Natalie's Artist Statement Q3

Natalie Sanchez


Q3 artist statement

This quarter in our Art two class, our main focus was working with pencil and charcoal. We were assigned to draw a series of pieces, using these sketching tools during the course of thus unit. Though some of the students in the class found this entertaining and easy, most of us found it ridiculously difficult to capture our model objects in a real light.

  The most difficult part of this quarter for me was learning how to draw and shade correctly with charcoal, especially when I had to create a charcoal self-portrait. The first self portrait that I created was completely unrealistic and proportionally inaccurate as my head was too small, my eyes came out too little, mu mouth too tiny, and my nose too narrow. I drew everything too robotically and consequently, and ended up with a portrait that did not resemble me at all. On top of this, I had to use charcoal to draw this piece, and since I am usually not good at using charcoal, this process was made more challenging. In the end, however, I tried drawing this portrait again and letting go a little. I drew exactly what I saw and tried to be realistic when scaling the proportions of my nose, mouth, eyes, and face. The end result came out much neater and much more accurate than the first portrait that I attempted to draw.

The best part in this quarter for me was drawing my large glass charcoal still life because it was the first time I dared to use colored charcoal. I was inspired to use colored charcoal after looking at one of Emma Hoeinstein’s art pieces. It was a still life of a water bottle and it looked extremely real because of the different colors that Emma incorporated into the piece. In my drawing I used blue for the light reflected on the vase, pink and dark pink for the ribbon on the vase and the shadows cast on said ribbon, brown and green for the leaf that was placed inside the vase, and brown for the wooden table.

At the end of the quarter, the class still had a little time to finish one more project, so I decided to make a presentation about the surrealist artist, Frida Kahlo and her artwork. This project was very fun for me because I was able to find out more about an artist that I admire very much.  Through this project, I learned that Frida Kahlo lived a very painful life, and that, in every one of her art pieces, she incorporated a personal message. She would usually depict the pain she had to endure in a certain time of her life through her art pieces. I presented this information on a keynote.

All in all, this quarter was very productive for me. I was able to get all of the art pieces done on time and was satisfied with each and every one of them. I was also able to learn more about an artist I had only heard about briefly. There were times during this quarter where my talent was being pushed to its full extent. I felt very overwhelmed and frustrated during this process because I thought that I was not going to be able to complete what I was being asked to complete. In the end, however, I was able to develop new skills.  I was satisfied with all of my final products.   

Here is the Link to my Frida Kahlo Presentation.


hand 1
hand 1
hand 2
hand 2
self portrait 1
self portrait 1
self portrait 2 rough
self portrait 2 rough
self portrait 2
self portrait 2
full life
full life
still life large
still life large
small glass 1
small glass 1
small glass 2
small glass 2
large glass
large glass

This is why you need texting.

Graham riding shotgun, the music bumpin'. On our way to the Phillies game. It was a rare guys night out and we were making the most out of it. I noticed someone was trying to merge over in front of us. Usually I would speed up, but coincidentally this car was filled with three teenage girls. They waved that wave that girls do when they know they're pretty and they're trying to coarse the unexpecting guy into doing their bidding. I let them over and drove behind them for a few minutes. Then, I got over to pass them because this lane was moving particularly slow. After realizing the other lane wasn't much better, I decided to get back over, this time in front of them. In attempts to not let such a perfect opportunity slip away, graham climbs out the passenger side window and used his fingers to send them his number so we could meet up with them at the stadium, but as soon as we drove off, we realized graham doesn't have texting.

Q3 Artwork

Personally, I found this quarter to be very challenging. Each week we were assigned a different piece of art to complete. i found myself having to redo and learn different ways to accomplish the goal that was set before me. Most of the works that i created are the third or fifth copy of what was originally created because I was not satisfied with what I created. Only Having one week to compete each piece put me under a lot of pressure and put me behind in my work because I did not feel as though I had enough time to compete each piece. I usually found myself making up work outside of class. I feel that the classes could have been more instructed instead of students figuring everything out for themselves. Most if not all of the classes were never really instructed. We were simply allowed to go and draw. I could have managed my time better, but I truly did put in an honest effort even though I do not consider myself to be an artist and was under pressure.



Self Portrait small

half face

Life Size Drawing

Clear Vessel Small

Clear Vessel Large

Still Life 



Exploration of a Renaissance Artist: Focus on Benozzo Gozzoli

Online link for paintings:

Trial by Fire Before Sultan description:

            Behind the small crowd of people is an old stonewall corner. Each individual crack on the wall is highlighted on the seam of the wall. On the left side of the wall the cracks become smooth and less visible. On the right side the cracks are faintly visible. The darkness of the space near the right side of the wall shields the cracks. The side of the darkness lies behind the sultan.

            From the bottom right hand corner to almost the top right hand corner, stretches the seated body of a man who is assumed to be a sultan. His robe is golden yellow with a vague pattern of blue trimming the bottom. Each wrinkle that accompanies sitting is visible. The robe gathers in the lap of the sultan. He wears sleeved shirt underneath the rode, but only the left arm is visible. In the center of the shirt, along the sultans chest are eleven gold buttons. On his head is a hat in the shape of a round pointed triangle. There are lines that run from the furry white rim of the hat to the gold button on top.

            The sultan’s eyes are looking down upon the crowd that is implied to be before him. His lips are thin and almost covered by the thick rust colored beard that he wears. To the left of the sultan is a man covered from head to toe in a red robe. The man’s head is covered also by a hijab. Behind the man is a knight fully dressed in metal, but his head gear is not pointed. It is rounded to his head. Beyond and in between the knight and man are the heads of three more crowd members.


Death and Ascention of St. Francis description:

            Under the arch of a bright rainstorm lies a town square. The sky behind the storm is light blue, almost the color of crystal water. Directly under the arch but still above the town, five angles float on a wisp like cloud. The angels almost appear as the morning sun. Under the angles is a yellow stone house. At the top is a section with three triangular windows in a row and a circular one above the middle window. Under the top section is a layer of red shingles coming out in to the crown that is gathered in the town square. To left of the house is a old, gray church-like building and to the right is a pale, red rectangular building.

            A large mass of people stand gathered between the buildings. For the ones closes to the rear of the crowd only the shapes and colors of their heads are visible. In the front of the crowd are men in white robes, the y hold long wooden poles above their head.  In the center of these men is another man, but he holds a book opened toward his face. One man kneels with his hands in the prayer position at the head of a dead body. Another man leans over the dead body that is raised on a high blue table. This man wears a red robe that is trimmed with white at the top. One the table lays a man that is covered from head to toe in a yellow robe. His head rests on a red pillow.



             Artists of the Renaissance were considered to be people of the future. Their art possessed certain qualities that distinguished the transition from medieval to present day art. Many artist abandoned arts connection to the church and went off in a separate direction to find the beauty of the world. However, in the majority of Benozzo Gozzoli’s work there is a clear connection to the church. Although his work was connected to the church, it still possessed the qualities of the “new” art that was introduced during this time.

            One characteristic that was introduced during the Renaissance was the idea of focusing on realism. The artwork was meant to look as if it were real people and real objects. In all of Gozzoli’s pieces the people are painted as if they were and individual. The people have features unique to them, making them look more life like or real.

            Artists of the Renaissance also adopted the idea of perspective. Artists made objects that were further back in space appear to be far off in the distance of the artwork. Techniques of using a vanishing point assisted artists when painting. Art was no longer 2-demensional. Figures were shown in their true form. Gozzoli demonstrates this in his painting Death and Ascention of St. Francis. He shows the 3-dimensional figures f buildings and people.

                        The only argument that would exclude Gozzoli from the artists of the Renaissance is his high focus on the church. Other then that he met all of the other characteristics of the Renaissance.

Works Cited:

"Italian Renaissance Art." Carrie Text Electronic Library. European University Institute, 2006. Web. 3 Dec 2010. <>.

Nicolas, Poich. "La Renaissance ." Web Museam. BMW Foundation, 2006. Web. 4 Dec 2010. <>.



Quarter 3 Art


After completing the drawings assigned, I realized that the hardest drawings were the ones involving people. For example both self portraits and the life size drawing was really hard because I've never been good at drawing human characteristics on paper. So when drawing eyes, nose(s),  and eye brows on my pictures, I thought it was very difficult. But other than the "human" drawings. I found everything else fairly easy. My favorite drawing was the hand, which was our first project because it was the only piece where I drew basic shapes and started to construct life like hands from there. The shapes I had drawn were 5 rectangles to represent each finger and the thumb, and triangle to represent the palm. I think I was successful at drawing the details in my pieces. For example in one of my drawings I drew shadows of standing objects. Having a drawing a week helped me a lot  with my over all progress because I noticed that I was able to be more accurate and precise when drawing lines and shapes. I don't think the teacher should have done anything different but allow the students to pick what they wanted to draw just to have more variety. I don't think I could have done anything differently but pick different pieces to draw. 
​Hand Drawing
Clear Bottle Small and Large
Self Portrait Small and Large
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 12.03
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 12.03
Life Size Drawing
​Still Life Drawing
​End of the Period Project

Inspiration: Leanardo DaVinci

I chose to do my project about Leanardo DaVinci because when I think of art, my initial reaction is Leanardo DaVinci's pieces. His work(s) of art are a mystery until this day and I find that very interesting. 
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The Vitruvian Man:  The Vitruvian Man is piece of art by Leanardo DaVinci that displays the human body proportion. 
​Mona Lisa: Mona Lisa is one of Leanardo DaVinci's  most famous works of art. No one knows who the woman in the picture is supposed to portray. Historicist guess that the picture is of Leanardo DaVinci's wife. The interesting aspect about Mona Lisa is that no one knows if she's smiling or if it's her natural facial expression. 

Ruben Burenstein Monologue project

My monologue project was about the inflation issue in Zimbabwe. They had a shortage in food which led to the food rising drastically in prices. Many people in zimbabwe do not have jobs so they could not afford this expensive food. The government decided to print much larger dollar bills, which made the inflation much worse. Eventually millions of dollars became worth almost nothing. This caused people to start paying for items with things other than zimbabwean dollars until the issue got a little better and they started to use different currencies. 

Spare a million dollars?
By Ruben Burenstein

Cast of characters: 
Mugabe (president): Age 86. President of Zimbabwe. Very corrupt, takes millions of dollars from companies that are trying to help his country. 
Steve (banker): Has connections with the president, so he gives the idea that there should be high dollar bills. 
Harvey (rich):  Anger issues. Made a lot of money before loosing it all because of inflation. 
Susan (poor): Accepts that he is poor, Isn’t furious at the president for making money worth nothing, because now people have to live what he lived like. He is a little mad at the president because he is worth less though. 
Matt (doctor): Is tired of having to accept other objects for pay instead of money, just wants to have a normal job. 
Tom (shop owner): Makes the change to only accepting money not from Zimbabwe.
Banker for government- At beginning wants to create more money because food problems.

Act 1. Scene 1


(Walking around, looking at things, stands with food in the background with people walking in the streets.) 
Wow why is no one here, there are always people in Tom’s. it’s not a weird time for people to shop, where is everyone. What are we out of at the house? hmm...We need some more apples, maybe some more carrots, some noodles, chicken, and potatoes. 
(Walks over to one spot)  
Excuse me, do you have any apples or carrots? Only apples...alright, ill take 4. What? the prices are still going up, is there anywhere else I could get them?. Are you sure?... Well I don’t have enough money for any of those. Why are the prices so high? A food shortage, alright I guess that I will have to go home and get more money. 
(Walks away)
 I wonder what we can do to help people out in this food shortage. I have enough money just because I am a highly paid banker, but what will the normal people do? 
(Looks upwards as if thinking) 
I know! since I have the power to get higher dollar bills made I should try to make bills that are easily available for everyone. Maybe if they have these bills they will be able to buy food and other necessities. I think that’s what I will do. This might cause inflation if we need to keep doing this... but nah it won’t because the food shortage will stop eventually. I think that I’ve got a good idea here, let me call the president and ask him. 

Act 1. Scene 2


(Pacing back outside of Tom’s store, cracking his fingers) 
All right, time to do this. I have a license to carry, maybe I can just buy one and get out. Okay here we go. 
(Enters store) 
Hey. Um yeah, do you have a 9mm pistol? Yes I do have a license here it is. I have about 2 chickens outside if you want those as payment. Yeah about 30 rounds also. Okay thank you. Have a nice day. 
(Exits store and starts walking slowly) 
Whoa that was easier than I expected. Now how am I going to do this.... It looks like he is going to be stuck in his house for a while. I don’t blame him, the whole country hates him. I think maybe I will scale the gate, and try to break into one of his windows in the back of his house. Should I try to hold him hostage and demand money? No, that won’t work because money is worthless now. I think I should just go in there and shoot him. After he ruined what I worked so hard for, and drove this country into one of the worst states it could be in. Someone ought to do this before he messes things up more. Is it even possible for him to do that? He steals from organizations trying to help us, he doesn’t care about us or anything else as long as he gets rich. If I wanted to become as rich as he is now I would do it without ruining the lives of thousands of people. If no one else is going to try to do this, I guess I’ll have to. It would make more sense that someone like me do this because I lost more money from all of the inflation. 
(Sits down) 
 All of that hard work, I started off small and made my way up to the top. Everything that I worked for is all worthless now. I used to have everything I wanted, a pool, a 100 inch TV, a nice car, 50 chickens, everything I wanted. Now I have to use those chickens for payment, it’s all they are good for. That all changed when the inflation picked up. Everything that I had was worth nothing. It makes me so frustrated just thinking about it!

Act 1. Scene 3

(Sitting down in a comfortable chair with a television in front of her.) 
He’s been coughing for a few days now, and feels as though he has a temperature. Maybe I should take him to the doctors. There isn’t any money lying around, but that doesn’t matter I can probably get a big sack of peanuts on the way there.  Even though I can take my kid to the doctor without paying money, it doesn’t feel right. We had just enough money to do this when money counted for something, it just doesn’t feel the same. With the absence of money there isn’t anything that people work for. I hope that the doctor will take the peanuts instead of some money from here, or want American dollars which I don’t have. I don’t want to go into work because I don’t want to get paid in worthless money, or anything else. The government needs to attempt to fix this problem instead of steal money and not care about what the people think. 
(Stands up)
 I think that I have to keep working for things other than money to keep this family afloat. Well I think that I can pick up some peanuts from someone on the street if I say that I will help them out with something later. I should leave and go take Charles  to the doctors. I’ll leave enough money on the table for whoever gets home to buy some food from Tom’s, they are the only place that has any food for not completely over priced prices. 
(Puts things on a table) 
300 million dollars should be enough for a meal, and a little more food. Alright, time to take Charles. 
(Walks out door)

Act 1. Scene 4

(Hospital beds in the background, standing with a clipboard.)  
Hey, Jim I went in to Tom’s today to buy some new medical supplies and they were so much... No way more than that, have you been to the store lately... It’s ridiculously expensive, they need to come out with a new dollar bill that is worth even more... Alright go take care of you’re patient, I’ve gotta write up what that kid earlier had... Yeah the one that paid in peanuts, I still can’t believe we are going to accept that as payment. Why would we want peanuts? I guess it could be more useful than other things, but why should we work for things that don’t help us. We need to make something of value in order to keep working, not just getting peanuts that might help with our job. What else will people try to pay with before we say that we can’t accept that… I think we only accepted the peanuts because that we can’t buy much with the money... The point is that we can buy things with the money if we have enough, so I don’t think we should keep taking other things. I think I might quit in a week or two if the money keeps getting worth less, because I don’t want to put all my time in to getting things that don’t help me personally. Oh sorry to keep you so long, go find your patient. 

Act 1. Scene 5

I should lay low for a while after what happened last Wednesday. That killer almost got to me, thank god my most trusted body guard saw him. I wonder why he was so mad, I think that I am running this country very well. Hello Catherine, yes I can take a call, okay, line one, alright. 
(Walks away a few steps and picks up phone) 
What? I already apologized for that. Yes, I know it was wrong but I don’t care. Some of that money should have been mine, so I took it. Look I’m not going to give it back so this conversation is over 
(Hangs up phone.) 
I can’t believe they blame only me for that, it was Steve’s fault also. Why doesn’t he get blamed for a lot of stuff, he is in the same situation as me. We both thought it was a good idea to make higher dollar bills, but why do they only blame me? I tried my best to help the inflation issue, but there wasn’t that much I can do. I don’t understand why the people are so mad at me. They shouldn’t rely on only me to fix the country. There was nothing else I could do for this country, I mean I guess that I could have not taken that money, but why wouldn’t I if the money I get paid is worthless. I could have not let the others print higher dollar bills, but that wouldn’t have helped, because then no one would be able to buy any food or supplies. Why do they blame me, I made the right choices for this country and myself, they should realize this instead of getting on my case all the time. Catherine, come in here please! Could you run down to Tom’s and get me some new food? Thanks, here’s a billion dollars, call me if there are any problems. 

Act 1. Scene 6

(Sitting down behind a check-out counter) 
Hello welcome to Tom’s,  What would you like?... Just those pants, okay... No we don’t accept Zimbabwean dollars. Why? Because we don’t want billions of dollars if nowhere accepts them. Yes new policy started last week, that will be 15 US dollars, nothing else... Well then I guess you’ll have to leave them here, come back when you have money worth anything. Have a nice day, hope to see you again. 
(Takes the pants that were placed on the counter) 
Who would have thought that a small product like these could be worth so much. 2.7 billion dollars, 2.7 worthless billion dollars. How did this all start out? Everything used to be priced normally, how did it change so much in so little time? At least we are making the switch to other types of money, it’s about time. It got so frustrating selling food, and other things with that shortage. 
(Touches the pants) 
 After that man came in trying to buy some apples a while ago but he couldn’t afford because they were too much; my eyes really opened. I am glad that we started selling clothes, when we switched to US dollars. It brings in more money but still one thing is on my mind. Why couldn’t we have switched earlier, everyone could see that the prices were way to high and that the government was just messing it up further. Ughhh what are we going to do with the pounds and pounds of almost worthless paper that we have now? Are they going to have something where we can exchange all of this worthless money for other types of money? That might solve the problem a little more, but not entirely. It will take a long time for everyone to stop accepting Zimbabwe money and switch to US dollars. I wish that we could have just avoided the inflation in the first place, it’s so frustrating having to switch to a completely different form of currency with no preparation.

Benchmark Reflection #3

Claire loves being able to hide who she really is behind a website identity.  Using this site, she is able to say anything that she wants about Natalie without having to deal with any negative consequences.  Also, on this site, she is friends with people from India who speak only very broken English aside from their native tongue.  Therefore, she has a way to let out her feelings to an audience, even though this audience really has no idea what she is talking about.  Today, she posted the following:

"There is a feeling of a hidden reality that comes with this site. i love it."

It is clear that Claire's online identity is benefiting her emotionally by letting her express her feelings that would otherwise be ignored in her physical reality.

Check it out for yourself.

French toast.

​Today i didn't eat breakfast and i decided to get something from the school cafeteria. I walked up to see a line and i thought " okay not that bad i mean sometimes there are lines " i continued to walk to find the end of the line but it was further than i thought which in turned caused me to be late to class . when it finally got to my turn they ran out of french toast and i was so upset. I love french toast.


I'm home. 
once again. 

I hate being sick, wahhh. 
This facebook thing for my storytelling characters is really awkward, especially because i just staged a breakup hahaha. 

Tomorrow is my 8months with my boyfriend, i'm so excited(:
dis is soo noiiceeee.
but i have all the gatorade you could imagine(((((((((((:

5 Photo Essay


Woodrow Wilson president who lead us into the 1920’s

Election slogan

Woodrow Wilsons pled to get people to join the red cross

Woodrow Wilson making peace

He died in 1924 the nation was very sad.

Mocking bushes election run

Accusations of rasim

Fails to open a door

A statement about bush and terrorism

Commentary on bushes selective view of the constitution.

Pizza Bagels

Yesterday morning, I missed my chance at getting a pizza bagel.

There are always precious few. I walked past the breakfast line and they were not yet ready. I left. When I returned, I was too late-- they were all gone.

I was very sad. I thought that I would have to wait an unfathomable amount of time, days, maybe, to eat another pizza bagel.

But, hey, what do you know, they had pizza bagels for breakfast this morning too. It was a sign from the universe that I am cared for.

I was sure that there would be enough for me, but I budged in front of the long line for good measure.

Love me not.

"​She know me like a book, its too easy to read my ass. Unhappy stressed, yelling don’t mislead my ass. I mean I make it so easy don’t please my ass. If the shoe was on the other foot and you would leave my ass, its true that, true that."


|ˈmezməˌrīz| verb - to hold the attention of (someone) to the exclusion of all else or so as to transfix them.

rAt the moment this is my favorite word, I don't really know why, but at the same time there happens to be a boy that mesmerizes me every time he's near me...ohdear, not again

E1 U6 TAREA 08/04/11

I. Estudia para la prueba (Quizlet y paquete de ¿Adónde vas?)

Remember if you want to express the future (“going to do something”), we use “IR A (infinitivo).” Take out the family packet and open up to the page with the activities.

Escribe en español:


Ejemplo: We’re gonna study in the library. Vamos a estudiar en la biblioteca.

1) I’m gonna babysit my younger brother.

2) He’s gonna go to the movies.

3) I’m gonna exercise in the gym.

4) Srta Manuel’s gonna study literature in Spain in June.

5) Señor Lehmann’s gonna work in his office.

6) Are you going to wash the dishes today?

7) What are we going to do later? (to do = hacer)

8) What are you going to do on Friday? (to do = hacer)

Japanese Art

These painting I did for my Advanced Art class. The theme or era I decided to do was Japanese Art. At first I just did the one cherry blossom tree with the purple background. But then I wanted to do more. All of these painting were doodles at first then day after day it became more. The first cherry blossom tree is tranquility. The second photo is unnamed but I used paint to make the picture. I wanted to make it a pointillism affect so I used to finger and dotted on the paint. The picture was made to be trees on the outside and a river flowing in the middle. The second cherry blossom is love. And the fourth painting has my friend and I's hand print and in the middle it says "I love you". The only inspiration I had was things that I like. Flowers and painting.
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Jesus Jimenez Q3 - Artist Focus

For my artist focus I chose Omar Dogan. He's worked at Udon Entertainment for a long time, and he mainly focuses on realistic-cartoon type of stuff. Since Capcom (a video game software company) hires Udon for a lot of their Games' artwork the Udon crew always have something draw and that include Omar.
The reason I specifically chose Omar is for his style and colors (and because I love the art he does in some comics).

The first picture is Ibuki from the Street Fighter franchise. Omar worked on a 4 part comic book series with this character, going into details about their personal life. He did the same with two other characters from the franchise.

The second picture is a picture of my own creation, and I tried to emulate the eyes Omar does. 

A lot of the things in the drawings came out weird/wrong. The Right arm came out weird because I got lazy. On the second one, the eyes are aren't parallel and looked crooked. Anyway, I enjoyed studying Omar Dogan.

The last picture is Omar's version of Ibuki.
