World History Portfolio 2014

What is a good student? How do you become a better student everyday? By collaborating? By participating? Becoming a better student for me is definitely by learning. I must admit that my biggest highlight in this year of world history has been a great learning experience. It wasn’t much of the informational facts, it was more as personal aspect as how you look at the world. One of the biggest accomplishments, if not the biggest accomplishment of this year in history class has been without a doubt the play I wrote about stereotypical views in societies. This play has definitely changed the way that I view myself as. Women and A Touch of Trophy is a play about the latin women stereotypes, and latinos in general.  Scarlett Castillo is a Colombian beautiful young girl who wins Miss Universe and tries to fight stereotypes while finding true love, forgiving her mother, and reliving her past. This play is a very long one, Kate McGrath has contributed immensely with revisions and has made the play better. It was my favorite thing to do in history class this year. Not only did I like writing this play, I now realize that I love writing plays! One of the quotes inside the play that I really liked was  “Coming from a Hispanic culture. When we think of trophy wives we immediately see an image of a rich old white man with a beautiful young woman on his arm”.This was a quote that gives a controversial side to the play. 

​In one of the units of world history class we studied revolutions.  We learned quite a lot of information about revolutions. We used guiding questions like; “What causes revolutions? What determines a successful revolution?” “Why are revolutions made?” From those guiding questions came a great project. We were assigned to make a digital story about revolutions. I decided and chose two guiding questions. What determines a revolution's success? How does media interact with a revolution? Based on these two questions I decided to focus on the way that leaders are interpreted in revolutions, and the censorship that plays in media. This project was definitely one of my favorite! Many of the media that saw during this project was that life changing and eye opening. 

The unit of Religion inside world history has been one of my favorite. In the beginning of the unit I thought that religion was just a mindset that was meant to be followed. I now realize that religion is a very touchy subject that many of us live of. “It’s a way of life”. To most of us it’s extremely important. Personally as being a catholic believer and follower it was very interesting to learn about the many religions out in the world. For this project I did a wiki page on Morals/Sins in Hinduism and Confucianism. Two completely different religions. This was a project of where I gained tons and tons of knowledge. I also enjoyed every aspect of learning, and the different views that are out in the world. 

 Also, another part that I enjoyed in history class was journaling. The journal prompts were varied in topics. Some of the topics didn’t even relate to school, and it was interesting the way that others shared their ideas. One of the journals that I enjoyed the most was about a reading called My Faith in Nonviolence (journal 28). I selected a quote and wrote about it. “Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong.” I really liked the way that the word nonviolence was being presented, as if nonviolence were  actually an object you could use to harm someone. Another journal I enjoyed was about how ideas become popular (journal 22). “Social media definitely plays a big role, when it comes to making something popular”. This quote was definitely the most important one I wrote inside my journal. Overall this year has been a great learning experience in all aspects. It was a very comfortable environment that I really enjoyed.  

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Final History Portfolio

Many people see World History is about learning the history of the past. This is great but usually not helpful in dally life and most of what they learned are just facts that they won’t remember. This world history class was very different from the usual structure as it wasn’t memorizing what happened it was more about how it effects us today. When we learned about a specific topic such as the French Revolution, it usually went with a broader topic like revolutions in general and through this we connected this with the revolution in Ukraine. Because of this we learned how history affects today and how things have changed since then. Our courses about religion and inequality were also interesting and lead me to see some problems in the world in a different light. An example of this is a statement about inequality and stereotypes I made saying "I think in order to move to a point of equality we need to cut this stereotype from our lives so that we forget it and the next generate do not even know about it."

One of the courses that I found interesting was our unit on Revolution. At the beginning of the unit I wrote this about Revolutions "A Revolution is a change that changes people's perspective on the world and there purpose in it". By the end of the unit I had learned that it was more of a radical change in society lead by the people. In the unit we learned about the French, Haitian, Egyptian, and Ukraine Revolutions. For my Benchmark on the Revolutions leaders I ended up writing that "now with all the information that is out for the world to see, all a leader needs to be today, is to be someone to act on this knowledge and rally people together". It had many connections to our unit on inequality as revolutions were seen as both the cause of some of the inequalities as well as the solutions to some of the inequalities. 

Another course I found interesting was the one on colonization. In it we read the book “Things Fall Apart” about a Nigerian tribe known as the Ibo who are colonized by missionary. The book shows how the missionary do not attempt to understand the Ibo’s culture and automatically labors it as savage. After reading I wrote that "The colonists are not fighting against the Ibu’s religion but also there entire way of life and culture to try and make them in-superior". In the lesson we learned more about the arrogance of the colonists and how the “Colonizers treat the natives like animals to ease there conscience which takes away there humanity”. The colonization and revolutions unit were very similar as in some of the revolution units we learned how the people through off the burden of the colonizers.  

In conclusion World History has been a very interesting learning experience and what we’ve learned about religion, inequality, revolutions, and colonization. With the discussions and different approaches to various topics, I have gained a new perspective on many of the world’s problems. An example is after learning about problems with charities that “What they need is actual help and not us telling them we can make your country better by doing this." Another example from our religion unit I learned that “for some, a single-minded determination and refusal of much of the aspects of the society may have lead people away from religion." .The projects that we’ve done like the religion wiki and the Cortez trial will help me remember what I’ve learned and how events and ideas effects the world we live in today.

Negative Space

Negative space is the space surrounding the main subject in a picture. In the cut out I found the negative space by looking at the two different colors. And for the drawing I knew that the negative space had to be everything around the table, the stools and the plant. Artist use negative space because it helps them see things that are usually hard to see. Negative space is useful when making art because it helps artist because it helps when drawing very detailed things and it helps make the art more pleasing.

World History Final Portfolio 2014

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Since the beginning of the school year, many world and historical issues have been addressed and explored. I’ve learned the value of civil rights and revolution, as well as learning to value the things I’d originally take for granted. But one of the main things explored was self identity and human rights. Self identity is important for everyone, and it's something that most struggle with. Since the introduction of colonialism, almost everyone has struggled with self identity. Self identity defines who you are on the inside and on the outside, but is influenced by the means of culture and environment.

Many of the units explored some aspect of self identity. Such as the colonialism and culture/religion units. As we learned, during colonialism, “foreign” countries were stripped of their native cultures in replace of European nationalism. This caused a large majority of the people’s identities to get stolen from them, and when they tried to regain them, the culture was either too far gone or they were ashamed. This is similar to the way things nowadays around the world. Western countries usually force their culture onto the people, and those who don’t already fit the mold (aka people of color) while literally force themselves to try to be as eurocentric as possible in order to avoid ridicule. This year, I learned that self identity is very important, and if you’re not comfortable with who you are (or at least accepting), then you’ll never be satisfied. Trying to change who you are to fit what someone else believes in will only hurt you in the long run.

During the colonialism unit, Mr. Block had posted a link about an African girl who had lost touch with American culture and moved to Nigeria in order to feel “at home”. I responded with,

"Those who try to maintain a culture that is foreign to the American eye are usually ousted despite this being considered the land of the free."

Trying to change who you are to fit what someone else believes in will only hurt you in the long run. The rest of this response can be viewed here.

Another important aspect of this year was the revolution unit. It taught my peers and I that standing up for what you believe in matters. That there will always be a grip that keeps you from succeeding and it is up to you to break and rise above it. Revolutions start with an idea of a few, and then expand to many and eventually becomes a mind for the people. The success of a revolution depends entirely on the message and aftermath of the event. If nothing positive comes from a supposed revolution, there might as well not have been one. This unit taught me that all should stay informed on what is happening in their governments. Also, to not let seemingly intimidating powers to continue to oppress. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to care for the wellbeing of the people and themselves.

On February 10, 2014, I wrote a paragraph in response to the French and Haitian revolutions. I had connected the historical French and Haitian revolutions to that of modern day and had a great time researching and gaining an understanding. The last few sentences of the paragraph included this,

“The only ways for a revolution to take flight and be successful is for the unison of the people. The people must be passionate and genuinely care for one another and the country, and are willing to risk their wellbeing to defend against a corrupt government. “

The rest of my response can be viewed here.

Another proud aspect of the year that I created was my “Guide to Revolutions” video. My focus in particular was exploring the aftermath of a revolution and what happens exactly. The objective of the project was to express our understandings of a revolution as well as expand on our own individualized topics about them. This video is definitely my favorite of the bunch.

Journal #33 in my World History Journal was interesting and appealing, and stood out from many of my other responses. It entails my personal beliefs on how to start, pursue and end a revolution. Not only this, but difference ways to protest during a revolution that avoids turning to violence.

Another journal that stood out to me was #46. It was in response to a question along the lines of “Are mentalities shaped?”. I thought my response to this in particular had everything to do with self identity. If you take a look at journal, you’ll see that I stood my ground on the topic. Self identity is created by your mentality, as mentalities are created by your environment and influences. Each interconnect to one another and having another person create who you are would in turn change your mentality to only suit them.

This year in World History was very enthralling. I enjoyed the exploration of the different topics we covered; as each of them were engaging and were entirely unexpected. The way Mr. Block teaches is not the ordinary, regular way. Everything is interactive and practically forces the children to pay attention to the topic. Learning about world problems while also enjoying yourself and being genuinely interested is very important.

Students talk Climate Change & Ecoliteracy

Congratulations to Amirah, Kadija, Esperanza! This is a terrific video.

10th graders at Science Leadership Academy worked together to study ecoliteracy. We surveyed water quality in the Schuylkill River, critiqued ecology videos, built water filters and made our videos. 

For more information on the project, check out our Wiki!

YATW Blog Post #3

​What Is The Fur Industry?
Even if you buy a fur glove with the little trim, and you think 'Oh, my God, it's just a little trim,' that animal got clubbed. 
 Eva Mendes

In my two previous blog posts (1 and 2), I explained what the fur industry was, including history and statistics, along with results of a previous survey that I used to find out what people knew about the Fur Industry. The survey that I used is similar to the survey I used for this current blog post (#3.) For the survey, (here is the link) I attached an article that composed of key information from my both of my previous blogs, and attached the to a revised survey. I then had my mom take some copies, and give them out to students and teachers at the Girard Academic Music Program (GAMP) and to my dad who works at SEPTA for his co-workers to fill-out. 

My goal of Blog Post #3 was to go and change something. After looking through many sites related to my topic, I noticed that just saying something or doing something might not be the best thing to do, considering the fact that I wanted to change the thoughts of people who heard it. I did not want be talking to people, saying that they did the wrong thing by buying fur products, (although in my opinion, they did) nor did I want to have an interview with a business manager or animal enthusiast, because I would already know what answers I would have received. I think that sending a survey to two different age groups was a good idea, because each response would be confidential, which allowed people to write what they really felt and to tell or show other people the article that I had attached. 

I think that I got far in learning about the fur industry and teaching other people. I think that there is still more that I can. I will possible be returning to GAMP and SEPTA for more projects. I would like to thank them for their participation in my survey.

La Leyenda de Mimzy

Erase una vez en la escuela de SLA original.... Era un nueva escuela que solo tenia 100 estudiantes con 10 maestros. Donde los chicos estudiaban con computadores y no libros de texto. El almuerzo era fantástico y todos eran felices excepto un estudiante..... En esta escuela habia un estudiante única que se llamaban Mimzy. Nadie sabía su nombre real solo sabían que ella era demasiado extraño y no hablaba mucho con los otros chicos.. Ella vestiría como un abuela también tenía lentes de espesor y ancho, ella siempre quedó en el baño con un libro de ficción y un bocadillo de galletas y jugo de manzana.. Todos los días era la misma cosas después de sus clases y durante su tiempo libre Mimzy iría al baño para leer su libro y comer sus galletas.

Un dia deprimido, llovió todo la dia ni siquiera un pequeño vistazo de sol, como todos los días Mimzy se fue al baño para leer su libro. Pero cuando abrió la puerta encontraba a las chicas antipáticas esperándola. “Estas equivocada” decía un chica “No hay un baño para las personas monstruos” Mimzy quien fue muy insegura y huraña no quería pelear con las chicas trató de ir al baño pero una de las chicas agarró a sus galletas y el libro, lo dejó caer en el inodoro. “¿Que eres un perro?, como puedes comer en un baño como eso” pregunto unas de la chicas “Nosotros le estamos haciendo un favor, si quieres ser un chica humana que debe tener una vida fuera del baño” En este momento las chicas dejo a Mimzy en el baño con un libro en el inodoro y ni un migaja de comida. Cuando fui a buscar su libro, encontraba que en  el rollo de papel las chicas han escrito un mensaje “Mimzy es un anormal animal, que debería haberse quedado de dónde venía” Habia grafiti en todos los rollos de papel..  Mimzy intento de limpiarlo pero se quedó..

Despues de eso todos los días los chicos de escuela molestaba y embromado a Mimzy.. Ella era tan agobiado que corrió fuera de la escuela a la calle, donde choque con un carro. Mimzy nunca vio el coche que venía y nunca recuperó de la cirugía. Despues de su funeral el principal the SLA era tan disgustado con los chicos de su escuela que cerró las puertas, y nadie podria ir a SLA hasta que el director sentía que podía confiar en sus hijos de nuevo. Eso nunca sucedió...... Cinco años después de la muerte de Mimzy Señor Lehmann, reabrió sus puertas a SLA el segundo. Antes que que deje a los niños a entrar limpio al edificio. Pintaron las paredes differentes colores brillantes, pintaron murales en unos pisos. El proposito de todo eso trabajo es para tener un nuevo comienzo para un nuevo escuela. Cuando era tiempo de abrir las puertas todos olvidaban el graffiti en los baños. Era tan viejo que solo podrias ver el nombre de Mimzy... Muchos dicen que si usted lee en el baño puedes sentir Mimzy leyendo con usted.

En su memoria, El Principal mantiene a su nombre en los baños para para decir que no vale la pena meterse con otros niños que no hacen nada para ti y con la esperanza de sus chicos de la nueva SLA, recuerda la tragedia que paso en esto mismos baños.

Catism By Brycen Itzko

“ I welcome all of you to the Rodents. Our goal is to destroy the evil of the Lolcat cult that has taken over our world. 7 years ago, cats suddenly gain intelligence from pictures of Lolcats. Shortly after, a cult had begun to worship these new self-aware cats and forced all who opposed the cult to make cheeseburgers. When the cats looked at the pictures and saw the pictures of the other cats, they slowly began to learn how to read. This made cats able to read signs and other things. Cats then began to think of themselves as more than just a cat but a higher species. Through the years cats became so self-aware that cats were able to solve math problems and think of ideas that would eventually change the world. Now some people saw this as a sign that cats should rule instead of humans, cats supremacy. Other people saw it has a threat to humans and thought of it as an abomination. Eventually the people who thought cats should rule the world created a cult that would in time become a religion. The religion spread faster than wildfire and soon more than three - fourths of world’s population was converted. The small portion of humans that went against this religion moved to Russia in order to escape the religion. There was peace for a time until a human killed a cat with his car. This started what was know as the Cat Fights and these wars lasted for several months due to many of the cats dying from the cold.

The war seemed to be on the humans side until the cats decided that enough was enough. The cats fired three nuclear missiles at Russia. Since Russia already had several nuclear weapons there, the explosion turned Russia into a no man’s land. The remaining human population fled to a secure location in France but had to stay hidden from the Cats. the religion  adopted a new named and called themselves Catism. The Catismist forced the other humans to make cheeseburgers for them. The remaining human population in France created a rebellion against Catism. “

“This is where we stand today”, said Swiss.

This is where I come in, my name’s Bobby Lue and I am one of the newest recruits of Rodents. I born into the cheeseburger slavery and was separated from my parents at the age of 5. I worked the cheeseburger factories until I was 14. I was losing hope until Rodents came in and raided the factory. They found me and recruited me on the spot to join the cause. I went through 3 months of training before I was officially deemed a recruit. It was a hard 3 months, but at the end of it I was able to overcome any obstacle that was put in front of me.  Now I am here with my friend Possum who looks very nervous but anxious at the same time. Possum has been with me since I could remember, the factory workers found him as a baby laying in a cart of buns. Since no one could claim him as their own, he was put to work and name Possum since he looked dead when they first saw him. Now we both made it through the training and stand here in front of our leader Swiss who has just reached the end of his speech.

“Oh, I almost forgot,there will be an special mission tomorrow and the goal of this mission is to capture a cat alive”, Swiss said.

*(Due to issues with writing and time, this story is not complete)*

La Casa de Señora Dunn


Description la Señora Dunn:

Nuestro cliente tiene 39 años. Tiene una niña Julia. Le gusta leer, cocinar, ver la tele, ver la películas y ir de compras. Le gustaría a los colores rosa y gris. La Señora Dunn es guapa y divertida. También le gusta hacer yoga. La Señora Dunn tiene tres gatos y uno perro.

Description la casa:  

Mediana la casa esta en ciudad de London. Esta cerca de el museo y el parque. Muy elegante/sophisticated la casa. Tiene dos pisos. Tiene cuatro habitaciones y hoy dos medina baños en la casa. Hoy baños en cada piso de la casa.

10 phrases

  1. La casa tiene dos pisos.

  2. En la sala tiene una silla.

  3. Hoy un garaje en la garaje dos carros y dos bicicleta.

  4. Hoy un jardín en la jardín múltiple flor

  5. En primo piso tiene un baño hoy un lavamanos

  6. Hoy una cocina tiene una fregadora y una estufa

  7. en la casa tiene dos teles

  8. Hoy cuatro habitaciones

  9. En uno habitacione tiene un mesa

  10. La casa es muy moderna  

  11. La casa tiene tres

Primo Piso
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Segundo Piso
Screenshot 2014-06-09 at 10.39.07 AM.png
Diseñado por Alicia Jones y Dominique Ballinger
Telephone: 1- 800- 366- 6667

La Casa de Kayla!

TITLE: La casa de Kayla:

La Cliente: Kayla Cassumba


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Descripción de persona:  Kayla tiene quince anos. Sus colores favoritos son azul,amarillo, y morada. Kayla juega béisbol, básquetbol,voleibol, escalar rocas, patinar, hacer snowboarding. Esta chica es muy atlético y guapa. Ella es más o menos alto. Le gusta cocinar, ver la tele / ver peliculas, y ir de compras. Ella es muy activa.

Descripción de la casa: La casa es muy espectacular esta en las afueras . Tiene que ser enorme y moderna. La casa necesita cinco habitaciones y cuatro baños. Esta cera de un parque, un banco, un supermercado, las escuelas y un centro comercial. Esta lejos de las montañas y el aeropuerto. Necesita vibrante cocina y una gran piscina. Baño número tres es fabuloso. Cuenta con una bañera de hidromasaje y una chimenea de lujo. La casa tiene un montón de espacio. Es muy elegante.

  • La casa es muy grande

  • Hay cuatro baños

  • Esta cera de el banco

  • Tiene cinco habitaciones

  • TIene un patio

  • La casa esta en las afueras de Georgia

  • En la casa hay cuatro baños

  • Tiene bonita piscina

  • Esta lejos de las montañas

  • Esta cerca de el supermercado


La casa:

La cocina:

El  Baño #1:

El bano#2:

El bano#3:

El bano #4:

El dormitorio #1:

El dormitorio #2:

El dormitorio #3:

El dormitorio #4:

El dormitorio #5:

La Piscina:

Un Patio:

El parque:

El banco:

El supermercado:

La escuela:

Un centro comercial:

Contact Info:

Contacto Numero: 267-444-3458

Diseñado por: Yasmeen Collins y Jamilah Woodards

Precio: $700.000

¡Es la casa de sus sueños!

La casa

Cliente- La Senora Dunn

Description la Señora Dunn:

Nuestro cliente tiene 39 años. Tiene una niña Julia. Le gusta leer, cocinar, ver la tele, ver la películas y ir de compras. Le gustaría a los colores rosa y gris. La Señora Dunn es guapa y divertida. También le gusta hacer yoga. La Señora Dunn tiene tres gatos y uno perro.

Description la casa:  

Mediana la casa esta en ciudad de London. Esta cerca de el museo y el parque. Muy elegante/sophisticated la casa. Tiene dos pisos. Tiene cuatro habitaciones y hoy dos medina baños en la casa. Hoy baños en cada piso de la casa.

10 phrases

  1. La casa tiene dos pisos.

  2. En la sala tiene una silla.

  3. Hoy un garaje en la garaje dos carros y dos bicicleta.

  4. Hoy un jardín en la jardín múltiple flor

  5. En primo piso tiene un baño hoy un lavamanos

  6. Hoy una cocina tiene una fregadora y una estufa

  7. en la casa tiene dos teles

  8. Hoy cuatro habitaciones

  9. En uno habitacione tiene un mesa

  10. La casa es muy moderna  

  11. La casa tiene tres

Primo Piso

Screenshot 2014-06-09 at 10.38.00 AM.png

Segundo Piso

Screenshot 2014-06-09 at 10.39.07 AM.png

Diseñado por Alicia Jones y Dominique Ballinger

Telephone: 1- 800- 366- 6667

Life I Never Lived

Chapter 1

Eighty-nine. One year closer to death, one year away from the big nine-oh. Another birthday alone, but that’s alright, I’m used to it. Richard sent a card in the mail, no money in it of course. I knew I raised a cheap ass. You’d think after raising a bastard on your own and giving him everything you could, he’d be kind enough to put a damn dollar  in your card.

It’s fine though, I’m alright on my own. There’s no nuisances to get on my damn nerves, besides these nerve-wrecking kids always screaming outside my window. But other than that, being alone is quite peaceful. Who needs anyone? Not me. Shit. 

I’ve been living on my own, cooking on my own, washing my ass on my own, taking pills on my own, I can do anything a 20 year old can. Speaking of which, I better fill this prescription before I lay croaking on the ground.

“Dave & Brother’s Pharmacy. Please hold.” 

10 minutes later and I’m  still on hold. Boy, I tell ya, people can’t run a damn business to save their lives.

“ Hello, how can I help you?” The receptionist asked.

“I’d like to fill a prescription for Atripla for delivery. ” I said. 

“ And your name please?”

 “Helen Jackson.” 

“ Okay Mrs. Jackson, your prescription should be ready within a few hours. We’ll send it out for delivery as soon as we can.” she said.

I didn’t even feel like correcting her on the “Mrs.” Instead I just hung up. Well now that that’s out the way, I can relax and enjoy my birthday. Watch a little t.v., lay down, maybe even order some Chinese food. The doctor says it’s not good for me, but I’m 89. I gotta die somehow.

Now if only I could find the number. I know I had the menu lying around here somewhere.  Maybe in the kitchen?

These steps are becoming more and more of a hassle for me. And this damn cat isn’t helping.

“Move Mittens!” I yelled.

 And in that very moment, the damn cat clawed at my foot, leaving me to tumble to the steps. I hit my head pretty hard and began seeing a white light. Then, I saw myself, lying at the bottom of the steps with blood dripping down my head. Wait, how am I out of my own body? I can’t be dead. Or can I?

How can this happen? I’m in complete shock. This can’t be real. 

Chapter 2 

Okay, after 25 minutes of trying to understanding what the hell is happening, there’s no other answer; I’m dead. Lord knows how long it’ ll be until someone finds my body. Who comes to check on me? 

And why am I not in heaven? I thought the Bible said “Absent from the body is present with the Lord.”  Wait, I have to be buried first. I forgot all about that “dust to dust, ashes to ashes, back in the Earth” mess. 

Hours and hours pass, and I continue to watch my lifeless, limp body lie on the floor. Of course the cat is walking all over me. I knew I should’ve got rid of it a long time ago. 

After so much silence, I finally hear the doorbell. I went to see who was there, well not “me” but, my ghost or whatever the hell I am right now. It was a man holding a bag. He had on a uniformed shirt, and after struggling so hard to see what it said, I finally knew.

“Dave & Brothers’ Pharmacy.”

He rang the door and even knocked a few times. I tried to answer it, and my arm went right through the door. He left a note on the door, then walked away, and drove off.

Another hour or so passed, when the doorbell rang again. This time, it was Richard. I haven’t seen him in months, so this was a shock. Then again, it is my birthday, so I can’t be too much of shock. He rang the doorbell a while, and began screaming outside my house.

“MA! Open the door!” He exclaimed.

 After 15 minutes of trying to ‘wake me up’ to let him in, he left, but came right back. He left to get the spare key to my home. He opened the door, and walked right through me and found my lifeless body.

After 7 hours of lying on the floor, I was finally found. Richard held my cold body, crying and screaming.

“Wake up Ma, please,” He cried. “I need you.”

He called the paramedics and they pronounced me dead at 8:23 p.m. I saw them carry my body out in a body bag.  

Chapter 3 

Days later, it’s finally time for my funeral. I don’t see too many here but I didn’t expect many. I don’t see too many tears shedding either. Richard is shedding a tear here and there, but no one else. His kids are just sitting there on their damn phones. Can’t even show an ounce of respect. 

Listening to these remarks about me makes me want to jump out the damn casket and hit everyone. Suddenly, I was such a nice person? Yet I lived my remaining years by myself. 

“Now it’s time for the reading of the eulogy.” The Pastor said. “ Richard, if you will.” 

Skimming over the eulogy, I froze. Everything about my life was in there. everything. 

“ Helen Denise Jackson was born December 5, 1997 to Christina Jackson. Born with HIV, life wasn’t the easiest for her. She was told she wouldn’t live past her early 30‘s but she still managed to live until 89 years old.”

The small crowd clapped and cheered as Richard took a pause in reading.

“ She attended Lakewood High School and graduated in 2016. Then, she headed off to college at Xavier University, where she graduated with her Master’s and Bachelor’s degree. She never married, but did have many relationships through out her life.” 

That’s a damn lie. I can only name a handful of relationships. Every man left when he discovered my little secret. 

“In 2024, she decided to have an artificial insemination pregnancy where she had her only child, Richard Dwayne Jackson. Man, I was my momma’s baby boy, everyone knew that.”  Richard laughed. 

No you weren’t. You barely contacted me, Bastard. 

Richard focused back on the eulogy. 

“ Helen leaves behind one son: Richard, two grand kids: Dana and Tyler, a younger sister; Nyla Jackson, and a host of nieces, nephews, great grandchildren, and other loved ones. She never found love with a man, but she surely found love with the Lord.”

“Hallelujah!” a woman from the front row yelled. 

After remarks and all the other bullshit, it’s finally time for the burial. I hear the people chanting the prayer from the Book of Common prayer. 

“Dust to dust, ashes to ashes” 

When everyone left their flowers on my casket, I saw it being lowered into the ground. This was it. Once I’m buried, I’m going to Heaven- or Hell. 

Chapter 4

I opened my eyes and in front of me were two large golden gates. There wasn’t an aching bone in my body and all of my wrinkles had vanished. There were angels at the opened gate and I decided to walk through, or at least try, but the angels stopped me by blocking the entrance with their large wings.

“Why can’t I go through?” I asked.

They didn’t responded, but instead pointed behind me, which is where I saw a man.

“Hi. I’m your guardian angel.”  He said

“Oh well, hi.” I responded.

“I’m also your biological father.” 

My eyes has widened at him. I knew he wasn’t lying because my eyes were just like his.  But why was he younger than me?

“I died at 26 if you’re wondering why I’m so young. While you were in the womb, I was killed by a hit man. I didn’t even know your mother was pregnant ‘til I got here , or her name for that matter.” He laughed.

That could only mean one thing. she got pregnant while “working.” 

I just stared at him in shock.

“Listen, as of know you aren’t allowed in the gates of Heaven.” 

“WHAT?” I screamed. There was no way I was going to Hell.

“Why were you so bitter all of your life? Life is a gift that you misused, and now He doesn’t want you in his kingdom.”

My eyes swelled up with tears hearing this. “Being born with HIV is no joke. I never had real relationships because of it. Guys would always run off once they found out my secret. I had to artificially become pregnant for crying out loud! I wanted the experience to date and find love and be married, and I never had the chance too because of the fucking HIV. That’s why I’m so damn bitter.” 

“Well what if i told you you could live your life without the disease?”
“Then I wouldn’t be so bitter as you like to call it.” 

“You aren’t getting into the Gates with the attitude and life that you’ve lived so I’ll tell you what. Take this” he said, handing her a capsule. “It’ll reset your life, no disease, no nothing. If you live this life like He intended, then you’ll be invited into the Gates of Heaven.” 

I never been so ecstatic. “Thank you!” I cried. I’d finally had the chance to be normal. 

Chapter 5

“Push Push Push Push!” the doctors screamed. 

“One more push Christina, you can do it!” 

I felt a gust of air and a bunch of light hit my face, and I instantly began screaming.

“It’s a baby girl!” 

I still was screaming. 

“I’ll name her Helen” she said . “Helen Denise Jackson.” 

And here I am, only a few minutes old, looking forward to a live without HIV.

Casa de Sherif

Una Casa Perfecta por Usted, el Senor Sherif646x646.jpg

Cliente: Senor Sherif

Nuestro cliente es el Señor Sherif. Señor Sherif tiene

59 años. Tiene uno nina. Le encanta cocinar, natación,

y ciclismo. Sherif es muy elegante,

y bien bueno. Tiene 3 habitaciones en la casa.

La Casa de Senor Sherif.

La casa cerca un parque, un transporte publicó, una escuela. La casa en la afueras. La casa es elegante (como Sherif), mediana, y antigua.

  • La casa tiene jardín y cocina.

  • Tres personas en la casa unas niña, ocho habitaciones en la casa.

  • Dos baños en la casa.

  • Piscina en la jardín de la casa para natación.

  • Más de la casa es verde.

  • Una garaje para un carro y una bicicleta.

  • Una cueva de hombre hermoso con un tele enorme, y una nevera grande.

  • Esta en las afueras tranquilas con los vecinos amables.

  • Porque le gusta esquiar, una gabinete por los esquís.

  • Cerca de los caminos fabulosos por Usted y su bicicleta

Kitchen-Remodeling-9.jpgLa cocina de la casa, en el estilo rustico.bedrooms.jpg

En el dormitorio principal, la luz es enfatizado para tranquilidad maxímo.

Disenado por Cameron Samodai y Mark Kriegh.

Casa de Srta. Dunn

Parte 1

Cliente: La Srta.Dunn


Mi cliente tiene 39 años

Tiene una niña

Le encanta cocinar, leer, ver la tele y ir de compras

Le gusta practicar yoga

su colores favorito es rosa y gris

Quiere tres gatos y un perro

es bajo y divertido

Parte 2

La Casa:

-Ubicación : Nuevo York

- Tiene dos pisos

-Hay una jardín

- La casa es gris

En el Sótano:

- Hay es cueva de hombre

El Primero piso:

La sala:

-Unas sófas(tres)

-Hay una tele

-Un escritorio

-Una computadora

-Tres mascotas camas

- Tiene Las escaleras


-Una mesa

- una silla

El comedor:

-Hay una mesa de comedor

-Tiene Cuatro sillas

- Hay una araña

-gabinete de china


La cocina:

-Hay una nevera

-Tiene un estufa

- Tiene una horno

-Hay un fregadero

-Tiene un lavaplatos

- Un bote de basura

- tiene las escaleras


Segundo piso:

-Dos Dormitorios

-Un Baño

-Una oficina

Dormitorio #1

-Una cama

- tiene Una tele

-el guardarropa

-Un pupitre


Dormitorio #2

-Una cama (grande)

-tiene una tele

-el guardarropa

-estante  para libros  


El Baño


-Una ducha

-Un espejo

- Un lavamanos

-Un inodoro

La Oficina

-Una silla

-Un escritorio

-estante para libros

Casa de El Senor Gamal Sherif

CLIENTE: El Senor Gamal Sherif080111_gamalsharif_400.jpg

Señor Sherif es tienes 59 anos. Señor Sherif es colores favoritos es verde oscuro. Señor Sherif tienes mascotas un pez. Señor Sherif tiene un carro y dos bicicleta.  Señor Sherif tiene tres personas en casa.  Señor Sherif le gusta natación,ciclismo y esquiar.

La cocina:




El baño:


La sala:


El comedor:


El jardín:


Sólo cuesta: $390,000

Arquitecta: Sr. Johnson y Sr. Zou

Teléfono: (800)-224-5590


This was NOT supposed to happen. no no no no no Raine thought as she sprinted down the corridor. This had never happened before. There were precautions. There were steps taken to prevent this from ever happening. But it had. Why?

Turning the corner she stopped abruptly. There, at the end of the hall, the last door on the left. Raine watched as a series of men and women in labcoats entered and left the room, hurried. A tall man saw her watching and motioned for her to come forward.

She began to open her mouth, and he held up his hand, silencing her. “It happened an hour ago. The vitals were perfect, breathing normal. And then he just.... woke up.” Raine sucked in air and covered her mouth with her hand. No one ever woke up. Ever. She smoothed her lab coat and strode into the room, biting back the fear that arose in her throat.

There, on the bed, sat a teen boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He stared at the wall, as doctors and scientists poked and prodded at his arms where a thick IV was implanted. Raine walked towards him, trying not to notice the vacant look in his once lively eyes.


The boy turned his head slowly, and mouthed the words i'm sorry.  Raine was shocked. Him? Sorry? He had no reason to be sorry. in fact, he had every reason in the world to be furious. What he was promised- security, peace, and safety- all that were ripped from him.

Ethan, and all the other residents of the North Haven Research Facility all possessed a chemical compound in their brain that allowed them to see different dimensions. It appears in the late teenage years, often similar to the signs of schizophrenia- paranoia, delusions of grandeur, hearing voices and hallucinations.

Raine had been the first to realize the difference between schizophrenics and dimensionalists (the name given to people like Ethan). Her younger sister claimed she could see different worlds, that she could hear the organisms in different dimensions speaking to her. she eventually was overwhelmed by the mental stimulation and died of an aneurysm.

Raine devoted her life to finding and helping people like her sister. She found that as the children got older, the voices and visions became stronger and impossible to handle. the human psyche was simply too weak to withhold the vast information the chemical compound released.

So a serum was created, to put the patients in a coma like state where their visions of different dimensions were isolated, essentially forcing them into their own minds for their own safety. So they lived in hospital beds, eyes darting back and forth underneath closed lids, living in a different world. Their minds were stable. In this, they were freed from their confusion of living in two worlds.

But somehow, ethan had woke up. Raine kneeled down and took the boys hands in her own. “Why are you sorry?” tears began streaming down his face. his voice was barely audible, yet Raine heard his quiet words. “I tried to stay... but they wouldn’t let me. There’s something they don’t want us to see.” He lifted his eyes to meet hers. “They know. They know about us.”

Raine stared at the boy. He looked petrified, his hands suddenly icy, his eyes filled with pain. His eyes searched her face as he mumbled something incoherently. A shiver ran up Raine’s spine. She stood up then, unwove the boy’s cold fingers from hers and strode out of the room, surprised at her own composure.

Once in her office, the tired, exasperated, and confused woman shrank down into her office chair and put her head on her desk. Think Raine. Think.

Mentally lining up her plan Raine breathed in and out slowly, composing herself. She stood up, and walked over to the full length mirror behind the door. A tall thin woman stood before her. Sleek black hair flowed down her waist. her eyes were deep brown with bags of sleepless nights beneath them. small thick glasses perched on her nose. Raine smoothed her labcoat and walked out the door to the elevator and went to the lab’s basement.

Once inside the musky warehouse like room, Raine went to a small office with old furniture and boxes of files stacked about. She walked towards the back of the room and opened a hatch in the floor. She climbed down carefully, silently cursing the business attire black heels she wore.

The room beneath the basement was even smaller than the room she had entered from. It was a concrete room, with files and paperwork pasted on the walls and thin lines of red string connecting different points on the wall display. Her fathers work. It was her father that inspired Raine to be a scientist. He had been a geneticist, and had an addiction to hallucinogenic drugs. He went insane after his daughter died and overdosed on DMT, convinced he could enter a different dimension that took his daughter.

Raine discovered her father’s small room 6 months after he died.

The tired scientist walked towards the center of the room and opened the silver briefcase that sat upon a small metal table. She uncapped the syringe that held a murky green liquid, rolled up her sleeve and plunged the needle into her vein.

Raine slumped to the floor and lay on the cold concrete, preparing herself for what she knew would come. With her father’s work and her discoveries about the hallucinogenic drug DMt, Raine had created a serum that would allow her to develop the dementionalist compound. She breathed in and out as her vision began to blur, knowing she could do this. She would find the others, find out who They are, and finally get some answers. Truthfully she had almost injected the serum many times before, her curiosity and pent up anger for her sister driving her to do it. She had been waiting for an excuse. This was as good as any.

Raines eyes closed and she hovered in a half conscious state, she felt like she was floating in a pool of warm water. Then, nothingness.

The tall wiry dark haired woman’s eyes snapped open and she gulped for air. A group of nurses and aides rushed towards her, holding her arms and legs to the gurney covered in a thin white sheet. She thrashed and screamed, still lost partially in her subconscious.

A doctor stood before her and scribbled on a chart.

Patient still appears to be in a psychotic state. Awoke from the psychosis induced coma ranting and screaming. Still violent. Will have to sedate.

Dr. Ethan Haven

Raine Psychiatric Hospital

Casa de Chiara

La Casa de Chiara

Chiara tiene 14 anos de edad y su color favorito es rojo. En la casa de Chiara, hay un gato y elle tiene una bicicleta. En la casa de Chiara, hay 4 personas. Para deportes, le gusta correr, trotar y row. Son muy divertidos. Durante el tiempo libre de Chiara ella encanta leyendo, escribiendo y la poesía. Para Chiara, ella quiere dos hijos cuando es una mujer. En la casa de Chiara hay 4 cuartos y 3 baños. Ella quiere una casa mediana con 3 o mas pisos. Chiara quiere una casa divertida y con un jardín buena. Chiara prefiere la ciudad. Cerca del casa de Chiara, ella quiere un supermercado y un río. Chiara quiere ser un medico de deporte para su profesión. Un pedido especial para Chiara es un gimnasio en su casa. Eso es Chiara.

Esta es ella casa. Es una casa muy grande. Tenemos una cocina con mucho comida y un mesa muy largo. Tambien tenemos un comedor. En el comedor hay una mesa muy grande donde puedes comer. Tenemos una sala grande. En la sala hay sofas muy buenas con un television y una computadore de manzana. Tenemos 4 cuartos. En los cuartos hay una cama muy grande y tambien tenemos gabinetas para todo mi ropa. Tambien en los cuartos hay un television para antes de la cama. Tenemos 3 banos. Cada bano tiene una ducha, un toiler y lavamanos para despues de usar el toilet. Tambien hay un estante para toallas.

Esta en la casa:

  • En la cocina esta una refrigeradora para poner comida a dentro de. Una mesa para comer en, Gabinetes para poner cosas a dentro de y una estufa.

  • En el comedor hay una mesa para comer en.

  • En la sala hay sofás para sentar se uno en. Hay un televisor, y una computadora.

  • En los cuartos hay una cama, gabinetes para poner ropa a dentro de, y un televisor.

  • En el baño hay  una ducha, una lavamanos, y el toilet.

  • En la casa hay una gimnasio grande.

  • La casa tiene tres pisos, y quatro quartos y quatro baños

  • La casa tiene una piscina fuera para Chiara

  • en la dormitorios hay las camas

Floor Plan:

La Casa de Chiara

La Casa de Chiara

Chiara tiene 14 anos de edad y su color favorito es rojo. En la casa de Chiara, hay un gato y elle tiene una bicicleta. En la casa de Chiara, hay 4 personas. Para deportes, le gusta correr, trotar y row. Son muy divertidos. Durante el tiempo libre de Chiara ella encanta leyendo, escribiendo y la poesía. Para Chiara, ella quiere dos hijos cuando es una mujer. En la casa de Chiara hay 4 cuartos y 3 baños. Ella quiere una casa mediana con 3 o mas pisos. Chiara quiere una casa divertida y con un jardín buena. Chiara prefiere la ciudad. Cerca del casa de Chiara, ella quiere un supermercado y un río. Chiara quiere ser un medico de deporte para su profesión. Un pedido especial para Chiara es un gimnasio en su casa. Eso es Chiara.

Esta es ella casa. Es una casa muy grande. Tenemos una cocina con mucho comida y un mesa muy largo. Tambien tenemos un comedor. En el comedor hay una mesa muy grande donde puedes comer. Tenemos una sala grande. En la sala hay sofas muy buenas con un television y una computadore de manzana. Tenemos 4 cuartos. En los cuartos hay una cama muy grande y tambien tenemos gabinetas para todo mi ropa. Tambien en los cuartos hay un television para antes de la cama. Tenemos 3 banos. Cada bano tiene una ducha, un toiler y lavamanos para despues de usar el toilet. Tambien hay un estante para toallas.

Esta en la casa:

  • En la cocina esta una refrigeradora para poner comida a dentro de. Una mesa para comer en, Gabinetes para poner cosas a dentro de y una estufa.

  • En el comedor hay una mesa para comer en.

  • En la sala hay sofás para sentar se uno en. Hay un televisor, y una computadora.

  • En los cuartos hay una cama, gabinetes para poner ropa a dentro de, y un televisor.

  • En el baño hay  una ducha, una lavamanos, y el toilet.

  • En la casa hay una gimnasio grande.

  • La casa tiene tres pisos, y quatro quartos y quatro baños

  • La casa tiene una piscina fuera para Chiara

  • en la dormitorios hay las camas

Floor Plan: