5 pictures- short story

Once upon a time there was a queen. She was due to have a baby soon and was very worried that her child would not be happy as a prince or princess. When she was younger, she had despised her title and longed for a normal childhood. She wanted a way for her son or daughter to have a choice as to what life they would have. It just wasn't fair for someone to have their whole life planned out for them the moment they were born.

The queen decided to leave the castle and go to a quiet place in the woods where there was a stream. This place had a cottage that had been built many years ago. She brought with her another woman, her best friend, to help her. The plan was for the woman to raise the young princess or prince away from all the pressures of the castle. The queen would spend as much time at the cottage as she could and the child would have everything she had wished for- the right to play, to cry, to sing and laugh and not be forced into a life someone else had set up.

The day finally came for the baby to be born. It was a baby girl, the kingdom's only princess. She grew up to have thick blonde hair that she would tie up into braids to keep out of her face. The queen named her Anna. The little girl was often sad because she couldn't understand why her mother had to leave so much but she was very, very happy whenever they could be together. Her nana, who did live at the cottage all the time, taught her such wonderful things like how to be a lady, to have good manners, but also taught her to read and about all the different kinds of wildlife in the forest.

One day, the queen came back to the cottage after a whole week. It was the Anna's 16th birthday and they were so excited. They had a party and Nana made the Anna a beautiful new dress. The queen gave her a single rose petal. Anna was confused, and asked her what it was. The time had come for her to be told who she really was. The queen said that the petal was from a rose in the Royal Rose Garden. Anna was so excited. She had heard about the castle from other girls in the village nearby but she had never visited. Then the queen explained everything to her. She said where she went when she left the cottage, that she had to help rule the kingdom. She told Anna that she was a queen, and that she had a father who was a king. She explained why she was raised in the forest, and asked for her forgiveness for keeping such a secret from her. Anna cried.

She ran to her room and locked herself away. The queen and her best friend were so worried. Could they have made the wrong choice? The queen had never intended to hurt her daughter. She just wanted a better life for her. Finally, Anna came downstairs. She was still crying a little, but she had made her choice. She ran to her mother and as they hugged, she told her she wanted to know her Daddy. And they all lived happily ever after in the castle, a family who loved each other and loved their people. Anna grew up to be the best queen there had been in two centuries. Her combined understanding of the hardships of peasant life and the ways to serve as a royal made her a kind and understanding ruler. Her people loved her, and she made her little corner of the world a better place. The End.

This is a short story

Time goes by so slowly. It just ticks away second by second. Everyday in school Heather stares at the clock, watching time go by painfully slow.  Reality sucks. Heather escapes it by being in a constant state of daydreaming.  By being separated by reality Heather achieves little in school. She can't help it. She's tried various times to pay attention but came to the conclusion she just can't.  It's impossible to sit for 6 hours listening to a teacher lecture on and on. Instead Heather slips into fantasies. She imagines ways of making time go by faster. Well not faster but exciting or at least different.  See, time goes by slowly because Heather is bored, however by adding a thrill to life, time goes by faster. Perhaps pulling the fire alarm would make a good thrill?

"No, it's to risky," she thought. 

"I'll get caught, go to principle's office, and be grounded for a month, so in the end I’ll just make my life even more boring. However, there is always the chance that I won't get caught. And we'll all rush out of school and wait for the fire department to come, but that will only take up an hour or so."

Heather sighed and decided to take up some time by wondering throughout the school. She went to the stairways. She was hoping some kids would be hanging out there skipping class, but no luck. This was usually a good spot to go to. Everybody was always hanging out there, but after the school got a lecture about cutting class kids stopped. Heather sat on the steps. It was nice to just sit in silence, but after a while Heather could smell the stench of the stairways. She never really noticed how bad it was before because she would only walk up them to get from class to class or would always be distracted by being engaged in a conversation. Heather decided it was to time to leave the stairs. Anyways they were too gray and insipid leaving her drowsy and bored. Heather began to wander through the hallways. They were the exact opposite of the stairs. They were so full of color and bright lights. This was a good adjustment from the stairs, but they were empty. It was as if the school was abandoned. Heather felt lonely and a little spooked out.  She felt as if she was on an episode of the Twilight Zone, where she was the only person alive. She would never have another human interaction again. She’d go crazy from lack of socialization, become schizophrenic and die alone, and nobody would care or know because nobody would be alive.  Heather walked around school more in hopes of finding someone, to calm her fear. She found an exit. Heather had a decision she could leave school or stay. She was afraid of leaving, because then she might get in trouble and her belongings were in her class, but Heather’s fear was slowly consuming her. She hadn’t seen or heard anybody for a while now. She had to go outside and see human civilization. She pushed open the door that leads outside. She saw no one and for the first time Heather wanted to be in reality.




Predator Attack

And there they were…


Those beautiful, delicious-looking roses, staring at me with an evil eye…


I wanted to pounce on my prey immediately, but I had to be stealthy or else they might run away.


I lurked behind the desks and under the chairs.  I kept a close watch on such a valuable item.  No one was to steal my precious flowers.


As I slowly inched closer to the prize, my heart began to race faster and faster.  I felt like it was going to explode.  Blood pumped through my veins with intense excitement and anticipation. 


With one quick leap, I jumped onto the roses and snatched them out of their vase.  Water spilled everywhere as the vase went crashing to the ground from the impact.  People stared at me but I took no heed.  I jumped away and hid in the freight elevator room to enjoy my snack.


One by one, I picked off the delicate, red petals and placed them on my tongue, slowly savoring the taste of such a high quality bouquet.  I even ate the stem, although it pricked my mouth a little bit.


Then, I heard a loud knock on the door.  Someone had found my hiding spot and wanted to steal the remaining bits of my loot.  I grabbed whatever bits of the roses I could and swiftly flew out the side door into the drama room.  

Little did I know, I had left remnants of my plunder on the floor behind me that showed a distinct trail of my travels. 


I would be in a world of trouble if they caught me and seized my glorious roses.

Hospital Prank

​While i was staying at the hospital there were a few teenagers i made friends with along with the child life specialists. So one of the child light specialist thought it would be funny to play a prank on the us. She woke us up early and took us all the way down to the main lobby and sat us on the stairs. We all complained about how tired we were and if we could go back to bed, but she just shook her head and sat beside us smiling really happily, while waiting to see what would happen we noticed there were alot of toddlers and kids around us along with the news being there . then the music kicked in and Elmo popped out of nowhere and everyone cheered, Everyone except us. I sat there with the most unhappiest and tired face i could possibly muster and turned to the specialist to see her laughing. so we sat there through the entire show and i kept that face until we left and got upstairs and i was back in my bed. Later on that evening one of the psychiatrist was watching t.v and saw they covered the story and it went a something a bit like  " All the kids were excited to see Elmo and the gang stop by at children's hospital of philadelphia" the camera panned all the happy kids and then there was just me at the end of all the kids with that face.  

Box Wall

While imaging computers for the freshman in junior year me and the other people imaging built a wall out of cardboard boxes and took turns crashing through it. In hindsight it was a stupid and painful idea but it was probably one of the most fun things I have ever done.

 for your amusement i offer video footage of said stupidity.

My dog

  Sometimes I look at my dog and find him to be the most entertaining thing ever. His name is Ozzy David Bowie (my dad named him). He has been my little companion for over 8 years now and I still act as if he is a puppy. One of his eyes is blue the other brown. He is small, fluffy and a bit pudgy (after all he is a pekingese) When he sleeps he tends to stick his tongue out and he plays with toys much to big for him. Even when I walk him he tries to go after bigger dogs to show he is tough. Maybe to others these are common characteristics of their dogs. But with Ozzy something is just...special about him. Like his personality he has just makes him unique.


Another days story

Today was on/off day, if you know what i mean.  Early today i was with my record label.  Now as some may know and others may not, we are in a beef, battle with this other “record label”.Now we thought we had finally cornered these guys.  We found out that their leader was using lines that someone else wrote for him.  Now some people find that may be fine, but to me, who spends times actually thinking about what im gonna say, thats a disgrace.  So we take it to the people who are supposed to be judges, but they are among the people who say its ok to suck and have other people write for you. Im beginning to believe this is a very biased battle.  but thats fine cause when we win, it will undoubtedly prove were the better label. So after school i was chillin with my vice pres, slim, my lucky lefty Oscar and my bestie best best kamille and we were actin goofy as hell. that was awesome. afterschool i went to the grave of my departed best friend….i know its weird but it helps me calm down and…ya know….maybe ya dont….anyway, when i got home, they told me my cuz is in the hospital but gave no reason why…so now im worried…what a day….i was talking to my old friend Aaron and he told me to cheer up even though i was on the brink of having a fit….his words were “as long as i've known you {since kindergarten] youve been a monster. fighting, super energetic and husky as heck…a devil in premature form…and not once have you never cried. so why start now? right? ahahahaha devil may cry was based off of you so dont cry..devils never cry like the game says”…corny right? but its the best pick me up ive ever been given….lesson of the day, always count on your friends


Today I'm going to read a book.  I never read. I need to start reading. I heard this book was really good, hence that is why I am going to read this book. Usually when I say I'm going to do something I don't do it. But this time will be different. I swear.

Completely blown away.

This weather is freakin' gorgeous.

I'm so tired of scholarships. Has anyone started them yet? They are a pain in the @$$. Ugh.
I'm actually running out of things to say so I'm going to write a short poem.

My finger hurts bad.
I have a band aid on it.
I will be okay.


Check this.
Wale- Breakup Song.


The group consisted of Devon Thomas, Jeremy Cothran, and Danielle Duncan creating a visual representation of scorn.

We chose to incorporate the emotion of acceptance and love as well as scorn in order to create a visual representation of the underlying scorn that people have.


By camille m. and graham davis

The Emotion that we picked was torture, and we decided to do something a little out of the box with the emotion and looked at it from a different perspective. 

El Chico Nuevo Por: Diamante Logan :)

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Daily Story: Feb. 17


When I was in middle school, we had to take computer class and learn how to type. I was SO annoyed that the letters weren't in alphabetical order on the keyboard. Like, what's the point? It's hard enough already to learn how to type without all the letters being scrambled up. My teacher told me it was because people used to have typewriters and if the letters were in alphabetical order then they would get stuck all the time. I guess that makes sense but then I was left wondering why nobody ever changed it back once computers were invented. 

They say you don't really learn anything in computer class but that day I learned that the world really is run by grown ups. It was really a matter of whether adults would want to have to re-learn how to type so that everyone in the future can have an easier time typing. Lightbulb...

One Emotion- Guilt; Morgan & Natikwa

Morgan Feldscher
Natikwa Goodwin

Morgan leaves her laptop for a quick second just to come back and realize that someone stole it. She searches all over and no one claims to have seen it. Little does she know that her best friends the thief. Will guilt over take her emotion and bring her to admitting she stole the laptop?


So, Iv'e decided to get my life together. I plan on no so much saying what I want to do and what I want done and just doing it. I have been reflecting on my life, and all I have been through and how big of a mystery it must be for everyone else. I mean I think about all the things they could possibly be thinking about me not coming to school. Once my friends actually thought I had a double life. (lOl). I have never been open about my personal life unless it was absolutely necessary. I don't feel the need to let anyone in because, nothing will change. so I have decided to change it myself. I want to make goals for myself and watch them unfold. Thats my plan.