EU18:Bryanna y Ashley (Película)

Ashley Spells & Bryanna Jones .

Spanish Proyecto


Ashley- Mesera(Waiter)

Bryanna- Cliente(Customer)

bryanna & thomas walk in to savon for a date

penolpe sits them down
penelope : welcome to savon (
bienvenida to savon)

*seats bryanna and thomas*

Ashley(mesera) : ¡hola! mi nombre es Maria srta. que tal ?

Bryanna:Muy bien, pero tengo MUCHA hambre

Thomas:muy bien

ashley : ¿que le traigo?

Bryanna: Pueesss... aver, yo quiero una hamburguesa,papas fritas, un coca cola, y mostaza. Es todo

ashley :  bueno.

Ashley:y tú?

Thomas:agua. Es todo

* 30 mins luego*

*ashley : aquí tiene !

Bryanna:¿Qué es esto? ¿un el pelo? ewwwwww

ashley : lo siento srta

*2 mins later*

ashley :¡ buen provecho!

Bryanna: *comida* Mesera

ashley : aquí tiene

thomas : no , let me pay.
byanna :  :)) , bueno

thomas : lo siento , bryanna … no tengo nada de dinero !

byanna:¿Qué es esto?

Bryanna: *takes out money to pay* Aqui.

ashley *opens check book*

thomas: gracias

Bryanna ¡No,denada!

You and the World Blog Post #1

My name is Dylan Long and I am part of the freshman English class at Science Leadership Academy.

For our final quarter project, we were designated to choose a world issue, develop a passion for researching and gathering information about said issue, convey that knowledge to others, and seek to educate ourselves and others about said issue.

For my project, I chose the world issue of gay marriage. Gay marriage is a very biased and argued topic. It is rejected by the majority of society.

It is such a heated and discussed topic because religion and politics play an enormous role in the issue. Many religions find homosexuality to be a sin, and do not accept it by any means.

Others who do not see being gay as something bad (whether they are religious or not) believe that every human being deserves to be happy, and that love is love, no matter the gender.

I fully support gay marriage because I believe every human deserves to be able to pursue happiness and experience love, regardless of gender.

A more close and dear reason for my support of homosexuality is that one of my closest family friends, George (who was my little sister’s Godfather) who was openly gay and in a relationship with another man. George passed away from cancer.

When George passed, his partner, Chris, was devastated, as were my entire family and I. When George died, I took it upon myself as my duty to fully and openly support all forms of relationships between same sex couples.

The main issue I am researching is gay marriage in the United States. The majority of the states in the U.S. do not approve of gay marriage. Only 8 of 50 states have legalized gay marriage, while 30 states have constitutional amendments banning gay marriage.

There have been amendments that have been presented in recent years that were aimed directly towards eradicating gay marriage once and for all in the United States.

The Marriage Protection Amendment was an amendment that if it had passed, would have confined unions of any type (including marriage), only if said unions were comprised of one man and one woman.

Very recently, North Carolina passed an amendment to their state constitution that will enforce that "Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State."

Since marriage is already banned in North Carolina, this amendment bans literally all forms of relationships between same-sex couples. It is evident that the majority of America opposes gay marriage.

The support for gay marriage among major political figures has been strongly among democrats.

The two presidents who have openly supported gay marriage (Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton) were both democrats, as are 13 of 14 current governors that support gay

However very recently the current president, Barack Obama, made a very bold move and came out in favor of same-sex marriage.

Obama’s bold statements have sparked an international discussion over same-sex marriage.

His excuses for not initially coming out in favor of gay marriage are: he believed that a civil union would suffice, also if he came out in favor of it he would get too much criticism, considering homosexuality is disapproved of so harshly in the U.S.

Those who view gay marriage as something wrong or a sin are retaliating with reiterating their belief that marriage should only be between one man and one woman.

Those who have the more humane approach to the situation are favoring his decision to come out in favor, saying it is a great move forward in the fight for same-sex marriage.

In addition to the newly passed amendment in North Carolina, Obama’s statements have pushed the debate over gay marriage into a full forced discussion, as it has exploded all over the news media.

On May 10, 2012, gay marriage was the topic of the front page article on CNN’s website, in addition to a side section titled “Same-Sex Marriage”, offering many other links to the international discussion that has now unfolded, as seen here:

(Front page of CNN showing the links of stories being reported over gay marriage)

Thus far, I am questioning the legitimacy of the cons of gay marriage. The majority of the research is either debatable, biased, or false.

As my research progresses throughout the project, I wish to learn more about the theories of how gay marriage would negatively impact the United States. I wish to learn more about this because I am very skeptical towards gay marriage having a harsh impact on the U.S.

To see my bibliography, click here

You and The World Project: Unemployment

   You in The World Project


Our English class project is called You and the World. This project is for us to get interested in events that are current and research information about an issue and tell others about it so we can educate ourselves and other people. We have to post our information on our blog and debate about our topics with the class.


My issue is how hard it is to found a job. There are alot less job openings in the U.S. today. The number of job openings in U.S. declined again in December. There was a decline in the economy, it was usually 4.5 to 5 million open jobs in America, now there are only 3 million. The U.S. economy is supplying an extremely low number of jobs. The government said that there were only 36,000 jobs added in January. Although an upgrade 150,000 jobs per month is enough just to keep up with our population growth. We begin to fall farther and farther behind.


All across the nation, state and local governments are swiftly cutting jobs. Government jobs use to be considered some of the safest jobs accessible, but now all government jobs local and state are facing terrible budget crunches. Actually it has gotten so serious that some cities are cutting their police forces by up to 50 percent.


Recent college grads are having a hard time finding a job.  Today’s graduates understand how bad the economy is now and how hard it will be to land their first meaningful job. Those who graduated between 2006-2008, their salary was $30,000 but for recent grads it has dropped to $27,000. According to Kate Helfrich a graduate from Case Western Reserve University, says “ I’m definetley feeling a little anxiety regarding the loan payment. You hear about programs that offer loan repayment and sign on bonuses, I don’t feel like we’ve seen that as much since the recession hit.” Bridget Coyle, who is also a graduate, wants to be a social worker, but this desolating unemployment rate is making it extremely tough. Besides this she is still very confident.


One idea of reducing unemployment is to break the cycle. There are many ways to break it.  One way is to provide government funding to companies who are becoming bankrupt. Another is get involved in technology because that is now in demand of our industry.








Video, Slim Job Growth In April

Click here for more information.

 Click here for my bibliography.






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Human Trafficking- "Modern Day Slavery"

For this project in English class, we were told to choose a world issue that we felt passionately about. We were told to think of something that would help us develop our knowledge and passion in this area. Immediately, my mind jumped to human trafficking. Human Trafficking is often called ‘modern day slavery’, because it is, by definition, “an act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them.” Victims of human trafficking are forced by one way or another into labor without their permission. This can be seen in manual labor, domestic labor, and sexual labor. About 87% of trafficking victims are sexually exploited.

Women and girls take up most of the trafficking victims, but that’s not to say that trafficking is not a real threat for everyone. In fact, there are more slaves today, an estimate of about 3 billion, than in any other time in history. While some people would immediately say that they couldn’t see any reason that this would ever happen, the trafficking industry takes in about $32 billion dollars of yearly profit. In fact, money is primarily the reason for trafficking. Poor families often sell of their young girls to rich family members or brothels in order to make some money. 

Human Trafficking is a real issue for everyone in the world- nearly every country is involved as either a country of origin or destination. Not only that, but also only one person gets convicted for every 800 people trafficked.

So why did I immediately think of human trafficking? Well, many reasons. I’ve already been involved in campaigns to end this horrific occurrence. One of the organizations that I’ve researched, and donated to, is the Not For Sale campaign, which essentially raises awareness and money to save victims of trafficking around the world. However, more recently, my good friends uncle created a movie called “Horse & Rider.” The film was created in partnership with Freedom Firm, which is another organization dedicated to rescuing victims of human trafficking, specifically those of sex trafficked victims in India. The film follows the stories of two girls who were rescued from the trade, and are now in a rehabilitation center. I was asked to sing on the soundtrack for the movie, along with a few other girls, and it was a great experience to get connected and proactive in the fight for the end of human trafficking. I realized that human trafficking is a huge issue across the globe, and no one is safe from it.  

This girl advocates for the Not For Sale campaign.

So now we know what human trafficking is, and how big of an issue it is. But how can we help? What can we, as citizens, do? I think it’s also important to think about what has been done already, how far has that gotten us? How much improvement has this cause seen, and how much can it expect to see within the next few years?

You can see the bibliography of my work here.

Corruption & Censorship

There are many issues and problems in the world these days. Some are recent and some have been going on for years and generations. There’s starvation, abuse, trafficking, abduction, global warming, etc. All these issues and many more are hurting and killing people around the globe. It has to stop and has to change starting with someone to stand up and say something.


So we all have to pick an issue to write about that we want to change. The issue I want to focus on is corruption & censorship. Both are connected and worldwide issues happening sense the beginning of time. People are changed, frightened, affected, killed, abused, misled, and hurt because of these issues. Has anyone ever even tried to stop corruption in jobs, education, homes, and government?

The harsh truth of how some jobs are corrupt in the way they hire people.
-So for those of you that want easy definitions:

 Corruption is basically when others, a place, an object, a belief, or television changes people.

 Censorship is just when something is blocked off to someone based on their age, gender, race, etc.


-For those who want detailed and brainy definitions:


Corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal. In economy, corruption is payment for services or material, which the recipient is not due, under law. This may be called bribery, kickback, or, in the Middle East, baksheesh. In government it is when an elected representative makes decisions that are influenced by vested interest rather than their own personal or party ideological beliefs.

 Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication, which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body.

It’s amazing how corrupt minded people censor others knowledge so they think that polluting the earth is okay.
Types of censorship:


State secrets and prevention of attention


Educational sources

Copy, picture, and writer approval

Creative censorship

Self censorship







Types of corruption:








Many think that corruption is awful and censorship is moral. The thing is, both of these are decent and terrible. Nothing is ever all good or all bad. Food is fine if you eat the right ones and the right amounts. If you eat too much or the wrong ones then it becomes a problem.

 Corruption is unpleasant if it hurts others but all right if it’s to protect someone. Censorship is fine if you’re keeping 5 year olds from watching adult swim but it’s dreadful if you’re taking advantage of being able to censor something. Why isn’t censorship enforced all the time? Why do some parents use too much censoring?

Some say this is wrong and not decent. Is it really? 
This shows how some people use sneaky corrupt ways to get what they want not caring about the one person hurt by it.
The world is so corrupt and censored these days that everyone thinks its okay to throw everything in the trash not realizing where it goes.

My Blog Bibliography. <--

E1 U8: True Black y Audrey Pham

At Sazon:
True is the Waiter.
Audrey is the Customer.

Waiter is on the phone when the customer walks in.
Customer: Hola
Waiter: ….
Customer: Mesa para uno, por favor?
Waiter: …. Continue to ignore customer
Customer: Disculpe!
Waiter: Que?! Gets off the phone
Customer: Mesa para uno...
Remains polite
Waiter: ...Si.
Customer: ..Gracias.
Waiter guides customer to her table
Waiter: Qué le traigo?
Customer: Hmmm.. pues..
Waiter: sighs
Customer: Uhhh, no tengo la carta.
Waiter: Aye aye aye. Shoves menu to the customer
Customer: Gracias. Pues.... Me gustaría... la sopa de pollo!
Waiter: Bebida?
Customer: Té es bien
Waiter: Bien.
Customer: Gracias
Waiter: doesn’t say “de nada” back.
Waiter doesn’t come back until fifteen minutes later...
Waiter comes back with the wrong dish.
Waiter: Aquí está su sopa.
Customer: …Tengo un problema.
Waiter: sighs Como?!
Customer: Más temprano me gustaría sopa de pollo y té... No hay sopa de frijoles. Y necesito una cuchara.
Waiter: Doesn’t say lo siento or anything. Bien! Says bien in a very upset way.
Mumbles, por que eres mucho complicado...?
Waiter finally brings out correct order.
Customer: Gracias!
Waiter: ...De nada..
Customer: Aye dios mio! Hay un pelo en mi comida!
Waiter: Y...?
Customer:….Por favor, nueva sopa?
Waiter: Sighs Aye dios mio... bien...
Waiter: Brings a new chicken soup
Customer:: Gracias, gracias! Y traígame sal.
Waiter: Brings sal
Customer: Muchas gracias.
Waiter: nada!
Customer: Dónde está él baño?
Waiter: A la derecha,
Customer: Gracias.
Customer starts drinking the soup
Customer: Aye dios mio!, No me gusta la sopa! Té es frio. La cuenta por favor!
Waiter: Finalmente, bien! Ya tengo la cuenta!

Enjoy the podcast! 
*If you are listening to this mp3 with headphones/earphones: 
On garage band, we edited the sounds. Your right side earphone will be the waiter and the costumer speaking, your left side earphone will be the background music in the restaurant. We made it this way so it can sound better and so the music won't distract you too much. 
E1 Ut. 8 True & Audrey Spanish BM 1

Trayvon Martin Case

My “Me and the world project” is based on the Trayvon Martin Case. My major issue with this case is the racism involved in it. I am interested in this case because I like to get to the bottom of this case and if it actually involved racism and if it would’ve gone this way if it were someone of a different race.

Trayvon Martin was a 17-year-old boy walking back from the store with a hoddie over his head with a Arizona and a bag of skittles in hand. According to the Los Angeles Times, the watchman of their gated community (George Zimmerman) had saw Trayvon looking suspicious. He then approached in the 17-year-old in his vehicle with bad intentions. Zimmerman was also on the phone with 911 at the time and reported that Trayvon looked to be a “real suspicious guy” a “black male” walking around. The police told Zimmerman to back off, but he then took it into his own hands. He approached Trayvon Martin armed, and from there on, they got into a fight. In the end, Trayvon Martin ended up dead, while George Zimmerman had a few cuts and bleed from the back of his head. Zimmerman was charged with 2nd degree murder after several months of investigating. 

 My personal opinion on this case is that it was a racist act of violence. Nowadays, it’s all about the survival of blacks. I agree with the quote Trayvon Martin was killed by a stereotype. George Zimmerman is just the guy who fired the gun. - Leonard Pitts

 Trayvon was un-armed; there was no reason for Zimmerman to shoot. If they got in a physical confirmation that all it should’ve been. If Trayvon was a different skin color, I think the situation would have been different. I feel as though Zimmerman felt over powered and couldn’t beat Trayvon cause he was so much bigger than him that he had to use a weapon. I also think that people shouldn’t be targeted because of their race, but that’s apart of racism. There’s nothing we can do about it. People are going to be racist if they choose to. Trayvon Martin was killed by a stereotype. George Zimmerman is just the guy who fired the gun. - Leonard Pitts

The Scene where Trayvon Martin was shot.                                   

Trayvon Martin's body being carried to the 
                Funeral home

 Million Hoodie March for Trayvon Martin.

                    Trayvon Martin

              George Zimmerman                  

E1 U8 las Cazuelas restaurante, katie and treavon

Planning table

INTRODUCTION: las Cazuelas restaurante es a Salvadoreña y mexicano.

ORDERING: corn sopes con adicional queso y no cebollas, enchiladas de cangrejo y camarón.


Trae : ¡Hola! Bienvenidos a las Cazuelas
Katharina: ¡Hola!
Trae: ¿Qué le traigo?
Katharina: Me gustaría corn sopa con adicional queso y sin cebollas por favor  
Trae: ¿algo mas?
Katharina: ¡si! para mi comida quiero enchiladas de cangrejo y Camarones
Trae: ¿Algo de tomar?
Katharina: apenas agua, es todo.
Trae: Bueno

CONVERSATION between customers while waiting:

Katharina:(starts talking to another customers next to her) disculpe? hola
josé: hola!
Katharina: que tal la comida aquí?
josé: es mas ó menos bueno depende en lo que tú pides
Katharina: Bueno. muchas gracias
josé: Da nada!


Trae: Aquí tiene. Buen provecho!
Katharina: ay dios mío!
Trea: Que pasa?
Katharina: Hay un bandaid en mi comida!
Trae: lo siento! fijaré eso inmediatamente!


Trea: Aquí tiene
Katharina: gracias parece bueno!
Trea: yo hable con la jefe, su comida es libre.
Katharina: Fantástico!

The effects of poverty on a student's academic success

For our quarter 4 Benchmark we had to chose an issue today that we are passionate about and we had to research and blog about the topic in order to raise awareness. For my last project of the year in English class I chose to study the effects of poverty on a student's academic success and the relationship between education, unemployment and homelessness. I wanted to learn more about this issue because I do not feel that I know enough about people who are suffering from poverty because of my middle-class upbringing. I also know how important it is for everybody to receive an education so they can do well in life. A student’s social class should not have an effect on the quality of their education, because everyone needs to be educated and literate to survive later on. People need to know about this devastating issue and do something about it even if they are not affected by it!

According to the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP), “15 billion children in the United States (21% of all children) live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level.” This means that only three in four American adolescents graduate from high school. This is troubling because not graduating raises the chance of living in poverty by 49%. This causes 1 in 50 US kids to be homeless. Another reason for homelessness is that 44.9% of the kids that are now homeless had parents that were alcoholics. When children are homeless it makes them more vulnerable to getting sick and this how “more than 1 in 7 homeless children have moderate to severe health conditions, such as asthma” (CNN). This leads to 13 kids dying on the street everyday. How can people still live with the fact that 1.16 million homeless children will not graduate high school? Poverty has a negative impact on schools and makes it harder to have decent facilities and quality teachers. Schools in low income areas are just not prepared to take on all the challenges in giving poor students an education. “Pic 1” shows how important an education is to get employed and demonstrates that we need to make sure that all students get at least a high school diploma.

Pic 1: This graph shows the unemployment by level of education. It tell us that if someone does not earn a high school diploma they will have a harder time getting a job.

There are organizations in place to help. For example, the Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program. Their main goal “is to make sure homeless youth have access to appropriate education while removing barriers that homeless children face.” There are also many homeless shelters around the country but the problem is that a lot of people do not realize that they qualify as homeless and when they do they are too scared to join a homeless shelter, as explained in this video. People need to start standing up for kids in their communities and end the vicious cycle of youth homelessness.

At its roots, this issue can be traced back to the failure of public education to reach children in low-income neighborhoods in America. The student poverty issue is not as big as a problem at Science Leadership Academy (the school that I attend) because it is a magnet high school and it has a large variety of people. However there are still students who suffer from poverty and our school is affected by the budget cuts of the Philadelphia School District. This is why I question if every child will ever receive an adequate education and I wonder if there will come a time where all schools are more or less equal.

Pic 2: This pie chart shows the distribution of age when it comes to homeless people. It tells us that more than half the homeless children are below the age of 6.

Pic 3 : This picture shows the effect of poverty on people.

Here is a link to my Biobliography.

Illiteracy In America

    1 in 7 U.S. adults can't read. That's about 32 million people. Imagine looking at written words and being completely lost. Imagine walking through the world and not being able to read the signs around you. Imagine looking for a certain street on the way to a friends house and not being able to find it. People often don't realize how often the read, even if they don't sit down with a book every day. Reading is so much more then that. It's reading through a contract to make sure you aren't being scammed. It's looking at friends Facebook statuses and commenting in return. It's sending emails to teachers and friends.   
     I have always had a strong connection to both reading and writing. I read everything and anything and not being able to do that would stress me out. I can't imagine 1 million people living through that every day. It may not be quite as bad as cancer but it's still a problem, and a problem is a problem.

     In 2008 upwards of 1 million people lost their jobs due to the fact that they had little skill in reading and writing. The fact that they can't do these things that we take for granted are making it very hard for people to help them. If they can't read or write there are little to no jobs that would accept them. If these people learned how to read a whole new world would open up. They would have more ability to find signs that read "HELP WANTED" and to be successful in the interview.

    It's not that people are refusing to read or dropping out of school, it's that they don't have the ability. Many of the people in America who are illiterate are below the poverty line. This often means that they don't or didn't have the chance to go to school.

    Although the rate of people who are illiterate was decreasing it is still unsure how it will be affected in the 21st century. If it raises people will be shocked but it is unlikely to be a big enough news story to really inform people about what is happening.

    I'm wondering what some of these children who don't get the chance to go to school do. Are there not public kindergartens that will allow them in? Is it the parents not being able to take them? Are things being done to help the future generate have a high literate population?

To see my sources click here

Privatization of Public Schools

For my ninth grade English class, we are working on a new project where we take an active interest in the world around us by picking a current issue that we are passionate about and blogging about it, as well as engaging in other activities about our topic. The issue that I have chosen is the privatization of public schools. The privatization of public schools is an important issue to my life because I am a Philadelphia public school student in a district that has been labeled as “failing” and is at risk of becoming completely privatized.

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Chart depicting Philadelphia Public School District 4th grade national proficiency rating in reading, math, and science compared to other urban districts, and the national average. As you can see, every time, Philadelphia comes up short. Chart can be found here.

Many, many, schools and school districts have been labeled as “failing.” Because of this, districts have been privatizing schools, meaning that they place schools under the care or private corporations in the hopes that they will do a “better” job of producing higher test scores than the government can. The concept is extremely controversial because the companies that run the schools are for-profit, and not out to give students and excellent education, but to make money. When I first this, I was confused because prior to this information, I would have thought that the schools would act as a kind of black hole that sucks money and resources, not something that makes money. In actuality though, the corporations get money from the government for running the schools, and are allowed to do with it what they like.

            In Philadelphia, some schools have already been privatized and turned over to Edison Schools Inc (a private for-profit company) and we are at risk of the entire district becoming privatized. There are several factors that are contributing to this, lack of money (The Philadelphia School District has a funding gap of about $269 million according to the local paper, The Philadelphia Inquirer), low test scores, and poor management. The schools that have already become privatized though, have not shown any improvement. 

            Study author Vaughan Bymes says, “By 2006, the achievement gap between the privatized group and the rest of the district was greater than it was before the intervention.” 

Protester holds a sign against privatization at a demonstration. Picture can be found here

  So far, I have collected information about the topic, but I am left with a feeling of wanting more, and confusion. It’s a extremely complex issue, and I have a few questions. These questions include what people are doing about this, and why ar these kind of things happening. 

I'm wondering how anyone could let this happen.

I’m wondering how things could’ve gotten out of control and gotten in such a despairing situation. 

You can find the sources I used for this blog post here.

Troops in Afghanistan

Less than 2,000 have died for us, and we still haven’t done much to repay them and show our appreciation. More will continue to die unless we do something. I’m talking about our U.S. Troops in Afghanistan. In spring of 2010, about 46% of people in a poll supported the war, while 8% strongly supported it. Now after so many deaths of our Troops 60% of people oppose the war, while 40% strongly opposed the war. After our Troops killed the Al Queda leader Osama Bin Laden, many Americans feel this will bring more chance of a terrorist attack against America. Many people have spoken that our Troops being in Afghanistan is harming the countries democracy more than it is helping.

President Obama recently visited Afghanistan, were in a live speech he told Americans watching the reason he went there. He signed a 10 year security pact with the President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, he promised the troops he is ending the war but more of their friends will die until it happens. Obama has promised to return the troops at the end of 2014 – beginning of 2015. By signing the security pact, American troops will begin to become a support group when needed. They will train the Afghans and in time transition to support. During the transition, more and more troops will begin to return home. There will be no more permanent bases in Afghan, and there will not be troops walking streets and mountains any longer, that is now the Afghans jobs'. 
The act is to also coordinate peace with Afghanistan. 

This topic interests me because I've always appreciated those who fight for me to be free every day. If you sit and think about it, what would it be like if those who sacrifice their own lives for us weren't there. How many more Americans would die? Simple answer...many. We can even go back to WWII and the men who fought for America in that time. What would America be like if we didn't stop the Cuban Missile Crisis?! You do only get one life, people go out and live and make thousands and have important jobs but no one really takes the time out to thank the troops who give them that opportunity by keeping them safe. My friend Alex, his real dad was sent back to Iraq before the war ended, and he was heart broken. I couldn't imagine that happening to me, kids that grow up with no father or mother, it needs to come to an end. So my main question is to my readers, should be bring our troops home by 2014 and give Al Queda a chance to re-establish, or keep them there in Afghanistan so that the threat of the Al Queda will never exist again? You choose.

La Conversación Tres

Goal of the Conversation: Reviewing Daily Routines

Las Preguntas:

¿Que es tu rutina diaria? Describes por favor.

¿ Que te gusta hacer en las fin de semanas?

¿Que pasatiempos tu tienes?

¿Quién pasas con en base diario?

¿Cual es to rutina diario differente en el verano?


Yo-Hola chica…como estas? estas bien?

Ella-Hola.Si yo estoy bueno. y tu?

Yo-Tambien. Yo quiero aprender más sobre tu.Esta bien?

Ella-Si si.

Yo-Primero, qu es tu rutina diaria? Describes por favor.

Ella-Mi rutina diaria es me despierto, ir al baño, lavarme los dientes y lavarme la cara. Que voy a mi habitación y poner en la habitación. Yo bailo por espacio de 10 minutos tratando de despertarme. Que me puse mi ropa, que mis perros e ir en mi camino a la escuela.

Yo-Despues de escuela,que hace?

Ella-Después de la escuela me voy a casa. Lo que sí depende de mi mod. A veces voy a tomar un aperitivo y ponerse al día en mis espectáculos. Otras veces escucho música, y estaba en mi cama. Después de 20 minutos de hacer lo que sea, que me cambio de ropa y comenzar en mi tarea.

Yo-Yo ve,esta bien.¿ Que te gusta hacer en las fin de semanas?

Ella-Los fines de semana, paso más tiempo en la tarea. A veces mi familia y yo íbamos a ir de compras e ir al cine. Una vez al mes salir a comer en Red Lobster. Me encantan sus galletas. Los domingos voy a la iglesia con mi abuela y su hermana y, a veces después de ir a desayunar. Por lo general, es sólo un fin de semana relajado y divertido.

Yo-Muy bien! Te gusta gastar tiempo con la familia y tu trabajo fuerte.

Ella-si si

Yo-Pero tu tienes más pasatiempos más de hacer la tarea!¿Que pasatiempos tu tienes?

Ella-Me gusta bailar, cantar, escribir poesía y dar largos paseos por el parque. Para aliviar el estrés que a veces cocinar y terminar comiendo toda la comida.

Yo-¿Quién pasas con en base diario?

Ella-En mi rutina diaria, mis amigos y familiares están involucrados. Por ejemplo cuando se está preparando para la escuela me levanto a mi hermana y tomamos el desayuno juntos. O cuando estoy haciendo la tarea les pido a mis amigos para solicitar ayuda cuando lo necesite.

Yo-si si.¿que son los nombres de tu amigos?

Ella-Symone, Jessica, Dre, Imani, Morgan y los estudiantes en mi "stream".

Yo-jaja si si.Yo sé una chica se llama symone.esta bien.¿Cual es to rutina diario differente en el verano?

Ella-No era diferente.

Yo-Fue a la escuela en el verano??!?! jaja...bien para tu....te gusta estudiar mucho

Ella-jaja si yo estudia en la verano.

Yo-yo no puedo estudia en la verano...estudia es mal.

Ella-jaja yo sé.

Yo-¿tienes un trabajo en el verano?


Yo-Solamente escuela.esta bien.gracias chica.

Ella-de nada.


For this conversation I continued talking to Brianna Perrin. I like talking to her because I know her intentions as a friend is to help me with my spanish. This conversation was kind of review of the stuff we learned last year about daily routines. In this conversation I learned what a day being Brianna is like. Reviewing the things I have learned previously is essential in progressing towards becoming fluent. I noticed that I'm using the dictionary less and ranking my brain for words that I already know that will get the point across. I'm still improving on smooth transitions between questions. 

E1 U8 Alyssa and My Script

Alyssa: (walk in waiting for someone to bring to the table.) Hola, Tienes una mesa para dos personas?
My: Hola. Si, siga me
Alyssa: (walks in and trips over the edge of another table)Ouch!
My: Estas bien?
Alyssa: Si estoy bien. Gracias (sits down with boyfriend)
My: Mi nombre es My, voy a ser tu camarera hoy (hand the menus) te  a doy un momento para que usted puede escojer su comida?
Alyssa: Gustaria un chicha y tendra un cafe con leche.
My: Bien, ahorita vengo con ello
Alyssa: Gracias.

Alyssa:Que quere usted comer?
Enthony: Quiero algo que sea picante.
Alyssa: Tenemos sopa de pollo.
Enthony: Que tiene?
Alyssa: Es sopa de pollo con pollo, zarahiana ,cebollas, papa, scallions and cilantro
Enthony: Suena rico. Quero eso.
Alyssa: PABELLON CRIOLLO parece rico quiero probar eso y  PARGO GUISADO
Enthony: Pero no me gustan las cebollas.
Alyssa: Podemos ordenar lo sin las cebollas
Enthony: Si, bien.

My: ¿Que quieres comer?
Alyssa: Queremos sopa de pollo, Pabellon Criollo y Pargo Guisado
My: Algo mas?
Alyssa: No, muchas gracias.
Alyssa: Espera. No quiero las cebollas en mi Pargo Guisad. Por favor
My: Seguro, no hay problema.

My: Aqui tienes, Espero que disfrutas su comida.
Alyssa: Que rapido! Gracias

Enthony: Tiene cebollas
Alyssa: Senorita, te ordene algo sin cebollas pero tiene cebollas
My: Perdon. tiene que ser un error. ahorita vengo con el nuevo platillo para ti.
Alyssa: Gracias
My: erdon sobre eso. Aque esta su PARGO GUISADO sin cebollas
. buen provetio
Alyssa: Gracias

My: Puede traerle algo para postre?
Enthony: me gustaria el flan  
Alyssa: How about flan for both of us
Enthony: suena rico
Alyssa: La cuenta por favor
My: (hands check)
Enthony: Cuanto es?
Alyssa: Es 50 dollares
Enthony: Eso no es malo, pero no te voy a dar propina porque me diste servicio malo.
Alyssa: Si, la comida fue rica
My y Enthony  : (pay) Gracias

¿Que se considera un insulto a la gente de tu país?

​These answers have derived from the ITALKI website. After reading the answers given to my question i have made a connection between the US region and Hispanic regions. Both are insulted when a person says a derogatory comment regarding loved ones or respected people. Any comments made about one's family usually result in the person becoming insulted. Also both regions share the same sort of pride in their masculinity. The men in both countries are highly insulted when another person denounces a mans strength or "manly behavior". This is the same for women who are derived from their feminine characteristics. These similarities seem common due to direct commentary. In spain one of the most offensive ways to insult a person is to make a generalization of their lifestyles. Making jokes about the low waged salaries that natives make or their growth of population will cause the locals to reach their boiling point. Any generalizations about the native people is the most effective way to insult a hispanic native.  
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Spanish Food

Again, I spoke with my friend Maria. I wanted to branch out and talk to other to get outside my comfort zone, but my experience with online Spanish conversation wasn't the best. I tried to use Livemocha. At first, I couldn't get a conversation going. Then I decided to try something new: SharedTalk. Since it was a new online format of speaking to other people in different countries, I wasn't sure how to start a chat. With many attempts, I couldn't get a conversation going with anyone. When I had went back to try again, my account had been deleted, so I was out of luck. Then I was contemplating about knowing more about Spanish food. So, I went to my friend Maria, because she's a Venezuelan native. I know a lot about Puerto Rican style food, so I wanted to know more about other Spanish. In the audio it's the conversation about Spanish food. 
spanish food convo

Priopos En Español

For the remanding conversations i have decided to use an alternative conversation website. It is called ITALKI and it resembles a social networking site that simply posts questions that are answered by other members of the site. For my second topic i have chosen to learn "pick up" lines that are used in hispanic regions. I have received numerous amounts of feedback on the site. 1. Si la belleza es pecado tú no entrarás al cielo. 
2. No vale la pena regalarte una rosa, porque tú eres entre las flores - ¡La más hermosa! 
3. ¿De qué juguetearía te escapaste muñeca? 
4. Si besarte fuera pecado, me iría feliz para el infierno. 
5. Bendito sea este ingeniero que construyó este pavimento para que pasara tremendo monumento. 
6. Con un bombón como tú, no me importa ser diabético. 
7. Así me la recetó el médico para curar el dolor de mi corazón. 

My favorite pick up line is the fourth one. It says, "if kissing were a sin, i'd be happy in hell". I found this adorable and beneficial. It is not a "lame" pick up line and the meaning is not offensive. I believe that one day in the future i will use this pick up line. 

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