to complete it for yourself. And lastly another thing I was able to do this year was go to the annual TFI Christmas party which was cool and also able to see my favorite scientist ever Bill Nye the science guy.

So overall I have a really cool ILP

P.s: Please feel free to ask any questions or comments about the scavenger hunt below.

ILP Quarter 2 Update

My ILP at the Philadelphia History Museum at the Atwater Kent has been going swimmingly. I’ve been alternating between researching and writing blog posts for their website and working at the front desk. The staff, including Joanne, Kristen, and Bob, have taken a shine to me and have been really kind and helpful. Occasionally, I get inspiration by walking around the museum and looking at the artifacts and paintings there. My ILP alternates between Wednesday and Saturday, depending on the week. I would like to finish this off by including the link to the blog post I wrote about Benjamin Franklin and his legacy:

E1 U5: Mi Familia

Zaire Williams

3-17-16                                                            Soy yo

de una familia fuerte

Somos productos de las Américas

Somos Americanos

No somos Mexicanos, Vivimos en America

La lengua de pollo y arroz

Hablamos inglés

Soy de familia

De dos padres cariñosos

Cuatro hermanas mayores fuertes

Dos hermanos mayores valientes

Un hermano del aprendizaje

En mi familia

Soy yo el segundo más joven

Que quiera tener éxito en la vida

Mi familia tiene muchos talentos

Mi hermanas son bueno a caballo obra

Mi hermanos y yo son bueno a dibujar

Mi padre es bueno a tecnología

Familia se define como un grupo específico de personas

que pueden estar formados por parejas,

hijos , padres , tíos , primos y abuelos .


Lung Cancer, Smoking vs. Vaping


Lung cancer is a tumor, in which cells keep growing in tissues of the lung. There are two types of cancer: small-cell lung carcinoma and non-small-cell lung carcinoma. Small-cell lung carcinoma is a malignant cancer and non-small-cell lung carcinoma is insensitive to chemotherapy. The main cause of lung cancer is due to tobacco smoking for a long time. Treatment depends on the cancer stage, which is a degree of spread. Stage I is cancer that did not spread to other organs and stage IV (the highest level) is cancer that spread to other organs. Non-small-cell lung carcinoma is usually treated with a surgery and small-cell lung carcinoma is treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Vaping is inhaling and exhaling the vapor. This vapor is produced by an electronic cigarette. According to Student Science website, Vaping May Threaten Brain, Immunity and More article states, “The scientists exposed pregnant mice to e-cig vapors. Then, once the pups were born, they too got exposed for a month. That is when mice reach young-adulthood. The animals breathed in vapors at concentrations scaled to be similar to what a vaping person might encounter. Then Zelikoff’s group tracked the activity of genes in the animals’ frontal cortex. This brain region is associated with planning and using inputs from the senses (like sight, smell and sound) to understand their environment.”Even though many people think vaping is better for them, it can still cause many damages to the body. Vaping can also cause a respiratory disease called a ‘popcorn lung’, which can destroy the airways of lungs, where the scar tissues gather and delay an airflow. The treatment for people with this disease, which just started developing, can use steroids, but people with a severe disease have a major treatment such as lung transplants.


Nowadays many people smoke cigarettes and vape. Many people know lung cancer can be one of the side effects of smoking, but many teens do not know many specifics about it. Smoking cigarettes is the main cause of lung cancer, which ends up being about 80-90% lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer also has a lower survival rate, than other type of cancer. People who smoke and vape are the most impacted, but people who are exposed to secondhand smoke somewhere else are impacted as well. People who do not smoke have about 20-30% of chance to develop lung cancer. Being exposed to different chemicals or gases, such as radon gas, can also cause lung cancer. Smoking cigarettes and vaping affects society in a negative manner because it causes lung cancer and people will not live healthy. People who vape can think of vaping as a way to help them quit smoking completely. There are levels of nicotine that they can control and lower its level to quit, but it is not easy. There is more research being done about vaping because scientists are not sure how bad it is for people, but they do know it contains chemicals, which harm the lungs.


I personally am interested in oncology. My grandfather was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in the winter of 2013 and was given six months to live. I always went back to Poland for the summer, which gave me an opportunity to take care of him, while my grandmother was still working. It was not easy to watch him go through it, but I am happy I got to take care of him. I saw how cancer changed his body and his brain/ thinking. He passed away while I was in Poland. In September of 2013 I had an internship at CHOP on cancer research, where I examined single nucleotide variations in germline patient DNA with neuroblastoma. In the summer of 2014 my uncle was also diagnosed with lung cancer. I went to Poland in the summer of 2014 and took care of him. He passed away while I was there as well. Seeing my grandfather and my uncle go through chemotherapy and radiation made me realize how important it is to know the side effects of smoking and its consequences. My sister used to smoke cigarettes, but then she switched to vaping, which I still disagree with. We have a lot of conversations about vaping and how it is still not healthy for her. She believes vaping will help her quit smoking and switching from smoking to vaping is better, but in my opinion smoking cigarettes or vaping will never be good for anyone, since it can have many side effects. I am definitely not interested in smoking because all of the experience above showed me the side effects I do not want to go through. I think people should quit smoking and vaping to live a healthier life.

Link to presentation:


Smoking hits all-time low, but not for these three groups. (2015, November 19). Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

What are the effects of smoking on the lungs? (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Effects of Smoking on Your Health. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Why Smoking Is Bad For You. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Smoking: Do you really know the risks? (2015, March 27). Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Raloff, J. (2016, February 14). Vaping may threaten brain, immunity and more. Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Gravitz, L. (2016, February 10). Teen data find vapers often become smokers. Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Tuason, C. (2016, January 18). Chemicals Used For Vaping Causes Popcorn Lung, Experts Suggest. Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Roeder, A. (2015, December 08). Chemical flavorings found in e-cigarettes linked to lung disease. Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Lungs After Smoking For 2 Years Photo [Digital image]. (2014, October 31). Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

D. (2015, March 23). Quit Smoking [Digital image]. Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

Mi vida de Cambodia

Mi vida de Cambodia

Soy yo Benjamin Seing

El niño de una familia muy triste

Soy completo y soy Budista

Un niño sin mis abuelos

Producto de Cambodia

Un elefante amable

Yo veo de maldad

Veo la oscuridad y miedo de escuela

Saboreo el dulces de las frutas

Oigo la musica de naturaleza

Toco muchas hoja de papel

Yo huelo libertad

Hablo muchos en inglés en escuela

Escribo en inglés es muy dificil

Paso tiempo hago mucha tarea

Entiendo muchos en inglés y español

Somos productos de Cambodia

Somos Cambodia y Americanos

Hablamos Teochew, Inglés, y Español:

La lengua de arroz y pad thai

No somos Americanos, vivimos en Filadelfia

No somos Cambodia. Cambodia está en nosotros, porqué allí no tenemos hogar

Mí padrés están en la major océan y somos completos.

Correr es mi destino

Destino de amigos

Mi amigos es mi vida
My Song

E1 U5- Mi Vida

Troung Minh Tam o Catherine Long

Soy yo

Vengo desde muy lejos

Una inmigrante

Cansada de estar corriendo

Adoptada de Vietnam

Veo latas de cerveza

Oigo la voz poderosa de mi familia

Huelo cigarrillo de mi tíos

Saboreo papa de mi abuela y mi madre

Toco la pequeña ao dai

Duermo bajo el azul del cielo

Dibujo mi familia desconocida

Como arroz, pato, pescado y pho

Estudio mi cultura

Somos productos de Vietnam, China y América

Hablamos inglés

La lengua de fideos y hamburguesa

Como uno se aferra a una pedazo de tierra

Pero allí no tengo hogar


Somos completos

E1 U5: Un Alma Partido


Un Alma Partido

Soy hija de las Américas

Y como si fuera poco

Soy hija de una encrucijada

No tengo adónde correr

No tengo donde esconder

Veo la línea del horizonte

Pero no puedo tocarla

Saboreo las lágrimas saladas de mi dolor

Toco las montañas rocosas del éxito

Pero es demasiado alta

Oigo fuerza

Vivo en la ciudad del amor fraternal

Pero eso es falso

Vivo con un corazón roto

Nunca olvido los recuerdos

Que partido mi alma

Corro de todos

Porque me dicen mentiras

Bailo con la canción de mi verdad

Porque es todo lo que tengo

Somos productos de los perdidos

Estamos cansados de correr

Hablamos esperanza:

La lengua de verdad y creencia

Vivimos en América pero

Nuestras mentes siempre se preguntan

Nuestros corazones descalzos se perdieron

Y no hay camino de regreso


Un Alma Partido (1)

Advanced Essay #4

My goal for this essay was to show how American people will eventually stop enlisting in the military because they will realize that their sacrifices are not truly appreciated by the American public and Government/Military. While researching and writing this essay I realized that the American Military does not focus on returning soldiers and veterans enough. Veteran soldiers are not given the support they deserve post war.

Matthew Willson

Advanced Essay #4


Historically, the armed forces have been revered in America. With the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, soldiers’ perceptions of military service and the public’s views on war have changed. While these changes may have begun during the Vietnam War, the effects of recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been had different.  Soldiers have begun to seriously doubt whether their sacrifices are truly appreciated by the American public. If this continues, views of being in the American military will change significantly, and it will become much more difficult for the military to successfully recruit and retain soldiers.

Since the Vietnam War, America has been involved in approximately 18 wars.  According to Stephen Kinzer of the Boston Globe, soldiers are today’s American heroes:  “Who is a hero? In today’s America, it is someone who chooses a military career, puts on a uniform, and prepares for war. Placing soldiers and veterans on this kind of pedestal is a relatively new phenomenon. Past generations of Americans saw soldiers as ordinary human beings. They were like the rest of us: big and small, smart and dumb, capable of good and bad choices. Now we pretend they are demi-gods.” The following picture captures this point of view perfectly.

There is a soldier on top of a mountain or hill. His face is hidden in darkness. The scenery and the soldier are depicted in dark colors while the American flag that he is holding shines bright in contrast to the darkness surrounding it. The biblical quote below the photo could be positive in a different context but instead it connects God and the bible to the actions of the US army. In this way, the soldier’s work is reframed not as violence and war, but rather “peacemaking.” To call soldiers the “children of God” not only legitimates violence as a crusade-like religious act for good, it also implies that the soldiers as blindly following the orders of their superiors and God--they are only children.

Historians have written extensively about the ravages of war and their toll on soldiers throughout time. While nobody doubts the impact of violence and war on soldier’s lives, the effects of recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have differed from past wars in several ways. Soldiers were fighting wars on two fronts; many saw the duration of their deployments extended because of poor post-invasion planning, and many have also subjected to stop-loss measures that prevented them from leaving the military until their units returned from war, even if their tour should have been finished.  It is clear that US soldier’s own perspective of their role has begun to change because of the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

One reason is the way they are treated after they have finished their tour of duty. According to Gabriela Acosta of USC, “Almost a quarter million Iraq or Afghanistan vets have been diagnosed with mental health injuries from combat service. Many more are not diagnosed, yet go on with their lives while experiencing short-term memory loss, headaches, insomnia, anger or numbness -- conditions that can range from merely annoying to highly disruptive on the job and within the family.”   Unfortunately, many soldiers that suffer from PTSD or other mental and physical injuries they received while serving time in combat are not provided with equitable resources to survive and live a healthy life after they serve their country and put their lives on the line. It is disappointing to see the American society have so much faith in their military when so many people's lives are traumatically changed by it. According to, “22 veterans take their lives every day.” This statistic is horrific and America should recognize this and try to fix it. We are clearly not supporting the needs of soldiers when they come back from war.

The VA (United States Department of Veteran Affairs), the agency charged with taking care of returning soldiers,  has also received a large amount of negative press in the past few  years regarding their poor support  and terrible veteran healthcare system. According to CNN, “the managers at the VA concocted an elaborate scheme to cover up long wait times there. The sources said more than 1,400 vets were placed on the purported secret list and that documents were shredded to hide the evidence. According to sources, at least 40 U.S veterans died waiting for care at the facility, many of whom were on the list.” This is just one example of many terrible things the VA has been guilty of over the years.  

At the same time, it is important to remember that most people don’t serve in the military, and the wars are being fought far far away from US soil.  The military’s promotion of their actions in the press has also created expectations in the general public. Loudly describing the Iraq invasion as an example of ‘Shock and awe’ created an unrealistic public perception of the war. According to Captain Scott Hubbard (a returned Iraq vet (US News)) “We expected to come in and throw another 3-pointer and everyone stand up and cheer. There was a lot of emotion, a lot of rhetoric, all the country music songs getting everybody fired up.  I think a lot of folks screaming for war just don't understand what it takes.”  With the impact of the press and misperceptions of the public fed by the military itself, returning soldiers wonder whether the public is behind them and whether they have the capacity to truly understand what they have experienced.     

Overall, the poor treatment of returning vets and the public’s reactions to news surrounding the war has created serious doubts in the minds of the soldiers regarding whether or not America truly values their military service.  According to Anna Mulrine (US News), “the sacrifices are great and sometime soldiers wonder why they keep making them.”


Kinzer, Stephen. "Joining the Military Doesn’t Make You a Hero - The Boston Globe." Boston Globe. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. <>.

Acosta, Gabriella. "The Impact of War: Mental Health of Veterans and Their Families." USC.EDU. USC, 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. <>.

Bronstein, Scott, Drew Griffin, and Nelli Black. "Phoenix VA Officials Deny There's a Secret Wait List; Doctor Says They're Lying." CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. <>.

Mulrine, Anna. "How the War In Iraq Is Changing the American Soldier." US News. U.S.News & World Report. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.


E1 U5-Loco Pero Juntos

                            Loco Pero Juntos...

Mi nombre es Liliana Rivera.

La hija de un papá que vive Puerto Rico,

Y una mamá de Filadelfia,

Pero la nieta de inmigrantes.

Tengo tres hermanos,

Tres hermanos quíen son muy diferentes,

Pero toda mi familia es muy diferente.


Veo pelo loco.


Saboreo el arroz amarillo y frijoles de mis padres y mis abuelos,

Una tradición de la familia Rivera.


Oigo la música rock,

La favorita de la familia Rivera.


Huelo el perfume “Angel” de mi mamá,

Es mi favorita olol.


Toco las manos de mis sobrinos,

Los niños de mi hermana.

Escucho música rock, es muy importante para mi.

Cocinamos con mi mamá, nos conecta.

Celebrando con mi familia siempre y es divertido.

Necesito mi familia, me importa mucho.

Nosotros, mi hermana y yo,

Somos productos de Puerto Rico y Rusia.

Nacimos judios puertorriqueños norteamericanos.

Nacimos en la encrucijada.

Somos diferentes pero juntos.

Mi papá está muerto, nosotros nunca lo olvidamos.

Nosotros queremos ser fuerte.

Desde que nací, me encanta mi familia.

Somos todo lo que tenemos,

Nosotros somos una familia

Lily's song

Los Nubes - Caroline Pitone

Caroline's song

Caroline C. Pitone

Soy yo

La hija de mis padre cariñosos

Niña con una hermana mayor y bonita que vive en los nubes

Producto de la sociedad

Veo los edificios en la ciudad

Saboreo los dulces de las tiendas

Oigo los voces de mis amigos

Huela la pelo de mi mamá

Toco las manos de mis queridos

Necesito mi familia y mis amigas a mis lados

Hablo con una voz alto y grande

Bailo con los nubes

Escapo de la luz cerrado

Somos productos de la sociedad

Somos de América

Hablamos lenguajes diferentes

La lengua de cultura y de lugar en donde vives

Somos differentes

Vivimos en el mismo lugar

No somos de Filadelfia

Somos parte de Filadelfia

Mis amigos y yo somos unidos y somos completos

audio provided by Orion and Caroline Pitone

Mi familia no inmigrante- Justin Stewart

Yo soy humano

Mi familia y yo todos somos

Yo no soy inmigrante

Yo soy de Filadelfia

Mi familia es de Africa

Pero no somos inmigrantes

Veo la Africa

Saboreo tierra en Mi boca

Oigo el gritar por la noche noche

Huelo la muerte

Toco preocupado

Mi abuela es de la tierra de bisonte

Mi abuelo es de la tierra de mar

Mi mamá es de la tierra de arból

Mi papá es de la tierra de no dinero


Somos productos de América

Somos Americanos

Hablamos inglés

No somos inmigrantes. Vivimos en América

No somos inmigrantes.

Mi mama y yo estamos en América

Audio by Orion

Justin's song

E1 U5: Somos Todo

Imani Williams,

Soy completa.

                        Mis padres no son inmigrantes



Producto de Filadelfia.

                     Familia que viajes.

Veo la memoria de mi infancia,

Saboreo mi madre famoso salmón,

Oigo risa de mi familia,

        toco las plantas en el jardín.


Nado con el delfín en la playa.

Yo vuelo alto con el pajaro en el cielo.

       Escapo a la puesta del sol,

Necesito mi familia permanecer toda.


Somos productos de Filadelfia.

Somos Africanos.

Hablamos inglés.

   La lengua de pollo y arroz.


Somos Americanos y vivimos en America.

    Hablamos el mismo idioma.

Somos completos.

Spanish 2

Mi Corazón

Yo soy humano.

Mi familia es mi mundo, mi inspiración.

Separada, clandestina

Es la herramienta de mi conciencia,

Mi cuchillo de cristal.

Soy nueva. Mi familia me hizo.

Veo las encrucijadas,

Estoy enferma y nerviosa,

Pero nosotros siempre superamos.

El gusto de comida con mi madre baila desde mi lengua.

Huelo la aroma dulce.
Oigo la risa lucha en contra del silencio.

Toco el peso del aire alrededor de mi.

Recuerdos desde mi infancia.

Vuelvo a mi pasado.

Corro por la ciudad.

Canto con mi poesía.

Nado en las estrellas.

Somos productos de trabajo duro.

Somos familia.

Tenemos problemas,

Pero nos protegemos.

Mi familia es mi alma.

Tenemos comunidad,

Somos completos.

Spanish Poema

ILP Blog Post

I am enjoying my ILP. The fact that I am able to work at my church is allowing me to accomplish many things. The first thing is that as I stated in my previous blog post my knowledge of Technology has increased. I have learned how to do things such as set up mics and control them all. The other main thing that I have been able to accomplish is that I have been able to became more active in my church. I have became a very active member and as of right now I will be baptized in the month of June. My ILP is a success and is continuing to be an amazing experience for me. 


Since the beginning of the school year my ILP is at Greenfield Middle School where I assist the teacher in class and I help the students out with the class activities. So far, I don't have any concerns or problems with my ILP. I am really enjoying it especially dealing with little kids. This doesn't give me any stress which I'm glad and I'm always looking forward to this every Wednesday. 

¿Mi Historia o Nuestra Historia?

Soy de la ciudad del amor fraternal
No sé amor pero sé dolor


Recuerdos desde mi infancia

Que a veces parten el alma

Yo oigo mi mamá y papá

“Todo es bueno”

Yo veo la historia por la encrucijada.
Yo toco mi camino debajo de mí
Yo saboreo el ácido mi historia,

Pero huelo al principio del futuro.

Mi corazón descalzo escondo de la ciudad,
Yo corro a mi familia
Pero mi familia pelea
No sé adónde correr.

Nuestra casa es ilimitada,

Todos somos familias.

No importa nuestra historia

Somos completos.
Emily's song (1)

E1 U5 (Soy Completo)

Spanish - Soy Completo

Matthew Milligan

Soy yo

El producto de mi familia

Soy yo un lobo

Yo corro con mi manada

Veo el amor en mi familia

Saboreo la cocina de mi mamá

Huelo la dulzura de vida

Oigo la voz de mi hermana

Toco las manos de mis amigos

Camino por los tréboles verdes

Nado sobre el mar irlandés

Alzo a mi casa

Necesito mi gente, mi verdad

Somos productos de inmigración

Somos Americanos

Hablamos inglés:

La lengua de libertad y oportunidad

No somos inmigrantes pero ellos viven en nosotros

No somos perfectos pero estamos contentos

Mi familia y yo estamos en nuestros casa


Somos completos

ILP Blog Post

My experience at my ILP (The Philly Zoo) is very amazing. I get to use my public speaking skills a lot, I make lots of friends, I help people, and I gain a lot of knowledge about animals that I d. This ILP has really help my communication skills get better, and I now have a better understanding on what animal and environmental conservation is. I enjoy working at my ILP.

Ilp Blog Post

I had a great time and am still having a great time at my Ilp. It is a very interesting course considering that it has to do with law. I've always enjoyed having conversations about what is allow and what is not allowed in this country that won't break the law. In this course I get to discuss these things with my classmates and teachers and have a well thought out discussion. I enjoy my Ilp and am looking forward to finishing it off this year.

Malachi ILP

My ILP was pretty solid. At the beginning it was just kind of a question and answer experience but recently its been more of a hands on work kind of feel ya dig. But overall its pretty chill my host is a very reasonable person and understands where I come from whenever Iḿ not so out going. 

Chen: ILP Update

My ILP still remain the same and is going great. Every Wednesday I go to greenfield to help out. This is something I enjoy doing because I really like helping out the children and even teacher. I am looking forward to seeing and helping the children again because the smile of the children face makes my day. Especially when I know that they are smiling because of me. I helped them on their works and read books to them when needed. I also play with them at recess. The best things that stand out is the fact that I am not only helping the children but teacher as well. I helped the teacher get some work or activity done that is eventually passed out a few days later for the children to do. Helping out is something that I look forward too every week because it is something that related to what I want to do when I get older.

ILP Review

What went well at my ILP was that I got more real world application, I had opportunities to help people in my community, I got a chance to interact with new people , and to explore and visit new exhibits. Somethings that I am looking forward to teaching a course at the Franklin institute. I am looking forward to this because I can't wait to get a chance to share my knowledge and what I learned with people. Somethings that stand out at my ILP the different exhibits and the fact that I get to interact with kids more often. I like my ILP a lot, it is a fun and I learn new things every time.