I'm Not Even A Junior

Benchmark season is in full swing. Once this time comes around there are groups of students huddled in every corner of the school trying to get work done. My friends and I decided to go to the college office. We asked could we work in here and we were told "Yea sure why not?"
We began working and eating lunch with limited dialogue, this was the quietest lunch since second quarter. We were interrupted with" We need this room." We responded we're working." He looked and said "It looks like your socializing." I rudely responded with "Looks can be deceiving, you're older, you're wiser you should know that right." "He said look I'm gonna have to give you the boot." My friend said" You dont have to do anything." He began to get impatient and yelled these kids need to work on their PSSA and its more important than benchmarks." My friends and I looked at each other sideways knowing we disagreed. It doesn't to us we have to do these benchmarks to graduate by the time those tests are processed and graded we will be enjoying our summer vacations. As we were packing our belongings because we gave up on the argument and decided to just yell, one of my friends said "Hold up they shoulda been finished that test, its not my fault they couldn't finish that problem or came late." Then we walked out. I never thought that this test would frustrate me and I'm not even taking it. I'm a senior it shouldn't even bother me.


Tomorrow, I leave for my three day Georgetown visit.  One thing makes this an even bigger occasion.  I will be traveling on a Megabus alone and will take the Metro and Rossyln shuttle to campus without the aid of my parents.  Yes, I've traveled around the world, but my parents have never let me take a trip filled with unfamiliar routes, numbers and names without some form of supervision.  I'm both nervous and excited; it's time for me to get a taste of college life.  If I'm not in school on Monday, I guess you'll know why..

Stolen Purse

Where do I start? So last week Wednesday my sis, my aunt, and my niece and I went to War-mart to look for something I can’t even remember what is was that we went to buy but anyways that’s not the problem. So we’re at the store and my niece is crying so I give her my purse to play with while she’s in the cart and I’m pushing her and then my aunt comes over and ask me to go to the food mart to get her some cinnamon pretzel. So I took my niece out of the cart and give her to her mom and went to get the pretzel for my aunt. While standing in the line I realize that I didn’t have my purse with me so I asked my aunt and sis if they had it and they both said no. I was like it was in the cart with Camilla they were like its not here. So I left the food mart and went to look in the cart and for real it was gone. I couldn’t believe it, because I was only gone for less than 5 minutes and somehow someone manages to take it with out my sis and aunt seeing him or her. So what I did next was to go to customer service and see if anyone had returned it. When I went and asked the girl there if they found a little pink purse of if someone returned it she looked in the cabinet and said no. I asked if they could check the cameras to see if they can see what happen, she called and then told me to go and stand where everything happen so I did and after some time I came back to her to see what she would say and she said that they didn’t see anything and that was it. I was getting mad because they really didn’t seem to care much. So I decided to go home and call my bank to cancel my cards and I called the police to make a police report. The worst part was when I called they asked me for my info and told me that a officer would contact me within an hour and to this date no one has ever contacted me. I’ve been so stressed because I have my entire life in my purse my visa card, $200; gift cards, social security card, IDs, pictures, receipts, and more and now I have to get everything again. I really hate people that steals.

Another Rainy Day

I'm glad it's a rainy day. It's perfect weather to go home cuddle up by the fire and nap... and that's exactly what I'm going to do when I go home.  Thank goodness, we get out at 12:50 today. I don't think I can handle a whole day of school, especially because I actually asserted myself in class by doing work. I haven't done that in a while. I smell good. I used this perfume today. I never wear perfume but today I thought I might as well try it. I'm not going to wear it again because it is not mine and I'm not going to go out and buy it. I think perfume is kind of a waste of money.  I think a majority of perfumes all smell the same and the scent isn't that great. They all smell to much like chemicals, however the perfume I'm using today didn't. Sorry this writing is kind of all over the place. I don't know what to write about, so I'm just writing down whatever comes to my head.

Age Of writing

​I've recently started convincing people to play Age of Empires 2. this is problematic because i'm doing it during times (where i told myself earlier in attempts to rationalize goofing off) i'm supposed to be working. Also I won't be in english today because of a dentist appointment, someone tell Mr.Chase

Bianca's Story

My computers dead so I'm using Missy's
So I really need to start doing these everyday!
Right now I am completely lost in history class.
Enron this and Enron that, I've heard it so much that you would think that your talking about someone rather then something. Ughh I hate school anymore.


I'm so tired of school.
I just realized that I have so much work that I have to catch up on, it makes me sick to my stomach.
I have to sit in Mr. Baird's room for 3 class periods, but we're learning about Enron. It's really cool.

Kill me. Please.
I'm really tired, talk about my luck this morning.
I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and nobody was awake, so I went back to bed. I was awoken at 6:55, without the realization that it was 6:55, and my mother screaming at me to get up and move. Keep in mind, I leave my house at 7 everyday.
I rolled over, checked my phone, and Devon Thomas had called me. Immediately, I knew she would give me a ride to school. Thank god for friends.
I called her back, she answered and said she had just woke up not too long ago and that she would pick me up and take me home. Thank you dear jesus the lord.

Love my life.

165 days.

I Saw a Light at the End

In the darkest night a young boy waits for sleep to take him far away to a place that he controls. As he fades out of this darkness he finds himself in a different kind. He's in the middle of a field, storm clouds fill the sky and the rain pours down in what looks like sheets. He sees a white light ahead of him and he walks towards it. He gets closer, but the light never seems to actually be closer. He stops and frowns, wills the light to come closer but it continues to stay so far away.
He lies in the wet grass with his eyes closed, the rain pelting his eye lids. He wills for her to be there; the girl with the white hair and dark purple eyes. He feels her beside him and reaches his hand out towards her and she takes it. Her skin is warm and her heart beats loudly. He opens his eyes and watches hers and then he points to the white light, but it isn't there anymore. He tries to explain it to her, but she just smiles at him and nods her head. And the longer this goes on, the more frustrated he becomes. Doesn't she believe him? Why isn't she saying anything? He becomes more and more animated about it… And then she disappears. She's never disappeared before, never left him. He stares at the space she was just sitting in and wonders where she went. he stands up to look around for her, but he doesn't see her… He just sees a white light far away from him.

Family Ties

​My brother and I have a tumultuous relationship with my brother.  We're five years apart.  When he was younger, I remember pulling him around in a toy wagon.  He would laugh and tell me to run faster.  However, as we've gotten older, it has become harder to see eye to eye.  As the older sibling, I like to be in charge (in fact, I like to be in charge in almost any relationship), but he now refuses to recognize my authority.  

On New Year's Eve, I had a party and invited my friends.  Trevor decided to raid it with his Nerf guns, shooting everyone in sight.  When we finally broke into teams (I somehow ended up on his team), I was taken hostage and he shot me anyway!

Regardless to say, I was surprised when I heard that we was really going to miss me when I went away to college.  My parents separated a few years ago and it has been really hard on both of us.  He's in therapy right now, trying to smooth out those issues.  My mom told me that part of the problem was that I was leaving him too.  

A week ago, I was in my room, facebooking and listening to music.  My brother knocked on my door and asked me to come out.  I said, "Sure, just a minute" but then got right back to my computer.  I completely forgot about him, and five minutes later came rushing out. 

"What's up, Trev?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I'm really going to miss you when you go to college."

He has never brought me so close to tears. 


2 quotes from criminal minds:
"The secret to getting away with lying is believing with all your heart, that goes for lying to yourself even moreso than lying to another."

"People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it."


My mother and I were outside a mall that had apparently been built around the corner from Ben Franklin High School in Philadelphia. It was dark, and in a relatively shady section of the city. As we were walking to the car, one of the students pulls a gun on her and threatens not to scream or he will shoot. We're freaking out and she's trying her hardest not to scream and she manages to push his arm away so that when the first shot was fired it was not aimed at her head. This also forces the gun from his hand and thrown several feet away. I scramble to retrieve the gun and the assailant immediately takes off. I chase after him firing several shots. I see him fall - I got him! By this time, however, an army of kids from the local high school start has congregated around us - so many that we couldn't even push our way through to get in the car. The started coming after us and so I threatened them with the gun, not afraid of any legal repercussions I might face for firing at them. I didn't know what to do so I ran. Ran as fast as I could, hoping to get shelter at the high school. I didn't realize, however, that I was being chased. He was much faster than I was. When he caught me he also exposed a gun and warned: "Ya know, it's six o clock. The rest of the Ben Franklin kids will be getting out soon and you will be helpless." To my delight, I see a cop riding his bike nearby and I was able to get his attention. This must have spooked the kid because he ran off - probably to meet back up with the rest of the group. The cop agrees to help and the three of us walk back to the car.

--And thats when I woke up, angered that I won't know how this dream turned out.


​"How is it fate we will be together?"
"It just is I mean come on you freaking tweet at the same time! That means something"
"Um not really...."
"Yes it does! You two can be in completely different cities and there is that moment when you two magically tweet out at the exact same time"
"It means nothing!"
"It's fate so shut up and accept it! It like shows you two are in sync mentally"
".....twitter isnt fate teller. It's just a random thing that happens..which reminds me I love N*sync still. Gotta listen to them now"
"-_- I give up" 


So, for my capstone, I am coaching a Peewee softball team (ages 6-9) in the rec league near my house. I am so excited to meet all of these girls, it's insane.

This storytelling everyday is falling behind me as I focus on other school work, college work, capstone, work, and softball. Ugh.

Any suggestions?

I can't eat those nuts.

Caroline, Alexis, and I were walking to the bus stop. We saw the bus a few blocks away and we could have made it on. However, I wanted to buy some nuts from Trader Joe's before we went home. So we caught the next bus, it came about twenty minutes later. All three of us had our headphones in, jamming to whatever music, it wasn't a bad bus ride. When we are about a half mile away from our stop, the bus turns and goes in the wrong direction. When it happens, all three of us immediately look at each other and burst out laughing, because the road is clear so there would be no reason to take a detour. Alright fine, the bus turns again and is going parallel to it's route. It will make the next available turn and get back on track, right? Caroline exclaims, "I have to pee!" Alexis says, "Me too! I've been holding it in the whole ride!" Then I say, in agreement, "Ugh I just want to get home!" Our stop was approaching, and the bus just keeps going. We continue to laugh out loud, but now we're actually concerned, because not only have we passed our stop on the detour, but this bus just keeps going. So the three of us walk up to the front and ask the bus driver what's going on. She tells us there was an problem down the road. She announced the detour, but we all had headphones in so we didn't hear it. She said she even heard us laughing from the back of the bus, and we told her we thought that we were getting kidnapped and taken hostage. We had a good laugh about it. It turns out that there was a accident, the bus before us and a motorcycle collided and the man on the motorcycle died. That was the bus that we would have been on if I hadn't stopped to buy nuts. So we get off and walk to our houses and we pass by the scene on the way back. There was blood on the ground and cops all around, the man was no longer there, but we could see his motorcycle on the ground next to the bus. He drove out of the parking lot of the bar and right into the bus. He died instantly. 

Get this though, the accident happened exactly one block past where the three of us get off the bus anyway. So not only would we not have been in the accident because we would have been off the bus, but the time it takes us for the bus to stop and us to get off would have caused the bus to be a few seconds behind. Therefore, the man on the motorcycle would not have hit the bus. He would still be alive if we were on that bus. 


So today was a pretty average day nothing super exciting happening just chill overall.

In the morning I brought a cup of coffee & Greek yogurt while in line this guy ahead of me I assume had OCD because he kept correcting the unaligned candy.

This was an extremely good sale on diapers at 3 CVS so that was pretty epic got a pack for my friend Trav.

While on the EL with Oliver it was pretty chill hanging with my best friend made me gonna miss him even more while in college

Overall I'm just blessed to have another day to life this thing we call life.


​I've noticed a distinct lack of confidence in anything presented. Regardless of the audience or the field i always seem to feel un prepared and or dis heartened with the feeling that my work is somehow sub par to the other work being presented. I need to work on that.

AJohnson_Quarter 3

During this quarter, I think I had a really hard time with the portraits. The hardest part about them for me was the shading. I liked the clear bottle drawing a lot because it made you really put detail into the bottle to make it transparent and 3D at the same time. That was a bit of a challenge but overall I think that is what I did best this quarter. I think having a drawing a week made it really seem like we had a lot of pressure on us. Because of all the days we didn't have school because of snow or something, that made it really stressful. I would have rather had free studio with some assigned artwork because I think then people would have used their time more effectively.

My Artwork (In order displayed)
- Hand (Small)
- Clear Bottle Small
- Clear Bottle Large
- Self Portrait
- Still life large
IMG_ 6101
IMG_ 6101