Spanish_BM-Sabian Rosales


Hola, mi nombre es Sabian Rosales. Tengo quince años. Asisto a Science Leadership Academy. Mi gusta a jugar electronico, es pore so que yo jugo videojuegos. Los videojuegos favoritos Journey y Castle Crashers. Mi encanta musíca por lo tanto yo toco el piano. Mi gusta perros(pugs) y (pufferfish). Mi encanta mathematicas, por es por lo tanto tiene sentido que yo estudio y estiendo Mathematicas. Yo soy althetico es pore so que me gusta nadar y montar en bicicleta.



Hola, nosotros nombre somos Sabian y Dwight(perro). Dwight tiene siete años y Sabian tengo quince años. Dwight y Sabian son primer amigos. Nos gusta comer. También nos gusta dormir y abrazarnos. Nos gusta correr y también nos gusta jugar. Mi encanta mi perro Dwight.



Mi dos papas son personas epicas y bonitas. Los dos son doctors, mi papa Vic es veterianario y mi papa Noel es pediatra. Mi papas trabajan duro. Ellos son muy intelligente y simpatico. Ellos gustan libros es por eso que les gustan leer. Mi papas son deportisa es por eso que montan en bicicleta. Mi papa Vic gusta baloncesteno y mi papa Noel gusta computadoras y los muy libros electronicos.


Mi perro es Él Dwight y Dwight es comico. Mi perro Dwight es negro y blanco. Parece que Dwight tiene calcetínes blancos. Le gusta dormir todos el días. Le gusta jugar con juguete chillón. Le gusta comer es por eso que él es poco gordo. Le gusta cuando yo y mi familia rascamos la panza. 

BM3 aeddy

The benchmark was a guide for people to use when they come to philadelphia. Our group decided to choose different guides to do different things but they all tied together. Like calling for a taxi, ordering food, understanding the U.S currency ect ect...

I learned from this project that being a guide isn't that easy as you think, it's easy until you have to convert all of it to spanish. Also I got to understand Euros better too, since I was working on the money section. 

I felt really good about our final project. To me, it was pretty good for our first website and it looks neat and the sections were easy to find.

If I had to re-do this project I would add more sections, pictures, and videos and some cool facts about philly and more. 

Here's the link to our site:

E2.U5: Q3 Benchmark

Describe the Q3BM: what was the assignment?  What did your group decide to do and why? The assignment was to create a website to show a person that speaks spanish from another country what to do in Philadelphia. Showing them where to eat, how to have fun, how we celebrate, and what to do. As a group we decide to do a wide range of food places, different categories. We then showed the important thing to know when your a tourist in Philadelphia. Such as , how to tip. We chose fun events and events that can relate.

How do you feel about your final product? Final product is ok, I feel like it was rushed. I Tried to do as much as I could.

What did you learn from doing this project?  I learned how to extend my spanish. How to broaden my aspects and explain things.

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same? Try to get my partners to edit more, and help more. Change the design.

Link: file:///Users/sarenashuman/Dropbox/Public/E2_U5_BM/

Q3 Spanish BM

Here is My group's website 

For this project we had pick places and events someone coming to Philadelphia could visit and we gave descriptions and directions. We also gave directions on how to do a certain thing in Philly.   We decided to choose small places so that our places would not be so broad.

I learned more about how to give directions

I feel as though the final product could have been done more beautifully.

If I was to do the project over again I would put in more detail and information.

Hohenstein Spanish Q3 BM

I learned about how to give instructions in both english and spanish. I also learned about how to translate understandably.

I felt good about our final project but I wish that we had used more sidebar items.

If I could do this all over I would spend more time fitting the words with the pictures.

Adlowitz Reflection

The Q3 Benchmark was to make a guide of the city like pick out a restaurant, a few places to go, and events that only happen in Philadelphia. We also had to show the person reading what we wrote how to do something in the city. My group taught people how to ride different forms of transportation while I taught the reader how to order a cheesesteak the Philadelphia way. My group and I decided to choose different places to visit, different events to focus on, and different foods traditional to our city. 

I learned a little bit more about Philadelphia, I learned how to describe some of my city in 

Spanish, I also learned that I know more than I think about Philadelphia. 

I feel like my final product is very good and has a lot of unique components to it. I feel like I provided good examples of things unique about Philadelphia and they were highlighted throughout mine and my group member parts of the project. 

If I could do it over again I would've wanted to show people some of my favorite restaurants around the city to get certain foods and stuff. I would've also wrote more about the Sports Complex and how much I love going to all different types of sporting events there. I think I would've kept my event and places the same but I would've added more restaurants.

Respond in English:

Respond in English:

Describe the Q3BM: what was the assignment?  What did your group decide to do and why?

I learned a LOT about how to present a project on a blog

I feel ok about how the project turned out but I feel more could still be done.

If I were to do it over again I would film each part on location

Español Proyecto-M Saunders

The assignment was to make a guide to get around in Philadelphia.  We did a web site so that people could see it easier.  I learned that it was harder to explain the place you lived all your life to some one else that may not know it as well.  I think that the projects turned out all right.  The Spanish could be better but for the project it wasn’t that bad.  If I were to do this again I would try and explain the places better so that some one could better understand the place.

España Proyecto-Ryan Shaw

What was the assignment? What did your group decide to do and why?
What did you learn from doing this project?
How do you feel about your final product?
IF you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently.

The assignment was to make a guide for visitor's from Spain. We decided to do the common things of Philadelphia, and we tried to explain the things to do while in Philadelphia.

I learned a lot of vocabulary, and sentence structure.

I think that people from Spain would find this guide moderately useful. 

I would try to find better instructions, and get my work reviewed by the teacher.

Q3-Español Proyecto

Describe the Q3BM: what was the assignment?  What did your group decide to do and why?

The Assignment was to make a website to help the experience of a spanish speaking person coming to Philadelphia. We had to include places, event, types of food, and ways that the culture is different in Philadelphia. 

What did you learn from doing this project?  

I learned about some Philadelphia event that I have never even heard of. I also learned where some things were in Philadelphia that I never saw before. 

How do you feel about your final product?

I think that overall the project worked out okay. The website turned out to look very cool. 

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?

If I could do this project all over again, I would plan out exactly what I wanted to say for each topic before I just started writing it all in spanish. 

Directions for Blog: When you are on the blog, to look at what each person did, click "flipcard" in the header bar. After clicking on that click "author" below the header bar. After doing that you can see who did what. Next to my posts it will say "Dejah". 

Filadelfia Proyecto ~

Cliquear Blog de groupo...

La blog de yo...

Respond in English:

Describe the Q3BM: what was the assignment?  What did your group decide to do and why? 

  • We had to pick a part that we learned from this section, watch a few videos and use them as examples. Then we had to apply what we knew to our favorite places with our table. My group decided that we would all do different things and then combine them all at the end of the project.

What did you learn from doing this project?  

  • I learned how to give people directions and to apply that all onto a website.

How do you feel about your final product?

  • I feel good. My group did all of their parts for the work and that made the whole project come together. There are a lot of parts with pictures. 

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same? 

  • I would make sure that we add more pictures and know how to work the google sites better.

E2 Q3 BM Max Amar-Olkus

The assignment was to make a website for a Spanish tourist to use when they come to America. We decided to make a guide about how to order in a restaurant, how to hail a taxi, and how to understand American currency. 

I learned how to use google sites.

I feel good about my part.

I would add more pictures to the website if i had to do it again. 

Spanish BM Q3


This assignment was to explain sites and events of Philadelphia in spanish. As a class we listed tourists sites, events, restaurants and place we liked to visit in Philadelphia.Since we worked in groups, my group decide to pick place we liked and what others who viewed the site would be interested in visiting someday. Doing this project I liked how to describe the city I live in, in spanish and explain what Philadelphia has to offer. I like my final project but I could always be better. If did it again I would add more photos and describe the place more in detail. Also I would of added videos so the viewer could get a better understanding

April Woodburn Website and Reflection

​The assignment was to create a website showing all the best places, events and restaurants to go to in philadelphia written in spanish. We decided to use these places and events in the website link via a google site.

I learned a lot of different words in Spanish that I didn't before starting this project and I think I got a lot better with my sentence structure.

I think our final project was pretty good. It has a lot of relevant pictures so that you can figure out what we are talking about through context if you do not speak spanish

If I could do it over again I would use a different site building website then google sites and I would make it more stylish.



The assignment was to make a guide to the city of Philadelphia, for toursits to come to Philadelphia. We decided to make a website and highlights places in Philadelphia that they should visit and go. I learned Philadelphia isn't as exciting as I thought it doesn't have a lot to do. I feel fine about the final product we all worked hard the only thing that was less than par is the homepage.If I could do this all over I would defiantly make it clear to people to put there stuff on the google doc earlier.

TLancaster BM

​The Q3BM was to make a Google Site with language tutorials and some events, places, restaurants that are in Philadelphia. My group decided to take the events, and places that we wrote and put it on blogger. Also we had a slide show of the places that we chose because it would be easier to find the areas and it made the website more professional. 

I learned how to say where to go, how to get there and how to make a web page. 

I feel as though my final project was good but it could have been better because everything that was suppose to be on there wasn't. 

If I could redo my project I would change the layout and the places that we chose.

Here is the webpage:

Q3BM Reflection - Dakota Foster

Link to Project:


Describe the Q3BM: what was the assignment?  What did your group decide to do and why?

     The Q3BM was to create a site about what places that you as a person like going to and want other people to go to. You were suppose to talk about what you like about the places and pictures of what the place looks like. We decide to make different pages that group the different things; Events, Restaurants, etc. Then, we each put our place on each page. We did this so it is organized and categorized.

What did you learn from doing this project? 

     I learned how to describe my favorite places in a way that would be appealing to other people. Also, how to write a 'how to' in spanish. I usually do them in English. Also, I learned how to use word reference, I didn't know about that website before.

How do you feel about your final product?

     I feel as though we need to do a little more work like add certain things, like the homepage. But after that, the website would be complete and acceptable. 

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?

     I would have started earlier and made sure everything was correct. Also, that everybody had their things together. 

RFlite BM

For the 3rd quarter benchmark we were supposed to create a website that is a tour of Philadelphia. We decided to included some English to Spanish translations, directions, and a slideshow of things in Philly. 

I learned how to describe directions better then I knew before. Also how to function and create a webpage. 

I feel like as a group we did great! My group tried our best and worked hard.

If I could redo it, the only thing I would change is to have the project have everybody's parts included and sent to us on time.

To visit our website go to:

Rflite BM

​For the 3rd quarter benchmark we were supposed to create a website that is a tour of Philadelphia. We decided to included some English to Spanish translations, directions, and a slideshow of things in Philly. 

I learned how to describe directions better then I knew before. Also how to function and create a webpage. 

I feel like as a group we did great! My group tried our best and worked hard.

If I could redo it, the only thing I would change is to have the project have everybody's parts included and sent to us on time.

To visit our website go to:

Jschwartz Blog POST

We had to create a guidebook for a tourist to partially understand Philadelphia. My group made charts to demonstrate how to preform certain actions like: buying museum tickets, going to the circus, and ordering food.

I learned a bit from the Benchmark. I learned how to participate in a group project. Mostly I learned to think about the tourist and how situations would play out if they don't know english. 

I feel good about the final product. My group worked hard and I think the project reflects that.

If I were to do the project again, I would keep the same group. I feel although we did argue sometimes we got our work done. 
I would include more pictures next time.

Q3BM- Rose Knibbe

The assignment was to make a website for tourists to learn how to act, what to see, what to eat and just what to do when they come over. I learned a lot about how to describe what I want to say and how to turn something that is normal for me into a good description. I feel like it's ok but we definitely could have done a lot better. I would work a little harder on the website part of the project. 

Q3 BM (Again...)

For our 3rd quarter history benchmark, the students of Ms. Laufenberg's class all participated in the National History Day. The idea behind NHD is that each student researches a famous part of history, gathers both primary and secondary sources, then completes the project in however they see fit. The theme of this year's NHD was, "Revolution, Reaction, Reform." Therefore, each student had to take a part of history that had to deal with somewhat of a revolution, a reaction, and then the reform to see where it is now. And I took it from the perspective of one of the influential people in the United State's history; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and how with his nobel leadership, discriminated minorities were able to overcome the struggle, and become equal to everyone else.

The Good Friends Episode 4

Hey guys!
For those of you who have not seen the third episode yet and still don't know about some of the changes we made, I am here to explain it all. We realized that our 20 minute episodes were just. to. long. But what can I say...we like to talk. So hoping that we could get more viewers and more shows out, we changed the length of our episode to about 10 minutes. They are still just as awesome, just a bit shorter. We have also been uploading all of our episodes, behind the scenes, and any other clips to our youtube page (Link is at the bottom of this). So for those of you who do not follow us on twitter, which you should if you have one, just know to keep checking up on our youtube page since that is where we post most of our stuff. But since we are amazing people I wanted to make sure I got episode four on the SLA homepage. Don't forget to keep watching The Good Friends!

To check out all our other episodes and clips check out the youtube page:

Also for other news check out our twitter and follow us!
Twitter: @TheGoodFriends