Quarter 3 Projects

These drawings were quite a challenge for me. I have never had to work this quickly and keep up with a pace of work. Through these projects, I became more confident in my abilities. Though my work may not be perfect I have improved and worked harder than I ever have on these pieces. I enjoyed doing the portraits. I did a portrait on my own with now prompting. My favorite pieces were the artist focus. I love the style of Roy Lichtenstein and enjoyed researching and imitating his style. I have never worked on pieces like these so they were really enjoyable. The dots were quite the challenge because Lichtenstein's are so precise. I used a grid pattern but couldn't get it measured perfectly. Even though I wasn't perfect with my dots, I still liked how it came out. The desired effect worked. Overall my only regret throughout the process was leaving my full body portrait for the end of the quarter. I got it done, but would have liked to add more into it. 
My first time drawing hands.
Self Portrait Small 9 x 12
Self Portrait Large 24 x 36
Figure Drawing
Still Life
Clear Bottle Small 9 x 12
Clear Bottle Large 24 x 36​
Portrait of my best friend and I
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Screen shot 2011-02-13 at 9.53.12 AM
Final Project for the Quarter 
Artist Focus: Roy Lichtenstein
Crying Girl
Original Crying Girl by Roy Lichtenstein
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Screen shot 2011-03-28 at 8.32.45 AM
Original Ohhh...Alright by Roy Lichtenstein 
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Screen shot 2011-04-08 at 10.47.03 AM

Sophomore Success in Court Competition!

Sophomores Allison Patterson and Manna-Symone Middlebrooks competed last Saturday in the regional Marshall Brennan Moot Court Competition held at Drexel University.  Both Manna and Allison advanced from large pool of competitors from numerous Philadelphia high schools to the quarter finals of the competition.  Allison later advanced as a competition finalist where she argued in front of two Philadelphia Common Pleas judges, Judge Cardwell-Hughes and Judge Hill.  As a result of her performance in final round, Allison was awarded the second best oral advocate in the entire competition by the two Philadelphia judges.  She will represent SLA again in April when she competes in the Marshall Brennan National Oral Argument Competition.  She was the only Sophomore to advance to the finals.

Here is a link to the Drexel webpage where Allison is featured:


Manna and Allison participate in the Marshall Brennan Project as part of their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) at SLA.


Doodle Jump Revamped

By Jordan & Chelsea

Dyla Cordivari- Marking period 2

When it comes to art I enjoy letting my art express my feelings and personal interests. When I am drawing or building or painting I like to show who I am through my work. I try hard to make things look good. I want to show myself that I am good at what I do through my own eyes. If I think I did something well, then it doesn’t matter what someone else thinks.


    When I work I usually just try to go with the flow. I try hard to fix my mistakes. When I start my work I have a general picture of what I want to make so I base all of my decisions on the original picture and manipulate it until it comes out in a way that I like. I use whatever materials I have that I feel will work to express that particular picture.  My technique constantly changes each time I draw something or build something or do any kind of art. My themes are always based off of things that I like or enjoy. Like swordplay, medieval based mythology and music that I enjoy.


    For this particular piece I based it off of my liking for swordplay. The idea I was making started with me sketching and then I made the structure. I am using metal and shaping it with power tools and then making a simple wood handle. I am attempting to build a sword.

Photo on 2011-01-24 at 05.59
Photo on 2011-01-24 at 05.59

Sample Monologue Project Post (Title of Your Project Here)

Go to your history class and create a blog post. Use the tags I have used for this post and any others you would like to add.

The different parts of your post:

1) ​1-2 paragraphs describing your project here. This should include background on your topic and background information about/description of the piece you have created.

2) Embed video here. You must have a recording of at least one part of your project. You can embed as many videos as you would like. All videos should be close-ups of the actor performing the piece. Info on how to upload videos available in class.

3) Your final, polished monologue project goes here. Be sure to include a cast of characters list, stage directions, and any other necessary information in order for the project to be performed (this may include a glossary, descriptions of staging, etc...) Pay attention to formatting-- make it clear and easy to read.

Fashion is Art

All my life I have been into fashion and it is a major part of my life. Fashion gives me a creative forum to express my self in ways other forms of art can not. I see what you wear as a mirror of your inner self and  and they way you feel. Sitting watching an old Dereck Lam fashion show I was inspired to create a piece of art that represents both of my passions, fashion and art.

 For this piece I used recycled coupon newspapers and and glue. It was't easy trying to shape and form the news print paper into the style I wanted so the design changed quite a few times. My end design became a two piece garment, a bandeau top and ruffled bottom. Creating the dress in paper signified the first design and the first idea will last forever but it can always be changed  and made better and that goes for things that happens in life.
Photo on 2011-01-29 at 14.57 #3
Photo on 2011-01-29 at 14.57 #3

Lobbying 5

​I am lobbying against the FAA Retirement Age For Commercial Pilots. As of right now there are no groups or organizations who are showing opposition to this law, mainly because the cutoff age was raised from 60 to 65 in 2007. 

Certain organizations actually argued against the FAA changing the age from 60 to 65 because they felt that some pilots weren't going to be physically able to fly after the age of 60. 

I began to research more organizations run by airline pilots and I was able to find an organization called ALPA (Air Line Pilots Association). This organization has dealt with the FAA before and was also one of the reasons that the FAA retirement age was changed, so if I were to continue on with trying to succeed in this lobbying project, my best bet would be to contact ALPA and see what they could do to help.

January 28th

To the parents of the Science Leadership Academy: 

As many of you know, school is cancelled tomorrow - the first day of EduCon. EduCon will still be happening, and attendees will begin arriving at school at 10:00 am. We will have activities for the attendees set up at school all day long and the building will be open. In addition, several of tomorrow night's panelists were planning on speaking to SLA kids during the day. Those conversations will still happen for students who wish to attend. 

No students are mandated to come to school, but the building will be open for EduCon. We know that many students are very committed to the conference and have been working very hard for tomorrow and the weekend. We are all committed to making sure that it is an incredible event for all. 

Students who wish to come in should bring in a note from their parents.

American Government Benchmark Q2

Here is my American Government Benchmark for quarter 2

I chose some of my laws/cases from memory, cases I had heard about before I chose to look into more and elaborate on. There was a point where I didn't know any other cases by memory. Once I got to that point I began to search google for Judical branch cases, Legislative branch cases, and Executive branch cases. The process was easy at first because I researched laws/cases that I already knew, so I got those out of the way quick. The farther along I got the more complicated finding cases/laws it got. I expect my life to get affected more by the government as I get older because depending on the career I choose, different laws and decisions made by the government may effect me in different ways.

Alexis Ukaha: Q2 Benchmark


​When I work with any form of art, I am reminded that art is not what I think I know, but what I know I see. I begin a piece by saying to myself ‘you are not an artist’. By saying this to myself first, no matter what the finish product maybe, I am content with it because I am not an artist, therefore it I can be filled with happiness and obtain a sense of equality when my work is placed side by side with someone who actually is an artist. Art does not come easy for me. It’s almost as though art should be classified as an unofficial emotion. This being because art is what you feel, what you depict when you view a painting, or look at the world; it’s your spirit. And all these I lack.

  In fact, my artwork doesn’t contain any of the qualities one would qualify as being art. There is no skill, no talent, no emotion, no feeling yet what it lacks in those departments; it’s generously made up in effort. I cannot allow myself to do something I haven’t done in a long time, but I could more than a courteous amount of effort into trying, and that is what my artwork is a reflection of: enterprise.

  For my quarter two benchmark, I struggled with what exactly I wanted to accomplish, and what I would be proud to show the world. Something I could own up to, and put my name on. However, this wasn’t easy. I started drawing sketches of different objects that would be placed before at that period of time. This didn’t work. My interpretation of copying what I thought I saw, was confused with copying what I knew should be there. And with each attempted trial, I thought I had failed.

  Given everything I learned about art thus far, I figured I needed to start with something more basic. Something that truly had to do with sight, or something that could replicate my emotions even if they weren’t truly there; for this would be my artwork. So I picked up 3 colors.

Now, the color wheel is not complex. It’s simply an organization of color hues around a circle, showing relationships between colors considered to be primary colors, secondary colors, complementary colors, etc. The wheel can show more, and more mixtures of colors, without every truly defining what color is.  This was my artwork. Knowing that I could replicate something that no one else could define but myself because it was the way I saw it, made me anxious.

And from this, I created my vision of what I believed to the color wheel. I mixed colors to create other colors, and mixed those colors to try and create new colors. I knew my piece was finished when I started to get the sense of frustration. Because I was becoming overwhelmed with the idea of completing my color wheel, I knew I was beginning to think too hard. And because I was able to tap into an emotion, I knew I had accomplished something. When my work is going well, I am filled with a sense of happiness, and when I try to go beyond what I believe to be all of my ability, I know it is time to stop. Art is not my passion, but it is something I am trying to “relearn”. When people see my work; I'd like them to realize that I am not an artist



Mr. Sherif Wins National Inquiry-Based Teaching Award

Congratulations to SLA Science and History teacher, Mr. Gamal Sherif, for being chosen by the National Science Teachers Assocation to be awarded the 2011 CPO Award for Excellence in Inquiry-based Science Teaching. Mr. Sherif was one of three teachers in the country and the only high school teacher to be chosen this year.

We at SLA are thrilled to see that NSTA has recognized what we have long known - that Mr. Sherif is a master teacher who helps students to inquire deeply about their world and learn powerfully from the questions they ask and the answers they find.

Congratulations Mr. Sherif, and thank you for all you do for SLA!

Lobbying number five

I am lobbying Global Warming. I want the state of Pennsylvania to do something toward Global Warming. As of right now the state of Pennsylvania have no real big supporters to help stop or slow down the process of Global Warming. Global Warming can possibly cause our children’s children to really be in trouble.
Maybe some of the ideas that have  already been presented to help Global warming should be put to the test to help out the ozone. I feel as though if the city of Pennsylvania does something, because of its influence on the United States, that other people would follow and we could possible help out our future children. One of our main supporters are the STATOIL company.
I've looked up my areas legislators which are Vincent Hughes and Anthony H. Williams and I haven't heard or saw anything recent about them stressing the importants of clean energy or a decrease in burning of fossil fuels. Anthony Williams is apart of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee but hasn't spoke out about using less factorial methods of creating energy.

Barbara Adams is another Pennsylvania supporter of stopping global warming. She was under the governorship of Ed Rendell.

I think a good place for me right now is to find away to come in contact with some of our representatives and talk to them about how passionate I am about helping the situation. If they can hear a high school kids concern on the situation it might do some good.

Lobbying Assignment 5

Blog Post 5:

I think that Brianna and I did a pretty good job on every aspect and step of this process besides communication. I think that if we had had more time we could have gave that area a little more attention. I felt as though this was an important part of the process that we didn’t do extremely well. If we were given time to add on, we would probably go back and maybe contact different offices in different areas to see if our response would have gotten better or worse. I also think that showing up to an office in person and being able to speak to someone face to face would have been more effective. We could have communicated our ideas better rather than forcing the opinions of the welfare representatives and perhaps it would have made the conversation a little more easygoing and comfortable for both of us. We should have communicated our ideas of making the welfare system more efficient better and in doing so I think we would have gotten a better outcome

Lobbying Assignment 4

Blog Post 4: Communicating With a Representative


Plans for communicating:

-       Figuring out exactly whom we should contact.

-       Finding telephone numbers and addresses for these representatives.

-       Getting them to talk!

(What are some process methods they feel are flawed?)

(What plans do they have in the future for the Welfare System.)

(How can they make improve the welfare system.)

(What suggestions can be made to us as students in trying to make a difference and have our voices heard?) 


WIC South Philadelphia Office

1536 South Broad Street, Philadelphia PA



It was no surprise to my partner and I that the representatives at the welfare office weren’t much help to us at all. We contacted them by phone. We spent most of our time on hold or we were given the run around. We weren’t able to get much information on the subjects of our questions that we presented to them. I can’t necessarily say they were rude it just seemed as if they had better things to do. The feedback they did give us wasn’t at all helpful because they didn’t feel as though their system had many flaws. Neither do they believe that there are ways around there system, which was one of our major concerns. I think that maybe if we had shown up in person that it would have been a lot harder for them to ignore us and easier for them to understand how serious we were about changes for the best in the welfare system. 

Blogpost 4

We are going to extend our efforts to the National Youth Rights Association. We also want to have rallies and demonstrations to strengthen our arguement. We created a facebook page,
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_167273339975033. Our three step process to victory is
Step 1: Attempt contact with the National Youth Rights Association
Raise awareness with posters detailing what we plan to accomplish as well as a set date for the rally
Step 2: Try to either start or join a chapter of the NYRA to support this cause.
Once the day is set (for the rally)gather a small film crew and shoot the entire rally from start to finish.
Step 3: Release the video showing the support we receive and send it to the proper government officials.
In our rally we want to state the message clearly that we want the drinking age lowered. We want to show statistics that support our point of view. Maybe we could have some guest speakers, like the college professors and other distinguished people that support us. We could send a petition around the crowd to be signed in support.

Blogpost 3

It’s definitely not a “good” year for our issue. The national minimum drinking age isn’t even approaching the table of things to be talked about this year. Robert Donatucci apposes lowering the drinking age, but he is one of the most important players when determining the outcome of lowering the drinking age. He may not be on the same side, but there are over 100 college professors that are. We can try to coordinate with some of the colleges and their professors. The greatest population that we could affect and influence would be the teens. They are the ones that the law effects, and they are also the ones who want to see the law change more than anyone else. The time frame we have is any time before the next legislation meeting. The liquor control board has no current scheduled meetings because of the death of Robert seeing as he was the head chairmen. As soon as they find a replacement, meetings will continue. That will be the best time to try and bring up our points.