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Why Abuse the Creatures Who Did Nothing Wrong?!?
Throughout the years I have been seeing how people treat the animals that are around them. Many people may say that they love animals but behind doors they are treating them with plain old disrespect. And there are no one around to tell them to stop so the animals can live their lives. So to let people know, what may be going on around their neighborhood, I decided to do my project on animal abuse. I am interested in learning about this topic because i love animals. Then to know how some of them are being treated is tremendously heartbreaking. And knowing that some people don't even care about what's happening to them makes you wonder what did animals ever do to them.
For the past days I have been doing some research on how all kinds of animals are being abused. I found out that the elephants that are used in circuses are chained up 23 hours a day from the day they were young. Also that the animals at the circuses are being poked with sharp objects, beaten, and whipped to do their routines. And that 10,000 horses in the US are being slaughtered for horse meat for Europe and Asia but since the last the slaughter plant was shut down in 2007, the horses are know being shipped to Canada and Mexico to be slaughtered. And lastly I found out that if animal abuse continues to go on, in the year of 2022, 22% of the animals will be extinct.
I feel as though animal abuse is a problem that should be taken care of right away before it's too late. Also that animals have the right to live just as well as humans. Lastly, I think that we as humans should take action and speak for these animals because they can't speak for themselves.
I will continue to do further research to how animals are being abused and to why do people abuse animals. I will also find out how people can help them and what they can do. And I won't stop doing research until the people know that they need to help animals.
To find more information you can visit this website: Animal Abuse
Mi Carta Venezuelen Pen Pal Letter
12 years old, a girl in Taiwan
First Post in a while
Are You Infected?
In this blog, you will probably have second
thoughts about making choices that might affect you in your later years in
life. It contains information that is effecting teen’s age 12-19. Hopefully,
this blog will change some of the lives of these young people and have them
realize that having sex at a young age can affect them physically, emotionally,
and financially.
My issue on this project is teen sex and STD's. I strongly believe
that in today's day and age, teen sex has become overrated. To some teenagers,
it has become the "norm" to have sex. I am really passionate about
this topic and I strongly believe that it's a topic that needs to be addressed
to children and especially parents whether they have children or not.
STD’s (Sexually Transmitted Disease) are another important issue
that are killing the lives of these children. Children as young as 15 are
diagnosed with at least one STD. Some even have more than one. Unfortunately,
the majority of teens don’t even know that they are walking around these
streets with it.
Stats on Teen Sex:
- Most sexually active females that
are 15-19 years old have partners who are the same age or 1-3 years older
(74%). 25% of girls’ partners were 4 or more years older. ·
- In 2002, 11% of males and
females aged 15-19 has had anal sex with someone of the opposite sex.
- In
2002, 55% of males and 54% of female’s aged 15-19 had engaged in oral sex
with someone of the opposite sex.
· In 2002, 12% of all
pregnancies, or 757,000, occurred among adolescents aged 15-19.
In 2006, an estimated 5,259
young people aged 13-24 in the 33 states reporting to CDC were diagnosed with
HIV/AIDS, representing about 14% of the persons diagnosed that year.
In 2009, 46% of high school
students had ever had sexual intercourse, and 14% of high school students had
had four or more sex partners during their life.
In 2009, 34% of currently sexually active high school students did
not use a condom during last sexual intercourse.
Stats on STD’s:
I wonder if teens do this for the attention or
if they do it because of peer pressure. I also wonder why teens don’t take a
stand in what they know is right.
My plan moving forward, is to continue to do
more research on teen sex and study STD’s and how they effect the human body.
Love, Blood, Sweat, and Tears! Domestic Violence #1
Loving someone and being in a relationship can be dangerous. You can have heart ache, infidelity, and financial issues. Many problems can occur, but the biggest danger in a relationship is Domestic violence. I’m super interested in Domestic violence because Domestic violence is an issue, and many people look over it and don’t care for the problem.
Domestic violence can harm you physically and mentally, it can harm you so bad, that you stay in the relationship. Some people get addicted and get attached to the violence. Domestic violence can come from any sex, male or female. Domestic violence is used to control your spouse or lover, to dominate the relationship. The abuser likes to play mind tricks, and get you really scared. They threaten you, break things, super hostile, and very aggressive.
I don’t understand how you can you love someone, that harms you physically and emotionally. That hits you and insults you, damage your feelings and make you insecure. Someone that makes you bleed your own blood, and taste your own tears. How come so many women and men stay in the relationship? The abuser is the coward not the person being abused because they need to harm someone to make them feel big about their self.
The scariest part of it all, is that people die from domestic violence. People lose loved ones, they have heart attacks, internally bleeding, stress level to high, and more. Also, the partner kills them, if they feel they are losing power in the relationship. Where is the number and statistics, not many?
3 Worldly Devastations, One Week
This week I am focusing on hardening my foundation on what exactly happened on March 11, 2011 in Japan. I'm interested in this topic because it not only effects Japan it effects us too, mentally and physically, Japan needs us to aid them through these tough times. Many of us have families over there. Others have probably just discovered that a little place like that could be that broken. Japan is tough, they can handle three main tragedies and still stick together as a country. Tsunamis, Earthquake, and Nuclear Reactors.
So far, I've gathered some quick facts together. Like "did you know"s? There are three major things on the Prime Minister of Japan's mind right now:
• Trading
• Earthquake and Tsunami Relief
• Radiation
Next week, I want to focus on how Japan is making money and how they are trading.
I want to keep up with what the Prime Minister is worrying about and what Japan is doing to help fix this.
Here are the links I looked at that helped me with this blog:
Do You Care About Your Environment? #1
For this project I am studying environmental issues. I am studying how things can be
used differently in order to help the environment be a better place for people to live. The reason why Im interested in studying this is because I believe that it is very important to actually know whats going on in the environment. Many things can affect us and we need to know what we need to do to make this place a better place.
In my research I learned about the different effects global warming could have on us and how we will have higher risks in getting different diseases from the toxins that are going around in. I also learned that there would be a high change in the weather because of the pollution.
In order to try to better the environmental issues we all need to make an effort by trying to save all things and try not to pollute the world with trash. It is very important that we do this because if we don’t we will suffer the consequences. We can all help overcome this but we have to be serious and want to make an effort to change.
Gay is the New Black?- Blog Post 1
This issue is very important in my eyes. Gays not having their rights reminds me of when blacks were fighting for their rights back in the 1900's. I feel that gay people are not doing anything wrong, they are just expressing how they feel and can't help being gay. Gay people are humans just like everyone else, and can't be perfect. Blacks got discriminated against because of their skin color and gays get discriminated against for their sexuality.
It almost seems to me like it almost hurts some people to see gay people happy. For example, why did they have to overturn the prop 8 law in California? If they want to get married, then they should because they are in love just like a man and a woman would be. People say that "a gay couple shouldn't be able to marry because it is a holy matrimony". However, if they are bringing religion into it, then law shouldn't be related to any of it because that is not aloud.
Sometimes I sit and wonder what is the real pain that homophobics feel. Is there maybe some pain that they feel from other things in their past, or was it how they were brought up. When I say that "they (being people who are straight) have no reason to discriminate", when I have three cousins that are gay and I am used to having to loving a gay person.
When I first heard the statement "gay is the new black", I automatically got offended because I am black. I was thinking how can they compare slavery and black rights to being gay? Then I stopped and thought for a while, back in the 1900's, we had to fight for our rights just like gays are having to fight for the right to get married anywhere they would like to. Also, blacks are still to this day discriminated for our color and gays are discriminated against for there sexuality. I would like to enrich my knowledge and understanding of this quote.
Third Leading Cause of Death.
The issue I am going to be blogging about is teen suicide. This topic interests me, because I hear about it all the time, I feel horrible and would love to give help to those teens who need someone to talk to. Another reason, is maybe you heard of those two girls who got hit by a train? Well, my best friend was very close to those girls, she knew them for a very long time. I saw just how effected she and all her family was. When I had heard about it, I was in shock. Couldn't believe that something so awful had happen.
After spending some time researching about my topic I learned about 2 million teenagers attempt to kill them self thats just in one year. Can you imagine? I never thought it would get to be this high, something has got to change. I also learned that suicide is the third leading death in 10 to 24 year olds. When I began reading the warning signs of suicide I noticed that it was something so tiny for example "Giving possessions away, making arrangements, setting one's affairs in order."-( be a sign to something so huge. In my opinion I think a lot of people should be aware of these things, just to be sure so that they can help there loved one seek help.
I am interested in finding out why some kids decide to take their own lives rather then turn for help.I understand that not all of them want to go for help, but I think if they would maybe try it one time and see that they could save their own life and maybe others. Also, I'm interested in finding why some of the kids that bully are so cruel, and don't realize what there doing is so wrong and how effective it is.
For me to go forward in this research, I am going to have to do a lot more research. This is a very big topic and there is way more for me to read about. I am even going to talk to my best friend to see if she knew anything else about the two girls.
six word story
Jobs: Are You Really Safe?
The economy's numbers are dropping for available jobs and is getting worst then the Depression of the 1930's. Resent studies have shown that in december 2010 the unemployment rate has been to a high of 9.75% of people in the US. Then shown that percentage of the ethnical background of the unemployment rate are:
shown here
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (8.6 percent), adult women (7.7 percent), teenagers (24.5 percent), whites (7.9 percent), blacks (15.5 percent), and Hispanics (11.3 percent) showed little change in March. The jobless rate for Asians was (7.1 percent), not seasonally adjusted.
Child abuse can hurt. By: Maria Latorre
For the project we had to find information about our topic and talk about it.
My issue "Child abuse" I picked this topic because it was what I which to find out more and because this topic got me to the point that it would make me sad.
I have learned so far that there are many different types of child abuse like physical abuse, child sex abuse (CSA), psychological/emotional abuse, and neglect.
For a child with a history of neglect or physical abuse they have a very high risk to have psychiatric problem, or disorganized attachment. The hardest to define from is psychological/emotional abuse this kind of abuse and end up making a child blame themselves, feel not loved.
Children that are being physically abuse are very likely to have a lot of bone fractures, and many higher risk of getting cancer. Physically abuse could be stopped if people that see it happen would tell the cops or if the child tells. Sometime the child will not tell because they might be to scare of what would happen if he/she told.
A child that has being sexually abuse (CSA) is a type of child abuse in which an adult or someone older takes a kid for sexual stimulation. Types of CSA is when someone ask or pressure a child to do sexual actives, having sexual contact with a child, making a child make child pornography.
What I want to know is why? Why do adult or older people do this type of things to a child? Why is it that they would even think about this in the first place?
I’m planning to find out more about this topic and try to find the reason why they would do this to a child and what they can get out of it.
Rehab After Drugs and Alcohol [ The Longterm Save]
· This
section is basically about people who survive the addiction of drugs
and alcohol, People
· To be addicted it means to be controlled by
something, something that pulls you in and doesn't let go.
· Also
being addicted allows the person to have mood swings and changes
without that substance. Normally a regular person gets a high from a thrill.
Now people get there high from drugs, these drugs tell the person/ make the
person feel like they can't live without it. As if that drug is there high.
Once a person gets there high from drugs and can't be happy without it they are
now addicted. As weird as this may seem the person now believe that, that drug
is their happiness and most people love their happiness.
· When
you are addicted to alcohol you become an alcoholic. The reson why this is bad
because it allows the alcohol to seek it’s way into the brain and can cause
serious head drama. With this you may lose memory/ thought of what’s going on.
What happened in Japan? blog 1
For this project Ms. Dunn told us to pick a world
issue and become familiar with it. The purpose of this project is to make us
more up to date with current events and world issues.
issue that I chose is the Japan earthquake. The reason I chose this topic is
because I don’t know much about it and I want to know exactly what happened.
far I have discovered that more then 14,000 people died. Another thing that I found interesting is that there was a tsunami and lots of landslides throughout the
day. From my research I have learned that it was a very scary and harmful day
for the world.
have three questions about what happened. They are how many people were
lost or are still lost? Was Japan as ready for this as they could have been? And
what can people do to help?
The next thing I will do is try to find out the real story on what happened. I will do more research and will look for news articles from that day to help understand what was happening and when it was happening.
Conserve Wildlife? How?
I was not able to find anything that said why we don't just build buildings up instead of outward, but I had to give a guess I would say that it is probably easier and cheaper to build a building that stretches outward instead of upward. I did however find some ways that we can help conserve our wildlife this site.
Some things that I found out were, one, just how fast wildlife is being destroyed especially over in Africa for example one statistic was that there were 5-10 million elephants in the African plains back in the 1930's and and then by 1989 which is when they were added to the most endangered species list there were only about 600,000 of them left. Statistic from this site.
For my next post I would like to keep looking for exact reasons why we don't build up instead of out also more ways for us to help conserve our environment and finally we don't educate more people on this topic.
Final blog, how will we conserve our wildlife
I was fortunately able to find a few more ways that we can help to conserve our wildlife before it all disappears. They are on this site.
I also have to say that I was not able to find find anything in my research that says why we don't teach more people about wildlife conservation. I think that one reason at least for us not to be teaching people about wildlife conservation is that then we would have to many people running around interfering with large companies and keeping them from destroying wildlife while they get bigger and bigger and bigger.
One thing that I learned that surprises me in that I would think that more people would be out and doing things in more places because of the top 10 wildlife organizations out there almost all of them put more than 70% of all their funds towards conserving wildlife in different places. This was from this site.
Wildlife Conservation
Mine is wildlife conservation, I picked this because I think that it is important that we protect the wildlife around us and learn about it.
One thing that i have discovered from this site is that according to the World Wildlife Fund there is somewhere from 25 to 50 acres that get burned or cut down every minute. I have also learned from the same site that overpopulation may be one reason that the wildlife area is being destroyed. This site supports that.
I wonder why we don't instead of building outward and killing all the wildlife, why we don't build up, we know we can do it, so why don't we?
I will try to find out this answer and to find out what we can do to help.
Do Women Have Any Rights?- Blog 1
Burger King Triple Cheeseburgers Now a Dollar!
Obesity is one of the most common things seen in the world. More than most, in America. It leaves you trapped within a seemingly endless cycle of gluttony and immobilization and can increase your risk of several cardiovascular diseases. It’s said many fat people have a big heart. (Meaning always friendly of course) Well sadly they more than likely do. Obesity can cause an enlarged heart due to muscle tissue expansion due to overworking caused by thickening blood. Nobody wants to be obese and there should be a lot more done to stop this from taking over people across the planet.
Obesity is thought of as nothing more than just greedy people being gluts to the point where they can’t fit through their doorway. Well that is very far from the truth. A number of things can cause people to gain weight. Let’s focus on one thing that’s obvious to all people: Fast food.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 50 or so years you have seen a fast food place such as McDonald’s or Burger King. These places offer great tasting food at a cheap price. All the while dominating commercials with promises of near perfect cuisine. These can attract almost anybody to scarf down as many burgers as they can. They can do all of this for cheaper prices than a head of lettuce. Which leads me into my next point: Food prices
It's fine because its Israel?
I am doing a project in English. It is called, You and the world. The purpose of the project is to pick one current event in the world learn about it (research) , create a passion for it, and then BLOG about it.
I my self know a lot of people who make aliyah. Making ‘aliyah’ is when a Jewish person immigrates to the Land of Israel. Not just for vacation but deciding to live there as a citizen. When making ‘aliyah’ at a certain age you have to join the Israeli army, along with the citizens that already live there. If you are a U.S. citizen you can just choose to be in the Israeli army with out it being necessary. I know someone who made aliyah to Israel and choose to be in the Israeli army, and died August 1, 2006. He died because was fighting for his homeland, against terrorist like Hamas.
I have discovered a lot not only from researching this past week, but also through out the years. I have been following what has been going on with Gilad Shalit since 2006. This is why I want to focus more on him through out this project because he is something special to me.
Even though there are videos of Gilad Shalit saying he is alive, and he says the date no one knows for sure. Hamas wants all of their captured soldiers from Israel and they will give back Gilad Shalit. Although they would like Gilad Shalit back they can’t risk one solider, who may not be alive for all of the female and underage Palestinian prisoners along with 1,000 other prisoners. I want to know if Gilad is still alive. I am hoping he is.
I want to focus more on my sub- topic, Gilad Shalit. Yes I will still follow more on everything with the Gaza Strip, Hamas, and the Palestinians but I will do more background research on Gilad. In the next blogs to come, I will see if I can attach any of the videos that I was talking about above.