Amelie and the Taming of the Shrew

Amelie is a french film made in 2001 about a strange girl with an affinity for observing and playing with sand. She finds this man who is obsessed with pictures, and she starts pulling strings in order to get with him. She makes an entire scheme including pictures and cryptic messages to get to him. This is similar to Shakespeare’s Taming of the shrew in that Lucentio comes up with a similar scheme that also ends up wor Courtship is portrayed through these pieces of media in time as being all about acting like someone you’re not in order to achieve marital goals.

Negative space darwing

Negative space is the darker space in a picture or drawing.  Positive space is the lighter part in a picture or a drawing.  

How I found the negative space in my cut out is by noticing what color is darker and which color is lighter.  Then I cut out the entire picture and put it onto another piece of construction paper.  After that I I looked back at the original picture and peeled away the lighter cutouts and glued the darker ones onto the paper.  Finally I connected the lighter cut outs to the darker ones comparing them to each other.

It helps and artist to see negative space because this allows them to know where to put what kind of lines and how to shade the drawing.

Seeing negative space does enhance a drawing because you get to see it from different point of views

Negative Space Reflection

“Negative space is, quite simply, the space that surrounds an object in a image. Just as important as that object itself, negative space helps to define the boundaries of positive space and brings balance to a composition”. In my picture negative space is the background colors, it allows you to capture it from just one point of view. It allows an artist to just focus on one thing. It enhances drawing because it allows it to just pop out.

Negative Space Drawing Tree-SW

In art, negative space is the concept of creating images using the empty area of space. Space can be applied between images or on the outside of images. How I found my negative space in my drawing is viewing the darker part of the picture. When one color is darker than the other, negative space can be seen. Darker colors help artists imagine negative space because it’s easier to tell the darkness/ brightness difference. Seeing in negative space does enhance drawings because using two different brightness colors make the image “pop” making an interesting image.

Negative Space

Negative Space

​What is Negative Space?
Negative space is the area in a piece of artwork that isn't taking up space. Its the space around and between the main subject.
How did I find negative space in my cut out.
I knew where to cut the negative space out in the owl picture because of the color. The dark spots in the picture indicated it wasn't apart of the owl. 
Why does it help an artist to see negative space? Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not
negative space is a way for an object to pop out more in artwork. It offers a great level of contrast, especially in light and dark colors. 

Negative Space Reflection

What is negative space?

Negative is the extra space not being used. If you drew an image and colored it in, the negative space would be what’s not colored in or, if you drew an image and didn’t color it in, but instead colored in the outside, the colored in part would be the negative space.

How did i find the negative space in my cut out?

The positive space is what was cut out, the dark pink and the negative space is the light pink.

Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps you see the symmetry and difference between the two images

Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

I think it does depending on the image. For the one i did i could clearly see that it was a tree and it looks good. But for others, it might need shading for you to completely understand what the image is.


Negative Drawing Space

1. I see negative space as creating a mirror image. Such as, if I want to have my drawing split in two, half would be light and the other half would be dark. The dark is negative and the light part is positive.

2. The way I found the negative space was looking for the darker shaded portion of the image.

3. Artists seeing in negative space is helpful because you can create images in very different ways and forms. You can have "reverse" drawings with dark on the outside and light in the inside.

4. For me, I think it does enhance drawing. I think this because people always draw positively and seeing it in a negative form shows you can see in different views and can work with things they aren't used to.
negative drawing
negative drawing

Siarra Cummings

Negative space is the space surrounding the main picture. Like if you were to draw something the space outside of the picture is the negative space. I found the negative space in my cut out by outlining the part of the picture that I needed most. All the space I didn't need to make the picture I identified as my negative space. It helps an artist to identify the negative space so they can know what part of the picture they don't need. I think identifying negative space does enhance drawings it makes you see the parts you don't use or focus on most of the time. I think it also makes the picture look cook especially when they are right next to each other.IMG_4130.JPG

Negative Space Reflection

“Negative space is, quite simply, the space that surrounds an object in a image. Just as important as that object itself, negative space helps to define the boundaries of positive space and brings balance to a composition”. In my picture negative space is the background colors, it allows you to capture it from just one point of view. It allows an artist to just focus on one thing. It enhances drawing because it allows it to just pop out.
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Screenshot 2017-04-27 at 10

Blog 2: Negative Space

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Negative space is all of the empty space around the subject of your drawing. ​I found the negative space in my cut out by looking at the difference between the darker pink side and the lighter yellow side. Seeing the negative space can help an artist make sure their work is symmetrical. It can also help with realizing if there is a flaw in your positive space or subject of your drawing. Seeing negative space can enhance a drawing because it can make the positive space in the drawing pop out and become more noticeable.

Negative Space

Negative space is the space around the picture that is being shown. In this photo the negative space would be the pink on the left and the green on the right.

When cutting out my picture I just identified the negative space as the dark space. Technically the background of the bird.

Negative space helps the artist see the boundaries of the positive space. It was clever and creative because it lets the viewers see the object in an image.

Negative space enhances the image because the object stands out more. When the positive space is lighter than the negative space or vice versa, it is obvious to see what the object is.

Week 3, Day 2 Negative Space


Negative space is all the space that is between and/ or around the subject of image. How I found the negative space  in my cutout was looking at where I had to cut it, and I saw all the excess space that wasn’t my subject. I believe that to see negative space helps the artist see how symmetrical the drawing is. Lastly, seeing negative space is thankful for the drawing because it shows where everything is portrayed, and you can see all the small details.

Negative Space Reflection

A - The negative space is usually the darker part of the photo and it isn't the main part

B - I found the negative space by looking at the outsides and darker spaces of the drawing

C - It can help make the main focus of your art piece pop and catch eyes

D - Yes because the negative makes the positive space pop if since it tends to be darker than the positive space

Negative Space Reflection

Negative space is the darker space in images that people don't really focus on. I found the negative space buy cutting the image on the blue construction paper and put it on the red paper. Also, the blue is the negative space. Negative space helps the  artist because it makes the image stand out more. Yes, because like it makes the drawing stand out more.


Negative/Positive Space Cut-out Reflection

Negative space is the empty or open space around an object in a picture or drawing. Negative space defines and emphasises the main subject of a photo, drawing your eye to it. We use it to see shapes and sizes more effectively, and produce better composed images. Negative space is very effective. That’s because when someone looks at a piece designed with negative space, the viewer can effortlessly evaluate and comprehend the design. The viewer don’t have to work too hard evaluating the design.

I found negative space in my cut out picture by looking through the subject. I also found the negative space by paying attention to the color differences. In my cut out picture of the owl, all of the black is negative space. It help an artist to see in negative space because it is easier for them to draw or paint a subject. When they can see and recognize negative space, they can sketch everything around it so that then they have an outline. From there the artist can easily focus on details inside of the outline and finish the piece. Also, negative space gives the artist different perspectives and point of views to improve on.

Yes, seeing in negative space can enhance drawings. Seeing negative space can bring out the main subject of a drawing, especially if they were originally just blending in.

Negative Space Cut-Out Reflection

A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative space is when the image and the background forms 2 images or 1 whole image. Most common colors you could use is black and white.

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

I found negative space in my cut out as my background fills in the image itself to form the other half.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps artists to see in negative space because they can see the outline of what their drawing before they color the whole paper or use negative space to find a better image than what they originally drew.

D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not

It does enhance a drawing because you could see something different than the original image but on the other hand some people may find negative space to make a image dull.

Negative Space Reflection - Rahmir Powell

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  1. Negative space is dark spaces in pictures and drawings. It is usually the part that isn’t focused on much or shown.

  2. I found the inside dark spaces, which were darkened. Darker spaces are identified as negative spaces.

  3. When artists see in negative spaces, it makes it easier to see the positive spaces, which makes them better artists.

  4. It does because the negative spaces makes the drawings stand out. When the negative spaces are perfected, the positive spaces are perfected.

Negative Space Reflection

A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative space is the blurry part of a photograph. It’s the part of a picture that the photographer is not focusing on. It’s the stuff in the background.

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

I found the negative space in the cut out by noticing the different colors.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps an artist see the negative space because the negative space defines the boundaries of the positive space.

D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not

I think seeing in negative space does not enhance the drawing because I feel like the picture looks better seeing it in positive space.

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Negative/Positive Space Reflection

Negative space is the space between and or around the picture you are creating. The negative space in my image is the black color. I figured this out because I choose that as the color to be my negative space color. It helps an artist see in negative space because it points out the point of interest, or subject of the drawing. It enhances the picture because it makes the image stand out among others. 

Negative Space Cut-Out

Negative space is any space in a drawing where there isn't anything. It's the black area. In my cut-out, negative space is the space outside of the outline of the wings. There is the outline of the wings, and an area of wing inside. Between those two, and the background, is negative space. Negative space is important because it can show the boundaries, or outlines of the subject of the photo. Negative space definitely enhances drawings, because it's just as important as positive space. When you have negative space around a subject, it can make the subject pop by outlining it with negative space.

Negative Space

1. Negative space is the space around or between the images. It may be the most evident when the space around a subject forms an image.
2. I found the negative space looking for they part of the picture that looks farther back than the rest. I looked to see which part; either the dark or light formed the image of a tree.
3. It helps them because they are able to see all the different parts of the image that they are creating.
4. Seeing negative space does enhance drawings because it makes the main image more clear and it's easier to tell what you are actually trying to make.
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Negative space and positive space cut out

A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative space is the space around the subjects of an image. Negative space is basically the background of a photo.

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

My picture is an owl. One half of the owl is black with a yellow background and the the other is a yellow owl with a black background. Negative space is the background in both halves, but the two negative spaces are both different colors. This shows that negative space can be any color.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

Seeing in negative space can help an artist make the image focused on one thing. Negative space can be helpful for making the subject a specific size or distance away.

D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not

Yes, negative space helps bring balance to a piece of art and helps define the boundaries of positive space. The negative space makes us focus on the subject of the image, even if the majority of the picture is the background.
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Negative Space Blog Post

Negative Space A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)  

Negative space in art is the space that surrounds and fills in every part of an image that is not the focus point. For example, if there were a cat in the middle of a picture, the negative space would be the space around the cat, because the cat is the focus.  

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

The piece of art I used for my negative space cut out was a tree. To find the negative space, I had to first  find the outline of the main focus, which was the tree in this case. I cut around the tree to make the stencil. When I cut the tree out, I had two different stencils to use. I used this stencil for two different types of negative space.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?  D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not

Negative space is very useful when it comes to drawings. It shows the basic outline of a drawing, which can guide an artist when sketching. Once they get the basic picture, they can fill in more details afterwards.
