Isabella Torres - Remix Slide


When I first  showed my slide to my group, the really enjoyed it. They liked how it was “tumblr vibes,” which was my goal for the aesthetic of the slide. They liked the layout because it was easy to see and you eyes could move around the page easily. They said the slide was straightforward and flowed well together. They also mentioned there were some minor issues with how it looked. My name “isabella” was black, and the background was black and white marble, so it was a little hard to see. They recommended to change the color for it to “pop.” The other small issue was the top picture. They said it didn’t exactly go with the other picture, so I got rid of it as a whole.

I then centered my now colored name in the center and I put the bottom picture directly under it. I read somewhere that if there are similar colors or the same color in a picture, there would be some type of cohesion all around. I knew I needed to change the color of my name to make it pop and I changed it to the color of my shirt in the picture I kept. I centered my name so your eye would easily see the point of the slide and the photo under it was centered also.

Other research I read was that open space isn’t a bad thing. I didn’t fill up the whole slide because it could get distracting and annoying looking at all the different things. I kept it simple and easy to see. I also based my design off of the ikea sign article. They said to hang a big picture or image of something and very little words. I did just that. I followed these articles because I wanted my slide to be simple and easy to understand. I personally think I did a good job on this project and I learned a lot from what I read.

Sam Friedman-Slide Remix

Tech Design Slide (1)

I learned from the critique of my slide that short and sweet is the move and tangits are bad. To be honest my slide was awful, it was too crowded, disorganized, some pictures were blurry, and some pictures didn’t align right. I did not put as much effort as I could have put when making my original slide. I intended to create a cool collage of some sort but I didn't meet myself halfway and the slide came out bad. I didn’t really do enough research either so that may have been another factor.

I made the changes that I made because I needed to clean things up and properly format stuff. I also made the changes because my peers strongly thought that I needed to. It was not only them, I wasn't very fond of it either. My peers told me to make sure to align stuff correctly, get less blurry pictures, and most importantly, no tangents! After moving some stuff around and deleting other stuff, my peers comments helped me a lot.

The main research that I did that actually influenced what I did/changed was that color is the first thing that people notice. Also how space makes it breathable and calm. Lastly, that if this slide was an IKEA billboard, that it would look organized and sweet/simple. A good source for information is slide design for developers. The reasoning behind the necessary elements are very good and convincing. In conclusion the research that I did, and the comments from others helped shaped my slide into a very good slide.

Slide Remix

slide Remix (2)

From my original Slide, I learned that I should try experimenting more with a tangent versus image bleeding, and I feel that I have reached a slightly better balance.  I’ve also removed the SpaceX logo as the rockets already have them, and I’ve removed one of the rockets for the symmetry of having 3 words of “Earth, Mars, and Beyond” and 3 rockets.    I’ve learned from Presentation Zen that I should still keep it as simple as possible and not overload the audience with information.  

I’ve slightly edited the design from a simple black and white into a dark indigo color which is more pleasing to the eye, while still contrasting sharply with the white rockets and white words.  I’ve changed it after looking for more color palettes on Colourlovers and found a palette with a dark color and white.  I’ve increased the size slightly of “The Future” at the top from learning about size on Zach Holman.  

In conclusion, I’ve learned that a tangent is harder to separate from image bleeding.  I’ve learned that color palettes can make a huge a difference in how pleasing an image can look and the contrast is important to making an image more vibrant and pop.  Although it is better than my old slide however, there are some small tweaks that can be made somewhere and nothing is fully perfect.  


Elena Smith- Remix Design Slide

Tech slide (1)
In my original slide, I had too many things going on at once. On my design slide there were paragraphs that did not line up correctly, two different definitions of l'esprit de l'escalier and a picture of a ladder instead of a staircase, because I though it would make more sense. There were fonts of different sizes, the picture was blurry and was a tangent, and overall it was hard to digest all of the information on my slide, especially if someone were to drive past it 60 miles an hour on the highway. 
When designing my new slide, the first thing I did was get rid of the ladder in my picture and replace it with stairs. I decided to make the background black and the font and picture white to make it appear more simplistic and less crazed. With two colors, it created more of a contrast and was more appealing to the human eye. I wanted to make the font wrap around the circle, but instead opted to put the font on the sides of the slide, and in the end it created something that is sort of similar to a flag.
In my design research, the thing I mainly used was contrast, putting the white on a black background to make it pop. If I inverted the colors, then there would be a lot more negative space and it would look less official. The website I used for the contrast was the one that talked about the IKEA cups and how effective simple billboards would be.

Tech Slide

tech (2)
  I learned from the critique that the simpler the design, the better. Before the critique, I had a bunch of pictures and words that described me. My group told me to find the one word that described all those words so I chose artist. I learned that I should focus only on one topic and make it simple. 
I made the changes of deleting the photographs of myself. They took away from the focus on the slide which was the words that describe me. I chose to delete most of the words because they were too much to try and focus on. The viewer's eyes wouldn't know where to look or what to focus on since there wasn't a main focus.
The research I did taught me how to make my design pop. I learned that bright words against a darker background would make the words really stand out. A source I used to create my slide is symmetry. I have four pictures in total which all mirror each other. They are symmetrical.

Sarah Cohen- Remixed Slide

Tech Presentation due Nov 22   (2)

From the critique of  first my slide I learned that less is more. People said that they were overwhelmed. To solve this I made a wordle which turned all of the things I wanted to into a photo graphic that was easier to look at than just a lot of images put onto a slide. My research helped me to see what components go into making a slide visually appealing. I learned that a slide is supposed to accompany the presentation not be the presentation. From a website called Presentation Zen I learned about using colors that look together and how to put together your slide so that you can control what order people see that different components of your image. If I could do this project all over again I would have thought of other ways to express the things that I am passionate about without using too many quotes.

Remixed Slide

Untitled presentation (1)
I learned from my critiques that even though the color of my sunflowers could have triggered a memory it didn't do completely what I wanted it to because of the square shape it should have been more shaped as a sun into a circle so that it could represent what I wanted it to. I learned that the font of my quote mattered. The changes I made were needed because the colors I picked in my opinion were dull, and my quote was empty meaning to me. The quote I used was by a poet who's literature brought me out of a dark place in life and who moved me to find self love. The colors white and red do contrast better than blue and yellow because one is such a harsh color and the other represents a blank slate to some people.

The research I did helped because looking it over again helped me see that the font matters more than someone would think when you see a bland font you the words might not hit you as they're meant to. The font is meant to appeal and not make you feel like you're reading but that your eyes are allowed to flow across the screen. The resources I used to make an amazing slide was presentation zen and talking to people in my stream. They told me how to fix it such as the placing of the words and how close they were to the borders. Looking over presentation zen helped me see that my words needed to large enough to not make the viewer get uninterested and that bold colors needed to be added to make the reader focus. The rule of thirds also helped because the roses would be the first third and both layers of the quote would be the other two thirds. 

My peers had an amazing influence and were a big help on how people viewed my slide and what they saw first and what messed with their eyes and what appealed to them. My quote was said and lifted me up because I realized not all my achievements have to be seen or brought to attention but that I am progressing no matter what. The roses look as if they're sitting on top of my words which helps because no matter what you see first their colors are the same it helps keep your attention on the slide. 

My slide: Revision 2

All About Me (Tech)Caresten Moses (1)
From the critique I received, I learned to lessen the amount of writing and pictures I had on my slide. My previous slide had three pictures with different color schemes, and they didn't compliment each other well. I decided to keep the same background because my viewers found it visually attractive. I also chose to change the transparency on the picture to create a more satisfying touch on the picture, from the colors of the background, fading into the photo.
From my research, I learned about  Variety in art, using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art. I displayed that with the multicolor background that bleeds into the picture. I also wanted to have Balance in my slide, since that was something else I researched.  Having balance in my artwork is combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. I had balance because I included symmetry with my name creating small pockets of Space. That was another thing I learn that is important in having a good slide. Having the right amount of good space can set your slide up for success in the appearance.
Some sources I used to make a better slide were Presentation Zen and Elements of Design Defined. Elements of Design Defined helped me to get the definition of elements I needed to have in my slide. Presentation Zen helped me to get a better idea of how to display those elements.

Brooklin's "remixed" slide

slide 2

I learned that my original slide was different, but didn’t follow a lot of the presentation zen rules. People explained that there was a lot of information on my slide. They told me that they weren’t sure what to focus on. I learned that I needed to make sure my slide showed a lot more simplicity.

I changed my whole layout for my slide. I choose an influential background and a quote, instead of bullet points and a picture. This ensured that I could design my slide and use tips and tricks from presentation zen. I made changes to my slide so people can have a clear understanding of one aspect about myself.

I researched and analyzed different sources on the internet about slides. “Presentation Zen” helped me to understand how to make a great slide. It taught me about the rule of thirds and that empty space was okay. It also taught me about contrast between images and text. I used the information in “Slide Design for Developers” to choose the perfect colors in my slide. To conclude, presentation zen and critiques helped me to “remix” my slide.

Remix One Google Slide- Hannah Flanagan

Tech Presentation (1)

The changes I was given really helped with changing my slide. I was told the heart in the side of the slide was barely visible and you couldn’t really see it. It didn't even think about the fact that the slide would look different being projected. Secondly, I was told my name was unnecessary for the slide. That taught me that text is really less, and that we all know the slide is about me, so my name doesn’t really need to be there. Finally, I learned that the more people say things you could of done better, the better you are going to get. I knew going into this that my slide wasn’t very good. But after presenting, I saw everyone’s minds come together and really help me improve on my slide.

I really only had to make three changes to my side. First I got rid of my name because I was told that I didn’t really need it there. Secondly, I fixed the lining of my quote. There was just “Emerson” on the bottom line and that was kind of a problem. So I just moved my text over to the left, which made all of my quote go on two lines. Finally, I changed the heart on my slide completely. I was told to maybe make a constellation heart, but I couldn’t really find a picture of that. So, I decided to use a heart made of paw prints. I did this because my old dog Jake passed away, but I also recently got a new dog named Winter. I care about these dogs a lot, so I decided to talk about that and me being a kind hearted person. I also changed the placement of the heart. Since I really love dogs, it put it around the moon to say “I love them to the moon and back”.

I used a few sources to make an amazing slide. First, I used Presentation Zen, which was given to us by Ms. Hull. This was the first website I really went to for good ideas, but it gives you a more basic idea of what a slide needs in it to be amazing. Secondly, I used to create a more professional looking slide. Presentation Zen gave me good ideas, but I feel like they didn’t look too professional looking all together. Finally, the last big website I used was This website had a lot of cool tricks to making a really interesting slide. I used this website to add a shadow to my quote.

Overall, I learned a lot after presenting my slide. After hearing the critiques from my fellow classmates and Ms. Hull, it opened my eyes to new things I never even noticed. After hearing that I know now why I needed to change to grow as a person and a student. With the critiques I was given and the other research I did, I believed I enhanced my slide even more.

Remix Slide

Tech Slide #2

    The critique of my slide was to mess around with it more and to change the text so it

could match the shows font. So I took the advice and found better images that I could do more with. I also found a font that matches the shows logo so it could resemble each other. My critique taught me that there was much more that I could’ve done with my slide. I also learned that the things you choose to put in your slide matters.

  I made the changes I did to my slide because once I got the critique I saw problems

with my slide. I realized that the picture I choose was blurry so Iooked for pictures that were better. I also changed the color and the font of my text so it could contrast more since my old slide was bland. Then I found a picture to bleed. That's why I made the changes I did to my slide.

 Research helped me make a better slide because it made me realize that contrast

is important. It also made me realize the font is important. Research also made me realize that bleeding tings is important. I used Presentation Zen as a source. I also used Slide Design for Developers.

Remix 1: Google Slide and Reflection

After presenting my original slide, I was given a lot of constructive criticism. The critique that I heard the most was that my background was distracting and did not make my text pop out to the viewer. I was also told that the font of the quote was confusing and hard to read. I was praised however, on the concept of my slide, and how I used thirds. I was encouraged to change the size of my quote, so it could take up more of the slide and minimize unused space.

In the remix of my slide, there were multiple changes from my first slide. The largest difference between my first and second slides, was the opacity of the background image. In my second slide, the background is much more transparent, directing the viewer’s eyes towards the text, and not details in the background. I also changed the font from Indie Flower to Oswald. I believe that these changes helped bring my slide focus.

The research that I gathered pushed me to use the thirds concept and natural lines in my background and slide. Also, I incorporated something I learned from presentation zen, which was to limit the amount of information on my slide. I used the sites that were provided on canvas to format and design my slide. Overall, I am proud of both my original and new slide.

Remix of My Slide

Google slide reflection

Tech presentation (1)
I learned that too much open space is can be a bad thing. Although it is suggested to have a good amount of open space so the slide is easy on your eyes, too much can be a waste of space. I made the changes I did so I can make everything bigger to catch the eye. I also moved things around so it can look more balanced when people view it. All of my research showed me that the easier the slide is on the eyes the better your message will get across. To make this slide I used a couple sources, mostly 
"Presentation Zen" for my slide ideas.

Remixed One Slide

ONE slide pres.
ONE slide pres.
I learned from the critiques of my slide to choose a better background picture that divides up the screen better.Before there were clouds that interfered with the words and points trying to come across. I was told to change some of the positioning of my words and pictures. To make my font bigger and to have it stretch across the top of the screen
I made the changes to my slide because I wanted the rule of thirds for Presentation Zen to be more pronounced. I also wanted the colors to contrast more. I used the IKEA ads to help me as well. The use of their negative space and it highlights what is actually important. 
The research I did helped to create a better slide, because it helped me choose a new font for my quote that made it stretch across the top of my slide better. I also chose a new background to have better colors. One of the sources I used to create an amazing slide was Presentation Zen and a Smilebox article that helps with web design. 

Remix Google Slide


​I made several changes to my slide for this class. I was told that my slide had some distractions in it. Previously I had my name in a big font above the Shakespeare quote, but Anthony pointed out that he didn't know where to look first, at my name or the quote. Because of that advice, I decided to remove my name, and make my quote bigger. Once I did that, I centered it and made it the first thing people looked at, using the rule of thirds.

To remake my slide, I decided revisit all the websites to see what I could do better. They said that I should have my slide focus on one thing, make it the first thing that captures the eye. Another source I used were my classmates. While I was remaking my slide, I went to them for their opinions on the changes I had made.

One thing I learned when remaking my slide was that you can't rush the changes you make to your slide. At first, I made my name bigger, and my quote smaller. I then deleted my name and changed my quote´s font. Another thing I learned is the rule of thirds. I learned how to properly use it and have it on my slide.

Believe In Yourself

Yoo why can't i make these damm 3’s. I know i'm not the best basketball player but dam Ms. Pahomov can ball better than me and she's an english teacher. Like i practice every single day. I didn't make the team last year(make some type of noise) everyday in the summer I went to taney, and practiced. I'm just standing here looking dumb. If i don't make this 3 pointer i'm done for the day.(notice a cute girl)  Woow, damm, oh god. She so cute. If i make this 3 i know that it will impress her. (shoots the ball and makes it) Yess!! I made it. I'm not sure if she seen it though like wt.. Ok let me calm down and just go over there. Oh hey (clears his throat) hey wsp what's ya name? Oh Sharina? Thats a nice name. So you do streaks? Ok you do. Can I get your Snap then? You said Sharina_taken? Oh so that means that you have a boyfriend? Ah my bad Tot I didn't know this was your girl.

I know I was just chillin and she was was just looking at me. So i don't know man? (Tot started yelling at her her) Yo Tot the truth is i didn't know who she was and I ask for her name. I did not mean for it to lead to where we lead. Yea man i am really sorry, i know why you are upset but dam it was an accident. Yea it was. Come on don't act like this. (challenges him to a basketball game) A one on one? Your like the best player in the whole school. Come on man please. You're going to embarass me infront of the whole school. ( sucks his teeth) Ard man come on. Wait i got ball first. I know i'm not as strong as you. Yo bro watch them elbows, you hit me in my face. I am playing ball. You what, just play come on. (he takes a deep breathe) I know i can make this shot. (makes it) Let's go!! All i need to do is just score one more and i win. You think your going to win.(started talking trash) I've been practicing this shot all year. (close his eyes) wait how did i miss!? I'm just like another flight reacts a walking L. let me be a bigger man. Yo tot good game. You think i did  good? Thanks. Yea your right, all you need to do is just believe in yourself. So no hard feelings? Ard thanks see you.  

Single Slide Remix - Ethan

Single Slide of Myself
I noticed that a lot of people wanted me to center the cycle and put my name in the middle. It was difficult to look at because it wasn't in the common lines of sight. I made the changes so that my slide looked more professional. I put more time and effort into making this slide work. I have moved it around and researched new ways of presenting it and myself. After looking at presentations online, I have also learned how to present the slide physically, not just the slide. I need to project my voice and make sure I'm using my hands to point to specific points of the slide. 
I watched TED talks to understand how professionals present their slides. I also went to some classmates and wrote down their feedback so that I was able to remember what their opinion was. I also asked clarifying questions to make sure that I was understanding their feedback. 
I have noticed that people are very picky of what intrigues them. The smallest tangent or the slight change of color can throw somebody's interest off. I have learned that it is important to get somebody's opinion before you show it to a lot of people. Nobody will see your slide the way that you do.

Art- Christopher Jacobs

Screenshot 2017-12-07 at 10.58.44 PM.pdf
     From the critique of my slide I learned mainly about 2 things. I learned from my group that the main problem was, that there was too much to focus on and there was a lot to look at. I myself actually thought of this and made a different one before but I felt that it was really rushed and did not have as much as time and work put into it as I wanted it too. I completely revised my slide and decided to make the slide all one topic. After a lot of thinking (and I mean A LOT) I finally came to a conclusion that I would choose something that truly defines me and that shows my true personality of being very creative. Some of these sources were websites I found while just surfing through the internet. I used a lot of different elements and even talked to a good friend of mines who has been working on design his whole life. I decided I would go with a simpler approach with a colorful background and pictures to contrast it due to them being black and white. I learned a lot during this project and I can proudly say I am proud of what this is now and I hope everyone who looks at this can enjoy my project.

I like Smart phones

Smart phone logos (1)
I started off with color blocked sunny beach. I changed it because the first one had too much words. But this one took me 5 days please like it. I chose this one because I like smart phones. In Christmas or my birthday my mom is getting me Samsung galaxy S8. I think that the IphoneX is not worth it because who is paying $999.99 for a phone, not me for sure. And I also hate the face Id for the X. I think that it should be $500.00. 

Antonia Solar- Tech slide 2

From the critique of my slide I learned that I was on the right track with the design. Some people suggested changing the background to blue or moving the title to the bottom or just getting rid of the title all together. I asked people what they thought of the changes that I did. The almost everyone said that the original looked better than the new ones. 
In the end, I decided to keep my slide just like it is. I decided to do this because people disagreed in the different changes that were suggested and in the end the original was the most pleasing. It is simple but informative and clear to read and understand. The colours pop and the font is big, all elements that are part of design. 
My research helped me create a better slide because it taught me concepts of design that I could use to attract more people to my slide. I used colour wheels to pick the colour of my slide and made sure to pick complementary colours that contrasted. I also used presentation Zen and all of the other resources given to me to learn about design. While researching, I even made a list of design elements that I wanted to incorporate in my slide. This made it easier for me to create something that had a good design and showed something about me.

Slide Remix & Reflection

Tech Slide (1)
     From presenting my slide to my peers, I received quite the feedback that was very helpful and understandable. There were a couple things I couldn't see in my slide that had been said to me and I thought it was good that someone noticed such a mistake as having a different color text in the same line. In addition, I was able to contact my peers on my revisions that were suggested by them. 
     As my process continued, I wanted to keep my quote because it was something that gave my slide a meaning but one big change I did was the choice of color. Like before, I previously had a line of text that had different colors and at first, I thought it was going to work out but it threw off my peers' views so I decided that the different colors on the same line had to go. Now I got the advice of using the USB cable to almost have the text wrap against it so that the text isn't 3 straight lines that look boring and uninteresting. Overall, I decided to move the cable image to the left and have still have the readers read from left to right because that is naturally how we read. 
     Going on, I went in depth for a little more research and I decided to read the entire Slide Design for Developers page and I found crucial things like simplicity, large text, using good colors, etc. So one of the things that related to my peers was the choice of color and I am thankful that my mistake was pointed out after presenting. In addition, I used much larger text before and tilted my text in a way to make the text go with the flow of the cable. Overall, I thought I got some helpful feedback and hopefully my slide is one to remember. 

Google Slide

Final Draft of Google Slide Tech
Hello, my name is Anthony Castro-Gomez and this is the google slide I have created based off of my research and the critique from my colleagues. My initial design consisted of a hoop and a basketball in the center of the image to set the tone of the slide. I also added in 3 words to explain the slide quickly so that the viewer can glance at it, look away, and be able to gather all of the information they needed. Finally, I made sure I added in a black background and made the words orange so that it pops out to the audience. I kept the original font and had a reflection of each of the words.
After presenting, my classmates suggested that I take out the reflection because it is distracting to the eye. They also recommended that I make sure that all of the words are placed reasonable distances from each other so it looks on point. Someway I decided to implement that was by using the words to follow the basketball as if it was an afterimage to make a more creative way to catch the viewer's attention. I changed the color of the words to match the basketball a little more because my classmates did mention how they liked how the words corresponded with the background and the basketball, so I kept a black background and made the font color dark orange to match the basketball. I was also told to change the font to something more fitting so I used the Lobster font since it looks smooth and pleasing to the eye, and in a sense more formal because it looks like cursive. 
The research helped me create a better slide because it teaches me how to grab people’s attention. With the image “bleeding” off the edge of the slide, it seems more like an ad, which grabs attention. I learned that the contrast between colors is important as well, a light color in front of a dark background is usually what people like. I used a dark color against a dark background so that it creates a more relaxed tone to the slide. Some sources I used to make this slide were (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (the video you provided us with),, and Elements of Design Defined (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. To conclude, this was the final version of my google slide.

Iman Ahmed New Slide

Untitled presentation (3)
  • What did you learn from the critique of your slide?                                     I learned to not make bullet points because it will distract the audience and to never use Comic Sand.
  • Why did you make the changes you made to the slide?                               I made it much simpler and more put together.
  • How did the research you did help to create a better slide?                     It helped me make my slide more put together and at the same time make sense.
  • What were some of the sources you used to create an amazing slide?          I used the presentation zen to my advantage and i also searched google for examples to give me an idea.

Zachary Sanders- Slide Remix

Tech Project_ My Life Slide 2 (1)
After presenting my project to my group members and having to do this again, the thing I was able to learn from my slide overall was falling and getting back up. Now I may not be a master at design and I know that i'm nowhere near it but it's from the mistakes that I make in life that I am able to improve on. No matter what it is that you're doing no one is perfect. Sometimes you have to accept defeat in order to grow.
There were a lot of things that lacked and could have been taken out in my first copy of the slide and i'm glad that I was able to improve those things on this one. In my first slide I had tons of pictures which was the thing I was trying to focus on in my slide but with the amount of pictures I had made it hard to focus on one thing. But in this one I changed that idea around completely. Instead of a bunch of photos I decided to make the background the center of attention with a quote on the side so that it was easier to just read the quote and admire the background. I also added the little pixel figures so I could spice it up a bit with something new. 
The research I did helped create a better slide because from it I was able to see new ways I could improve and also ways that appealed to me. For example the quote because I always liked reading quotes and seeing them makes things look better to me. I did not use any sources but I did use google images in order to find the right image for my background. Finding them didn't take that long but making sure that the image wasn't too big or was not transparent took a while. But overall I am happy with what I created. 

One Slide Remix

One Slide Remix
From the critique I learned many things. I learned that simplicity doesn't always look good. I learned that a little extra detail can cause drastic changes. It can be the icebreaker between an excellent slide and a decent one. I also learned that fading things out can cause more emphasis on the most important parts of the slide.
The changes I made were to the text, font, background, and contrast colors. I changed Me Magazine to Lincoln Murray because all of the things in the slide relate to me, not something I made about me. I changed the font from Oscar to Lobster because it is a font that gives the right amount of both simplicity and uniqueness. I  changed the background to a red that faded to black on the outskirts to provide more emphasis on the center pieces(text/middle silhouette). Lastly I changed the background to a darker red and the text to pure white so the text stands out.
I used my knowledge and looking at other's presentations to make my slide even better. I realized how the simplistic ones looked a bit underdone and how the extremely detailed slides have a bit too much for someone to glance at and get the message. I saw that the best ones were simplistic but unique so I tried to replicate that style. It ended up making my slide 10x better than it was before!