How it all goes Downhill

How it all goes Downhill

By Eli Zimmerman

William Golding’s fictional novel, Lord of the Flies, is a world renowned classic that tells the story of a group of grade school boys who hailed from the Home Counties. The boys have been stranded on a deserted island. In order to survive the kids must work together, so they appoint a chief via the democratic process of voting. They decide on  Ralph, who is one of the eldest. As the book progresses we see another figure rise to power, Jack another older boy, who challenges Ralph’s position and wins it over by using fear to his advantage. Jack overthrows Ralph by using fear to unite the boys, and gets them to join him. The book raises the point that fear and misinformation lead to the unwinding of democracy.  Recent political events in the United States and Europe confirm that relationship.

Towards the beginning of the book the boys join in meeting to discuss what the group's agenda should be. They use a conch shell as a tool to create order. Whoever has the shell in their hand is the only person that can talk. As they talk, a little boy who is too shy to talk raises a point about a mysterious beast on the island. At one point a very young boy attempts to share what he has seen in the woods. With a little reiteration by Piggy, the boy tells the group what he has seen. “Now he says it was a beastie.” “Beastie?” “A snake thing.” “Ever so big.” “He saw it.” (35). Although the older kids take the little boy”s comment as a joke at first, the beast morphs into the theme of fear recurring throughout the rest of the book. The creation of fear is what drives the book’s main plot. Fear of the beast subliminally fuels every single decision made by the boys throughout the rest of the novel. The beast’s actual physical appearance is not important rather the symbol of fear it represents is what drives the plot. With the beast in play, the boys have a real life representation for their fear. The symbol makes the boys disorganized and leads to trust issues. Before they know it, the power of fear begins to take control of the group.

Much later in the book we see that things have gotten out of control for Ralph and his trusty advisor, Piggy. Jack has distanced himself from the group and has developed a few very close allies. As the story progresses,so does Jack’s power. We see the boys flocking to the leader who shows the least amount of so called fear. Some of Jack’s friends have stolen Piggy’s glasses, forcing Piggy to go and retrieve them. The rock struck Piggy, a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist. (181). Jack offers the boys protection and food if they join him. While Ralph sticks with the original plan of lighting a signal fire and hoping help comes. We can assume Jack is able to persuade the boys to join him, because of the promises he makes. When people are uneducated and fear the unknown they seek refuge and protection. Jack seems fearless which is the only thing the kids look for. Because of fear they toss rational thinking and the possible instability of Jack’s personality out the window, just for protection from the unknown. The shattering of the conch represents the end of order and democracy within the group. Fear unravels democracy. With order turned on its head, Jack has the ability to strike and take his place as leader. He chooses to do this with force, and anarchy is unleashed within the group.

A New York Times article, written by Amanda Taub states that Western democracy is on the decline. If you look at the numbers you begin to see America is falling behind on global test scores. This article concludes that a majority of America is becoming less and less intelligent. As of 2017, 75% of silicon valley’s skilled labor needed to be filled by people on the H1 B1 visa. The fact that Americans are increasingly less educated not only affects jobs, but also impacted the recent presidential election.  As seen in the last election millions of Americans turned away from a progressive candidate in Hillary Clinton, for a more conservative option, Donald Trump. Donald Trump planned to remove many parts of structured democracy, like the freedom of the press. A study by Fivethirtyeight surveyed 981 counties and found that 48 of the top 50 counties with the highest number of people possessing a four year degree voted for Clinton. But in the 50 counties with the lowest number of four year degrees Trump won the majority. Trump ran on the promises that he would build a wall to shelter America from Mexico and defeat ISIS. Many will debate that Mexico and ISIS should not be the top of America’s agenda. So through his ability to invoke fear and appeal to the uneducated side of America he won the presidency. A similar scenario is also found in the book when Jack promises safety from a thing that the boys couldn’t confirm existed.

On June 23, 2016 the United Kingdom (UK) decided to leave the European Union (EU). The EU is a European trade partnership between 28 countries. Experts call it a liberal trade deal because it involves single market free trade that is backed by the democratic side of Europe. The EU brings Europe closer together through trade ties. In 2016 a campaign was started by the right wing Unionist party to have the UK leave the EU. The party stated that dangerous immigrants were coming into the country due to very few trade regulations and poor border security. Just like Trump, the party ran on a campaign that generated fear. The movement began to pick up momentum and eventually came down to a vote. The day after the vote Brexit was issued, Google reported that the second highest search was “What is the EU?”. The vote in favor of Brexit was backed by a majority of uneducated voters. A study done by Telegraph showed that citizens in the UK lacking a university education who were over the age of 65, overwhelmingly voted against the EU. This outcome confirms that fear and limited education jeopardize the principles of democracy.

Because we all have the capacity to fear everyday things, emotion plays a major role in our decision making. When fear is mixed with limited education, we see people making conservative and protective decisions. As illustrated by Lord of the Flies fear resulting from information that is not critically analyzed is the beginning of the end for democracy.

Works cited:

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Penguin, 2006.

Taub, Amanda. "How Stable Are Democracies? ‘Warning Signs Are Flashing Red’." The New York Times. The New York Times, 29 Nov. 2016. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

Natesilver538. "Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump." FiveThirtyEight. FiveThirtyEight, 28 Nov. 2016. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

Dunford, Ashley Kirk; Daniel. "EU referendum: How the results compare to the UK's educated, old and immigrant populations." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 24 June 2016. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

Zimmerman, Neetzan. "UK's second most Googled question after Brexit: 'What is the EU?'" TheHill. N.p., 24 June 2016. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

Podcast Interview Essay

Growing up in this generation has shaped me to be the person I am today. Many aspects of my life have been affecting due to many of my personal experiences. Although my father and I grew up and different generations many things have stayed the same and others have changed drastically. The values and what is accepted of us as people has largely impacted young males such as myself and my father. I wanted to interview my father because he grew up during the 1960’s, a time much different than the one I’m growin up in. I wanted his perspective on the visible changes in society.

I started the interview by asking him what his childhood was like and how the standards in his generation influenced his decisions he made. He expressed his feelings regarding the environment in his household. He spoke on the void that exists in many modern day families.

He talked about how families held unity as a number one priority. They didn’t take for granted the time they shared whereas families today rarely eat dinner together. Time was very important and crucial to the growth of children but now “Kids ain’t even kids today. We had a chance to be children because when you lose your childhood you lose everything.” In today’s world, children don’t value their childhood they want to grow up so fast. And those children that do value it are robbed of their childhood due to their personal circumstances. Most kids are in a rush to have the liberties and freedom of being of age but not the responsibilities. You look forward to 18 because you’re “legal” and can make more of your own decisions, but most people are barely able to support themselves on their own.

Towards the end of the interview my father talked about the the violent aspect of society today. He spoke on how fights have changed throughout the years.  He explained how back when he was growing up the worst that could happen to you would be getting beat up, but nowadays there is a probability that you could be killed. “If we had disagreements we didn’t shoot each other” He even said that back in his day after a fight people would sometimes become cool with each other, whereas people today hold on to problems which just lead to more conflict. “Kids today seem to have no regard or respect for life, kids today take a life how they would take a shower”

I asked my father about the major changes that happen in his life through the change of time. He concluded that he spent most of his finding out what his place was in the world, but he likes the person he is as an adult. He sees life through his own eyes, his children's eyes, and his wife’s eyes. Having all three of these perspectives makes a big difference between how he was as a young adult versus now. He lives life through them. One thing that my father said that resonated with me at the end of the interview was “the things that meant something to me don’t mean anything now.”I found this to be the brutal truth and reality. So many aspects of life are taken for granted by this generation. I hope I can can keep the morals and practices my father instilled in me so they are not forgotten.

The Lord of the Flies - "Breaking the Game" - by Jacobo Pastor

Jacobo Pastor

English 2/ Ms. Pahomov

March 31st, 2017

Breaking the Game

If you were to survive in an unknown environment, surrounded by dangers and threats, what type of decisions would you take? If the strong are battling to survive, why should they waste care and resources on the weak? Would fairness and justice prevail or would fear rule? What type of options would you have when your choices are limited and you lose your faith in mankind? Would you work together as a team or would you fight with one another? What type of leader would you follow? What limits would affect your actions and your leader’s ones? What would you consider a necessary evil or a good action? How does fear influence those situations? The book, The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding starts at the beginning of an unnamed war. A group of English schoolboys, ages six to 12, are being evacuated from their homes when their plane is shot down and crashes on a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean. From that moment on, the boys need to take all kind of decisions. One of the older boys, Ralph, takes control of the situation trying to organize the boys into a kind of productive, democratic society. Anyone can speak his mind and help the group come to a decision, as long as he's holding the conch, a large white seashell. Ralph symbolizes a civilized society. While Ralph is that, the other leader Jack symbolizes violence and anarchy. This book symbolizes today’s society, where they discover that power can justify any action they take, now matter how cruel it might be, causing disagreement amongst their civilization. The actions and decisions they take will define the way they all live.

Since the first chapters Ralph tries to organize the boys into a kind of productive, democratic society. In their first meeting, when they are establishing the rules that should be followed, Jack brings up the punishment topic. Immediately Ralph makes sure to stop his intentions. "We will have rules! he cried excitedly. Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks' em-" (33). With just a couple of words, Jack has brought up a controversy between effectiveness versus humanity. Our society balances both of those, trying to get something that can maintain the stability of a civilization while at the same time comforting human rights. Jack believes that being effective is much more important that being humane.

This moment can be related to a famous speech given by Francisco Franco, the first and last Spanish dictator, to all the communist who lost the Spanish civil war and were supposed to surrender and repent. In his speech, he revealed all his power as a dictator with just a couple words, "And those who don't follow as I say will be crashed as worms." Rules are something that should be followed because they support and bring cohesion to society. Just as it is not rational to milk a cow till it gives its last drop of milk, rules should be treated with respect, not because someone is dictating you to do so. William Golding depicts Jack as a dictator, representing the total opposite of what our Western society believes nowadays, where anyone can speak his mind and help the group to come to a decision. On the other side Jack, the leader of the savages, believes that as members of a primitive tribe, death and suffering are natural ways to survive and rule. Following his line of thought, if he is the most violent among the rest he is necessarily the leader to follow.

In the last few chapters Jack took over the whole island with his group of savages, breaking all the rules and agreements the boys had. One of his actions was to steal Piggy’s glasses to make a fire and cook the pig he had just killed. Piggy did not believe that that should be a way to behave. He later convinced his friend and former leader, Ralph, to discuss with him this unfairness. When they get there they had nothing to do, because Jack had an army that will kill for him. “They do what I want,” Jack states. “I am the chief” (179). Jack is also a particular sadist chief. “I don’t know. He didn’t say. He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up. He’s been” – he giggled excitedly – “tied for hours, waiting” (159), tells Robert about the orders of Jack and his submission to him. Power has corrupted Jack and has made him think that his actions are all necessary. This moment of the book can be related with the thoughts of Francisco Franco. As he once said, “I am only responsible for God and history”. In this quote Franco has also been corrupted by power and believes that as the supreme leader, he would only need to justify his actions in front of God and history books. Both of those quotes make the reader feel that no only power has corrupted their thoughts but also their need for more power. The more actions they take, the worst the next one will be. As temperature rises, their bad actions do too but without a clear result on what those would look like. It’s the fear of the unknown that keeps people scared, because they do not know what will would happen to them.

"It's the things that have crawled out of their own bones and their own veins, they don't know whether it's a beast from the sky, air, or where it's coming, but there is something terrible about it as the conditions of existence.” Said William Golding in a 1959 BBC radio interview describing the “beast” and its meaning. The Lord of the Flies, is literally the head of a pig that has been killed by Jack’s tribe and left as an offering to the island’s mysterious “beast.” What in Hebrew means Beelzebub, demon in English. In other terms, it symbolizes the “beast” that it’s inside in every good man. The boy’s belief in the beast is a tipping point in the boy's' journey from civilisation to base, primitive, human instinct. This is a good indication of the author’s purpose and a direct reference to the growing presence of evil in the characters and their transformation into unhuman beings. The good time was so short, and then human nature starts to assert itself, and their society descends into antagonism, hostility and violence. Only at the very end, we see the young kids back in the story when they are confronted by the presence of an adult- the navy in their rescue. Then is when we came to realize they were only 12 years old buy yet they behaved like the most cruel adults in the real world.

In conclusion, the abuse of power seen in the, Lord of the Flies, gives birth to an inside beast that is nothing more that themselves making them do cruel life decisions just to maintain that power or superiority between other people. The truth about this book and the real meaning that William Golding wants to represent, is to realize that when groups of people are clinging to life, the greatest threat may be not the environment, starvation or dehydration, but the other survivors standing next to them on a deserted town, beach, road, mountain.

Works Cited:

Golding, William. Lord Of The Flies. New York: Penguin, 2006.

"General Francisco Franco 'El Generalissimo'" General Francisco Franco – 'El Generalissimo' | Spain Dictator | N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

"BBC - GCSE Bitesize - Lord of the Flies." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

Http://, Feast Creative |. "New Adventures." New Adventures. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

"La mejor entrevista a Franco." La mejor entrevista a Franco. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

LOTF- Pridefulness by Justin Stewart

Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding in 1954. This book is about a group of boys that are caught in a plane crash with no parent supervision so have to learn how to survive by themselves. Ralph and Piggy, two of the boys that were in the plane crash, find a conch shell on the beach. This dire situation could  and does happen in real life- news stories about plane crashes are not uncommon. People lie about having fears as a way to maintain their pride

In the military, one has to be brave and unafraid of any situation that could arise. But there are some members in the military that are afraid but don’t want other people to know. In the Army, they also value pride. One of their core values are personal courage. It says “Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral)”. This is a sign of pride. Pride is satisfaction derived from someone's own achievements. Pride is necessary in order to do anything and motivate yourself. People in the military motivate themselves with pride by defending our country.  We humans would rather have pride over being realistic, effective, and compassionate. The consequences of being realistic, effective, and compassionate are that they don’t want people to know that fear is controlling them.

A time that pride is showed in the book was when the group first encountered the beast. The boys all meet up and talk about the beast in chapter 5, where Piggy exclaims, ”I didn’t vote for no ghost!” (91). This occurs after Ralph asks the group if they think the beast is a ghost. When Piggy responds by saying that there isn’t a ghost, he says it like he isn’t afraid of the beast even though he is on the inside.

Pridefulness can also be present when one gives a presentation. When you present a project, one must have to be proud in what you created. This pride in one’s own work helps protect the feelings of the presenter as this confidence will prevent criticism for others. If you aren’t proud with what you created, then people will start to doubt you and that can lower your pride and self-esteem. When you present a project, you can’t let people know that you are afraid to present because that will destroy your pride. Pride can be a defense mechanism.

Another sign of pride that is present in this book is when the boys are struggling to accept their current leader. Jack offers his position, saying, “I’m not going to be apart of Ralph’s lot” (128).  Jack said this to Ralph to try to lower his pride and self-esteem in order to weaken Ralph’s hold on the group. By lowering Ralph’s pride, he is asserting himself as a stronger, less fearful, and more prideful option for leading the group.

In Conclusion, it is a sign of pride if you are pretending not to be scared even if you truly are. This stubborn and often irrational human behavior can aid people in functioning properly, but lying about fears can also be a person’s greatest weakness.

Works cited

Artist Statement Q3

I completed the majority of the assignments on time this marking period. The bike was one of my favorites to do. I used a straightedge, markers and a shiny gel pens for the metal. I also really enjoyed doing the illusion drawings. I decided to do small lines with two circles because I do these types a lot and I wanted a challenge. I added a colorful pattern after inking it. I don't remember the exact pencils I used for the shading, but I used a variation of H's and B's to complete the different areas. My lines were messy and streaky, so I smudged some of the shapes, but ended up getting it all over the paper. For the eye project, I drew two smaller ones instead of one larger eye. I tend to draw smaller and with less detail, so I had trouble with my first attempt at this assignment. I ended up just drawing these two and submitting it. The last thing we did was the mandala. I took inspiration from the detailed flowery types, and placed that in small portions of my piece. I tried to incorporate circles with a few scattered triangles. The color scheme came from a Gap commercial I had seen the day before. I saw a lot of the same shapes I had used, and decided to use those bright colors on my mandala. Overall I like most of what I did this quarter.

Ole, Ole, Ole - Majd Bostani

Majd Bostani

Ms. Pahomov

English 2 - E Band

March 31, 2017

Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole!

    Everyone that has ever been in a large, excited crowd has participated in a chant. Whether the chant is at a sports game rooting for the home team, a protest against an unjust system, or in the case of the savage tribe Lord of the Flies, to celebrate the killing of a pig. These cheers can be used for a variety of reasons: to encourage an individual, excite an action, and/or indicate approval. Each of these outcomes shows that cheers unite a community toward a common goal, and help empower each other to achieve that goal.

    In the twelfth chapter of Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the original tribe has separated. There is Ralph, who got dumped by all of his former allies, and is attempting to fend for himself. The rest of the kids on the island formed a savage tribe united under Jack. They threatened Ralph by means of death, to try to get him off of the island. One night, Ralph heard “Kill the pig, cut his throat, spill his blood.” (186) through the trees. Ralph concluded that the savages must be living on the other side of the island. Ralph remembered the chant from when the original tribe would kill a pig and sit around a fire to consume it. Thus he reminisced everyone sitting around together as one. Consequently, Ralph revised a strategy of how he was going to survive, because he was alone and outnumbered by a tribe of his former partners who are threatening to kill him. 

    Ralph and Piggy - two of the main characters in the book of Lord of The Flies by William Golding found a conch on the island. “He kind of spat,” (16) Piggy instructed Ralph on how to make sound with conches. Following Piggy’s instructions, Ralph blew into the conch which made a loud sound, that could be heard throughout the entire island. “Meanwhile Ralph continued to blow till voices shouted in the forest. A small boy squatted in front of Ralph, looking up brightly and vertically.” (18) Right before the reader’s eyes, a community was brought together. Thanks to this chant, and communication, kids on both sides of the scene were reassured that they weren’t alone. Ralph and Piggy then had the reassurance that they will have the manpower to make a civilization and survive as one unit. It also gave Johnny, who was very young, small, and presumably very afraid, the comfort of having other people with him.

    According to William Golding, one of the main purposes for writing Lord of the Flies was to make a book with ample connections to modern society. As stated before, chanting occurs a lot in the world of sports. The spectators gathered around the playing field are yelling, screaming, hooting, and hollering for their home team to win the game. A Sports Illustrated article published in 1992 stated, “Although players and coaches usually have no response to the chanting, fans still do it. This is because they feel personally connected to the teams because of their hometowns, ....” This quote demonstrates that people chant to make themselves feel a part of a bigger movement. In this case, that would be the community of the hometown. This is encountered in Lord of the Flies when the boys would chant. The chant made the boys feel in the mood to kill a pig, and helped them get the encouragement to kill it.

    Chanting is one thing humans instinctively do when in a crowd that is dedicated to a task. It doesn’t matter whether it is to support the home team, to encourage something like a fight, or the killing of a pig. At the moment of the chant, it is easy to overlook just how infectious the environment is. However, it is promoting community, unity, and loyalty. Chants allow people the feeling the feeling that their message will get across; especially if the person they are trying to send their message to is in the area. 

Works Cited:

Jasmine Watkins @JasmineLWatkins Published on Sep. 26, 2014 Sep. 26, 2014. "'Derek Jeter' chant breaks out at Fenway Park." Sporting News. N.p., 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.

"Student Activites | Bryn Mawr College." Student Activites | Bryn Mawr College. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Penguin, 2016.

Dawe, TJ. "Why Do People Cheer for Their Team?" Beams and Struts - A Magazine for Hungry Brains and Thirsty Souls. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

Lord of the Flies Fear Mongering Essay

In order for a person to become a leader, there is one thing that he or she will need: power. Power is something that humans have strived for since the beginning of history. There are many ways that a person can gain power. Some gain power through inspiration, some become revered public figures that people naturally want to follow, and some have great skills and attributes that lend themselves to leadership. However, there is one tool has been used to attain power throughout history and has proven effective. That tool is fear. There are two ways that fear can be used to attain power: making people fear the leader and utilizing people’s fear of others. However, this essay is going to focus on fear mongering. Fearmongering is when a leader creates a common enemy for his or her people to fear. In William Goulding’s novel Lord of the Flies, a plane full of British schoolboys crashes on a deserted island. When the boys tried to decide on a leader, there was a power struggle between two boys named Jack and Ralph.

Throughout the novel, Jack used fear as a way to gain power over the group of boys. When the boys were on the island, there was a dogfight in the sky above them. The loser of the dogfight parachuted down on the island to his death. Eventually a littlun (little kid) went up and reported that he saw a snake-like beast. Fear of the beast spread among the boys. The fear caused the boys to neglect their civic duties. Ralph tried to quell the boys’ fear but to no avail. Jack declared that the beast was real and created a ritual to serve it "'This head is for the beast. It's a gift.'"(129) This quote shows that Jack was trying to convince the boys that the beast was real. It is clear throughout the novel that Jack was not happy about losing the “election” to Ralph and wanted to become the leader. He realized that since he was the lead hunter, the littluns would rely on him to protect them from the beast. If people turned to him for protection, he could easily steal the role of leadership right out from under Ralph’s nose.

Playing off of people’s paranoia in order to gain power has also happened throughout history. One example of this is with former U.S Senator Joe McCarthy. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Joe McCarthy was a senator for the state of Wisconsin in the 1950s. When he was senator, he rose to power by accusing hundreds of people in the government of being communist, without any evidence to back up any of his accusations. Joe McCarthy was senator during the Cold War, which was a time when a lot of Americans were very paranoid about the “Red Scare” or the spread of communism. McCarthy was playing off of their paranoia about communism by making the fight against communism the primary focus of his campaign and administration.

When Simon went to the top of the hill, he saw that there was no beast, just a dead fighter pilot. Simon went down the hill to Jack’s feast to inform the boys that there was no beast and that they had nothing to fear. Jack ordered his followers to “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!”(142) and the boys killed Simon. When the idea of the beast was introduced to the group of boys, Jack saw an opportunity to play off of the boys’ fear of the beast in order to gain power. It is clear that this strategy worked because many of the boys joined him and served him like a king. When Simon came along and started telling the boys that there was nothing to fear, Jack saw him as a threat to his power, so he accused Simon of being the beast and had him killed. This shows that when a person tries to tell people the unfortunate truths about the leader's’ rule or rise to power, the leader will try to eliminate that person by any means necessary.

Within Philadelphia, we have seen many similar instances occur. One example from 40 years ago happened with Frank Rizzo. According to Vice Magazine, Frank Rizzo started out as a police officer in Philadelphia. He eventually rose up to become the chief of police. Once he became chief of police, he was often accused of racism, corruption, and police brutality. He eventually became mayor of Philadelphia. When he became mayor, the Philadelphia Inquirer published a satirical article about him. In retaliation, he told his allies at the Building and Trades Construction Council to form a picket line outside the Philadelphia Inquirer building and harass the reporters, in an attempt to shut down the newspaper. This is an example of how leaders will often persecute people who reveal the unfortunate truths about their methods of rule.

As these examples show, power has always been something that humans have sought. People have tried many different methods of gaining it, and one of the most commonly used methods is fearmongering. Leaders play off of their follower’s fears in order to control them, and when their followers reveal unfortunate truths about their rule, the leader will persecute them.   In William Goulding’s novel Lord of the Flies he explores these themes through the power struggle between Jack and Ralph.  Like many leaders throughout history, such as Joe McCarthy and Frank Rizzo, Jack encouraged fear and paranoia in order to consolidate his power and persecuted those that challenged his teachings. It is clear that Goulding wanted to show the development of civilization with his novel. Civilizations can not exist without a leader, and Goulding wanted to show how leaders rise to power. This novel was written shortly after World War 2, so it is clear that he had seen leaders use fear mongering to rise to power, and he wanted to analyze how it works. Fear mongering works because people follow those who make them feel safe, and in order to make people feel safe, there must be a fear that is being played off of.  This method also works because when there is an idea of an “us” and “them”, it strengthens the idea of “us”. That is why people have used fear mongering throughout human history. Unfortunately, fear mongering is still being used by leaders today in America.

Work Cited -

1. Blumgart, Jake. "The Brutal Legacy of Frank Rizzo, the Most Notorious Cop in Philadelphia History." Vice. Vice Magazine, 22 Oct. 2015.Web.31Mar.2017. <>

2. Achter, Paul J. "McCarthyism." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 28 Nov. 2016. Web. 31 Mar. 2017. <>.

3. Goulding, William. “Lord of the Flies.” New York: Penguin, 2006.

An analysis of fear - Messele Asfaw

Fear is a key theme that shows up throughout all of human history. Some might even argue that it’s one of the fundamental aspects of human behaviour that control how people think. The topic of fear has been talked about, suggested, and even debated about many times. A lot of the times it has been brought up, it is because fear has had ties to violence in one way or another and because the humanity of it is being discussed. Such an example can be shown with the occurrence of the Salem Witch Trials. The Salem Witch Trials were a series of unfair prosecutions and eventual hangings of innocent lives. This is because people were scared of the fact that they could be witches. The development of mass hysteria is not to be expected however because it is human nature to fear what cannot be understood. As Andrew Smith once said, “People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer.” A lot of this quote is also proven in the book Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. The book follows a group of English boys, aged 6-12, who get stranded on a deserted Island. The group must then make decisions to ensure their survival. The theme of fear often shows up in Golding’s writing and he makes it a point to include it in their choices. Fear is an emotion which leads people to make rash decisions, and to ignore rational thinking.

    While the fact that there are no adults around is scary enough to these children, surprisingly, the idea of a beast scares them even more. While two of the boys were attending to the fire, which they hoped would get the attention of a ship, the two boys encounter what they think is a beast. The two boys, named Sam and Eric, get hurt trying to get away from this so called beast. The rest of the boys come to confront them about, and then have a discussion regarding the next best course of action. “ “Frightened?” “Course I’m frightened. Who wouldn’t be(100)?”... “Stay here? And be cramped into this bit of the island always on the lookout? … “What about the littleuns?” “Sucks to the littleuns(101).” . Jack allows for Ralph to openly admit that he is scared. But by proving that Jack was not scared, he makes way for the rest of the group go to him for leadership. This is because when humans are faced against something they cannot comprehend, they fear it. This fear turns to anger, and this anger needs to be let out somehow. The way that the boys let this anger out is that they decide to hunt the beast. This isn’t all however. The fear of the beast is greater than the need to protect their young. At this point in time, fear overpowers every other emotion and allows them to make the reckless decision to put all their effort into hunting a beast that doesn’t exist, rather than look for a way to get help.

The Salem Witch Trials are another example of this. The Salem Witch Trials took place in 1692, and basically, people went around accusing others of witchcraft. Of course, the accusations were false but mass hysteria was at play here so it didn’t really matter. Mass hysteria is described as the phenomenon that transmits collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary(in this case imaginary), through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear. One of the wrongfully accused had something to say about this while awaiting trial in prison. "The Magistrates, Ministers, Jewries, and all the People in general, being so much inraged and incensed against us by the Delusion of the Devil, which we can term no other, by reason we know in our own Consciences, we are all Innocent Persons." This man, John Procter, understands that everyone around him is a victim to mass hysteria. He understands this and he accepts this, yet he can’t do anything about it. This type of fear that was produced by these so called “witches” yet again overpowered the need to have rational thinking. It led people to make a decision void of rational thinking.

As the story progresses, we see the intensity of the fear the boys display change too. What once was just a story made up by one of the littleuns, is now a terrifying truth to them. This change in intensity can also correlate to the intensity to the distance they have grown apart from society (which could be a reason they are being scared this much). When the boys are sitting listening to the surrounding environment for the beast, it is described as so, “They lay there listening, at first with doubt but then with terror to the description the twins breathed at them with bouts of extreme silence. Soon the darkness was full of claws, full of the unknown and menace(99).” This buildup of fear causes more tension between the group of boys and leads to many more bad decisions. In the beginning of the book, they would normally just play this off as nonsense. But as they continuously get more and more savage, and they continuously get more and more hostile, their attitudes toward everything requires them to feel in control.

Fear is a very important emotion. Arguably, the most important emotion. The addition of fear to any number of factors when making a decision, greatly affects the outcome, as seen with the examples stated above. Previously, the quote from Andrew Smith, “People fear what they don’t understand…” is very applicable to the scenarios described above. In fact, it describes them perfectly. The concept of fear has been important throughout the book, throughout the birth of rational decision making, and throughout the history of humans in general, but it is this very same concept that allows people to make decisions that do not seem smart.

Works Cited

"Salem Witch Trials." Salem Witch Trials. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017. <>.

"Salem Witch Trials." Salem Witch Trials. A&E Television Networks, 2011. Web. 30 Mar. 2017. <>.

"Salem Village Witchcraft Victims' Memorial at Danvers." Salem Village Witchcraft Victims' Memorial at Danvers. The Salem Village Witchcraft Tercentennial Committee of the Town of Danvers, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017. <>.

Goulding, william. Lord of the flies. New York:Penguin,2006

Lord of the Flies Essay - Bea Gerber

The perception of something is more powerful than the thing itself. When we are faced with an object, for example a peace sign, we see much more than just a circle with some lines through it. Our minds take into account the opinions of others, the places we’ve seen the symbol, and the way that it is typically used. The final judgement we give of the peace sign takes all of this data into account and influences how we perceive it; in this case, as a symbol of peace, safety, and kindness. The fact that others have the power to control how we perceive things means that they also have the power to destroy those views -- and one way to do this is by attacking the items we associate with those powers. People destroy symbols, both literally and figuratively, in order to assign a new meaning to those objects.

Before 1920, the hooked cross, or swastika, was no more  a symbol ofr evil than the cross or Star of David. In fact, the symbol had been used for religious purposes for over 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler claimed it as the face of the National Socialist Party in Germany. Jainism, Hinduism, Odinism, Buddhism, Aryan nomads, and many other groups used and/or still use the swastika as a religious symbol. For them, the swastika represents the movement of the sun across the sky. It’s name comes from a Sanskrit word that means “well being,” and it symbolizes luck, prosperity, the creator, the Buddha, and rebirth; a stark contrast to what the symbol became known for after Hitler stole it. His reasoning behind choosing the symbol was that he needed to put a face to the party. He needed something to draw in the working people and to give them hope. The swastika was chosen, in particular, because of the Aryan’s ancient ties to German culture. Hitler falsely took this to mean that if the Aryan’s used it and were ancestors of the Germans, then the swastika had always been an anti-semitic symbol, making it perfect for his regime. The Nazi flag became a red background to symbolize movement, a white circle to symbolize the Nationalist ideals, and a black swastika in the center to symbolize the struggle for victory of the Aryans. Regardless of its pleasant religious ties, after Hitler claimed the swastika as the symbol of Nazi Germany, the old meaning was destroyed. The swastika will never regain its former peaceful glory because Adolf Hitler destroyed it in order to create his symbol of terror. From this we can see that no matter how strong or positive a symbol may be, once destroyed, the destroyers have the power to give it an entirely new meaning.

This theme of assigning new meaning to symbols is also found in William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies. In the final chapter, Ralph has been exiled by the remaining boys on the island and is being hunted by them in the woods. When they first arrived on the island, the boys killed a pig together and placed its head on a spear as a symbol of their power. While running away, Ralph finds this relic, and stops to think: “The skull regarded Ralph like one who knows all the answers and won’t tell. A sick fear and rage swept him. Fiercely he hit out at the filthy thing in front of him that bobbled like a toy and came back, still grinning into his face, so that he lashed and cried out in loathing,” (185). Understanding the contrast in Ralph’s relationship with the skull before and after this interaction is key to breaking apart this quote. The skull on the spear is a standing symbol of power. It was constructed by the boys to make them feel strong at a time when they were unified, so it can be thought of as a symbol of their strength and unity. The fact that Ralph finds this symbol of unity as he is running away from the boys he now feels completely isolated from is pretty striking. In that moment, Ralph feels something, most likely betrayal when thinking about it as a symbol of unity, and starts to destroy the skull. This skull represents the boys. This object that he once looked to to feel safe now makes him paniced and destructive. As in Nazi Germany, a once cheerful symbol has taken on a completely opposite meaning thanks to its destroyer.

Directly after punching the skull, Ralph reflects on what he’s done, and how the symbol has changed for him; “Then he was licking his bruised knuckles and looking at the bare stick, while the skull lay in two pieces, its grin now six feet across. He wrenched the quivering stick from the crack and held it as a spear between him and the white pieces. Then he backed away, keeping his face to the skull that lay grinning at the sky,” (185). Here, the changed meaning of the symbol fully comes to life. Ralph has hit the skull, effectively destroying the bond the boys once had, even though it injures him. He is hurt by the destruction of something they built as one. Next, Ralph looks at the bare stick, and this is where a switch in his thinking happens. Previously, he has not been too focussed on self defense, and was only acting out of anger and fear. Now, he physically separates the spear from the skull. He makes a weapon out of something he loves. He destroys something he cares about in order to defend himself. He has to use the boys against themselves, and in the end of the story, that is basically what he does. Ralph is forced to outsmart the boys at their own game. This short interaction between Ralph and the skull not only demonstrates a change in Ralph’s mindset, but also in the traits of a key symbol from the novel. After this section, the old meaning is completely gone, and only the new destructive meaning remains. Ralph has injured himself during the process of this transformation, proving how unstoppable a motivated destroyer can be.

A powerful person is someone who can alter the minds of others. Both in Nazi Germany and on the island in Lord of the Flies, a powerful person changed the perception of an object, either to German citizens or to readers. By taking a joyous symbol and turning it evil, both men gained power and strength over their lives and the lives of those around them. Hitler was able to command the masses to commit a genocide, and Ralph was able to command himself to be fearless and survive. While one may have had a most massive impact on our world, both are equally good examples of people destroying old symbolic meanings to create their own new ones.


"History of the Swastika." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

"The Swastika: A Sign of Good Luck Becomes a Symbol of Evil." Holocaust Teacher Resource Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

"What the Swastika means - Times of India." The Times of India. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

Q3 Artist's Statement

In quarter three, I completed 4/5 assignments. 
In the first two weeks, we created a large bike drawing. I feel like I did relatively well in creating a bike drawing that met all of the requirements, and I even got to use my copic markers to make the drawing look nicer when I messed up my lining in the end. 
In weeks three, four and five we had smaller, single week projects. Week three was optical illusions. I chose to do something simple; the hand illusion you're taught in grade school. It was kind of a cop-out since I didn't really have a drive to do this project, but I made sure both parts of it were complete nonetheless. Week four was shading forms, which I didn't do. Week five was eye drawings, and I made two of those. I draw eyes a lot, so they end up kind of rushed, and less realistic and more stylised to how I usually draw them. I liked the work I produced a lot, though. 
Week six was our final project; the mandala. I was, again, given the chance to use my copic markers and make something look really pretty. I made the mandala in a rush, though, and managed to finish and colour it in around an hour and a half at home right before the deadline, and it still turned out really nice. 

I think it was another successful quarter, and I'm definitely getting much better at turning things in on time. 

Savagery Unborn - Harlem Satterfield

Lord of the Flies is a novel about a group of young boys stranded on a completely deserted island. They are left to fend for themselves with little to nothing. At first, it seemed simple; one boy would be chief, one group would hunt for food and another would build shelters and support the others. However, the island’s limited resources and conflicts in the group slowly drove most of the boys to madness and savagery. They no longer saw right from wrong; all they saw was hunt, kill, and fun. They are left with much worse than what they started with and even though they do get saved, the trauma of the experience leaves with them. The conditions and the way we express anger and savagery affects not only how others see us, but how we see the world around us and what we do.

Anger is a recurring emotion in our lives, and a powerful one. This emotion can take over anyone, even the best of us. It reprograms our brains and can lead us to do things we can never imagine ourselves doing, such as crime and murder. Some people argue that extreme anger and savagery are results of negative genes. In that case, the victim would have no control over their negative actions. Others believe that situations with severe limitations, such as the predicament in Lord of the Flies, are what drive people to madness. Take Jack for example. We’ll get into it later, but Jack is a character who exhibits anger and savagery throughout the novel.  

Before we do anything, let’s take a look at Jack. At the start of the book, Jack was a complete jerk, but he at least understood the situation at hand and offered to help the others survive. He also wanted to be chief at the beginning of the book, but didn't get nearly as many votes as Ralph did. “‘All right. Who wants Jack for chief?’ With dreary obedience the choir raised their hands. ‘Who want’s me’ Every hand outside the choir except Piggy’s was raised immediately. Then Piggy, too, raised his hand grudgingly into the air. ‘I’m chief then.’” (23).  After this little election, Jack was pretty upset about not becoming chief. On the plus side, he became in charge of a choir of boys, who’d later become his troop of hunters. This setback has probably increased his anger, though as of now, he shows no ill will to Ralph. Besides, he gets to hunt. That’s something he’s offered and has been willing to do since he got on the island.

Now, let’s skip ahead a couple chapters. One time, when Jack and a few others came back from hunting, Ralph got mad at them because they let the signal fire go out. “Ralph spoke. ‘You let the fire go out.’ Jack checked, vaguely irritated by this irrelevance but too happy to let it worry him.”(69). Jack must’ve been very proud of his catch, and he must love hunting. “‘I cut the pig’s throat,’ said Jack, proudly, and yet twitched as he said it. ‘Can I borrow yours, Ralph, to make a nick in the hilt?’” Hunting seems to be an outlet for him, a way to escape from the other boys and express himself. He and the other hunters love the activity so much that they even made little chant they say whenever they capture a pig. “Kill the pig. Cut the throat. Spill her blood.” This chant varies throughout the book. However, they did let the fire go out, and thus missed a chance to be rescued, much to Ralph’s dismay. He chews Jack out for blowing it, and then Jack gets mad, presumably because his kill wasn’t as important as the situation at hand. “I was chief, and you were going to do what I said. You talk, But you can’t even build huts-then you go off hunting and let out the fire-”(71). Ralph is starting to act a lot like a parent to the others, him being chief. Jack must like the idea of no grownups around, and Ralph is ruining that. Still, nothing was going to stop Jack from hunting pigs, he’s getting to be addictive to it. And then this happens. “This from Piggy, and the wails of agreement from some of the hunters, drove Jack to violence. The bolting look came into his blue eyes. He took a step, and able at last to hit someone, stuck his fist into Piggy’s stomach.”(71) This little shenanigan angered Jack as well, and quote reveals that he’s been itching to hit someone for a while. Now that’s two things that make Jack angry: power and Ralph’s parenting. He’s on his way to savagery.

Let’s look towards the end of the book. At this time, nothing is in order. Savagery and anger have taken over Jack, who has broken away from the group and began his own tribe, gaining many followers. This leaves only Ralph, Piggy, and the two twins, Sam and Eric. One night, Jack’s savages break into what’s left of their shelters, ravage the place and steal Piggy’s glasses. The next morning, the four boys head over to the castle rock, the other tribe’s home, in hopes of getting the glasses back. When Jack refuses, Ralph calls him a thief, and the two fight. “Jack made a rush and stabbed at Ralph’s chest with his spear. Ralph sensed the position of the weapon from the glimpse he caught a Jack’s arm and put the thrust aside with his own butt. Then he bought the end round and caught Jack a stinger across the ear. They were chest to chest, breathing fiercely, pushing and glaring.” (177).

Despite Jack’s superiority, Ralph was right about everything; he was initially voted to be chief, and Jack did attack them and stole Piggy’s glasses. Ralph tries to reason with him, but the Jack he knew was long gone. He wasn’t hiding behind just a painted face, but savagery and anger have clouded him, making him a completely different person, feared by even his tribe members. That’s enough to make anybody crazy. There seems to be three things that sent Jack over the edge: hunger, desire for power, and Ralph’s constant nagging and superiority. By the way, it’s a fact that hunger can cause savagery. The kids on the island have been living water, nuts, berries, and, for some, pig meat. That isn’t very much food to get through the day. Anyway, Jack has always been someone who doesn’t like to be defied, especially by someone who he thinks is inferior to him. And now here was Ralph walking up to him demanding things, again.

In these horrid conditions, Jack became a savage. Again, there were three things that set him off: hunger, power, and Ralph. This island experience was traumatizing for everyone, but I think Jack was affected the most. His thirst for hunting and violence made him a perfect victim of savagery, which I honestly think was bound to happen.

Works Cited

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Penguin, 2006.

Brown, Zachary. "Can Extreme Hunger Trigger Humans to Become Savages?", 18 Feb. 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.<>

"Savagery Explained: 5 Reasons Humans Become Inhuman." The Winner Effect. N.p., 18 Aug. 2014. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.<>

Deans, Emily. "A Gene For Violence?" Psychology Today., 30 Oct. 2014. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.<>

Boys Ultimate Beats Carroll

The SLA boys Ultimate team beat long-time rival Archbishop Carroll 15-12 on Thursday in a tough game where Carroll gave the Rockets all they could handle. Carroll came out playing it's classic zone defense against SLA, and the Rockets struggled early, falling behind 4-1. However, junior Nate Little led the team back with three straight goals scored to tie the score at 4-4. SLA looked like they were preparing to take over the game, scoring repeatedly to take the half 8-5. 

But Carroll proved to be too tough to dismiss, as they whittled away the Rocket lead as the second half wore on, pulling to within one goal at 12-11 and again at 13-12. But SLA put on one final push and scored the last two goals to clinch the win at 15-12, with Kobe Nabried, Nate Little and Jori Gerveni scoring the final goals.

The team looks to build on its win at the Radnor Invitational Tournament this Sunday. Go Rockets! 

Finney & Simon No Hit Franklin Towne, Defense is Perfect in 7-0 Win

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Screen Shot 2017-03-30 at 10.10.30 PM
Two seasons ago the Rockets were the first unranked team in City history to reach the Final Four in the Public League Playoffs. Politics and a solid Franklin Towne squad were the only things standing in the way of their undefeated Cinderella run to a City Title as a C-Division team. Towne went on to win it all in '15 and made it back to the Final Four in '16. But judging by the Rockets' performance today, '17 will have a different type of storybook ending. 

While the Rockets manufactured runs throughout, smacking 12 singles to score 7 runs in 3 big innings, it was all about defense and pitching today. Leon Finney in his first official start of the season, struggled with a very tight strike zone, but Avi Cantor had his back throwing out two runners in the first, effectively changing the complexion of the game before it even started. 

6 innings later Finney reached the maximum 100 pitches and still hadn't surrendered a single hit. Ben Simon came in to strike out 3 of the 5 batters he faced, and the defense was perfect to secure the second no-hitter in team history. Finney & Simon combined to strike out 8, and the Rockets' bats did the rest with Tony Brown leading the charge, going 2-5 with 3RBIs.

Jason Greene continued his hot streak going 3-4 and scoring 2 runs. Lukas Supovitz-Aznar went 2-3 with an RBI single, and Ben Simon and Arsenio Gomez both chipped in a run each with back-to-back RBI singles in the 5th. Leo Cassel-Siskind made some smooth plays at 1st, including a beautiful backhanded snare of a shot down the line, and the rest found their way to his outstretched glove any time Towne put the ball in play. 

While still early, this was quite a statement to make, especially with the defending Champions-Olney Charter- up next. But the Rockets aren't intimidated. A no-hitter and having outscored their opponents 35-9 in their first 4 games might have something to do with that.

Up Next: SLA @ Olney- Tues, 4/4 (1st Pitch, 305pm) 

Q3 Artist Statement
I think that during this quarter my pieces were out of my comfort zone a little bit. The first bike drawing was the hardest assignment for me because I usually do abstract work instead of drawing actual objects. I think these pieces over all were really challenging but it was worth all of the effort. I really enjoyed the mandala piece the most. I learned how to make one  while ago and it was a great experience to make another one. I also like the eye drawing because the eye is something I use quite often in my drawings. 

Quarter 3 Blog Post, Majarucon

In this quarter, I created a total of five artworks. The first one being the bike drawing. Before I began the bike drawing process I looked at a real life bicycle and a bicycle online to refresh my memory as to what a bike looks like. After that, I took a big poster and began drawing the bike on the plain white poster board using a regular number 2 pencil. The second artwork was the optical illusion. In this artwork, I had to create my own optical illusion using spheres or circles then after the drawing I colored it in. The third artwork was the shading forms. I had to follow the directions in a pdf where I drew a circle, a cube, and a rectangle. Then, I had to shade in these objects using differents shades for each object. The fourth artwork that I did was the eye drawing where I had to draw my eye from observation so, I looked at myself in the mirror and started sketching my own eye to the paper. I only used a regular number 2 pencil and did not color this in. Lastly, the fifth artwork for this quarter was the Mandala Art where I had to just draw a mandala on a piece of paper and create my own design then I used different colors to fill in different sections of the mandala. 

The Self Preservation Mindset

This essay took two weeks longer than expected. I was extremely behind on all of the checkpoints and I struggled with this essay's topic. The worst part was coming up with a question and finding out how to expand it. After all of that, I am relatively pleased with the outcome, but It would have better for me and my grade to have finished it earlier.  

When humans feel threatened, it is  instinctive to strive for survival by any means necessary. “At the deepest – some would say most primitive – level of brain function, each human being is incontestably driven to preserve his own life. There may be three rarely engaged exceptions to this rule: to absorb a danger in order to preserve the life of a loved one, to end one’s own suffering as in old age or terminal disease, or to escape from some apparently overpowering force or problem or situation that seems to render continued life intolerable. Aside from those rare occurrences, continuing to stay alive is our prime directive.” Along with individuals, this mindset is apparent in forms of government. The level of complication for maintaining the overall safety of an entire system of people versus a singular being is extreme. From this I have derived the argument of how far should a community act in the same mindset as an individual.

In a speech titled ‘Self-Preservation the First Law of National as well as Individual Nature’, the speaker believes that a community should always act as one being. “It is, that the preservation of the country is more important than that of any Constitution that was, or is, or ever will be. We have grown accustomed to speak of the Constitution as if, instead of being a human work, it were a divine revelation, like the Bible, or something more than the Bible; as if, in short, the people were made for the Constitution, and not the Constitution for the people.” He mentions the god-like status of our Constitution, and how people forget that the men of our past created it. In the event of a national emergency can we not also create a functioning society that benefits the people of now? The benefit of working together as a nation is creating a series of systems that suits the majority of the population. On the other hand, those who do not fit into the main group excluded from the same privileges, purposely or otherwise.

War requires our best and brightest to fight those we deem a threat, and to gain the highest percentage of possible survival. We use whatever is at our disposal to guarantee our safety and the continuation of our existence. A New York Times writer, Michael V. Hayden, published an article on the advantages and disadvantages of using drones in warfare. He mentions ‘the greater good’ as a way of gaining more by sacrificing a smaller percentage of the assets. “Throughout the campaign, civilian casualties were a constant concern. In one strike, the grandson of the target was sleeping near him on a cot outside. The Hellfire missiles were directed so that their energy and fragments splayed away from him and toward his grandfather. They did, but not enough. The target was hard to locate and people were risking their lives to find him. The United States took the shot. A child died, and we deeply regret that he did. But his grandfather had a garage full of dangerous chemicals, and he intended to use them, perhaps on Americans.” In this situation the grandson of the target was the sacrifice. He had no knowledge of this and no choice in the matter. This child’s life was deemed disposable in the face of a possible terrorist attack. He was killed a drone with a pilot hundreds of thousands of miles away, because a country felt that the possible threat to their own citizens was worth more. While the writer claims regret, the entire situation is a prime example of what lengths a government will go to when using an individual mindset. Even the smallest country’s government has more power than the average person. This is how wars are instigated.

There is a clear moral dilemma with war. The government pushes for the greater good, the survival of a community. They argue for this greater good, and justify it with patriotism and acts of bravery. The fact of the matter is that not everyone is given any say whilst they are chosen as an offering. We reward those who chose to sacrifice themselves to promote a positive response and desensitize the idea. These people cannot appreciate a medal when they are dead. The people in power do not represent the entire community. They do not hold the experience of the soldiers or even the targets. They are not fighting viciously for a chance of survival, detached from the mundane world, living in a state of constant hell. They don’t stare at the sky, and watch their inevitable death streak down towards them. We don’t come back scarred and broken, or rotting in a long wooden box, chests weighted down by shining scrap that blinds the civilians from the horrific truth of war.


"Gov. Seymour's Speech--Self-Preservation the First Law of National as well as Individual Nature." The New York Times. The New York Times, 09 July 1863. Web. 19 Mar. 2017. The overall theme of self-preservation and humanity in terms of survival instincts.

Hayden, Michael V. "To Keep America Safe, Embrace Drone Warfare." The New York Times. The New York Times, 19 Feb. 2016. Web. 19 Mar. 2017. This article discusses the benefits and sacrifices drones create in a war setting.

Gnagey, Thomas (Tommy). "Two Faces of the Human Self-Preservation Instinct." Two Faces of the Human s. N.p., 02 Jan. 2013. Web. 19 Mar. 2017. The exploration of human's primitive drive for self-preservation and the comparisons and contrasts in relation to the idea of war.

Na'eem Artist statement

For my quarter 3 art, I wanted to explore the powers of shading and mimicking. I first started off by drawing a bike. I haven't rode a bike in years so this was challenging. After going through the hard stages, I added my own twist on the bike's design. My next assignment was the optical ollisiun assignment where I did an eye. I learned a lot about shading. Then, I had the shading form assignment where my shading skills were put to the test with shading three different shapes. Right after that, I had an eye drawing. I tried my hardest to draw my own eye. The last assignment was my favorite. We had to draw an mandala. I did the ying yang sign and tried to add these cool colors and designs. I really enjoyed the turn out of all the assignments.

Survival Base on Environment

With my 4th adavnced essay I wanted to focus on gangs.  I wrote about how with all the violence and conflict going on in the world, kids pay attention and get involved in gangs.  This essay was a lomg process for me.  It took a lot of editing and people looking over my work.  I am proud of this essay and I think it is my strongest essay of the year.

In today’s world violence is portrayed as something humans become accustomed become accustomed to overtime. We see violence in all different mediums; social media, tv, music, and even as we walk out our front doors.  Violence is made out to seem like something we can’t escape.  As much as people hate to acknowledge it, It's inescapable.  At times it appears that people are excited to be involved rather than to stay away. Whether they physically involve themselves, record it, comment about it, its catches the attention of many. With all the negativity spreading around the globe, the youth of the world sees what is going on and they tend to get involved as well. At a young age children are like sponges, they tend to soak up everything around them; good and bad. Therefore a child’s environment is crucial to his/her growth. They haven’t quite developed discernment skills. Therefore sometimes they do things in the moment for temporary enjoyment forgetting their are long term effects. For example, kids who come from broken homes, and struggle in school tend to have have a higher risks of joining a gang. Coming from broken homes deprives children of real love and unity, which forces some to fill the void with whatever and whoever Young kids see gang members receiving respect  from people that are around them and they see the fear they can instill in others. Kids admire this and try to emulate it . They want to be like them and possess  the power and respect that they have. Eventually young ones find a way to get involved, either becoming a member or trying to build their status amongst their peers.

Most youths who are involved with gangs get exposed to drugs and alcohol at a young age.  Overtime what was once curiosity is turned  into a habit.he abuse of drugs and alcohol in many low income communities is common.  It is a coping mechanism and for some kids a way to gain popularity. Getting involved in drugs and alcohol doesn’t  necessarily have to mean that they consume them. Gang members tend to start to sell drug to make a profit and create connections. Selling drugs can lead to criminal offenses, which in the end makes life a whole lot harder.  

There is also the instances where kids or teenagers are not in a gang but he/she was exposed to a gang by just living in the area. Now this person most likely will not be able to travel through rival gang neighborhoods without conflict. Just because someone lives where a gang is from, they are automatically guilty by association and affiliated with whatever gang is in their community. Knowing them becomes a protection or even worse a danger Other gangs could see them and assume that they are way more heavily involved than what it appears to be. Someone who knows someone involved in a gang always can be put in risky situations. For example, they could get in their car one day for a ride, but mistakenly be shot because that gang member was a target.

With all the violence and conflicting issues going on in the world today some think that kids are not watching and listening when actually that is all that they’re doing. Instead of beating the youth’s ears with problems and allowing them to continue,  we should be broadcasting how to fix them.When people are young we tend to follow after the popular things. So, if kids are around violence, and hear about conflict then they are more likely to get involved in it. We want to shift the focus and make ways to fix the problems more popular. In conclusion, acknowledging the negatives and trying to create positivity in communities where youths have nothing but the streets will promote visible progress.

Q3 Benchmark Theater Love By: Lauryn Lewis

Soy Lauryn Lewis y me crié en ¨Uptown¨. He vivido aquí la mayor parte de mi vida. Esta comunidad me ha enseñado muchas cosas. He ganado una familia así como aprendido que no llamar a la familia. Mi barrio ha sido parte de la familia desde hace más de 50 años. Ha sido seguro y peligroso vivir en mi comunidad. Usted no sabrá las luchas de vivir aquí hasta que usted viva aquí usted mismo. Recomiendo que la gente se quede en mi comunidad porque será una gran lección. Si usted quiere visitar mi comunidad está en la parte del noroeste de philadelphia.

Yo pintaría mi mural en la calle de mi casa. Por la calle de mi casa hay un centro de recreación. Este es un buen lugar porque mucha gente lo verá. Animará a la gente de mi comunidad a hacer mejor. Elevará el estado de ánimo triste de algunas personas. Puede inspirar a otras personas a hacer sus propias formas de arte. Ojalá pudiera ser visto por alguien que podría darlo a conocer a nivel nacional. Quiero que este mural impacte el mundo entero y se destaque. En este lugar creo que puede alcanzar tanta importancia y honor.

Los diferentes elementos de mi proyecto serían las diferentes formas de arte. Mostrarían lo que los diferentes tipos de arte y Filadelfia. Actuación y la música es una gran parte de la técnica y Filadelfia. El tema está apoyando el arte, Filadelfia y ayudar a mostrar el apoyo a los muchos artistas. Estoy tratando de comunicar la importancia de hacer las cosas positivas. Tantas personas quedan atrapados en las calles y empezar a hacer cosas malas porque no tienen nada que ver. Esta es la voluntad de ayudar a la gente de la calle y hacen más seguro Filadelfia.

Mi obra de arte muestra una buena idea. Muestra un buen ejemplo de comunidad y trabajo duro. Estoy orgulloso del diseño porque muestra la creatividad del teatro. La razón detrás de ningunos colores es que la comunidad del ht puede llenarlos adentro en sus los propios. Les dará la oportunidad de participar en el proyecto por su cuenta.


Mural KGK

Kimberly Gucciardi-Kriegh

Hola, yo soy Kimberly Gucciardi-Kriegh. Tengo dieciséis años. Nací en Wallingford PA, mi familia y yo vivimos por un año. Mi familia y yo mudo a Roxborough en el verano de 2002. Fui a la escuela de Green Woods Charter, combinamos el lugar tres veces. Me gusta que es una zona segura, tiene  poco  delito, algunos de mis amigos. Viven allí y tengo que tener una casa unifamiliar y patio para mi perro. No me gusta que no hay mucho que hacer en Roxborough, y es un poco lejos de SLA. No cambiaría donde vivo. Sé que quieren hacer algunos nuevos edificios y algunas personas odian esa idea y algunos les gustan.

Yo quiero mi mural en esta pared porque está abierto al público y todo el mundo verlo. Voy a usar colores rosado, púrpura, azul, amarillo y rojo. Esto no está lejos de mi escuela vieja. Todos los estudiantes, padres y maestros lo van a ver. Su mensaje simbolizan y representan lo que Roxborough es hoy la historia de hoy.

El tema de mi mural ser "las cosas que piensas cuando piensas en Roxborough".Ver todas las ubicaciones claves y calles como, Ridge Ave, Andorra, Huston, Parque Gorgas, Roxborough High School, Saul, la biblioteca, El Nuevo Objetivo, Sala 21 donde muchos niños juegan el béisbol y el fútbol americano y mucho más. Mi mural va a tener un mapa de las cosas que la gente piensa cuando piensan en Roxborough y lo dibujan representa una comunidad. Esto es para mostrar lo que está pasando en Roxborough en este momento. Mi mural también ser tener una tortuga en ella porque el símbolo de Roxborough es una tortuga, que lo tienen en los basureros, murales y pegatinas de coches.

Mi mural se puede llamar arte público porque está en un lugar disponible para que disponible para siempre. También es algo que la comunidad entera puede relacionarse y entender. Mi mural muestra con precisión lo que es la comunidad de Roxborough en 2017. Las generaciones futuras pueden mirar este mural y conocer la historia de su ciudad.

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Rockets Roll in Opener, Beat Washington 12-2

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An 8-run 7th inning last week, which blew open a close pre-season game with GFS, proved the Rocket's offense could strike at any moment. On Monday, Washington, who won it all just three seasons ago, got their fair share as the Rockets kicked off the season with an Opening Day 12-2 win in 5 innings. SLA's long-awaited arrival to A-Division Baseball was a statement that all the hype of the past two seasons was as legit as it comes.

Even before Senior Lukas Supovitz-Aznar took the mound the Rocket's offense had a 3-run lead, the last 2 courtesy of a bases-loaded single by Aznar to help himself out. By the 3rd inning it was already 8-0 Rockets, as Avi Cantor, hitting Lead-Off smacked a 2-Run Double to rack up his 2nd and 3rd RBIs of the game. When all was said and done, Junior Tony Brown went 4-4 with 2 Runs scored, Aznar also went 4-4 with 4 RBIs and Senior Jason Greene continued the hot bat, going 2-2, reaching on an error and scoring 3 Runs to cap a 12-2 mercy-rule win. All of that was plenty to back up a complete game 6K, 2BB, 1 ER performance over 5 innings for Supovitz-Aznar. 

Eight years ago it was said, "if we keep fighting together and just believe in one another this team will play in A-Division one day." At the time the Rockets still hadn't won a single game (0-8), and couldn't seem to get past the 3rd inning against D-Division teams. They won that 9th game 25-10, as well as the rest of their inaugural season. They've been fighting and believing ever since. And back-to-back undefeated seasons, two consecutive Division Titles, deep runs in the City playoffs and a 12-2 win on Opening Day sure gives them plenty reason to believe!

Final Box Score

         1 2 3 4 5 6 7   R    H  E

SLA  3 1 4 0 4        12  15  1

Wash 0 0 1 0 1         2    6  4

WP- Lukas Supovitz-Aznar 

5IP, 6K, 2BB, 6H, 2R, 1ER


Avi Cantor- 2-4, 2B, 2R, 3RBI

Tony Brown- 4-4, 2R, 1RBI

Lukas Supovitz-Aznar- 4-4, 2B, 1R, 4RBI

Jason Greene- 2-2, ROE, 3R

Next Up: SLA (1-0) @Franklin Towne (Thurs, 3/30 1st Pitch, 305pm)


Q3 Artists Statement

The first piece that we did for Quarter 3 was a bike drawing. There was a bike in the room that we had to look at for making our drawing realistic. This drawing was a learning experience on how to draw things to the T and making sure that everything is proportional. This took 4 class periods 2 and a half hours to draw and outline and an hour and a half to color the bike.

The second piece that we did for Quarter 3 was Optical Illusions. For this assignment, we had to use the shading and measurements to almost trick the eyes. This was really cool to learn so you can make it look like the object is actually on the paper. This took 2 classes and 2 hours to do. One hour to draw the shapes and measure them out. And the other hour was to shape them and make them have dimension.

The third piece that we did for Quarter 3 was shading forms. We had to draw 3 shapes on a page. This was teaching us how to use just our pencils. The shading makes such a difference, whether if you’re pressing down hard or barely touching the paper with the pencil. This took 2 class periods to do. I class to draw the big square and the other class period to draw the three other shapes.

The fourth piece that we did for Quarter 3 was an eye drawing. This was more on the realistic side and this was very good for us if we ever wanted to enhance facial features. This took 2 class periods. 1 hour to draw the outline and the other hour to add details like the lighting inside of the eye and the tiny little hairs in the eyebrow.

The last piece for Quarter 3 was a Mandala. This was a freestyle and creative art piece. This was teaching us to fill up the page add designs everywhere so there is a lot to look at and most importantly to make sure your color stands out.

All of these drawings taught me something different but with this, I can combine all of these strategies and techniques to create something awesome.

E2 U4 "Beauty Within"


Voy a contar la historia de la parte de mi mural va a estar en Filadelfia. Sudoeste Filadelfia  es la parte sur de Está al oeste del río de Schuylkill. El límite norte está conformado por varios barrios. Como, Baltimore Avenue, Cobbs Creek y 49th street. Esta parte de Filadelfia estuvo conformada por inmigrantes irlandeses antes de la migración de americanos africanos. Ahora el porcentaje es de 76.2 por ciento de los negros viven a lo largo del sudoeste Philadelphia.

Mi nombre es Dayanna Hughes. Yo han querido dibujar y crear desde que era joven. Por esta razón era inicialmente entusiasmado con este proyecto. Soy del sudoeste de Philadelphia, por lo que estoy interesado en hacer un mural de aquí. El propósito del mural tendría un mensaje especial a la gente en el barrio.

Voy a pintar mi mural en una pared que está fuera de mi casa, es una gran muralla verde ahora mismo. Sería una pieza central para la gente alrededor de él, principalmente porque hay una parada de autobús y parada de carro literalmente cruzando la calle en ambas direcciones. La pared está situada en 56 y Baltimore Avenue, es propiedad de un Church.There de África occidental son una buena cantidad de personas mayores de mi barrio, por lo que pensaría que es vandalismo.

Las imágenes simboliza que usted debe amar la piel estás en. Principalmente debido a anuncios en el área de mostrar que la belleza europea es el único tipo de belleza. Como un niño, viendo estos anuncios haría sentir que no era lo suficientemente bueno. Esperemos que si las niñas de la comunidad que ven esto, se sentirá suficientemente empoderadas para sentirse bella. Ver a una chica que se parece a usted es ser alabada le hace sentir bien. Quiero que la chica de la foto se sienta para representar a las mujeres negras como un todo.

Arte público puede ser cualquier cosa de una pequeña palabra, o una pieza de arte grande. Me siento como si lo puede ser cualquier cosa, siempre que tenga significado para usted. Arte público me tiene valores de la comunidad y te hace cuestionar cosas como tus creencias. Es cómo vemos el mundo. Me siento como si mi mural tiene. Es un buen mensaje detrás de él, y tiene un mensaje que todos los miembros de la comunidad de acuerdo a.

Final Project Q3

This quarter, we have done a few drawings. Each drawing introduced a new technique into our arsenal. For the most part, I like how most of my drawings turned out. I learned a lot in doing these drawings, such as using the human perception to your advantage. This skill is going to be very vital in any drawing because then, you can direct people's eyes to a specific point in your drawing to emphasize that point.
For the first drawing, we had to draw a bike. This was probably the most difficult for me and the outcome of it was okay, it wasn't great. It took me about 4 hours to draw it, however, I should have spent more time because it doesn't look like it was done in 4 hours, it looks like it was done in 1 hour. This drawing helped me sharpen my skill for precision and precision is very important in any work of art.
For the second drawing, we drew optical illusions. It took me about 2 hours. I particularly liked this project because it was fun drawing illusions and messing with my viewers eyes. I don't think I was successful at it, but regardless, it was still a learning experience. I'm sure if I keep on drawing illusions, I'll get better at it.
The third drawing, we practiced shading forms. This took me 2 hours to do. I already had experience in shading through being self-taught, but I still learned from this project. When I shade, I usually do it freehand, but I never learned how to plan my shading like the .pdf document on the assignment tells you to do. So, I added a new technique into my artist arsenal.
The fourth drawing, we drew eyes. I also really liked this project too. I spent 2 hours on this project. This was a lot of fun because I love drawing eyes, they are so unique and interesting to study. You could get lost in looking in people's eyes. I tried to recreate that to the best of my ability, and I think I did good. I could've added a lot more detail to the pupil of the eyes. Nevertheless, I really liked doing this project.
Our final project, was drawing a mandala. For this one, I decided to bend the rules a little bit. Instead of using geometric shapes, I used  cartoon pictures of me, honey buns, cinnamon sticks, peppermint candy, and a strange blue flower. I didn't want to follow the geometric shape rule, so I decided to be a little bit different and use these unlikely elements for a mandala. I learned a lot about symmetry in this project. I really liked my final product because compared to everyone else's, mine looked completely different. It gives me a sense of style. This was probably my favorite project of the quarter. I learned so much about drawing this quarter and I look forward to learning a lot more in the next quarter.

Artist Statement Q3

This quarter I think maybe have been the easiest of all the other other quarters. I feel like I am definitely trying harder than I was before and it's showing in my work. For the first assignment which was the bike drawing, I think it was the hardest simply because it was the largest. It was really hard for me to get every part of the bike on the paper and capture all the little but important details of the bike. For the optical illusions I was confused as to how to make an illusion at first but when I got it they both didn't turn out how I expected but I tried and I suppose that´s all that really matters.  For the shading forms I attempted to make it look like the examples given to us with the shading. I redid it twice because I kept messing up on it, I just had to realize I had to make it my own and that I couldn´t keep trying to follow the examples. My eye drawing might be the piece from this quarter I´m proudest of. I took a lot of time on it to get a lot of detail and make it look as realistic as possible. I think what I ended up with was better than I expected it to be and I love it so much. My favorite piece from the entire quarter on the other hand would have to be the mandala drawing. I had so much fun using all the bright colors and patterns to make it. I liked that we got to make it our own and it was fun seeing everyone do something different with theirs. Overall I think this quarter I improved on trying in art. I think I am comfortable now with doing things in this class, I no longer look at the assignments as impossible to do I just do them now. I´m really excited to see what happens with the rest of school year and look forward to getting better in my artwork.