Printmaking: Tungsten

Tungsten was discovered by two Spanish brothers, Fausto and Juan Jose de Elhuyar in 1783 by reduction of acidified wolframite with charcoal. Tungsten has had many uses throughout its history. Tungsten was first used in incandescent light bulbs and tubes in x-rays. During World War II, tungsten was heavily involved in political dealings. Because of tungsten’s high melting point, hardness, density, and strengthening of alloys, it was a hot commodity among the axis and allied powers to make weaponry. Tungsten’s etymology is straightforward. The word Tungsten comes from the swedish words “tung” meaning heavy, and “sten” meaning stone.

My imagery derives from tungsten’s etymology. I thought I could create an interesting image by using negative space lettering and texturing.

My process started with decided on a set of images. I created three images and selected one of them. I wanted to refine the image and take it from a 2D sketch to a 2.5D impression drawing. I chose to texture the rock by pressing various objects on the rock and making impressions.

If I were to do my print again, I would refine my lettering a bit. I think it is inconsistent and could’ve been better.

I enjoyed the texturing process the most. Figuring out what objects make the coolest and most effective impressions was enjoyable.

2fer #7

Movies, books, TV shows, social media, and even walking down the street. These are all places where romantic relationships can be witnessed. Many people engage in relationships during their teenage years. Many teenagers complain about being single and wanting a significant other. Teenagers feel pressure to engage in romantic relationships due to media.

In a survey that I did amongst a group of Juniors at SLA, over half of them agreed that they have felt societal pressure to engage in a romantic relationship. Students in an environment where education should be a main priority express a feeling of pressure from their peers, social media, family, etc to have a romantic partner. Teenagers in this day and age have easy access to the internet, where romantic relationships are especially prominent due to social media pages that post pictures of ‘couple goals’ and other similar ideas of romantic relationships. Through social media it is easy to see who’s dating who, who likes who, who’s talking to who, ways to see relationships. Due to this teenagers feel pressure to fit in and engage in their own romantic relationships.

In an article written by the author writes that, “Sometimes, you may not be ready to start dating, but you feel that you have to because everyone else around you is.” A very common way that people, especially teenagers, express themselves is on social media sites such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Teenagers tend to show off the people that they’re talking to, they like to post about their emotions and how they feel about certain things. This can be a very powerful thing that can influence others feelings on certain topics. Many teenagers follow people that they idolize on social media, many of these social media famous people are teenagers themselves. When teenagers see people their age who are succeeding they feel pressure to mimic their actions to achieve their own success. One way that they might try and do that is through entering romantic relationships, especially if the person / people that they idol are in their own romantic relationships.

Kara Nesvig wrote an article for Teen Vogue about the “21 best TV show couples.” The article lists a few of the many romantic relationships that are shown on TV. She writes that, “These 20 iconic couples make us believe that love is real, even if it’s just on TV.” Almost every single teenager watches some type of TV. This shows how prominent couples are in TV shows and how it makes teenagers have a certain perception of what ‘love’ should look like. Almost every TV show or movie about highschool students has some type of love plot to it. This causes pressure on teenagers to enter their own romantic relationships because, “it’s what everyone else is doing.” By nature, humans want to fit into their environment and with their peers and if that means entering a romantic relationship, even if they aren’t ready, then that’s what they will do.

Relationships are seen everywhere nowadays, even though many teens say that they are content in not being involved in a romantic relationship they feel pressured to be in a relationship. This is due to how often teenagers are reminded of others, especially their peer’s, relationship statuses, and more oftenly the ones who are engaged in romantic relationships.

Survey done by me


The element that I did was Fluorine and its atomic number is 9. Fluorine was discovered in 1529 and in 1810 fluorine became an element on the periodic table and the person who discovered fluorine was Henri Moissan. What fluorine is used for is toothpaste to brush our teeth and sodium fluoride is used in water to prevent dental cavities. How I got the ideas of having teeth holding a toothbrush is I looked up pictures to give me ideas of what to draw and so I thought of having teeth holding a toothbrush and putting their thumbs up was a nice idea. 
How I did this process was first I drew my picture on the styrofoam and then I painted styrofoam with the color I picked. After that I put down the side with the paint on a blank paper and put another piece of blank paper on the top of it and got a spoon to have the paint print on the paper. Once I felt like it was printed I took the styrofoam plate off and then that's when it prints. Something I would've done differently to make sure it prints is to actually make sure it print good enough so everything can be on the paper. The part of the project that I enjoy the most the painting part because it was fun to print the picture on another paper. 




My element is Radon (Rn). The atomic number is 86. My element is a toxic substance that was discovered in 1900 by Friedrich Ernst Dorn. It was known as Niton until its name was changed in 1923. It is primarily obtained through radium decay. It is used in cancer treatment.

I got my idea from the toxicity of Rafon. Gas masks that filter out toxins need to be used when near Radon. So I drew a gas mask.

We researched our element and then we came up with 3 ideas. Next we copied our best idea on to copy paper and the copied it onto a foam board. Then we used paint to print it onto another paper.

If I could do anything different I would make sure my drawing and words was more indented in the foam.

I enjoyed the printing part of the project when we used the paint. It was the most fun to me and I enjoyed doing it. It was when we put paint on the foam and copied it onto paper. I liked putting the paint onto the foam the most of the entire project.

Element Print: Antimony

​I have the element Antimony. The atomic number is 51 and the symbol is Sb, which comes from the Latin word "Stibium". Antimony has no known discovery date. Antimony was mentioned in the Old Testament, as well as in papyrus in the 16th century. There is an Antimony vase in the Louvre in Paris, estimated to be 5,000 years old. It was also used in kohl eyeliner in ancient Egypt. Today, Antimony is used in some batteries, bullets, cable sheathing, and flame retardant materials. 
In my print, I chose to have a kohl eye. This was a symbol used in ancient Egypt used to represent people wearing eyeliner, which contained large amounts of Antimony. The kohl eye symbol is so intricate, yet simple. I thought it would look great in a negative space print. For my print, I first sketched my kohl eye. I then copied the design onto tracing paper. Next, I flipped the tracing paper over, then copied my backwards design onto a foam plate. After that, I rolled paint onto my plate. Lastly, I flipped the plate onto fresh printer paper and applied light pressure to the back of the plate to transfer the paint.
If I were to do this project again, I would make my atomic symbol and number a little bit more distinguishable on the design. They were both a little bit small and hard to see. I would also press all of my negative space lines in further so they could be more prominent. I enjoyed printing the most. I really liked rolling the paint and printing it onto the paper. It was a very satisfying feeling. 


Printmaking Blog Post

​    My element was palladium the atomic number was 46. Palladium has two significant roles. It is used in rings and also in catalytic converters. My options were only between the rings and catalytic converter because those are its most popular uses. And most people don't know what a catalytic converter (a component of the exhaust system) is. So, I decided to make a ring. For the process I had to first draw my idea, then I had to trace it onto print paper, which then had to be printed onto the foam. And from there I duplicated the sketch with different colors. If I were to do this again I'd probably ask for help with the foam part because I was pressing down so hard the sketch paper began to tore, but it still didn't come out the way I wanted it to. My favorite part of the project was the research aspect because it gave me an idea of what I was doing.

Printmaking Blog Post & final steps for the element print

  • What is your element? Name and atomic number
My element is beryllium and the atomic number is 4.
  • Tell the reader about your element, history, function/use and so on.
This element was used in the world wars for missiles. 
  • How did you get the idea for the imagery you chose?
I got it because I though since they used the missile eiht my element I though that would be cool and creative.
  • What process did you go through to make this print?
I drew out the symbols and letters backwards so when I print them they would turn out how you would normally read numbers and letters. Then I got the paint roller out and rolled the paint onto the my drawing. After, I put the drawing and printed it onto my paper. Lastly I tore of the extra paper and put it on a one inch boreder
  • What would you do differently if you did this print a second time?
I would make the cuts into the styrofoam deeper so the paint wouldn't go in the cuts.
  • What part of the project did you enjoy the most? Describe the step and what you liked so much about it.
I enjoyed creating the idea because I thought I came up with a good idea. Also I liked collaborating with my friends and seeing what they had made as well. 

Printmaking Blog Post & final steps for the element print

  • The name of my element is Carbon, its atomic number is 6.
  • Carbon was first found by Lavoisier in 1789. Carbon is produced everywhere around us, when combined with the element oxygen it produces carbon dioxide which we exhale out of us.
  • The image is a cycle of respiration in the world, all carbon dioxide exhaled or produced will eventually be turned into oxygen. It is a continuous cycle.
  • To make this final print, I first had to sketch the idea and research the element. Then I had to trace it into print paper which I then had to print onto foam to duplicate the images multiple times.
  • If I was given a second chance to redo this project, I would go for more detail in the drawing, carve deeper into the foam.
  • I enjoyed duplicating the final image onto paper, the peeling of the foam onto paper was very satisfying, to have an image you made be replicated was very nice.

Agent of Change 3


For my final agent of change I decided to did 3 posters that really set the mindset of how smoking is bad for every human around the world.  When I first started this project I was going to do only children but I quickly realized after some research that it is not only the children that need help, the adults also need help with smoking because I pretty sure they do not realize the extensive and everlasting damage smoking puts on your body and your pockets. So what I did to spread some awareness around my school community was to put up several different posters that depict how smoking affects you and the people around you. My first poster was a picture of the words Ńo Smoking” and below that was multiple reasons and effects smoking has on You My next poster that I made was a picture a vertical cigarette that shows the different ages( to the max of 60). For my final poster I made was a pictures of  cigarette explaining the dangers and how. I realized a lot through these past couple of months the worst of smoking and the effets aren’t just made up, they are real and I learned that from multiple MDs about smoking and the dangers. From this project I also want and have been talking to my family that smokes and sharing this information with them. I believe I should do that because It shows how much I have learned from this project and I feel as though it’s my duty and my job that I try to make a change in people lives to stop smoking to one protect their health and two stop a trend that smoking is cool and I hope that I achieve that with my posters.

1)           2)       


Quarter 4 Advanced Art Reflection

Quarter 4 Advanced Art Reflection

The first project we did this quarter was figure drawing. With a regular mechanical pencil on white 8.5 x 11 paper, I sketched 8 figures from a useful reference image site. I then chose one of the sketches to draw on large paper. I think that the final product is kind of atrocious proportionally, but I am proud of it because I never do full figure drawings. I think this project really showcases how much I need to do more of it. The second project we did this quarter was line drawings. I really liked this project. I did 6 bust portraits in different colored pens on white 8.5 x 11 paper, using continuous lines. The final product looked better with some drawings than others, but I think that the overall effect was very cool.

The third project we did this quarter was digital drawings. I made two of them using google draw. For each drawing, I used a combination of lines of my own creation and pre-made shapes. I personally like the more geometric one I made better. The fourth project we did this quarter was an illusion of space drawing. I used pencil on  white 8.5 x 11 paper. To make the illusion of space, I made a vanishing point and made all the lines go into it. I liked the cool surreal world I made with my drawing.

The fifth project we did this quarter was a texture drawing. Before my final drawing, I used a website to practice many different textures I could create with my pencil. Then, I used pencil on white 8.5 x 11 paper to make a drawing of vegetables, showcasing what I had learned about texture. The sixth project we did this quarter was value drawings. These were very fun because I had a lot of freedom with what I did. I did some fun doodles with a number of different mediums on white 8.5 x 11 paper. The seventh project of this quarter and the final project of the year was an elements of art drawing. I used color, value, line, space, and shape to make a really cool drawing. It was really fun to combine all the skills I learned to create something of my own.

anchor printmaking (reflection and explanation)

I was assigned the element Silver, which is abbreviated to Ag on the periodic table. It's atomic number is 47. 

Upon research, I learned that Silver was used across multiple civilizations through thousands of years, up to today. It has been used for silverware, jewelry, and even on the ships of explorers (I'll get to that later). Silver is a reactive element, and is considered to be a 'malleable transition element'. 

I got the idea to make my design for silver an anchor because of how the ancient Phoenicians used it. When they first arrived to Spain by ship, they found so much silver that they needed to replace the lead in their anchors with silver. 

Making the three prints you see below took graitious trial and error. First, I needed to create the design on tracing paper. I actually went through two designs. My first design was a vertical anchor, but I decided against it. Anyway, with my final design, I transferred it to tracing paper, and after that I needed to transfer the design to the foam plate, which would allow me to print my design. It was a difficult process, but I think I did well transferring the design to the plate. 

I would make a cooler design if I could do this again. I would keep the anchor, but maybe do something cooler with it? Maybe with a pirate ship! 

I loved working with my classmates, sharing the paint, and coming up with ideas to make each others designs look cool. We helped each other make a fade in the print, get more paint out of the bottles, etc. This was my favorite art project in the semester!  

Q4 Art Presentation

​Artist's Statement

This final quarter, I spent all of my time sketching to create each work of art assigned to me per week. I got my sources from either my own head and or Mrs. Hull's links to examples of the assignments. I usually chose something random, but there was a little outside influence on what exactly I chose to draw. I used a pencil, paper, and sometimes colored pencils. I learned new ways of showing an element that I had drawn before. Most of my studio time was spent on one work at a time. When I was done, I'd upload it for about five to ten minutes. I am happy that I have improved a little in my art quality this year. I recognize that hard work has gotten me to this point, not just talent.

Printmaking Blog Post

My element is Hydrogen. Its atomic number is 1, its atomic symbol is H, and its atomic weight is 1.00794u. Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe. It is a gas and is the fuel for stars that are in a plasma state. Hydrogen is one of the elements that make up carbohydrates, and it is also an important component in water.

I got the idea of making a star for my print design while I was researching my element. Hydrogen is the fuel for stars, so I thought it would be fitting for a star to be my design. I had to incorporate the atomic number and symbol, so I decided that I would put the atomic symbol, H, inside the star. I drew the H in one-point perspective and I drew the atomic number, 1, under the star.

The process of making this print took me a while. I first had the idea of making drops of water on my print due to Hydrogen’s role in making up water. I then decided to go with a star design instead. When drawing the print onto the styrofoam stencil, I initially drew my design on regularly which was a mistake. I then turned over the stencil and redrew my design backwards, so that it would show up regularly on the print.

If I were to do this project again, I would probably try and create a more complicated design in order to challenge myself. My favorite part of the printmaking process was using the rollers to cover my styrofoam stencil in paint so that I could press it onto my paper to make the print. I enjoyed this because it was a simple process, yet it ended up making beautiful pieces of art. It was very cool to see. Hopefully I will be given the opportunity to do this again sometime in the future.


Atoms & Art: Bohrium

Atoms & Art


My element for this project was Bohrium, with the atomic number of 107 and atomic symbol of Bh.  Bohrium was first discovered in 1976 at the Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia by Yuri Oganessian, and the element was confirmed in 1981 by Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Münzenber at the GSI particle  accelerator (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung) in Darmstadt, Germany. It was created by bombarding Bismuth with Chromium in both labs, but since the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) said that GSI’s discovery claim was more credible than JINR, GSI were awarded the discovery despite JINR likely discovering it first.  The element was named after Niels Bohr, a danish physicist and Nobel prize receiver in 1922 for physics, who made contributions to our knowledge on atomic structure and quantum theory. Bohrium does not have any real life uses and it has only been produced in minute quantities in particle accelerators. Little is actually known about what Bohrium other than it is a highly radioactive metal and it is solid at room temperature,  as its half-life is only a few seconds long.

The idea I got for the imagery of my element came from the knowledge that it was created in a particle accelerator, so I decided to sketch up an image of two particles colliding and creating many new particles and elements.  To print the sketch, I first needed to trace the original sketch on tracing paper, then transfer that over to the foam board backwards and essentially etching the positive space. I would then roll the paint onto the brayer and roll it onto the foam board.  Then I would place a piece of paper on top of it and apply even pressure on the paper to transfer the ink. I would occasionally lift up the corner or the side of the paper to see where more pressure was needed to be applied and then the paper was removed and left to dry.  If I were to make the print a second time, I would’ve put more texture onto the motion trails of the particles as on the print, it is just solid color. I would’ve also printed multiple colors if I wasn’t already past the printing stage by that point. I enjoyed doing the printing the most, and specifically rolling out the paint as it was satisfying to do and it was the most hands on step of the process.  

Printmaking Post

My element was gold, and it has the atomic number of 79. Gold has many uses, including being used in computers and phones because it can conduct electricity. Gold foil is used in face masks, astronauts helmets and for coating Olympic medals. Because of how old it is, it's hard to get an exact date for when the very first amount of gold was discovered, but the first recorded gold coin was used in 700 B.C. 

I chose to make a calf with lightning behind it because of the golden calf in the Bible and because gold can conduct electricity, so I made it like the lightning was reaching towards the golden calf. I didn't have a lot of other ideas, so I chose this one more out of necessity than out of anything else. In order to make this print, I dug into the plate with different screwdrivers and tools so that the lines would be deep enough. I also got a screwdriver which had a starred point, which is how I made the background.

If I did this again, I would make my lines deeper and more exact so that my prints wouldn't appear so ruddy looking. My favorite part of this project was doing the printmaking, mainly because it was fun to use the roller thing.