The peace in the history

Hey everyone:
This is my advanced essay number 4, with the topic of the violence. This essay  is about historical events, solve by the peaceful way, and show that the war is not the better answer for the conflict. Enjoy

Afghanistan,1978. The soviet army invaded Afghanistan, with the hope to get out of the soviet crisis. The US army sent weapons to the mujahideen for self defense, US and the U.R.S.S were in the cold war. In 1992 the soviet ran away because they couldn’t defeat the local guerillas supported by the United States. At that moment that look like huge victory, but then in 2001 the same person who were trained by the the US army attacked the World Race Center. All world were wondering why they did that.  The answer is clear: violence only bring more violence. I don’t want to go in details.

My point is that conflicts had never been solved with with violence, in anytime. In all case that violence had develop in a pacific resolution. The only way to get a solution in any situation is with the peaceful way. And here in most in the cases, they were able to keep the peace much time \after . We can look to the history and notice that.

The most popular is India. This country was a U.K colonie, where they committed abuses, like most of the colonies.  After world war II, people in India wanted to be independent, and the riots started.

But them appear Gandhi, and start the disobedience  civil, basically was to protest in peaceful way, and ignore the security forces who try to stop them. This worked, after almost 10 years, the british were out, and India was indepencie.

After the independence, the country was in peace, because they didn’t use violence, so nobody wanted to hurt them.  Probably if they had used the violence, the conflict had been longer, with thousand of deaths in both sides, and  even the Indian win, the violence inside of the country still present time after the independence.

But not only India got the resolve conflict the peaceful way. This year, in Gambia, small country in Africa, a dictator ran away, because the country was against him, and the other choice was a civil war. This time he didn’t took the war, because some countries, like Senegal were ready to invade this country. So the dictator with this situation chose the peaceful way, and resolve a conflict that other way will thousand of deaths, and don’t resolve the conflict

Even the actual democratic government offer him to live there, with no punished and the rights as the other people from Gambia.

In the history of the humanity, most of the events happened because someone lose or won a war, but most of the wars that happened in the last 2,000 years is because war in the past.

But the conflict resolved by the peaceful way are less, but it didn’t cause more violence or war after that. You can think in Gambia, or India as a country, or even social problems, like the apartheid in south Africa.

Every country, before use the military way, the easy one, should think in the conscious after the war, look if the can damage the future of the country. But I know the interest of the countries are above the people who live in that interest, destroying all the hope for avoid the war. 

Advanced Essay #4: Women as Targets

For this paper, I tried to show how sexual harassment is a very prevalent issue that we have been tackling for years. Women are challenged with the situation that they are in

they are always the targets in society. My process was not very easy because it was hard for me to combine all the same ideas together and not sound repetitive. But, as I read

the articles I figured a way to show the approach in different ways.

In today’s society,  we face many issues that either affect the community as a whole or a particular group of people. Sexual harassment is an ongoing problem that has remained in society for years and the sad truth is that women are the main targets. Most women who are victims of sexual assault are discouraged from speaking up because they are either afraid or ashamed to face the problem due to the response that they will get from the public or the harasser. As a young woman, I can definitely relate to these women who feel this way because you never know if the situation could be fixed or would only get worse. However, I feel as though women should face the problem right away and have zero doubts in reporting it because it is very important to make a move instead of just ignoring the issue. How will the problem be solved if it is being ignored?

Sexual harassment can occur anywhere, especially in a work environment. This will add more tension to the victim which can be a severe detriment to an employee’s work life. The quantity and quality of the employee might suffer, as well as the employee’s ability to work with others. Sexual harassment will not only affect the employee’s performance at work but it will harm their psychological and physical wellbeing. According to the source FindLaw, “Inform the harassing individual in a polite, but clear, fashion that their offending conduct is unwelcome and should stop immediately. This alone can sometimes be enough to put a quick stop to workplace harassment.” Even though confronting the harasser can be a risky move for others, it’s always better to have the courage to step up because this can give them a realization that something needs to be fixed. They may think that their actions are “normal” even though it’s already causing tension between the victim and the harasser. Little do they know that their words already has a great impact in a person’s well-being.

Society has taught some of us the power differences between men and women which is causing sexual harassment due to society’s traditional sex-role stereotyping. According to a CNN article about women speaking out about Sexual Harassment, “Many women, regardless of age, weight, or appearance, say they've heard something along the lines of ‘Hey baby, you want some of this?’ or ‘I like what I see’ or ‘nice ass.’ All of those statements are sexual harassment. And while some men might consider them compliments, to many women, they are a threat.” Men are put in a greater position of power than women in society which gives the effect that women have a higher rate of harassment experiences because they fill positions of less authority. Society’s expectations are engraved in our minds which causes tension in both genders.

Sexual Harassment is an ongoing issue for years that most of us still suffer from today. Even though people have little education about this topic, there are still ways to lessen the problem through community involvement. Nowadays, there are multiple anti-harassment groups and campaigns that everyone can reach out too. Just like most of the issues that we are facing in society, the help of the community is always very beneficial to lessen the problem since more inputs are being incorporated and the topic will get more attention if a large group is involved. Many women today are also standing up against sexual harassment with other women which shows the action that is progressing to lessen the issue.

Smith, Emily. "Hey baby! Women speak out against street harassment." CNN. Accessed March 23, 2017.

"Sexual Harassment Facts." Findlaw. Accessed March 23, 2017.

Advanced Essay #4: Seventeen

For me this essay was a chance to explore street harassment, learn more about it, and address it through a different lens. I've always found dress coding interesting and after reading more about street harassment, I saw similarities in the way students acted and how punishment worked. I wanted to use this essay to draw parallels and bring to light something that I don't think is addressed enough. I definitely learned a lot myself and was shocked by some of the statistics I saw. I really hope that this essay shows people who don't know much how societal sexism can affect young bodies and be very detrimental as a woman grows up in this environment. Overall, I think this essay turned out well. I had a few bumps in the road trying to figure out what I wanted to write about and trying to smooth out kinks in the essay, but fairly smooth overall.

Seventeen. The age at which a majority of women have experienced some form of street harassment ( The age at which women learned to walk faster when they see a group of men. The age where they learned to always pack pepper spray. The age where they learned to always have 911 on call before they stepped outside. At 17 girls learn that their bodies are for your viewing pleasure and they hear from those very same men that the advances were their fault or to not take it so harshly or to just chill out or to enjoy it, adding one more pane to the glass ceiling that prevents gender equality. 

This glass ceiling, built from panes of lewd comments, lusty stares, dumb blonde jokes, and condescension comes included in the box set women are given at birth. Even before 17 girls learn to be pretty, fragile, and quiet, their minds suppressed in favor of highlighting their bodies. Even rules like dress codes, designed to protect them and their peers, are biased against them. Dress codes are the precursor to street harassment, the demo version before you unlock the real thing. In a similar way to street harassment, girls are taught that their outfits invite sexualization. They’re taught that their short shorts or cut tops are permission for their bodies and minds to be reduced to a distraction. Even worse, when a girl is dress coded for showing bra straps or wearing short shorts, she’s taught that enjoying her body in the way she chooses is inappropriate. Improper dress coding like this tells boys they don’t have to control themselves or stop from sexualizing women's bodies and tells women they are the one who have to change to prevent this sexualization. Dress codes fortify the already sexist environment women are growing up in and make catcalling seem ok and even natural for men to do.

As they grow, it only worsens and intensifies. Hair pulling and name calling in school upgrades to groping and wolf whistles. Yet, despite the violence worsening, it’s still not addressed seriously. Senator Malcolm Roberts corroborated this in his interview with ABC Radio, stating, “Some girls think that that is wonderful, they, you know, they smile…Is a wolf-whistle harassment? It depends upon the person…” Maybe it does depend on the person, but if the person you’re asking is one of the millions who have been violated at any point in their life, I’m sure their opinion would differ. Men effortlessly devalue street harassment as compliments or small infractions, only acknowledging it if it becomes physical. “Unless it turns physical or violent, the guy was “just giving you a compliment”, so it kind of becomes your fault for not being chill about it,” say Barine Barud, a Mexican woman and frequent victim of street harassment. Comments like that or people who say women are asking for it, are a born from improper dress codes. As women are taught certain attire is sexual and distracting, men learn that when women choose to wear that they’re asking to be catcalled or ‘complemented’. 

The victims of dress coding as young girls and street harassment as young women are the victim of a larger overarching issue: societal sexism. It’s a systemic issue, present in a system built and filled with men. Men effortlessly devalue street harassment, dress codes, and the glass ceiling itself, jumping from excuse to excuse, anything but actually addressing the issue. As a result of that, not much has progressed systemically, so in order for us to truly move forward we need take a new approach. In order to progress we need to destroy the roots, burn down the tree that that grows into societal sexism until nothing is left but the ashes of what was. At 17 most women have experienced street harassment, but every year before that girls and boys are reinforced with the ideas that build up to street harassment. If we really want to fix societal sexism, the answer isn’t attempting to fix the wage gap right now or telling fifty year old men not to be discriminatory to women, it’s building up boys and girls as powerful equals. 

Hopefully some day soon 17 will be defined by women scientists, educators, and artists, not victims. 

Darvall, Kate. "Senator Claims Some Women like Being Wolf-whistled at." Daily Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 20 Mar. 2017. Web. 23 Mar. 2017. <>. 

Santhan am, Laura. "Why Street Harassment Happens, and Why Most People Just Ignore It." PBS. Public Broadcasting Service, 31 Oct. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2017. <>. 

"Statistics - The Prevalence of Street Harassment." Stop Street Harassment. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2017. <>. 

Warren, Rossalyn, Marie Kirschen, Lane Sainty, Jina Moore, Rachel Wilkerson Miller, Hannah Giorgis, Bibine Barud, and Nirali Shah. "Here's What Street Harassment Is Like In Eight Countries Around The World." BuzzFeed News. Buzzfeed, 11 Apr. 2016. Web. 12 Mar. 2017. <>. 

E2 U4 Para Mi Barrio- Sur Filadelfia

Yo vivo en Sur Filadelfia. Mi barrio es bien. Me encanta mi casa, pero me gustaría moverla a otra parte. Hace 9 años que vivo en Sur Filadelfia. Creo que mi barrio no es malo. Si tu vas 4 cuadras desde mi casa lo es una vista mejor. Cuando pienso en mi barrio yo imaginar yo joven y jugar con mis amigos. Pero lo que no me gusta es que ya no pasar el tiempo en mi barrio. Todos mis viejos amigos no son buenos. Ellos no está mal pero sus solo no cerca de mis mejores amigos. Lo haría una visión más agradable moviendo cosas más lejos lejos de uno a. A la gente no le importa dónde tiran la basura. La gente de mi vieja escuela vive cerca de mí y alguna familia mía.

Esta es una pared en Sur Philly. Un cantante famoso que creció aquí fue Bobby Rydell. South Philadelphia es conocida por todos los festivales que tienen casi todas las semanas. También son conocidos por los lugares de comida pequeña que tienen en cada calle y esquina. South Philly es muy diversa, pero también en grupos pequeños. Debido a esto sucediendo esto causa luchas entre calles.

Mi mural es un negro y blanco tigre. Mi mural es ubicada en 11th y Fernon. El propósito es a demostrar que somos fuertes juntos y todos somos familia. Me encantan los tigres. Ellos ven apagado muy poderosos. Así juntos podemos superar cualquier cosa. Quiero hacer este diseño porque no sólo nos hace más fuertes pero hace que todos sean iguales.

Voy a incorporar imágenes de las cosas que representan a nuestro barrio, gusta cheesesteaks o guantes de boxeo. Voy a incorporar las palabras “fuerza, familia, igualdad y juntos siempre” porque eso es lo que somos cuando nos unimos. Aunque todos estamos en pequeños grupos con en nuestra comunidad podemos romper esto y convertirse en uno. En vez de quedarse en grupos pequeños podemos expandir nuestro barrio en la otra. Debido a esto sucediendo a causa de mi mural eso podría comenzar un movimiento muralista. Estoy muy orgullosa de que este mural puede ser diseñado por mí y también pintado por mí.

Mi pieza es la definición de arte público. Tener un solo mural para representar a la comunidad es muy poderoso. Esto va a cambiar a las personas que ven el mural todos los días e incluso a las personas que simplemente están conduciendo o caminando.
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Advanced Essay 4: Something Something War Never Changes

My goals for this paper were to effectively communicate the ideas I have about violence and war into an essay.​ I have a lot of ideas about things, especially this topic so when I write about them I hope that I talk about them well and get my point across. My goals were also to not exceed word count and be better than last time. I still went over word count but less terribly and I don't know about that last part. I'm okay with how the essay turned out. It could have been better, but I only had so much time and space so I guess I'm alright with the result.

Strictly scientifically speaking, there are only two purposes in life: to survive and reproduce (and truly life only wants to survive so it can reproduce, so they can even be grouped as one concept). Philosophers may theorize and others may speculate about higher purposes, but a lot of the basics of biology revolve around those two concepts. Pretty much anything else is either biologically pointless or can be reduced to the basic function of survival. Even many higher functions that we attribute to more advanced or intelligent species (such as humans and chimps and other primates) usually have their roots in survival. War and violence are no exceptions to these rules, as they have remained from a few million years ago to now. We fight and kill for the same reasons anything fights and kills: to survive. And nothing is going to change that.

An extremely old debate between philosophers (with plenty of other people’s opinions thrown in) is whether humans are naturally peaceful or naturally warlike. There are a lot of varying opinions on the matter, with a surprising amount of variety. But whoever is right doesn’t really matter. It’s a moot point as we don’t need to know the truth of it; all we know is history and the present day, and that’s all we need to worry about. It doesn’t matter whether humans are violent or peaceful because we know what has happened in the past. Humans have fought and killed before, but in a different form than today’s wars (excluding the technological differences of course). As John Green says, “For the vast majority of human history, war consisted of raiding. It was about taking stuff from other people's kin group so that your kin group could have that stuff. For 99% of human history, that's how we fought.” This is an effective survival strategy that many animals use. Chimps do it, even some ants, and more modern territorial wars are an extension of this.

Now, when John Green says “for the vast majority of human history”, he means for the vast majority of human history, which is somewhere around a few million years. And up until the last 10,000 or so, humans fought by raiding. But then things changed, and whether wars were the cause or effect of that change is another highly debated topic (there are many of those). As John Green also says, “Cities began as settlements, which, because they were stationary, were targets for raids. And so to deter raiders, cities built walls. But those efforts required coordination, or else coercion, and resources which states are good at.” But after cities and states and countries and all the innovations and progress that came with them, war had to change. John Green continues, “Concentrated urban populations were the basis of civil militias, made up of soldiers who were also citizens. That meant that they were both effective fighting forces and political catalysts. They built civic pride and diminished the power of wealthy warrior elites, who couldn't defeat these new, larger armies.” And so then we come to the modern era, where newer, bigger, more powerful and destructive weapons threaten to destroy the things you want to take from other people. So what do people do?

They create international accords and conventions to constrict warfare so as not to destroy the world or kill too many people, some prime examples being the Hague and Geneva Conventions. The International Committee of the Red Cross defines international humanitarian law as, “International humanitarian law is part of the body of international law that governs relations between States. IHL aims to limit the effects of armed conflicts for humanitarian reasons. It aims to protect persons who are not or are no longer taking part in hostilities, the sick and wounded, prisoners and civilians, and to define the rights and obligations of the parties to a conflict in the conduct of hostilities.” But these international laws are good for peacetime and not much else. Once the actually fighting starts they get thrown out the window. The first time they used poison gas in WWI, they tried to find ways to have it not violate those laws, but soon neither side cared enough. Survival and self preservation instincts are too strong, we won’t let ourselves be beaten because we are abiding unenforceable laws, because they are unenforceable.  The International Committee of the Red Cross says: “The International Committee of the Red Cross is regarded as the “guardian” of the Geneva Conventions and the various other treaties that constitute international humanitarian law. It cannot, however, act as either policeman or judge. These functions belong to governments, the parties to international treaties, who are required to prevent and put an end to violation of IHL. They have also an obligation to punish those responsible of what are known as “grave breaches” of IHL or war crimes.” And those other countries aren’t going enforce the international laws because once the other side violates them they start violating them too.

Humans have tried to maintain a lasting peace time and time again. After each World War there was a “never again” period where people vowed that this sort of thing could never be allowed to occur ever again. But humans aren’t going to stop. World War I was the war to end all wars, and so was World War II. But it probably will never work because fighting for survival is an ingrained instinct in humans, and “survival” is a very loose definition. Anything can be classified as survival, whether it seems like it to someone else or not. The types of wars fought change, from raiding to sieges to poison gas and nuclear bombs, but the reasons stays the same: survival.


Green, John. "War & Human Nature: Crash Course World History 204." YouTube. YouTube, 31 July 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.

Green, John. "War and Civilization: Crash Course World History 205." YouTube. YouTube, 09 Aug. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.

"Just War Theory." Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Routledge, n.d. Web.

"War and International Humanitarian Law." ICRC. International Committee of the Red Cross, 29 Oct. 2010. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.

Advanced Essay #4 Stereotypes Create Violence

For this essay my goals were to stick to my thesis throughout my essay, and make my points clear. My per reviewer thought my essay flowed. So I think  I did a good job. I also hoped my grammar and tenses were fine. I had a few mistakes but not too many; which means my writing has improved. I wrote about street harassment and how it can effect women, and the things guys struggle through with gender stereotypes. 

Factors that influence women's reactions to sexual violence includes making a choice between two different violences. Whether they will get themselves in more trouble for speaking out against their assaulters, or have it impact their life somehow. They are afraid to have consequences for speaking up. I believe that women are afraid to speak against sexual violence, because they are afraid of what the outcome will be. Women have to choose whether to harm themselves or letting violence against them go because they think they will be safer that way.  Gender stereotypes lead to violence.

Women tend to not confront sexual harassment with people they don’t know, but people they already know. Which is why most of the time, assaulters are not confronted because they are someone the victim does not know.  “Some other are afraid they will not be taken seriously or are too ashamed to complain.” Victims are also afraid to stand up to assault at work because they are afraid that they could lose their jobs if this is happening at work. The assaulter might be their boss or a colleague. They can’t be protected if the boss sexually harasses them, and they get fired for standing up against them. Maybe its a colleague, but their boss does not believe the women. Then they get in trouble for speaking against sexual violence.

According to the article “Hollaback! You have the power to end harassment”, some men use the excuse that they are complimenting the women when they verbally harass them. A women from the website, tells her story of her being a victim of sexual violence, and how hard it is to deal with it. But she was lucky, because someone else helped stand up for her. “I was on the metro on my way home this evening and a man sat next to me and began to loudly talk about how nice my legs looked. I told him to stop and he wouldn’t and I couldn’t get out of the seat. He continued to encroach on my space so I turned my head, and could feel everyone looking at me but not doing anything. Luckily a guy sitting in front of me engaged the man sitting next to me, asking him to stop and explaining that I may not like that type of the attention. The man sitting next to me claimed he was just giving me a compliment.” When the assaulter by someone, it took him by surprise so he quickly made the excuse of complementing the women. But the man that helped the victim, and tried to helping by confronting the assaulter. As the story continues, the man that stood up against the assault,  was trying to explain that it is wrong to treat women that way.  This story struck a chord in me because instead of the assaulter being shut down, he was getting help to learn not to treat women badly. That's not something you see often. I think I helped because the assaulter was convinced that he was wrong. The man learned something instead of being angered more, which would make him want to continue sexually assaulting women. I believe that men need to be taught how to treat women because they don’t see it as a wrong. The woman in this story at first didn’t want to speak up for herself because she felt afraid of what would happen to her. But now, being encouraged by her savior, she will speak out if it happens again.

Not only is street harassment in America, but it happens to women all over the world. Here a study was done to show that women in Australia and paris are sexually harassed. Women are victimized when they are alone, in broad daylight, and at night. They can get harassed openly in public. Men, on public transportation, take advantage of the crowds and touch themselves, or rub against other women. The sad thing is that most women do not know they can report it, therefore they are afraid to speak out against it. “Street harassment can also take place in public the suburbs of Paris, 100% of women have been harassed on public transportation. Some men, called “frotteurs” (to rub), take advantage of the crowded subway cars or buses to touch themselves or rub themselves against women. But a lot of their victims don’t even realize they could press charges over that type of harassment.” Women all around are being affected. Its common too, so its not like every country has sexual violence differently. Next, you will see that type of harassment women in japan experience. “The most common types of harassment are inappropriate touching in trains, taking pictures up a woman's skirt, flashing on the streets, stalking and "chikan crimes" [chikan means "stupid man" in Japanese and is used to describe men who grope women in public places] To battle street harassment, Japanese women travel in groups, carry buzzers to deter harassers or take self-defense classes. Or they may stay home after dark.  Women in japan are being harassed so much, Japanese women have to travel in groups to protect themselves. They travel in groups, use buzzers, attend defense classes to protect themselves. But some women are afraid and just don’t travel at night; they stay home.

My opinion is, that men have it rough too with violence. In a documentary called “The Mask You Live In” they explain that from a young age men are stereotyped. It teaches them to be violent. Such as being told not to cry because you are a man. Or saying the expression “that’s gay” with a negative intention. Advertisement shows that men have to be violent in order to be valued. Like in most  movies, the movie is centered around a man. If a movie does not involve a man prove it to me. The female character has to have a purpose for what she is doing that does not involve the man. Not for her love for him, or she is doing what she is doing because of the male character. The movie should also not have a man committing an act of violence, it’s really hard. These movies with men being violent teaches boys that to be manly they need to be violent and masculine or you are weak.

The reaction I’ve noticed from women on sexual assault was fear except in one culture. The Japanese created ways to protect themselves, to defend themselves against men.   Awareness is being created, and I believe it will spread throughout the world. Sexual assault is a form of violence. If it happens to you or someone you see it affect, stand up against it.  I think men have it hard to. It’s hard to stand up against stereotypes.


-"Read Stories." Read Stories – Hollaback! You have the power to end harassment. Accessed March 10, 2017.

-Rossalyn Warren, Marie Kirschen, Lane Sainty, Jina Moore, Rachel Wilkerson Miller, Hannah Giorgis, Nirali Shah, Bibiñe Barud. "Here's What Street Harassment Is Like In Eight Countries Around The World."

BuzzFeed. Accessed March 10, 2017. countries-arou?utm_term=.quBkEY9z1#.kwlvEwO67.

-"Read Stories." Read Stories – Hollaback! You have the power to end harassment. Accessed March 10, 2017.

-”The Mask You Live In” documentary.

Advanced Essay #4: Who's Behind Harassment


My goals for this paper were to show a more in depth, well rounded thought process throughout the essay. I wanted to push myself to dig deeper and really investigate questions that were difficult to answer within my paper. I also wanted to continue using more descriptive language and try harder to keep my language varied and engaging through imagery. Originally, at the beginning of my process I was focused on cat calling and women's issues in a larger scope, which was all over the place and didn't have a focused thought. I then kept brainstorming and narrowed down the cat calling and street harassment, and then where it comes from and how it's perpetuated in the media and how this impacts everyone.

No matter how far we come, it appears we always have to go a few steps further in order to get what we want. Simply itching to be looked at the same; something seemingly simple yet unable to be accomplished even after centuries of coexisting. Women have been attached to thousands of words making us out to be inferior, stamped to our foreheads and pasted to our curves. It feels as though we are trapped in a never ending cycle of being treated as lesser by men, and greater yet by the media, leaving the need for a drastic change.

One of the biggest issues in existence is the fact that no one tells the man “no”. Throughout countless encounters a woman is taught to be quiet, keep her mouth zipped shut with the utter defeat of pain searing inside of her lungs, begging to be released into the world singing of all the torture she has endured. The key is thrown away, with the words always being locked away deep down. This is due to the utter sense of fear women live in everyday. Walking down the street alone is no simple task. You become fragile and exposed to the world around you dominated by the male ego. Shouts pour out of their mouths. Their eyes lock onto you, scanning you from head to toe, like you are the prey. Your head tilts, and suddening the only thing you fixate on is the specs in the sidewalk pavement. Your pace picks up, the frightened scurry of your shoes scuffing the ground cannot be heard against the thumping of your heartbeat. Whistles, kissing noises, yells, all follow you down the street. It feels like you are being hunted.

Women are degraded to feeling like animals. The act of walking down the street can be as violent as having confrontations in war. An author of a poem describing experiences in Vietnam wrote: “muzzle down, sniffing like a hundred-dollar dog. Keep it on automatic. Anything moves in the bushes you open fire”. This relates to exactly what a woman can feel, how all humanity is extracted from the man who is entitled enough to threaten your security as a person. It is like an instinct, almost dog-like. Any female they can find will be subjected to the harsh realities that we are still not equal.

For centuries, humans have played the game of trying to decide who the alpha is and who is the omega. Once the idea that women were lesser came to be, society latched onto it with a full force. Everywhere you turn, you are blinded by the movies, pictures, music, and blatant ignorance the media carries.

Violence towards women is made almost appealing. Harming women can even lead to a means of pleasure. 50 Shades of Grey took the world by storm, everyone enraptured by the intense lifestyle led by the main character. He forced the woman into a relationship without love; only submission. Americans everywhere gobbled up the plot, fixating on the glamorized Hollywood faces portraying the characters and the sensuality coated with a thick layer of sexism. The Huffington Post released an analysis of this movie saying: “For some women, the themes of control and rape are not a fantasy. These women see their own abusive relationships echoed in the supposed love story of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, but efforts to have their voices heard have been roundly squashed by those who seem to believe that if women enjoy something, its feminism is above reproach.” Denial is a key contributor to these inequalities our society is facing. People absorb the subliminal messages so far sunken into the fabric of everything we do and it becomes increasingly difficult to pull apart.

The masses of America who were enraptured by the cruel nature of the movie are part of the larger issue, but not aware of their perpetuation. This blind ignorance, this adapted behavior, has normalized so many pressing topics that they are hardly even seen as problems. Women have learned to put their heads down as a mechanism to defend against cat calling, and men have only learned to do it more. The media has learned that abusing women sells, and Americans have only learned to adore it. This form of violence is hard to weed out from the overgrowth of mistreatment, and we must push through this and break the cycle. These problems need to become problems again. They need to stop being accepted and begin to be questioned. People must be aware of how they are being treated and how they treat others, and only then can we advance to an environment where anyone can walk down the street and feel safe just being themselves.

Works Cited

Trout, Jenny. "Fifty Shades of Grey and the Anti-Feminist Critique." The Huffington Post., 06 Feb. 2015. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

McDonald, Walter.“Taking Aim”. n.p. n.d

CNN. Hey Baby! Women Speaking Out Against Street Harassment. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2017.

Advanced Essay #4 (Teen Violence VS. Media)

For this project in the beginning I was hoping to pick a topic that I was really interested in and never really heard much about. So I thought that teen violence would be perfect. I always read about violence between race, or the violence at schools or prisons. However teen violence was new to me. I'm glad I chose this topic because it taught me a lot and put many things into perspective. 

Try and think of the last time you watched a movie with violence, or maybe it was a book you read, or a post you saw on social media. It could have been between two people, or maybe it was more political like a protest against racism. Violence shows itself in many forms, but the youth of our society is impacted and influenced most by it.

When most people think of violence, they think of a rugged and irresponsible teenager. This stereotype forms this stigma for teenagers that they can’t escape from. Teenagers have always been expected to be responsible and stand out from the crowd by not doing drugs, drinking alcohol, or being violent. Most of the time as soon as teenagers step away from this pressure they are considered “hoodlums” and “gangsters”.  Most people believe that kids from violent households will become violent teens. However, in one case similar to many others, Daily, a man in Texas adopted two kids  from prison after they served time for killing their father after beating them all their lives. In the article about  them  it says “When the justice system gets its hands on these kids, Dailey believes it deprives them of their freedom—and their childhoods—a second time. ‘I mean, they've lived their whole life in prison. That's like living on a worse desert than I live in. That's worse than death.’”. Now these kids have grown to be peaceful teenagers who don’t believe in that sort of violence anymore. This shows that a simple step back from all of society's standards for teens can change a life completely.

From movies like Twilight to Red Dawn and books like The Hunger Games to Lord Of The Flies, teens are always exposed to professionally published violence. Even in school media like this is examined and analyzed and there are stories about kids committing an act of violence and quoting movies or TV shows that they’ve seen to try and be similar to those characters. Teenagers often see this media and sometimes don’t have anything positive or nonviolent to counteract all of the hatred and negativity. Like if their parents are abusive, they live in bad neighborhoods, or their schools are filled with crime they have no choice but to fit in. However, a lot of teens instead of acting out against this violence physically, they do so online. In one recent article a teenage girl was having a birthday get-together and someone showed up and stabbed a guest at the party. The next day, she tweeted “‘Dude it was my party ... there is blood all over my backyard’. ‘I didn’t do anything some guy got stabbed.’”. As anyone can see, her reaction to this was not to praise or salute the perpetrator, but was shocked and surprised at the horror that had occurred. Teenagers get such a bad reputation because even in the article the violent teen was talked about more than the victim of the crime. As long as this is the trend, teenagers will continue to be seen as violent.

Although adults recognize this issue, they normally don’t take any steps to try and help the teens. However, one group in Northeast Philadelphia takes in young people who have either gone to jail or have been victims to the system and tries to make their lives better and further benefit their attitude towards life and the people around them. This organization is called Youth Art & Self-Empowerment Program (YASP) and they have been helping young people for about 13 years and their statement is “We believe that it is very important to talk to youth both in the adult jails and in public schools to help them stay out of the system period.” By saying this, YASP is making a promise to young people in the city of Philly that there is life after prison and it doesn’t have to be a violent one. This should be the norm for our society. The norm being that instead of just giving up on teens who show a spark of violence, give them a chance to improve their attitude and lifestyle.

Society still has a long way to go before there is no violence. But we can start by helping stressed and “violent” teenagers channel the negative energy into something more positive and giving them a leg up when they need it. There are so many misunderstood kids out there that need a helping hand to not end up in prison or expelled for doing something they think is normal.


Collins, Emma. "Inside the West Texas Sanctuary for Kids Who Killed Their Parents." Vice. Vice, 28 Apr. 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.

"Host of Teenage ‘pizza Party’ at Five Dock Describes Events Which Saw 17-year-old Critically Stabbed." Herald Sun. The Daily Telegraph, 1 June 2014. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.

"Who We Are." Youth Art & Self-Empowerment Project. Weebly, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.

Advanced Essay #4: Repercussions of War on Society


The goals of this paper were to investigate how war impacts and leaves an imprint on people in communities. I also go into how these impacts can be beneficial to the people or how the system can advance or deteriorate because of these changes. My process was overall productive and I was able to use my time wisely and efficiently. When reviewing my final product, I was overall satisfied with the paper and how my goals were accomplished.


While war and violence may seem like an easy thing to define and understand, it actually is a lot more complex than what first meets the eye. War and violence is not only a physical being in the moment, but it also has a mental effect during and after the circumstances. One of these mental effects is how war has affected the home country (or countries) during and after the bloody battles. War always imprints on the societies that were involved for better or for worse.

One effect that Karl Marlantes points out is that our mentality as a people changes towards the government after a war. To provide more context, Marlantes wrote about the specific aftereffects of the Vietnam War. He writes “We have switched from naïveté to cynicism. One could argue that they are opposites, but I think not. With naïveté you risk disillusionment, which is what happened to me and many of my generation. Cynicism, however, stops you before you start. It alienates us from ‘the government,’ a phrase that today connotes bureaucratic quagmire. It threatens democracy, because it destroys the power of the people to even want to make change.” This quote not only shows how the people have evolved their views on the government and war, but how it has improved. This can also show how people learn from immediate history and how this imprint from war causes changes throughout history.

Another way war has affected the mass afterwards was the opinion of the public of war efforts. Karl Marlantes also writes “For many people, it eroded the notion, once nearly universal, that part of being an American was serving your country.” It can be seen here that people further experience that cynicism Marlantes refers to earlier. War doesn’t actually solve a lot of issues. The people learn this concept because of their desire to change the ideals of war and violent conflict. The idea of what it means to be an American in relation to war has led to numerous debates and differing opinions.

Furthering this notion of being American and not wanting to serve, there are in fact a lot of different instances where some do not have a choice to be called back into the military. This also causes a lot of issues of dividing the people and the nation. Rita Nakashima Brock writes “Forcing people to stay in service means the military abrogated their contracts and made the question of whether or not they volunteered moot.” This means that there is no choice involved when the military always has the option to reenlist a person back into active service. Even if a person has grown and took things out of war and are against it (no matter if they volunteered the first time or not), they can be forced back into it, disregarding their morals and beliefs in the present. So sometimes even when a people have evolved opinions based on past events, the system doesn’t have to follow those opinions in the same time or even ever.

In conclusion, war leaves an after effect on the communities involved that can impact how that community grows in the future. Sometimes people can become more aware of the violence happening around them. And sometimes the system refuses to change because it it more “beneficial” to them.

Works Cited:

Marlantes, Karl. "Vietnam: The War That Killed Trust." The New York Times. The New

York Times, 07 Jan. 2017. Web. 13 Mar. 2017. < >.  

Rita Nakashima Brock. "Just War Theory: Are We Protecting the Moral Conscience of

Soldiers?" The Huffington Post., 14 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Mar. 2017.<>.

E2 U4 Mujer de Inspiración - Norte Filadelfia

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Screenshot 2017-03-22 at 8.06.05 PM

Yo soy una artista y mi declaración es un mural de mis bisabuela una mujer de amor por su familia y su comunidad. El lugar fue en Norte Philadelphia. Pienso que un mural de Anita DeBrest debe ir aquí. Ella fue la creadora de una comunidad desarojo  COLT Coalition en la Universidad de Temple. Ella ayuda la comunidad con casas. Ella es mi bisabuela. Las palabras en el mural es “inspiración mujer”.

Yo vivo en Mt. Airy. Yo vivo en el barrio por toda mi vida. Yo pienso muchos árboles y animales en mi barrio. Me gusta mi barrio es muy amigable no me gusta que no más niños. Me gusta Mt. Airy a causa de que es muy pacífico. Uno temo importante es saludable comer y amigable. Pero más mi familia vive en Norte Filadelfia. Lo corazón de mi familia es en Norte Filadelfia.

El mural tiene la cara de Anita DeBrest muy grande y con más colores. El mural también incluida negro y blanca. Las palabras “Mujer de Inspiración.” Yo necesito no mas pinta por el mural.Yo quiero mas gente de la comunidad pintamos el mural en el dia de unidad. El mural es en la locación pero mi bisabuela gusta la escuela secundario de Central. Todos sus ninos van a la escuela. Ella es el modelo de seguir de niños en la comunidad.

En fin mi mural es arte público porque es accesible a todos los comunidad. Los niños y gentes viejo puedan ver el arte. Arte es para todos el gentes del mundo, pero este mural es en Norte Filadelfia. Para mi creo arte le alegra a la gente.

E2 U4 Señor Smith- Oeste Filadelfia

Yo vivo en Oeste Filadelfia. Mi barrio es vibrante y muy bonito. He vivido en este barrio por toda mi vida. Cuando pienso en mi barrio, pienso en los murales y los chicos porque hay muchos chicos riendo y jugado en el verano cerca de los murales. Me gusta la cultura en mi barrio. No me gusta la violencia en mi barrio. Si, me gusta donde yo vivo porque hay muchas actividades y mis amigos viven aquí también. Yo haría mi barrio más seguro. Un tema importante en mi barrio es la familia, especialmente los niños. Sí, mi familia, mi amigos, y Will Smith están de mi barrio.

Esta pared es en una escuela cerca de mi casa. Un mural está aquí porque mucho gente puede verlo. Un mural puede traer color al barrio. Algunas personas famosas de West Philadelphia son Will Smith y Kevin Bacon. El Oeste Filadelfia es muy diverso. En mi barrio hay africanos, asiáticos, afroamericanos, europeos y latinos.

En mi mural hay la cabeza de Will Smith, un persona famosa de Oeste Filadelfia. Will Smith es un productor, actor, y rapper. El mural dice “ Being Realistic is the most common path to mediocrity” y “West Philadelphia, born and raised” porque es citas del Señor Smith.  El propósito de este mural es honrar Señor Smith y sus trabajos. Quiere hacer este mural porque recuerda él. En mi mural hay un calle para representar “the path to mediocrity”. Los colores son negros, rojos, azules, y marrones.

En fin, el propósito de arte público es inspirar la gente y traer algo nuevo al barrio. Mi mural hace esto. Este mural recuerda Will Smith y sus comienzos en Oeste Filadelfia. Me gusta mi mural mucho. Es creativo y vibrante igual a mi barrio.
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Screenshot 2017-03-22 at 6.25.56 PM

E2 U4 Proyecto- Justin Stewart

Vivo en el lado noroeste de Filadelfia. Es bien conocido como Mt. Airy. Viví allí toda mi vida. No he dejado el barrio durante toda mi infancia. Cuando era más joven, era visto como un mal vecindario en el que nadie quería vivir en.

             Solía ​​haber mucha gente muriendo debido a la violencia armada. La mayoría de las veces el asesino se salía con la suya. El ambiente era muy malo. Pero tuve amigos para ayudarme a bloquear las malas vibraciones dadas por mi vecindario. Fue malo hasta el punto donde la gente no quería dejar allí casa para ir de compras.

             Pero a medida que envejecía, el barrio empezó a estar mucho más seguro. No hay tanta violencia armada como en aquel entonces. El ambiente se ha vuelto mucho más suave y la gente es realmente feliz de vivir en Mt. Airy ahora. Esto es A causa de al esfuerzo que la gente comenzó a hacer en la limpieza de la vecindad!

            Mi Mural será pintado en la pared lateral de la escuela F.S Edmonds. Elegí esta ubicación porque es el centro de mi barrio. Me siento como este lugar se extenderá el mensaje de cómo el barrio transformado. Mi mural tiene una línea que va por el medio para dividir el papel por la mitad. En el lado izquierdo de la línea, tiene rostros enojados y tristes que describen el barrio durante mi infancia. En el lado derecho de la línea, son caras felices y que describe el barrio ahora!

E2U4 Murals: Shilo Kendall

Vivo en  la frontera del sur y centro de la ciudad. Mi barrio es normal y  molestoso. He vivido allí por 15 años. Hay un feminine estatua de León en Rittenhouse. Me gusta que puedo caminar por el barrio, pero odio a la gente de mi barrio. Yo gusto donde vivo, pero me gustaba más cuando era más joven porque ahora las personas me mira cuando camino por la calle. Vivo muy cerca de la escuela de medicina tiene montón de estudiantes de la universidad en mi zona. Un montón de gente de muy buen gusto vive cerca de mí. Mi comunidad es más o menos.

Mi mural está ubicado en la pared cerca del triángulo entre Sur y Kater en 23. Este triángulo se convirtió en lugar que podía reunir gente para el entretenimiento tales como festivales, música, películas y comida. Este triángulo fue hecha por la comunidad, SOSNA. Actualmente están tratando de recaudar dinero para los triángulos En el Proyecto Gateway de la Avenida Grays Ferry  según el sitio web SOSNA. SOSNA quiere hacer las intersecciones triangulares por Grays Ferry  menos confuso y más seguro para conductores y peatones agregando lugares para socializar y tener un espacio atractivo en la comunidad.  Hay un festival llamado Plazapalooza allí la gente se reúne desde el barrio. Hay comida y música en vivo. También hay un festival llamado Odunde que comenzó en 1975 y llegó a ser enorme en los años. Toma 12 cuadras para celebrar la llegada del próximo año para los afroamericanos y personas de africanizadas. Hay vendedores, bailes y mucha comida.

El tema de mi mural es el festival de Odunde. Este mural reunirá a la comunidad y personas que entran en la comunidad. Este demostraría cuán grande el festival es, también la importancia. En mi opinión esta será trae mi barrio un poco más junto debido a que es en una concurrida zona.

Me gusta mi diseño. Creo que la pared expresa la idea de Odunde.  La imagen es de una máscara africana. La tres palabras celebración , la pasión y la persistencia las tres palabras que describen el fundador de la Filadelfia de Odunde Festival es por eso que están en mi mural. El concepto tiene sentido para lo que estoy tratando de apoyar mediante la  de esta pieza de arte público.

Spanish Quarter 3
Spanish Quarter 3

E2 U4 El Arte Callejero

Me llamo Guillermo. Soy un chico de quince años. Vivo en el centro de la ciudad. Mi barrio es más o menos. Vivo aquí por once años. Pienso mi barrio es muy sucio. Unos imágenes pienso que son vasos de plásticos y bolsas de plásticos tirado en el suelo. No me gusta nada. Me gusta donde vivo. Aunque está sucio, está lleno de vida y los lugares son fáciles de llegar. A causa de toda la basura, quiero hacer mi barrio limpiador. Además, un tema importante para mi comunidad es la amenaza de la renovación urbana. La mayoría de gentes que vive mi barrio son asiatico. Cada año durante Año Nuevo Chino, siempre hay una celebración grande.

Quiero pintar mi mural en la pared del edificio de Verizon en mi barrio. Mi barrio es la Barrio Chino, en el centro de la ciudad, Filadelfia. Las culturas representadas son mayoría asiática, incluso personas de Birmano, Japonés, Coreano y Vietnamita ascendencia, pero principalmente Chino. Cada año durante Año Nuevo Chino, siempre hay una celebración grande. Los inmigrantes Cantonés vinieron a Filadelfia en el 1800s, lo que llevó al comienzo de Barrio Chino de Filadelfia. Durante varios períodos de renovación urbana, comenzando en los 1960s, las porciones de Barrio Chino fueron destruidas para la construcción de la Vine Street Expressway y la Pennsylvania Convention Center. El problema nuestra comunidad enfrentamos hoy son calles sucias. No obstante, a la gente no le importa.

Mi mural es muy sencillo, pero tiene muchos mensajes. Hay muchos colores, como blanco, rojo, negro, amarillo, y azul. Es una combinación de la bandera Americana y la palabra China que significa “bendición.” La palabra en realidad se voltea boca abajo porque en Chino, las palabras “al revés” y “llegado” son homónimos.Rojo y amarillo son colores muy importante en la cultura de China, según lo representado en su bandera. Rojo, blanca, y azul son obviamente los colores de la bandera Americana. Las trece rayas blancas y rojas permanecen intactas, pero la caja de estrellas se reemplaza por la palabra china “bendición.” Los dos símbolos son imágenes que son bien conocidos en sus cultivos respectivos. Este diseño está destinado a simbolizar el matrimonio de los dos culturas y cómo ha creado una nueva identidad.

Para mi, esta pieza de arte público hace un gran trabajo representando a la comunidad circundante. La gente de ascendencia asiática ha estado aquí por muchos siglos, y se han convertido en una parte integral de la cultura Americana. Muchos asiáticos han emigrado a América en busca de oportunidades y una vida mejor. Cuando la gente ve este mural, se supone que piensan que “las bendiciones han llegado a América”, un símbolo de esperanza y prosperidad perpetua. Este mural está destinado a simbolizar un futuro en el cual los dos culturas pueden vivir en armonía.

E2 U4 Mini-poyecto: Ensayo pero Miguel Rivera

Miguel Rivera

Copper Stream

B Band

Hola yo soy Miguel Rivera,yo tengo 17 años y  vivo en Bridge y Large . Son calles  del sector de  Frankford. La población de Frankford es 38.06. Frankford es un barrio en la sección noreste de Filadelfia situado a unos diez  kilómetros (10 km) al noreste de Center City. Frankford también fue el sitio de un molino de pólvora que se hizo famoso por su asociación con Oswald Eve y Paul Revere, En el siglo 19, Frankford se convirtió en un centro de producción textil. Tenían varios molinos de algodón, estampados de calicó y gradas, molinos de lana, hierro, etc.  Según  “El tasas de delitos contra la propiedad es 1.90 por cada 1.000.”  La mayoría de persona en el sector de Frankford tiene 34 anos.  A pesar de que sector de Frankford tiene muchos problemas, sin embargo creo que debería centrarse en el lado positivo de este.

He pensado que un  mural para resaltar los valores de este sector y  dicho mural lo ubicaria  a tres cuadras de mi casa en la esquina de  Pratt y Bridge.  Va a ser la pared de una lavanderia.  Me gustaría poner este mural allí debido a esta zona hay una parada de autobús que muchas personas utilizan, Además es una pared grande y es la esquina del bloque.

El propósito de mi mural es contar la historia del sector de  Frankford y también crear esperanza para el futuro. Va a tener colores brillantes y gente. Ellos simbolizan la vida en Frankford. Me gustaría que el mural fuera del pasado al futuro. Creo que este mural reflejaría a la gente y sus valores.  Tambien reflegaria algunas instituciones como  el Friends Hospital, fundado en 1813 por los cuáqueros en el mural. Fue nombrado un monumento histórico nacional en 1999 y es el más antiguo hospital psiquiátrico privado en los Estados Unidos. Se encuentra en 4641 Roosevelt Boulevard, Friends Hospital ha estado ofreciendo asistencia profesional en la atención de salud mental para todos los trastornos de salud mental y problemas de adicción en los últimos 200 años más. Para mi Frends hospital es una parte clave de Frankford. O sea va a ser mi versión de "un domingo por la tarde en el parque Alameda" pintado por Diego Rivera.

En fin, mi mural es creativo y divertido basandose en la parte positiva del sector  Frankford. Trato de elevar la comunidad. Además creo que creo  es una idea positiva para el  futuro de Frankford.

E2 U4 Mini Proyecto: Ensayo

Hola, soy Zoey Tweh tengo 16 años y soy de West Philadelphia. Vivo específicamente en la zona universitaria, donde están las universidades Drexel y UPenn. Yo he vivido aquí toda mi vida. Mis padres sin embargo se trasladaron aquí desde el oeste de África y Atlanta y se quedó después de graduarse de UPenn. Mi madre se quedó por la cantidad de africanos occidentales que vivían en la zona. Crecí amando a mi barrio por lo diverso que era. Es conocido por tener una gran población de personas de todo tipo de antecedentes. Tiene muchos árboles y está en su mayor parte bien cuidado. Desde 1950, la Autoridad de Reurbanización de Filadelfia y la Corporación de Filadelfia Occidental trabajaron con UPenn, Drexel y la Universidad de las Ciencias para clasificar el área como barriada y pasar por otros procesos para legalizar sus planes de expandir los campus.

En 1990 dos personas fueron asesinadas en el oeste de Filadelfia localizado en 42 y Sansom, uno de los cuales era un estudiante de UPenn ruso. Esto alimentó otra vez otra recreación masiva de la comunidad. Penn Alexander se abrió en 2001 para animar a más profesores y blancos de la clase media a moverse en la comunidad . La escuela representa lo  "bueno", trajeron los cambios exclusivamente para todos los nuevos residentes.

Yo pintaba mi mural en la pared de CVS en la calles 43 y Locust. Yo elegiría esta pared y la tendría pintada sobre el mural actual porque quiero que enfrente a Penn Alexander. Una gran escuela que es más o menos el símbolo de los cambios en la comunidad debido a grafitti. Cada año la escuela tiene una población menor de niños negros. Es una gran escuela pero no está disponible para aquellos que originalmente vivieron  en este barrio. Creo que haría la declaración más fuerte allí y ese es el propósito del mural.

Mi mural será positivo, pero también contará la historia de la lucha de mi comunidad. Es colorido y tiene muchos mensajes. Muestra historia antigua y nueva. El propósito de mi mural es contar la historia del barrio desde mi perspectiva. Tendrá momentos históricos y contará la historia específica de la gentrificación. Estoy motivado porque este es un tema que me afecta directamente a mí ya mi familia y amigos todos los días. Soy muy apasionado por este tema y también por mostrar la belleza de mi mural.Voy a incorporar imágenes de Penn bulldozer, la policía, celebridades famosas, la música, los intelectuales, las personas que se divierten, la jardinería . Esta es la historia que quiero contar y estos son símbolos que representarán lo que sucedió.Voy a incorporar las palabras"Seguridad" "Inclusividad" "unidad" "orgullo" porque mejor expresan los símbolos.

En conclusión, en mi opinión este mural no es vandalismo sino que es arte. Fue creada por una chica que quiere apoderar el barrio.El propósito del mural  es hablar con la comunidad. Es un mural significativo para la mayoría de los nativos.El arte público está diseñado para hacer que la gente sienta algo y para que el artista exprese cómo se siente y mi mural lo hace. El grafiti y vandalismo son vistos somo un delito, sin embargo tienen un propósito.Las imágenes de mi mural simbolizan y representan la historia de las personas que no son atendidas.Al final del día tiene un propósito político y moral hablado con imágenes para el público y por lo tanto es arte.

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Screenshot 2017-03-27 at 12.07.47 AM

Mi Barrio: Diaro #2

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Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 9.16.05 PM

Mt. Airy fue fundada por William Allen, las casas fueron construidas alrededor de su mansión en 1750. Muchas de las casas están todavía aquí. Mt. Airy es uno delos primeros barrios integrados en America. Educación y transporte es muy importante en mi barrio. La cultura es muy inteligente, seguro y aceptando. 

Radio Podcast

From this project I learned a lot about how youth in Philadelphia are finding ways to express themselves using forms of art. The most difficult part about this process was trying to make a time with my interviewee that would work for the both of us. The easiest part was editing and assembling the audio because I find editing to be enjoyable.  

Diario dos: Un mural

Quiero hacer un mural importante aquí porque es un lugar que todo el mundo pasa por lo tanto sería visto por todos. Quiero mostrar lo importante que es mi comunidad. Quiero que sea tan amable como pueda para recibir a los forasteros.


Diario #2

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Hay un lugar en mi comunidad que creo que sería perfecto para un mural. Es 23 y Jackson. Al lado de un “Dollar General” podría realmente utilizar algunos sprucing up. Es sólo una pared en blanco, tan y creo que la comunidad sería mejor si pintaba un mural allí.