Jugo de mango

Jugo de mango


Tiene jugo de mango. Viene con milk o agua.


Es bueno para vegetarianos.


Predicción me gustaría. Parece vegetarianos y refrescado.




Empanadas (Briana & Khari)

  • Tiene (It has...) / Viene con (It comes with...)
Vience Con nada.
Tiene bistec groundo, pollo, guava and queso. 
  • Es bueno para: (write who this dish would be good for - atletas, niños, todos, vegetarianos, los que están a dieta)
Niño, todos, y los que están a dieta.
  • Predicción/Opinión: (No) Me gustaría. Parece ...
Me gustaría. Parece sabroso.

E1 CLASE 10/05/11

Blog post title: (name of dish)

In the post:
  • Foto(s)
  • Tiene (It has...) / Viene con (It comes with...)
  • Es bueno para: (write who this dish would be good for - atletas, niños, todos, vegetarianos, los que están a dieta)
  • Predicción/Opinión: (No) Me gustaría. Parece ...

Stairs are dangerous

Don't attempt to walk backwards while doing a handstand and pouring a cup of tea at the same time. This will only end well and bring for the many haters who are invisible who will then kill you. Remember bad ideas don't kill you, haters hating on these bad ideas kill you. :D


It's 73 degrees outside, yet I'm still cold. Am I sick? I hope not. I don't think I am. I feel good. Actually right now I feel great, probably because I slept in till 9. This day is going by fast. That's good. I usually look forward to going home but not today because I have to do homework.