NaQuan's Refran

Es el olor

Es los vistas

Es el sabor

Es las memorias

es la dicha

es filadelfia

  • What is your refrán supposed to communicate? 
My refran is basically just listing the things that I like about Philadelphia.
  • What are you especially happy about with your first draft?
What I like most about this is that it sort of gives me a list to go off of. It gives me things that i can describe in the actual verses to make this an actual song. Also, just looking at the words gives me a basic idea of what the beat may be like.
  • What would you like to improve about your refrán first draft?
I may consider trying to shorten the number of syllables used in each line. Looking at the words, some lines have too many syllables to keep the beat flowing. I may also consider finding lyrics that go a little deeper than what I have now.
  • What was difficult about writing your refrán? 
The difficulty for me came in trying to think of words for the thing. I wasn't too worried about beat, but I was worried about coming up with a chorus that'll effectively describe where I live.


Soy de Filadelfia
de la música árabe
y la cultura francés
Soy de mi familia
Los personas Locas
 de mí

My refran is a summery about my family and culture.
I like the rhythm of my refran
I would mike to add some rhyme to the refran
Making the refran sound catchy was hard.


​Yo vengo de una ciudad.
historia, arte, y música
Mi corazón vive en ese ciudad.
Mi alma pertenece aquí.

I wanted my refrain to give an overall idea of where I'm from and how I felt living/being from there. So, I basically wanted to just write a few short lines that gives the general idea of where I'm from and make the verses go into the detail.
I like that I started using a type of figurative language. I usually find it easy to write poetry, but thinking about writing a song usually makes me think of how hard it can be to incorporate poetry into music, so I'm just glad that I just delve into writing the refrain and didn't really think about the fact it was going to be a song.
I would like to make it longer and maybe make it a little more poetic. I think it may be too short and that there's so much more I could possibly do with it.
I found it hard to make a rhyme scheme or make a certain flow, I feel like it needs more a flow or something that will make it seem more like a song than one of my freestyle poems. 

Maggie's Refran

Soy de Filadelfia
Cheesesteaks, pizza, las papas fritas.

No muy colina

Todos los días muere alguien.

My refrain is supposed to tell the person where I am from. What I like, and what happens in a short chorus. I am happy with the Spanish that I added into it. I think I did an ok job at translating using wordreference. I would like to make it longer and a little less depressing. I had a hard time making things in Spanish rhyme. 

Danny's refran

vengo de america
vengo de filadelfia
vengo de fútbol al béisbol
vengo de mis amigos a mi familia 

It just talked about the things that have made me who i am today. Also the things that are very important or were very important to me at some point in my life. 

Chelsea Janette Smith

La musica estallido 
Personas danza
Todos disfrutar se quieren
Eso es mi barrio
(Repetir 2x)

My refrain is suppose to show were I at and how it is around in my neighborhood. 
Im happy with how easy it is to flow with and how it makes sense and is easy to comprehend for anyone.
I just want to make sure that the draft makes a lot of sense and if there is a way to improve it that I can do that. 
The only thing I found difficult was actually choosing something to write about and being able to base a whole song on something that I can make sense of.

Bee - Ahorita 20/9

​"Mi familia está muy grande y todo por el mundo."

My refrain is supposed to communicate about how my family is the main part of where I'm from and I have no original home since I moved so much at such a young age.

I'm happy about the fact it's all about me. It's not about my location, but all about the people in my life. Even if they're not biological relatives, I still consider them family.

I would like to add more to my refrain.

The problem I had with writing the refrain was to find a theme to go with the song. To me, choruses are like thesis sentences. Every other verse has to relate back to it.

My Refran

​Yo soy de vuelta en el día.

Essentially, my refrán means "I am from back in the day." And it's suppose to show that even though we're all growing up, I'm from the times I grew up in. And sometimes people forget that. Childhoods mean so much, because they create who we are now. And I'd just like to honor the "back in the day" for me.

Generally, it's a short yet very effective refrán. After words explaining my childhood, I can simply end it with "​Yo soy de vuelta en el día." Which, I feel would compliment the rest of the song. Kind of like a nice little spice on a bland meal. 

Really, I have nothing against my ​refrán. I may need to check the grammar to make sure it means what I'm implying, but other than that there's nothing that needs to be added. Maybe if I wanted to, I could add something specifically I liked about "back in the day" onto it to emphasize its meaning.  

I had no real problems writing my refrán. I knew from the beginning I wanted to write about my childhood. Given, it's not the most amazing childhood around, but I have to give credit when credit is deserved. Because of how I grew up, I became who I am today. So I owe everything to those times. From my parents to my own experiences. And I'm sure I can interpret that in a very excellent way.

Yang Refran

Yo vengo de tierra de mi padres 
Vengo de Estados Unidos 
Vengo de Filadelfia 
Vengo de Patria

This refran basically speaks of my background, where I am. Although I wasn't born in a foreign country, my parents were. And I'd say that half of me belongs there and the other big half is here. I'd still call it the homeland, because of my ethnicity. 

I'm happy I even got something out of it. It might not be an original idea, but it's where I'm just from, and that it was hard to describe something that wasn't physical.

Adding more lines, make it sound more advanced or at least not so simple as to where I'm literally from, more like something you'd have to think deeper into. 

The only thing that was difficult was actually trying not to sound like everyone else. 

Mi cacion :]

Yo vengo a Vietnam
La comida es increíble

My refrain is suppose to tell people about where I'm from and about my food. I love food! I'm happy to say that I'm from Vietnam. I would like to add more than 2 lines. It has to go with the rhythm. One thing that was difficult for me was to go with the syllables to my original english song. It just has to go with the beat. 

De dnde vengo yo? - refrn

¿De dónde vengo yo?
¿De dónde vengo yo?
​Vengo de pequeño ciudad
Famosa comida y museos
Es gran... lugar... estar. 

- My refrán is supposed to communicate just a small glimpse of Philly. Just something short.
- I think for my first draft I did well with organizing my thoughts.
- I think I should make sure that it goes along with the music.
- The difficult part was making sure I didn't put anything in the refrán that may fit better in a verse. 

Donde de vengo yo?

De donde vengo yo?
Yo vengo de mi casa
Yo vengo mi mama
Yo vengo de mis actividades favoritas

Yo vengo en mi casa
Mi casa es en filidelfia
Yo nacido en California
Mi casa es muy cómodo

Yo vengo mi mama
Mi mama es cómica
Yo mama y papa muy enamoradas con
Mi mama es estupendo

De donde vengo yo?
Yo vengo de mi casa
Yo vengo mi mama
Yo vengo de mis actividades favoritas

Yo vengo de mis activitdades favoritas 
Me gusta leer
Me gusta pasar un rato con amigos
Me gusta escuchar música

De donde vengo yo?
Yo vengo de mi casa
Yo vengo mi mama
Yo vengo de mis actividades favoritas

(I like the chorus. I need to check all my lyrics to be sure they are correct. In the song I talk about where I am from my hometown and my love of music. I think I am going to do something quick and simple for the tune.)

My Chorus Thingy

Yo me gusta Russia!

Y me gusta USA!

Porque me gusta los paises?

Yo no se!

This chorus says that I like both USA and Russia. My plan is to throw a bunch of reasons as to why, and say one country that I do not like or something. I got the idea from an old Russan song that is called "10 причин" or something like that!

Makenna Refran

¿De dónde vengo yo?
¿De dónde vengo yo?
Vengo a Fances 
Bahamas y Africa 
Yo quiero ir los
Yo quiero ir los

My refrán is communicating that I am of French, African and Bahamian descent. I also say that I would like to visit these places. I like that it gets the point across. I would like to change some parts because my song does not rhyme. Nothing was really difficult, I would just like for my refran to rhyme.   

Miqual Sanders

Mi nombre es MIQUAL.!!!!!

​Mi nombre es MIQUAL.!!!!!

Yo mi gusto. el comida.

Yo comido el pollo y el sandwhiches.

Y Yo siempre es hambre.

It is suppose to commnicate that I like food and that food effects my life.

My first 2 lines is something I'm really proud about.

I would like to start on my first verse.

It was difficult writing while doing other homework. A little overwhelming.

Jenn Wright- Refran

Niños en los calles 

toque de queda es nada 

asuntos primordiales- ¿qué hora es la cena?

Amo o no amo, es mi barrio 

dices lo que te gutse 

Yo no puedo cambio 

My refrain is about something that happens in my neighborhood. The curfew is not enforced and there are always kids playing outside on the street. That is something I think stands out about my neighborhood. I also included a part about how many people say not so nice things about where I'm from, but it is where I am from and I can't change it. I embrace it, and this song I'm writing will show that. 

Refran de Tenzin cancion

Me llamo Tenzin

Soy de Tibet 

Soy de India

Tengo muy tradición

Una es...

What is your refrán supposed to communicate?
- So, my refrán is basically where I'm from and when the whole song is finished, you'll understand like where it'll go because this is only the chorus. 
What are you especially happy about with your first draft?
- The repetition. 
What would you like to improve about your refrán first draft?
- I feel like I still need to write more but then it's a chorus and I don't want it to be long because I'll be repeating that the whole time and I don't want to reveal too much.
What was difficult about writing your refrán?

Chelsea Ann Smith's Refran

vengo mi familia;
mi mama, mi papa, mi hermanos y
mi tia y bisabuelo
te amo, mucho te amo.

-It talks about my family and how I love them. 
-I think it flows well
-I don't know what to improve, just be able to say it fast and well.
-It was hard to think of what way important enough to repeat throughout the song. 

El Refrain

El Refrain

-Mi antepasado come de Irlanda,

y Italia  y eso es la cuento de mi.

This is supposed to communicate that I’m both Italian and Irish. The rest of the song will explain everything else. I’m happy that it makes sense, because a lot of times I write it doesn’t make sense. I might want to make it longer but I wan the bulk of the story to be the verses. It wasn’t too difficult, the only hard part was to find the words I wanted ot use.

Henninger Refran

Donde las calles están gastadas,

La gente y las tiendas más

No siempre es seguro

Pero es mi casa sólo.

My refrain is describing my neighborhood. I'm very happy that I got it done, and it makes sense. I might want to make it longer, but I'm not sure. I had some trouble using phrases that sounded good together.