Movie trailer // Amira, Nasya, Abraham, Ivan

This is a movie trailer made by Amira Gouri, Nasya Ie, Abraham Gayer, and Ivan Lopez JR. For our video, we basically took most of the important parts of the book (the curious incident of the dog in the night-time) and acted it out. For example the scene where he runs away was a really important part of the story so we put that in our trailer. We hope you enjoy this video!

E1 U5 Poema de Rasa Watson

Rasa Watson

Soy una mestiza chica


Mi familia es blanco y negro

Y yo soy una mezcla


Cada día veo gente diferente

Huelo incienso

Oigo música en el salón

Saboreo té

Tocó los suelos de mi casa


Bilo con descripciones

Hablo con mi diferencias

Bailo con las dos fronteras

Todo esto me hace a mi



Somos personas irregulares

Somos blanco

Somos negro

Pero yo soy…

Rasa Watson

Q4 Artists Statement

   The first piece that we did for Quarter 4 was Color Adv. Photo. This took 2 hours to do which means that it took 2 class periods. When doing this I played around with the different filters and contrasts to bring out certain aspects out in the photo that you couldn't original see before.   

    The second piece that we did for Quarter 4 was a figure drawing. For the figure drawing, we looked at different photos of men and women and then once we found one that was very interesting to us and that would turn out really awesome when we drew them then we could start on it. This took 4 hours which means that it took 4 classes.  When drawing this I learned a lot about the placement of the certain body parts and how to draw them correctly. 

   The third piece that we did for Quarter 4 was a line drawing. When doing this part I learned a lot on how just simple lines can be so much detail into your artwork. This took 2 class periods which means it took 2 hours.

   The fourth piece that we did for Quarter 4 was Digital Drawings. Doing this was extremely fun. We had to take a bunch of shapes and fill the space so that there was a shape covering every part of the picture. When doing this it kind of looks like the pictures I made were illusions. This took 2 class periods which means it took 2 hours.

   The fifth piece that we did for Quarter 4 was Space Illusion. When I was drawing the pictures it was a little hard because you have to make sure that everything is the right amount of space apart and that if you have any curves in your drawings that they are going in the right direction. This took 2 class periods which means that this took 2 hours to finish and complete.

    The last piece that we did for Quarter 4 was Elements Of Art. For this piece, we had to include color, texture, shapes, lines etc. We basically had to make a picture that incorporated all of the techniques into one single picture of our own. This took 2 class periods which means that it took 2 hours to finish and finalize. 

Artist Blog Qt 4

During this quarter I grew as a better artist. Given the experience with line and shape drawing, my art work became better and better. I also liked the experience of coloring on the computer. It is a really hard skill to retain but I like doing it. I also enjoyed the texture of art, because I am usually not good at texture. I believe that I did really well in this quarter. Each quarter showed my progression. I believe my artwork turns out really nice now. 

Aysha, Amelia, y Sharron (Updated Pataki)

Una vez, una mujer en la gente de la aldea de Yorobia, que se llamada Oshun. Ella dio luz a dos gemelos, el Ibeji. Todo el pueblo la miró como una bruja, porque solamente los animales tienen más de un niño. Temprano por  la mañana, Oshun llevó agua desde el estanque, cuando ella cayó al suelo. Los ancianos llegaron y la llevaron debajo de un árbol de cerezas. El único árbol que hay. Se utilizó una hoja de plátano para cubrirla. Uno de los ancianos estaban ayudando. Oshun estaba una viuda, no se sabía cómo murió su marido. Mucha de la gente del pueblo la miró como el diablo, quien lleva la vida de su marido. De repente un grito, los ancianos gritaban es un niño. "Allí hay otro", "Qué clase de brujería" "Es el diablo" " qué qué", eran los únicos que se oían de la gente alrededor. Salió el segundo bebé. Oshún puesto manteniendo a sus dos bebés, mientras la gente había rechazar, le tiró basura. Todo el pueblo miró a ella como una bruja, porque solamente los animales tienen más de un niño.

Debido a esto, Oshun dejó a los gemelos porque ella era una "mala persona". Oshun se quedó allí sin nada que comer pero la suciedad. Allí, nadie ella dejó a los bebés a morir con los animales. Entonces un día, Oyá la Orisha Guerrera vino en la cubierta como una persona común y desconocida. Oyá vio que Oshún tenía dónde ir aprovechó Oshún, la gente de la ciudad lanzó basura otra vez. Esto se convirtió en diario, Oyá vio pero no pudo hacer nada sino esperar a cambio. Un día pasó, y el ibeji casi fue golpeado en un accidente.

Oyá tuvo en y cambió sus ropas y les dio comida. Oya decidió tomar los Ibeji y criarlos como sus hijos. Oyá era alta y fuerte. Ella no tenía miedo de nada. Oyá tenía ojos azules brillantes, nadie le caería en amor. La mujer, también tenía el pelo largo oscuro que fluyó en el viento. Oyá era hermosa. Ella dio todo su tiempo a enseñar a sus hijos todos que sabía sobre la Santeria y los Orishas. Los ibeji se criaron a creer en los espíritus y dedicarles todo. Miraban la vida como algo hermosa, a pesar de lo que sucedió con su madre. Le perdonó demasiado. Aprendieron a amar a bailar y cantar a los espíritus. ¡Comen junto a los espíritus, demasiado! Oyá también enseñó a sus hijos a amar el color blanco porque representa la "pureza", es sagrado "Obatala" — los otro Orisha — a honrar y proteger, como un dios.

Slate Post #2




Nursing Home Abuse





In my first Blog Post, I talked about the subject of my project, and what the task I was suppose to complete. The main subject I talked about was Nursing home abuse. I discussed how often these events occurred and what types of abuse could take place. I gave an image of the graph that provided the percentages of the types of abuse that take place. In my further research, I wondered what the consequences of Abuse of the Elderly in a Nursing Home. So I found a company that makes the consequences. This company can be called when a situation is found or seen.

I recently made a survey for people to take. The purpose of this survey is to give people who have an elder in a nursing home a heads up for something that their elder could possibly be experiencing these things. It was also to raise awareness to people who don’t have any elders in a nursing home and spread the word. The survey received 41 responses and the results were great.   

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You can take this survey if you would like to. I would love to get your results. As you can see, the majority of the people taking this survey do not have a Elder in a Nursing home. Either way, my goal of spreading the word is being accomplished. The next question of, “Do you trust Nursing Homes as a caring place.” The majority of the results were, i’m not sure. This tells me that people are unaware of Nursing home abuse and need to be informed. So my goal is also being accomplished in this question. The third question was for people to share the types of abuse that they think goes on in nursing homes. I was surprised of how much people knew. Obviously people put poor hygiene as what they knew occurred. The last question was, “How do you know that someone in a nursing home is being treated with care?” The majority of the answers were that, I don't know anyone in a nursing home. So again, I am achieving my goal by spreading the word, and I am giving people who do have someone in a nursing home valuable information. In conclusion, I am glad with my responses and I am glad I got so spread the word. I hope that everyone that took this survey, left with valuable information. I hope it made them more cautious of their Elders care. If you would like to know where I got my information from. All of my sources are linked below in the annotated bibliography.



Annotated Bibliography  

Wes Anderson's The Avengers

I want think about your favorite movie, a piece of art you know and love. Now I want you to step outside of you imagination comfort zone and if you can, imagine that beautiful movie being filmed in a completely different style. Whether the genre has been replaced with another type of film that is completely different, or the director has been replaced by an auteur whose style is very unique and completely recognizable, and nothing like the original director, the original film you love has been drastically changed.

What if for example, Wes Anderson, the genius behind Moonrise Kingdom, Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Grand Budapest Hotel among others directed Joss Whedon's the Avengers. Since these two directors both have their own very unique styles and because their styles vary drastically from one another, I thought it would be interesting to try and compare these two directors in a film featuring writing by Mr. Whedon, and Directing by Mr. Anderson, with some minor edits by myself and my partner Shane. We had already study a work by Anderson. We watched The Grand Budapest Hotel which is a great example of Anderson's style of directing and how the camera work, turns and moves through the scene. Each scene seems very choreographed which is what we tried to capture. The actors walking into the scene at around the same time and the camera does a few one hundred and eighty degree turns. The camera work in Anderson's films are very deliberate and we tried to mimic that in our film.

Another thing that is very prominent is Wes Anderson films is symmetry. He loves when shots are very symmetrical. For example to people walking to the same spot in a scene or objects behind the actors having symmetry. As something my partner and I recognized in his film, we tried to mimic that as well. There are some parts of my film the involve at least some symmetry, unfortunately because the world isn't quite symmetrical and we didn't have enough time to build our own set there isn't too obvious. Although if you look hard enough you will find some things symmetrical about the way we shot our scene.

The final aspect that we decided to capture, among the many aspects that make something a Wes Anderson film, or that are well known from him, is the close up. It was noticeable that Wes Anderson like to use close ups quite a bit so we decided to put a few in there

Some examples of camera work you will see in this film is one hundred and eighty degree turns of the camera similar to the very blocky way that Anderson likes to turn rotate or move his camera. You will also see a ninety degree turn of the camera in a similar block fashion. There are some deliberate moments with the camera moves forward toward a character while saying a line to create a close up shot. We tried to make it seem as if there was a choreographed feel to the camera angles and movements as well as the slight movement of each character. And Finally we also went for symmetry as there were railings on each side of us and symmetry when we both walk into the shot.

Unfortunately actors such as Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, and Jason Schwartzman could not be present for the making of this film but we made due with what we had.

Artist Statement Q4

My first art project involved using an online editing tool to alter images I had found on the internet. The second one involved trying to draw the figure of a man in a photograph using only lines and curves. Next, I used an online drawing tool to create some images of my own. Following that was a series of drawings that projected an illusion of space. I was supposed to create drawings that were designed to think there was more space in the backgrounds of the images.​ The penultimate drawing involved creating a copy of a still-life and adding texture to the drawing. Finally, I had to create a single drawing that incorporated all the elements of art that I knew of (i.e. color, texture, lines, dimensions).

Book Club Final Project (TeMiSaJoRu)

The following song is called I Want You. It was written and performed by Josiah Mast, Sarah Son, Micah Carrera, Ruby Ginsburg, and Teyonna Little. It is based on the book Looking For Alaska by John Green.

When writing this song, we thought of the relationship between the book's main character, Pudge, and a girl named Alaska. Throughout the story, Pudge talks about Alaska’s beauty and likeable personality. This inspired us to write a love song that--like the novel--is written from Pudge’s perspective. The song conveys Pudge’s strong love for Alaska, and how he hopes to someday marry her. Enjoy!

Katarina Backo Capstone

I always dreamed of becoming an architect. My Capstone process was supposed to reflect how an architect gets an idea and goes from the idea to the design of the building. First step is to find who needs the design and what needs to be designed. When the need is identified next steps involve choice of tools and personalization according to the clients’ needs. Finally, design choices should be made such that design looks pretty, but it is also functional, safe and realizable.


I thought that interning in architectural company would give me a better idea for all the steps in the project. In parallel with finding the internship I researched the designs, tools, and ideas for my project. I was surprised that neither internship nor research were the inspiration for my final idea, but rather a lunchtime conversation.  I learned that my friends wished for more quiet places at SLA. Therefore, I decided to make redesign of my school's building as my Capstone. Instead of an internship I read a lot of architectural books and websites. I decided to use Floorplanner software, did a lot of editing and redesigning things over and over again. I made a survey for students and teachers to understand what they all wanted in our school.  My Capstone taught me that I have to be open to different possibilities and not always take the path that everyone else follows. If I had the chance to do it again, I would enjoy the process more.


First Floor
First Floor
Principal's  office
Principal's office
Second, Third, Forth, and Fifth Floor
Second, Third, Forth, and Fifth Floor
Staff Bathroom
Staff Bathroom
Sixth Floor
Sixth Floor
Nurse's Office
Nurse's Office
Game Room
Game Room
Game Room (Pool and Hokey)
Game Room (Pool and Hokey)
Game Room (Games and Chess)
Game Room (Games and Chess)
Game Room (Football Tables and TV Section)
Game Room (Football Tables and TV Section)
Library and Stage Room
Library and Stage Room
Drama Studio with Piano
Drama Studio with Piano
Seventh Floor
Seventh Floor
Locker Room
Locker Room
Showers and Bathroom
Showers and Bathroom
Pool and Changing Rooms
Pool and Changing Rooms

Grand Budapest Hotel//Tim Burton style

Group members: Me

Movie: Grand Budapest Hotel  

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a wes anderson film that hold both literary and cinematic merit. This movie is brilliantly colorful, symmetrical and accompanied with a soundtrack that ties everything together. All of these things of course styles and methods that Wes Anderson is known for, so why not turn everything on it's head by doing something that is the complete opposite. For example give the entire film a Tim Burton makeover.
Tim burton's auteur is the dark, gloomy and strange looking characters that everyone loves because of how gothic everything looks. To me it seemed to be the perfect contrast to all of the colors seen in the grand budapest hotel. It would be interesting to see what the movie would be like with a dark tone but the contrast alone is not why I chose to recreated a scene in Tim burton's art style. 
Many reviews of the movie state that this movie is a dark comedy. This basically means that it's a funny way to tell a rather tragic story in my opinion. I feel like there's no better way to convey than with Tim burton's style. All of his stories are about misunderstood characters and find ways to deliver tragic messages and storylines in a way that doesn't make them seem so bad. 
With all that being said I created a storyboard using the very first scene in the movie which is the young girl leading all the way up to the author introducing the main part of the movie. When you look at the storyboard I attempted to recreated Tim Burton's famous characters where everyone has sunken eyes and large head on rather tiny bodies but that didn't quite work to well. I have to be honest even though the style seems simple there are the little details that make it work and scream "Tim Burton" . 
I focused more on the people themselves rather than the background because to me the background would most likely be the same but instead the color would only range from whatever is on  he monochromatic scale. Other than the turning this live action movie into an animated one I changed nothing that has to do with the original screenplay. The one other thing I change may have been the music but that was because the music in the original movie doesn't fit with Tim Burton's auteur and I feel like eerie music is more of the route that should be taken with this one. Overall I think that if the Grand budapest hotel was redone this way then the only possible outcome would that the narrative of the story would be enriched. 

storyboard is down below.

Aldo Caushaj Capstone

​My capstone was to teach a small law class to kids at my former middle school. I choose this for my capstone because during my junior year when I started doing my ILP I was given the opportunity to take an intro into law class. Everything that I received from this intro into law class was more than I had thought before, I went into this class thinking that it would be another lecture or presentation that I would have to attend and leave not receiving anything, but I would just end up watching somebody teach me from a script that they had created for a mass group, but not an individual. As soon as I started my first class though I quickly learned that everything that I had presumed about this group would be turned on its head and tossed out the window. We were given a blank slate and encouraged to take control of our learning our mentors encouraged us to ask questions and ask them what we wanted to learn about and what kind of laws that we wanted to discuss. I wanted to replicate the experiences I had in that group with the students at my middle school I taught two classes there one to students that were in 8th grade going to high school and the other to ESOL students they were mixed with 7th and 8th graders I wanted to have a Lesson with them because I used to be one myself and wanted to show them that even if you don't have the same advantages as the other students born here it just means that you need to work harder and you need to achieve more than those around you. In each class thought the one thing that I wanted to leave kids with was not that they needed to peruse an education in law I wanted to leave them with knowledge of knowing your rights and the core values that our school offers  Inquiry, Research, Collaboration, Presentation, and Reflection. 

Link to Presentation:

Luke W-S and Lukas S-A Blade runner x Usual suspects

Lukas S-A and Luke Watson-Sharer
In our final English benchmark ever at SLA, Lukas and I wanted to do something entirely original and creative. We decided to mashup the movie the usual suspects and the blade runner. We saw the blade runner in the class, a sci-fi film about detectives with the responsibility of eliminating replicants from society. The usual suspects is an entirely different film. The movie is a suspense film with a crazy twist on a con man. The films due to their obvious contrast and differences made it an interesting concept to mix.
The main character of the blade runner was Rick Deckard, he’s a blade runner in LA in the year 2019. The man is responsible for deactivating replicants and is considered to be the best at it, It’s an interesting character that I played(as any blade runner) because I adopt the desire to separate the replicants but also try to maintain order. Lukas plays infamous character Keyser Soze. A demented and devilish character who plays the victim originally to the detective. We wanted Lukas to get more aggressive and devious as the scene went on. He lightly said “I’m a nobody” and then continued to get aggressive saying “I ain’t no rat”. With both characters who are very goal driven it made their differences outside of that something to shed light on.
Once we figured out how we wanted to mash it with what movies we decided to throw it into the world that Rick Deckard lives in. In our film, Keyser Soze is a replicant who wishes to end humanity and bring a replicant revolution. It becomes the job of the unnamed new blade runners to end this. They have a few issues though. They don’t know what he looks like. Keyser Soze originally in the usual suspects is a no face criminal that sells dope and kills for fun. We adopted the stance that we don’t know what he looks like to add suspense. 
The unprecedented and nearly inevitable replicant revolution caused two blade runners(played by me and my friend Cullan(not an SLA student)) had the goal and the job of stopping Soze by any means necessary. Soze who had sat beneath their nose is shown doing the same thing nearly that happened at the end of the usual suspects.
Our trailer is a play on the ending of the usual suspects. We chose this since it'd be a crazy start to a potential film involving the best of both worlds. The ending was the best beginNing for our film. We decided to play with the conversation soze has as he left with our detective. We removed the coffee drop and the board with an escalation of intentions on both sides. Our conclusion was that Soze had escaped and cully and I would begin our hunt for him to end the revolution.
We originally didn't know that we didn't need to do a redo scene but after our Lifting session, we decided to do one from the beginning of the film. As they lined up they had the line “give me the keys you fucking cocksucker”. Extremely explicit we decided to say it in the way the film had where laughs were and the lines exactly. We played throughout the film The Godfather theme and eye of the tiger to help add a tone that escalated but also smooth. 
Overall I believe our mashup between both films could be very really interesting and that mixing two very different movies together is hard but with the usual suspects ending alteration being the beginning of the next film there are endless possibilities.

Benjamin Brandt's Miracle Cure-All

I couldn't find a way to embed the code for this video (sorry about that), so here are two links for it, which I shared with Ms. Giknis. The story I told is a collection of journal entries telling the tale of how a doctor uses genetic modification to create a miracle cure-all that essentially ends diseases worldwide.

Link for part 2: chrome-extension://mmeijimgabbpbgpdklnllpncmdofkcpn/app.html#/files/3cbd4f39-f027-436d-y0a8-9a57460917b6

DC Presentation

Two recent projects. One from Pre-Calculus, modeling with transformation of trigonometric functions using two sets of data. And another one from English, showing the science fiction present in the book, War of the Worlds, and how it influences the theme.
Pre-Calculus Benchmark
War of the Worlds

How bad catcalling is

Catcalling is a form of street harassment that should not be tolerable, it is impolite and rude.

When women get catcalled they think that it’s vulgar and it is degrading. However some women like the attention. Unlike women, most men think that it is a compliment and when they don’t answer back there are a slut. When men do this they are looking for a women with low self esteem and problems so that they can get sex. My goal is to inform men what they doing to women and open there eyes to see how wrong it is.

An anti-harassment group took a survey about women and the age they were first catcalled. Sometimes they said over the age of 17, however most women said they were first catcalled between the ages 11 and 17. This is really foul not just because that it’s catcalling but that they are saying these things to teens. It scares them and makes them really nervous of what might happen. When a man catcalls it mainly means that they want something sexual from them. And when they do it to teens it makes it even more vile because they are saying they want something from the teens sexually.


Catcalling has been around for centuries and dates back all the way to 200 B.C. However it wasn’t called catcalling but the wolf whistle. This term is carries a predatory connotation which acts as a symbol for wolves which is an example of male lust. The actual word catcaller started in the 1700s which was a way for people in the theater to express the disapproval for the acts on stage. They would sneer and whistle and the actors to show this. The way the catcalling is used in a sexual manner didn’t actually start until the 20th century.


A reporter from Australia named Eleanor Gordon-Smith is interviewed by a woman named Ira. Smith talks about her experience with being catcalled and her stories when she confronted the men about it and got there thoughts. Her goal was to find out why these men did what they do. One of Smith’s story is about how she confronted her catcallers Mike and Zack  and how she tried to convince them to not catcall ever again. During their conversation Zack says that he does it because it makes women feel good while in reality it doesn’t. He also admitted to smacking a girls ass if they are in a group but only in a group, never alone. She keeps trying to convince him that women don’t actually like it and the only reason why the smile and act like they like it is because it is a defense mechanism. They do it to prevent it from doing anything physical to them such as rape. In the end she convinces them to no longer smack a woman's ass.


Throughout the years catcalling has been happening everywhere and dates back to 200 B.C. However it has been used in different form, it was first used to show male lust, then it was used to show anger at the actors at a show, and finally it is used to call out at a girl to show interest in her. It is happening to people as young as 11 years old which is very vile. Men typically do this to complement a women and to say hello or it means that they want sex from them. They get the feeling that women like it because they smile but this reaction is only a defense mechanism to keep anything violent from happening.






Exercising the public

Exercising the Public


So last time I talked about the general idea of exercise and why it was important. Now I have done some research of my own. I have sent out a survey to get everyones opinion on exercising. If you didn’t read my last blog or you’re just generally confused on what I am talking about or the purpose of this post read my first post. It’s really informative and will explain my topic well. You can also check out my annotated bibliography for all of my research and websites.

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As you can see, out of the 86 responses I got a majority of my responders are female. From that I can make educated guesses of of what gender said what in all my questions. So for rest of this blog I make guesses based on the amount of answers to question and my outside knowledge.

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Also, the age of my responders will also play a factor in my educated guess. If you have any thoughts on my opinion please let me know in the comments section of this post. Well I think I have explained how things worked enough now let’s get to these questions.

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As you can a majority of my responders are active but a big portion is not. Judging by the average age of my responders I conclude that it's the more older people who are less active than the younger, which is not surprising. As you age you start to gain responsibilities and new ways to occupy your free time. Eventually if not committed to having that perfect body you start to lose interest and stop exercising. I believe that’s one of the reasons that obesity is more common in adults over 20 then in the age groups under it. Obesity is the condition of being grossly fat or overweight. Obesity often results from taking in more calories than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities. Obesity occurs when a person's body mass index is 30 or greater. The main symptom is excessive body fat, which increases the risk of serious health problems.The mainstay of treatment is lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. For more information on Obesity go to this site and read up.


After I received my response I used my results and made my conclusions about people  in general. As you age exercise becomes less and less of an everyday activity. I’m a very active person and I’m 16 and I don’t see that part about me changing so that’s not true for everybody. For those of you it is, please join a gym or try to get into some type of regular exercise. If you need help starting one or just need a jump start please let me know and stay tuned for my agent of change which should aid with that.

Adil Shamsuddin poema

Adil shamsuddin

yo soy el hijo de una madre árabe y padre negro.

Tengo 7 hermanos y 3 hermanas de todos juntos. Mis padres han estado juntos durante 5 años.

Mi hermano asistió community college por 2 años, y mi otro hermano no ir.

Hablo árabe, inglés y un poco de francés.

Mi padre nació en el norte de Filadelfia, donde mi madre nació en ultramar en Marruecos.

Mi papá estaba en el ejército, luchó en algunas guerras y ha viajado por todo el mundo en barcos. Mi padre también saltó de aviones fueron aterrizó seguro y listo para moverse.

Mi familia es propietaria de una casa de playa en una ciudad en África, me voy a la playa casi cada 3 años, lo que es realmente divertido.

Me enseñaron árabe a la edad de 3 años, fue difícil al comienzo mi mamá me dijo, me quedé en Marruecos durante 2 años. Fui a la escuela y aprendió árabe

tengo una familia muy linda, me encanta.

Payton McQuilkin Poema

E1 U5


Payton McQuilkin

Soy yo

La hija de madre e padre

Los padres estar separdo

La madre el niño la hermana e el hermano


Veo el abuelo vacaciones casa

Saboreo la abuela cena

Huelo la madres galletas

Oigo el padre gritante

Toco la hermana ropa


Vengo desde Filadelfia

Me gusta comer

Me gusta ir de compras con mi familia

Me gusta escuchar música


Somos producto Filadelfia

Somos irlandesa

Vivimos en America