Media Fluency (Revised)

rasa tech slide (1)


After getting critiques from my peers and Ms.Hall I learned that I needed to have everything on myslide constant and centered. So when I was revising my slide I had to Make sure that everything was even and centered. The pictures that I used in my slide were all different sizes so I lined them up by size, from shortest to tallest. With keeping everything consistent, I had to take my shapes in the corners out and replace then with symmetrical ovals. I also had to change my background to have it a constant color. Research is very important. To know what you are doing it is good to do research

Thea Risher Media Fluency Reflection

Thea Slide. (4)
In this unit I learned a lot of new information about slides and how to present them. I learned the importance of the visual attraction and appearance of a slide. I learned that in order to make an eye capturing slide, you need a lot more research than I expected. In my new slide, I took out the words on the bottom. I did this because the words distracted the viewer from the main idea of my slide. Also some critics of my slide said that the words on the bottom blended too much in and became hard to read. I also was told that the white font of my name did not go with the color scheme, so I switched all the remaining words to black. I then shifted over the words so they did not get congested with the black of the trees bordering the slide. My research was very important to the creation of this slide because without it I would not know how significant it was to make a pleasing color scheme and add contrast to make your slide more captivating. I also learned the power that open space has in a slide. I learned that big fonts make more of a statement and are more entrancing. Overall, without the help of a lot of research and the constructive criticism of my peers I was able to successfully make a slide that I am proud of. 

Media Fluency/ Reflection

Alejandro Guerra



I designed my slide to look like the iconic kanye west album “the life of pablo”

I was influenced to make my slide like the albums artwork ,because I really like kanye as a creator and artist

I added a Colombian flag ,because that is where my family comes from.

I also added a soccer ball ,because I have a passion ,and love for the sport

I learned that different techniques ,and placements of things in an advertisement can affect if the reader even stops to read it at all.

I didn’t change anything in my slide ,becuase I got mostly positive feedback I did consider moving the flag and the soccer ball a little bit so that there wouldn’t be a tangent ,but the tangent catches the viewers eye ,and brings attention to 2 of the most important things in the slide.

Research is one of the most important things when beginning a project. So that you know what you are supposed to be doing ,and to get inspiration.

ME Slide

My New Slide

Slide boi (1)
 In this new slide I improved the layout of the slide to further emphasize my message. Before there was no specific layout of the slide, there was simply different pictures put together. Since that was the layout, the main point ( the face ) didn't stick out enough to really draw you their first. This time, I set some sort of pattern so the face would stick out more. I added more fabric colors to give more texture to the photo and used the background ( the sun ) to set the overall mood. I decided to keep the locks because of personal reasons. Overall, I am very pleased with this slide because it provides more emphasis to the message I am trying to put out.

Reflection on Media Fluency

My slide 3
Throughout this project, I learned how to effectively create a well-designed slide that communicates a message. I also learned how to utilize my knowledge of graphic design that I gained through the research required by this project. There are a few differences between this slide and my original draft. For the revised copy (above), I positioned the pictures so that they line up with the rule of thirds. I also attempted to balance out the slide by changing the proportions of the various components. Throughout the course of this project, research was vital in making the final product aesthetically pleasing and well-strategized.This was yet another important lesson.

Media Fluency Reflection

Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 9.34.49 AM
Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 9.34.49 AM

After receiving my criticism from the class and Ms. Hull I reevaluated my slide. This experience made me learn that you have to know what youre talking about before presenting. I am a very anxious person who has can have trouble presenting in front of others, so this project allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, because of that anxiousness I prepared a lot for my slide. At the beginning I believed that this project was going to be more opinion based and personal but I realized that it is more about the rules of design. The rules that I took away from this project the most were, the rule of thirds, the importance of contrast, how to use empty space and how depth has an impact. Ms.Hull told me that that I should make the wording larger and take away the line through the middle. I did make the text significantly larger and changed the font but I left the line because it is a really important piece of me and my slide. It represents my split personality, how I act around others on one side and how I act around myself on the other. Another change that I made was based off of Simon's criticism. She said that I should change the quote to have the same amount of words on both sides of the line. Instead of doing that I found a new quote that has the same amount of letters on both side, I did this by splitting the is across the line, meaning that the I is on the left side of the line and the S is on the right. I also used the already placed lines in the image to create a grid effect, so I could place the quote in the rule of thirds after hearing Ziva's comment. I also adjusted the brightness and saturation of the image to make my slide have more contrast and to let the quote stand out more. I am glad that I was able to present in front of the whole class because it allowed me to see how much more research I should have done. The research I did was more centered around colors, depth and texture when I should have focused more on the placement of my slide factors. It is so important to research your info at the beginning of a project so you don't create a mess. And if you don’t create a mess and you know the research and vocab than you won't make a fool of yourself. In conclusion the research was the most important part of this project because it allowed you to understand what is right and wrong when designing something.

Reflection on Media Fluency

One Slide Presentation (4)

What I learned from this project was all the different methods of making slade, billboard, and/or photo. I didn’t even realize how much the “Rule of Thirds” really had to do with photography and symmetry. Though that may just because I had never heard the term, “Rule of Thirds” before this project. I also was able to sharpen my skills in contrasting colors.

The main problem with my previous design, and the main thing the audience had a problem with, was the bottom right text. I meant it to be a joke to show I don’t like to take everything serious but I later realized that it was a distraction to the point of the slide. So I decided to get rid of the text entirely so people can focus more on the message in the (more pleasing) center of the slide. Besides that, everybody thought it was a pretty good slide so I decided to keep everything else the same.

The research into making this was very important to me since I never would have realized the importance of the “Rule of Thirds” and contrasting colors. That being said, research is important for anything project related if you want it to be as effective as possible.

Reflection on Media Fluency

Thea Slide. (4)
In this unit I learned a lot of new information about slides and how to present them. I learned the importance of the visual attraction and appearance of a slide. I learned that in order to make an eye capturing slide, you need a lot more research than I expected. In my new slide, I took out the words on the bottom. I did this because the words distracted the viewer from the main idea of my slide. Also some critics of my slide said that the words on the bottom blended too much in and became hard to read. I also was told that the white font of my name did not go with the color scheme, so I switched all the remaining words to black. I then shifted over the words so they did not get congested with the black of the trees bordering the slide. My research was very important to the creation of this slide because without it I would not know how significant it was to make a pleasing color scheme and add contrast to make your slide more captivating. I also learned the power that open space has in a slide. I learned that big fonts make more of a statement and are more entrancing. Overall, without the help of a lot of research and the constructive criticism of my peers I was able to successfully make a slide that I am proud of. 

Media FLuency Reflection

Through this project, I learned how to take constructive criticism, and some common elements of design. I also learned how to better critique someone’s slide. I made a lot of changes to my slide, but I think the essence of what I wanted to get across is still there. I kept my name really big because I  wanted it to pop. My name is a big part of my life so it seemed only fitting that the eye was drawn to it. Before, my slide was sort of all over the place, with things here in there with no real purpose except to convey my interests. I did not use my space effectively. My new slide is much simpler, with the text at the bottom and one interest of mine in each column following the rule of thirds. I tried to even out my spacing. The green and blue sections are used to draw your eyes to the text. They cut the page in thirds as well. Overall, I just wanted to make my design more purposeful the second time around. Research is very important when beginning a project. If you do not research, you will not be able to back up your opinions with facts. Research is about being prepared to show what you learned.

Untitled presentation (3)

Reflection on Media Fluency

-ME magazine- slide (1)

After presenting my google slide, I received new insight on how the design of my slide could be improved. I learned that I had a good use of each element of art: such as line, space, texture, depth, contrast, and more. But, I made changes where I got suggestions, like in my font hue. My use of large text stayed the same, but I changed my text to green to create a lot of harmony with the trees on the left side of the slide. It originally was a blue hue to compliment the water, but I got feedback that there was not enough blue water present to be noticeable. So, I highlighted the tall green trees with my use of army-green text. I also made the backgrounds behind the black trees brighter, so their greyish-white background matched the white background of the slide. I realized how very important research is when doing a project, because without my research from Slide Design for Developers, I might not have made large, bolded, brightly colored text. Then, my quote would not have been seen as easily and understood. Also, if I hadn’t gotten research from the Ikea link, I might not have made such a simplistic slide, and I might not have known what it meant to be understandable at a glance media. Now because of my research, my slide was a success and well-received by my reviewers. I got very small suggestions, but fixed what could improve my slide even further. I am proud of the final slide that I re-did, because it does address each element of art and has a simple and understandable design.

Reflection On Media Fluency

New Slide for Tech

I learned that color is the first thing that people will notice about. Last time my background color and my sample color is not matching so this time I using black and white color for my slide. Because black and white are opposite color, so when you mix it together, the value going to be intense, which mean is going to have some part are dark and some part are  bright. I also learned that if I make my text huge then people going to focus on that part the most. Like you can see, I trying to make the text apologize huge because I want people to focus on it the most. And the text  be yourself,  the word be you, I put it in different color because I think is important and want people to look at it first. I put 2 white line in opposite direction because I think it would help my slide look more creative and don’t have that much space left. And it really important to research in the beginning a project because they help you know what you should put in your slide and it help you write the intro for it more easier, are maybe in the 2nd slide you don’t need to look at it again but you still remember all the rules and know how to fix your slide and make it more perfect.

Technology: Reflection on Media Fluency

Technology 1 Slide Project (3)
  • From this project, I was able to learn that there are actual strategies used in advertising that make billboards more pleasing to the eye. I learned that it's not easy to just shrink something so large into a single slide.
  • When I was looking over my slide, I noticed that the black and shade of blue were kind of making a color scheme. Matching color schemes looks better overall, so I removed the pictures that did not match the color theme and added pictures that did. I also removed the "Who Am I?" in the center with my name. I did this because I thought my name in the center would make people know that the slide is actually about me, and the images are gravitation around it. 
  • Research is very important when starting a project. When you are doing a presentation, it is important to go up there and actually know what you are saying. If you go up and try to present without any knowledge, the presentation won't seem as well put together and knowledgeable. 

My One Slide

In my new slide I saw that a lot of images that were distracting and hard to see so I took all of them out. Also saw that a lot of the colors were contrasting each other so picked one solid color and just left it there. It's important to do research before hand because without I was lost and I had no idea what to do.
Something (5)

Charles Langley Media fluency reflection

Tech class (8)
I learned that if you don’t do research then your slide and how you present it will be bad because you won’t have the knowledge to make the slide look good. I also learned that it pays to do research and it helps gain confidence to what your saying to a big group. I improved my slide by using the rule of thirds to my advantage by putting a question mark in the middle. I also tried to fill the other parts of negative space so you could clearly see what was filled and what is waiting to be filled. Also if you don’t have research then your screwed because you will just walk and present and then not know what to say and not meet the requirements that the teacher or professor wants.

Reflection on Media Fluency

Media Fluency (1)
In my new slide I kept almost everything. I have all the same pictures as before, and I still used the rule of thirds. But what I did change was I switched the position of the Penn State picture and Phillies pictures. I did this because the Gas Monkey white and the Phillies clashed with each other. I also tried to make the border look more "clean cut". The border is now more on all sides. I think their is not much else that should be changed.

Reflection on Media Fluency

I learned a lot about how to make a good advertisement. I learned about contrast, the rule of thirds, and a lot about making a presentation that's attention grabbing. For my second slide I realized I needed a lot more free space and to remove a lot of the text and images while keeping what's important that stands out on the slide. The changes I made don't entirely exspress me, but they get my main point off, while keeping a lot of free space and the text running along the side lines following the rule of thirds. I also used a more intriguing font and made the text much larger so it's easier to read.
Researching about how to make good advertisements is something that is easy to do and helpful when making your own. Advertisements are around us all the time and we usually always end up looking at one or another, and by looking at those advertisements after researching about them allows you to see how much these big companies follow these tricks and techniques. Researching I feel is very important not only for the advertisement, but when presenting and using this knowledge it seems more professional and makes the person seem more articulate.

Reflection on Media Fluency

One Slide Presentation (4)

What I learned from this project was all the different methods of making slade, billboard, and/or photo. I didn’t even realize how much the “Rule of Thirds” really had to do with photography and symmetry. Though that may just because I had never heard the term, “Rule of Thirds” before this project. I also was able to sharpen my skills in contrasting colors.

The main problem with my previous design, and the main thing the audience had a problem with, was the bottom right text. I meant it to be a joe to show I don’t like to take everything serious but I later realized that it was a distraction to the point of the slide. So I decided to get rid of the text entirely so people can focus more on the message in the (more pleasing) center of the slide. Besides that, everybody thought it was a pretty good slide so I decided to keep everything else the same.

The research into making this was very important to me since I never would have realized the importance of the “Rule of Thirds” and contrasting colors. That being said, research is important for anything project related if you want it to be as effective as possible.

Media Fluency Reflection

I learned that color is the first thing that people will notice about. Last time my background color and my sample color is not matching so this time I using black and white color for my slide. Because black and white are opposite color, so when you mix it together, the value going to be intense, which mean is going to have some part are dark and some part are  bright. I also learned that if I make my text huge then people going to focus on that part the most. Like you can see, I trying to make the text apologize huge because I want people to focus on it the most. And the text  be yourself,  the word be you, I put it in different color because I think is important and want people to look at it first. I put 2 white line in opposite direction because I think it would help my slide look more creative and don’t have that much space left. And it really important to research in the beginning a project because they help you know what you should put in your slide and it help you write the intro for it more easier, are maybe in the 2nd slide you don’t need to look at it again but you still remember all the rules and know how to fix your slide and make it more perfect.

New Slide for Tech


“Hello class, take a moment to settle down before I begin the lecture. So let’s talk about life, yes? Life’s purpose has been sought after by many philosophers, nearly all of them. A large amount of the theories of the purpose of life are typically something akin to this quote, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, ‘The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.’

*Brief, contemplative pause, then a heavy sigh*

I’m tired of  this. I can’t recall how many times I’ve said those exact words, and they hold no real meaning. I’m just spewing bullshit I read in a textbook because my superiors told me to. I’m wasting my time here. None of you fucking care.

You come to this class because you think you’re better than the rest of mankind, like you’re somehow more unique than the rest of the population because you “think too much” or because you “understand the deeper meaning of life”. But Here’s the thing about life - there’s no god damn point. You’re born, you live, and you die. All the while just eating and shitting and doing what you’re told, assuming that greatness will fall into your lap because you for some reason deserve it, or because you worked harder.

Well tough shit, the universe owes you nothing. You’re just lazy so you follow a study that makes you feel superior to others and that you can brag about to your peers while you sit in your chair writing something Plato would be proud of. That’s not going to happen. That’s not going to happen because next thing you know you’re 45, depressed, tired, and stuck in a shitty job that doesn’t pay well talking to kids who don’t really care about what you think.  

I had dreams too, you know. I was exactly like you. I wanted to be a remarkable, memorable figure in history. I wanted to be remembered for all my interesting and wonderfully new contemplative thoughts. I got out of college, and life kicked me to the curb. I didn’t have any jobs lined up, my major in philosophy was useless, and I hadn’t learned a single thing over the past 4 years. Do you know what you can do with a major in philosophy? Teach philosophy. It’s a completely irrelevant field of study that just feeds into itself. Have you noticed that almost every great philosopher has written multiple books? Why didn’t any of you just take writing classes? That wouldn’t have been very helpful either, but at least you would have SOME sort of skill. You could’ve written for - oh I don’t know - newspapers.

I’m not even angry at you. I don’t care about any of you - you’re not relevant to my life. I’m moreso angry at myself for being so arrogant and foolish as to not only get a superfluous degree, but then feed into an idiotic cycle, keeping it going. I’m sad that I lacked the foresight to see why philosophy was a shit major. I could’ve been a lawyer or something. A job equally soul-crushing but at least I’d be paid well. I fear I may have lost my mental stability - I mean here I am, standing in front of a room full of twenty-somethings, not even listening to me when I’m clearly going off topic. None of you are listening! I walk up and smack one of you and you wouldn’t even notice! Ugh, what’s the point. I may as well just stick to the lesson plan while I’m here, no use screaming when no one is listening.

My slide 2.0

After my first presentation I learned that I shouldn't have a lot of dead room so I chose one of my pictures and made the image the main theme of my slide. I changed the colors from blue and black to red and white because I thought it would work with a red image and white writing because it makes the writing pop out of the image. I made sure that the amount of contrast I used made the background give a little glow which makes the writing pop out more even more. I stead with the large writing so you could see the slide from a distance I kept the same background from my last slide and recolored it and make the batter picture transparent to make the picture look shinier. Thank you signing out.

Reflection on Media Fluency

I learned that while advertising, it should be very exciting and interesting to look at but it has to have organizacion to it. I took out the purple square that was in the center and moved the text to the center of the slide because with the pictures on one side and the text on the other, there was a sort of un balance to it. I just wanted to make it balanced. Research is very important before you start a project because with no research you'll either make up information or rush through it all and the outcome won't be so good.

Media Fluency (revised) -Sam Gualtieri

Media Fluency (1)

Based off of the critique I received on my initial slide, I made a lot of changes.

For my first change, I cut down on the textual notes a lot. I shortened the bullet points and got rid of the main point box. I then enlarged the text box so it was easy to read and filled up more of the space. Then I cropped the tri-pod off of the camera and enlarged that as well. I took the filmstrip texture and put it on both sides of the images, then put a black divider between the pictures. I switched the bottom two images because one of them didn’t match the color of the other two so it looked best to put it in the middle. I took the title of the presentation, made it a bit smaller and moved it to the right a little bit so it wasn’t so close to the edge. Through this I’ve learned that consistency is important and that size is an important factor in visual artwork.

Update! 2nd Slide Media Fluency

When I was presenting my first slide, I learned that not a lot of things was supposed to be going on. I also learned that one thing had to be the center of attention and it could be simple but catchy. I made the choice not to include pictures because the main focus was the letter i, and if people’s attention was going to be focused on a picture, it would be taking away the purpose of the letter. I also chose to put a frame around the phrase because that was my way of trying to get my point across. I also chose to say “I can’t fit into one slide” because my life is too complex and it’s so much going on that one slide is not enough room to define who I really am. Research is so important when beginning a project. It sets a foundation and gives ideas for the direction you want to go in. There are tips and advice that can be given to you and you could actually learn from it. I suggest doing research before beginning a project so that you have a clear idea and foundation on what you want to do and what you’re supposed to be doing.

Teyonna 2nd slide


I have learned that you need to click on everything Miss Hull puts there, also to check if you did it right. I have also learned that you need to give your slide a deeper meaning where it would show something you would like but would have an easter egg in it to show something else that you love. Research is important since you would need to know how to make it or what you would need to do. Also it is key for you to actually know what to do and how to do instead of asking miss hull since she won’t help you whatsoever and might be a bit mad since you didn’t listen to her instructions.  

Tim's Media Fluency(The Second Chance)

From the critique of my peers that I presented my second slide to, I made a few key changes. One of the changes that I made was all of the spacing between all of my pictures that made it distracting to the eye with the already moving gif pictures and the multi-colored, moving background. The actual change that I made was a more basic background, and only one gif image, Which balanced the movement by being unbalanced. What I mean by this is that the Moving image was in the middle of two non-moving images.
Another major change that I made was making big wording with multiple colors that contrasted with color of the background behind them. 
techpresentation (3)