Home-Network, Vincent Cammisa

1. If you can't see, but you probably can, where It all starts is world wide web. After the world wide web as you can see i have it connecting to my home router which gives of a connection network signal to all of our phones ipods ipads, laptops, or computers. I also have it showing connection to my school which use the district of philadelphia network connection which a good handful of schools.

2.Yes, I did have and OMG moment while listening and creating this lucidchart honestly thought everything just was like relevant to air. 

3.If there is one thing that i would tell you about ISP network is that you have to stay on top of all your equipment.  Don't go to cheap or too high both tend(as in not alway) to have lower quality so as long as you're up to date you ISP should be safe.

Home Network- Alex Jimenez

My internet goes through the Firewall that allows the internet to be a lot more faster and my firewall protects my electronics to not be hacked with my fast internet and not allow viruses to spead to different electronics. My internet isnt the fastest and that means that my wireless router won’t be the fastest either but it allows my electronics to give me a great online expirience. I was shocked to learn that my internet is possibly one of the biggest scams out there because you need to have the fastest in order to have a good wireless router connection. I would tell people that having a home network is something to be very cautious about because you could get something that is a scam or get a good deal.

Advanced Essay #1: Don't Underestimate

Advanced Essay

I am going to start this paper with a scene from my life. This scene is from when I was playing in a football game when I was eight years old. I was well under four feet tall and weighed less than fortyfive pounds. I was the smallest kid on my team. This is interesting because my last name, Gorski, means mountain. So anyway, it was the second quarter, first down and ten, the ball was in the redzone. Ironically, I was playing right guard, a position normally played by one of the bigger players on the team. I lined up against my opponent, a defensive tackle two full heads taller than me. The center snaps the ball and I struggle to block my opponent. Eventually he knocks me down and gets to the quarterback sacking him. He was fast getting up off the line but I knew I was faster. Next play and the center snaps the ball. Then, almost instantly, I am in my opponent’s face. I get my forearms under his shoulder pads and push up with all my strength. This time he goes down, his face frozen in astonishment. The quarterback makes the throw and… Touchdown! At the end of the play stood over my opponent and said, “Don’t get back up or I will knock you down again.” At that moment his coach pulled him off the field and didn’t put him back in the game. In this scene I did not expect to knock down the other kid. Especially not after he knocked me down the play before. I knew I could block him. So I did do better than I had expected. After reading this scene some people might say that I can be a little arrogant at times. They are right but also wrong at the same time. It may seem like I am being arrogant but if I put my mind to something, most of the time I can do it.

At my old school there was a mentally gifted program. It started in fifth grade and went to eighth grade. You have to take a test to get in and if you get a good enough score they put you in the program. I was able to take the test and I had been the only one to get into the program with a one hundred percent that year. I knew I was smart but I didn’t know I was the smartest kid in my grade. I thought that someone must be smarter than me, but nobody was. However that didn’t surprise me too much.

This scene is from when I was playing lacrosse in seventh grade. I had been playing lacrosse for two years prior to this and for the second year I played goalie. In this game I played goalie for the entire time. The referee blows his whistle and asks the starting line up for each team to line up at mid field. He asks the goalies, me and the other one, to shake hands and then go to our goals. Then the rest of both teams shake hands and it was time to start the game. By the end of the first quarter my team was winning and the other team still hadn’t scored on me. The second and third quarters ended the same way. However towards the end of the fourth quarter the other team scored I was disappointed in myself because it was an easy shot to stop. The game ended and my team won. While I was still beating myself up for letting that shot go in. Then the head coach for Father Judge High School’s junior varsity team called me over. He said that their goalie didn’t show up for their game starting in a few minutes and that he saw how good I played in the game before. Then he asked me to play for them. I was really tired at that point so I respectfully declined the offer. So the backup goalie for my team played for them. In this scene I also did way better than I had expected. However this scene is different because I was not thinking about how well I did. I focused on the negatives instead of the positives. Everyone from my team was happy we won except for me. Until the coach from Father Judge High School showed me that I did really good. Good enough to play with kids two plus years older than me. I do regret not playing in that game but if I did I probably would have done well.

Home Network - Eli Lerner

My Local Area Network consists of my Verizon Fios modem and router putting out 100 up and 100 down. All of my family's devices are connected wirelessly to the network. There are four phones, three laptops, and one pc using the network daily.
      I didn't have an surprising moment because I knew most of the material, but I am fascinated by fiber optic wire.
      I would tell people to check what you are paying for and what you are getting because most of the time you are getting less.

My Home Network- Michaela Berger

There are 7 devices connected to the internet in my home. There are 3 laptop computers; 2 macbooks and my chromebook. Every member of my family has an iPhone model 6 or higher. My brother also has an iPad mini connected to the internet. There are 4 wi-fi channels in my house. The "613G" and "613G Guest" are for cellular usage. The "613G_5Hz" and "613G_5Hz Guest" are for computers. When researching and learning about my home network, I found out how information travels over the internet. What you need to know about having an Internet Service Provider or home network is to do research to get the best plan for you. 

Home Network-Camren Jones

All of the deceives in my home are wirelessly connected. In total there are 17 deceive on my network. After doing this assignment I was shocked to find out that there is a phone line connected to my modem/router instead of any other wire, because I thought phone lines were only meant for phones. If you have the similar  network as me it is not the fastest.

Home Network- Annie Chen

A.) My network starts from the World Wide Web then it goes to my house where I have the Modem/Router from Verizon Fios. The Modem/Router connects to four iPhones, three apple laptops, two iPads and my Amazon Alexa Dot. 

B.) Through this project, I learned that the World Wide Web is all connected, nothing on the internet is truly erased. I learned that we should all be careful with the use of modern day social media and technology. I learned different wires of the routers. I also learned that the network companies can be shady. 

C.) I would suggest researching what type of network company would be best for them. It is really important to know what is a good bargain for home internet because often times, people who don't know anything about internet get ripped off. If the internet guy were to supply me with a hub, i would know there is something wrong because unless I am specifically asking for a hub, hubs are slow and will not work as well as the usual duo of Modem/Router. Meanwhile trying to find good internet, we also have to keep in mind the price. 

Home Network-Miranda Sosa

​1)All the devices on my internet connection are, 3 phones, 3 kindles, a desktop computer, and TV.
2) I learned that everything in my house is wireless and that I only need one modem to run my whole house. 
3)I would tell other people that having a home network is very useful. You can connect all your devices  to one thing and have everything nice and organized. Also some companies like to rip you of, so if you know everything about your network and internet, then you know which provider to choose and stuff like that.
This is a diagram of my home network. I have a verison box that connects to a modem that is then wireless to all my devices. The dotted lines means it's wireless. 

Home Network

1. When the wifi comes down it goes through the fiberoptic wire. Everything is connected the the fiberoptic wire.  
2. I did not know there were so many wires that connected to so many things. I also did not know that so many different wires had so many different names and purposes. 
3. People need to know about having a home network because when they are older they will be able to research and find the best network and not get ripped off.

Home Network - Preston Bennington

In my home, we have quite a few devices. The first set of which use a wired connection, which means they must plug directly into the modem using an Ethernet cable. These devices are my desktop computer and my Raspberry Pi, which is just a little bitty computer about the size of a student ID card. The next set of devices is connected with a wireless connection, or WiFi. These devices include my parents' macbooks, my chromebook, my 3DS system, and our ancient Wii console. The last set, or other connections, is a bit tricky. They technically also use the WiFi, but for the most part they use a cell signal, or cellular data. The most important part of keeping a strong home network would be keeping track of all the devices using the network, and what devices use the most and least data or electricity to minimize costs. 

Home Network - Ethan Chen

This is my home network and my network provider is Comcast so a coax wire brings in the internet from the outside and connected to my modem the Motorola SURFboard SB6141. Then, a ethernet cable is connected to my router, the ASUS RT-N56U Gigabit Ethernet. As you can see, most of my devices in my house is connected wirelessly. All the three laptops, phones, tablets, and one chromecast stick is connected wirelessly in my home network. My dad’s desktop is connected wirelessly too because he have a wifi adapter to connect wirelessly without using a ethernet cable. Finally, my printer is connected with a USB cable onto my dad’s desktop. What I learn about networks is that you have to be aware about what are you sharing with other like thinking twice. I learn this from the OMG book when the girl send a whole powerpoint presentation of the sexuall things she did to her friends which their friends reshare it and it leak publicly. It ruin her life and the the other boys life so it taught me to think twice. Having a home network is basically a group of devices that is all connected to the router which the internet is brings in from a coax wire or a fiber wire depending on your provider to the modem.

Home Network - Peter Keo

1. My LAN is comprised of a coaxial cable connected to a  modem and router combo with my ISP being Verizon Fios. Most of the devices I use are wireless with the only hard-wired devices being my desktop and the Canon Fax and Copy Machine. Some of the wireless technology used in my home is a PS4, a printer, and various phones.
2. I learned a lot while taking on this unit. The thing that was most interesting to me was how fiber optic works and how it is performed; with the light bouncing off at a very fast speed is really astonishing. 
3. When having a home network, and you own either a desktop or a printer, it's important to hard wire them through an ethernet cable to take advantage of the gigabit per second it travels through. Also, opt for a router instead of a switch as routers are much faster. 

Home Network- Sukainah Hasan

Sukainah Hasan

Red Stream

Home Network


1.) My home network is a coaxil wire that connects to the modem and router. The modem and router are connected to my tablet, phone,  computer, and television.

2.) Something that I learned about my network is that my home network is a coaxil wire that connects to my electronics.

3.) Something that I would tell someone, if they need to know about their home network, is to figure out what the wire is to their home network to see what their electronics are connected to.

Home Network- Ashton Krause

1) I have my phone, computer, ps4 and tv all on  a wireless router. 
2) My OMG moment was when I learned about the fiber cable and how actual light bounces around in the cable and how that is better than a copper wire. 
3)  I would tell them to get a connection that has a fiber instead of a copper wire because your internet will run quicker. 

Home Network- Margie Castejon

1. My home network starts with the World Wide Web cloud. It is followed by a wireless router that is connected to 2 phones, 2 laptops, and 1 printer.

2. I learned that the internet is huge and dangerous at the same time. There's a lot to be learned about the internet, like how incredible is that everything you post on your social media will stay there forever.

3. For people that have a home network at home, I will tell them to learn and know about the network they have at home and how to keep it secure.

Cats are Family as well

Through my eyes, systems that are created and defined, are your choices and the karma that comes after it. Since every choice you will make or didn't, became a system of when you chose that choice, it created a system or a timeline. . But when you choose the option, you were given  a karma with it, and if you did something  you're giving  karma, but if you did something , you were given  karma.

In my own life, I saw this happen when I got my cat Whiskers, When I had gotten her, it was near December, on a freezing, winter day, I went over to a friends house with my mother. As we got to the porch, I noticed this kitten slowly, but quickly jump on the railing of the porch, and meow softly. I stayed outside and asked their family if they got a new cat. They said no, and explained that someone fed it, and it kept coming back for more. When the other 5 kids came out, it only stay near me, before it circled me, saying that I was her owner. I looked at my mother,  and asked if I could keep  it, and it took some begging to finally get her to say yes.

After a month of having Whiskers, I had to get her to stop biting and scratching me when I tried to feed her.  was also difficult  to get her to stop playing with my legos, as she kept  flinging them around in  the middle of the night.

However, after a few months, there was progress,  as well as some exciting amazing things she learned. She learned how to play ¨catch¨, and she also learned how to roll a ping pong ball over to me.   Over the summer, I go to this summer house in the catskills (funny since it's about a kitten) with me, my mother, my grandmother, and my cat. I sleep in the attic (not really an attic just a small room, not as big as most attics.) But back to the story. So when it was about 9:00 pm one day, I went on the ladder to go up, and my cat was crying, so I stayed and watched her , telling her it was going to be ok.  However,  a mere ladder wasn't going to stop Whiskers from not sleeping next to me. Then I heard my Grandmother say ¨Son of a B*tch” and when I looked to where she was staring, I see my cat climbing a metal, almost slanted ladder. 

I quickly, but quietly woke my mother up and pointed. I could tell she was shocked and angry, since all the good things that happen with me or Whiskers, she doesn't have her camera ready, So I hug my cat who climbed up, and in the morning. She figured out how to climb down, by slowly jumping down a step, the repeat. Until she is 3 steps close to floor, then she jumped down.

So, karma are  like cats, Sometimes, there's a great side of a cat and a terrible side of a cat, it's just how it behaves, like we do. Cats are just like life, punishing or rewarding because of our deeds. 

Boys Ultimate Wins Philly Invite!

The 2017-18 SLA Boys Ultimate team has lofty goals for the school year -- and Saturday was a big first step in achieving those goals! The boys won the Philadelphia Mini Invitational at Lower Perkiomen Valley Park, beating Methacton, Strath Haven and Lower Merion on their way to capturing the title. 

SLA started the day with a 15-0 win over Methacton - the first time in team history that they have shut out a Division 1 opponent. The team with a ruthless efficiency, scoring on 65% of its possessions, and never allowing Methacton a chance to see the end zone. Sophomore Josiah Mast scored four goals, and junior Eli Zimmerman had six assists on the way to the victory.

The second game saw SLA play Strath Haven. The boys had beaten Strath Haven in a close match earlier in the week, and the team was determined not to let the game be as close in the second meeting. SLA jumped out to a 10-3 lead before finally taking the game 14-6. Senior co-captain Eli Block with five assists and four defensive blocks, and senior Nate Little scored four of SLA's 14 points.

The final match up was against Lower Merion who was also coming into the game 2-0. Lower Merion has always proven to be a difficult match up for the Rockets, and today would be no exception. Lower Merion battled the Rockets for every point, eventually taking a 7-5 lead on SLA with the time cap looming. But SLA came storming back with their zone defense, winning the last five points to win the game 10-7 and take the championship. SLA was led by senior Johnny Saldivar's three blocks, including the crucial diving defensive block up 8-7 that re-energized a tired Rockets squad. Little threw to Mast for to put the Rockets up 9-7 and SLA capped the game when Zimmerman made the defensive catch and Little threw to sophomore Grahm Bacon for the winning score and the championship. 

SLA goes to the Fall Brawl next weekend, playing in tournament that will bring together some of the best teams from the Mid-Atlantic region. Go Rockets! 