I learned that the shape, color, value, and form is important if you're trying to design a good slide. The color is important because it contrasts the font color with the background color. The shape of the picture includes space. You don't want your pictures to be too big to fill up all the spaces or form a cluster. The value and form is the height or width of the pictures. It's also the different tone of color, darkness and light of your pictures.
I made these changes because I realized that the background should be a little lighter so the black would be more eye catching. I changed the ukulele to a different color because I realized that most of my pictures are black and white, it wouldn't be balanced if I used a different color of picture. I switched up the pictures so the all black pictures wouldn't be all together on one spot.
The research that I did helped to create a better slide because it gave me different examples. It showed me how the fonts size and different shade of color for your background is important. Some of the sources that I used to create this slide was to figure out the vocabularies that were part of the websites. I also used multiple examples from the websites to figure out how to make a good slide. The websites were, Presentation Zen, Slide Design Link, and Elements of Design Defines. In conclusion, it showed me the differences of size fonts, background color and more.