Week 3- Day 2-negative space cut out

Negative space is an area of an object that surrounds the main object of the picture. I found negative space in my cut out by looking at it and there was two different colors; one was light and the other was dark. The dark area was positive space and the light one was negative. So I cutted out the negative space. It helps artist to see in negative space because it is easier for them to see the main subject of the picture and it could be more eye catching to the viewers. I think seeing drawing in negative space does not enhance the drawing because it takes away alot of details in the pictures. 

Negative Space

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Screenshot 2017-04-29 at 1.54.10 PM

Negative space is the area around the image that is the focus of the picture.

In order to find the negative space in my picture, I aligned all of the pieces on one side, and flipped over every other one from the outside, so that the cut out was a mirror image of the side opposite it.

Seeing an image in negative space is an important skill for an artist to have, as it can help to clearly visualize the overall form of the subject matter.

Seeing the negative space present in a drawing or any other type of visual art enhances the viewing experience, as it brings more contrast to the attention of the viewer.

Nostalgia and Self-Deception (2Fer #7)

“Remember the good old days? When things were fun, new, and interesting? Doesn’t everyone wish that they can turn back time, back to when things were better?” There’s a name for this kind of thinking— nostalgia. A blast from the past, something to take you out of the moment and back into the better days. Except, the days aren’t better. They might feel better, but that doesn’t make them actually better. The days now past, the days that have long since ended— they aren’t coming back. No amount of wishing will bring them back. Obsessing over it won’t help. In fact, it will only hurt, because the more one thinks about it, the more one yearns for those old days, the more they romanticize it, make it better than it was. It takes one out of the real world, and it stops them from moving forwards. The simple truth of the matter is that nostalgia, in the long run, is a negative emotion that makes people invest in and yearn for a past that never really happened, and takes them away from their present day life.

The good old days, as one might feel inclined to refer to them as, aren’t really so good after all. It’s almost invariably a fact. Something in the human mind forces them to see the past as better than the present, simply because the harsh now is where they’re living, so those fun times they remember must be preferable. Even when those days never even really happened. Take it from someone who actually experienced this firsthand. In her article criticizing the obsession with nostalgia, Bryony Gordon of The Telegraph writes, “…the segment where Chris Evans met Jeremy Clarkson came on. This was bad, because it made me feel nostalgic for Top Gear - which is odd, given I’ve never really watched it and it hasn’t actually gone away.” It should strike most as odd that someone could become nostalgic for a show that they never even really followed. Yet this happens all the time, to so many people. Someone reminds them of a show that was around when they were younger, and suddenly they enter the nostalgic state of reminiscing and missing, even though they only saw the show once or twice. Not only that, but like with Gordon, they refuse to acknowledge anything that seems like a “replacement.” They fail to look forwards and give new things a chance, because the only thing that they possibly could want is to return to the old version, the “better,” or rather, fantasized version of it.

When nostalgia seriously becomes a problem, however, is when it interferes with the present. This idea of the past always being better makes people believe that they absolutely must return to this better version, and that nothing can get in the way of that. They invest themselves in a glorified version of what’s happened, and refuse to see it as it really was. In an article written on psychology today by Neel Burton, M.D., he states that “If overindulged, nostalgia can give rise to a utopia that never existed and can never exist, but that is pursued at all costs, sapping all life and joy and potential from the present.” Instead of paying any attention to the future, these people try to live in the past. Happiness and success in life can only be found if someone is living in the present, looking forwards to what’s yet to come. Trapping oneself in a cycle of yearning for something that exists no longer will never result in joy or prosperity. It’s comparable to regret, wishing that you could go back in time, except instead of just wishing to change something, they wish to spend all their time there. It’s commonplace to hear talk about how moving on from past mistakes is good, since it’s unhealthy to think so much of them. So it should follow, then, that it would also be just as unhealthy— if not more— to spend so much time thinking about things, wishing to return to them. There will never be a way to return to those days, and the final result of the indulgence in nostalgia can only result in that realization. From that realization, sadness will inevitably come.

At the end of the day, no one can return to things, whether it would be good to or not. Regardless of if the past was so great or not, which it most likely was not, it can’t happen. So instead of spending so much wishing to go back to what they miss, they should let go. See the world for what it is now, and find things that can make them happy today. Not everything great is gone, just like how not everything bad happens in the present day. The past will always seem appealing if things are going poorly; people always miss what they no longer have. No person can ever travel backwards in time for these things. But no matter what, everyone travels forwards in time.

Work Cited:

  • Gordon, Bryony. "Why nostalgia is bad for your health." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 16 June 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2017. <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/


  • Burton, Neel. "The Meaning of Nostalgia." Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, 27 Nov. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.<https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/hide-and-seek/


This is my best possible 2Fer, because normally, I have some difficulty explaining why my evidence proves my thesis. I provide the evidence that I find, and give a small amount of framing, however I don't always go in depth enough to portray in what ways this proves my thesis. As such, I focused on giving my evidence context and details, and explaining how this proves my thesis. With this in mind, I feel as though I was able to effectively argue my thesis, in ways that I had not done before.

Negative Space

Negative space could be defined as the space around the object, not the borders of the object itself. In my cut out, we can recognize the negative space as the purple part that is around the bird. Seeing negative space is very helpful for an artist because it allows to make the difference between the object and what’s around. Then, the artist can play with these elements to make a confusion. I also think that negative space enhance drawings because it makes a difference with the “classical drawings” and create the surprise while seeing what’s represented on another angle.


Negative Space Cut Out

Negative space is the space around or between an image. Negative space can show other shapes that catch the viewer's eye. In my image the negative space is the space between the owl, so in this case it is the purple. It helps an artist to see in negative space because it can show the details of the image more. Seeing in negative space does enhance drawings because it makes the art more appealing to the eye by having viewers seeing more than than the actual image. By having negative space viewers can see shapes and other images beyond the main focus
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Negative/Positive Space & Blog


A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

If you draw an airplane, when you color outside the lines, the area you are coloring is known as negative space. when you are able to see the shape of your airplane, with no lines in the middle of the drawing, but coloring all around the outside of your plane.

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

When cutting the pieces out for my cut out, I just looked for the part of the drawing where the background was colored in and where I could only see an outline of the drawing there were no details on the inside of the drawing.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

when an artist is drawing challenging parts to pictures they need to be able to get a general idea of how the shape of their drawing is going to look like, before they add detail. When you use negative space it allows the shape of our drawing to stand out and makes it easier for the artist to see what they are working with.

D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

I think it really depends on what the artist is drawing and how well the artist can draw. Becuase negative space is just the areas around the outside of the drawing. negative space does help with making the inside of your drawing stand out, so that way your drawing looks like an outline of a certain shape. which can mean the more you make the inside pop out, the easier it is to draw details within later. However, I think the bigger aspect on what can enhance your drawing has to do with the amount of detail you put into a picture.

Negative Space Cut Out

Negative space is the space in a picture that surrounds the focal point of the drawing. For example, in my cut out, the house is the focal point. The blue space surrounding the house in the left side is the negative space in the photo. To find negative space in my cut out, I first had to cut out the outline of my house. Once that was done, I had to locate the other positive space within the photo and cut around it.Seeing in negative space helps an artist because it draws the focal point of a drawing out, it makes it really pop in a sense. Seeing in negative space also enhances a drawing because of this.

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Negative Space


Negative space is the space around an image in art. Say if you have a picture of a black dot on the middle of a piece of white paper. The black dot is the positive space and the white space around it is the negative space. In my picture above there is a mixture of positive and negative space. I found the negative space by seeing what makes the image of the tree pop out, the green. Seeing in negative space helps an artist  see the image clearly, negative space emphasizes the positive space.  Negative space can enhance drawings. The contrast between two colors make the image pop out. The negative and positive can create different textures in the piece. Negative space is a unique way to make your art pop!

Negative and positive space cut out

Negative space is when you have a picture that has one main part shaded in or around the picture. Just look at my image, see how the green gives out the shape of the bird. The green is the positive space and the black is the negative space.

I found negative space by tracing out the outline and moving key detailed parts to give it it’s dimensions.

It helps them by giving them the shape of the image so now they can later add detail.

Yes it gives an overview of the image.

HIV/AIDS: Not a Laughing Matter

Hello, my name is Shyann Davis and I am going to Science Leadership Academy. For my You & The World project I want to speak on the topic of HIV/AIDs. HIV is also known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDs are known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. They are both transmitted through unprotected sex. This can be through anal and vaginal sex. Having oral sex isn’t very common to give someone HIV/AIDs but it is still strongly recommended to have protection and make sure you are checked to see if you have HIV/AIDs. This is a very serious topic that not many people know about. Some know much, but others know very little. Many people would feel uncomfortable talking about protection, sex, and the risks of unprotected sex, so my goal for this project is to spread awareness of HIV/AIDs   so people can learn some of the risks of having unprotected sex.

What is hiv hands
What is hiv hands
What is HIV and How Can You Test For Prevention

An STD is a sexually transmitted disease that you can get from having unprotected or underprotected sex. HIV/AIDS are different types of STDs. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Over 1.2 million people that live in the United States have HIV or AIDS but only 156,300 don’t even know they have it. People from ages 13 to 64 are tested for HIV and AIDS only once, during a routine check up. 45,000 people are diagnosed, and 30% of them live with people who are undiagnosed.  If someone is infected, they can get a treatment called “antiretroviral therapy”, or ART for short. This treatment clears away almost 96% of the transmitted HIV. Unfortunately, it doesn’t get rid of the disease completely, but it does slow it downes long enough to stop it from spreading with a combination of pills to eventually stop it from spreading. Knowing what HIV is is important because many people don’t even know what HIV/AIDS are. They thought that if they had sex with a person who had HIV/AIDS that they wouldn’t get it either. Some even thought having oral sex doesn’t give them HIV/AIDS but it can create many problems even if it’s at a very low risk. Making sure everyone is aware of what HIV/AIDS are and how to prevent them from happening, or if they already have them can learn the treatment is very important.

Increased and Decreasing The Risk

Having unprotected sex is one way to increase the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Another way would be sharing needles with someone. This means after someone has used a needle and you use it after them. This can higher the risk of getting other fattail infections as well. Some ways to decrease the risk would be abstinence. This means waiting a while before going into something. The longer you wait to have sexual intercourse, the less partners you have, and the less likely you will get HIV/AIDS. Other ways you can lower the risk is if you use a condom with lubricants, taking medicine to prevent HIV/AIDS, and simply getting tested to make sure you don’t have it. Knowing how the risk of getting HIV/AIDS can increase and decrease is very important. If someone is sexually active they need to know how to use protection and getting tested. If they don’t know this they have a great risk of passing or receiving HIV/AIDS. They need to know what they can do to prevent them from getting HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS are spread through semen (the male reproductive fluid), breast milk, blood, vaginal and rectal fluids, and pre-seminal fluid (pre-cum). It is also spread by being with someone who has HIV/AIDS, sharing food with someone with HIV/AIDS, deep open mouth kissing, and touching broken skin. It is not spread by water or air, insects, sharing a toilet, touching your “social” kissing your partner, and sharing water fountains.

This is important to know so many people can prevent themselves from getting this. They can stay even safer than they are now. If you have ever had an open wound, someone else had an open wound, and they both touch, there was a chance you could have gotten HIV/AIDS. People need to know this information. Like if someone doesn’t know that oral sex could get you HIV/AIDS because they didn’t know it could be transferred through rectal and vaginal fluids. This is very important.

What Are AIDS

AIDS are known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and just like HIV they are a type of STD. It is a late stage of HIV. Just like for HIV, AIDS have no cure but the same treatment as any STD. If someone has AIDS their body is much too weak to be immune to the disease because this STD has already destroyed your immune system.

It is good to know about this because then you can know both about HIV and AIDS and not just one. Knowing about the different side effects of AIDS and what it can do is just as important as knowing the side effects of HIV. These types of STD are very similar, but have very different consequences.

nine and a half
nine and a half

Littering-- Killing us from the inside out


Look at this concept of Earth. Try and name Differences between that planet and planet Earth.

This is planet Earth in the movie WALL-E. As you can see, it is showing North America but look at all the trash in the atmosphere and how there's no green anywhere on that planet. You can also notice how there is no polar ice cap in the north of the planet, Because of all the trash and pollution Global Warming took it's course and the ice caps most likely melted. As some of you probably know WALL-E is set in the future, and that future can be set in motion for us as well. Our Earth will look all but the same as WALL-E’s version, all because of us littering. The heaps of trash I see now will soon become the towers trash in our future. The pictures below are too compare the differences between a cartoon and a street in India. It isn’t right that people have to see that in our world. People having to clean YOUR trash. This is showing that if we keep going down the path we’re going down. I t will look the same as WALL-E’s


As of right now the earth isn’t where it should be with the trash problem. In india there is really bad places filled with trash and litter. Information about this street is here.

As you can see what this littering is doing to certain people and countries in this world.

How I Try as of Now to Prevent Littering

There is too much litter in the world for one person to clean themselves. So whenever I see someone drop litter onto the ground You’ll always see me pick it up no matter what. And once I pick it up I tell them the same speech I said above about WALL-E. Maybe not word for word but still. My mother always told me to never let go of trash and let it go in the streets. She always said, “Bad people make the world Ugly, there's lots of bad people here, which is why it's so dirty.” I guess when I was younger I saw that as, if I let the trash go I’m a bad person which is true.

What I am Going to do in the Future

For this project I’m gonna see how many people litter in my neighborhood in a park. I will see their age, and gender, and make a conclusion to see which type of people litter the most. Also see what they litter. Is it mainly small pieces of trash or larger things.

Week 3 - Day 2 - blog - negative/positive space - cut out


Negative space in art, is space around the object/Subject. Negative made you focus on the background instead of the object/subject.

I found my negative space in my cut out by looking at my first cut out then basically flipping it on the other side. You can see the darker background which is negative and the lighter background, which is positive.

Negative space can help an artist by making illusions. For example, you can see two different things in one. I think negative space is good for illusions, seeing in different perspective.

Seeing in negative space does and does not enhance the drawings. I say that because negative space does take away some details, but also you can make negative space in as a illusion.

Week 3 - Day 2 blog - negative space


Negative space is the space around and between the subject.The subject would be your picture. You can find the negative space by the different color which help me get a better understanding of everything about negative space and to me the colors make it pop out more. How I figured out the negative space for my picture was basically just putting the excess paper cut on the other side. You pay more attention to the action what is going on in the picture. It does enhance the drawing because you can tell the difference from a regular drawing.

Week 3 - Day 2 - Blog - Negative/Positive Space - Cut Out

Negative space is the space surrounding the subject. I cut the outline of the objects and then cut the insides. The ones with no shape inside is the positive space. You can also think of it as dark or light. It helps an artist to see negative space because it can create illusions. Seeing negative space does enhance drawings. You can see different kinds of perspectives. Also, there can be a possibility that you can see one thing or the other.  

Negative/Positive Space

Negative space is something that appears in many drawings, prints, and other works of art. In a piece of artwork, there is a subject. The subject is the main point of the drawing and it is the thing that you focus on. The negative space is what surrounds the subject.
It my cutout, I found the negative space by looking at where the subject is dark on one side, and the background is light. On the other side, the cutout is the opposite with the subject light and the background dark. The light part is positive space while the dark color is negative space.
It helps an artist to see negative space because it is possible to make illusions using negative space. There is one example of a vase drawn in positive space, and the sides of the vase create the illusion of two faces using negative space.
Seeing in negative space enhances drawings in my opinion because sometimes it allows you to see two different perspectives within the drawing. It gives complexity to a work of art.

Negative Space

Negative space is the space that surrounds an object in an image. In other words, negative space focuses on the background instead of the main focus of the image. Negative space helps to define the boundaries of positive space and brings balance to a composition.
How did I find the negative space?
It’s the left side of the paper, because that side is where it focuses on the background. Negative space art helps an artist to focus on the backgrounds. Negative space does enhance drawings because it makes illusions. It makes it seem as if the background is also a main focus.

Week 3 - Day 2 - blog - negative/positive space - cut out: Elijah Afrifa

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Negative space, in art, is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image. The way to find negative space is by looking at the outside of the image. To the right of my which is surrounded in black is my negative space. Negative Space helps artists to see the subjects in their work. This enhances the artwork because it brings out the illusion of just having a subject with no details.

Negative space cut out

The used of two colors one light and one dark to create a picture. I looked at the cut out and realized that the yellow and green was just like the black and white on the original paper. I put the half green and half yellow after I created a full owl by connecting three pieces and put them on the yellow side and put the rest of the green side. I can create a picture that makes a full owl without using colored asymmetry. Negative space enhances drawing because it is pleasing to the viewers eye.

Negative space reflection - Sam Gualtieri

Negative space is the part of a drawing or picture in which there is nothing. If there's a picture of a person's silhouette against a white background, the silhouette would be positive space, because there's something within that space (a person). And the background would be negative space because that part of the image is empty. In the picture I cut out, negative space is used a little more freely. Winged animals don't really have floating inner wings unconnected to an outline of their bodies. In this, negative space is used to represent detail in this image. On one side of the page, the bird is red and the background is purple, on the other  side, those colors switch. The positive space has been made negative and vice versa. It's helpful for artists to understand and see negative space because when using it correctly, they can put focus on the main elements by utilizing the negative space around them. Negative space doesn't enhance drawings but it helps clarify the focus points in messy and complex art.

Negative Space

Negative space is the space between and around an object. I identified the negative space in my cutout because my background was white and my cut out was in gray. To me there was a color difference that made me identify the negative space easier. It helps an artists to see negative space because it lets them pay more attention to the object they are working on. Negative space does enhance drawings because it brings out the main subject of any drawing. 
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W3 D2 Negative Space - Ossowski

Negative space is the background of a picture. For example, say you have a picture of a tree, the background would be behind it, like the sky. That is all negative space. I fould negative space in my picture by looking at it symmetrically. The background in this is black, that is the negative space. I find negative space a representative for what could be there. For example, in this picture, if we zoomed out, we could add a background to make it look like a flag on a flagpole. It helps to see in negative space for an artist so they can show emotion in their work. If you look into a picture and it has a dark snowy background, you can assume it’s winter and that something is sad. Negative space can enhance pictures depending how big the negative space is. For example, back to the flagpole picture, that will enhance the picture. However, if you look at the picture below, the negative space does not enhance the picture because it’s so small.


Negative Space Cut Out


I found the negative space in my picture by tracing the lines of the picture with the blunt end of a pencil, then following the lines, I used the razor to cut out the pieces. I glued the positive space down first, then I used the pieces left over to make the negative side.

It helps artists to see into negative space so they can see the outlines of drawings, and it's a unique form of art.

Negative space can enhance drawings if used in the correct way. If the picture is mostly negative, then the darkness drowns out the picture and you can't see it correctly. If it's a good mixture or negative and positive space, the artwork can really be enhanced.

This is Unconstitutional Needs to Stop

Hello my name is Kyle Thomas and I go to Science Leadership Academy. I had been assigned a project that is supposed to be talking about problems in the world. I had to choose a topic that I had to do research on and had to do a agent of change which basically is like how was I going to get people's opinions.

My topic that I am going to be talking about is stop and frisk. Stop and frisk is when the police can stop you and pat you down on the outside of your clothing when the police officers believe that you are armed and dangerous. This topic is important to me because I think that it is unconstitutional. This  violates the Fourth Amendment because  the amendment is talking about the rights of the people. One part says “shall not be violated” and stop and frisk goes against that. It’s  a problem right now because it makes people not feel like they are free. For example take a look at this picture right here.

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Screenshot 2017-04-28 at 12.38.33 PM

This picture is from  The spokesman review  and it shows a African American being stop and frisk for no reason. You see Donald Trump and basically  when he was talking about stop and frisk in the presidential debate he wanted to make the stop and frisk law be enforced even more in urban areas. So, like it would make African Americans feel uncomfortable/ not safe anymore because now the cops will be checking them for no reason. Also, I believe that this shouldn't be enforced more because that will make kids not be safe no more if they see cops stopping people and checking they probably  will make  them think “Will this happen to me?”

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Screenshot 2017-04-28 at 12.40.37 PM

This picture is from Pinterest and it shows the race percentage of stop and frisk. Young Black Men is 25.6%, Young Latino Men 16%, Young White Men 3.8%. So, there is a big difference in which race gets it the most. I think that this needs to change because I don’t think that cops should assume that African Americans are guilty or up to something the most.

For my agent of chance I would like to interview a cop about this law and ask him some questions to see his/her opinion on this. It would be interesting to me because it will let me see how cops really think about this.

Annotated Bibliography  

negative/positive space - cut out

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A. Negative space is an art the incorporates the space between subjects in an image. Negative can be used to show to different images. We can look at the positive space and see an image, and then focus on the negative space and see a completely different image. Usually, for these type of images, we use two colors black and white. The subject in the picture is usually white and everything around it is white creating a silhouette.

B. I found the negative space in this picture by looking for the dark spots in my pictures. These spots created the image of a bat and defined the image I was trying to portray.

C. It helps an artist to see negative space in an image because negative space gives an image definition and brings balance to a composition. Also negative space should not distract from the main subject.

D. Seeing negative space does enhance the drawing. The dark space makes an image more intense and clear to see. Also the negative image is there so we can see multiple images in one. Negative space is also not constricted to only one form of art. It can be found in photography, painting, and graphic designs.

Negative Space


Negative space is all the empty space around an image or object. It doesn’t take interest away from the central drawing or idea, instead it adds on to the idea and compliments. On the right side the red in the background is the negative space because the black section is the main focus of the image. On the left side the black side of the image is the negative space because the red is the main purpose.

It is important for artist to see the negative space because it gives the image a main focal point instead of having everything be positive space and not knowing what to focus on. This helps artists know the difference between main points and backgrounds. It helps to see in negative space because it really helps differentiate the main parts from other things. Also negative space usually adds to the meaning of the image.