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Negative space drawing
a. Negative space is the space around an object.
Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your still life drawing?
The way I found negative space in my cut out was a little hard. I look at the opposite color and then I started to cut out what it was suppose to be a reflection of the original picture. The way I found negative in the still life drawing was kinda difficult, because I didn't know how to draw the pictures exactly.
Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
c. I think that negative space could help an artist because they can observe the actual picture to more space and length, it helps define the object and help create interest and contrast.
Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?
d. Seeing in negative space enhance drawings because it gives objects their own space to express what they are and also it kind of adds emotions into it.
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Negative Space Drawings - Raz Reed
Negative space is the space surrounding an object.
2. Explain how you found negative space in A. your cut-out?, B. your still life drawing?
When drawing the still life, I started by shading in a large portion of my paper. I "drew" it by erasing parts to resemble the objects I was drawing. When making my cut-out, I cut out the shape of the drawing I was given, and traced that onto both papers so I could know where to trim and paste.
3. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
It helps by giving the artist an accurate outline of what he/she is drawing.
4. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings? Why or why not?
It helps by providing a true shape of what you're drawing. In this way, negative space drawings may be better than regular in some situations.
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Negative Space Reflection/Blog
B. I found negative space in my cut out drawing by tracing my drawing, then the picture out. To have the negative space affect, I used opposite colors depending on the original tracer.
C. It helps an artist to see negative space by being able to properly outline objects to give their drawing or project more affect.
D. Negative space does enhance drawings because it helps you define shape without detail.
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Negative Space Reflection
Negative Space- Rafi Hares
Whenever people draw something sometimes they have leftover space that really doesn't have any purpose. Using negative space while drawing helps turn that excess space into something to better exemplify the actual art found in the picture.
B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out? I found the negative space if my cut out by cutting out my drawing with the green paper as my frontal and cutting it out again with the black paper to represent the negative space. 2. in your still life drawing? In my still life drawing I shaded in a whole page and erases parts of black space until it looked like my drawing.
C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
When an artist is drawing simply one object they have seen in real life the leftover space does not represent nothing, it represents the area in which the art inhabits. Using negative space artists can better visualize what environment their art is in and it helps everything flow more smoothly as opposed to not using negative space.
D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why no
It does enhance drawing because you are able to see what empty space their is in the actual object's area. Furthermore negative space gives your drawing a very cool appeal because it uses two colors which contrast (like white and black) giving the entire artwork more depth.
Negative Space- Greta Haskell
2. I found negative space in my drawing by first drawing the outline and then comparing it to the real life object and coloring where there was nothing there, just air. I found negative space in my cut out by looking where there was dark space in the template.
3. It helps an artist to see negative space because they can train themselves on perspective and detail. Once you know how to draw negative space it is easier to see how to draw things.
4. I think seeing negative space enhances the drawings because you can see more perspective and it looks more detailed and three dimensional.
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Negative Space Reflection/Blog:
Negative space is the space around the object that is not being used or in between it.
B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your still life drawing?
I found negative space because when I was cutting out the paper I saw the spaces that are blank where the negative space could be and the positive space. Also when I was drawing the objects I saw the spaces in between the objects.C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
It helps them draw better and probably with 3D.D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?
Yes, it does enhance their drawings because it looks better and cool. It brings out the color in the picture.Negative Space Reflection
In my still life drawing I found the negative space by not focusing so much on the actual chairs, but the spaces in and around the chairs. In the cut out I looked at the template and focused on the lighter shade of gray and used that as my negative space.
It helps an artist perfect their drawings. It can also help artist create their drawings, negative space can turn something from a simple drawing to an optical illusion.
Seeing negative space helps enhance a drawing because with a
drawing actively observing negative space there is more to look at.