10-20-30 Interview

I interviewed Sean Force: 

What was the purpose of this project?


He thinks that the purpose of the project was to learn about what kind of music people listened to back then and to realize the different problems that African Americans were going through at that time.



What were some questions that got raised?


Were there any connection between lyrics and events going on at that time?



What was the best part about this project?


His favorite part was putting the music on the Wikipage.



What was the most challenging part?


The most challenging part for him was finding articles and summarizing them for the Wikipage.



If you were to change something about your final project what would it be?


He would change his article for 1976 because he said the article was to short and it really was not the best article.

Here is a link to my awesome Wikipage:











​During Q3 Our students had a focus on Ethnomusicology, we discussed a 10-20-30 interviews about there parents music life. 10 years back, 20 years back and 30 years back.

Now we Have Roger Bracy interviewed. 

Purpose: To help you understand how music can relate to African American events. In 1985, 1975, and 1965.


Best Part:

 Was interviewing his parents for the music because they had found songs that they hadn't heard in a long time.

Most Challenging:

 Finding the articles because they weren't given to you, you had to search for them.


​During Q3 Our students had a focus on Ethnomusicology, we discussed a 10-20-30 interviews about there parents music life. 10 years back, 20 years back and 30 years back.

Now we Have Roger Bracy interviewed. 

Purpose: To help you understand how music can relate to African American events. In 1985, 1975, and 1965.


Best Part:

 Was interviewing his parents for the music because they had found songs that they hadn't heard in a long time.

Most Challenging:

 Finding the articles because they weren't given to you, you had to search for them.

10-20-30 Interviews

Interview with Bach Tong:
  1. What was the purpose of the 10-20-30 project?
     - My purpose of doing 10-20-30 project is to further my understanding of African American history during these eras, through ethnomusicology and news articles.

  2. What was the questions raised when you self assessed yourself?
    - There were many questions. I think the one that stand out the most was: "Is there anything missing?"

  3. What was the best part of the project, for you?
    - The best part of the project was researching articles about the historical event in these eras.

  4. What was the most challenging parts you faced during the project?
    - The most challenging part was to reach out to people and ask about their preferences of music during the 60s, 70s, and 80s. 

  5. What is your favorite part of your project?
    - My favorite part of the project was the article and analysis part. It was so interesting to draw connections between media and history.

  6. What was your favorite song from your page?
    - My favorite song was called: "(Something Inside) so strong".

  7. What was your favorite song from your peer's pages?
    - My favorite song from the peer's page was Michael Jackson's Thriller.

  8. What was the easiest part for you?
    - The easiest part for me was looking up articles.

  9. Did anyone help you during this project?
    - Of course. I received plenty of helps from Mr. Sherif, and peers for their perspective on my wiki, as well as analysis.

  10. Are you happy about your overall grade?
    - Yes, I am.

    Here is a link to my blog 10-20-30


​During Q3 Our students had a focus on Ethnomusicology, we discussed a 10-20-30 interviews about there parents music life. 10 years back, 20 years back and 30 years back.

Now we Have Roger Bracy interviewed. 

Purpose: To help you understand how music can relate to African American events. In 1985, 1975, and 1965.


Best Part:

 Was interviewing his parents for the music because they had found songs that they hadn't heard in a long time.

Most Challenging:

 Finding the articles because they weren't given to you, you had to search for them.


​During Q3 Our students had a focus on Ethnomusicology, we discussed a 10-20-30 interviews about there parents music life. 10 years back, 20 years back and 30 years back.

Now we Have Roger Bracy interviewed. 

Purpose: To help you understand how music can relate to African American events. In 1985, 1975, and 1965.


Best Part:

 Was interviewing his parents for the music because they had found songs that they hadn't heard in a long time.

Most Challenging:

 Finding the articles because they weren't given to you, you had to search for them.

10-20-30 Interviews!

​Interviewed- Dakota Foster.
Interviewer- Drue Boccuti.
1. What was the purpose of your 10-20-30 page?

The purpose of my 10-20-30 was to learn about the music and history from someone who was listening to that music 10 years before I was born, 20 years before I was born, and 30 years before I was born.

2. Questions Raised?
Why did they like this song? 
What made them start liking the song?

3.What was the best part of this project?
The best was learning about the music from my relatives.

4.Most challenging part?

The most challenging part was looking for articles with events that happened years ago. 


10-20-30 Reflection

​The wiki looks decently attractive and accessible to audiences. There were some pretty concise analysis about the article and their connections to African American History. The music sections were decorative with videos and audios of preferences from interviewees, who lived through the era of 80s, 70s, and 60s. However, it could've been better. The analysis can be more in depth and there should be connections drawn between the music and the history of that era. 

The challenging part of doing this project was to gather music from people and their explanation of why they like that music. It is necessary to see the connection between the sociopolitical theme of the era, and their influences on music and people lives. Through researching articles and events, one could really tell the systematic theme, especially over 30 consecutive years. 

Click here to be redirected into my wiki.

Interviewing about 10-20-30

Interviewee: Robert Jenkins
Interviewer: Goldie Robins (ME)

What is the purpose of your project: To give general information about key moments in the black history. 

Questions raised through out the project: If Bataba Jordan was the first African American women to read a keynote address then who was the first African American.

Best Part of the project: The design and putting it all together.

Most challenging part: Was to find articles and events.

Over all it was a great project! (:


I got denied from UCF.
I had to get two shots yesterday and now my arm hurts.
My throat is so swollen and sore I'm going to end up crying.
I feel like I'm overheating, but then I get cold real quick.
I have precalculus next, fuck.
I'm eating ice cream, though. (:
I absolutely cannot wait for prom.
5/7 college acceptances, not bad. Considering the two I got denied from were in Florida.
Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart tonight.
Can't wait <3.

Old man syndrome

​So this is what it feels like....to be an old man...I know im not actually old, being im one of the youngest in the class, but regardless,  i still feel old. Allow me to paint you a picture.  Yesterday im sitting in on a friend of mine's student teaching class. 2 seniors, 1 teacher, 20 something freshman, you get the picture. Im helping with one of the science fair projects and I flash back to my own science fair project.  I actually couldn't remember the details, though i remember the feeling, and some of the things that went on that day.  besides the fair, I got to become friends with some people in my class who im still very close friends with today.  Anyway, after i finish day dreaming I actually started telling the story of that dat! can you believe it? i just told the freshman that....guys, im old...

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. [Marianne Williamson]

This is my all time favorite quote of all time.

Wonder cat of time

It is for a photo contest. Using stock images you had to use one cat, one clock and one fruit. It took forever for me to get all there to mesh but I did. The strawberry though is placed in a fun way.