Why Bully?

In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, the author tells the story of a group of boys who find themselves stranded on an island and have to learn to defend for themselves. During their time on this island the boys had went through a lot of changes emotionally, physically, and mentally. What am I wondering about is how does the influence of bullying people affect our world today? For some, people might bully people because when they're feeling sad, angry, confused, etc and they need to take it out on someone or something and don’t notice that doing this could be hurting someone. People will bully other people just to see the person at the struggle to get through the day.

The book starts off with Ralph and Piggy  stranded on an island wondering where the rest of the people that was with them go. Ralph and Piggy blows into a conch  when suddenly all of this boys come running out the forest. Later on the boys had a voted Ralph as the leader of the group and a lot of the boys didn’t like that. The boys main objective is trying to escape the island.  In Chapter 2 there is a lot of tension within the civilization between Piggy and Jack. Piggy tries to stay his ideas of what they should do but Jack keeps on hurt piggy’s feelings. Piggy says “ There ain’t nothing we can do. We ought to be more careful. I’m scared----” (45). Jack then yells at him and says “You’re always scared. Yah----Fatty!”(45). What the reader can see is that Piggy is feeling intimidated by Jack because Jack yells at him and keeps on talking about his wait. Also, what the reader can tell is that Jack doesn’t care about Piggy’s feels because he talks about his wait and doesn’t think that piggy can’t say or do say anything because of his weight.

Later on in the book we meet this boy named Roger. Roger is a bad influence on the boys because in chapter four it says “Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life.  Round the squatting child was the protection of parents and school and policemen and the law. Roger's arm was conditioned by a civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins”(87).What the author was showing how roger was bullying one of the littluns because he was throwing rocks at them. But he miss every time he threw one.

What is bullying? Bullying is an “aggressive behavior among school aged children.” There are three types of bulking which is verbal, physically, and social. Bully happens all across the world and it really needs to stop. Like for example in Lord of the Flies when Jack is calling piggy names he is verbally bulking piggy because it is hurt piggy’s feelings. Also, it is very disrespectful and Jack thinks that it is all fun and games. Another example of bulking in the book is when nobody listens to piggy because they don’t care about his ideas on anything there just pushing him to the side. One example of physical bullying is when Roger is fighting piggy and “accidentally” push pigg off a cliff that caused piggy to die. So, this is an issue in the world today and it needs to be stopped.

In my essay I was trying to show how bullying can be really harmful to people. Also this was explaining some of the reason why William Golding put this in the Lord of the Flies book to make this an awareness  it’s around the world.

Golding, Williams. Lord of the Flies. New York: Penguin, 2006.

“What Is Bullying.” StopBullying.gov, www.stopbullying.gov/what-is-bullying/index.html

MP1 Art Blog and Artist's Statement

  1. Tell your reader what printmaking is and why it is important.

Printmaking is the activity or occupation of making pictures or designs by printing them from specially prepared plates or blocks. Printmaking is important because of the use of there unique techniques.

  1. Use the research about printmaking you did last class. Explain to the reader why the invention of printmaking was revolutionary and why it is so important.

The invention of printmaking was revolutionary because it was a art form, that made many artists famous and it became a way for artists to produce multiple copies.

  1. Find a print that interests you. Download a copy of the print, upload the print with credits to your blog.

Image result for printmaking designs

  1. Tell why you find the print artistically interesting.To properly tell about the print you chose.

This print interests me artistically behind I am thinking of it in multiple views. I see this print as someone reaching for success or for help. When I think of it as someone asking for help I vision abuse and they are getting beating, the victim is just reaching out.

5. Use - I notice... I wonder… What if… to explain how you think about the work of art.

I notice that that the hand has marks all over it. When I see these marks I wonder if the artist made it in a sketchy way or in a way to see that it been through a lot of physical pain. What if the hand was painted solid, meaning all black. Will it tell a different story and having me wondering other things.

Printmaking-Lincoln Murray

Printmaking is the method of printing an image or scriptures into a block of material. Printmaking dates all the way back to the 1st century. Printmaking revolutionized information spread because it allowed people to mass distribute images, scriptures, currency, or artwork. The 3 main processes of printmaking is: lithography, relief printing, and intaglio printing. 
by : Stephen Alcorn
by : Stephen Alcorn
This print was made by Stephen Alcorn. I found this on google and like how complex it is. I enjoy the color scheme and how it is used to show racial unity. I notice that this print has lines going to the center of the image, possibly used to emphasize the handshake. I wonder why the choice of a printed frame was used instead of a regular frame. What if the frame is used to show the importance of the image, possibly relating it to a family portrait that would be hung on a wall which many people value.

Negative/positive space cut out - Cameryn Roach

1. Negative space is just the area that surrounds the main focus or object in a drawing or painting. 
2. I found the negative space in my cut out by looking to see what part of my image should go on the left or the right to complete the image. 
3. It helps an artist to see in negative space so that it could expand the way they think of art and it could influence how their own artwork comes out. 
4. Seeing in negative space does enhance drawings because, for example, even though your goal might be to make a house it gives the viewers a different way of viewing the house. 
Screenshot 2018-04-29 at 4.35.25 PM
Screenshot 2018-04-29 at 4.35.25 PM

Hasciya Austin// Negative space cut-out

 A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative space is the opposite of positive space while positve space is th e main focus of the image, negative space is the background oof the image.

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

I found the negative space by putting the backgroud of the yellow onto the read, and seeing that red is more prominate color, I knew that it was the negative space.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps define the boundaries of the image, which allows the artists to find balance withing the image

D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

Yes, It gives more of a 3D effect, which  I think is nice to look at

Isabela Curtin Week 3 - Day 2 - blog - negative/positive space - cut out

A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative space is used to make a stencile. This stencil is used to make and copy art. By using a combonation of black and white you are able to ad realiam to the prnt.

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

Basivly I cut out the light parts on one side and vive versa. Then I  copied onto one sheet of paper

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

If an artis seen in negative space it helps define and add compistion to a peice of art.


D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

Yes because you are able to make your picture look more 3D.

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Screenshot 2018-05-02 at 9.48.23 AM - Edited

Art Negative Space-Rene Hart

Negative space is when the outline of an object is lighter or darker than the background. In my picture, the object's outline is pink while the background is black. This helps to make my object the center of attention in the whole picture. Negative Space makes a drawing easy to focus on because there are two colors that contrast theirselves.
art negativespce

Negative Space

Negative space is the space around the subject, created by the background.

I found negative space by putting orange as the object on the left side, then made orange the background on the right half, creating an image in negative space.

It helps to see in negative space because it opens more possibilities and hidden images that otherwise could not have been seen.

It does because it provides an extra layer to drawings. It makes the drawing much more 3-Dimensional (figuratively).


Negative Space Cut out

 A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)
Negative space is the space between and around an object

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

I found the negative space in my cut out, by looking at the two different colors and cutting them out. 

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps an artist to see in negative space because it allows them to make a different focus for the image that they are trying to create.

D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

I think that seeing in negative space enhances drawings you get to see the object from not just one perspective, but from many different perspectives.

What is Printmaking

Printmaking has been a form of art for thousands of years.
Lithography was invented by Bavarian author Aloys Senefelder in 1796 but printmaking itself originated in China after paper was invented around AD 105. Another type of printmaking is relief printing.Relief printing is done with carving while other printings are done on the surface.It is less modern because paper was invented a little bit after relief printing. Other methods include things like oil and water which is more complicated than relief printing. Printmaking was a revolutionary invention because It allowed people to make copies of art and have access to move it around.And also allowed for the creation of high-quality printed books. A huge factor in the establishment of a community of scientists who could easily communicate their discoveries through widely disseminated scholarly journals.

Here is an example of printmaking that was made in Japan...
Screenshot 2018-04-27 at 10.14.28 AM
Screenshot 2018-04-27 at 10.14.28 AM
This print was made by Hiroshige, the last Japanese master printer in the 19th century and died in 1858. This piece of art is presenting an ocean with huge waves about to wash the boats with people of both ends of the boats. I feel like this is very proportional to the colors. The background is a black and white with a small looking mountain but there is an ocean in front of it. It seems that the ocean was added to bring in life and color which might symbolize the importance of oceans in the Japanese culture. This is a very creative way to express complimenting colors and there might even be a story behind this print.

I Notice...

- Printmaking can be done in colors; there aren't many rules on how it should be.

-They tell stories in one captured moment.

I Wonder...

- How the inventor got this idea of printmaking

- If printmaking was harder to do then than now due to fewer resources

- What people used before printmaking

​What If...

- People created a technique different from printmaking in more modern ways. Would people be just as hype about it?

-Where printmaking was made was made in a different location with a different culture.

Negative Space

Untitled document (1)
1. Negative space is the space between, around, and within an object. For example, the picture above is that of a blue bird, and the negative space of it is all the black around it. The way the two work together allows people to see the different viewpoints of pictures 

2. I found negative space in my picture by looking at two colors in the bird. From there I was able to cut out all of one color on both sides of the paper. So if you were to fill in either side with it's missing color it would like the same as it did before 

3. It helps on artist to see in negative space because it allows them to the many different viewpoint of any drawing. In doing so it can also make a picture look better or look more appealing 

4. I would say that negative space does enhance drawings because it can show parts of drawings that may not have been before i it were to stay the same 

Negative space cut out

Negative space is the space around drawing creates a shape which makes the art relevant. How I found negative in my cut off is when I outlined the drawing by cutting it I placed on another construction paper and when I placed the cut out on the paper you could see what it conveys. Negative space helps artists to see negative space to see the positive space and balance the composition. Seeing negative space enhances your drawing so you could create good artwork and know how to balance the space. 


Negative Space cut out reflection

1. Negative space is the background of a drawing. Everything that is not the focus of the drawing.
2. I found negative space by cutting out the original house and then looking at the left over space.
3. They can see what their shape is with just an outline and if they can't do that they may want to change their shape.
4. No it does not. I think from a viewers perspective the art remains the same in negative and positive space.                                                  

Cutout- Kayla Kelly

A)It is everything outside of the shape. Like the owl the negative space is outside the lines of the owls, the owl had a line in the shape of the owl, and there alike than a space inside the owl's wings.
B)well there was black and white shapes on the bird, and I saw regular negative space of outside the thing but I also saw the same color on the inside of the wing.
C) because it cuts out everything outside the object, like the owl it has blue on everything on the right and there is green wing shape and then on the inside of the wing there is more blue
D)Yes because now I can really relate the shape of things when I don’t pay attention to other things like details I can focus on the shape, like the owl I saw every curve and eyes and the wings and everything.

Negative/positive space - cut out-Sukainah Hasan

unnamed (12)
unnamed (12)
Negative space is the space around a picture. Negative space forms a specific shape. For example, let's say that you are drawing a tree. In order for it to be negative space, you are seeing how the tree forms or how it's created. This is important, because it helps people understand what makes a tree, an actual tree. I found negative space in my cut out by cutting out what's on the outside of the tree, instead of the inside. Seeing in negative space enhances drawings by it being an example of how to actually draw what you are trying to draw.   

MP1 Art Blog and Artist's Statement: Brooke

Printmaking is the process of producing multiple images. Prints are created from a single original surface, known technically as a matrix or a plate. Prints are multipliable, easy to transport and exhibit. Printmaking is important because of its unique techniques. This invention reduced the cost to reproduce printed material, and as such, its creation was one of the most influential events of the second millennium. Printmaking was revolutionary because it was an easier way for artists to express their art. It is also a way to duplicate their artwork without having to redo it.

This painting shows two koi fish that are swimming in a circle. These two fish represent Yin and Yang or La and Tui. One fish is black with a white circle and the other one is white with a black circle. The artists creates space by having the fish swim apart from each other. There are lines that outline the fish and tiny details. I think that this drawing is about Yin and Yang or La and Tui. La and Tui are two spirits that took the appearance of fishes and the same with yin and yang. I think that this is a good drawing because the artist really adds in good details. They also did really well with drawing the water splashes.

I noticed that the artist added in a lot of details for the fish scales.

I wonder if the artist was just drawing it because it would look nice, or if there is suppose to be a deep meaning.

What if there is a deep meaning behind this.

Staley, Sarah. “Kunst.” Pinterest, 18 Dec. 2017, www.pinterest.com/pin/752241943982061744/.

Negative Space!

Negative space is the part of the picture that surrounds the “main focus” or the object in the picture. This is also called the background. The subject of the picture is the main thing you can see and has the “biggest” part in a picture. This artwork basically points out the negative and the positive space within the picture.

I found negative space in my cut out by seeing that there are two parts in the simple bird picture. I looked at the contrast between the two colors and saw that the negative space and the “positive” space can be opposite on both sides. I then cut the two papers accordingly to get my end result.

This helps see an artist in negative space because there are no details. It’s only solid pieces and two colors. You can still see what the image is without all the details. Also, since it’s like a mirror image and the colors are reverse, you can see how one part could be either negative or positive no matter how you switch it up.

I don’t think seeing negative space “enhances” drawings. It doesn’t show off the details, if anything it eliminates the details. It almost makes the picture “solid” because you’re only using two colors. You old see the object of the picture and the background (negative space). If anything, negative space makes the picture much more simple.



Negative Space Cut-Out

Negative space is the space around a picture or photo that surrounds it. In this cut out I found negative space by seeing the different areas between my house and the background. For example the fence and the clouds are examples of negative space because it surrounds the house. This is important because it helps an artist to see negative space, it can give you a new perspective and help you understand a piece of art better. Seeing negative space can enhance drawing because it creates a new aspect of the drawing that you haven't seen before. For example in my cutout you see two sides to one picture but it’s created using negative space.

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IMG_1117 (1)

Printmaking-Brielle Thompson

Relief printing appeared in Europe in the 15th century when printmaking was imported from the East. The development of printing continued with the spread of Buddhism from India to China; images and text were printed on paper from a single block.Woodcuts are the oldest method of printmaking. They were first developed in China in the 9th Century. Printmaking was invented after paper around AD 105. Printmaking originated in China. Printmaking is believed to have been invented by Daniel Hopfer. Intaglio is when the ink is pressed into the etched lines while wiping the remaining ink off the surface. Relief printing is when the ink sits on the surface and not in the grooves. The main differences between both the intaglio and the relief is that they are basically the opposite of each other. Printmaking is still being used centuries after it was invented. Graffiti is a type of printmaking and that is very popular in today’s life.

This is a example of printmaking. I chose this picture because it shows a lot of emotion. It looks simple but the way the artist used little features on the face to show the sadness in the women's face.