SLAmbassadors Join Model UN Conference in Torun, Poland

Last week 9 students participated in ToMUN, the Model UN conference held by High School No. 1 in Torun, Poland. The SLAmbassadors in this program stayed with host families, shadowed their Polish peers at school, toured Torun and nearby Gdansk, and represented SLA among other Model UN teams from Denmark, Luxembourg, Spain, Finland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. 

We are so proud of our students and the way they represented our city and our school! Way to go, SLAmbassadors!

Nemesis Party

Can we afford to trust the federal government giving them full control over everything? A vote for the Nemesis Party is a vote to give the federal government more control over your life. How about the States Govern Party where we can give you the programs that Nemesis Party voters want depending on the state you live in. And since the government is smaller it’s less corrupt and you have more control.

States Govern Party vs. Dreamer's Party

Can we afford a single issue party? The leaders of the Dreamer’s Party believes that Immigration is the number one issue America should focus on. What about the current citizens? How will we keep our families safe if we have a party in office that their whole focus is on getting more immigrants? Even worse they want to slash military funding to pay for more people to protect. Or you can vote for the state’s govern party whereby giving states more rights we are putting citizens first.

3 Strengths Blog - Malcolm McCreary


   I am one of few to be able to say confidently that I have a rather strange work ethic. Rather than being able to get something done by just sitting down and really grind through any sort of task, I really prefer to work at it in bursts of energy based on my mood at the time. I can tend to submit things late just because I don’t have all that much motivation to get things done at the time, but I can also crank out a benchmark in a day if I get really committed to the assignment. Probably why this assignment is about a week late, I tend to work flexibly so that whatever I do is to the best of my ability and something I feel confident in doing. That being said, there are some strengths to my work ethic that I’m comfortable explaining.

Creative - I’m well aware this is one of the most basic and overused personality trait anyone can use to describe themselves, but I think I can say all jokes aside that I can think outside of the box a bit and bring some unique ideas to the table. If I start with a good idea for an assignment I can really make it my own and have a blast with whatever’s given to me. This can be both a blessing and a curse as every once in a while I twist the task just a bit so that I don’t always meet requirements just because I have so much fun working on certain creative assignments.

Flexible - This comes in handy primarily with group projects. My approach is that chances are whoever is taking the lead of this assignment probably has a way better idea of what it should look like, and if I work to make that dream a reality it’ll get a pretty decent grade. I do enjoy meeting in the middle and collaborating to make even more elaborate ideas, however, I have no objections to letting partners take over a bit and get better at their own craft. I’ve been working on projects since middle school, so at this point, I’m well aware of what I want isn’t going to be exactly what a group creates.

Resourceful - Now, this is a bit more specific, however when it comes to more creative assignments I tend to instantly have an idea of what I want to do, and what I need to do to make that happen. Pretty much anything that involves storytelling I’ve already had something in the works just sitting back in my subconscious waiting for an opportunity. I love projects, and I love being able to apply everything I know academically to a fun and exciting project.

In conclusion, my work ethic is a bit sloppy, disorganized, and unrefined however if I put my mind to it I can actually put out some pretty cool stuff (so I’m told). I know that if I just do the work this can come to my advantage I the academic field, it just takes me some time getting comfortable in school so that I can consistently use my time to make creative projects and that all starts with time management and self-motivation.  

Exploring Balance: Original Art Work [Simone M]

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In my artwork, I depicted a person on two sides of lightness and darkness. It was to show how even the lighter side has some darkness that may affect the lighter side and vice versa.  I created balance in this picture by splitting my original sketch in half and coloring all of the white space in. Doing this, I created a balance in my picture. From a peer, we discussed my drawing. Our discussion involved the use of white space and how I utilized the space I had on the piece of paper. I decided to keep the design simple in an effort to make the main point of the picture pop out.


Charismatic, creative and energetic. These traits have more or less defined me as a person throughout my life. Friends, family and teachers have all described me this way for years. The traits have also helped me much in life up to this point and I believe they will continue to help me in the future.

Charisma the savior

My charisma has helped me much in life especially at Science Leadership Academy. I have been able to make great friends at SLA because of my charisma. The students at SLA have become some of the greatest friends I have ever had. Without them I would not be the person I am today. Without them I would have gotten much lower grades on a few essays. These friends have allowed me to vent to them about the stresses of life and have helped me work on ambitious projects with them. I can’t wait to see how my Capstone turns out because I will need all the help I can get. My charisma has also allowed me to be offered many opportunities that I would have not gotten otherwise. I have a position at UrbEd in part because of my charisma. Without my charisma I would not be nearly as successful as I am right now. My charisma will help me collaborate greatly with people in DigVid and have a great time doing it.

Blindingly creative

Creativity is my strongest trait. Without my creativity none of the projects I have ever committed to would have turned out as good as they have. Examples of this are my first and second projects at SLA. My first project I had to make a self portrait that described me and who I wanted to be. I decided to take a silhouette picture holding a briefcase, camera and wearing headphones. Each of these things represented something essential to my life. The headphones represented my interest in listening to and making music. The suitcase represents me goal of becoming a lawyer when I am older. The camera represented my interest in pursuing a filmmaking career also. If I wasn’t creative I think my portrait would have been less original and not as interesting. My second project was a mini magazine about myself. The most. Creative part of this project to me was the soundtrack I made to go with it. My creativity will help me make creative scripts, ideas, and many other things for the films we make with DigVid.

Contagious energy

The energy I leave my house with is unmatched. I am always excited to see a new day and work on new things in the world. This energy seems contagious. The people around me will eventually pick up this energy after spending sometime with me. This is great because people who don’t enjoy the work they are doing or just having a bad day can have their mood improved because of my energy. This will be extremely helpful in the more boring parts of making films in DigVid.

CTE DigVid

My charisma will make me a great collaborator in the filmmaking process. I will be able to work through any disagreements with ease. My creativity will help me come up with great ideas for films that will make my films stand out from the bunch. My energy will be able to pick anyone up and lighten their mood.

By Taj

Positively Eccentric - Nicco C.

Some people say that if it ain't broken, don't fix it, but I prefer to preach under a different sun. As a Debater (ENTP-A) on 16Personalities, I have many strengths and weaknesses, but for now, I'd like to focus on the strengths, specifically energetic, original, and optimistic.

Energetic. Let's start there. Personally, I've always seen myself as energetic, but don't take my word for it: many others agree. But there are different ways to define "energetic" in this context. 16Personalities says that for my personality, it's about willpower to do things, and that's not wrong. I do have the energy to find answers and learn things as it describes (although it may be a vexing one at that), but I'm also opted into a more general energetics. By which I mean general energy, the energy to move and talk and jive.

Original. As a person who dislikes conformity, I'd agree to this one. Being unoriginal is basically one of the seven sins for me. The ability to figure things out in ways different than before is something I do well, as things can always be improved and experimented on. 

Optimistic. I believe that man is naturally good, and that things will usually turn out good in the end. Just because things aren't going well now doesn't mean they'll be like that forever. I've been like this for a very long time in my life, and the people close to me can verify. Such an ability has granted me the gift of low stress, although I do usually act on things that aren't going well.

I believe these abilities will be invaluable in Digital Video. The ability to withstand long productions. The way to look at problems differently. The positive beliefs. Even if I'm not exactly Sherlock when it comes to focus, I believe my strengths are ones that we'll need in both the short and long run.

Give Me Strength

I am   



       Straight Forward

No matter what, everyone in the world has strengths and weaknesses; things they do good and things they do...not so good. We tend to find these strengths and weaknesses through life experiences over time and when we receive feedback on the things we’ve done. But, if you’re an SLA DigVid student, you find them through taking a personality test. After taking the personality test, we were split into groups according to personality type (mine being INTP) and told to discuss our findings and pick out our favorite strengths about ourselves. These were the results:

Originally Imaginative

One of the strengths I received was “Imaginative and Original”, which means that someone like me always has original and innovative ideas because our imaginations are always going one thousand miles per hour. This is a key trait to have when in creative spaces and tends to help us most when we are given complete artistic freedom on a task. As I read the description for this trait, I thought back to the many projects I’ve done for school over the years and can totally attest to letting my imagination run wild with all the possibilities of what I could do to knock my teacher’s socks off. I can also say that with the older I got, the more intricate my creations became due to my expanding knowledge of the world and my heightened attention to detail.

A Lost Art

Another one of the strengths I got was “Objective”. Being objective means listening to and stating facts in an unbiased and fair manner. Objectivity usually leads to one being more open-minded--also one of my strengths according to my test results--because situations can be viewed from, and solved with, multiple view points in mind to establish the best conclusion for all people involved. I feel that, in today’s climate, the idea of being objective and open-minded has gotten away from so many of the world’s people. It hurts to see because if only we knew how much better we could be if we decided to open ourselves to ideas opposite our own.

Straight Talk No Chaser

The final strength I decided to report on is “Honest and Straightforward”. This is basically telling it like it is and calling it how we see it. Sometimes people with my personality type can be honest to a fault because we accidentally hurt people’s feelings without even realizing it. However, us being straightforward is never done with malicious intent, we just believe that honesty is always the best policy.

I know that these strengths of mine will have a great influence on my performance in DigVid throughout the year. When combined, they will help me collaborate, create, and give honest feedback to not only my peers but also to myself so that we can be the best filmmakers possible. These traits will help me gain a perspective like no other through the experiences in this course and further who I am across all aspects of my life.

Written By: Londyn Edwards

Three Strengths - Eli Lerner

My personality type is INTJ (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judgement). INTJs amount to two percent of the population. INTJ’s are extremely rational, produce original ideas, and are research fanatics.

Hard Working and Determined: I am person who values efficiency over almost everything. A perfect example of this is making breakfast: I toast my toast while I scramble my eggs. I am also a determined person who is also very passionate about things I find interesting. If something is interesting to me I will exhaust the topic and learn all it has to offer. There are many personal examples of exploring random topics that pique my interest that start as a simple google search, then unspool into a thread of tangents and articles and facts. The topics can range from the inner-workings of computers, to chimp behavior, to archetypes.

Decisive and Confident: When I come to a conclusion I have little reason to doubt myself because I trust my own rational process. When I think I am right it is hard to convince me otherwise. You could call this stubbornness, but I call it confidence. However, when I am proved wrong I am able to adjust my previous conceptions to the new one and understand the logic behind the change in opinion or fact.

Open Minded and Imaginative: My open-mindedness allows me to accept new ideas when they are supported by logic and proven. I can internalize these ideas even if they are in the contrary to my previous beliefs. My open-mindedness helps me in everyday conversation because it helps me hear other people’s point of view. My imagination is a key factor in my introspective ways. I know myself very well and know what I want. My imagination helps me because it allows me to be unsatisfied. That there can always be a next step. My open-mindedness and imagination can lead me to be able to do anything I set my mind to.

I believe these three strengths will influence my time in the CTE Digital Video Program positively. My imaginative mind will produce interesting stories and shots. My open-mindedness will prove a useful tool in when hearing other people’s ideas. My confidence will be a positive influence on my group if they are uncertain about a shot or the story.

3 strengths- zoe zisser

3 Strengths Blog

BY Zoe Zisser

Regarding the “16 Personalities” test, my results concluded that I was a mediator type (INFP). There are 16 different kind of “types”. Each of these have both positive and negative strengths and weaknesses. Each of them are commonly very truthful to the person. The website decides your type by taking a quiz with questions that follow the track of mind of the person. Depending on the last question you answered, the next set of questions will be made for you. At the end they evaluate your answers and fit you into the certain personality type. My type, Mediator is apart of the diplomat grouping. According to my assessment I have a set of strengths and weaknesses that fit into my personality type.

Seek and Value Harmony

In my life I truly do value everybody and everything surrounding me. I strongly dislike discourse and negativity. I believe strongly in energies of different people. Very person and every place has their own kind of energy and it’s important to know what kind of energy can bring positive energy and what can bring negative energy. Negativity is something I as a human being really do not handle well, whether this may be in a social, mental, physical way, negativity is never a good thing to be apart of, and as a mediator personality type it’s very easy to avoid such and gravitate to good energy. I never like to be apart of something that opposes harmony between people. I feel like our lives and our time is too precious and limited to let things like that get in the way. I will always go looking for the harmonizing approach to make certain situations better. This is a very truthful strength to me as a person because the people and the things I do in my life are all very peaceful and subside in harmony, and if it isn’t I always go looking for ways and strategies to become more harmonizing. I’d never want to be above anyone, I feel we as humans are all equal and we should always remind ourselves of that.

Open Minded and Flexible

Being open minded and very flexible can translate to taking what comes and making the best out of it. Mediators take naturally at being very easy going and good for whatever life throws at us. Being able to adapt to circumstances is a very important strength to have because almost everything in life is random, hardly anything is always going to be a certain way forever, so it’s very beneficial to be able to compromise with new changes. This can apply to life a lot. Nothing in anyone’s life is going to be the same way forever, people and things are always changing and there’s no way any of it will stop, so it’s important to always have an open mind when it comes to change, and be ready to take things as they come. I am this way for everything I do, I find no reason to dwell on things I can’t change or understand, the point is always to adapt and move on and learn something from whatever life throws at you.

Passionate and Energetic

As a mediator it is common to be able to get very passionate about things that matter to me. When I care about something I care with my whole being. It’s always all in for everything I do, my head and heart are all thrown into everything I do. Having a lot of energy can relate to this as well. I am always present with energy and a good mindset for things I am devoted to. I feel when you care about something, it’s crucial to do such with every fiber of your being to never cheat yourself out of something you care deeply about. This brings many opportunities for when I find things I’m passionate about or very intrigued about, because I know once I find that thing it will open many doors I will be ecstatic to venture through.


These three strengths will influence my time in the CTE Digital Video Program at SLA because I feel like any project we are doing whether collaborative or not, I will feel inclined to being able to work with people in effort of a common goal and being able to learn from everyone in a positive setting. In digital video there’s a lot of collaborative aspects that could easily lead to tension and negativity, but optimistically I feel that it will be easy to keep the peace and keep an open mind in creative ways. When an opportunity for me to be able to get very passionate about a project arises, I know I will be able to give it my all and be driven to complete it to the best of my abilities. All of these strengths are very beneficial to not only SLA’s CTE program but very applicable to life in general.

Collaboration - 3 Strengths Blog

Have you ever felt that you’ve let people walk all over you, acted too selfless around your friends, or just taken a little bit too much to heart? If so, I can relate 100 percent. It’s not really unusual for someone to act like that. Tolerance, altruisticness, and pensiveness are all a part of human character, especially mine. Although I may often tend to have a low self-esteem, I wouldn’t dare to miss a goal I set for myself, let my friends down, or let my thoughts get into the way of doing something I love.

Open for Options:

As I play Ultimate Frisbee and run for Cross Country, Part of my job is to be a team player. Apart from encouraging other players to do the very best they can and giving players advice for future meets, being a team player also means developing tolerance while listening to other people’s opinions, no matter how much they contradict with what I have to say, or how much I disagree. It’s important to admit that you don’t know all of the answers than to claim that you do when you really don’t. Not only are you lying, but you are also taking the risk of decreasing your reputation.

Contribution to my Community:

Apart from sports, I also participate in a few other extracurricular activities, such as an Improv club at my school, where we encourage each other to be creative was we play games and perform skits off the top of our heads. Outside of school, I work as the Graphic Designer for UrbEd, an organization that aims for a quality and efficient urban education for all. Being very motivated to do good for my community makes me altruistic. I’m selfless and I love to bring people together to do a world of good. I wouldn’t refuse any offer to help others in need.   

A Pensive Personality:

I’m also a thinker, especially when it comes to work and social life. Never do I submit any writing assignment or essay without putting a huge amount of thought into it, making sure the vocabulary and structure are what I planned for it to be, and then proofreading it afterward. I’m not the type of person to always start the conversation, but I always love to be a part of one. Me being a thinker means that I may recite things in my head before I write it down (so I won’t have to erase), or say it out loud.

Though sometimes my selflessness could be too much for other people, I’d hate to let someone down. I am in SLA Digital Video CTE, and in that class, we do a lot of group work when it comes to making our own videos. Being a thinker means I really consider how the audience is going to see our product. I really want to make sure that everything is planned out carefully before we start filming. Being tolerant means I don’t reject any ideas from anyone else. I would rather build off of them. One we settle on an idea, I’ll do whatever I can to bring that idea to life. It would then be unlikely for me to substitute something in for my own idea, because of how that would make me selfish. All of these personality traits make me into the person I am now.

The 3 Characteristics of Colin

My name is Colin Taylor-McGrane, I currently am a senior at Science Leadership Academy and a student of the CTE Engineering Program. I hope to continue my pursuit of Engineering into college and throughout the rest of my adult life. I believe that there are three core personal attributes that make me a strong engineer. My analytical approach to solving real world problems, my knowledgeability about the issues I face, and my outspoken nature when communicating my ideas.

I believe that being analytical is the key to solving problems in all fields. In engineering, it is of particular importance. When I am first given a problem, I have a natural inclination to understand every detail about that problem. I feel that this allows me to come up with more possible solutions and not overlook major issues that I may face. Additionally, failure is inevitable in engineering, however, I always try to be thorough in my analysis of my failures in order to correct them.

However, analysis is always improved by background knowledge of the issue you are faced with. From a young age, I have always actively sought out knowledge. They say that knowledge is power and I most certainly agree. My large background knowledge has helped improve my deductive reasoning, helped me relate essential ideas. Additionally, I have a very strong memory. I can remember facts, lists of items, and moments in time very well, because of this, I have been able to retain newly acquired knowledge for much longer.

I also feel that I tend to think outside of the box when coming up with solutions to problems. I often have ideas and opinions that differ from those of my colleagues, and I am not the least bit shy when communicating them. Even under intense pressure and criticism, I am always willing to express my thoughts, and I feel that doing so is essential in group settings. It is important that all ideas be taken into account when deciding how to tackle a problem, and when I feel like I have a good one, I make sure that it is heard.

Because of these three traits, I feel that I can effectively tackle the issues faced by engineers. When I am faced with a problem, I immediately relate my previous knowledge to that issue. I then try to understand as much as possible about that issue before attempting to solve it. Once I come up with ideas, I advocate hard for them, even if they do not have much support from my peers. But, when they inevitably fail, I can always figure out why and fix the final result to fit my goal. That is why I believe I am a strong engineer.

Striving For Improvement: The Advocate


Hello! My name is Peter Keo, and welcome to my blog, where I discuss the 3 strengths that define who I am. Throughout my life, I often don’t notice my own strengths until I take a more closer look with my identity, and there I can see who I truly am. My personality type is the INFJ, which stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. INFJ’s make up for less than one percent of the population, so I guess you could say I’m one of a kind!

What Each Letter Means For Me

  • Introversion - the opposite of extroversion, the feeling of being an introvert. I usually like to be a lone wolf in activities, and I often almost often go for the solo choice if given the choice between working alone or working with a partner. I don’t mind social activities, but I often tired quickly from it and break away after a short period of time.

  • Intuition - Imaginative, Open-Minded and Curious. I definitely would agree that I hold all of these things in my head. I never thought I would thought myself to be the one to be imaginative, but looking back I do often daydream a lot in class, thinking about what-if scenarios and the future a lot.

  • Feeling - I make decisions based off values and principles and I usually use my heart more than my head. Sometimes, this is not the right decision for people, but its the best decision for me. I gauge the temperature of the situation based on people’s feelings and what is the best decision in the heat of the moment.

  • Judging - One of the traits that determine how we view the external world, and how we do things on a daily-by-daily basis life. People with the Judging trait enjoy being organized and having to work in an environment that is orderly and established. For me, I find this to be the most true. I cannot work without a clean workspace or an organized structured assignment that allows me to follow along easily.

Strength #1 - Astonishing Altruism

My first strength is altruism. As the “Advocate”, I find that altruism easily fits into one of my three strengths. I go out of my way to help others for their well being, but I find this a bit contradicting in a way. Since INFJs are also Introverted, I wouldn’t think that altruism would be a trait for them but the more I think about it, the more that makes sense because when helping others as an introvert, I tend to put a part of myself too in helping so I can make the right moral decisions not only for me, but for the person that I’m supporting. Using this strength for good, I try to advance an idea that is better for the world instead of trying to put forth an idea that would only benefit me. Altruism is not something seen a lot anymore, especially in today’s society and I would want to change that, but with prevalent bias and politics nowadays, it is generally considered a scarcity in people nowadays. Luckily, I have tons of altruism in me, and while I’ve never noticed it before, I’ve remembered countless acts of kindness I’ve committed over my life which goes to show that I am not forcing myself to be kind, it just comes naturally.

Strength #2 - Crafty Communication

Communication would be my second strength. I can never live without communication, whether its on group projects or just having a definite way to spread my information around. I am very good at communicating, as I try to listen to both sides and offering insight on what we should do or not. Over email and text is a big plus for me, as I try to respond ASAP and I would not turn down any question, big or small, smart or stupid. Communication is hard for INFJs because they tire from social commuting, and I’m no exception to that, but I’m always available on call to answer a question no matter if I’m tired or not. If I am unable to not procure an answer for you, I’ll make it my first priority whenever I do similar things.

Strength #3 - Intuitive Insightfulness

The final strength that I would say is probably insightfulness. Insight is when you have a strong capability of seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives. This ties hand in hand with communication as if you are being dishonest and disingenuous, I will sever ties with you or communicate to you with why you are acting this way. I also see insight as a way to offer your take and POV of the situation in order to bring up a given situation. Insight is a great skill to have for anyone, as it will help immensely in the real world when it comes to business practices and the working environment. I just see Insight as one of my greatest skills that will surely help me down the line in the future.


    These are my three strengths: Insight, Communication, and Altruism. Each and every single one of these skills will be a valuable asset down the road, in the working environment. Being a doctor is my dream job, and altruism is an important core factor that defines what kind of doctor you are which is similar to the CTE DigVid program for being altruistic will allow me to offer feedback and guide people towards a more successful experience. Communication is important in the medical field, and the same can be said about my time in the DigVid program. I must have pinpoint communication during film production in order to ensure the highest quality film that we can make possible. Finally, insight is a valuable skill in not only DigVid, but in any type of study or program that you can participate in. Insight allows you to be more understanding of others and it allows you to have a broader perspective of the big picture, which allows you to come up with solutions that you would have not thought of before.

3 Strengths Blog Post

Emma April


CTE Digital Video

Outgoing, happy, and adventurous. Those are the things that summarize my personality. I asked a lot of my friends to tell me who they think I am. A lot of them told me I carry myself confidently and that I never shy away from a challenge. I think the ones I decided to chose for myself hold a lot of meaning and describe me pretty well. I know these characteristics will help me throughout my time in this course as well.

Though meeting new people is scary for everyone, I always get a twinge of excitement when I'm able to introduce myself to someone. I have been oddly outgoing since I was little. Being an extrovert helps a lot in the workplace as well as in a social setting. If I were to work with an unfamiliar face, instead of being hesitant and shy I would try and get to know the person.

Adventurous was the first adjective that came to mind when I read overview for this assignment. I would say that I am very admiringly adventurous and Im not afraid to try new things. This trait would also be a helpful tool in a working environment. Joining this program is trying something new and the simple willingness of being excited to try new things is why I will hopefully succeed during Digital Video.

Lastly, I would describe myself as immensely innovative. I love making little projects with my sister on my own time. As I said in recent paragraphs, I believe that having innovative tendencies will also help me improve in all aspects especially in school and in CTE. Being innovative and having your own unique thoughts and opinions is one of the most valuable things.

In conclusion, being an outgoing person in the workplace, makes it easy for people to come to me if they ever need help. Because I am adventurous, I am not afraid to try new things. Having innovative tendencies is extremely valuable because I can create my own opinion on topics and come up with unique ideas. These three strengths will help me improve and succeed in CTE Digital Video. B

Three Strengths Blog


In this essay, I will discuss three strengths of mine that I believe affect my personality and my relationships the most. In the next three paragraphs, I will go into depth about each of these strengths. Hopefully, by sharing these strengths, you will gain a better understanding of me as a person and as a thinker.


I believe that being rational is one of my greatest and most useful traits. Being rational allows me to make decisions that are backed by solid reasoning, as well as be logical in situations that require as much. It also helps me manage my time and estimate how long something is going to take. If I was not a rational person, I would have a much harder time managing my life on a daily basis.


Being straightforward with myself and with my peers is a great strength to have. It allows me to give high-quality and realistic feedback to people when they ask for it. I am able to communicate more clearly with people because of it, and I can back up claims with factual information. I also do not sugar-coat things. I say things as they are because white lies will not change anything, they will only delay finding the solution to an issue.

Hard Working:

Out of all of my strengths, I believe that being hard working is my greatest strength. Because I have a good work ethic, I am able to get work done efficiently and to the best of my ability without spending too much time on each task. When it comes to something that I am interested in, I dedicate a lot of time to it and push myself as hard as I can. I hope to learn to do this when it comes to things that I am not interested in much.


I feel like these three strengths will influence my time in CTE Digital Video a lot. I think they will allow me to get an interesting and unique perspective on what we will be doing in class, as well as allow me to take away more from each lesson that is taught. Overall, I hope that these strengths positively impact my time in CTE Digital Video and continue to progress and help develop me into a better person.

The 3 Thirds that Make Up a Whole

As an ESTP I am an entertainer and it is said that I am an extrovert that loves the spotlight and the attention. I am known for not holding back and being bold as well as being insanely. I am also very original and have lots of unique and perplexing ideas. I am also said to be observant and to pick up on lots of things going on around me. WIth this 3 strong strengths they help me solve problems and help me deal with scenarios making me both a great student and person to be around.

People Skills - This strength is extremely valuable to have and can help in several different ways when it comes to networking, communications, and getting group and team projects done. This is also a great skill to put your creativity and ideas out there and to discuss with people of similar interest.

Observant - It is said that being observant is a very good skill to have and I think it being my strength is very convenient since I am able to pay attention to the changes and interactions happening in class, outside of class, and in my everyday life. This strength helps me a lot in classes as well as courses to digest the lessons easier and to ask more questions. The con of being observant would be being too observant, which causes you to focus on lots of other people or objects causing you to lose sight of what's important at times.

Showmanship: Showmanship and Aesthetics is yet another great trait I have, and it means to bring creativity, enthusiasm, and style into everything that I do in my everyday life and in school. This means a crazy unorthodox idea, a crazy experiment idea, and different perspective analysis, and more. This is a good strength to empower myself and those around me to push their thinking and to embrace new and unheard of ideas.

With these 3 strengths that make up myself, I will use them not only to succeed but to strive in the CTE program. My people skills can make collaboration (one of SLAs core values) and communication much easier and helpful to improve my films and my ideas. My observation skill could help people with their films when I give constructive criticism and to see certain flaws in my projects. Last but not least my showmanship can help me express and bring out the crazy, unheard off, and new ideas that others may be afraid to share if there is no example of someone promoting their crazy ideas. With these 3 strengths equipped it will make my time in the CTE program worthwhile and full of growth.

The 3 C's of Marcin Czapla (CTE Lab Blog Post)

As you may already know my name is Marcin Czapla. I am a CTE student who attends Science Leadership Academy, and I am aspiring to be an engineer in the future. As we all know, engineers have their strengths, which are key to their success in field. It takes many attributes to succeed in such a demanding field, where a new task could by lying in wait for you every day. Personally, I feel I am equipped with strengths that will help me become successful in this field, three of them to be exact. They are creativity, curiosity, and compassionate.

Creativity is the first trait I listed and probably the most important. It is hard to come by new ideas nowadays, or at least original ones.  We see ideas being marketed that are just different versions of existing ones. There are so many unsolved issues in the world that are just waiting for a creative mind to come by and say, “Hey what if we try this…” I aspire to be that person someday, that can think of  creative idea to help someone in need or solve a problem no one thought could be solved. In everything I do, I try my best to be creative when I have the freedom to be, and I hope to continue to do so but with bigger goals in mind.

Curiosity, is what killed the cat, or so goes the saying. I for one am no cat however, and I am curious all the time usually about certain topics that catch my eye. Whenever I am really interested in something, or invest my time into it, I get very curious. I think of questions that I don’t know the answer to and then try to answer them with what I already do know. That is essentially what engineers do, they concieve and solve questions people don’t know the answers to. “What happens if we use this material instead of that?,” “What if we make that 3 feet longer, how will that affect its durability.” Curiosity is important in this kind of field because in order to solve problems and help people, we must first be curious enough to explore those problems and find out more about them.

Last but not least is the ability to be compassionate. Being compassionate is especially important, not just in engineering, but in everything you do. In order to help people, and ultimately help the world, you must learn to be compassionate first. Being able to make the right and the wrong choice also falls under this for me, as I learned in the short Engineering Ethics course Mr. Kamal taught us. Maybe in the future there will be a situation where someone needs help, someone who is in need, but they don’t have the necessary funds to hire you? Would you turn that person down? I wouldn’t. I would do everything I could to help that person out, because one day you could be in that person's shoes. I do believe that focusing on yourself first is important, but being compassionate towards others is important as well.

How will these 3 strengths influence the things I pursue and do in my future? They will be there along the way with me, influencing my decisions and helping me become the engineer I want to be. These 3 strengths will be crucial in both my development as a person and as a student of engineering. They will help guide me to help make the world a better place.

A Bea With Three Cs

Being a well rounded and happy person is hard. We all strive to be one, but we don’t always succeed. Why is that? Why is it so hard to cover all the bases in one person? Well that’s just it. We are each one person with a set of skills that work together to make us who we are. Our strengths compliment each others’; we pick up where someone else’s strengths may lack. It takes a group of unique individuals with different skill sets to create a fully well rounded and functional machine. In this blog you will hear about 3 parts of my skill set that I bring to the table. Do my strengths complement yours? Read on to find out.


Constant Curiosity

There is nothing more exciting than something brand new. The universe is infinite, and there are countless things to be learned within it. Whether it be an artist who is changing people’s lives with garbage, or the complex inner workings of calculus, there is always something new to discover. I find myself the most excited by what is new to me, and I am constantly hungry to find more or those new things. My favorite research takes place when someone mentions a topic that no one else has heard of. I like to bring those stories out of the woodwork and let them shine. It’s overwhelming how vast information can really be. There are so many topics to learn about that I don’t even know exist yet, but that only floods me with excitement. I love to learn and try to be a sponge for new ideas and forgotten histories.

Comprehensive Contemplation

I am the one who plays Devil’s Advocate in class discussions when no one else will. I am the person who tells you to stop ratting on someone before attempting to see things through their eyes. I am the one who tries to rationalize every decision, perspective, opinion, and standpoint people have or make before I can fully conclude my opinion. People mean a lot to me. I believe everyone has the ability to be ‘good’ and so I take it upon myself to examine things as if they had pure intentions at heart. This does not mean I have no personal beliefs. I have my morals and stand by them, I just choose not to judge others until I have considered their reasonings and deemed them unreasonable. Doing this leads to more comprehensive opinions on my part because I have looked at both sides and formed my own well informed conclusions, and I feel that both sides are being represented. Many people overlook this as a skill and see it more as a research tactic, but for me, it’s ingrained in my conscience. I feel guilty when someone is spoken of without consideration of their circumstance, no matter the situation. I feel frustrated when people make conclusions that ignore the opposition. I try my hardest to bring a voice to the other side, regardless of if it aligns with my views, so that we can all gain perspective and a better understanding of our own stances.


Crafty Creativity

I learn best by doing. I always have. If you look at me, I am often fiddling with something, whether it be my own hands or a small toy, there is always something going on. I love creative tasks with crafty solutions. Costume making, prop design, poster creating, presentation templates; I am always up for the most tedious and tiny details. I fall in love with an idea, an image, or an emotion and I run with it, not stopping until it’s achieved. I put my all into the things I want to create, and I make sure that my vision is accomplished using whatever is available to me. I often make the most of software and materials by reengineering it to fit my needs. I never take no for an answer to creative problems, and I let my ideas shine through.


All of these skills are parts of what make me who I am and help me compliment others. I am a driven person with loads of ideas and ambition, and I work best with people who share my dreams but shine where my organization skills sometimes lack. I work well with individuals who can take my ideas and help put me on a track to see them through. I know my strengths, what works well with them, and how to be a team player. With those skills, anything is possible, in college and beyond. College is truly one massive group project. You go to classes where you work with professors, and then go to study groups where you work alongside peers. You join clubs and sports teams to work on your communication and collaborative skills, and you live in dorms to test how well you can socialize and adapt around others. You are constantly put in positions where your skills can mesh with those around you, and I think my skill set puts me in a great place to be successful in college and eventually in the world. I have big dreams and a big heart and all the passion and compassion to help others. My skill set shows my drive to make change and my drive to see the world through other people’s eyes to come up with creative solutions. I have no doubt that I can make an impact if I take advantage of my strengths and the strengths of others and put them to good use.



The Three Parts of Me

The Three Parts of Me

I feel like my strengths paint a very clear picture of who I am as a person. The strengths that I personally attribute myself with may not be the same strengths that others see in me but nonetheless I see them in myself and that is what really matters. My first biggest strength is that I am dependable, I feel as though if you ask me to do something or need some help, I’m can be reliable. My second biggest strength is that I am consistent, when I get in the habit of something (for example coming in on time) then I do not lose that habit. My third biggest strength is that I work well with others, I can still work by myself but when collaboration is involved I can excell. I believe that all three of my major strengths can come into play when working at my ILP.


Being dependable basically means being responsible enough for people to trust you. I feel as though I am a pretty dependable person. Whether that means to my friends, teachers, our employers. For example in my most recent job over the summer I had to earn my boss’ trust first for her to know that I was dependable. Being dependable is hard work and something that can be easily lost. I am confident that I can bring my dependability into my ILP.


When I say that consistency is one of my greatest strengths I mean to say that is that I can stay consistent with my routine. If I get in the habit of something I can continue without any problem. This could possibly seen as a weakness but I play it to my strengths. An example is last school year I would consistently come in to school everyday on time. I plan on bringing this trait into my ILP.

Work Well With Others

Working well with others is not something that everyone can do or likes that much. I feel as though I work very well with other people.  For example during a group project in school, I find it easier than working alone because there is collaboration involved. If everyone is pulling their weight then it is really easy to excel in whatever work your doing. I cannot way to see how this comes into play with my ILP.

Real World Application

I plan on using my three greatest strengths during my CTE engineering program and my engineering ILP. During my CTE engineering program at school I will be consistent when making it to class and following the rules, I will be dependable in order to operate with the tools, and I will collaborate with others while studying engineering. During my ILP I will be dependable in order to achieve more exciting tasks, I will be consistent with professionalism, and I will work with others to get the job done. I plan on using all three of these attributes throughout my experience in the CTE program. My main focus is to just get the most I can out of it.

Why look for these three strengths in a high school student? 3 strengths: honesty, dedication, leadership


Growing up in complex environments obligated me to take steps to see three major strengths I see in myself. Honest, dedication and leadership, they are each specific in the way they came about transforming me, into a loving, caring, and outgoing human, not human alone, but a human being. I had many devotions coming from such a culture and different groups of people throughout my life experience. I’ve always been surrounded by a variety of different colors, it never ends just like the variety of colors in the color spectrum, but still, I found myself blind to some colors. I’m sure with time and effort more colors will be discovered, through diversity.

What makes an honest human being?

( of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere. Googles definition of honest)

Being honest comes with lots of trials and tribulations, in the harshest and stressful situations even telling a simple lie is difficult to avoid. Honesty is a skill which took many trials and errors through my life, even though I would know what not lying could put me in, I would take the truth because I have a sentiment of fulfillment and truthfulness. Many individuals, children as well as adults feel comfortable and safe to speak to me about their problems, and would know that I would be honest to them as to what my judgment is if it’s what they look for through me. I haven’t always been the most honest person growing up, in fact, my model is within the Islamic tradition, my role model is the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) he was a man which lived 1400 years ago in the Arabian Peninsula and has billions of followers in this current day. His companions said he was a truthful person, which is much heavier than honest, however, he never told lies, and even children would go up to him because of how just he was. I do my personal best to mimic his actions and do so even when the whole world weight is cared for by me in the process.

How is dedication acquired, and how do I regenerate its motivation?

(1. the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose googles the definition of dedication)

Dedication has been instilled in me from early on, when I was in elementary school attending the French International School of Philadelphia, I was obliged to add another language to my life, already being trilingual, and that was French. I am already dedicated to putting in hard work, but it’s once you realize the prizes you receive after that hard work that I was eager to apply more dedication in everything I did. In my opinion to be dedicated is one thing, but to continue to be dedicated is another, I pushed myself with every breath I take to refresh my mind and my body to be able to physically take on heavy burdens, which is many times very difficult to keep up with. Being dedicated means never giving up, and many times emotions will encounter you at the end line, and that is a way of celebrating your accomplishments. Just like an 8th-grade graduation, or a college graduation moving on to what life has in store for each in every one of us, we won’t all make it, which is what makes this whole dedication aspect fade away at times.

I’m a leader now

(1.the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. Googles definition of a leader)

I am what my fellow teachers and classmates look on to as far as leading, and possessing leadership fundamentals. Leadership is a skill which isn’t just developed through education or success it’s much more than that, the world's top leaders you will find that are not all successful, or intelligent, but instead have the simple qualities humans should possess, friendship, love, connection, and especially peace. As a leader in many situations I am able to control my emotions at moments of hardship, but really on the One, and Only Him. Me earning such status of being a leader came with work, from very young age my elementary teachers noticed something different about me, and really saw that I was special, it’s just now that I am seeing everything come together just like a puzzle, piece by piece until the full-scale image is revealed. I don’t always feel like I am built for handling the role of a leader, however, it’s to that point I pushed myself to so I must accept such a remarkable gift, and use it to benefit myself and others.


During my time in CTE Engineering Program, I will be able to use my three strengths which are honesty, dedication, and leadership by working with others around me. I believe teamwork will need those three strengths because first of all with a leader you have control, and with control, there will be fewer conflicts to evolve in a scenario. Honesty can be used in a formal or professional setting such as an Engineering Program since mistakes will be very relevant, and everyone makes errors. Having honest human being will save a lot of time complications within a Lab. Last, but not least deduction, it the firepower which drives pretty much everything, without dedication there no will of doing great, and achieving greatness. This is just the beginning, with time and focus these three strengths I believe to possess will grow bigger and strong, after the rain arrives the grass regrows.