Reflection On Media Fluency

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Screenshot 2016-12-23 at 10.06.06 PM
What I learned from the critiques is that I was using too many colors and shapes in my symbolic slate that it would be too much for someone who is viewing the slide. It would be too cluttered and hard to focus on the main point because there is a lot going on, on one slide. 
The big change that I made to the second slide is actually taking it from hand drawing to it being digital. I also included fewer shapes, also represented all the shapes and colors clearly. 
The research I did for this project I believe was really important, especially because I had to actually find the exact symbolic representation of the shapes and colors scheme. I researched about space and what it portrays to whoever is viewing the slate and I also researched about the centering of the images and what's the meaning behind it. 

I am who i am pt2

I learned that I needed to make both sides more symmetrical with color and filling space. I decided to change my slides pictures. I originally had two grey scaled pictures on the right side but that looked of wit my back and white theme so I took those off and made it more evenly contrasted throughout the whole slide. I also changed the font of "i am who I am" to be more fancy and curved to match the curves with the music notes and I wanted the work "dliysxea" to be really simple and I made it going up and down though the other text to express it applies an important part to me. I'm glad I researched just so I had more knowledge on what would catch a outside person's eye the most and really sell it. It's so important to research just to be more prepared in general. 
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Screenshot 2016-12-23 22.13.30

New slide. Similar me.

In tech class I learned so much and my classmates gave a lot of great advice. Through my research i learned the inner workings of modern advertising. I learned how to take a slide and turn it into something more than that. I've also learned how to take criticism better and you kinda need to be able to do that for this project. 
The biggest change that I made to my slide was that i realized that it wasn't all about me and it was about making the best advertisement. I combined this with some knew placing of my pictures and badabing badaboom, my knew slide. 
Research was very very important in this project. If you didn't make good enough research, well, good luck to you. This was a situation where if you didn't do research you had nothing to explain your slide with. And that just makes you look unprepared. 
This project really made me realize how much i need to put into both big and small projects. 

Zivia Reflection on Media Fluency

Copy of Media Fluency Slide- Zivia

While researching for this project and going though the various sites we were told use, I started to realize that I recognized a lot of the terms and ideas that were shown. I had unconsciously used them before when drawing, just never had the words to describe them. My brain knew what it liked, and that seemed to fit with what was suggested. I actually looked back on a few (fully finished) pictures I had draw before I learned these terms, and saw quite a few pop up (bleeding, rule of thirds, contrast, etc...). Based on this, I'd say I learned that the things I unconsciously preferred had names, and were common thing that quite a few people's brains also preferred.

For my second slide, I started out having no idea what to change. I liked how my original looked, and every little tweak I tried (different fonts, a picture, a border, size changes, slated writing) looked off, even imperfect (and not that perfectly imperfect that crunches in your brain). After flipping back and forth between a few changes, I found that my lines of text seemed a little cramped, and there was an imbalance in the empty space in the top and bottoms of the slide. So, I spread things out, and there was more air and more space.

Research is incredibly important when beginning a project. Finding and using sources give a structure for one's own brain to then take over and add the unique touches. Without that structure, things fall apart much easier. You also need to be able to defend your choices, as Ms. Hull said at one point. If I have nothing to site for information or context, then I have no backup, nothing to support my claims but myself. That leaves me as a single source, and a single source is rarely accepted as proof of a choice or change.

Reflection on Media Fluency

Revised Me slide- Cristina Valenzo  (1)
When I first got assigned to create a google slide that represented my Me Magazine I was really nervous because I didn’t know what I was going to include in it. However, I felt better after I did my research and I learned many new concepts. I realized that I was already doing all these things ,but I just didn’t know it. I learned about the rule of thirds and the depth and symmetry and contrast and the art of color bleeding. After I learned all this I created my first slide, then I got constructive criticism on it and I re created it.In the old slide I had my name on the right in the far right corner , however I moved it to the center to represnt me more and so people could notice it more easily and I changed the color of the word “Cristina” to make the word pop out more and contrast other colors on the slide. I also removed the word “unity” from the middle because it was distracting and took away the focus of the image in the back. Overall I learned a lot from the research and the criticism given from my classmates. Researching your content before your start anything is so important, not only do your learn more but you get a better understanding on how you are going to get your task done.

Reflection on Media Fluency

-Me-Kayah (2)

After getting feedback from my peers(including Miss Hull) I learned that my message was spot on and that it was a very powerful message I conveyed through my slide . It was just that I needed to make the message a bit more obvious, because some of my peers did not really catch on to the message through my slide. While some may have caught the message I still wanted to make my message more obvious to those who did not really catch it, because I can see where they would be coming from if I looked from their point of view when I had presented my first slide. I deleted the speech bubble with the writing because It was not really necessary to have and nobody could read the text anyway. I deleted a few pictures off of this slide because I had way too many pictures which made my slide distracting. I decided to change it to the format I have now because it fits better with the message I am trying to convey through this slide, and makes it more obvious to what my message is. I am really glad I decided to change what I changed and I think it may have helped in the beginning with my first slide if I had done the same research. It is really important to know exactly what you're doing. My slide turned out good the first time but I did not do any research while I was making it so it could have turned out better. I think if I had done the research the connection between the way I designed my slide and my message I was trying to convey could have connected together better the first time. Now given feedback, done research, and made changes I think both my slide and my message connect much better.

Media Fluency-Reflection

I made a few small changes to my slide because I was not told to change much by my group members. The changes I made were both to the text in my slide, when I mentioned that the text was not completely black, just a dark blue to make the total effect softer, it was suggested that I made the blue lighter since they could not tell that the text was not black until I pointed it out. The other change was to make the text shorter, from “Persevere through difficult times because things will get better.” to “Persevere through difficult times, things will get better.”, taking out the “because” and replacing it with a comma. Research is important when beginning your project because it can prevent a lot of problems that could have been avoided all together in the first place if you had just taken the time to research before you started.

Me Mag Slide

My Slide

Based off of the tips that were given to me, i decided to take them into consideration. On thing that was an issue on my slide was the font being too hard to see from afar. Now i changed the font that is a bit more bolder and sticks out more and puts more emphasis on the quote. Another issue was that my name was too close to the art on the right and it made it hard to read. So i just moved it a tad to the left giving me the semi-changed product you see now. From all of this i learned that the font of the text does put an impact on what you're trying to say. And the research you do also plays a role in deciding how the board is going to look in the long run.

Me Slide Part 2-Simone Cruice-Barnett

Me Slide pt2

I learned that less is more. I decided to take out all of the miss match pictures and go with a pattern background so it wasn’t boring and one of my favorite quotes. I used black font because it was complimentary to the background color. I balanced the quote on the l top left with my name on the bottom right corner. I tried to match my old slide with similar clip art but I realized it would be too crowd so I decided on a quote, my name, and an interesting background.

Reflection on Media Fluency

I have learned how I should research more before I go into a big project like this. I have learned of the rules of thirds, and how to clash certain colors and images into slides. This slide show the crashing of the waves creating a white spot to fit my text in. This allows me to have my text come out more with this vibrant red that in in the upper left on the rule of thirds line. It is very important to research a project. If you don't, then you won't be able to make a quality/exemplary project.
Untitled presentation

Kennedy's new and improved slide

Untitled presentation
This is my new and improved slide. Originally the media fluency skills I focused on were Contrast, one point, slides, and visually appealing text. Since last time the contrast between my colors were off between the background and subject, I made it a solid color. Before the color palette wasn't together, the words were two different shades. This project seemed relevant to me because media fluency is important to know later on in life. It'll help when making professional presentations. 


I didn't change my slide much. My peers told me that I should change the color of my text so that it could be brighter and eligible. I learned that the color of your text should contrast from your background. My background is black so I made my text a bright yellow. There is a diamond in the middle of the slide to draw the readers in closer to the slide. The diamond makes the slide more appealing to the eye. 

Tech Presentation 2.0 Siarra Cummings

Untitled presentation

I realized that my presentation had to much going on. Comparing my old presentation to my new one this one gives off a better view. When I did my research I learned about glance media. Mine had a little bit too much going on for you to just glance at it and get it. No this one you can obviously get the point that I am athletic and I like sports.I think it still catches the eye as well because its glittery and it moves and it’s interesting. I think my colors work really well because they contrast. Like one of my corrections was to make my name stand out and I tried to match it with the other white borders of my pictures. Researching ways to make your presentation better is good because it teaches us how to make it and what appeals to the eye. I would’ve never heard or even thought about glance media but I understand it now.


Media Fluency- Kyle Thomas (3)
In my slide, I had to change my whole slide based on the feedback I had got from my peers. So, basically, I had made my background different. I made my pictures have the same border. So what I had learned was how to position my pictures in the best way as possible. Research is very important because it lets you know what you have to do or like what you need to know.


Untitled presentation (2) (1)
While doing this project I learned that there are different designs in making a slide/picture of something. I learned about design, texture, color, form, spacing, all this stuff on a picture to make it the best it can be. At sometimes it can be confusing but it also can be easy at some times. On my first slide it wasn't creative, it was one picture as the background and one small sentence. It was plain. For my second slide I have my name in the middle with the word ultimate below it. surrounding it all are three picture of a part of Ultimate. Two of them is a picture of me while I was on a team at Minnesota called Fusion. The third picture says PADA which stands for Philadelphia Area Disk Alliance. Also me background is black to make everything pop. Before starting a project doing research is very important. It gives you lots of information you can use for it. It's also good o know a lot of information on your topic so it's very accurate and so you can get a good grade

Technology Presentation: 2 - Asnain Khan


I made my slide look the way it does because of the comments and suggestions I got from my members. Also, I researched more in depth about making a good slide. I basically changed my whole slide, it’s way different from the first one I did. I made sure that the color contrast with the background and that the text is big enough for people to see. Not only that but I chose that background because in one of the websites I researched it said that we should use colorful and eye appealing backgrounds, not just one color. In my first slide I cluttered everything together, things were just all over the slide. I think that I have learned a lot from what people said to me and the research I did. I was told that I should not line things up and I should not let my letters bleed. I think that what they told me was very useful, I learned a lot. Without research and people comments/suggestions you won’t be able to make a great slide. Thank you!

Reflection on Media Fluency

I learned a lot during this process. I learned that sometimes taking the simple route truly does make everything easier. I also learned that a lot of thought goes into slide design, and I never knew that it was so complex. Most importantly, I learned that it is important to do the research your teacher provides you with, because they’re giving it to you for a reason. When I went into creating my slide, I really tried to take into account the tips that the websites gave us. I decided to change everything about my slide. I chose a more inviting background and really made an effort to incorporate symmetry into my slide.

New tech slide (1)

Reflection - Kai Payton

One Slide 2 (1)
I've learned that slides with many points of interest aren't pleasing to the eye. I've also learned that bright colors catch the eye, and it contrast well with darker colors in the back. I decided to take one picture from the five I had before so it could be one point one slide. One point of interest is better than many, because your eye can focus on one thing instead of it switching from each point. Research is important when beginning the project, because when you present it's good to know some elements of design to get a better grade on your presentation.

Media Fluency (Revised)

rasa tech slide (1)


After getting critiques from my peers and Ms.Hall I learned that I needed to have everything on myslide constant and centered. So when I was revising my slide I had to Make sure that everything was even and centered. The pictures that I used in my slide were all different sizes so I lined them up by size, from shortest to tallest. With keeping everything consistent, I had to take my shapes in the corners out and replace then with symmetrical ovals. I also had to change my background to have it a constant color. Research is very important. To know what you are doing it is good to do research

Thea Risher Media Fluency Reflection

Thea Slide. (4)
In this unit I learned a lot of new information about slides and how to present them. I learned the importance of the visual attraction and appearance of a slide. I learned that in order to make an eye capturing slide, you need a lot more research than I expected. In my new slide, I took out the words on the bottom. I did this because the words distracted the viewer from the main idea of my slide. Also some critics of my slide said that the words on the bottom blended too much in and became hard to read. I also was told that the white font of my name did not go with the color scheme, so I switched all the remaining words to black. I then shifted over the words so they did not get congested with the black of the trees bordering the slide. My research was very important to the creation of this slide because without it I would not know how significant it was to make a pleasing color scheme and add contrast to make your slide more captivating. I also learned the power that open space has in a slide. I learned that big fonts make more of a statement and are more entrancing. Overall, without the help of a lot of research and the constructive criticism of my peers I was able to successfully make a slide that I am proud of. 

Media Fluency/ Reflection

Alejandro Guerra



I designed my slide to look like the iconic kanye west album “the life of pablo”

I was influenced to make my slide like the albums artwork ,because I really like kanye as a creator and artist

I added a Colombian flag ,because that is where my family comes from.

I also added a soccer ball ,because I have a passion ,and love for the sport

I learned that different techniques ,and placements of things in an advertisement can affect if the reader even stops to read it at all.

I didn’t change anything in my slide ,becuase I got mostly positive feedback I did consider moving the flag and the soccer ball a little bit so that there wouldn’t be a tangent ,but the tangent catches the viewers eye ,and brings attention to 2 of the most important things in the slide.

Research is one of the most important things when beginning a project. So that you know what you are supposed to be doing ,and to get inspiration.

ME Slide

My New Slide

Slide boi (1)
 In this new slide I improved the layout of the slide to further emphasize my message. Before there was no specific layout of the slide, there was simply different pictures put together. Since that was the layout, the main point ( the face ) didn't stick out enough to really draw you their first. This time, I set some sort of pattern so the face would stick out more. I added more fabric colors to give more texture to the photo and used the background ( the sun ) to set the overall mood. I decided to keep the locks because of personal reasons. Overall, I am very pleased with this slide because it provides more emphasis to the message I am trying to put out.

Reflection on Media Fluency

My slide 3
Throughout this project, I learned how to effectively create a well-designed slide that communicates a message. I also learned how to utilize my knowledge of graphic design that I gained through the research required by this project. There are a few differences between this slide and my original draft. For the revised copy (above), I positioned the pictures so that they line up with the rule of thirds. I also attempted to balance out the slide by changing the proportions of the various components. Throughout the course of this project, research was vital in making the final product aesthetically pleasing and well-strategized.This was yet another important lesson.

Media Fluency Reflection

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Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 9.34.49 AM

After receiving my criticism from the class and Ms. Hull I reevaluated my slide. This experience made me learn that you have to know what youre talking about before presenting. I am a very anxious person who has can have trouble presenting in front of others, so this project allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, because of that anxiousness I prepared a lot for my slide. At the beginning I believed that this project was going to be more opinion based and personal but I realized that it is more about the rules of design. The rules that I took away from this project the most were, the rule of thirds, the importance of contrast, how to use empty space and how depth has an impact. Ms.Hull told me that that I should make the wording larger and take away the line through the middle. I did make the text significantly larger and changed the font but I left the line because it is a really important piece of me and my slide. It represents my split personality, how I act around others on one side and how I act around myself on the other. Another change that I made was based off of Simon's criticism. She said that I should change the quote to have the same amount of words on both sides of the line. Instead of doing that I found a new quote that has the same amount of letters on both side, I did this by splitting the is across the line, meaning that the I is on the left side of the line and the S is on the right. I also used the already placed lines in the image to create a grid effect, so I could place the quote in the rule of thirds after hearing Ziva's comment. I also adjusted the brightness and saturation of the image to make my slide have more contrast and to let the quote stand out more. I am glad that I was able to present in front of the whole class because it allowed me to see how much more research I should have done. The research I did was more centered around colors, depth and texture when I should have focused more on the placement of my slide factors. It is so important to research your info at the beginning of a project so you don't create a mess. And if you don’t create a mess and you know the research and vocab than you won't make a fool of yourself. In conclusion the research was the most important part of this project because it allowed you to understand what is right and wrong when designing something.

Reflection on Media Fluency

One Slide Presentation (4)

What I learned from this project was all the different methods of making slade, billboard, and/or photo. I didn’t even realize how much the “Rule of Thirds” really had to do with photography and symmetry. Though that may just because I had never heard the term, “Rule of Thirds” before this project. I also was able to sharpen my skills in contrasting colors.

The main problem with my previous design, and the main thing the audience had a problem with, was the bottom right text. I meant it to be a joke to show I don’t like to take everything serious but I later realized that it was a distraction to the point of the slide. So I decided to get rid of the text entirely so people can focus more on the message in the (more pleasing) center of the slide. Besides that, everybody thought it was a pretty good slide so I decided to keep everything else the same.

The research into making this was very important to me since I never would have realized the importance of the “Rule of Thirds” and contrasting colors. That being said, research is important for anything project related if you want it to be as effective as possible.