I am who I am

Screenshot 2016-12-01 at 10.09.26 AM
Screenshot 2016-12-01 at 10.09.26 AM
My obsessions are a of part of me. The color represents the two sides of me the dark and light, black and white.  First i thought to myself what i love to do that i actually do all the time. By that i mean i like to hike but i barely ever hike. In my slide i have pictures of makeup brushes. This is to cover up the parts of me i'm not at ease with. Next to the bushes i have a clothing rack i love clothing i have a endless amount i love how it lets me express myself and my outfit can match my emotions and mood. They let me feel safe beyond my bedroom. It's my own suit of armor my protecter against haters, and i feel safe. I consider my social media to by my solders. I fight my angels and my enemies on it in silence. On the left one of my deepest fears and weaknesses. I have a mental disability called dyslexia, technically it's not a disability but everyone treats it like a disability so i am starting to believe it is. Its one of my biggest insecurities. You'll see in the middle i have a treble clef which is used in music. Music is in the middle because it's there it matches my moddss and i feel a connection. I love to be involved with music i could not live with it. When i'm happy i listen to the sound, when i'm sad i understand the lyrics. When i can't seem to find a song to make me feel myself, i'll make my own music and sing. Thats why im in choir. My fears are my addiction and my fears make up me.

Media fluency

One slide work (1)
Hello everyone its very nice to meet you, My name is Ivan and I hope you find my slide very unique like me. You will probably wonder why I chose to fill it head to toe with images and not much color and I made the text box red and the text white because I wanted it to stick out. That is because I focused more on finding things that I think show me. First I want to explain the cyanide and happiness this is to show that I love to make jokes and that I am a funny guy. That was not my original idea I was trying to find something appropriate and still funny but the only thing I could find was that. The big thing you all must be wander is ‘’ why does he have a giraffe in his slide ? ’’ this is because has a joke my parents like to call me a camel or giraffe because of how tall I am and I’ve learn to love it and accept it as how I am viewed by my parents and love them for it. Because it shows where I got my humor from. Then to the right of it ( or left I don’t know when I present this ) is one of my most favorite comic books the DEATH of SUPERMAN. It’s my favorite because Superman is my #1 hero and reading the comic really made me sad to see him go out. But he was taken down by someone who beat him with only strength and no brain the unkillable, death personified, the man the legend DOOMSDAY. He is also my most favorite villains for killing Superman and being known for being a danger to all EXISTS. The Xbox is there because that's what I like to play on ( I’m not a micro fan I like both the playstation and Xbox I just play on my Xbox more ). Next to it is one of my new favorite game to play ‘’DOOM’’. It’s the best action game I ever played with battling demons, having crazy power ups that change the fight to your favor. But the very best part is gruesome satisfying finishers you can do when they are stunned. The final thing I want to address is the three things from anime that I added to the slide. I did this because I like to watch anime for the imagination put into the shows and the fun characters and story. But importantly the fights. I’ll quickly talk about dragon ball super, It’s a continuation to the dragon ball z series and is really good and is expanding the lore of the series, Next is the pink bomb itself ‘’KILLER QUEEN’’. It comes from a show called jojo’s bizarre adventures and is a ‘’stand’’ which is a invisible partners curtin people have and have crazy abilities. His move is pretty crazy it is able to turn anything it touches into a bomb and set it off with a switch in its left hand. Later it's able to set back time for a hour and with help of another ‘’stand’’ able to make air nukes I am not even joking. The last one is from a very dark anime called berserk and it's like game of thrones but before game of thrones was made and been going on for a long time. The image is of the main protagonist in his Berserk armor which makes him faster and stronger but it doesn't heal him is keeps him from falling apart and could kill him if he's not to careful. That was my slide and I hope you found it fun and interesting.

Jays Media

Why my design

I choose this design because I wanted my slide to be like one of those collage billboards. You know the the billboards that have multiple pictures about one subject or product. I was try to show the aspects of my life. I wanted pictures that could reach the viewer and give them something to relate to. I was trying to use glance media and catch your eye and make you a little interested in my slide. Now looking back at my slide I wish I would have done closer research on design instead of just listening to my peers and and using only a fraction of the billboard designing ideas from the     http://www.presentationzen.com/presentationzen/2008/08/learning-from-the-design-around-you-ikea.html . I could have made this slide way better. I could have used more pop and eye catching colors and changed the color of my font so that everyone can see also my images.

Media Fluency- Madison Siegel

Hey Red Stream! As you can see this is my slide. My dad, My school, and my job show important things in my life. My dad is the most important person in my life. My school is where I am trying to become successful. Then my job is where I’m trying my best to save up money for when I’m older. I decided to have a rainbow background so it sticks out, and is out of the ordinary. I have My dad, My school, My job because it doesn’t give too much information, but just enough to get a person interested. I reflected my slide off of my Me Magazine I created in English in the beginning of the school year. I learned how to make my slide interesting from http://www.presentationzen.com/presentationzen/2008/08/learning-from-the-design-around-you-ikea.html. They taught me how to make it interesting. One thing I learned was to have the words pop. Another thing I learned was to make it like an advertisement. Well here’s my slide Red stream! Have a great day.
Untitled presentation

My Media fluency

Niya Petty


Why did I make my slide the way I did? Well I can start by saying I don’t really make things like this so this being my first time doing this was a little interesting. First it was the pictures. I knew it was based on the project we did in English which was the “ Me magazine”, and that was mostly was about me and what interests me. So first i wanted to put some pictures of myself because if i didn’t do that, people wouldn’t know that it was about me and just be confused from the start. So instead of one picture, I choose two pictures that I liked of me and put that onto my slide. Another thing that you will see that is on m slide is the make up. This connects to my passion for beauty. In my “Me magazine I also included some beauty tips if anyone was interested and just for the fun of it. I also talked about my mom. That explains why I got a quote off of the internet that says “ I love my mom.” My last picture with the tree explains the weather change because I wonder why we have seasons and I say some of my thoughts in my project that I did. Enjoy.

Untitled presentation (1)

My Media Fluency

Media Fluency (2)

I made the slide look like this because it decorates it with the pictures that have my passions which gives clues or hints to the audience, so they know what I like, for example I included a picture of a drawn flower, which shows my passion of drawing, and a picture of a mannequin, and designer tools, and the words shown in big letters saying “Fashion Designer” next to it, which shows my passion, and my dream career of fashion designer. I included warm/light colors for the background and the words, to make it eye catching, and to show my favorite colors. I learned from the sites that you have to make it visual so it could be understood when seen. Make type big, or size so people could see it big, nice and clear without any problems, I also included my favorite fonts. Empty space so the background could be shown and make it simple and professional. Have a visual theme, I only included a few basic colors, that would look good with the background, and design.

Media Fluency

Black hole  (3)

Mamadou Samassa

Based on the research I’ve done on slide creations I learned that many element must being incorporated together to have the best of slides. I will start off by explaining the lines, it is very essential to have lines that demonstrate a symmetrical character in what you are doing so people that have visual component of your work. The visual elements include shape,form,value,space,color,texture. Something I learned was that whenever you are trying to show your highlight of your slide make it big and it will add contrast ”Contrast gives you a lot of flexibility with text, backgrounds, and object¨. “You cannot get large enough” and remember that you should play around with physical shapes have fun! and then we have the elements of art which are: rhythm,balance,emphasis, gradation, harmony, variety, and movement. Also play around with repetition “the best story tellers will repeat the same line throughout a story to build  senses of familiarity, of excitement” “Slides are no different”. I made the slide look the way it does because it shows my personality and how I’m in the dark all alone in space with nowhere to go, surrounded in a empty space of darkness. “Make it visual” understood and remembered “One slide one point” Don’t be afraid to tell your visual story over many frames”Empty space” It could be a good thing, take a chance. Let tell you sometimes in life you must take chances so that way you learn from your mistakes. Pay attention to the design of it.I also made this slide look the way it does because it shows the questions people have about the world we live in and if there is any other life out there, because so many people believe it is impossible that we are the only living being because we are only one galaxy out of billions. I was influenced by this decision when I had countless amounts of questions about the universe, the voyager makes me always think about the day it will be found by another civilization and they will get to learn about our languages and lives on earth. I heard that the one language every world in outer space knows is Math and this will be the way we will communicate with the other world if there are any.

Media Fluency

I used contrast to make my images and writing stand out. My pictures bleed off the page making it easier to see because they are bigger and your eye travels toward the bigger things first. I used a lot of open space to make it easy on your eyes. There is also not too much information because otherwise it would be too crowded.

tech bilboard  (2)

Media Fluency


Media Fluency Script

Why did you make it look the way it does?

I made my slide the way it looks so I could involve different colors, texture, and value to the slide. I also had some rhythm which is the principle of design that indicates movement.  I wanted to make it visual and to have one slide with one point, make the font bigger, and contrast whether it's in shape, color, or size. I believe this assignment should not be overwhelmed with information but a billboard with certain qualities of a street billboard. I decided to make mines funny because a billboard should be very memorable. As I have stated, I wanted to provide a visual demonstration of my message. It may seem a little odd and irrelevant to my magazine, but it actually shows a common message throughout my Me magazine slide which was to “Never never never give up!”


I asked myself this question, “What phrase would show a complete overview of my magazine article?” I decided to make a funny memorable slide and display my idea regarding my me magazine in within one line. I made 3 different slides so I could decide which of the 3 was the best one.

What influenced your decision making?

I was considering applying a lot of unneeded information. But since we are required to include one single phrase, I decided that never never never give up would be a cool memorable way of showing a quick overview of all that I'm trying to communicate. It’s very difficult to come up with one single phrase to explain and entire magazine of myself. I also wanted to make it more memorable amongst others so they would understand the idea. The small mouse was escaping the danger coming his way from the cat that was going to attack him.

Media Fulency

Technology Assignment - Slide (1)

What describes me the most ? Am I going for my girly side, or should I pick my athletic side? This is a tough decision because both traits are a big part in my life. My girly side sets the first impression for everyone, which is important. On the other hand, sports is my biggest passion. I love the feeling of being “fit”. For my slide I chose to incorporate both traits.

Black Sparta Management has my name written all over it. This is the boxing gym that I go to. In my “Me Magazine” I wrote a lot about boxing and all the great people I met through boxing. Boxing is a big part of my life, It built me into the person I am today. Boxing taught me to not hold back. For my slide I chose to have have the main focus be “Black Sparta”. I chose the font to be 96 so that the people's eyes immediately go towards it. Black would be the best color because it’s dark so you can see even from long distances and it shows the boldness.  

Now for the hint of girliness I decided to set a pink background for “Black Sparta”. I chose to do this because it added color to my slide and added contrast. I didn’t want it to be completely plain because then it wouldn’t be attractive. For a mixture of both traits, on the left, bottom corner I inserted a small picture of a female fighter in the color pink. This way whoever sees my slide can understand what “Black Sparta Management” is. Also next to the image I added a quote so that people would actually read it. Not too long, not too short. In my slide “Management” is placed under “ Black Sparta” just because to me it didn’t look right next to “Black Sparta”. But I made sure to italic it because that way people know that it’s important too, not just a random piece.    

Media Fluency

Tech Q2-Bradley Gutierrez de Teran

Kai Bradley Gutiérrez de Terán

Green Stream

Tech-Ms. Hull

December 2, 2016


Making my slide was a hard process. I made 11 rough drafts of different slides before I chose this one. My slides varied from motivation, social justice, police brutality, government surveillance, baking, me getting into SLA, and me moving to Philly. It was confusing and hard figuring out how to fit as much as I could from my “Me Magazine” and, at the end I decided to do something about moving to Philadelphia from Albuquerque and getting into SLA.

After looking at different pictures and drawings, I found a backdrop of the Philadelphia skyline and decided to use it. I put it into Pixlr Editor so that I could keep only the skyline and make the rest transparent but I encountered a problem: Pixlr Editor did not let me keep the buildings, it only let me keep the sky, which had the out print of the buildings, and, to solve this problem, I thought that if I edited it a bit I could make it work. I made the skyline purple, put it on a slide, and decided to contrast it with the background of the slide and, naturally and following the color circle, I made the background yellow. After looking at it for a bit, I felt that something was wrong but I did not know what it was and decided I would let it rest. The next day I asked for some opinions from friends, which was a good idea the main thing that stuck out to me was that I should make the contrast stronger. I then edited it some more to make the purple darker to contrast the bright yellow. I was satisfied with the skydrop but I knew I needed to add more to the slide.

I wanted a photo of me in the slide and chose a selfie I took in Cape May last autumn, and started to edit it in order to make the background transparent -when I say transparent I mean that part of the background comes through the picture. I chose to have it this way because it showed most of my face. This was a good choice because when I showed it to people they wanted to look back at it, finding it interesting and cool.

Since I already had incorporated Philadelphia into the slide I decided I wanted to put SLA in too. As I looked online at the different logos of SLA I decided to go with this one because it was appealing and simple. I put it into Pixlr Editor and decided to get rid of the white, which was inside the circles, and I made that area transparent. I then put in in my slide and realized that to make a bigger contrast I needed to change the color of the flames, which I did from white to orange. I made the adjustments and then put it on the slide.

Once the graphics were done, I had to decide what to write and in what font. I already knew that I was going to put something about moving to Philadelphia and how and when I got into SLA, but I had to find the words and make it short. I decided to go with “[place] got Kai in [year]” because it was short and straight to the point. I had some trouble finding what words to use to say how I got into SLA and decided that I should make it like a math equation because it was simple, used few words and delivered a clear message. I decided to use the “Frijole” font because, as you can see, the Philadelphia skyline has a graffiti/street art look and “Frijole” went the best with it, giving it what I think is an appealing texture. I decided to make the letters the same color as the skyline so there would be harmony.

When I was moving things around I decided to put the photo of me and the SLA logo on opposite ends so there would be a balance and it would be nearly proportional.  I hope that this explained everything about my slide and why I did it that way. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them. Thank you for listening to my presentation, I hope you enjoyed it.

Celiac Disease

Science: Celiac disease is a serious genetic autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It’s an autoimmune disease where people can not digest wheat, oats, rye, and barley. When a person with celiac eats gluten they may get: Anemia, usually resulting from iron deficiency,Loss of bone density (osteoporosis) or softening of bone (osteomalacia), Itchy, blistery skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis), damage to dental enamel, mouth ulcers,Headaches and fatigue, nervous system injury, including numbness and tingling in the feet and hands, possible problems with balance, and cognitive impairment, Joint pain, Reduced functioning of the spleen (hyposplenism), Acid reflux and heartburn, Stomach aches, or sometimes have none of these.

Society: It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide. Two and one-half million Americans are undiagnosed and are at risk for long-term health complications. So many people have it and don’t even know it. The people who have it and don’t know it cause they don’t get symptoms health gets affected in the long run and great chances or having death threatening diseases.

Self: When I was younger years old I would always get stomach pains and no one knew why. I had them worse when I was 9 so they took me to the hospital and could not figure out what was wrong so they sent me to a G.I doctor and ran a bunch of test and it turned out I had celiac. It sucked at first to get use to since it was uncommon and not many knew about it. Once I got use to it, it became easier as I got older and turned out to be not so bad. Also as I got older more restaurants and places are coming out with more gluten free options. I think it's cool how people with celiac disease has a better chance of living longer in terms of health then an average person.


Beyond Celiac. "Celiac Disease Research News." Beyond Celiac Research. Beyond Celiac, 2016. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. <http://www.beyondceliac.org/research-news/>.  

Mayo Clinic Staff Print, Mayo Clinic. "Celiac Disease." Overview - Celiac Disease - Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, 17 Aug. 2016. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. <http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/celiac-disease/home/ovc-20214625>.

Dharmesh H. Kaswala, Gopal Veeraraghavan, Ciaran P. Kelly and Daniel A. Leffler *. "Celiac Disease: Diagnostic Standards and Dilemmas." MDPI. The Celiac Center, Division of Gastroenterology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA, 16 June 2015. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. <http://www.mdpi.com/2079-9721/3/2/86/htm>.

Shaheed W. : Media Fluency

Tech-Media Fluency (2)

First thing that one would notice is the color of the slide. I learned that the colors were supposed to be eye appealing. I learned that contrast and space have something to do with colors.As a result, I thought of the most common favorite color which is blue. There’s other colors like white and dark blue, to add a little variety without the slide being too colorful. I also made the font huge so that everyone in the room could be able to read my slide. The font I chose was Roboto and made the color white to be able to read easily. I am passionate about English Language Arts and I like to write. That is the reason why I inserted a poem that I made.

Cheatley's World

The Internet Control (2)
The reason I wrote about The Internet Control is because of how big of an thing it is in the real world. The control the internet has over the world is huge. Almost all of America has internet in their house and business. Most of the current generation is consumed by daily internet. I want to show people the dangers and perks of having the internet and just understanding the risks. 

Slide Presentation

Kennedy (1)

When first assigned the media fluency slide presentation I had some pretty good understanding of what could be a job well done. Unfortunately, as I opened a fresh slide to express my thoughts in a presentation I couldn't start.  I knew the way I had things visioned I would be breaking guidelines for the best ways to create a presentation. For example: In the Presentation Zen learning site I’d be avoiding the second rule, “one slide, one point.” Since my, Me Magazine scanned over some key detail things about my life, I thought to just incorporate everything that shapes Kennedy. Clearly that point created a setback, so I waited. Then I thought why not choose my passion I wrote about, it’s the center of my world and it’s dancing.

To create this slide I thought of a simple title, Kennedy’s World. Only because dancing is literally my world it’s the most time consumed part of my life, next to school of course. So, then I made title big, to match how big it’s apart of my life. Making words in presentations big is something both, Presentation Zen and Zach Holman discuss. Zach Holman also talks about how letters can even act as “visually interesting shape,” which explains the stretched, different looking font in the title. There is a contrast between the background and subject. One is on top of the other, which may describe importance. Final photo composition techniques added includes, symmetry. I centered everything to make it more appealing to the eye.

Media Fluency

Media Fluency- Tech Siarra C
I decided to make my board pop. I describe my personality to be wild and composed at the same time. My board has a bit of craziness, but it gets my point across, which is me. The things I decided to put on my board is everything I describe myself to be or to do in my free time. I really like the effect or gif I added , because it makes my board more noticeable. When I did my research I learned that certain things like color make people notice it more. I choose to add color but also an effect to make it stand out to people. This also relates to “glance media”, which is it must be understood by just taking a simple glance at. I wanted to get the points of the billboard across without a lot of words. It mostly contains pictures that have a word that may describe the harder to see things. My board has more of a visual theme going on. If I put everything I do in words it would take to long so they pictures give enough information to leave a person thinking about it.

Media Fluency

Google slide for tech (2)

I made the slide like that because I was told it had to be about us so I took an image of what I love to do, playing video games. My reason why I chose the image does not matter and is not what this script is mostly about. The script is mostly about why I chose to design the image as it is. It has a bunch of color because as stated from one of the research pages we were allowed to go to “Color is the very first thing people will notice.” after reading that I took a bunch of text boxes and colored the background. I wrote what the picture means to me in big letters because that was also one of the statements from the research pages to not be a wimp and use big letters. I made below the big letters another line that is very small because I am quiet almost all the time so I wanted it to match me as well but the ! marks are way big so to me it seems I’m screaming my frustration to the world. I didn’t chose an image to “bleed” because if I did it would hide the name of the games and I didn’t want that. We are allowed to only change the slide after we post the scripts and slides on SLATE but I don’t know what to change if given the chance.

Zivia- Media Fluency

Media Fluency Slide- Zivia
I wanted my slide to be aesthetically pleasing and simple. To accomplish this goal, I focused mainly on the text and color, leaving out images and other types of decorations that might be distracting. As for the lessons from the various sites and videos, I used the Rule of Thirds, Contrast, Large Text, Bleeding and Empty Space. For the Rule of Thirds, I found myself placing my hands on the screen to make sure the main points of my text hit a crossing in the grid. The “i’s” in my name border the two horizontal lines, while the longer lines of descriptive text right are placed on the vertical lines of the Rule of Thirds grid. In terms of “contrast and color,” I used a color scheme generator to find a visually pleasing scheme with a very dark color and light color which then blended into a purple sunset. To add contrast to this smooth movement of color, I placed the same colors in the background, in an actual sunset, but set off slightly to make the main words pop, such as the bright yellow with the overall part. Lastly, I wanted a sense of movement for my slide, so making it look like the sunset was bleeding off the page-- to use presentation zen’s words-- was important. To create this bleeding feeling, I used a simple drawing program called Sumopaint to make a rolling blur of various colors. Overall, I’m really happy with the final design.

Media Fluency

Me In a Nutshell
Me In a Nutshell

This is my slide. I chose to make the background yellow because yellow is my favorite color, and it gives the slide a soft-looking appearance. Here I wrote about a few of my interests and/or “likes”. Notice how I underlined Likes. I did this so it would add emphasis. If I were to leave it like the rest of the words, it would be hard to tell that that’s the aspect of the slide that I’m trying to focus on if that makes sense. I feel like this is a great way to describe who I am because it lists things that I enjoy. I decided to use a nice readable font because it gives the slide a simplistic vibe and balances out with the yellow. Now I have a list of a few of my hobbies. This reveals a lot about me because it shows what kind of things I like to do outside of school. I included this photo of me of me because I think it’s a nice picture and it flows with the rhythm of the slide while also adding contrast to the soft yellow with some bold colors. My slide is very calming in texture yet bold overall.

Media Fluency

-ME magazine- slide (2)

This is the slide that I created to represent who I am, and it took much adjusting to get it visually pleasing, and to make it understandable at a glance media. I wanted to demonstrate an implied line with the water-line, right where the water meets the trees in the image to the left. I also chose the image because it shows great depth within the space, because my body is centered in the middle-ground and makes it seem like there is a lot more both beyond and in front of me. As well as this, I wanted my body to be highly defined against the trees and water. I then tried to emphasize my use of space by presenting an image on the left of the slide, and large words on a white background to the right. Color was a large aspect of my slide design, because value is seen within the light blue hue of the water, and the dark green hue of the trees. There is also high and low intensity seen, with the contrast of a bright color of the water and a dull color of the trees. This image was the most ideal choice for the slide because it not only highlights my adventurous, care-free attitude, but it also has a strong feeling of texture among the rough-looking trees and splintered wood in the water. I chose to use small black tree drawings to contrast with the real green trees. This same contrast was also shown with the 3-dimensional shapes of the real trees and 2-dimensional shapes of the tree drawings. The real, tall trees also were a great use of form, because it enclosed a great measure of height against a smaller me. Lastly, the quote in bolded, large letters were a key element to the layout, because it emphasized the constant dreamer and explorer in me, just like the image taken of me walking through water. I chose to make the font very large, based on inspiration from the Slide Design for Developers Link. And I made the font color a nice soothing blue to go along with the color of the water. I’m pleased with this draft of my slide, because it uses all the elements of art and still shows who I am. In future edits, I hope to maybe edit the font or colors for more emphasizing. That’s all folks...hope you enjoyed my slide!

Media Fluency

I made the slide the way it looks because well, it describes exactly who I am like when I put lines connecting to one big idea which is passion. Also the values of my color is mostly light blue which generally gives a cheery and happy vibe. I added the clouds  and rainbow to show what the inside of my mind is like. I also added the charlie chaplin quote to show that I like to laugh and have a good time because,”A day without laughter is a day wasted.” Also I added shapes that are either rectangular or square to clearly identify what my passions are. The space of the slide is generally positive from having fun playing video games to getting inspiration from playing my sweet trumpet. My endnote is this I just like to get good grades and have fun.

I'm Charles Langley and I approve this message.

Tech class (7)

Media Fluency


The Slide I made gives an idea about what kind of person I am and associated with. The reason I made the slide the way it is is to grab someone's attention and leave them curious. The slide I made gives people the main idea, but the text adds a bit of curiosity. It gives how I act as a person and why I act these ways, but it gives one big point that just goes untouched. Great advertisements are the ones like movies, they give you a lot of information and a general idea, but there's always more to it. Stuff that's left unsolved that makes you want to see it. In my slide I tried to give that general idea while still focusing of who I am as a person. The way I designed my slide was to have the main attention grabbing statement be the biggest statement and be in a bright color. I also tried to arrange it by rule of threes putting it at the vertex of the top left of the middle quadrant. I also stretched and put my images at the other center vertices drawing attention to them and giving the reader something to look at and piece with the rest of the board. The only things that I wish I could improve upon would be a way for this to be remembered, something to stand out compared to others pieces or designs. The board itself is also to the point where there's to much text on it. If it was simplified keeping only one or at most two parts of the white text then it would be a more simplified board while still hopefully getting my main idea out. The problem with the slide is there is to much going on, If it was the only left half it would be a much better slide and representation with the exception of the text in the bottom left. The left shows the cool style and makes sure my main idea stands out in the biggest font that contrast to the background. The right side is unnecessary and makes the slide look cluttered and unappealing. When I make these projects about myself I regret them and always want to change them, I need to learn to just go through with things.

Media Fluency

Before I created my slides, I researched the qualities of an effective slide as well as some common elements of design. There were many elements of design that I tried to include in my presentation.  For one, I tried to use contrast to make the text pop against the background. The bright yellow and white stand out from the darker, cooler green of the background. I also tried to incorporate bleeding. The goldfish, cat, and ice cream all bleed off the slide. I incorporated symmetry with the placement of the christmas lights and text. I used big text to really bring attention to the purpose of the slide, and so it was easy to understand. I wanted to have a lighter color palate so all the colors used are bright or pastels. Next time, I would try and use the rule of 3 more, as well as add more contrast between the pictures and the background. The slide looks kind of messy, so I will use my space more effectively next time.

Untitled presentation (2)

Media Fluency

Thea Slide. (3)

For my slide, I decided to leave a lot of open space. I think this leaves a good amount of room for interpretation about who I am. This was my intention because there are so many different aspects of my personality and there is no way to describe them all. I wanted my slide to have a light value, but still have contrast. I looked through the different color schemes on colour lovers, which was a sight recommended by Zach Holman who wrote the article about Slide Design for Developers. I wanted to use my favorite colors, so I put a sunset as my background. The sunset gives my whole slide a soft texture. This is also because I love nature. I took the photo myself too, and it shows that I like photography. I used white font for my name, because this created a nice balancing with the black trees bordering the photo. I centered my name so that it was the main focus of the slide. I added the words bold and musical because I believe those are words that describe me very well. At the bottom I made the font a peach color that matches the hues in the sky, creating harmony between the black bordering the sky. I put the words “With a love of art and beauty” at the bottom because I think that describes me in a good way. I love most aspects of art, anywhere from creative writing to singing and much more. As for beauty, I appreciate the beauty in nature but also in other people, and I also care a lot about my appearance.  Overall, I believe that I told a lot about myself in one slide while still making it visually appealing and not overly-congested.

Football... Money or passion?

In the more ancient times of football, players like Diego Maradona, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Johan Cruyf, and Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known as Pelé who is considered the greatest player in the history of football. These players have been considered icons not only for their unmatchable talent on the field but for their stories and inspiration on people with similar lives where things are not given to them. That being said nowadays soccer players still remain the most praised and talked about athletes in the world of sports. However, its for a different reason, players are playing football as a job rather than for passion. As a result, money has began to ruin the world of football, not only for poorer teams, but in the FIFA organization as well.

The debate over the corruption of the football world came to light soon after the 2014 FIFA World Cup.The scandal erupted in May, with a raid on a luxury hotel in Zurich and the arrest of seven Fifa executives. All of this was conducted at the behest of the US authorities and in December, 16 more officials were charged following the arrest of two Fifa vice presidents in at the same hotel in Zurich. Former Brazil football federation chief Ricardo Teixeira was among those accused of being "involved in criminal schemes involving well over $200m (£132m) in bribes and kickbacks". Then in May the US indicted 14 current and former Fifa officials and associates on charges of "rampant, systemic, and deep-rooted" corruption following a major inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Fifa is the body responsible for running world football. It has recently been dogged by accusations of corruption, particularly after awarding the 2022 World Cup to the tiny but rich and influential Gulf state of Qatar. This is important to know because it affects the nation’s full of fans who will be expecting their team to perform, however this league simply cannot be trusted due to bribes, and behind the scene deals, no one will know for sure which team really deserves what. Does winning the most praised tournament in the world have the same sensations when you’re able to cheat your way to the top.

The World Cup is the most watched sporting event in the world, larger even than the Olympics. In 2010, 3.4 billion people watched the World Cup soccer championship, according to Forbes. The 2014 championship in Brazil was the most-watched televised event in many countries. In Germany, more than 34 million people watched the match between Germany and Argentina.World Cup matches account for nine of the 16 most-watched programs ever in Germany. In Portugal, World Cup matches are five of the top 16 TV programs ever. It generates billions of dollars in revenue from corporate sponsors, broadcasting rights and merchandising. Even the trophy itself has value of 10 million USD which doesn’t even include the fact that the trophy itself is made of 18k gold which has a value of 29k USD. Which generally means that whichever national team wins the tournament not only gets the pleasure of being praised by their nation, but another 10 million USD trophy which is ideally what the new corrupt managers aim for. These arrests and investigations cast doubt over the transparency and honesty for the process of World Cup tournaments, electing its president, and the administration of funds, including those earmarked for improving football facilities in some of Fifa's poorer members.