
At first with my notebook I put in things like dates for every time I wrote something. I would use certain things like page numbers and chapters to organize certain notes. Later on I ended up getting more sloppy and it has gotten less organized. In the notes I talked about certain methods of writing for notes and also the book far from the tree. Next time ill be less sloppy and ill make sure to add more dates and keep it better organized.

Q1 Notebook Project

The first quarter notes were really interesting. The notes benefited me in many ways since I wasn’t used to taking high quality notes and I never really learned the proper way. The notes and discussions from the FFTT were contained with huge amounts of questions and that made me jot down answers for myself. It really helped me gain more knowledge on some areas of notetaking which I can improve more on. I plan to exceed my expectations next quarter and take more organized notes. I will set my notebook up in a much more different way where I could visually see it. Here is my link down below.

Q1 notebook

This quarter my notebook had helped me work in a many ways. One of the biggest ways were just being able to go back to my notebook to get some new information. We learned about how we should annotate which helped me during the times I had my note book. It made me realize that I have more sources and I will definitely be using my notebook more during the next semester. We did so many class discussions that helped enhance the way we thought about certain ideas in the book Far From The Tree. We also did class things like what did we all have in common which was also cool. Notes to go back to when you forget something is amazing and yeah, I loved it


Q1 Notebook Project

My notebook has significantly improved my note taking skills and my skills to write down whatever that is on my mind and a good way to learn whats happening in class. I definitely seen myself improved on taking notes because I have learned many notetaking skills since the very beginning of school. My plan for the next quarter is to improve even more and become more organized in my notes.

Click here for the notebook project!

Q1 Notebook Check

During my first quarter of my freshman year my notebook has helped me throughout. At the start of the year I seen how much not using it can impact me because I was very confused with everything that I was doing at that time. The more that I used my notebook the more that I got a better understanding. I also was able to take in more than I did before and even with that I was more open to participating because I felt confident in what I was putting out and taking in. Enjoy ! link text here

English Notebook Project Q1

In the beginning I thought my notes were superb. As you will see though throught the quarter in my notes I developed so many note making tools and my notes imporved so much. This helped me when reviewing my notes for important projects and remembering my annotations for test on our novel Far From the Tree. While my notes have grown they still have room for improvement. In the future I wish to get better at using symbols in my notes along with color to make certain ideas pop. This will help my notes become more readable and orgainized. That’s all for my notes for quarter one. I hope you enjoy!

Q1 Notebook

(My notebook) has helped me a lot this year so far because it is a nice thing to be able to look back at. I use my notebook for homework or after lessons to review what we did and to get a greater understanding of what we learned. I plan to maximize my potential with this notebook by highlighting more with my notes and using abbreviations so I can write faster and not take to long.

Q1 English Notebook : Hannah Weldon

My notebook has definitely helped my learning throughout this quarter because it has improved my attention to the teacher and staying alert while writing down notes. It helps the information shared, stick in my head a lot more. In the second quarter of school I plan to add more organization tools, such as little symbols to help find certain ideas on my pages.


Brooke Johnson - Q1 Notebook Project

Brooke Johnson - Q1 Notebook Project

My personal strategies of organization in my notebook for quarter one has helped my learning in many ways. For example, It has helped me understand how to take better notes. This enhances my work, because the more context I have on something I need to write about, the more understanding I will have in my piece. I can get this context through class discussions, which can also be found in our notebooks. This can help me understand the reason for the author’s purpose when we are reading novels, and how the view differs for other people. I intend to use this information to use in my own writing later on. This can create a more enhanced writing piece by adding story elements that I would not have thought of otherwise.

Notebook Project!

This first quarter we started off strong with annotations for FFTT, and me annotating in my notebook every single day while we were reading has definitely helped me improve what kind of questions, thoughts, and overall discussion notes I could really use in the future! Moving forward from now on, I hope to do just more than bullet points and stars on the side, I plan to open my palette to more styles!
So here is my link!

Q1 Notebook- JH

notebook video My notebook the quarter has helped me a lot with my notetaking skills, and my skills as reader and observer. I feel I have grown a lot through note taking since the beginning of the year. I now organize my notes more efficiently and in ways that help me find past discussions. I now focus more on my classmates thoughts and opinions as they have helped me a lot through the many different projects this quarter. I plan to continue to take notes like this and move forward with other styles to help me through the rest of the year.

Notebook Project By: Madison George

Click Here For Project

Using a notebook is obviously really important when it comes to school. It is a great tool to use when it comes to studying and a great way to project your thoughts. Notebooks have helped me constantly pay attention and keep my brain active. I plan on looking back on my notes more than I already do. It’s hard for me to have the patience to find the notes that I’ve taken on a topic, that’s why I use color and doodle. I also, in a perfect world, want to try and make my notebook even more organized in some way.

Q1 Notebook - Tiffany Zhang

During the quarter, writing things down in my notebook helped me better “sink in” things said in class, as I was able to go back. Moving forward, I want to keep my notebook organized and clear. At the moment my notebook is extremely bland, so moving forward I would like to try color coding.

Click here to watch the flip-through of my notebook!

Notebook Quarter 1

My notebook helped me play a big role in learning about various things such as storytelling elements and helping me understand other things. While I didn’t start off the year using these note-taking tools, I slowly became more open to them and I started to use them more often. I feel that I could do a better job highlighting essential details in my notebook and that I could highly improve on class discussion notes as this year has been my first year trying them. Link to video HERE!!

Q1 Notebook

My notebook is this quarter essential while taking notes. It has helped when I needed to go back on things and it also has improved my writing and my skills on taking notes. I plan to maximise my notebook’s potential by trying to make more notes. Also by trying different ways to make notes. I will also try to write more than just notes, like questions and opinions that I have.

Notebook Project

Q1 Notebook -Analeigh Yancey

This quarter, my notebook has helped guide me through my annotations for Far from the Tree. Keeping notes about what my classmates think also helps me gain a wider perception of Robin Benway’s book. These notes guide me through my reading and with them I can read through someone else’s perspective. My notebook has also been important for organizing my brainstorms or planning. This notebook shapes my thinking, work, and planning. [and my project grade (: ]

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